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Shore platforms frequently exhibit steps or risers facing seaward, landwards or obliquely across‐shore. A combination of soft copy photogrammetry, ortho‐rectification, geo referencing and field measurement of step height are linked in a GIS environment to measure step retreat on chalk shore platforms at sample sites in the south of England over two periods, 1973–2001, 2001–2007. The methods used allow for the identification, delineation and measurement of historic change at high spatial resolution. The results suggest that while erosion of chalk shore platforms by step backwearing is highly variable, it appears to be of similar magnitude to surface downwearing of the same platforms measured by micro‐erosion meters (MEMs) and laser scanning, in a range equivalent to 0·0006 – 0·0050 m y?1 of surface downwearing. This equates to annual chalk volume loss from the platforms, by the two erosion processes combined, of between 0·0012 m3 m?2 and 0·0100 m3 m?2. Results from the more recent years' data suggests that step retreat has variability in both space and time which does not relate solely to climatic variability. The results must be viewed with caution until much larger numbers of measurements have been made of both downwearing and step erosion at higher spatial and temporal resolution. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Beaches are common features of many rocky shorelines and can be considered to be constrained by the underlying geology. In mesotidal to macrotidal areas the slope of the substrate and sediment supply are the primary factors in constraining the size and development of beaches on shore platforms. In microtidal settings it is not known if these factors are wholly responsible for determining the presence of beaches on shore platforms, nor the contribution of other factors such as hydrodynamics. The microtidal coast of Victoria, Australia, is surveyed in this study in order to quantify the morphological boundary conditions that constrain beach development on semi‐horizontal shore platforms. An ample sediment supply indicates that the underlying geology is controlling the presence and absence of beaches. Where beaches occur they always overlie a rock ramp which is the steepest part of the platform. The two most important morphological constraints were platform width and height both of which significantly correlated with beach volume. An elevational threshold exists at just over +1.0 m where beaches cannot accumulate. Below this threshold, platform width appears to be the principle constraining factor in beach accumulation. An evolutionary model is inferred which suggests that dissipation of wave energy associated with platform widening plays an important role in allowing beaches to accumulate. The model suggests beaches on platforms will be particularly sensitive to sea level rise. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Downwearing rates were measured on shore platforms at about 200 transverse micro‐erosion meter (TMEM) stations, over periods ranging from 2 to 6 years. There were seven study areas in eastern Canada. The platforms were surveyed and a Schmidt Rock Test Hammer was used to measure rock hardness. More than 1200 rock samples from three of the study areas were also subjected each day, over a 3 year period, to two tidal cycles of immersion and exposure, which simulated the central intertidal zone. A further 840 samples were subjected to longer periods of exposure and immersion, over a 1 year period, which represented different elevations within the upper and lower intertidal zone, respectively. These experiments suggested that tidally generated weathering and debris removal is an effective erosional mechanism, particularly at the elevation of the lowest high tides. In the field, mean rates of downwearing for each study area ranged from 0·24 mm yr?1 to more than 1·5 mm yr?1. Rates tended to increase with elevation in the field, with maxima in the upper intertidal zone. This trend in the field cannot be attributed entirely to the tidally induced weathering processes that were simulated in the laboratory, and must reflect, in part, the effect of waves, frost, ice, and other mechanisms. It is concluded that there are no strong spatial downwearing patterns on shore platforms, and that downwearing rates in the intertidal zone are the result of a number of erosional mechanisms with different elevation‐efficacy characteristics. Furthermore, even if only one or two mechanisms were dominant in an area, any resulting relationship between downwearing rates and elevation would be obscured or eliminated by the effect of variations in the chemical and physical characteristics of the rocks. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The device described in this paper, known as the traversing erosion beam, is believed to be the first to be designed specifically for measuring rates of downwearing of cohesive foreshores, such as clay shore platforms, under high‐energy wave conditions. It is primarily constructed of Flexlink Aluminium Structural System components and consists of a horizontal beam with a main leg and two further support legs. A sliding ‘dolly’ module is moved along the beam at precise intervals using a longitudinal scale as a reference. The topographic profile of the measurement surface is transferred to the dolly by a vertical sliding steel alloy rod, from which the relative height differences are measured by a separate engineer's digital height gauge placed on the dolly. The main leg of the device fits into a marine grade stainless steel box, which is deeply embedded into the foreshore or shore platform to act a permanent datum. The box is robust and can be expected to have a lifetime of at least a year, and possibly even five years or more. Sample data are provided from a clay shore platform at Warden Point in the Isle of Sheppey, Kent (UK), which demonstrate that the TEB can provide information on seasonal as well as annual rates of downwearing. The device has also been tested successfully on a peat and clay foreshore at Pett Level in Sussex and on a shore platform cut in glacial till at Easington, Yorkshire. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Infragravity wave (IGW) transformation was quantified from field measurements on two shore platforms on New Zealand's east coast, making this the first study to describe the presence, characteristics and behaviour of IGWs on rock platform coasts. Data was collected using a cross‐shore array of pressure transducers during a 22 hour experiment on Oraka shore platform and a 36 hour experiment at Rothesay Bay shore platform. A low pass Fourier filter was used to remove gravity wave frequency oscillations, allowing separate analysis of IGWs and the full wave spectrum. Offshore IGW heights were measured to be 7 cm (Oraka) and 9 cm (Rothesay Bay), which were 21% (Oraka) and 7.5% (Rothesay Bay) the height of incident wave height. At the cliff toe, significant IGW height averaged 15 cm at Oraka and 13 cm at Rothesay Bay. This increase in IGW height over the platform during both experiments is attributed to shoaling of 40 to 55% over the last 50–60 m before the cliff toe, respectively. Shoaling across the platform was quantified as the change in IGW height from the platform edge to cliff toe, resulting in a maximum increase of 1·88 and 2·63 on Rothesay Bay and Oraka platforms. IGW height at the cliff toe showed a strong correlation with incident wave height. The proportional increase in IGW height shows a strong correlation to water level on each platform. The rate of shoaling of long period waves on the shallow, horizontal platforms increased at higher water levels resulting in a super elevation in water level at the cliff toe during high tide. Greater IGW shoaling was also observed on the wider (Oraka) shore platform. Results from this study show the first measurements of IGWs on shore platforms and identify long wave motion a significant process in a morphodynamic understanding of rock coast. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report a series of short‐term (diurnal) rock surface monitoring studies on inter‐ and supra‐tidal shore platforms using a traversing micro‐erosion meter at two sites, Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand, and Apollo Bay, Victoria, Australia. Statistically signi?cant day‐to‐day changes were measured. Surface rise and lowering occurred at rates above instrument error, with a maximum range of 3·378 mm between 1·697 mm (lowering) and ‐1·681 mm (rise). Individual measurements showed rises greater than 2 mm. These daily variations reveal that surface lowering and rise occur at a much shorter time scale than previously reported from other studies. The patterns observed suggest wetting and drying is the most likely process causing surface changes at these temporal scales. We argue that traversing micro‐erosion meter studies operating at a short‐term time scale of day‐to‐day provide meaningful results that open new opportunities for studying rock weathering and erosion in a coastal environment. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27(7) 2004, 931. Lord Howe Island, in the northern Tasman Sea, is a remnant of a much larger Late Miocene basaltic shield volcano. Much of the island's coastline is exposed to waves that have unlimited fetch, but a marked contrast is provided by a fringing coral reef and lagoon that very effectively attenuate wave energy along a portion of the western coastline. The geology of the island is varied, with hard and resistant basalt lavas, breccias and tuffs of intermediate resistance, and highly erodible eolianites. This variability provides an excellent opportunity to examine the in?uence of rock resistance on the development of the spectacular rock coast landforms that occur around the island. The hardness of rocks and the extent of weathering around the coastline were assessed using a Schmidt hammer, and statistical analysis was undertaken to remove outlying values. On all but one occasion, higher mean rebound values were returned from fresh surfaces than weathered surfaces, but only half of these differences were statistically signi?cant. Shore platforms with two distinct levels are juxtaposed along two stretches of coastline and Schmidt hammer results lend support to hypotheses that the raised surfaces may be inherited features. Relative rock resistance was assessed through a combination of Schmidt hammer data and measurements of joint density, and constrained on the basis of morphological data. This approach formed a basis for examining threshold conditions for sea‐cliff erosion at Lord Howe Island in the context of the distribution of resistant plunging cliffs and erosional shore platforms. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variation in the erodibility of rock units has long been recognized as an important determinant of landscape evolution but has been little studied in landscape evolution models. We use a modified version of the Channel‐Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) model, which explicitly allows for variations in rock strength, to reveal and explore the remarkably rich, complex behavior induced by rock erodibility variations in even very simple geologic settings with invariant climate and tectonics. We study the importance of relative contrasts in erodibility between just two units, the order of these units (whether hard rocks overlie soft or soft rocks overlie hard) and the orientation of the contact between the two units. We emphasize the spatial and temporal evolution of erosion rates, which have important implications for basin analysis, detrital mineral records, and the interpretation of cosmogenic isotope concentrations in detrital samples. Results of the landscape evolution modeling indicate that the stratigraphic order of units in terms of erodibility, the gross orientation of the contact (i.e. dipping away or toward the outlet of the landscape) and the contact dip angle all have measurable effects on landscape evolution, including significant spatial and temporal variations in erosion rates. Steady‐state denudation conditions are unlikely to develop in landscapes with significant contrasts in rock strength in horizontal to moderately tilted rock layers, at least at the scale of the entire landscape. Additionally, our results demonstrate that there is no general relation between rock erodibility and erosion rates in natural settings. Although rock erodibility directly controls the erosion rate constant in our models, it is not uncommon for higher erosion rates to occur in the harder, less erodible rock. Indeed erosion rates may be either greater or less than the rock uplift rate (invariant in time and space in our models) in both hard and soft rocks, depending on the local geology, topography, and the pattern of landscape evolution. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents measured rates of erosion on shore platforms at Kaikoura Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. Surface lowering rates were measured with a micro-erosion meter and traversing micro-erosion meter. The mean lowering rate for all shore platforms was 1·130 mm a−1. Differences in lowering rates were found between different platform types and lithologies. The rate of surface lowering on Type A (sloping) mudstone platforms was 1·983 mm a−1, and 0·733 mm a−1 on Type B mudstone platforms (subhorizontal). On limestone platforms the lowering rate was 0·875 mm a−1. A previously reported cross-shore pattern of surface lowering rates from Kaikoura was not found. Rates were generally higher on the landward margins and decreased in a seaward direction. Season is shown statistically to influence erosion rates, with higher rates during summer than winter. The interpretation given to this is that the erosive process is subaerial weathering in the form of wetting and drying and salt weathering. This is contrary to views of shore platform development that have favoured marine processes over subaerial weathering. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water runoff and sediment transport from agricultural uplands are substantial threats to water quality and sustained crop production. To improve soil and water resources, farmers, conservationists, and policy‐makers must understand how landforms, soil types, farming practices, and rainfall interact with water runoff and soil erosion processes. To that end, the Iowa Daily Erosion Project (IDEP) was designed and implemented in 2003 to inventory these factors across Iowa in the United States. IDEP utilized the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) soil erosion model along with radar‐derived precipitation data and government‐provided slope, soil, and management information to produce daily estimates of soil erosion and runoff at the township scale (93 km2 [36 mi2]). Improved national databases and evolving remote sensing technology now permit the derivation of slope, soil, and field‐level management inputs for WEPP. These remotely sensed parameters, along with more detailed meteorological data, now drive daily WEPP hillslope soil erosion and water runoff estimates at the small watershed scale, approximately 90 km2 (35 mi2), across sections of multiple Midwest states. The revisions constitute a substantial improvement as more realistic field conditions are reflected, more detailed weather data are utilized, hill slope sampling density is an order of magnitude greater, and results are aggregated based on surface hydrology enabling further watershed research and analysis. Considering these improvements and the expansion of the project beyond Iowa it was renamed the Daily Erosion Project (DEP). Statistical and comparative evaluations of soil erosion simulations indicate that the sampling density is adequate and the results are defendable. The modeling framework developed is readily adaptable to other regions given suitable inputs. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

