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Using the multi‐scale entropy analysis (MSE), we study the effects of water reservoirs on the river flow records based on long streamflow series covering January 1, 1954 and December 31, 2009 at four representative hydrological stations, i.e. the Longchuan, the Heyuan, the Lingxia and the Boluo stations. Hydrological effects of two major water reservoirs, the Xinfengjiang and the Fengshuba water reservoirs, are evaluated. The results indicate that: (1) before the construction of the water reservoirs, the complexity of the streamflow series comes to be decreasing from the upper to the lower East River and which should be attributed to the topographical properties and buffering effects of the river channel; (2) construction of water reservoirs greatly increases the complexity degree of the hydrological processes, and this influence is subjected to a damping process with the increase of distance between the water reservoirs and the hydrological stations; (3) power generation is the major function of the water reservoirs in the East River basin. The results of this study should be of theoretical and scientific merits in terms of conservation of the ecological environment and also water resources management under the influences of climate changes and intensifying human activities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

D. A. Hughes  M. Gush  J. Tanner  P. Dye 《水文研究》2014,28(5):2794-2809
This study combines the application of a hydrological model with the use of field data derived from short period measurement campaigns at two sites, one a low topography forested area and the other a steep grassland catchment. The main objective was to determine if the structure of the widely used Pitman model could be considered appropriate for simulating the field data. The model is typically applied at coarse spatial and temporal (1 month) scales, while the tests reported here use data from small catchments and are applied in a daily version of the model. The results demonstrate the importance of ensuring that field observations are measuring the same hydrological variables as the model simulations. At one study site, there was a mismatch in the soil moisture data that was corrected by incorporating a two‐layer soil algorithm into the model. The model results from both field sites identified the sensitivity of the model to assumptions about evaporative demands and indicate that the model structure is very sensitive to the potential evaporation inputs. The overall conclusion is that the model structure is generally appropriate for simulating the hydrological responses at the two sites, but that there remain some unresolved uncertainties about specific model components and the use of certain types of input data. The study lends support for the future development of a more complete daily version of this widely used model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two large neighbouring watersheds, the Bowron (3420 km2) and Willow (2860 km2) situated in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada, were used to compare their hydrological responses to forest harvesting in snow‐dominant environment. Both watersheds had experienced significant, comparative forest harvesting level. The long‐term hydrometric and timber harvesting data (>50 years of records) were analysed using time series analysis to examine the hydrological impacts of forest harvesting. The hydrological variables including mean, peak and low flows over annual and seasonal scales (spring snowmelt, summer rain and winter base flow) were tested separately. Results showed that forest harvesting in the Willow watershed significantly increased annual and spring mean flows as well as annual and spring peak flows, whereas it caused an insignificant change on those hydrological variables in the Bowron watershed. The contrasted differences in hydrological responses are due to the differences in topography, spatial heterogeneity, forest harvesting characteristics and climate between two watersheds. The relative uniform topography and climate in the Willow watershed may promote hydrological synchronization effects, whereas larger variation in elevations, together with forest harvesting that occurred at lower elevations, may cause hydrological de‐synchronization effect in the Bowron watershed. The contrasted results demonstrate that the effects of forest harvesting on hydrology in large watersheds are likely watershed specific, and any attempt to generalize hydrological responses to forest harvesting must be carried out with caution. A landscape ecological perspective is critically needed for future forest hydrology studies, particularly for large watersheds. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainwater harvesting could increase the resilience of ecosystems on the Loess Plateau and thus ensure the sustainability of livelihoods that depend on them. As such, it is a key component of strategies for adapting to global climate change. In this study, we used a new method to quantify the rainwater harvesting potential (RWHP) across the whole Loess Plateau and to characterize its spatial and temporal variation over the last four decades on the basis of the variable infiltration capacity model. It was found that that the mean RWHP of the study region was 731.10 × 108 m3, and the average water layer thickness was 114.34 mm. There is considerable scope for rainwater harvesting across the Loess Plateau as a whole, to the extent that it could potentially provide enough water to implement the ‘Grain for Green’ Project. The annual average RWHP decreased slightly from 1971 to 2010, and Hurst exponent analysis indicated that this trend will exhibit long‐term persistence. The annual RWHP was highest in the southeast of the Loess Plateau and lowest in the northwest. Areas with high RWHP values tended to be clustered around the middle reach of the Yellow River. For most areas, there was no significant change between 1971 and 2010. Those areas for which there was a significant decrease in RWHP were primarily located around the upper–middle reaches of the Weihe River, the upper reach of Jinghe River, the eastern Guanzhong Plain, the Qinhe River watershed and the area around Dongsheng. Quantitative assessments of RWHP are likely to be useful for guiding the development and use of innovative rainwater harvesting technologies around the world and could help to relieve the problems caused by water shortages on the Loess Plateau while simultaneously eliminate the major cause of soil erosion. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Distributed hydrological models require a detailed definition of a watershed's internal drainage structure. The conventional approach to obtain this drainage structure is to use an eight flow direction matrix (D8) which is derived from a raster digital elevation model (DEM). However, this approach leads to a rather coarse drainage structure when monitoring or gauging stations need to be accurately located within a watershed. This is largely due to limitations of the D8 approach and the lack of information over flat areas and pits. The D8 approach alone is also unable to differentiate lakes from plain areas.

