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Mountainous river basins are one of the main sources of sediment. Over long time scales, sediment production is sustained by the persistent dissection of river basins, which is promoted by tectonic activity. The response or adjustment of rivers to forcing factors such as uplift is based on the concept of the graded river and a feedback mechanism between the incision and uplift. Although the development of graded rivers under natural circumstances has been discussed for a long time, knowledge about the transition of river basins under heterogeneous uplift is not enough. To understand the development of a river basin with a non‐uniform uplift rate, two simple cases are examined: landward and seaward tilting uplift, where the uplift rate varies linearly in space. For our study, laboratory experiments were conducted and the results were compared with those of natural river basins; two river basins in Yakushima Island were selected for this purpose. In both the laboratory and Yakushima, the longitudinal profile of the river basin under landward‐tilting uplift has a convex‐up zone and a specific knickpoint is formed at the upstream end of this zone. This knickpoint is inactive with respect to migration and incision owing to the insufficient cumulative uplift to the equilibrium state. It was also observed in both the experimental and natural cases that the profile of the river basin under seaward tilting is unlikely to have such a convex‐up zone in the long term, and will instead have a smooth concave profile. Therefore, the spatiotemporal pattern of dissection differs depending on the type of tilting uplift, which suggests that sediment production also varies in time and space according to the type of uplift.  相似文献   

The Gaudix Basin developed as an endorheic depression during the Upper Miocene-Upper Pleistocene. Its principal palaeogeographical lcharacteristics are a large lake in the eastern sector, an axial fluvial system and two fluvial systems transverse to it in the western sector. The uplift of a central sector of the Betic Cordillera during the Upper Pleistocene affected the study area, causing northward tilting from the Internal Zone of the cordillera (Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Baza), step-faulting of the Plio-Pleistocene infill of the ancient basin (leaving more northern sectors in a lower topographical position), alteration of fluvial current profiles and displacement of the ancient Axial System to a position very close to the divide between the ancient endorheic Gaudix Basin and the Guadalquivir Basin. This facilitated capture of the endorheic basin by the headward erosion of a tributary of the Guadalquivir River. The region then began to be rapidly eroded, as the new base level was now some 500 m lower than that of the ancient basin. The present drainage network is similar to that of the ancient endorheic basin as regards the location of the main streams and the distribution of drainage patterns and fluvial styles, although flow reversal is found in some stretches and a barbed drainage pattern appears locally. As a result of the inheritance of drainage from the ancient basin, fluvial superimposition is found in some stretches of the main streams. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channels on the north‐facing piedmont of the Sierra Madre range in Cuyama Valley, California have alternated between three process regimes during the late Quaternary: (1) vertical incision into piedmont alluvium and older sedimentary deposits; (2) lateral erosion; and (3) sediment accumulation. The state of the piedmont system at a given time has been controlled by upstream sediment flux, regional tectonic uplift and incision of the axial Cuyama River. To better understand the timing and to attempt to interpret causes of past geomorphological processes on the Sierra Madre piedmont, we mapped the surficial geology and dated alluvial deposits using radiocarbon, cosmogenic and optical dating methods. Four primary episodes of sedimentation have occurred since ca. 100 ka, culminating in the most recent period of extensive piedmont sedimentation between 30 and 20 ka. Fill terraces in Cuyama Valley formed by piedmont sediment accumulation followed by vertical incision and lateral erosion are fairly planar and often mantle strath bedrock surfaces. Their vertical spatial arrangement is a record of progressive regional tectonic uplift and concomitant axial Cuyama River channel incision migrating up tributary piedmont channels. Subparallel longitudinal terrace profiles which have a linear age–elevation relationship indicate that multiple episodes of climatically controlled sedimentation overprints ~1 m kyr?1 of regional uplift affecting the Cuyama River and its tributaries. Sedimentation was probably a result of increased precipitation that caused saturation landsliding in steep catchments. It is possible that increased precipitation during the Last Glacial Maximum was caused by both continental‐scale circulation pattern reorganization and increased Pacific storm frequency and intensity caused by ‘early warming’ of nearby Pacific Ocean surface waters. Older episodes of piedmont sedimentation are difficult to correlate with specific climate regimes, but may correlate with previous periods of increased precipitation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Huoshan piedmont fault is a small watershed region in Shanxi Province. We utilized the high-resolution DEM data and the stream-power incision model which describes the relationship between the tectonic uplift and fluvial incision to analyze the S-A double-log graph, concavity index (θ)and steepness index (logks) of the 64 channels across this fault and discuss their responses to the tectonic movement of the fault. The results show that (1)the S-A double-log graphs all exhibit an obvious convex form, which is the direct expression of the response to the situation that the bedrock uplift rate is higher than the fluvial incision rate. (2)All of the concavity index (θ)values of 64 channels are lower than 0.35 with an average value of 0.223, much lower than the empirical value (0.49)of the rivers in steady state. These low values are the quantitative reflections of the channels' slightly concave profiles. Meanwhile they imply that these channels across the fault are very young. There is no enough time for them to adjust the profiles through the fluvial incision to the steady state because of the fault's frequent and strong tectonic movements. (3)The steepness index values of the channels located in the Laoyeding Mt. are highest, while they are lower in the northern and southern mountains. Moreover, the steepness index values of the channels in the northern mountains, on average, are higher than those of the channels in the southern mountains. To a certain extent, this distribution of the steepness index corresponds to the difference in the uplift rates of the Huoshan piedmont fault. It means that the uplift rate of the middle fault segment in the Laoyeding Mt. is highest, and the uplift rate of the northern segment is higher than that of the southern segment.  相似文献   

