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In the year 2007, enhanced rockfall activity was observed within the scarp of a 500 BP rockslide in the Reintal catchment (Northern Calcareous Alps, Germany); the largest of a series of events took place in August, when almost 50000 m³ of rock were detached from the subvertical rock face and deposited on a talus cone. In this case study, we focus on three aspects of rockfall research: first, we compile detailed geomorphological and geotechnical findings to explain the causes of the recent events. The results of laboratory tests and stability estimations suggest that rockfall activity will persist in the future as the old rockslide scarp still contains unstable rock masses. Second, we use digital elevation data from a pre‐event airborne LiDAR survey (ALS) and post‐event terrestrial laserscanning (TLS) to quantify landform changes and the mass balance of the rockfall event(s). The widespread availability of ALS elevation data provides a good opportunity to quantify fresh events using a comparatively inexpensive TLS survey; this approach is complicated by uncertainties resulting from the difficult coregistration of ALS and TLS data and the specific geometric problems in steep (ALS) and flat (TLS) terrain; it is therefore limited to at least medium‐sized events. Third, the event(s) is simulated using the results of the LiDAR surveys and a modified GIS‐based rockfall model in order to test its capability of predicting the extent and the spatial distribution of deposition on the talus cone. Results show that the model generally reproduces the process domain and the spatial distribution of topographic changes but frequently under‐ and over‐estimates deposition heights. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

LiDAR data were used to quantify and analyse a rockfall event which occurred in 2003 in the Western Dolomites (Italian Alps). In addition to previously existing airborne laserscanning (ALS) data, high resolution terrestrial laserscanning (TLS) data were collected. By using the original point clouds, the volume, axial ratio and runout length of single boulders as well as the surface roughness in the runout zone of the rockfall were derived. The total volume of the rockfall event of approximately 10 000 m³ was estimated by a reconstruction of the pre‐event surface at the detachment zone. The analysis of the laser scanning data of the accumulation zone revealed a power law scaling for boulder volumes larger than 8 m³. The dependence of runout length on boulder volume is complex; it is moderated by particle sphericity. In addition, we used ALS and TLS data to derive the spatial distribution of surface roughness on the talus cone. TLS allow for more accurate roughness mapping than ALS data, but for most applications the point density of ALS data seems to be sufficiently high to derive measures of roughness. Different sampling approaches for plane fitting on the scale of 5 m did not show significant effects besides the computational time. The results of our analyses provide important perspectives for rockfall modelling and process understanding with potential applications in both ‘applied’ (natural hazards) and ‘pure’ geomorphological research. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sustainable development necessitates balancing the interests and concerns of both the environment and the economy. The importance of environmental law as a tool to balance these potentially conflicting interests is increasing. Germany, in particular since reunification, provides a good case study of the challenges inherent in a highly industrialized nation towards achieving sustainable development. Since reunification, the concept of sustainable development, in terms of the protection of the essential basis for the existence of future generations, has been incorporated into the constitution in 1994. Explicit means for how to harmonize the needs of both the economy and the environment, however, remain unclear. This is particularly evident in the implementation of so-called “acceleration” laws, designed to shorten the processing time in the re-development of former east Germany, particularly in the areas of transportation infrastructure, wastewater disposal facilities, and housing construction. The implementation of these acceleration laws is generally at the expense of environmental concerns and public involvement in the decision making process. The effectiveness of environmental law as a tool to balance the needs of the environment and the economy, as is required for sustainable development, remains an unmet challenge.  相似文献   

