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Even with the flow of water over a soil surface in which roughness elements are well inundated, and in less erosive situations where erosional bed forms are not pronounced, the magnitude of resistance coefficients in equations such as those of Darcy–Weisbach, Chezy or Manning vary with flow velocity (at least). Using both original laboratory and field data, and data from the literature, the paper examines this question of the apparent variation of resistance coefficients in relation to flow velocity, even in the absence of interaction between hydraulics and resulting erosional bed forms. Resistance equations are first assessed as to their ability to describe overland flow velocity when tested against these data sources. The result is that Manning's equation received stronger support than the Darcy–Weisbach or Chezy equations, though all equations were useful. The second question addressed is how best to estimate velocity of overland flow from measurements of slope and unit discharge, recognizing that the apparent flow velocity variation in resistance coefficients is probably a result of shortcomings in all of the listed resistance equations. A new methodology is illustrated which gives good agreement between estimated and measured flow velocity for both well-inundated sheet and rill flow. Comments are given on the predictive use of this methodology. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The acceleration of saltating grains by overland flow causes momentum to be transferred from the flow to the grains, thereby increasing flow resistance and bed roughness. To assess the impact of saltating sediment on overland flow hydraulics, velocity profiles in transitional and turbulent flows on a fixed sand-covered bed were measured using hot-film anemometry. Five discharges were studied. At each discharge, three flows were measured: one free of sediment, one with a relatively low sediment load, and one with a relatively high sediment load. In these flows from 83 to 90 per cent of the sediment was travelling by saltation. As a result, in the sediment-laden flows the near-bed velocities were smaller and the velocity profiles steeper than those in the equivalent sediment-free flows. Sediment loads ranged up to 87·0 per cent of transport capacity and accounted for as much as 20·8 per cent of flow resistance (measured by the friction factor) and 89·7 per cent of bed roughness (measured by the ratio of the roughness length to median grain diameter). It is concluded that saltating sediment has a considerable impact on overland flow hydraulics, at least on fixed granular beds. Saltation is likely to have a relatively smaller effect on overland flow on natural hillslopes and agricultural fields where form and wave resistance dominate. Still, saltation is generally of greater significance in overland flow than in river flow, and for this reason its effect on overland flow hydraulics is deserving of further study. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydraulics of overland flow on rough granular surfaces can be modelled and evaluated using the inundation ratio rather than the flow Reynolds number, as the primary dimensionless group determining the flow behaviour. The inundation ratio describes the average degree of submergence of the surface roughness and is used to distinguish three flow regimes representing partially inundated, marginally inundated and well-inundated surfaces. A heuristic physical model for the flow hydraulics in each regime demonstrates that the three states of flow are characterized by very different functional dependencies of frictional resistance on the scaled depth of flow. At partial inundation, flow resistance is associated with the drag force derived from individual roughness and therefore increases with depth and percentage cover. At marginal inundation, the size of the roughness elements relative to the depth of flow controls the degree of vertical mixing in the flow so that frictional resistance tends to decrease very rapidly with increasing depth of flow. Well-inundated flows are described using rough turbulent flow hydraulics previously developed for open channel flows. These flows exhibit a much more gradual decrease in frictional resistance with increasing depth than that observed during marginal inundation. A data set compiled from previously published studies of overland flow hydraulics is used to assess the functional dependence of frictional resistance on inundation ratio over a wide range of flow conditions. The data confirm the non-monotonic dependence predicted by the model and support the differentiation of three flow regimes based on the inundation ratio. Although the percentage cover and the surface slope may be of importance in addition to the inundation ratio in the partially and marginally inundated regimes, the Reynolds number appears to be of significance only in describing well-inundated flows at low to moderate Reynolds numbers. As these latter conditions are quite rare in natural environments, the inundation ratio rather than the Reynolds number should be used as the primary dimensionless group when evaluating the hydraulics of overland flow on rough surfaces. