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The physical and chemical properties of soils are closely controlled by the climate factors and thus are significant for paleoclimate reconstruction.In this study,two adjacent soil profiles(LP and LPM) with different slopes from Yan'an,Shaanxi Province,were investigated using magnetic methods to determine the impact of topography on magnetic properties of soil.Our results show that although LP and LPM have similar magnetic minerals and grain size distribution,both the average and maximum magnetic susceptibility(x) of LP are almost doubled compared to those of LPM.In addition,the ratios of susceptibility enhancement to the background(Ex) for LP and LPM are 2.27 and 2.04,respectively;the ratios of saturation isothermal remnant magnetization(SIRM) enhancement(ESIRM) for these two profiles are 1.80 and 1.86,respectively.The slopes of the linear regression trends between frequency-dependent susceptibility(χFD) and \"hard\" isothermal remnant magnetization(HIRM)(χFD/HIRM),Anhysteretic remnant magnetization(ARM) and HIRM(ARM/HIRM),are almost free from the effect of parent material.χFD/HIRMs for LP and LPM are 28.7×10x5 and 28.9×10x5 A mx1,respectively;ARM/HIRMs are 0.35 and 0.33 for LP and LPM,respectively.These results demonstrate that parameters,χFD/HIRM,ARM/HIRM,Ex and ESIRM,are affected less by parent material and topography,which are better than the x for bulk samples to indicate the paleoclimatic conditions(e.g.,the paleorainfall) in a large-scale region.  相似文献   

The potential of surface roughness to quantify geomorphological landforms and processes has been enhanced with the availability of high‐resolution digital terrain models (DTM). Recent studies that attempt to identify landslide features with surface roughness have suggested that this measure of topographic heterogeneity may also be applied to estimate the relative age of landslides. This is a provisional study that explores the potential of this relationship by assessing the ability of surface roughness to act as a proxy for relative landslide age. The surface roughness for a set of 12 dated landslides in the Swabian Alb that occurred between 1789 and 1985 was calculated from a 1 m2 spatial resolution LiDAR DTM with three algorithms: root‐mean‐square‐height (RMSH), standard deviation of slope (SDS), and direction cosine eigenvalue ratios (DCE). Scale‐dependence was analysed by calculating surface roughness for a range of moving window sizes (3 × 3, 5 × 5, 9 × 9 and 15 × 15), and surface roughness for each landslide was summarized by the median and upper quartile. Only weak correlations (best Spearman's rho 0.58) were present between landslide age and surface roughness. This correlation becomes weaker with increasing moving window size. Given weak observed associations and discussed challenges pertaining to the complexities of landslide morphology change over time, we currently find that surface roughness alone may not be justifiable to act as a proxy for landslide age for our study region. Furthermore, we recommend future studies should focus on addressing possible natural and anthropogenic factors such as land use change that may alter surface roughness. These studies may focus on one of the three roughness measures used here as they are strongly correlated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of a spherical harmonic analysis and a sector spherical harmonic analysis of the solar magnetic field on the photosphere, source surface, and in the Earth’s orbit on July 10–20, 2004, were compared. It was found that the field values according to a sector harmonic analysis are an order of magnitude as large as the same values according to a spherical harmonic analysis and differ in the configuration. A twocomponent magnetic field structure was revealed: short-range sources are better described by a sector spherical harmonic analysis; long-range sources are better described by a spherical harmonic analysis. This is caused by the different depths of the occurrence of sources below the photosphere.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relation between income and emissions in the period 1970–2008, for all world countries. We consider time-series of CO2, SO2 and GWP100, and use Vector Autoregressive models that allow for nonstationarity and cointegration. At 5 % significance level, income and emissions are found to be driven by unrelated random walks with drift (respectively by a common random walk with drift) in about 70 % (respectively 25 %) of cases; in the remaining cases the variables are trend-stationary. Tests of Granger-causality show evidence of both directions of causality. For the case of unrelated stochastic trends, we almost never find income driving emissions, as predicted by a consumption-function interpretation. These causality results and the absence of a common trend challenge the main implications of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, namely that the dominant direction of causality should be from income to emissions, and that for increasing levels of income, emissions should tend to decrease.  相似文献   


This report demonstrates two techniques for evaluating risks in the operation of a water supply system. Both rely on reconstructed historical streamflow data to develop estimates of the probabilities of certain specific events occurring in the future. These techniques are applied to the Occoquan Reservoir which was experiencing an unprecedented low level of storage in the autumn of 1977. The two techniques are used respectively to evaluate the overall adequacy of the existing reservoir and to evaluate the risks in the 1977 crisis.