W. T. Sloan  J. Ewen 《水文研究》1999,13(6):823-846
A method has been developed to simulate the long‐term migration of radionuclides in the near‐surface of a river catchment, following their release from a deep underground repository for radioactive waste. Previous (30‐year) simulations, conducted using the SHETRAN physically based modelling system, showed that long‐term (many decades) simulations are required to allow the system to reach steady state. Physically based, distributed models, such as SHETRAN, tend to be too computationally expensive for this task. Traditional lumped catchment‐scale models, on the other hand, do not give sufficiently detailed spatially distributed results. An intermediate approach to modelling has therefore been developed which allows flow and transport processes to be simulated with the spatial resolution normally associated with distributed models, whilst being computationally efficient.The approach involves constructing a lumped model in which the catchment is represented by a number of conceptual water storage compartments. The flow rates to and from these compartments are prescribed by functions that summarize the results from physically based distributed models run for a range of characteristic flow regimes. The physically based models used were, SHETRAN for the subsurface compartments, a particle tracking model for overland flow and an analytical model for channel routing. One important advantage of the method used in constructing the lumped model is that it makes down scaling possible, in the sense that fine‐scale information on the distributed hydrological regime, as simulated by the physically based distributed models, can be inferred from the variables in the lumped model that describe the hydrology at the catchment scale. A 250‐year flow simulation has been run and the down scaling process used to infer a 250‐year time‐series of three‐dimensional velocity fields for the subsurface of the catchment. This series was then used to drive a particle tracking simulation of contaminant migration. The concentration and spatial distribution of contaminants simulated by this model for the first 30 years were in close agreement with SHETRAN results. The remaining 220 years highlighted the fact that some of the most important transport pathways to the surface carry contaminants only very slowly so both the magnitude and spatial distribution of concentration in surface soils are not apparent over the shorter SHETRAN simulations. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A chronology of landsliding is presented, including suggestions as to a date for initiation. Periods of activity known from historical sources are correlated with known periods of climatic deterioration. The current morphology of the landslide slopes is closely related to the geological succession and structure. These permit the landslides and their development to be differentiated on the basis of whole slope and toe morphology, and much of the whole-slope activity can be related to conditions at the toe. Examples of geomorphological maps, slope categories maps, and cross sections are presented along with an example of the ‘evolutionary’ maps which may be derived from Ordnance Survey plans and aerial photographs. These generally indicate that weakening of materials by weathering, seepage erosion at the toe, and marine erosion result in frequent mass movement events of a low magnitude. These events ultimately influence the stability of larger slipped blocks behind, which fail less frequently. It is suggested that whole-slope failures in this region have a maximum frequency of once in 120 to 150 years, and that problems of interpretation of historical accounts may mean that it is very much less frequent than this.  相似文献   

Aquifer natural recharge estimations are a prerequisite for understanding hydrologic systems and sustainable water resources management. As meteorological data series collection is difficult in arid and semiarid areas, satellite products have recently become an alternative for water resources studies. A daily groundwater recharge estimation in the NW part of the Lake Chad Basin, using a soil–plant-atmosphere model (VisualBALAN), from ground- and satellite-based meteorological input dataset for non-irrigated and irrigated land and for the 2005–2014 period is presented. Average annual values were 284 mm and 30°C for precipitation and temperature in ground-based gauge stations. For the satellite-model-based Lake Chad Basin Flood and Drought Monitor System platform (CHADFDM), average annual precipitation and temperature were 417 mm and 29°C, respectively. Uncertainties derived from satellite data measurement could account for the rainfall difference. The estimated mean annual aquifer recharge was always higher from satellite- than ground-based data, with differences up to 46% for dryland and 23% in irrigated areas. Recharge response to rainfall events was very variable and results were very sensitive to: wilting point, field capacity and curve number for runoff estimation. Obtained results provide plausible recharge values beyond the uncertainty related to data input and modelling approach. This work prevents on the important deviations in recharge estimation from weighted-ensemble satellite-based data, informing in decision making to both stakeholders and policy makers.  相似文献   

