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Landform evolution models are powerful tools for determining long-term erosional stability and denudation rates spanning geological timescales. SIBERIA, CAESAR and CHILD are examples of these model. The newly developed State Space Soil Production and Assessment Model (SSSPAM) coupled soilscape-landform evolution model has the ability to assess overall erosion rates of catchment scale landforms either using short-term precipitation events, variable precipitation or time-averaged precipitation (annual average). In addition, SSSPAM has the capability of developing the subsurface soil profile through weathering and armouring. In SSSPAM, physical processes of pedogenesis such as erosion and armouring, diffusion, sediment deposition and weathering are modelled using a state space matrix approach. In this article we simulate the short-term evolution (100 years) of a proposed post-mining landform using both SIBERIA and SSSPAM and compare the erosion and sediment output results. For the short-term simulations SSSPAM's armouring capability was disabled. The models were then used to simulate the evolution of the catchment for 10,000 years. Results demonstrate that the short-term SSSPAM simulation results compare well with the results from the established landform evolution model SIBERIA. The long-term armouring disabled SSSPAM simulations produces simulated erosion rates comparable with SIBERIA simulations both of which are similar to upper limit of field measured denudation rates. The SSSPAM simulation using armouring demonstrated that armouring reduced the erosion rate of the catchment by a factor of 4 which is comparable with the lower limit of field measured denudation rates. This observation emphasizes the importance of armouring in long-term evolution of landforms. Soil profile cross-sections developed from the same results show that SSSPAM can also reproduce subsurface soil evolution and stratification and spatial variability of soil profile characteristics typically observed in the field.  相似文献   

Dam construction in the 1960s to 1980s significantly modified sediment supply from the Kenyan uplands to the lower Tana River. To assess the effect on suspended sediment fluxes of the Tana River, we monitored the sediment load at high temporal resolution for 1 year and complemented our data with historical information. The relationship between sediment concentration and water discharge was complex: at the onset of the wet season, discharge peaks resulted in high sediment concentrations and counterclockwise hysteresis, while towards the end of the wet season, a sediment exhaustion effect led to low concentrations despite the high discharge. The total sediment flux at Garissa (c. 250 km downstream of the lowermost dam) between June 2012 and June 2013 was 8.8 Mt yr‐1. Comparison of current with historical fluxes indicated that dam construction had not greatly affected the annual sediment flux. We suggest that autogenic processes, namely river bed dynamics and bank erosion, mobilized large quantities of sediments stored in the alluvial plain downstream of the dams. Observations supporting the importance of autogenic processes included the absence of measurable activities of the fall‐out radionuclides 7Be and 137Cs in the suspended sediment, the rapid lateral migration of the river course, and the seasonal changes in river cross‐section. Given the large stock of sediment in the alluvial valley of the Tana River, it may take centuries before the effect of damming shows up as a quantitative reduction in the sediment flux at Garissa. Many models relate the sediment load of rivers to catchment characteristics, thereby implicitly assuming that alterations in the catchment induce changes in the sediment load. Our research confirms that the response of an alluvial river to external disturbances such as land use or climate change is often indirect or non‐existent as autogenic processes overwhelm the changes in the input signal. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A mathematical model which estimates the scale-independent sediment surface profile of alluvial fans has been developed. This model utilizes a diffusive sediment transport model and an unsteady, radial flow, conservation relationship. These equations are approximately solved assuming a quasi-steady-state closure with appropriate modelling assumptions for two end member fan types: (1) fans where most of the fan surface is depositionally active (denoted here as ‘homogeneous’) and (2) fans characterized by channelling and sediment sorting processes. The fundamental result for these two fan types is a dimensionless sediment profile relationship which approximates most fan surfaces. The model suggests that the overall dimensionless morphology of alluvial fans is governed more by fundamental diffusion principles in sediment deposition than by individual environmental or basin characteristics. Additionally, this work potentially can be extended to model temporal variation in fan development. Preliminary comparison with alluvial fan profiles is reasonable, indicating that this model provides useful qualitative and quantitative information relating to alluvial fan process and morphology. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Avulsion is a key process in building alluvial fans, but it is also a formidable natural hazard. Based on laboratory experiments monitored with novel high-frequency photogrammetry, we present a new model for avulsion on widely graded gravel fans. Previous experimental studies of alluvial fans have suggested that avulsion occurs in a periodic autogenic cycle, that is thought to be mediated by the gradient of the fan and fan-channel. However, those studies measured gradients at low spatial or temporal resolutions, which capture temporally or spatially averaged topographic evolution. Here, we present high-resolution (1 mm), high-frequency (1-minute) topographic data and orthophotos from an alluvial fan experiment. Avulsions in the experiment were rapid and, in contrast to some previous experimental studies, avulsion occurrence was aperiodic. Moreover, we found little evidence of the back-filling observed at coarser temporal and spatial resolutions. Our observations suggest that avulsion is disproportionately affected by sediment accumulation in the channel, particularly around larger, less mobile grains. Such in-channel deposition can cause channel shifting that interrupts the autogenic avulsion cycle, so that avulsions are aperiodic and their timing is more difficult to predict.  相似文献   

The nature of catchment‐scale sediment (dis)connectivity is the primary influence on sediment delivery to trunk streams and controls the particle size distribution of channel bed sediments. Here, we examine the distribution of major sediment buffers (floodplains, terraces, alluvial fans, trapped tributary fills), barriers (weirs), and effective catchment area (i.e. sediment contributing area) to characterize the potential for coarse sediment (dis)connectivity in 20 tributaries of Lockyer Creek, in the Lockyer Valley, SEQ. We then analyse the distribution of trunk stream sedimentary links to determine how certain tributaries or disconnecting features (buffers and barriers) influence downstream patterns of bed sediment fining along Lockyer Creek. We find that buffering increases downstream in the Lockyer Valley, and that tributary position and shape influence the space available for sediment buffering. Correspondingly, the spatial extent of sediment buffers impacts the distribution of effective catchment area, which influences the sedimentological significance of individual tributaries. Tributary sediment connectivity, the extent of overbank flows (floodwater zones), and weir locations all exert an additional influence on the distribution of sediment links along the trunk stream. These controls are related to the physiographic and climatic setting of the Lockyer Valley, and anthropogenic influences in this system. We conclude that controls on sediment connectivity and bed load sediment characteristics are highly variable between catchments, and that sediment (dis)connectivity merits equal consideration with tributary basin/channel size when determining controls on tributary–trunk stream relationships and channel sediment regime. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fan-deltas are formed in mountain lakes, contributing to changes in shorelines' shapes and filling lake basins with sediments. Factors that condition sediment delivery to the lakes and the formation of fan-deltas are not fully understood. This study aims to identify processes forming fan-deltas in mountain lakes based on the sedimentary architecture of a fan-delta filling Zelené Kežmarské Lake (Slovakia). Our study is based on ground-penetrating radar and seismic refraction surveys conducted over the lake and debris-flow fans in its vicinity, and grain-size analyses of the surface deposits. The internal structure of the fan-delta comprises foreset deposits representing the fan-delta lobes. Mouth bars were identified in the near-shore zone. The fan-delta is built of sands and silty sands whereas an alluvial debris-flow dominated fan west of the lake contains gravels. A general trend of downslope fining of the fan surface sediments, disturbed by zones of coarse gravels, was identified in the surficial sediments forming the fan. The fan-delta was formed by depositional events in humid periods, alternating with dry periods featured with a small or no deposition. The lake-level steadily rose in the humid periods and remained stable in dry periods. The contrast between the coarse sediments forming the alluvial debris-flow dominated fan, and sands forming the fan-delta was caused by a selective deposition. Coarse gravels in the fan were mobilized in humid periods but did not reach the lake-shore. The reason was a basement rock ridge situated parallel to the lake shore. Sands were delivered to the fan-delta in humid periods owing to frequent high-energy flows. A deposition of silts took place in dry periods. The studied fan-delta might preserve the sedimentary record of three humid periods from the last 200 years. However, further studies are needed to establish the timing of the fan-delta formation.  相似文献   

Two distinct types of alluvial fans occur in the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada: fluvially dominated and debris flow dominated. Large, gently sloping fans dominated by fluvial processes are associated with large and less rugged drainage basins, and small rugged basins have produced small, steep fans dominated by debris flow processes. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that strong fan-basin morphometric relationships occur despite a short fan history. Statistical analysis of fan area-basin area relationships indicate that debris flow fan areas do not increase in size as quickly as contributing basins. The relationship of fluvial fan area to basin area is not statistically significant. However, this relationship is probably affected by fan erosion. Examination of fan slope to basin ruggedness relationships indicates that fan slope increases more rapidly than basin ruggedness for both fan types. This is likely related to non-linear discharge and sediment size effects on fluvial fans, and reworking of larger fan surfaces by fluvial processes on debris flow fans.  相似文献   

