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Recognition of thin interbedded reservoirs in the middle-shallow strata in the Songliao Basin is a great difficulty. In order to resolve this problem, we present a technique for predicting the distribution of thin reservoirs using a broad frequency band and ultra high resolution seismic. Based on forward modeling, we recognized that a thin bed seismic reflection is characterized by changing amplitude with changing frequency (amplitude versus frequency, AVF). We calculate the thickness of thin reservoirs from their AVF characteristics and predict the distribution of thin bed reservoir using broad frequency band and ultra high resolution seismic. The technique has been applied in the 3D seismic area of Zhaoyuan in the northern part of the Songliao Basin. The seismic resolution is increased by two or three times over that of conventional seismic and many thin reservoirs have been identified. The technique has extensive application to the exploration and development of oil and gas, such as optimizing the location of exploration wells, the design of wells (especially horizontal wells), choice of production test layers, analyzing reservoir continuity in development wells, and so on.  相似文献   

Floods play a critical role in geomorphic change, but whether peak magnitude, duration, volume, or frequency determines the resulting magnitude of erosion and deposition is a question often proposed in geomorphic effectiveness studies. This study investigated that question using digital elevation model differencing to compare and contrast three hydrologically distinct epochs of topographic change spanning 18 years in the 37-km gravel–cobble lower Yuba River in northern California, USA. Scour and fill were analysed by volume at segment and geomorphic reach scales. Each epoch's hydrology was characterized using 15-min and daily averaged flow to obtain distinct peak and recurrence, duration, and volume metrics. Epochs 1 (1999–2008) and 3 (2014–2017) were wetter than average with large floods reaching 3206 and 2466 m3/s, respectively, though of different flood durations. Epoch 2 (2008–2014) was a drought period with only four brief moderate floods (peak of 1245 m3/s). Total volumetric changes showed that major geomorphic response occurred primarily during large flood events; however, total scour and net export of sediment varied greatly, with 20 times more export in epoch 3 compared to epoch 1. The key finding was that greater peak discharge was not correlated with greater net and total erosion; differences were better explained by duration and volume above floodway-filling stage. This finding highlights the importance of considering flood duration and volume, along with peak, to assess flood magnitude in the context of flood management, frequency analysis, and resulting geomorphic changes.  相似文献   

We sampled different substrates (sand, gravel, leaf litter and stones) in the rainy and dry season to study the distribution and composition of benthic macroinvertebrates in tropical streams (northeastern Brazil). Benthic macroinvertebrates were distributed according to the substrates, with stones showing a higher richness and abundance of species and abundance of collector-gatherers and filter-collectors. The results of the PCoA showed a separation of stones from the other substrates and similarities between sand and gravel.  相似文献   

We present data on the volumes of material discharged during the main phases of the volcano’s recent activity from its start in October 1955 until December 2009. The amount of ash discharged onto the ground surface during the preculmination period (October 1955 to March 1956) is estimated as 400 million tons; the paroxysmal eruption of March 30, 1956 discharged more than 400 million tons, the volume of pyroclastic flows was estimated as 1416 million tons. The following estimates were obtained for the material discharged onto the ground surface for the period from 1956 to 2009. The weight of the lava cone that grew in the newly formed crater is 941 million tons, the deposits of pyroclastic flows weighed 491 million tons, and the ash weight was 117 million tons. Effusive activity was insignificant; the weight of the lava flows was ∼9.2 million tons. The amount of material erupted during the third phase is estimated as 1560 million tons. The mean annual discharge between April 1956 and December 2009 was 29 million tons. This figure is half that for the giant Klyuchevskoi volcano and six times larger than the mean discharge found for the 5000–5500 years of the existence of Bezymyannyi Volcano.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2003,35(1-2):97-105
During the earthquake swarm in the north-western part of the Czech Republic which happened between August and November 2000 more than 10 500 single events have been recorded at the station Wernitzgruen (WERN), located in the Vogtland (Germany) at about 13 km hypocentral distance. Most of the events were weak and followed each other so closely in time that they could not be identified at more distant stations in Middle Europe. A procedure to determine magnitudes of very small events from recordings in short distances is realized and discussed. The development over time of the seismic activity shows the typical pattern of previous earthquake swarms in this region consisting of multiple swarm episodes. For the first time, however, it is analysed using the time intervals between successive events. However, no new and reproducible patterns were found which could be useful for prognostics of future swarm activities.  相似文献   