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of surface tension forces to friction coefficients in shallow, laminar interrill flows. Friction coefficients in these flows are known to be increased greatly by organic litter and by stems. Fine litter provides extensive edges along which surface tension menisci can be drawn up, and evaluating the significance of this in the frictional retardation of flow was the primary objective of the experiments reported here. Using both standardized ‘litter particles’ (small wooden blocks of fixed dimensions) and natural plant litter, meniscus behaviour and the Darcy–Weisbach friction coefficient were evaluated in shallow flows on a laboratory sand board. For some tests, the surface tension of ordinary water was reduced by 40 per cent by the addition of a surfactant, and the friction coefficient redetermined. Results show that the presence of surface tension menisci flanking litter particles provides areas of deeper flow that are up to 7 mm in width and which can increase flow depths by 100–300 per cent. These zones support significantly higher flow speeds. Increased water depths within menisci are additionally associated with reduced depths beyond the menisci, so that an increase in the spatial variability of flow depths is a second consequence of meniscus formation. These modifications of flow depth by surface tension menisci are shown to reduce rather than increase the overall friction coefficient applicable to the flow. Consequently, additional frictional retardation does not arise within the menisci flanking litter particles and so cannot account for the greater drag arising from litter than from other surface features. Different factors, possibly the direct obstruction of flow paths, must therefore underlie the frictional drag. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of bed particles of a gravel-bed channel is analysed and treated experimentally in order to simulate the effects of the arrangement of coarse bed elements on the flow resistance law. For the studied bed patterns, characterized by the concentration Γ of coarser elements arranged on the bed layer, a particle arrangement parameter α is proposed. The α parameter is useful for estimating the intercept b0 of the semi-logarithmic flow resistance law deduced by flume measurements carried out for the hydraulic condition of large-scale and transition roughness. The differences between the experimental friction factor parameter values and the ones calculated by the proposed semi-logarithmic relationship are explained by the ratio between the Shields parameter and its critical value. The analysis shows that estimates of the friction factor parameter are not improved by introducing the Froude number into the flow resistance law. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The decay of roughness is an important factor governing surface processes such as infiltration and soil erosion. Thus the decay of surface roughness under different surface conditions was investigated and related to quantitative amounts of soil loss, runoff and sediment concentration in a laboratory experiment. Rainfall with an intensity of 128 mm/h was applied to a bare or mulched surfaces of a sandy loam soil with known surface roughness at specified time intervals. The decay of roughness as expressed by roughness ratio, in this experiment, was better predicted when related to an exponential function of the square root of cumulative kinetic energy of rainfall rather than with the cumulative rainfall. The roughness decay equations in literature did not predict breakdown under mulched surfaces accurately. Thus the exponent parameters of the roughness decay equations were adjusted to reflect the reduced decay occurring under mulched surfaces. In a bare soil, regression equations expressing the dependent variables as a function of initial roughness index were significant, but with low coefficients of determination, being 0·39 for soil loss, 0·12 for runoff and 0·36 for sediment concentration. In addition to initial roughness index, cumulative kinetic energy of rainfall was further included in the regressions. This led to an increase in coefficients of determination, which was 0·81 for soil loss, 0·74 for runoff and 0·49 for sediment concentration. The coefficients of determination (0·87 for soil loss, 0·85 for runoff and 0·51 for sediment concentration) were further increased when the final roughness index was included in addition to initial roughness index and cumulative kinetic energy in the regressions. This work shows that soil loss and runoff could be predicted from bare soil surface provided the initial roughness and the energy of rainfall is known. However, field verifications of these relationships are needed under different tillage tools and under natural rainfall. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hortonian runoff was measured from plots with lengths of 1·25 and 12 m, and at watershed level for rainstorms during the 1996 rainy season in cental Côte d'Ivoire, Africa. A clear reduction in runoff coefficients was found with increasing slope lengths, giving order of magnitude differences between runoff measurements at point level (1 m2: 30–50% of total rain) and watershed level (130 ha: 4% of total rain). Runoff reduction from 1·25 and 12 m slopes was reproduced for each major runoff‐producing rainstorm at two different sets of plots, but the reduction was erratic for rainfall events which produced little runoff. In addition, runoff reduction varied wildly from one rainstorm to the next. In the analysis, we show that the spatial variability of runoff parameters causes the erratic behaviour during rainstorms with little runoff. During the more important, larger runoff‐producing events, which give 78% of total runoff, the temporal dynamics of the rainfall–runoff process determine the reduction of runoff coefficients from longer slopes. A simple infiltration/runoff model was used to simulate the field results, thereby confirming the importance of rainfall dynamics as an explanatory factor for measured reduction of runoff coefficients. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article explores the length scales and statistical characteristics of form roughness along the outer banks of two elongate bends on a large meandering river through investigation of topographic variability of the bank face. The analysis also examines how roughness varies over the vertical height of the banks and when the banks are exposed subaerially and inundated during flood stage. Detailed data on the topography of the outer banks were obtained subaerially using terrestrial LiDAR during low flow conditions and subaqueously using multibeam echo sounding (MBES) during near‐bankfull conditions. The contributions of various length scales of topographic irregularity to roughness for subaerial conditions were evaluated for different elevation contours on the bank faces using Hilbert–Huang Transform (HHT) spectral analysis. Statistical characteristics for discrete areas on the bank faces were determined by calculating the root‐mean‐square of normal distances from a triangulated irregular network (TIN) surface. Results of the HHT analysis show that the characteristics of roughness along bank faces composed primarily of non‐cohesive sediment, and eroding into cropland, vary with bank elevation and exhibit a dominant range of roughness length scales (~15–50 m). However, bank faces composed predominantly of cohesive material and carved into a forested floodplain have relatively uniform topographic roughness characteristics over the vertical extent of the bank face and do not exhibit a dominant roughness length scale or range of length scales. Additionally, comparison between local surface roughness for subaerial versus subaqueous conditions shows that roughness decreases considerably when the banks are submerged, most likely because of the removal of vegetation and eradication of small‐scale erosional features in non‐cohesive bank materials by flow along the bank face. Thus, roughness appears to be linked to the hydraulic conditions affecting the bank, at least relative to conditions that develop when banks are exposed subaerially. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many investigations show relationships between topographical factors and the spatial distribution of soil moisture in catchments. However, few quantitative analyses have been carried out to elucidate the role of different hydrological processes in the spatial distribution of topsoil moisture in catchments. A spatially distributed rainfall—runoff model was used to investigate contributions of subsurface matric flow, macropore flow and surface runoff to the spatial distribution of soil moisture in a cultivated catchment. The model results show that lateral subsurface flow in the soil matrix or in macropores has a minor effect on the spatial distribution of soil moisture. Only when a perched groundwater table is maintained long enough, which is only possible if the subsurface is completely impermeable, may a spatial distribution in moisture content occur along the slope. Surface runoff, producing accumulations of soil moisture in flat flow paths of agricultural origin (field boundaries), was demonstrated to cause significant spatial variations in soil moisture within a short period after rainfall (<2 days). When significant amounts of surface runoff are produced, wetter moisture conditions will be generated at locations with larger upstream contributing areas. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Upland agricultural land management activities such as grazing, vegetation burning, and bare ground restoration impact hydrological elements of headwater catchments, many of which may be important for downstream flood peaks (e.g., overland flow and soil water storage). However, there is poor understanding of how these management practices affect river flow peaks during high magnitude rainfall events. Using the distributed TOPMODEL, spatial configurations of land management were modelled to predict flood response in an upland catchment, which contains different regions operating subsidized agricultural stewardship schemes. Heavy grazing leading to soil compaction and loss of vegetation cover in stewardship regions covering 79.8% of the catchment gave a 42‐min earlier flow peak, which was 82.2% higher (under a 1‐hr 15‐mm storm) than the current simulated hydrograph. Light grazing over the same regions of the catchment had much less influence on river flow peaks (18 min earlier and 32.9% increase). Rotational burning (covering 8.8% of the catchment), most of which is located in the headwater areas, increased the peak by 3.2% in the same rainfall event. Vegetation restoration with either Eriophorum or Sphagnum (higher density) in bare areas (5.8%) of the catchment provided a reduction of flood peak (3.9% and 5.2% in the 15‐mm storm event), whereas the same total area revegetated with Sphagnum in riparian regions delivered a much larger decrease (15.0%) in river flow peaks. We show that changes of vegetation cover in highly sensitive areas (e.g., near‐stream zones) generate large impacts on flood peaks. Thus, it is possible to design spatially distributed management systems for upland catchments, which reduce flood peaks while at the same time ensuring economic viability for upland farmers.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of knowledge on the runoff processes of eucalypt woodland communities in the semi-arid tropics of Australia. The work was undertaken on a 100 m transect of a 0·8 degree hillslope typical of the ‘smooth plainlands’ of central-north Queensland. This paper introduces a new experimental design for measuring overland flow in such areas by way of a cascade system of unbounded runoff plots which allow the inputs and outputs between troughs to be calculated. Most storms generate overland flow. Time to overland flow ranges between 1 and 18 min where rain intensities are above 10mm hr−1 and when the average detention storage of 3·6 mm is exceeded. The bare soil surfaces within the scattered grass understory control the runoff generation process through the temporal variability of field saturated hydraulic conductivity. The study demonstrated that overland flow is mainly redistributed over the freely-draining oxic soil. Some areas export more overland flow than they gain from upslope (runoff), others gain more overland flow than they export (runon). Over the study period only 2 per cent of total rain is transferred out of this 100 m transect as overland flow due to the short duration of storms, the relatively high soil permeability, and the low slope angle. The remainder adds to the large soil water store or deep drainage. The variability of runoff–runon over these ‘smooth plainlands’ highlights how results from bounded plots would be misleading in such areas.  相似文献   