To avoid these problems a new approach, using a digital river and lake network (DRLN) as input in addition to the DEM, has been developed. This new approach allows for an accurate fit between the DRLN and the modelled drainage structure, which is represented by a flow direction matrix and a modelled watercourse network. More importantly, the identification of lakes within the modelled network is now possible. The proposed approach, which is largely rooted in the D8 approach, uses the DRLN to correct modelled flow directions and network calculations. For DEM cells overlapped by the DRLN, flow directions are determined using DRLN connections only. The flow directions of the other DEM cells are evaluated with the D8 approach which uses a DEM that has been modified as a function of distance to the DRLN.

The proposed approach has been tested on the Chaudière River watershed in southern Québec, Canada. The modelled watershed drainage structure showed a high level of coherence with the DRLN. A comparison between the results obtained with the D8 approach and those obtained by the proposed approach clearly demonstrated an improvement over the conventionally modelled drainage structure. The proposed approach will benefit hydrological models which require data such as a flow direction matrix, a river and lake network and sub-watersheds for drainage structure information.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) changes strongly affect local hydrology and sediment yields.The current study focused on a basin in the Brazilian Amazon and had the following three objectives:(1) to perform an effective diagnosis of flow and sediment yield,(2) to evaluate the impacts of LULC changes over the last 40 years on the hydro-sedimentological variables,and (3) to investigate the impacts of the possible trends or breaking points in the flow,surface runoff,and sediment yield series.The Soi...  相似文献   

曾冰茹  李云良  谭志强 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1796-1807
由于气候变化和人类活动等多重影响,流域河湖水系格局与连通程度发生了显著变化,进而引发洪涝灾害等一系列水资源问题。本文以鄱阳湖流域为研究区,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)提取1989—2020年5期水系数据,采用图论方法构建水系评价体系,定量分析该地区近30年来水系格局和结构连通性的时空演变特征,并结合该时期地形、土地利用和归一化植被指数(NDVI)等数据,利用连通性指数(index of connectivity,IC)评估功能连通性的动态变化,进而探讨水文连通与径流量和输沙量的联系。结果表明,近30年来鄱阳湖流域水系结构趋于复杂化,主要体现在流域北部。除干流外,其他等级河流的数量和长度均有所增加,其中Ⅲ级河流最为明显。河网密度、水面率、河网复杂度和发育系数均呈增加趋势,2000年后的变化率约为2000年前的两倍。水系连通环度、节点连接率和水系连通度总体增加,结构连通性呈好转趋势且变化幅度较小。功能连通分析表明,近30年来大部分流域IC减少,流域下游靠近主河道的平坦地区IC较高,上游远离河道的植被密集区域IC较低。此外,IC与年径流量和输沙量表现为显著的正相关性(...  相似文献   