Data of integrated gas-geochemical studies in the 45 cruise of the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent’ev in July 2008 were used to study the spatial distribution of methane in the surface seawater layer, the distribution and qualitative composition of hydrocarbon gases in bottom sediments of the northwestern continental shelf, northeastern slope of Sakhalin Island, and Deryugin depression in the Sea of Okhotsk. The specific features of the methane anomalies that form in this case are considered. Tectonic faults and the distribution of oil-and-gas-bearing structures are the main factors governing the formation of hydrocarbon gas fluxes in the study area. The surface water in the entire examined area was found to be oversaturated with methane. A developed model was used to calculated methane fluxes at the water–atmosphere interface and to identify areas with maximal fluxes (up to 324 mol/(km2 day).  相似文献   

Seismic data structure characteristics means the waveform character arranged in the time sequence at discrete data points in each 2-D or 3-D seismic trace. Hydrocarbon prediction using seismic data structure characteristics is a new reservoir prediction technique. When the main pay interval is in carbonate fracture and fissure-cavern type reservoirs with very strong inhomogeneity, there are some difficulties with hydrocarbon prediction. Because of the special geological conditions of the eighth zone in the Tahe oil field, we apply seismic data structure characteristics to hydrocarbon prediction for the Ordovician reservoir in this zone. We divide the area oil zone into favorable and unfavorable blocks. Eighteen well locations were proposed in the favorable oil block, drilled, and recovered higher output of oil and gas.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The results of long-term field studies are used to consider in detail the issues of hydrological regime formation in a lagoon–channel estuary of the Bol’shaya R. in...  相似文献   

Little is known about the fate of subsurface hydrocarbon plumes from deep-sea oil well blowouts and their effects on processes and communities. As deepwater drilling expands in the Faroe–Shetland Channel (FSC), oil well blowouts are a possibility, and the unusual ocean circulation of this region presents challenges to understanding possible subsurface oil pathways in the event of a spill. Here, an ocean general circulation model was used with a particle tracking algorithm to assess temporal variability of the oil-plume distribution from a deep-sea oil well blowout in the FSC. The drift of particles was first tracked for one year following release. Then, ambient model temperatures were used to simulate temperature-mediated biodegradation, truncating the trajectories of particles accordingly. Release depth of the modeled subsurface plumes affected both their direction of transport and distance travelled from their release location, and there was considerable interannual variability in transport.  相似文献   

The joint use of the magnetovariational (MV) and magnetotelluric (MT) data and the a priori information about the areal distribution of the deep electrical conductivity within the studied area and the integral conductance of the sedimentary cover enabled us to conduct a three-dimensional (3D) inversion of these data and construct the 3D model of the northeastern part of Kamchatka. The results show that within the Shiveluch volcano, north and south of it, there are northwesterly striking conductive faults penetrating up to the mantle which ascends from a depth of 41 to 35 km. The electrical conductivity of these crustal structures which accommodate high seismic and volcanic activity is probably accounted for by fluid saturation.  相似文献   