Vegetative filter strips (VFSs) can effectively trap sediment in overland flow, but little information is available on its performance in controlling high‐concentration sediment and the runoff hydraulics in VFS. Flume experiments were conducted to investigate the sediment deposition, hydraulics of overland flow and their relationships in simulating VFS under a great range of sediment concentrations with four levels of vegetation cover (bare slope and 4%, 11% and 17%) and two flow rates (15 and 30 L min?1). Sediment concentrations varied from 30 to 400 kg m?3 and slope gradient was 9°. Both the deposited sediment load and deposition efficiency in VFS increased as the vegetation cover increased. Sediment concentration had a positive effect on the deposited load but no effect on deposition efficiency. A lower flow rate corresponded to greater deposition efficiency but had little effect on deposited load. Flow velocities decreased as vegetation cover increased. Sediment concentration had a negative effect on the mean velocity but no effect on surface velocity. Hydraulic resistance increased as the vegetation cover and sediment concentration increased. Sediment deposition efficiency had a much more pronounced relationship with overland flow hydraulics compared with deposited load, especially with the mean flow velocity, and there was a power relationship between them. Flow regime also affected the sediment deposition efficiency, and the efficiency was much higher under subcritical than supercritical flow. The results will be useful for the design of VFS and the control of sediment flowing into rivers in areas with serious soil erosion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Major solute concentrations in overland flow water (OFW) were measured in an agricultural field of Brittany (western France). Two storm events were monitored in detail to examine the short time‐scale processes. During one year, samples were taken at different positions on the slope after each storm event to describe the spatial and seasonal variations of OFW chemistry. Although the total dissolved load in OFW is not much higher than in rain water, distinctive features are observed. K+, Ca2+, NH4 , Cl and SOare the major solutes. The main origin of the elements (sea salts, exchangeable soil complex or fertilizers) determined most of the variations observed. Spatial variations along the slope are mainly seen for exchangeable cations, while seasonal variations are predominant for sea salts. Rainfall intensity and suspended sediment load induce strong differences between the two storm events studied in detail. However, the within‐storm variations and the seasonal monitoring show that this relationship is complex. Within‐storm variations suggest that, in addition to desorption processes, mixing with pre‐event water may occur. The lack of a relationship between sediment load and dissolved load is attributed to the high rate of the exchange processes, which has been checked by a simple experiment in vitro. It is concluded that the conditions of the transit of water on the field (velocity, length, status of the surface, crusted or not) may well play a major role in the chemical changes between rain water and OFW. The results suggest that vegetated buffer strips designed to reduce the sediment load only, and not the amount of overland flow, will have little effect on the transfer of dissolved pollutants to the watercourses. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two adjacent subcatchments on soils with very strong texture contrast between the A soil horizons (sandy loam texture) and B soil horizons (clay texture) in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia were instrumented to collect overland and subsurface flow from dairy pasture. Subcatchments were defined by exclusion drains in the upper reaches and stainless steel barriers at the lower boundary. Water samples were analysed for 20 different chemical fractions. Chemical loads were examined in order to determine relationships among simple empirical event and site characteristics, and between chemical fractions. All but five of the chemical fractions could be separated into one of two clear groups using a statistical technique based on the magnitude of simple correlation coefficients. The two groups consisted of either dissolved or particulate fractions. The clear separation into these groups is consistent with the majority of chemical fractions moving from pasture by one of only two processes. Simple empirical variables in a multiple regression explained a high proportion of variation in chemical loads in runoff water. These findings may have major implications in the modelling and prediction of chemical loads in runoff from agricultural catchments and the setting of environmental limits, in simplifying chemical loss predictions by adding a nutrient loss module to runoff volume predictions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Determining the catchment design peak flow is crucial in hydrological practice. In this paper, the conceptual rainfall–runoff model EBA4SUB (Event-Based Approach for Small and Ungauged Basins) was applied in six catchments in Iran. The aims were to test EBA4SUB in reconstructing runoff hydrographs for the investigated case studies and to provide a suitable alternative for the review and updating of design peak flow estimation in Iran. The EBA4SUB output was compared with previous studies on selected catchments. The results show, for all case studies, a large variability in the peak flow values; the EBA4SUB model gave flow values similar to the other methodologies. The EBA4SUB model can be recommended for the following reasons: (i) it minimizes the subjectivity of the modeller. (ii) its modules are based on state-of-the-art procedures, which have been appropriately optimized for ungauged basins; and (iii) it furnishes the whole design flood hydrograph.  相似文献   