The relative importance of tectonics, climate, base level and source lithology as primary factors on alluvial‐fan evolution, fan morphology and sedimentary style remain in question. This study examines the role of catchment lithology on development and evolution of alluvial megafans (>30 km in length), along the flanks of the Kohrud Mountain range, NE Esfahan, central Iran. These fans toe out at axial basin river and playa‐fringe sediments towards the centre of basin and tectonics, climatic change and base‐level fluctuations, were consistent for their development. They formed in a tectonically active basin, under arid to semiarid climate and a long term (Plio‐Pleistocene to Recent) change from wetter to drier conditions. The key differences between two of these fans, Soh and Zefreh fans, along the west and south flanks of this mountain range, is that their catchments are underlain by dissimilar bedrock types. The source‐area lithologies of the Soh and Zefreh fans are in sedimentary and igneous terrains, respectively, and these fans developed their geometry mainly in response to different weathering intensities of their catchment bedrock lithologies. Fan surface mapping (based on 1/50000 topographic maps, satellite images, and fieldwork), reveals that the geomorphic evolution of these fans differs in that the relatively large‐scale incision and through trenching of the Soh fan is absent in the Zefreh fan. Whereas the limited sediment supply of the Soh fan has resulted in a deep incised channel, the Zefreh fan has remained aggradational with little or no trenching into proximal to medial fan surface due to its catchment bedrock geology, composed mainly by physically weathered volcaniclastic lithology and characterized by high sediment supply for delivery during episodic flash floods. Sediment supply, which is mainly a function of climate and source lithology, is a dominant driver behind the development of fan sequences in alluvial megafans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The assessment of the dominant flow type on alluvial fans usually refers to two categories: debris‐flow fans (i.e. sediment gravity flows) and fluvial fans (i.e. fluid gravity flows). Here we report the results of combined morphometric, stratigraphic and sedimentological approaches which suggest that hyperconcentrated flows, a transitional process rheologically distinct from debris flows and floods and sometimes referred to as debris floods, mud floods, or transitional debris flows, are the dominant fan building process in eastern Canada. These flows produce transitional facies between those of debris flows which consist of a cohesive matrix‐supported diamicton, and those of river flows which display more distinct stratification. The size of the blocks in the channels and the abrasion scars at the base of several trees attest to the high transport capacity of these flows. The fan channels are routed according to various obstacles comprised primarily of woody debris that impede sediment transit. However, these conditions of sediment storage are combined with readily available sediment due to the friable nature of the local lithology. Tree‐ring analysis allowed the reconstruction of eight hydrogeomorphic events which are characterized by a return period of 9.25 years for the period 1934–2008, although most of the analyzed events occurred after 1970. Historical weather data analysis indicates that they were related to rare hydrometeorological events at regional and local scales. This evidence led to the elaboration of weather scenarios likely responsible for triggering flows on the fan. According to these scenarios, two distinct hydrologic regimes emerge: the torrential rainfall regime and the nival regime related to snowmelt processes. Hydrogeomorphic processes occurring in a cold‐temperate climate, and particularly on small forested alluvial fans of north‐eastern North America, should receive more attention from land managers given the hazard they represent, as well as because of their sensitivity to various meteorological parameters. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alluvial fans and debris cones link two zones of the fluvial system (e.g. hillslope gully systems to stream channels; mountain catchment sediment source areas to main river systems or to sedimentary basins) and therefore have important coupling or buffering roles. These roles may be both functional and preservational. The functional role includes debris‐cone coupling, which controls sediment supply from hillslope gully systems to stream channels, influencing channel morphology. Coupling through larger alluvial fans, expressed by fanhead trenching, causes a distal shift in sedimentation zones, or when expressed by through‐fan trenching, causes complete sediment by‐pass. The preservational role stems from the fact that fans and cones are temporary sediment storage zones, and may preserve a record of source–area environmental change more sensitively than would sediments preserved further downsystem. Fan coupling mechanisms include distally‐induced coupling (basal scour, ‘toe cutting’, marginal incision) and proximally‐induced coupling (fanhead