The two parallel loci of recent Hawaiian volcanoes, Kea and Loa, have been regarded as the best targets to interpret the chemical structure of an upwelling mantle plume derived from the lower mantle. Here we show that the Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopic data of the shield-building lavas along the Loa locus form a systematic trend from the main shield stage of Koolau (> 2.9 Ma) to the active Loihi volcanoes. During the growth of the Koolau volcano, the dominant material in the melting region successively changed from the proposed KEA, DMK (depleted Makapuu), to EMK (enriched Makapuu) components. The proportion of EMK, dominated by a recycled mafic component, is typified by some Koolau Makapuu-stage and some Lanai lavas. Subsequently, the EMK component decreased and LOIHI component increased toward the Loihi lavas. The temporal coincidence between the episodically elevated magma production rate and the abrupt appearance of the typical Loa-type lavas that is restricted to the last 3 Myr should be linked to magma genesis. We suggest that the abrupt appearance of Loa-type magmatism should be attributed to the transient incorporation of the relatively dense recycled material and surrounding less degassed lower mantle material that accumulated near the core–mantle boundary into the upwelling plume. This episodic involvement could have been trigged by episodic thermal pulses and buoyancy increases in the plume. The continuous appearance of Kea-type lavas during the long history of Hawaiian-chain magmatism and the larger magma volume of Kea-type lavas relative to that of the Loa-type lavas in the last 3 Myr indicate that the Kea locus is closer to the thermal centre of the Hawaiian plume relative to that of the Loa locus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2003,35(1-2):125-144
The NW Bohemia/Vogtland region situated at the western part of the Bohemian Massif is characteristic in a frequent reoccurrence of earthquake and micro-earthquake swarms. We present a comprehensive, integrated pattern of the space and time distribution of seismic energy release in the principal NK (Nový Kostel) focal zone for the period 1991–2001 and for the intensive 1985/1986 swarm. More than 3000 earthquakes, recorded by the WEBNET, the KRASLICE net and by temporary stations VAC, TIS and OLV operating during the 1985/1986 swarm, were located or re-located using the master event technique. Swarm-like sequences were identified and discriminated from solitary events by detecting local minima of the inter-event time using a standard short-time/long-time average (STA/LTA) detection algorithm. Most of the seismic energy in the NK zone was released during the two intensive 1985/1986 and 2000 swarms and in the course of the weaker January 1997 swarm. Further 27 swarm-like sequences (micro-swarms) and many solitary micro-earthquakes (background activity) were identified in the NK zone for the period 1991–2001 by the inter-event time analysis. Relative location revealed a pronounced planar character of the NK focal zone. Most of the events, including those of the intensive 1985/1986 and 2000 swarms, were located at the main focal plane (MFP) striking 169° N and dipping 80° westward at depths between 6 and 11 km. A singularity was the January 1997 swarm together with a micro-swarm that were both located across the MFP. The position and geometry of the MFP match quite well the Nový Kostel-Počátky-Zwota tectonic line. The space distribution patterns of larger events and of micro-swarms at the MFP differ: larger events predominantly grouped in planar clusters while the micro-swarms lined up along two parallel seismogenic lines. The temporal behaviour was examined from two aspects: (a) migration and (b) recurrence of the seismic activity. It was found that (a) the seismic activity in the time span 1991–2001 migrated in an area of about 12×4 km and (b) several segments of the MFP were liable to reactivation. The activity before, during and after the 2000 swarm took place in different parts of the MFP.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》1999,214(1-4):91-102
The aim of the work was to quantify the role of runoff in nematode transport, compared with soil particle transport, during the rainy season in the Sudano–Sahelian area. The measurements were made at the outlet of a 58 ha watershed located in the Nioro du Rip region, south of the Senegalese peanut-growing basin. Every time the rainfall was sufficiently strong to cause a runoff, water was collected to estimate the volume of runoff, the soil particles and the nematode contents. Soils in the different agronomic areas were also collected to determine the nematode infestation. Some 6000 m3 of water run off during the rainy season, together with 18.6 t of soil and 279.5 million of nematodes, 127 million of which were major phytoparasitic species. The transport of the different species was not uniform. The first five runoff episodes supplied one-half the volume of runoff water and transported approximately half the phytoparasitic nematodes, but nearly three-quarters of the solid particles. Fifteen percent of the nematodes were transported during the intermediate stage of the rainy season, and approximately 30% during the final period, with equivalent water proportions but smaller quantities of soil. Of the 15 genera and species observed in the area, Tylenchorhynchus gladiolatus, Scutellonema cavenessi, Helicotylenchus dihystera and Gracilacus parvula represented 87% of the soil population, 61% being accounted for by the first two species. The average proportions of T. gladiolatus or G. parvula in the runoff water were greater than those in the soil, while the opposite was true for S. cavenessi, P. pseudopratensis and T. mashhoodi. H. dihystera was equally represented in both the soil and runoff water. The consequences of this “biological erosion” on the field infestation and on the cultural system based on fallowing are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the global spatial structure, seasonal and interannual variability of the ~5-day Rossby (W1) and ~6-day Kelvin (E1) waves derived from the SABER/TIMED temperature measurements for 6 full years (January 2002–December 2007). The latitude structure of the ~5-day W1 wave is related to the gravest symmetric wave number 1 Rossby wave. The vertical structure of the ~5-day Rossby wave amplitude consists of double-peaked maxima centred at ~80–90 km and ~105–110 km. This wave has a vertically propagating phase structure from the stratosphere up to 120 km altitude with a mean vertical wavelength of ~50–60 km. The ~6-day E1 wave is an equatorially trapped wave symmetric about the equator and located between 20°N and 20°S. Its seasonal behaviour indicates some equinoctial and June solstice amplifications, while the vertical phase structure indicates that this is a vertically propagating wave between 20–100 km altitudes with a mean vertical wavelength of ~25 km.  相似文献   

Belousova  A. P.  Rudenko  E. E. 《Water Resources》2019,46(4):571-581
Water Resources - A procedure for assessing the protection of groundwater against pollution is considered. This is a basic procedure for tentative forecast estimates of changes in the...  相似文献   


To explore the spatial and temporal variations of the reference evapotranspiration (ETref) is helpful to understand the response of hydrological processes to climate changes. In this study, ETref was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method (P-M method) using air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and sunshine hours at 89 meteorological stations during 1961–2006 in the Yellow River Basin (YRB), China. The spatial distribution and temporal variations of ETref were explored by means of the kriging method, the Mann-Kendall (M-K) method and the linear regression model, and the causes for the variations discussed. The contribution of main meteorological variables to the variations of ETref was explored. From the results we found that: (1) the spatial distributions of ETref display seasonal variation, with similar spatial patterns in spring, summer and autumn; (2) temporal trends for ETref showed large variation in the upper, middle and lower regions of the basin, most of the significant trends (P?=?0.05) were detected in the middle and lower regions, and, in particular, the upward and downward trends were mainly detected in the middle region and lower region of the basin, respectively; and (3) sensitivity analysis identified the most sensitive variable for ETref as relative humidity, followed by air temperature, sunshine hours and wind speed at the basin scale.