Many simplifications are used in modeling surface runoff over a uniform slope. A very common simplification is to determine the infiltration rate independent of the overland flow depth and to combine it afterward with the kinematic-wave equation to determine the overland flow depth. Another simplication is to replace the spatially variable infiltration rates along the slope i(x, t) due to the water depth variations h(x,t) with an infiltration rate that is determined at a certain location along the slope. The aim of this study is to evaluate the errors induced by these simplications on predicted infiltration rates, overland flow depths, and total runoff volume. The error analysis is accomplished by comparing a simplified model with a model where the interaction between the overland flow depth and infiltration rate is counted. In this model, the infiltration rate is assumed to vary along the slope with the overland flow depth, even for homogeneous soil profiles. The kinematic-wave equation with interactive infiltration rate, calculated along the slopy by Richard's equation, are then solved by a finite difference scheme for a 100-m-long uniform slope. In the first error analysis, we study the effect of combining an ‘exact’ and ‘approximate’ one-dimensional infiltration rate with the kinematic-wave equation for three different soil surface roughness coefficients. The terms ‘exact’ and ‘approximate’ stand for the solution of Richard's equation with and without using the overland flow depth in the boundary condition, respectively. The simulations showed that higher infiltration rates and lower overland flow depths are obtained during the rising stage of the hydrograph when overland flow depth is used in the upper boundary condition of the one-dimensional Richard's equation. During the recession period, the simplified model predicts lower infiltration rates and higher overland flow depths. The absolute relative errors between the ‘exact’ and ‘approximate’ solutions are positively correlated to the overland flow depths which increase with the soil surface roughness coefficient. For this error analysis, the relative errors in surface runoff volume per unit slope width throughout the storm are much smaller than the relative errors in momentary overland flow depths and discharges due to the alternate signs of the deviations along the rising and falling stages. In the second error analysis, when the spatially variable infiltration rate along the slope i(x, t) is replaced in the kinematic-wave equation by i(t), calculated at the slope outlet, the overland flow depth is underestimated during the rising stage of the hydrograph and overestimated during the falling stage. The deviations during the rising stage are much smaller than the deviations during the falling stage, but they are of a longer duration. This occurs because the solution with i(x, t) recognizes that part of the slope becomes dry after rainfall stops, while overland flow still exists with i(t) determined at the slope outlet. As obtained for the first error analysis, the relative errors in surface runoff volume per unit slope width are also much smaller than the relative errors in momentary overland flow depths and discharges. The relation between the errors in overland flow depth and discharge to different mathematical simplifications enables to evaluate whether certain simplifications are justified or more computational efforts should be used.  相似文献   


The Loess Plateau in China is overlain by deep and loose soil. As in other semi-arid regions, convective precipitation produces storms, typically of short duration, relatively high intensity and limited areal extent. Infiltration excess (Hortonian mechanism) of precipitation is conventionally assumed to be more prominent than saturation excess (Dunne mechanism) for storm runoff generation. This assumption is true at a point during the storm. However, the runoff generation mechanism is altered when the runoff is conditioned by a lateral redistribution movement of water, i.e. run-on, as the spatial scale increases. In the Loess Plateau, the effects of run-on may be significant, because of the deep and loose surface soil layer. In this study, the role of run-on for overland flow in the Upper Wei River basin, located in the Loess Plateau, is evaluated by means of a simple numerical model at the hillslope scale. The results show that almost all the Hortonian overland flow infiltrates into the soil along the flat hillslope and dry gully before it reaches the river channel. Most of the runoff is generated from the saturated soil near the river channel and from the subsurface. The run-on process takes much longer than the infiltration, facilitating rainfall–runoff modelling at a daily time step. A hydrological model is employed to investigate the characteristics of runoff generation in the Upper Wei River basin. The analysis shows that the subsurface flow contribution to total streamflow is more than 53% from October to March, while the overland flow contribution exceeds 72% from April to September.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor Dawen Yang