and midfan trenching). These mechanisms lead initially to partial coupling, either extending the immediate sediment source area to the stream system or shifting the focus of sedimentation distally. Complete coupling involves transmission of sediment from the feeder catchment through the fan environment into the downstream drainage or a sedimentary basin. The implications of coupling relate to downstream channel response, fan morphology, sedimentation patterns and vertical sedimentary sequences. Temporal and spatial scales of coupling are related, and with increasing scales the dominant controls shift from storm events to land cover to climatic and base‐level change and ultimately to the relationships between tectonics and accommodation space. Finally, future research challenges are identified. Modern dating techniques and sophisticated analysis of remotely sensed data can greatly improve our understanding of fan dynamics, and should lead to better cross‐scale integration between short‐term process‐based approaches and long‐term sedimentological applications, while maintaining high quality field‐based observations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a 0-D model of an alluvial watercourse schematized in two connected reaches, evolving at the long time-scale and under the hypothesis of Local Uniform Flow. Each reach is defined by its geometry (constant length and width, time-changing slope) and grain-size composition of the bed, while the sediment transport is computed using a sediment rating curve. The slope evolution is provided by a 0-D mass balance and the evolution of the bed composition is computed by a 0-D Hirano equation. A system of differential equations, solved with a predictor-corrector scheme, is derived and applied to the schematic watercourse to simulate the morphological response to changing initial conditions, and the evolution towards long-term equilibrium conditions. Differently from a single-reach 0-D schematization with uniform grain-size, besides the simplifications adopted, the model proposed here simulates the behaviour of alluvial rivers in a physically-based way, showing a grain-size fining in the downstream direction accompanied by milder slopes, and a tendency to develop concave longitudinal profiles.  相似文献   

Mountain ranges are frequently subjected to mass wasting events triggered by storms or earthquakes and supply large volumes of sediment into river networks. Besides altering river dynamics, large sediment deliveries to alluvial fans are known to cause hydro‐sedimentary hazards such as flooding and river avulsion. Here we explore how the sediment supply history affects hydro‐sedimentary river and fan hazards, and how well can it be predicted given the uncertainties on boundary conditions. We use the 2D morphodynamic model Eros with a new 2D hydrodynamic model driven by a sequence of flood, a sediment entrainment/transport/deposition model and a bank erosion law. We first evaluate the model against a natural case: the 1999 Mount Adams rock avalanche and subsequent avulsion on the Poerua river fan (West Coast, New Zealand). By adjusting for the unknown sediment supply history, Eros predicts the evolution of the alluvial riverbed during the first post‐landslide stages within 30 cm. The model is subsequently used to infer how the sediment supply volume and rate control the fan aggradation patterns and associated hazards. Our results show that the total injected volume controls the overall levels of aggradation, but supply rates have a major control on the location of preferential deposition, avulsion and increased flooding risk. Fan re‐incision following exhaustion of the landslide‐derived sediment supply leads to sediment transfer and deposition downstream and poses similar, but delayed, hydro‐sedimentary hazards. Our results demonstrate that 2D morphodynamics models are able to capture the full range of hazards occurring in alluvial fans including river avulsion aggradation and floods. However, only ensemble simulations accounting for uncertainties in boundary conditions (e.g., discharge history, initial topography, grain size) as well as model realization (e.g., non‐linearities in hydro‐sedimentary processes) can be used to produce probabilistic hazards maps relevant for decision making. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The degree of glacial modification in small catchments along the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, controls the timing and pattern of sediment flux to the adjacent fans. There is a close relationship between the depth of fan‐head incision and the pattern and degree of Late Pleistocene catchment erosion by valley glaciers; catchments with significant glacial activity are associated with deeply incised fan heads, whereas fans emerging from glacially unmodified catchments are unincised. We suggest that the depth of fan‐head incision is controlled by the potential for sediment storage during relatively dry ice‐free periods, which in turn is related to the downstream length of the glacially modified valley and creation of accommodation through valley floor slope lowering and glacial valley overdeepening and widening. Significant storage in glacially modified basins during ice‐free periods leads to sediment supply‐limited conditions at the fan head and causes deep incision. In contrast, a lack of sediment trapping allows quasi‐continuous sediment supply to the fan and prevents incision of the fan head. Sediment evacuation rates should thus show large variations in glacially modified basins, with major peaks during glacial and lows during interglacial or ice‐free periods, respectively. In contrast, sediment removal from glacially unmodified catchments in this type of setting should be free of this effect, and will be dominated instead by short‐term variations, modulated for example by changes in vegetation cover or storm frequency. This distinction may help improve our understanding of long‐term sediment yields as a measure of erosional efficiency. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the heterogeneity arising from the complex architecture of sedimentary sequences in alluvial fans is challenging. This paper develops a statistical inverse framework in a multi-zone transition probability approach for characterizing the heterogeneity in alluvial fans. An analytical solution of the transition probability matrix is used to define the statistical relationships among different hydrofacies and their mean lengths, integral scales, and volumetric proportions. A statistical inversion is conducted to identify the multi-zone transition probability models and estimate the optimal statistical parameters using the modified Gauss–Newton–Levenberg–Marquardt method. The Jacobian matrix is computed by the sensitivity equation method, which results in an accurate inverse solution with quantification of parameter uncertainty. We use the Chaobai River alluvial fan in the Beijing Plain, China, as an example for elucidating the methodology of alluvial fan characterization. The alluvial fan is divided into three sediment zones. In each zone, the explicit mathematical formulations of the transition probability models are constructed with optimized different integral scales and volumetric proportions. The hydrofacies distributions in the three zones are simulated sequentially by the multi-zone transition probability-based indicator simulations. The result of this study provides the heterogeneous structure of the alluvial fan for further study of flow and transport simulations.  相似文献   

The HIRHAM regional climate model suggests an increase in temperature in Denmark of about 3 °C and an increase in mean annual precipitation of 6–7%, with a larger increase during winter and a decrease during summer between a control period 1961–1990 and scenario period 2071–2100. This change of climate will affect the suspended sediment transport in rivers, directly through erosion processes and increased river discharges and indirectly through changes in land use and land cover. Climate‐change‐induced changes in suspended sediment transport are modelled for five scenarios on the basis of modelled changes in land use/land cover for two Danish river catchments: the alluvial River Ansager and the non‐alluvial River Odense. Mean annual suspended sediment transport is modelled to increase by 17% in the alluvial river and by 27% in the non‐alluvial for steady‐state scenarios. Increases by about 9% in the alluvial river and 24% in the non‐alluvial river were determined for scenarios incorporating a prolonged growing season for catchment vegetation. Shortening of the growing season is found to have little influence on mean annual sediment transport. Mean monthly changes in suspended sediment transport between ? 26% and + 68% are found for comparable suspended sediment transport scenarios between the control and the scenario periods. The suspended sediment transport increases during winter months as a result of the increase in river discharge caused by the increase in precipitation, and decreases during summer and early autumn months. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mountain fluvial systems of southeast Spain involve sediment supply from steep mountain slopes into headwater channels. Alluvial fans often occur where these headwater channels emerge from the mountain areas, and may influence the connectivity of the sediment transport system from the mountain source areas to the main lowland drainages. Critical in this role is whether the alluvial fans are aggrading or dissecting, and whether there is a break or continuity in the channel through the fan environment. Previous work has identified some of the factors influencing the behaviour of the alluvial fans in southeast Spain. This paper deals with the mountain front alluvial fans in the semi-arid areas of Murcia and Almeria provinces. It attempts, by mapping the location of alluvial fans, then their classification into aggrading or dissecting fans, to identify the extent to which the mountain fluvial systems are buffered by aggrading alluvial fans or exhibit channel continuity through the mountain front environment. It further considers the implications of climatically induced changes between aggradational and dissectional behaviour on alluvial fans.  相似文献   