In the first technique, the general risk analysis model (GRAM), simulations of the reservoir's contents are carried out under a set of assumptions about withdrawal rates and emergency procedures. The results of the GRAM simulation for the Occoquan Reservoir are in the form of estimates of the probabilities that in any year contain emergency procedures will have to be invoked. These estimates are given for a range of rates of withdrawals and for four different stages of emergency actions. Also given are the estimated probabilities of entering emergency conditions in one year given that an emergency has occurred in the previous year. Due to the year-to-year persistence of low flows, these latter (conditional) probabilities are higher than the former (marginal) probabilities.

The second technique used is position analysis. In this procedure probability distributions of future storages are estimated under existing storage conditions and an assumed rate of withdrawal from the reservoir. The position analysis which was initialized at the 1 October 1977 conditions indicates that the probability of entering a Stage III emergency (the prohibition of all uses of water non-essential to life, health, and safety) in the autumn of 1977 or winter of 1978 was 10 per cent at that time. With a reduction in water use by 8 million gallons per day, however, this probability would have fallen to 4 per cent.

If a long reconstructed historical streamflow record is available to a water supply agency, then the agency will have the capability to undertake its own risk analyses. It can carry out comparisons of alternative operating policies by using techniques such as GRAM. It can also evaluate the short-term risks of different plans of operation during crisis situations by using position analysis.  相似文献   

The present study is based on a suite of surface samples from exposures of eroded laterite, considered to be Tertiary in age, and nearby soils in the Sahelian region of SW Niger and Burkina Faso. X‐ray fluorescence, X‐ray diffraction, computer‐controlled scanning electron microscopy, energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, diffuse UV–visible reflectance spectroscopy and a suite of magnetic measurements have been used to shed light on the origin of the soils and their possible derivation from the adjacent, eroded laterite outcrops. On the basis of the wide range of data obtained, we conclude that the mineralogy and magnetic properties of the soils preclude direct derivation from the laterites without further weathering and modification. Nor does the evidence support the view that the soils have evolved entirely independently, uninfluenced by input from the laterites. The only conclusion that is consistent with all the lines of evidence is that the erosion of the laterites provided at least a significant part of the material upon which soil formation took place. This must have occurred at a time early enough to permit a long period of subsequent soil development during which the iron oxides, specifically haematite and ferrimagnetic minerals, were significantly modified. From this, we infer that eroded material from discontinuous laterite exposures has contributed significantly to the remotely sensed, distinctive reflectance characteristics of the Sahel surfaces. The magnetic properties of the soils provide evidence for the in situ neo‐formation of fine, secondary, pedogenic magnetite/maghemite grains typical of those found in many soils across the Sahel region and elsewhere in both temperate and tropical environments. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic deeply eroded Keurusselk? impact structure in central Finland is situated within the ??1860?C1890 Ma Central Finland Granitoid Complex. An estimate for the original size of the structure is 30 km, yielding a 5 km wide central uplift with insitu shatter cones and shock metamorphic features in quartz. Petrophysical and rock magnetic properties of the three shallow drill cores (V-001, V-002 and V-003) in the vicinity of the central uplift are determined in order to assess the dimensions of the central uplifts magnetic anomalies. The drill core lithologies consist of schists (metagraywackes), metavolcanic rocks, gneisses and breccia. Petrophysical properties of the drill core rocks show average densities (D) of 2644?C2752 kg/m3, susceptibilities (??) of 160?C761 × 10?6 SI and natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of 3?C306 mA/m and Koenigsberger Q ratios of 0.1?C10. Rock magnetic measurements with temperature dependence of susceptibility (??-T) curves and hysteresis indicated mostly paramagnetic behaviour. However, a fraction of fine-grained ferromagnetic minerals (pyrrhotite and magnetite) was detected from all lithologies. Breccia veins cutting the parautochthonous subcrater floor show lower values of petrophysical properties (D, ??, NRM, Q) and this could be related to the impact event. Amphiboles and micas in the breccia are strongly altered and replaced by secondary chlorite. Chloritization may indicate widespread impact-induced hydrothermal alteration of the target rocks or it may be related to regional tectonic shearing. However, planar deformation features in quartz, found from shatter cones in the central uplift area, are decorated with fluid inclusions indicating that alteration by post-impact processes was present.  相似文献   