Citation Liu, D.F., Tian, F.Q., Hu, H.C., and Hu, H.P., 2012. The role of run-on for overland flow and the characteristics of runoff generation in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1107–1117.  相似文献   

Infiltration into frozen soil plays an important role in soil freeze–thaw and snowmelt-driven hydrological processes. To better understand the complex thermal energy and water transport mechanisms involved, the influence of antecedent moisture content and macroporosity on infiltration into frozen soil was investigated. Ponded infiltration experiments on frozen macroporous and non-macroporous soil columns revealed that dry macroporous soil produced infiltration rates reaching 103 to 104 mm day−1, two to three orders of magnitude larger than dry non-macroporous soil. Results suggest that rapid infiltration and drainage were a result of preferential flow through initially air-filled macropores. Using recorded flow rates and measured macropore characteristics, calculations indicated that a combination of both saturated flow and unsaturated film flow likely occurred within macropores. Under wet conditions, regardless of the presence of macropores, infiltration was restricted by the slow thawing rate of pore ice, producing infiltration rates of 2.8 to 5.0 mm day−1. Reduced preferential flow under wet conditions was attributed to a combination of soil swelling, due to smectite-rich clay (that reduced macropore volume), and pore ice blockage within macropores. In comparison, dry soil column experiments demonstrated that macropores provided conduits for water and thermal energy to bypass the frozen matrix during infiltration, reducing thaw rates compared with non-macroporous soils. Overall, results showed the dominant control of antecedent moisture content on the initiation, timing, and magnitude of infiltration and flow in frozen macroporous soils, as well as the important role of macropore connectivity. The study provides an important data set that can aid the development of hydrological models that consider the interacting effects of soil freeze–thaw and preferential flow on snowmelt partitioning in cold regions.  相似文献   

A database composed of 673 natural rainfall events with sediment concentration measurements at the field or plot scale was analysed. Measurements were conducted on similar soil type (loess soils prone to sealing phenomenon) to apprehend the variability and complexity involved in interrill erosion processes attributable to soil surface conditions. The effects of the dominant controlling factors are not described by means of equations; rather, we established a classification of potential sediment concentration domain according to combination of the dominant parameters. Thereby, significant differences and evolution trends of mean sediment concentration between the different parameter categories are identified. Further, when parameter influences interact, it allows us to discern the relative effects of factors according to their respective degree of expression. It was shown that crop cover had a major influence on mean sediment concentration, particularly when soil surface roughness is low and when maximum 6‐min intensity of rainfall events exceeds 10 mm h?1: mean sediment concentration decreases from 8·93 g l?1 for 0–20 per cent of coverage to 0·97 g l?1 for 21–60 per cent of coverage. The established classification also indicates that the increase of the maximum 6‐min intensity of the rainfall factor leads to a linear increase of mean sediment concentration for crop cover over 21 per cent (e.g. from 2·96 g l?1 to 14·44 g l?1 for the 1–5 cm roughness class) and to an exponential increase for low crop cover (e.g. from 3·92 g l?1 to 58·76 g l?1 for the 1–5 cm roughness class). The implication of this work may bring perspective for erosion prediction modelling and give references for the development of interrill erosion equation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Across 1·7 km2 of the Umatilla River floodplain (Oregon, USA), we investigated the influences of an ephemeral tributary and perennial ‘spring channel’ (fed only by upwelling groundwater) on hyporheic hydrology. We derived maps of winter and summer water‐table elevations from data collected at 46 monitoring wells and 19 stage gauges and used resulting maps to infer groundwater flow direction. Groundwater flow direction varied seasonally across the floodplain and was influenced by main channel stage, flooding, the tributary creek, and the location and direction of hyporheic exchange in the spring channel. Hyporheic exchange in the spring channel was evaluated with a geochemical mixing model, which confirmed patterns of floodplain groundwater movement inferred from water‐table maps and showed that the spring channel was fed predominantly by hyporheic water from the floodplain aquifer (87% during winter, 80% during summer), with its remaining flow supplied by upslope groundwater from the adjacent catchment aquifer. Summertime growth of aquatic macrophytes in the spring channel also influenced patterns of hyporheic exchange and groundwater flow direction in the alluvial aquifer by increasing flow resistance in the spring channel, locally raising surface water stage and adjacent water‐table elevation, and thereby altering the slope of the water‐table in the hyporheic zone. The Umatilla River floodplain is larger than most sites where hyporheic hydrology has been investigated in detail. Yet, our results corroborate other research that has identified off‐channel geomorphic features as important drivers of hyporheic hydrology, including previously published modeling efforts from a similar river and field observations from smaller streams. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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