Rock plucking is the vertical removal of chunks of rock along intersection joint planes by flowing water. The plucking of durable jointed rock in a natural stream alters stream morphology and potentially damages a bridge substructure situated on a rock foundation by local erosion. Despite its importance, the mechanics of bedrock erosion by plucking are not well understood. In this study, we conduct laboratory experiments to investigate the threshold of block entrainment through plucking near a flow obstruction under sub-critical conditions. In a laboratory flume, we reproduce a wide range of typical lateral flow contraction scenarios that occur around a large rock or bridge substructure and investigate the process of the vertical entrainment of blocks near the obstruction. Two different modes of block removal process (impulsive plucking and accumulative plucking) are observed near the bluff structure. We find that under severe flow contraction, blocks are more likely to escape quickly via impulsive plucking because higher flow contraction and the resulting strong local turbulence around the structure generate large instantaneous uplift force that removes the block within a short period of time; however, we observe accumulative plucking under weaker flow contraction near the bluff structure. From the experimental results, we develop a formula for the threshold point of block dislocation caused by plucking with respect to the degree of lateral flow contraction. The results indicate that increasing the flow contraction ratio reduces block stability because of higher flow acceleration and the increased turbulence effect near the upstream edge of the obstruction. The results of this study should be useful to those who estimate the rate of rock erosion by plucking in natural open channels around a bluff structure.  相似文献   

Long‐term average rates of channel erosion and sediment transport depend on the frequency–magnitude characteristics of ?ood ?ows that exceed an erosion threshold. Using a Poisson model for rainfall and runoff, analytical solutions are developed for average rates of stream incision and sediment transport in the presence of such a threshold. Solutions are derived and numerically tested for three erosion/transport formulas: the Howard–Kerby shear‐stress incision model, the Bridge–Dominic sediment transport model, and a generic shear‐stress sediment transport model. Results imply that non‐linearity resulting from threshold effects can have a ?rst‐order impact on topography and patterns of dynamic response to tectonic and climate forcing. This non‐linearity becomes signi?cant when fewer than about half of ?ood events are capable of detaching rock or sediment. Predicted morphology and uplift‐gradient scaling is more closely consistent with observations and laboratory experiments than conventional slope‐linear or shear‐linear erosion laws. These results imply that particle detachment thresholds are not details that can be conveniently ignored in long‐term landscape evolution models. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution models(LEMs) are essential tools for analyzing tectonic-climate interactions and reproducing landform-shaping processes. In this study we used a LEM to simulate the evolution of the mountains from the central Hexi Corridor in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, where the climate is arid and the surface processes are relatively uniform. However,there are pronounced differences in the topography between the mountains around the central Hexi Corridor. The East Jintanan Shan, West Jintanan Shan and Heli Shan are located in the northern part of the corridor; and the Yumu Shan in the southern part.Firstly, several representative areas were selected from these mountains to analyze the topographic characteristics, including the uniform valley spacing, local relief, and the outlet number. Secondly, a LEM for these areas was constructed using the Landlab platform, and the landscape evolution was simulated. With uniform valley spacing and other topographic characteristics as the criteria, we compared the realistic and simulated terrain for different model ages. Finally, based on the similarity of the simulated and realistic terrain, we estimated the timing of the initial uplift and the uplift rate of the four mountain ranges. The results are consistent with previous geological and geomorphological records from these youthful stage mountains that have not yet reached a steady state. Our findings demonstrate that LEMs combined with topographic characteristics are a reliable means of constraining the timing of the initial uplift and the uplift rate of the youthful stage mountain. Our approach can potentially be applied to other youthful stage mountains and it may become a valuable tool in tectonic geomorphology research.  相似文献   

