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2001年陕西苹果生产气候影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地调查和气象资料,对2001年我省各苹果种植区苹果不同生育期气象条件进行分析,认为苹果各生育期均遭受到各种气象灾害的袭击,对我省苹果品质和产量造成重大影响,优果率下降了40%-60%。  相似文献   

2000年陕西苹果生产气候影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对苹果生产地质地调查,结合今年的气象资料,对苹果的生全生长期的气象条件进行了分析评价,分析认为,2000年陕西省苹果生产生主要受花期低温,沙尘暴,伏暴,冰雹和秋季连阴雨等5种气象灾害的影响,使苹果品质和产量受到很大影响,2000年省苹果产量增加了5%,单产减少10%-30%。  相似文献   

陕西省2000年气候影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2000年(1999年12月-2000年11月)陕西气候影响进行评价,2000年陕西各地气温普遍偏高,降水偏少;1992年12月至2000年5月全省大部分地区发生冬春持续干旱,其中陕北北部出现四季连旱;春季气温异常偏高,降水异常偏少,多风沙天气,陕北北部风沙天气是近年来最多的年份;陕南暴雨多,落区集中、灾害严重;冰雹灾害发生频繁。  相似文献   

1 气候概况全区冬季平均气温普遍偏高及接近常年值 ,冷暖变化幅度较大 ,前冬冷 ,后冬暖 ,初冬出现异常寒冷气候 ,中西部地区降雪频繁 ,积雪较深 ,持续时间长 ,局部地区形成白灾 ,个别地区出现了历史极值。从整个冬季看 ,仍属于暖冬。东部地区冬季降水异常偏少 ,部分地区出现旱情 ,大风、沙尘天气比往年偏少 ,日照充足。1 .1 气温全区大部地区冬季平均气温比历年偏高 1~2℃ ,仅部分地区接近常年值。 1 2月份全区平均气温比历年偏低 1~ 2℃ ,局部为正常 ,1 2月份全区受强冷空气侵袭 ,中部个别地区出现了极低值或次低值 ;全区 1月份平均气…  相似文献   

1 气候概况今年秋季全区气温偏高 ,降水中西部地区偏多 ,东部区偏少 ;初霜冻中西部地区偏晚 ,东部大部地区偏早 ,全区未出现严重霜冻灾害 ,日照充足 ,秋末局部地区出现降雪、降温天气 ,大风偏少。1 .1 气温秋季我区平均气温普遍偏高 ,阿盟、赤峰偏南部及呼盟北部比历年偏高 1  相似文献   

1 气候概况今年春季天气回暖早 ,气温偏高 ,降水偏多 ,特别是中西部地区出现近几年少见的多雨天气 ,春末东部局部地区出现旱情。终霜日提前 ,光照充足。1 .1 气温春季平均气温集二线以西比历年偏高 1~ 2℃ ,以东偏高 3~ 4℃。3月份平均气温呼伦贝尔市西部、锡盟以东比历年偏高 5℃ ,其余地区比历年偏高 2~4℃ ;4月份东部地区比历年偏高 1~ 2℃ ,其余地区比历年略偏低或正常 ;5月份平均气温集二线以西比历年偏高 1℃ ,以东偏高 2~ 3℃。1 .2 降水春季降水除呼伦贝尔市北部、通辽、赤峰大部、锡盟东部比历年偏少 8%~ 76%外 ,其余大部…  相似文献   

1 气候概况今年夏季气候异常 ,全区大部地区降水偏少 ,气温偏高。中东部出现酷热高温天气 ,并有干旱。局部地区发生冰雹、洪水灾害。1 .1 气温夏季全区平均气温集二线以西较历年偏高 1℃ ,以东偏高 2~ 3℃。 6月份平均气温伊盟以西接近常年值 ,其余地区比历年偏高 1~ 5℃。 7月份除呼盟比历年偏高 1~ 2℃外 ,其余地区偏高 3~ 4℃。 8月份巴盟、伊盟以西接近常年值 ,呼盟大部偏高 3~ 4℃ ,其余地区偏高 1~ 2℃。1 .2 降水夏季全区大部地区降水较历年偏少2 %~ 61 % ,仅个别地区偏多 6%~ 2 1 %。 6月份降水大部地区比历年偏少 1 0 %…  相似文献   