We assess the ability of multivariate statistical analyses applied to event hydrographs parameters, to characterize a catchment hydrological behaviour. Motivation for such an approach lies in the fact that streamflow records have yet to be exploited to their full potential towards hydrological interpretation and can be used to infer a catchment state of connectivity from a qualitative standpoint. We have therefore processed 96 event hydrographs from a small headwater temperate humid forested catchment using principal component analysis, variation partitioning and classification tree analysis. These techniques prove to be promising in discriminating contrasted types of hydrologic responses (e.g. low‐ vs high‐magnitude events, slow vs quick timing events), identifying the main hydro‐meteorological variables that control these responses and determining thresholds values of the hydro‐meteorological variables leading to a switch between catchment response types. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a contribution to the long-term emergence studies carried out as part of the “Breitenbach ecosystem project”, this paper presents the results obtained on emergence patterns and population dynamics of blackflies from 1984 to 1988. The Breitenbach is a small first order stream near Schlitz/Hesse, running into the Fulda river. Adult blackflies were caught in 4 greenhouse emergence traps, each spanning the whole width of the stream for a length of 6 m. A manual and then a partly automated method for collecting trapped insects was applied for three years and one year, respectively. Sixteen blackfly-species of different origin were found in the traps: a) autochthonous species: Prosimulium tomosvaryi, Simulium vernum s.l., S. cryophilum s.l., S. ornatum s.l. (common); S. costatum, S. trifasciatum, S. monticola, S. argyreatum (rare); b) species of doubtful origin: S. lundstromi, S. angustitarse, S. angustipes, S. aureum (very rare); c) allochthonous species: S. lineatum, S. equinum, S. erythrocephalum, S. noelleri. It was shown that the last 4 species had not emerged from the Breitenbach but had flown into the traps as adults. In addition, females of autochthonous species with blood or with mature eggs were trapped, which were also considered to have flown in. Besides revealing a limitation of the trap construction, they supported the detailed interpretation of some intricated patterns of appearance. Variations in emergence patterns and specimen numbers between years and traps were pronounced, but only in a few cases could they be attributed to changes in abiotic factors such as water temperature or discharge. P. tomosvaryi had the most simple and regular life cycle, with one well synchronised emergence peak annually from April to May (or even to June). No gradient of specimen numbers along the stream was evident. The two closely related species S. vernum and S. cryophilum had quite similar emergence patterns: There were two broad peaks per year, extending mainly from March to June and from July to October or November. In some cases the number and separation of consecutive generations was not clear. The abundance of both species clearly decreased downstream, more so for S. cryophilum than for S. vernum. In a trap closest to a tributary spring, S. cryophilum was the dominant species during three of the four years examined. The adults of S. ornatum displayed an intricate pattern of appearance, with very low specimen numbers in spring and medium to very high numbers in July/August and September/October. S. ornatum is the only blackfly species that inhabits both the Breitenbach and the adjacent section of the Fulda river. It was shown that females emerging from the Fulda river regularly invade the Breitenbach valley in greatly varying numbers and oviposit there. This leads to overlapping larval cohorts with corresponding emergence peaks. Although S. ornatum was the most abundant species in one year in the lower traps (60 to 80% of all individuals), it remains uncertain whether it is a long-term, permanent member of the autochthonous blackfly fauna of the Breitenbach. Estimates of total numbers of flown-in adults, actual emergence, dry weight biomass, the ecological separation of the species and their life cycle strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of fishway design and stream habitat on fish distribution and migrations within a 50 km section of the Enz River (108 km long, 16.7 m3 · s−1 mean annual discharge), a second order tributary of the Rhine River. On 12 different occasions between August 1994 and September 1995, we collected fish electrically upstream, downstream, and inside three different types of fish-passes: a concrete channel (site I), an artificial stream (site II), and a step and pool fishway (site III). During electrofishing, species identity and fish lengths were recorded separately for specific habitats or sections within the fishways, and traps were installed for 3–5 week long periods at the upstream outlets of the fishways. More than 3550 fish >5 cm and approximately 5800 young-of-year individuals of 28 species were captured. 772 fish marked by subcutaneous injection of alcian blue dye were released downstream of two fishways. Almost 1150 fish, including 5 marked individuals, were captured in the traps, providing direct evidence for migration through the fishway. The total number of species recorded decreased downstream from 21 at site I to 18 at site II, and 17 at site III. This shift in numbers and also in species composition between sites could be partially related to differences in the available habitat. There were pronounced changes in the abundance of most of the dominant species downstream and upstream of the fishway at site III, and, to a lesser degree at sites I and II, indicating species (and size) specific differences in the effectiveness of the three designs for fish passage. Furthermore, marked differences in relative fish abundance between downstream locations and inside the fishway itself, and in the relative numerical composition of the trap catch at sites I and II, clearly demonstrate that some species (Cottus gobio, Barbatula barbatula, Salmo trutta, Leuciscus cephalus) use these fishways as a habitat, whereas others (Phoxinus phoxinus, Gobio gobio) simply migrate through. Only inside the artificial stream did we find early life stages of seven species, suggesting that passage of the other fishways is restricted to older fish. Our results demonstrate that fishway design is crucial in providing continuous fish passage for all species and life-stages, and that a nature-like fishway is the most functional solution.  相似文献   