The incision rate and steepness of bedrock channels depend on water discharge, uplift rate, substrate lithology, sediment flux, and bedload size. However, the relative role of these factors and the sensitivity of channel steepness to rapid (>1 mm yr−1) uplift rates remain unclear. We conducted field and topographic analyses of fluvial bedrock channels with varying channel bed lithology and sediment source rock along the Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan, where uplift rates vary from 1.8 to 11.8 mm yr−1 and precipitation is relatively consistent (1.5–2.7 m yr−1), to evaluate the controls on bedrock channel steepness. We find that channel steepness is independent of rock uplift rate and annual precipitation but increases monotonically with sediment size and substrate strength. Furthermore, in reaches with uniform substrate lithology (mudstone and flysch), channel steepness systematically varies with sediment source rock but not with channel width. When applied to our data, a mechanistic incision model (saltation-abrasion model) suggests that the steepness of Coastal Range channels is set primarily by coarse-sediment supply. We also observe that larger particles are mainly composed of resistant lithologies derived from volcanic rocks and conglomerates. This result implies that hillslope bedrock properties in the source area exert a dominant control on the steepness of proximal channels through coarse-sediment production in this setting. We propose that channel steepness may be insensitive to uplift rate and flow discharge in fast-uplifting landscapes where incision processes are set by coarse sediment size and supply. Models assuming a proportionality between incision rate and basal shear stress (stream power) may not fully capture controls on fluvial channel profiles in landslide-dominated landscapes. Processes other than channel steepening, such as enhanced bedload impacts and debris-flow scour, may be required to balance rock uplift and incision in these transport-limited systems.  相似文献   