Watershed simulation models are used extensively to investigate hydrologic processes, landuse and climate change impacts, pollutant load assessments and best management practices (BMPs). Developing, calibrating and validating these models require a number of critical decisions that will influence the ability of the model to represent real world conditions. Understanding how these decisions influence model performance is crucial, especially when making science‐based policy decisions. This study used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model in West Lake Erie Basin (WLEB) to examine the influence of several of these decisions on hydrological processes and streamflow simulations. Specifically, this study addressed the following objectives (1) demonstrate the importance of considering intra‐watershed processes during model development, (2) compare and evaluated spatial calibration versus calibration at outlet and (3) evaluate parameter transfers across temporal and spatial scales. A coarser resolution (HUC‐12) model and a finer resolution model (NHDPlus model) were used to support the objectives. Results showed that knowledge of watershed characteristics and intra‐watershed processes are critical to produced accurate and realistic hydrologic simulations. The spatial calibration strategy produced better results compared to outlet calibration strategy and provided more confidence. Transferring parameter values across spatial scales (i.e. from coarser resolution model to finer resolution model) needs additional fine tuning to produce realistic results. Transferring parameters across temporal scales (i.e. from monthly to yearly and daily time‐steps) performed well with a similar spatial resolution model. Furthermore, this study shows that relying solely on quantitative statistics without considering additional information can produce good but unrealistic simulations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of damping in various laminated rubber bearings (LRB) on the seismic response of a ?‐scale isolated test structure are investigated by shaking table tests and seismic response analyses. A series of shaking table tests of the structure were performed for a fixed base design and for a base isolation design. Two different types of LRB were used: natural rubber bearings (NRB) and lead rubber bearings (LLRB). Three different designs for the LLRB were tested; each design had a different diameter of lead plug, and thus, different damping values. Artificial time histories of peak ground acceleration 0.4g were used in both the tests and the analyses. In both shaking table tests and analyses, as expected, the acceleration responses of the seismically isolated test structure were considerably reduced. However, the shear displacement at the isolators was increased. To reduce the shear displacement in the isolators, the diameter of the lead plug in the LLRB had to be enlarged to increase isolator damping by more than 24%. This caused the isolator stiffness to increase, and resulted in amplifying the floor acceleration response spectra of the isolated test structure in the higher frequency ranges with a monotonic reduction of isolator shear displacement. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

致密砂岩气藏具有裂缝发育和有效应力高的特征,研究不同有效压力下孔、裂隙介质地震波传播特征,有利于地震解释与地下储层的识别.但是前人的研究较少考虑岩石内部微观孔隙结构特征与孔隙、裂隙间流体流动的关系.本文首先通过选取四川盆地典型致密砂岩岩样,在不同有效压力下对岩石样本进行超声波实验测量.然后基于实验测得的纵、横波速度进行裂隙参数反演,得到不同有效压力下致密砂岩样本的裂隙孔隙度.再将裂隙孔隙度和样本岩石物理参数代入双重孔隙介质模型,模拟得到不同有效压力下饱水致密砂岩样本纵横波速度频散和衰减的变化规律.结果表明模型预测的速度频散曲线与纵波速度实验测量结果能够较好的吻合.最后统计分析了致密砂岩裂隙参数,得到了致密砂岩储层裂隙参数随有效压力及孔隙度变化特征.依据实际岩石物理参数建立模型,其裂隙参数三维拟合结果能够较好描述致密砂岩裂隙结构与孔隙度、应力的关联,可为实际地震勘探中预测储层裂缝性质提供基础依据.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process of construction of the 2D model of Volvi's geological structure and results of empirical and theoretical approaches to the evaluation of site response at Euroseistest. The construction of the 2D model is based on a re-interpretation of the available geophysical and geotechnical data in an effort to improve the definition of the subsoil structure at Euroseistest in terms of the most important parameters needed to model site response. The results of this re-interpretation are compared with a previous published 2D model of the same alluvial valley. Different analysis of the measurements and different criteria in the synthesis of data have led to a different model, even if both studies had access to the same field measurements. This underscores the fact that a model results of an interpretation and is not uniquely determined by the data, no matter how detailed they are. The well known subsoil structure opened the possibility to correlate the geometry and the dynamic properties of the 2D model with the results of site response determined from a detailed analysis of two events in frequency and time domains and 1D numerical modeling. The study of site response shows the important effect of the lateral variations on the ground motion and suggests that the contribution of locally generated surface waves to the resonant peak may be important. In the case of Volvi's graben, the limitations of the 1D approximation to simulate ground motion under complex soil conditions in both frequency and time domains are also shown. This paper lays the ground for a companion article dealing with 2D site effects in this basin.  相似文献   

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