以“5.12”汶川地震背景为基础,对不同岩性组合水平层状岩质边坡进行了大型振动台模型试验研究.文中介绍了振动台试验过程,通过对试验现象的观察处理分析,考察了边坡的破坏现象特征、变形破坏模式.实验结果表明,地震力作用下边坡的变形破坏程度、特征以及稳定性不仅与地震波的类型、加载方向、频率、振幅有关,同时还受边坡的岩体性质、...  相似文献   

Sea cliff morphology and erosion rates are modulated by several factors, including rock control that reflects both lithology and rock structure. Erosion is anticipated to preferentially exploit ‘fractures’, broadly meant as any discontinuity in an otherwise continuous medium, where the rock mass is weakest. Unpicking the direct control of such fractures on the spatial and temporal pattern of erosion remains, however, challenging. To analyse how such fractures control erosion, we monitored the evolution of a 400 m-long stretch of highly structured sedimentary cliffs in Socoa, Basque Country, France. The rock is known as the Socoa flysch formation. This formation combines decimetre-thick turbidites composed of repeat triplets of medium to strong calcareous sandstone, laminated siltstones and argillaceous marls. The sequence plunges at 45° into the sea with a shore-parallel strike. The cliffs are cross-cut by two normal and reverse fault families, with 10–100 m alongshore spacing, with primary and secondary strata-bound fractures perpendicular to the bedding, which combined delimit the cliff rock mass into discrete blocks that are exploited by the erosion process. Erosion, and sometimes plucking, of such beds and blocks on the cliff face was monitored using ground-based structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, over the course of 5.7 years between 2011 and 2017. To compare with longer time change, cliff-top retreat rate was assessed using SfM-orthorectified archive aerial photographs spanning 1954–2008. We show that the 13,250 m2 cliff face released 4500 blocks exceeding 1.45 × 10−3 m3, removing a total volume of 170 m3. This equates to an average cliff erosion rate of 3.4 mm/year, which is slightly slower than the 54-year-long local cliff-top retreat (10.8 ± 1.8 mm/year). The vertical distribution of erosion reflects the height of sea water inundation, where the maximum erosion intensity occurs ca. 2 m above high spring-tide water level. Alongshore, the distribution of rockfall scars is concentrated along bed edges bounding cross-cutting faults; the extent of block detachment is controlled by secondary tectonic joints, which may extend through several beds locally sharing similar mechanical strength; and rockfall depth is always a multiple of bed thickness. Over the longer term, we explain block detachment and resultant cliff collapse as a cycle. Erosion nucleates on readily exploitable fractures but elsewhere, the sea only meets defect-free medium-strong to strong rock slabs offering few morphological features for exploitation. Structurally delimited blocks are quarried, and with sufficient time, carve semi-elliptic scars reaching progressively deeper strata to be eroded. Lateral propagation of erosion is directed along mechanical weaknesses in the bedding, and large episodic collapses affect the overhanging slabs via sliding on the weak marl beds. Collapse geometry is confined to one or several triplets of turbidite beds, but never reaches deeper into the cliff than the eroded depth at the foot. We contend that this fracture-limited model of sea-cliff erosion, inferred from the Socoa site dynamics and its peculiar sets of fractures, applies more broadly to other fractured cliff contexts, albeit with site-specific geometries. The initiation of erosion, the propagation of incremental block release and the ultimate full failure of the cliff, have each been shown to be fundamentally directly controlled by structure, which remains a vital control in understanding how cliffed coasts have changed in the past and will change in the future.  相似文献   