Semi‐alluvial stream channels eroded into till and other glacial sediments are common in areas of extensive glacial deposition such as the Great Lakes region and northern interior plains of North America. The mechanics of erosion and erosional weakness of till results in the dominance of fluvial scour and mass erosion due to spontaneous fracture at planes of weakness under shearing flow. There have been few controlled tests looking at erosional mechanisms and resistance of till in river channels. We subjected small blocks of till to unidirectional flows in a laboratory flume to measure the threshold shear stress for erosion and observed the erosion mechanics. Critical shear stress for erosion varied from 7 to 8 Pa for samples with initial saturated moisture content in which a combination of fluvial scour and mass cracking/block erosion dominated. When dried, micro‐fissures occurred in the sample and erosional resistance of the till was extremely low at <1 Pa with erosion appearing to be by fluvial scour. When mobile gravel was added to the test conditions, the gravel reduced the erosion threshold slightly because of the enhanced scour around and below the gravel particles and the tendency for the gravel to aid in crack enlargement. Thus a partial or thin gravel cover over the till may provide no protection from erosion. The erosion processes and effects reflect the complex and contingent mechanics and properties of till, and suggest that the erosion characteristics of till bed semi‐alluvial channels differ from abrasion or plucking dominated processes in more resistant bedrock. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe additions made to a multi‐size sediment routing model enabling it to simulate width adjustment simultaneously alongside bed aggradation/incision and fining/coarsening. The model is intended for use in single thread gravel‐bed rivers over annual to decadal timescales and for reach lengths of 1–10 km. It uses a split‐channel approach with separate calculations of flow and sediment transport in the left and right sides of the channel. Bank erosion is treated as a function of excess shear stress with bank accretion occurring when shear stress falls below a second, low, threshold. A curvature function redistributes shear stress to either side of the channel. We illustrate the model through applications to a 5·6‐km reach of the upper River Wharfe in northern England. The sediment routing component with default parameter values gives excellent agreement with field data on downstream fining and down‐reach reduction in bedload flux, and the width‐adjustment components with approximate calibration to match maximum observed rates of bank shifting give plausible patterns of local change. The approach may be useful for exploring interactions between sediment delivery, river management and channel change in upland settings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geomorphic evolution of the Jordan River in recent decades indicates that interaction between incision and high-magnitude floods controls sinuosity changes under increasing mouth gradients during base-level fall. The evolution of the river was analyzed based on digital elevation models, remotely sensed imagery, hydrometric data, and a hydraulic model. The response varies along the river. Near the river mouth, where incision rate is high and a deep channel forms, overbank flooding is less likely. There, large floods exert high shear stress within the confined channel, increasing sinuosity. Upstream, near the migrating knickzone channel gradients also increase, incision is more moderate and floods continue to overtop the banks, favoring meander chute cutoffs. The resulting channel has a downstream well-confined meandering segment and an upstream low-sinuosity segment. These new insights regarding spatial differences along an incising channel can improve interpretations of the evolution of ancient planforms and floodplains that responded to base-level decline. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Haiyan Yang 《水文研究》2020,34(17):3702-3717
Gravel-bed braided rivers are highly energetic fluvial systems characterized by frequent in-channel avulsions, which govern the morphodynamics of such rivers and are essential for them to maintain a braided planform. However, the avulsion mechanisms within natural braided rivers remain unclear due to their complicated hydraulic and morphodynamic processes. Influenced by neighbouring channels, avulsions in braided rivers may differ from those of bifurcations in single-thread rivers, suggesting that avulsions should be studied within the context of the entire braid network. In this study, braiding evolution processes in gravel-bed rivers were simulated using a physics-based numerical model that considers graded bed-load transport by dividing sediment particles into multiple size fractions and vertical sediment sorting by dividing the riverbed into several vertical layers. The numerical model successfully produced braiding processes and avulsion activities similar to those observed in a laboratory river. Results show that bend evolution of the main channel was the fundamental process controlling the occurrence of avulsions in the numerical model, with a cyclic process of channel meandering by lateral migration that transitioned to a straight channel pattern by avulsion. The radius of bend curvature for triggering avulsions in the numerical model was measured and it was found that the highest probability for a channel bend to generate an avulsion occurs when its radius of curvature is approximately 2.0–3.3 times the average anabranch width. Other types of avulsion were also observed that did not occur specifically at meander bends, but upstream meander evolution indirectly influenced such avulsions by altering channel pattern and discharge to those locations. This study explored the processes and mechanisms of several types of avulsion, and proposed factors controlling their occurrence, namely increasing channel curvature, high shear stress, tributary discharge, riverbed gradient and upstream channel pattern, with high shear stress being a direct indicator. Furthermore, avulsions in a typical gravel-bed braided river, the Waimakariri River in New Zealand, were analysed using sequential Google Earth maps, which confirmed the conclusions derived from the numerical simulation.  相似文献   

At subduction zones that have only recently ceased to be active, the lithospheric slab may retain a seismic velocity greater than that of the surrounding mantle even after the slab becomes seismically dead. To seek the subduction zone thought to have been recently active along the western margin of North America, we examined the variation with propagation direction of P-wave travel time residuals from sources at various distances and azimuths to seismograph stations in Washington and California. The uncertainty in source location and origin time was removed by referring the travel-time delay to a nearby station overlying presumably more uniform mantle. An eastward-dipping band of anomalously early arrivals at several stations on the western flank of the Sierra Nevada and California Cascades may imply that a dead slab is present beneath northern California, though a definitive conclusion is premature at present because of a paucity of seismic sources in eastern North America. The position of the dead slab speculatively suggested by the travel-time data is roughly consistent with that predicted by others on the basis of heat flow and geochemistry in the Sierra Nevada, and the southward decrease in the magnitude of the travel-time advance associated with such a slab is in agreement with the history of subduction of the Farallon plate as reconstructed from ocean floor magnetic anomalies and continental tectonic activity.  相似文献   