The flow-sediment interaction plays a considerable role on the vertical (internal) profiles of current,salinity and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) within a turbidity maximum zone (TMZ).Numerical modeling provides valuable insights into the complex estuarine physical processes.By combining numerical modeling with field observations,the influencing factors of fine sediment dynamics within the TMZ of Yangtze Estuary have been explored in this study.Firstly,during the neap tide,the measured data present that the current is too weak to break the density stratification,and the vertical flow structure is effectively altered.Secondly,a three-dimensional numerical model based on the Delft3D has been developed and a range of numerical sensitivity analyses were carried out to distinguish the dominant mechanisms and physical processes responsible for the phenomena observed from the measurement data.The numerical investigation highlights the following findings.(1) The vertical profile of currents within the TMZ is largely affected by saltwater intrusion,especially during lower currents when the baroclinic pressure gradient can significantly reshape the local vertical profiles of velocity.(2) The baroclinic effects are primarily determined by the stratification of salinity.(3) In addition to salinity,SSC also influences the local density stratification when its contribution to fluid density is comparable to that of salinity.(4) The settling velocity determines the overall sediment distribution and vertical profiles of the SSC in the water column.The SSC-dependent settling velocity (including the flocculation-induced acceleration and hindered settling deceleration phases) affects the longitudinal movement of the sediments.(5) The vertical profiles of current,salinity and SSC within the TMZ are highly associated with the turbulence determined by the model.The approach to modulate the vertical eddy viscosity in the model,based on the empirical dependency between Rig and Prt,may lead to a numerical instability in the stratified flow.In order to improve the stratification of SSC,additional turbulence damping effect is suggested to be implemented in the model.  相似文献   

Alluvial fans that are in the process of development always show complex geomorphic features due to natural modification. Accordingly, analyzing these fans whether to be influenced by tectonic deformation is one of the technique difficulties in active tectonic studies. Complex alluvial fans are the focus of the study of active tectonics such as fracture mapping and activity behavior analysis, for they have often retained important structural information. Traditional measurement methods, such as satellite remote sensing, RTK GPS and Lidar, are difficult to meet the demand for the study of micro tectonic deformation because of the reason of accuracy or cost performance. The recent UAV photogrammetry technology, due to its many advantages such as low cost, high resolution, and efficiency of exporting DEM and DOM data, has been widely used in three-dimensional modeling, ground mapping and other fields. In the quantitative study of active tectonics, this technology fills up the deficiency in the research of the micro structure of the traditional measurement. Through detailed field investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we further used this technology to obtain the topographic data of a complex alluvial fan located at the southern marginal fault of Barkol Basin, Xinjiang. Pointing at the alluvial fans that are in the process of development, and on the basis of topographic analysis and image processing for DEM, we take the research method of secondary partitions of the geomorphic surface and cut the alluvial fans longitudinally according to the difference of its age. Through the establishment of profile cluster within each partition, separate analysis and data contrast with the adjacent partitions, we acquired the tectonic activity information during the development of alluvial fan. The tectonic vertical deformation of this alluvial fan is about 2.5m.  相似文献   

A rainstorm that caused a severe flash flood on the piedmont plain at the toe positions of two alluvial fans located to the west of the Organ Mountains in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA, is analysed. The space–time distributions of rainfall are evaluated from the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) and overland flow is modelled as kinematic wave. The spatial distribution of rainfall shows a topographic control. The greatest rainfall depth, duration, and intensity occurred at the higher elevation mountain slopes and decreased with decreasing elevation from the alluvial fans to the piedmont plain. The alluvial fan–piedmont plain system is modelled by coupling divergent and rectangular overland flow planes. Explicit finite difference approximations, hybridized with the analytical method of characteristics, are made to the kinematic wave equations to account for the spatial and temporal distribution of the rainfall and variable boundary conditions. Simulation results indicate that sheet‐flow floodwater elevations rise (1) in a nonlinear fashion from the apex to toe positions of the alluvial fans, and (2) near linearly from the toe positions of the alluvial fans onto the piedmont plains with the formation of kinematic shocks near the middle to the upstream end of the plane at times between the initiation of the rainstorm and the time of concentration of the plane. Thus, the maximum flooding occurs at the middle or upstream sections of the piedmont plains regardless of the pattern of space–time variability of rainfall. These results are in agreement with observed geomorphologic features suggesting that piedmont plains are naturally flood‐prone areas. This case study demonstrates that flood hazards on piedmont plains can exceed those on alluvial fans. The models presented in this study suggest that the flood hazard zones on coupled alluvial fan–piedmont plain landforms should be delineated transverse to the flow directions, as opposed to the flood hazard zones with boundaries in the longitudinal direction of the axis of an alluvial fan. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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