四季分明是哈尔滨气候的显著特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析哈尔滨的气候特征,得出哈尔滨不是“冰城”而是冬寒夏热的“四季分明之城”。  相似文献   

The Agricultural Production System Simulator-Wheat model was used to test the sensitivity of wheat cropping system in NSW to a range of changes in temperature, rainfall and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration based on wheat cultivars Sunvale and Janz under two extreme soil types (kandosol and sand) at six locations. Seven change levels (from 0 to 6°C at an interval of 1°C) in temperature, five change levels (from ?20 to 20 % at an interval of 10 %) in rainfall and three change levels (0, 171 and 316 ppm) in atmospheric pCO2 were taken into account. It was found that there was a negative relationship between median grain yield and temperature while there were positive correlations of median grain yield with atmospheric pCO2 and rainfall across all locations and soils considered. It was also found that the rate of decrease in median grain yield was more for higher temperatures in contrast to lower temperatures, and the rate of increase in median grain yield was less for higher rainfall and pCO2 compared with the lower levels of these two variables. This study showed that environmental factors have significant effects on wheat grain yield, with soil as the most important factor, followed by site (reflecting both soil and climate), changes in atmospheric CO2, rainfall and temperature. This study also showed that rainfall was more important under sandy soil conditions than under kandosol soil conditions. These findings provided a sound basis for preliminary scoping and prioritising adaptation options.  相似文献   

Short-term variations of the elements representing the Earth's motion around the Sun and its rotation have been analyzed over the last 6000 years using 1-year steps. Their low-frequency part is compared first to the values obtained from a secular theory of the planetary long-term motion showing that they can be considered reliable enough to represent adequately the motion of the Earth over the last 5000 years. Spectral analysis of these values shows that the main periodicities are 2.67, 3.98, 5.26, 5.93, 7.9, 9.8, 11.9, 14.7, 15.8, 29, 42, 61, 122, 165 and 250 years for the eccentricity as well as for the climatic precession, with an additional component at around 930 years for the eccentricity and around 840 years for the climatic precession. Periodicities at 2.67, 3.8, 5.9, 8.0, 9.3, 11.9, 14.7, 18.6, 29, 135, 250 and 840 yr are also shown for the obliquity. Spectral analyses of the daily July mid-month insolation at 65°N show essentially the same periodicities as the climatic precession and the obliquity, i.e. 2.67, 3.98, 5.92, 8.1, 11.9, 15.7, 18.6, 29, 40, 61 and around 900 years. Finally a wider analysis of the insolation pattern was performed related to the large periodicity band of the insolation time series for the solstices and the equinoxes for 7 different latitudes. In equatorial latitudes the insolation variance is largely explained by precession. But precession dominates everywhere with the obliquity signal being stronger at polar latitudes at the solstices. The amplitudes of the insolation change at these frequencies is of the order of 0.2 Wm–2 at the maximum. Offprint requests to: A Berger  相似文献   