Using quantitative geomorphic factors for regional active tectonic evolution is becoming more and more popular. Qilian Mountains-Hexi Corridor which locates in the northern edge of Qinghai-Tibet plateau is the most leading edge of the plateau's northward extension. The uplift rate of all segments and the intensity of influence from tectonic activity are the important evidences to understand the uplift and extension of the plateau. Heihe River Basin is located at the northern piedmont of the western segment of Qilian Mountains, the development of the rivers is influenced by the tectonic activity of the Qilian Mountains, and the unique river morphology is important carriers of the regional tectonic uplift. Geomorphologic indexes such as hypsometric integral, geomorphologic comentropy and river longitudinal profiles were extracted by GIS tools with free access to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM)DEMs, and according to the different expression of the geomorphological indexes in the Heihe River Basin, we divided the drainage basin into two parts and further compared them to each other. Recent studies reveal that obvious differences exist in the landscape factors(hypsometric integral, geomorphology entropy and river profiles)in the east and west part of the Heihe Basin. The structural intensity of the west part is stronger than that of the east, for example, in areas above the main planation surface on the western part, the average HI value is 0.337 8, and on the eastern part the HI value is 0.355. Accordingly, areas under the main planation surface are just on the contrary, indicating different structural strength on both sides. Similar phenomenon exists in the whole drainage basins. Furthermore, by comparing the fitting river profiles with the real river profiles, differential uplift is derived, which indicates a difference between west and east(with 754m on the western part and 219m on the east). Comprehensive comparison and analysis show that the lithologic factors and precipitation conditions are less influencing on the geomorphic factors of the study area, and the tectonic activities, indicated by field investigation and GPS inversion, are the most important element for geomorphic evolution and development. The variation of the geomorphologic indexes indicates different tectonic strength derived from regional structures of the Qilian Shan.  相似文献   

花岗闪长岩中剪切带构造岩的变形显微构造   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论了美国加州内华达山花岗闪长岩体中剪切带构造岩的变形显微构造。利用化学浸蚀法揭示的动态重结晶石英颗粒粒度分布表明,石英粒度与岩性关系不大,但随着构造岩的剪切应变增大,粒度显著减小。因此,在较大的应变条件下,使用动态重结晶石英颗粒度古应力计时应当谨慎  相似文献   

陈洁  钟广见  温宁 《地球物理学报》2009,52(11):2788-2797
南海的扩张、成因演化研究的成果主要基于深部速度研究及磁条带研究的基础上,但南海东北部边界的研究相对薄弱.本次通过对南海东北部边界的反射地震剖面973的综合研究,结合前人的天然地震震源研究及地质研究成果,得到南海形成与扩张是单方向向菲律宾吕宋岛弧—台湾岛地块漂移的结果.南海各块体处于一个统一的区域应力场作用之下,菲律宾吕宋岛弧—台湾岛地块限制了南海的扩张与发展;在此应力条件下,不同部位受力状态不同,就南海东北部973剖面地震波场特征,可划分为五个构造单元:AB段南海东北部大陆架张性盆地区;BC段大陆坡为伸展区,形成大量张性盆地;CD段中部深海沉积盆地为弱挤压区,深海沉积盆地弱变形,大陆坡张性盆地浅俯冲其下,深海沉积盆地西部翘起,向东倾斜;DE段东部为强挤压区,沉积盆地挤压变形,越向东挤压越强烈,深海沉积盆地浅俯冲其下,相对弱变形并西部翘起;E以东,菲律宾吕宋岛弧—台湾岛构造带为稳定地块.南海东北部在东或南东方向统一的区域应力场作用下,处于张性、弱挤压、强挤压不同压力状态,形成南海特有的由北西向东呈现拉张-弱挤压-强挤压构造格局,反射地震剖面上显示两个浅俯冲点.每个块体构造层呈手风琴风箱式折曲并向东聚敛,近菲律宾吕宋岛弧—台湾岛构造带其折曲更为严重,沉积盆地由西向东,展现为不同阶段的沉积盆地,发育、成长、结束、消亡,块体俯冲方向以及各块体的区域性倾伏方向均与区域应力场方向一致.  相似文献   