In high Ti basanites from the Vogelsberg 1996 drillhole distinct variations in the field dependence of AC magnetic susceptibility correlate with compositional variations of titanomagnetite, as determined by temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility. Curie temperatures for the basanites are in the range of 240 to 525°C. The field dependence reaches up to 20% for measurements in 30 A/m and 300 A/m AC field amplitude. It is demonstrated that two-field magnetic susceptibility measurements can prevail information about compositional changes of titanomagnetite and therefore support the interpretation of magnetic susceptibility logs from drillcores of basaltic rock suites.  相似文献   

Fish-based indices monitor changes in surface waters and are a valuable aid in communication by summarising complex information about the environment (Harrison and Whitfield, 2004). A zone-specific fish-based multimetric estuarine index of biotic integrity (Z-EBI) was developed based on a 13 year time series of fish surveys from the Zeeschelde estuary (Belgium). Sites were pre-classified using indicators of anthropogenic impact. Metrics showing a monotone response with pressure classes were selected for further analysis. Thresholds for the good ecological potential (GEP) were defined from references. A modified trisection was applied for the other thresholds. The Z-EBI is defined by the average of the metric scores calculated over a one year period and translated into an ecological quality ratio (EQR). The indices integrate structural and functional qualities of the estuarine fish communities. The Z-EBI performances were successfully validated for habitat degradation in the various habitat zones.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of meteorological and lake physical conditions for temporal, horizontal and vertical differences in the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature, and the derived daily estimates of gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (R) and net ecosystem production (NEP). Our study was conducted in a subtropical and polymictic lake in Southern Brazil, during a spring–summer transition. Metabolic rates were determined from two sites using the open water oxygen technique. At the central deep site, oxygen sondes were deployed at three depths to assess patterns in vertical variability. During 10 days, an additional DO and temperature sonde was placed near the shoreline allowing us to compare metabolic differences in the surface layers between the central pelagic and littoral site. While GPP was similar, R was significantly higher at the shallower littoral site, causing NEP to be lower, although NEP was still positive. The littoral site had less diel changes in DO and higher daily variability in all metabolic rates. Variability in GPP and R at the littoral site was related to temperature, wind speed and rainfall suggesting that short-term variability in metabolic rates in shallow areas are sensitive to resuspension of sediments caused by a less stable water column. A clear vertical gradient was furthermore found for the metabolic rates at the central deep part of the lake, related to the light extinction, with highest GPP around 0.3 m and decreasing with depth, while respiration showed the inverse pattern. Below subsurface, respiration prevailed at 5.0 m depth and was uncoupled to primary production. Under conditions with high light and temperature, and low wind speeds, the mixing depth became shallower, in turn increasing the water column stability at the deep pelagic site, which resulted in higher mean light available and higher GPP in the water column. Our results confirm that deployment of sensors in different sites and depths allows for spatially, as well as temporally more representative estimates of lake metabolism.  相似文献   