Science China Earth Sciences - River is one of the geomorphic units that are the most sensitive to tectonic activity, of which the longitudinal profile serves as a key archieve to record...  相似文献   

The seismogenic fault and the dynamic mechanism of the Ning’er, Yunnan Province MS6.4 earthquake of June 3, 2007 are studied on the basis of the observation data of the surface fissures, sand blow and water eruption, landslide and collapse associated with the earthquake, incorporating with the data of geologic structures, focal mechanism solutions and aftershock distribution for the earthquake area. The observation of the surface fissures reveals that the Banhai segment of the NW-trending Ning’er fault is dominated by right-lateral strike-slip, while the NNE-trending fault is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip. The seismo-geologic hazards are concentrated mainly within a 330°-extending zone of 13.5 km in length and 4 km in width. The major axis of the isoseismal is also oriented in 330° direction, and the major axis of the seismic intensity VIII area is 13.5 km long. The focal mechanism solutions indicate that the NW-trending nodal plane of the Ning’er MS6.4 earthquake is dominated by right-lateral slip, while the NE-trending nodal plane is dominated by left-lateral slip. The preferred distribution orientation of the aftershocks of MS≥2 is 330°, and the focal depths are within the range of 3~12 km, predominantly within 3~10 km. The distribution of the aftershocks is consistent with the distribution zone of the seismo-geologic hazards. All the above-mentioned data indicate that the Banhai segment of the Ning’er fault is the seismogenic fault of this earthquake. Moreover, the driving force of the Ning’er earthquake is discussed in the light of the active block theory. It is believed that the northward pushing of the Indian plate has caused the eastward slipping of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which has been transformed into the southeastern-southernward squeezing of the southwest Yunnan region. As a result, the NW-trending faults in the vicinity of the Ning’er area are dominated by right-lateral strike-slip, while the NE-trending faults are dominated by left-lateral strike-slip. This tectonic framework might be the main cause of the frequent occurrence of MS6.0~6.9 earthquakes in the area.  相似文献   

The distribution of benthic invertebrates and their subfossil remains was examined within the basin of De Waay, a dimictic, eutrophic lake in the Netherlands. We focused on Chironomidae, but also report the abundances of 11 invertebrate groups that potentially produce chitinous remains that are preserved in the fossil record, although their remains could only be identified at a coarser taxonomic resolution. Most living invertebrates sampled in different seasons were constrained to the littoral zone, with the exception of a few taxa (Ceratopogonidae, Chaoborus flavicans, and Chironomus) that are adapted to low oxygen conditions in the seasonally anoxic profundal zone. In contrast, assemblages of invertebrate remains in lake surface sediments were similar in the entire lake basin, suggesting that considerable numbers of invertebrate remains are transported and redeposited off-shore in Lake De Waay, due to its steep bathymetry. These results indicate that a single sediment sample obtained from the centre of this lake contains subfossil invertebrate remains originating from the entire lake basin. In Lake De Waay, the majority of taxa found in the living assemblages were identified as remains in lake surface sediments, at least for the Chironomidae that could be identified at a similar taxonomic level in living and subfossil assemblages. Of the total 44 chironomid taxa found in Lake De Waay, 35 taxa occurred in the living assemblages and 34 taxa occurred in the subfossil assemblages. Thirty chironomid taxa occurred both as living and subfossil specimens, and on average these 30 taxa represent 94% of the specimens encountered in a sediment sample. Five rare chironomid taxa present as living larvae were not detected in the subfossil assemblages. Conversely, eight rare and four common chironomid taxa were found in subfossil remains, but not in living assemblages. Our results indicate that subfossil assemblages in surface sediment samples provide spatially integrated and representative samples of the living assemblage. However, a combined approach examining both the living benthic invertebrate fauna and invertebrate remains in lake surface sediments will potentially give a more complete and detailed overview of benthic invertebrates in a lake ecosystem than an approach based exclusively on one of these groups.  相似文献   

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