Estimation of the recession rate of waterfalls is a crucial issue in bedrock river erosion because waterfall recession can cause a major impact on bedrock incision, especially when waterfall recession rates are high. Areas of active volcanoes are often characterized by many waterfalls in the volcanic edifice. This study examines recession rates of waterfalls in welded Aso‐1 ignimbrite from the Aso volcano in southwestern Japan using an empirical equation, which comprises a force/resistance index composed of measurable geomorphic parameters. The estimated recession rates are on the order of 0·01–0·07 m a?1. The estimated rates are then validated by examining the duration and distance of their recession. The duration of waterfall recession is derived from eruptive ages of the Aso ignimbrites, giving waterfall recession distances of approximately 10 km. Although the original locations of the waterfalls suggested by the recession distances exceed the downstream limit of the present Aso‐1 ignimbrite remnants along valley floors, features of the surrounding topography are consistent with these localities being where the waterfalls formed. The use of an equation to estimate recession rates is therefore considered to be valid and practical. The contrast between the highly dissected landforms downstream of the present waterfalls and the gentle landscapes upstream of the waterfalls suggests that the rapid recession of the waterfalls is the major cause of post‐eruptive fluvial erosion into ignimbrites. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of soil detachment capacity is fundamental to establish process-based erosion models and improve soil loss assessment. Few studies were conducted to reveal the mechanism of detachment process for yellow soil on steep cropland in the subtropical region of China using field experiments. This study was performed to determine soil detachment characteristics and explore the relationships between soil detachment capacity (D c) and flow rate, slope gradient, mean velocity, shear stress, stream power and unit stream power. Field experiments were conducted on intact soil with flow rates ranging from 0.2 × 10−3 to 0.5 × 10−3 m−3 s−1 and slope gradients varying from 8.8 to 42.4%. The results showed the following. (a) D c of yellow soil was smaller than other soils because of its high clay content. (b) D c was more susceptible to flow than to slope gradient. Power functions were derived to depict the relationship between D c and the flow rate and slope gradient (R2 = 0.91). (c) D c was better simulated by power functions of the stream power (R2 = 0.83) than functions of the shear stress or the unit stream power. (d) Considering its accuracy, simplicity and accessibility, the power function based on flow rate and slope gradient is recommended to predict D c of yellow soil in the field. The results of this study provide useful support for revealing soil detachment mechanism and developing process-based soil erosion models for the subtropical region of China.  相似文献   

Soil detachment by rill flow is a key process of rill erosion, modelling this process can help in understanding rill erosion mechanisms. However, many soil detachment models are established on conceptual assumptions rather than experimental data. The objectives of this study were to establish a model of soil detachment by rill flow based on flume experimental data and to quantitatively verify the model. We simulated the process of soil detachment by rill flow in flume experiments with a soil-feeding hopper using loessial soil on steep slopes. Seven flow discharges, six slopes and five sediment loads were combined. Soil detachment capacity, sediment transport capacity, and soil detachment rate by rill flow under different sediment loads were measured. The process of soil detachment by rill flow can be modelled by a dual power function based on soil detachment capacity and transport capacity deficit as variables. The established model exhibited high credibility (NSE=0.97; R2=0.97). The contributions of soil detachment capacity and transport capacity deficit to soil detachment rate by rill flow reached 60% and 36%, respectively. Soil detachment capacity exerted more influence on soil detachment rate than did transport capacity deficit. The performance of the WEPP rill erosion equation is also favourable (NSE=0.95; R2=0.97). The two power exponents in the model we established strengthen the role of soil detachment capacity in soil detachment rate and weaken that for transport capacity deficit. Soil detachment capacity and transport capacity deficit played important roles in the determination of soil detachment rate by rill flow. The results can be applied to implement the numerical modeling and prediction of rill erosion processes on steep loessial hillslopes. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have measured the concentration of in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al from bare bedrock surfaces on summit flats in four western U.S. mountain ranges. The maximum mean bare-bedrock erosion rate from these alpine environments is 7.6 ± 3.9 m My−1. Individual measurements vary between 2 and 19 m My−1. These erosion rates are similar to previous cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) erosion rates measured in other environments, except for those from extremely arid regions. This indicates that bare bedrock is not weathered into transportable material more rapidly in alpine environments than in other environments, even though frost weathering should be intense in these areas. Our CRN-deduced point measurements of bedrock erosion are slower than typical basin-averaged denudation rates ( 50 m My−1). If our measured CRN erosion rates are accurate indicators of the rate at which summit flats are lowered by erosion, then relief in the mountain ranges examined here is probably increasing.