Downscaling of climate projections is the most adapted method to assess the impacts of climate change at regional and local scales. This study utilized both spatial and temporal downscaling approaches to develop intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relations for sub-daily rainfall extremes in the Perth airport area. A multiple regression-based statistical downscaling model tool was used for spatial downscaling of daily rainfall using general circulation models (GCMs) (Hadley Centre’s GCM and Canadian Global Climate Model) climate variables. A simple scaling regime was identified for 30 minutes to 24 hours duration of observed annual maximum (AM) rainfall. Then, statistical properties of sub-daily AM rainfall were estimated by scaling an invariant model based on the generalized extreme value distribution. RMSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient and percentage bias values were estimated to check the accuracy of downscaled sub-daily rainfall. This proved the capability of the proposed approach in developing a linkage between large-scale GCM daily variables and extreme sub-daily rainfall events at a given location. Finally IDF curves were developed for future periods, which show similar extreme rainfall decreasing trends for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s for both GCMs.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor S. Kanae  相似文献   

Following the depths of investigation of different electrode arrays, given byRoy andApparao (1971) andRoy (1972), a modified pseudo-depth section was suggested for any array byApparao andSarma (1981) as a tool in resistivity and IP prospecting. The tool was used for the interpretation of IP and resistivity anomalies obtained in a virgin area—Jonnagiri village, Pattikonda Taluq, Kurnool district (A.P.) India. Two of the four bore holes recommended encountered sulphide mineralization, while the other two met with white altered ashy material at the position of the maximum anomaly contour in the depth sections. The drilling results prove the utility of the modified pseudosections in the interpretation of the field data.  相似文献   

Morphologies related to paleochannels are widespread through large areas of the Brazilian Amazonia. Despite the relevance for reconstructing the evolution of the largest fluvial system on Earth, detailed mapping of most of these features is still unavailable. The lack of works emphasizing Amazonian paleochannels represents an enormous bias toward the understanding of both migrating dynamics of Amazonian rivers through time and processes (e.g. tectonics, climate, sea‐level fluctuation) that might have promoted channel abandonment. A few previous studies have demonstrated the successful application of digital elevation model (DEM) collected during the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) for mapping morphologies related to paleochannels still preserved under forested lowland Amazonian areas. The present study applies different remote sensing techniques, including JERS‐1 90m, SAR/SIPAM‐6m, Landsat, and ASTER, to successfully unravel a myriad of paleochannels in Marajó Island (Amazon mouth), which were previously undetected using solely SRTM data. The results presented in this work are promising for mapping paleodrainage in other forested areas of the Amazonas basin. Considering the several problems involved on data acquisition aiming to approach the evolution of Amazonian rivers in space and time (e.g. large dimension, lack of natural geological exposures, difficult access, dense forest cover, and high cloud volume), a proper mapping of Amazonas paleodrainage using different remote sensing techniques is crucial to visualize potential paleochannel morphologies and patterns that are of high relevance for reconstructing the Amazonian fluvial dynamics through time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial‐temporal characteristics of mean annual daily maximum precipitation events in the upper Yangtze River basin in China are examined using a framework termed precipitation regional extreme mapping (PREM). The framework consists of regional analyses and mapping methods, which have the capability to assess the presence or absence of climate change. The findings confirm the homogeneous regions identified by Wang (2002) using a heterogeneity measure, where all three regions have heterogeneity less than 1.0. The Pearson type III (PE3) distribution was found to be acceptable for all three regions, while the generalized extreme‐value distribution performs better than PE3 for Region I (eastern portion of the upper Yangtze basin). Two indices, root mean square error and mean bias, were used to access the performance of the extreme map, and the results show that the map of extreme can predict precipitation for ungauged regions with acceptable accuracy. The regional frequency maps were used in conjunction with the Student's t‐test to identify the statistical significance of changes of extremes in precipitation. Results indicate that there have been no significant changes in maximum daily precipitation magnitudes over the past four decades, a finding that is valuable for the safe planning of major hydraulic projects and the management and planning of water resources in the upper Yangtze River basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last century, the human-derived impact on freshwater systems has been severe all around the world. Artificial eutrophication has an outstanding relevance in urban aquatic ecosystems and it is recognized as one of the most common problems associated with water deterioration in urban lakes and ponds. Therefore, more studies regarding the trophic interactions and the potential rehabilitation methods should be encouraged. Our aim is to evaluate at a mesocosm scale, a device composed of native aquatic plants, either submerged (SPD) or floating (FPD), including an extra artificial potential refuge (bio balls rolls) for zooplankton as a rehabilitation tool for urban ponds. As regards the impact of the tested devices on water quality variables, FPD provoked a decrease in TP and pH. In turns, SPD maintained the dissolved oxygen concentrations above those registered in FPD. Transparency was significantly higher in the presence of plants at final time. Differences in phytoplankton morpho-functional group diversity and zooplankton functional feeding groups were registered by the end of the experiment. Zooplankton abundance at the artificial refuges was higher than at the water column; a study of the efficiency of the bio balls rolls as potential active/passive refugees is merited.Considering benefits on water quality variables, we suggest that a device combining floating macrophytes plus the bio ball rolls deserves to be further tested at a greater scale in order to be considered as a water rehabilitation tool, including plant harvest.  相似文献   


