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Intercomparison of soil pore water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis has been a focus of recent studies in relation to plant source waters, which found a wide isotopic variance depending on the extraction method. Few studies have yet explored extraction effects for mobile pore waters that relate to hillslope runoff. This is because it is extremely difficult in natural systems to control the boundary conditions in order to assess and compare impacts of pore water extraction on resulting hillslope flow. With our new semicontrolled experiments on outdoor mini‐hillslopes, we studied mixing and runoff processes by means of stable isotopes of water and quantified relations between pore water extraction methods. We tested the null hypothesis that nondestructive and destructive pore water sampling methods sample the same soil water pool. Three hillslopes were mounted on load cells, filled with loamy sand textured soils from the Landscape Evolution Observatoryat Biosphere 2, equipped with soil moisture and temperature sensors, a bottom outflow, and a surface runoff gauge for isotope sampling. We followed the precipitation isotopic composition over and through the soil profile. One hillslope was instrumented with suction cups, on the second we installed sampling ports for in‐situ soil water vapour measurements, and the third hillslope was sampled destructively for applying the centrifugation and vapour equilibrium methods. All hillslopes were sampled at four depths (0–10, 10–20, 20–30, and 30–40 cm) at three different downslope positions. 2H and 18O analyses were performed via laser spectroscopy. We found no isotopic differences between rainfall, surface runoff, and bottom outflow. The in situ vapour ports' soil isotope data showed the widest spread over all hillslope positions and depths. Centrifugation's and suction cups' isotope results plotted closest to the local meteoric water line and within the range of hillslope runoff and bottom outflow data. Hillslope position did not influence the soil isotope results. These results suggest caution be used in the field when selecting an extraction technique for matching soil waters to runoff waters. Soil suction lysimeters and centrifugation appeared to be the most appropriate tools in this regard.  相似文献   

Measurements of δ2H and δ18O composition of pore waters in saturated and unsaturated soil samples are routinely performed in hydrological studies. A variety of in‐situ and lab‐based pore water extraction methods for the analysis of the stable isotopes of water now exist. While some have been used for decades (e.g. cryogenic vacuum extraction) others are relatively new, such as direct vapour equilibration or the microwave extraction technique. Despite their broad range of application, a formal and comprehensive intercomparison of soil water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis is lacking and long overdue. Here we present an intercomparison among five commonly used lab‐based pore water extraction techniques (high pressure mechanical squeezing, centrifugation, direct vapour equilibration, microwave extraction, and cryogenic extraction). We applied these extraction methods to two physicochemically different soil types that were dried and rewetted with water of known isotopic composition at three different water contents. Our results showed that the extraction approach can have a significant effect on pore water isotopic composition as all methods exhibited significant deviations from the spiked reference water, depending secondarily on the soil type and soil water content. Most pronounced, cryogenic water extraction showed large deviations from the spiked reference water, whereas mechanical squeezing and centrifugation provided results closest to the spiked water for both soil types. We also compared results for each extraction method – where liquid water was obtained – on both an OA‐ICOS and IRMS. Differences between these two analytical instruments were negligible for these organic compound‐free waters. We suggest that users of soil water extraction approaches carefully choose an extraction technique that is suitable for the specific research question, adapted to the dominant soil type and water content of the study. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying soil water storage, mixing, and release via recharge, transpiration, and evaporation is essential for a better understanding of critical zone processes. Here, we integrate stable isotope (2H and 18O of soil water, precipitation, and groundwater) and hydrometric (soil moisture) data from 5 long‐term experimental catchments along a hydroclimatic gradient across northern latitudes: Dry Creek (USA), Bruntland Burn (Scotland), Dorset (Canada), Krycklan (Sweden), and Wolf Creek (Canada). Within each catchment, 6 to 11 isotope sampling campaigns occurred at 2 to 4 sampling locations over at least 1 year. Analysis for 2H and 18O in the bulk pore water was done for >2,500 soil samples either by cryogenic extraction (Dry Creek) or by direct equilibration (other sites). The results showed a similar general pattern that soil water isotope variability reflected the seasonality of the precipitation input signal. However, pronounced differences among sampling locations occurred regarding the isotopic fractionation due to evaporation. We found that antecedent precipitation volumes mainly governed the fractionation signal, temperature and evaporation rates were of secondary importance, and soil moisture played only a minor role in the variability of soil water evaporation fractionation across the hydroclimatic gradient. We further observed that soil waters beneath conifer trees were more fractionated than beneath heather shrubs or red oak trees, indicating higher soil evaporation rates in coniferous forests. Sampling locations closer to streams were more damped and depleted in their stable isotopic composition than hillslope sites, revealing increased subsurface mixing towards the saturated zone and a preferential recharge of winter precipitation. Bulk soil waters generally comprised a high share of waters older than 14 days, which indicates that the water in soil pores are usually not fully replaced by recent infiltration events. The presented stable isotope data of soil water were, thus, a useful tool to track the spatial variability of water fluxes within and from the critical zone. Such data provide invaluable information to improve the representation of critical zone processes in spatially distributed hydrological models.  相似文献   

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