Fluvial systems in uplifting terrain respond to tectonic, climatic, eustatic and local base‐level controls modified by specific local factors, such as river capture. The Rio Alias in southeast Spain is an ephemeral, transverse‐to‐structure fluvial system. The river drains two interconnected Neogene sedimentary basins, the Sorbas and Almeria basins, and crosses two major geological structures, the Sierras de Alhamilla/Cabrera and the Carboneras Fault Zone. Regional epeirogenic uplift resulted in sustained fluvial incision during the Quaternary, punctuated by major climatically driven periods of aggradation and dissection, which created a suite of five river terraces. The river terrace sequence was radically modified in the late Pleistocene by a major river capture (itself a response to regional tectonics), localized tectonic activity and eustatic base‐level change. The Rio Alias is defined by four reaches; within each the climatically‐generated, region‐wide, fluvial response was modified by tectonics, base‐level change or river capture to varying degrees. In the upper part of the basin (Lucainena reach), climate was the dominant control on river development, with limited modification of the sequence by uplift of the Sierra Alhamilla and local drainage reorganization by a local river capture. Downstream of the Sierra Alhamilla in the Polopus reach, the climatic signal is dominant, but its expression is radically modified by the response to a major river capture whereby the Alias system lost up to 70% of its pre‐capture drainage area. In the reach adjacent to the Carboneras Fault Zone (Argamason reach), modification of the terrace sequence by local tectonic activity and a resultant local base‐level fall led to a major local incisional event (propagating c. 3–4 km upstream from the area of tectonic disturbance). At the seaward end of the system (El Saltador reach) Quaternary sea‐level changes modified the patterns of erosion and incision and have resulted in steep incisional terrace profiles. The signals generated by regional tectonics and the Quaternary climate change can be identified throughout the basin but those generated by ongoing local tectonics, river capture and sea‐level change are spatially restricted and define the four reaches. The connectivity of the system from the headwaters to the coast decreased through time as incision progressed, resulting in changes in local coupling characteristics. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂东端的旋转构造及其动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王萍  卢演俦  陈杰 《中国地震》2004,20(2):134-142
在阿尔金主断裂与祁连山北缘断裂的交汇部位,发育一个反时针旋转构造——照壁山旋转构造,它是新构造运动期阿尔金断裂左行走滑运动的结果。结合前人资料,对照壁山旋转构造变形及其发育过程进行了初步分析,认为阿尔金断裂与祁连山北缘断裂的构造转换是通过旋转构造变形来实现的。沿阿尔金断裂一系列旋转构造的存在和青藏高原东北缘旋转构造的发育表明,伴随青藏高原北部物质绕喜马拉雅东构造结的顺时针旋转运动,使旋转构造成为高原北部边缘带转换、吸收构造变形的重要表现形式。  相似文献   

The saltation–abrasion model predicts rates of river incision into bedrock as an explicit function of sediment supply, grain size, boundary shear stress and rock strength. Here we use this experimentally calibrated model to explore the controls on river longitudinal profile concavity and relief for the simple but illustrative case of steady‐state topography. Over a wide range of rock uplift rates we find a characteristic downstream trend, in which upstream reaches are close to the threshold of sediment motion with large extents of bedrock exposure in the channel bed, while downstream reaches have higher excess shear stresses and lesser extents of bedrock exposure. Profile concavity is most sensitive to spatial gradients in runoff and the rate of downstream sediment fining. Concavity is also sensitive to the supply rate of coarse sediment, which varies with rock uplift rate and with the fraction of the total sediment load in the bedload size class. Variations in rock strength have little influence on profile concavity. Profile relief is most sensitive to grain size and amount of runoff. Rock uplift rate and rock strength influence relief most strongly for high rates of rock uplift. Analysis of potential covariation of grain size with rock uplift rate and rock strength suggests that the influence of these variables on profile form could occur in large part through their influence on grain size. Similarly, covariation between grain size and the fraction of sediment load in the bedload size class provides another indirect avenue for rock uplift and strength to influence profile form. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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