River flow conditions in many watersheds of Iceland are particularly disturbed during winter by the formation, drifting and accumulation of river ice, whose impact on water encroachment and extent of inundations is not reflected in the discharge records. It is therefore necessary to use river discharge with great caution when assessing the magnitude of past inundations in Iceland, and to give attention to other flood magnitude parameters. A GIS-based methodology is presented that focuses on inundation extent as an alternative parameter for the assessment and ranking of the magnitude of past flooding events in the Ölfusá-Hvítá basin, known as one of the most dangerous flood-prone river complexes in Iceland. Relying ultimately on a macro-scale grid, the method enabled the reconstruction of the extent of inundations, the delineation of the flood plain, and, finally, some estimation of the likelihood of flooding of exposed areas that include marine submergences and river floods for both open water and ice conditions.

Citation Pagneux, E., Gísladóttir, G. & Snorrason, Á. (2010) Inundation extent as a key parameter for assessing the magnitude and return period of flooding events in southern Iceland. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 704–716.  相似文献   

The current study utilizes a range of diagenetic fingerprints to differentiate between sandstone facies deposited in the Nile Delta before and during the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC), which is normally a challenging task considering the complex bio- and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of Messinian rock units. Subaerial exposure of the pre-MSC (Qawasim deltaic sandstone), during drawdown of the Mediterranean Sea at the time of the MSC, triggered pervasive dissolution of unstable rock fragments, kaolinization of feldspar, and meteoric dolomitization of carbonate. This was followed by mesogenetic calcite cementation and kaolinite transformation into dickite in deeply buried Qawasim sandstone. Comparatively, the Abu Madi estuarine facies, deposited during transgression after drawdown related to the MSC, is characterized by eogenetic iron (Fe)-calcite, glauconite, and pyrite (averages of 14.5%, 6%, and 2%, respectively). This facies transition is marked by abundance of mature glauconite (with potassium oxide (K2O) at about 8%) whose content abates upward from the transgression surface. Moreover, the compositional variability of the Abu Madi sandstone gave rise to multiple diagenetic trajectories that resulted in chlorite formation presumably following smectite and kaolinite. Listed diagenetic variations in the studied Messinian sandstone resulted from a complex interplay between rocks’ compositional, depositional, and burial attributes, ultimately serving as a basis for high-resolution stratigraphic correlation in continental and marginal marine settings with poor biostratigraphic controls.  相似文献   

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