We develop a model of outcrop erosion to investigate the magnitude of errors associated with applying the steady-state erosion model to episodically eroding outcrops. Our simulations show that interpreting measurements with the steady-state erosion model can yield erosion rates which are either greater or less than the actual long-term mean erosion rate. While errors resulting from episodic erosion are potentially greater than both measurement and production rate errors for single samples, the mean value of many steady-state erosion rate measurements provides a much better estimate of the long-term erosion rate.  相似文献   

The detachment capacity (Dc) and transport capacity (Tc) of overland flow are important variables in the assessment of soil erosion. They determine respectively the lower and upper limit of sediment transport by runoff and therefore control detachment and deposition pro‐cesses. In this study, the detachment and transport capacity of runoff was investigated by rainfall simulations and overland flow experiments on small field plots. On the bare field plots, it was found that Tc was strongly related to total runoff discharge. This was also observed for the plots covered by maize residues, but Tc was less due to the lower runoff velocity. A simple regression equation was derived to estimate Tc for both bare and covered soil. Comparing our observations with Tc equations mentioned in the literature revealed that Tc equations based on laboratory experiments overestimated, on average, our measurements. Although Tc can be assessed more easily in laboratory experiments, the applicability of the results to field conditions remains questionable. Detachment by runoff was also related to total runoff discharge. The Dc values were, however, 4–50 times smaller than the Tc at corresponding high and low runoff discharge. This indicates that detachment by runoff constitutes only part of the transported sediment. Interrill erosion supplies an important additional amount of sediment. In this study, however, only sealed soils were considered. In the case of freshly tilled, loose soils, the Dc of runoff may be larger, resulting in a larger contribution to the total soil loss. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration has significant effects on soil properties and vegetation cover and thus affects soil detachment by overland flow. Few studies have been conducted to evaluate this effect in the Loess Plateau where a Great Green Project was implemented in the past decade. This study was carried out to quantify the effects of age of abandoned farmland under natural vegetation restoration on soil detachment by overland flow and soil resistance to erosion as reflected by soil erodibility and critical shear stress. The undisturbed soil samples were collected from five abandoned farmlands with natural restoration age varying from 3 to 37 years. The samples were subjected to flow scouring in a 4.0 m long by 0.35 m wide hydraulic flume under six different shear stresses ranging from 5.60 to 18.15 Pa. The results showed that the measured soil detachment capacities in currently cultivated farmland were 24.1 to 35.4 times greater than those of the abandoned farmlands. For the abandoned farmlands, soil detachment capacities fluctuated greatly due to the complex effects of root density and biological crust thickness, and could be simulated well by flow shear stress and biological crust thickness with a power function (NSE = 0.851). Soil erodibility of abandoned farmlands decreased gradually with restoration age and reached a steady stage when restoration age was greater than 28 years. The critical shear stress of the natural abandoned farmlands declined when restoration age was less than 18 years and then increased due to the episodic influences of vegetation recovery and biological crust development. More studies in the Loess Plateau are necessary to quantify the relationship between soil detachment capacity and biological crust thickness for better understanding the mechanism of soil detachment under natural vegetation restoration. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) cover up to 60 to 70% of the soil surface in grasslands after the ‘Grain for Green’ project was implemented in 1999 to rehabilitate the Loess Plateau. However, few studies exist that quantify the effects of BSCs on the soil detachment process by overland flow in the Loess Plateau. This study investigated the potential effects of BSCs on the soil detachment capacity (Dc), and soil resistance to flowing water erosion reflected by rill erodibility and critical shear stress. Two dominant BSC types that developed in the Loess Plateau (the later successional moss and the early successional cyanobacteria mixed with moss) were tested against natural soil samples collected from two abandoned farmland areas. The samples were subjected to flow scouring under six different shear stresses ranging from 7.15 to 24.08 Pa. The results showed that Dc decreased significantly with crust coverage under both moss and mixed crusts. The mean Dc of bare soil (0.823 kg m?2 s?1) was 2.9 to 48.4 times greater than those of moss covered soil (0.017–0.284 kg m?2 s?1), while it (3.142 kg m?2 s?1) was 4.9 to 149.6 times greater than those of mixed covered soil (0.021–0.641 kg m?2 s?1). The relative detachment rate of BSCs compared with bare soils decreased exponentially with increasing BSC coverage for both types of BSCs. The Dc value can be simulated by flow shear stress, cohesion, and BSC coverage using a power function (NSE ≥ 0.59). Rill erodibility also decreased with coverage of both crust types. Rill erodibility of bare soil was 3 to 74 times greater than those of moss covered soil and was 2 to 165 times greater than those of mixed covered soil. Rill erodibility could also be estimated by BSC coverage in the Loess Plateau (NSE ≥ 0.91). The effect of crust coverage on critical shear stress was not significant. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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