Quantification of the spatial impact of climate on crop productivity and the potential value of seasonal climate forecasts can effectively assist the strategic planning of crop layout and help to understand to what extent climate risk can be managed through responsive management strategies at a regional level. A simulation study was carried out to assess the climate impact on the performance of a dryland wheat-fallow system and the potential value of seasonal climate forecasts in nitrogen management in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) of Australia. Daily climate data (1889–2002) from 57 stations were used with the agricultural systems simulator (APSIM) to simulate wheat productivity and nitrogen requirement as affected by climate. On a good soil, simulated grain yield ranged from <2 t/ha in west inland to >7 t/ha in the east border regions. Optimal nitrogen rates ranged from <60 kgN/ha/yr to >200 kgN/ha/yr. Simulated gross margin was in the range of –$20/ha to $700/ha, increasing eastwards. Wheat yield was closely related to rainfall in the growing season and the stored soil moisture at sowing time. The impact of stored soil moisture increased from southwest to northeast. Simulated annual deep drainage ranged from zero in western inland to >200 mm in the east. Nitrogen management, optimised based on ‘perfect’ knowledge of daily weather in the coming season, could add value of $26~$79/ha compared to management optimised based on historical climate, with the maximum occurring in central to western part of MDB. It would also reduce the nitrogen application by 5~25 kgN/ha in the main cropping areas. Comparison of simulation results with the current land use mapping in MDB revealed that the western boundary of the current cropping zone approximated the isolines of 160 mm of growing season rainfall, 2.5t/ha of wheat grain yield, and $150/ha of gross margin in QLD and NSW. In VIC and SA, the 160-mm isohyets corresponded relatively lower simulated yield due to less stored soil water. Impacts of other factors like soil types were also discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyses the length and onset of the four seasons based on the annual climatic cycle of maximum and minimum temperatures. Previous studies focused over climatically homogeneous mid-high latitude areas, employing fixed temperature thresholds (related to climatic features such as freezing point) that can be inadequate when different climate conditions are present. We propose a method related to the daily minimum and maximum temperature 25th and 75th point-dependent climatic percentiles. It is applied to an ensemble of regional climate models (RCMs) of 25-km horizontal resolution over the peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands, where a large variety of climatic regimes, from alpine to semi-desertic conditions, are present. First, baseline climate (1961–2000) ERA40-forced RCM simulations are successfully compared with the Spain02 daily observational database, following astronomical season length (around 90 days). This result confirms the validity of the proposed method and capability of the RCMs to describe the seasonal features. Future climate global climate model-forced RCMs (2071–2100) compared with present climate (1961–1990) simulations indicate the disappearance of winter season, a summer enlargement (onset and end) and a slight spring and autumn increase.  相似文献   

德阳气候对小麦品质影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用国内外已有研究成果,对德阳市小麦品质受气候的影响进行了分析。揭示了德阳小麦蛋白质含量较低、湿面筋偏低的气候原因是:气温年较差偏小、抽穗至成熟期平均偏低、全生育期日照时数偏少、空气湿润,在此基础上了调整德阳小殚生产的建议。  相似文献   

应用国内外已有研究成果,对德阳市小麦品质受气 候的影响进 行了分析。揭示了德阳小麦蛋白质含量较低、湿面筋偏低的气候原因是:气温年较差偏小、 抽穗至成熟期平均气温偏低、全生育期日照时数偏少、空气湿润,在此基础上提出了调整德 阳小殚生产的建议。  相似文献   

张立 《山西气象》2001,(2):49-49
建筑物住宅防雷设置其目的就是当遭受直击雷、感应雷或雷电侵入波时,可有效地防止人员伤亡,建筑物击毁或被燃烧、线路停电及电气设备损坏,因此其建筑物的防雷设置必须符合设计,按照GB50057——94《建筑物防雷设计规范》进行认真施工,并注意其成品的维护管理工作。建筑物的防雷设置是由接闪器(避雷针、避雷带、避雷网)引下线和接地体三个部分组成,如违反规程要求,易使建筑物处于危险状况。笔者从事房屋建筑工程质量监督检查,竣工检验多年,发现不少建筑物防雷设置不符合要求,易出现的质量通病是:(1)接闪器与引下线焊接差、避雷…  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on agriculture has received wide attention by the scientific community. This paper studies how to assess the grain yield impact of climate change, according to the climate change over a long time period in the future as predicted by a climate system model. The application of the concept of a traditional "yield impact of meteorological factor (YIMF)" or "yield impact of weather factor" to the grain yield assessment of a decadal or even a longer timescale would be suffocated at the outset because the YIMF is for studying the phenomenon on an interannual timescale, and it is difficult to distinguish between the trend caused by climate change and the one resulting from changes in non-climatic factors. Therefore, the concept of the yield impact of climatic change (YICC), which is defined as the difference in the per unit area yields (PUAY) of a grain crop under a changing and an envisaged invariant climate conditions, is presented in this paper to assess the impact of global climate change on grain yields. The climatic factor has been introduced into the renowned economic Cobb-Douglas model, yielding a quantitative assessment method of YICC using real data. The method has been tested using the historical data of Northeast China, and the results show that it has an encouraging application outlook.  相似文献   

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