Citation Yang, Zhifeng, Liu, Qiang & Cui, Baoshan (2011) Spatial distribution and temporal variation of reference evapotranspiration during 1961–2006 in the Yellow River Basin, China. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 1015–1026.  相似文献   

The coexistence of stationary mantle plumes with plate-scale flow is problematic in geodynamics. We present results from laboratory experiments aimed at understanding the effects of an imposed large-scale circulation on thermal convection at high Rayleigh number (106≤Ra≤109) in a fluid with a temperature-dependent viscosity. In a large tank, a layer of corn syrup is heated from below while being stirred by large-scale flow due to the opposing motions of a pair of conveyor belts immersed in the syrup at the top of the tank. Three regimes are observed, depending on the ratio V of the imposed horizontal flow velocity to the rise velocity of plumes ascending from the hot boundary, and on the ratio λ of the viscosity of the interior fluid to the viscosity of the hottest fluid in contact with the bottom boundary. When V≪1 and λ≥1, large-scale circulation has a negligible effect on convection and the heat flux is due to the formation and rise of randomly spaced plumes. When V>10 and λ>100, plume formation is suppressed entirely, and the heat flux is carried by a sheet-like upwelling located in the center of the tank. At intermediate V, and depending on λ, established plume conduits are advected along the bottom boundary and ascending plumes are focused towards the central upwelling. Heat transfer across the layer occurs through a combination of ascending plumes and large-scale flow. Scaling analyses show that the bottom boundary layer thickness and, in turn, the basal heat flux q depend on the Peclet number, Pe, and λ. When λ>10, q∝Pe1/2 and when λ→1, q∝(Peλ)1/3, consistent with classical scalings. When applied to the Earth, our results suggest that plate-driven mantle flow focuses ascending plumes towards upwellings in the central Pacific and Africa as well as into mid-ocean ridges. Furthermore, plumes may be captured by strong upwelling flow beneath fast-spreading ridges. This behavior may explain why hotspots are more abundant near slow-spreading ridges than fast-spreading ridges and may also explain some observed variations of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) geochemistry with spreading rate. Moreover, our results suggest that a potentially significant fraction of the core heat flux is due to plumes that are drawn into upwelling flows beneath ridges and not observed as hotspots.  相似文献   

Exchanges between oceanic and coastal waters are fundamental in setting the hydrography of arctic shelves and fjords. In West Spitsbergen, Atlantic Water from the West Spitsbergen Current exchanges with the seasonally ice-covered waters of the coast and fjords causing a major annual shift in hydrographic conditions. The extent to which Atlantic Water dominates the fjord systems shows significant interannual variability. Hydrographic sections taken between 1999 and 2005 from Isfjorden and the adjacent shelf have been analyzed to identify the causes of the variability in Atlantic Water occupation of the fjord system. By treating the fjord system as a coastal polynya and running a polynya model to quantify the salt release each winter, we conclude that the critical parameter controlling fjord–shelf exchange is the density difference between the fjord water masses and the Atlantic Water. We provide a full dynamical mechanism for the interaction between water masses at the fjord entrance to rationalize the interannual variability.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing strata of the deep Upper Paleozoic in the GS Sag have high hydrocarbon potential. Because of the absence of seismic data, we use electromagnetic (MT) and gravity data jointly to delineate the distribution of deep targets based on well logging and geological data. First, a preliminary geological model is established by using three-dimensional (3D) MT inversion results. Second, using the formation density and gravity anomalies, the preliminary geological model is modified by interactive inversion of the gravity data. Then, we conduct MT-constrained inversion based on the modified model to obtain an optimal geological model until the deviations at all stations are minimized. Finally, the geological model and a seismic profile in the middle of the sag is analysed. We determine that the deep reflections of the seismic profile correspond to the Upper Paleozoic that reaches thickness up to 800 m. The processing of field data suggests that the joint MT–gravity modeling and constrained inversion can reduce the multiple solutions for single geophysical data and thus improve the recognition of deep formations. The MT-constrained inversion is consistent with the geological features in the seismic section. This suggests that the joint MT and gravity modeling and constrained inversion can be used to delineate deep targets in similar basins.  相似文献   

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