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Low Impact Development (LID) aims to mitigate the hydrological impacts of urbanization by replication of processes in natural catchments. Green roofs covered with vegetation and pervious substrate are one alternative among a wide range of LID tools. Water retention of green roofs depends on many factors (e.g. local climate), and measurements remain crucial in evaluating their performance. The simulation of green roof retention by a hydrological model is one option to evaluate their potential benefits before implementation. In this paper, we evaluated the ability of the recently introduced LID green roof module of the stormwater management model to replicate runoff from monitored green roof test beds under Nordic climate conditions. A parameter sensitivity analysis was conducted to identify calibration parameters. The model showed an overall acceptable performance, and the results indicated the importance of accurately estimating potential evapotranspiration rates for inter‐event periods, which is essential in representing the retention capacity regeneration. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sustainable strategies such as green roofs have been implemented as stormwater management tools to mitigate disturbance of the hydrologic cycle resulting from urbanization. Green roofs, also referred to as vegetated roofs, can improve the urban landscape by reducing heat island effects, providing ecosystem services, and facilitating the retention and treatment of stormwater. Green roofs have received particular attention because they do not require acquisition and development of land and represent an application of biomimicry in design and construction. In this paper, we evaluate the effects of precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), antecedent dry period (ADP), and seasonal variation on the run‐off quantity and distribution of an extensive, sedum covered, green roof on a commercial building in Syracuse, NY, USA. The green roof greatly facilitated retention of precipitation events without significant changes over the 4‐year study. The green roof retained on average 95.9 ± 3.6% (6.5 ± 5.6 mm) per rainfall event, with a range from 75% to 99.6% (33.2 to 3.3 mm). However, as precipitation quantity increased, the retention of water decreased. This high water retention capacity was the result of the combined effects of ET, stormwater storage (plants, growth media, and stormwater retention layer), and limited surface run‐off from the roof deck due to variation in the sloping of the green roof and the tapered insulation to the deck drains. The water retention capacity of the green roof did not change significantly between growing and nongrowing seasons. Slightly greater precipitation during the growing season coincided with increased ET. Average potential ET during the growing season was approximately 3 times greater than during the nongrowing season. The hydrologic performance of the green roof was not significantly impacted by an ADP greater than 2 days.  相似文献   

Rainfall retention and runoff detention are likely the most important ecosystem services provided by extensive green roofs (EGRs) that contribute to urban stormwater mitigation and management. However, the hydrological performance and runoff generation mechanisms of mature, well-established EGRs in tropical regions remain poorly understood. This study evaluated the rainfall retention, discharge detention times and processes of runoff generation in two neighbouring 20-year-old EGRs with different slopes (2° and 14° for EGRns and EGRws, respectively) and management practices in Mexico City; results were compared with those obtained in a conventional roof (CR, 2° slope). Precipitation, substrate moisture and storm runoff were continuously measured during the 2017 and 2018 rainy seasons (May–November). Results showed spatial differences in substrate properties and moisture within and between green roofs. In general, higher bulk densities and a wide range of variation in water content characterized the bare substrate areas compared to those below vegetation. Greatest increases in substrate moisture and storm runoff were observed in the steeper green roof. Subsurface flow was the dominant process controlling the amount and timing of stormflow in the EGRs. The occurrence of saturation excess overland flow was small and detected when large rain events were preceded by high wetness conditions. The main factors influencing the hydrological responses of the green roofs were their substrate hydrophysical properties, related mostly to vegetation cover, management and age, and to much lesser extent to slope and substrate depth. On average, rainfall retention was ~60% in the EGRs with significantly longer delays and prolonged runoff times (100 and 340 min, respectively) compared to CR (3%, 20 min, and 258 min, respectively). Overall, these findings highlight the potential of EGRs in reducing stormflow and peak discharges for most rainfall in Mexico City, and thus mitigating the risk of saturation and overflow of urban drainages.  相似文献   

A. Cerd 《水文研究》1998,12(4):661-671
Soil erosion and runoff rates are assumed to be highly dependent on slope position. However, little knowledge exists about the hydrogeomorphological processes at the pedon scale that support this idea. In order to assess the hydrological and erosional behaviour of soils at different slope positions, simulated rainfall experiments (55 mm was applied during one hour) were carried out on a south-facing slope with underlying limestone in south-east Spain. In the mean terms, the erosion rates (9 g m2 hr−1) and the runoff coefficients (12%) were very low at the scale of measurement (0·25 m2). The slope position does not affect erosion rates when the measurements are carried out under extreme dry conditions during summer. The low runoff rates found in summer under thunderstorms of high intensity (5 year return period) and the runon into surfaces with higher infiltration rates resulted in no detectable direct surface runoff (Hortonian) at the slope scale. This implies that erosion as a consequence of surface overland flow will only take place during events of high magnitude (55 mm hr−1) and low frequency (>5 years). Vegetation is the most important factor determining the soil erosion and runoff rates within the slope. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the hydrologic response of a green roof system within the urban environment, a monitoring campaign is carried out at the green roof site of the University of Genova (Italy). Experimental data confirm that the green roof is able to significantly mitigate the generation of runoff with median values of retained volume and peak reduction, respectively, equal to 94 and 98%. A conceptual linear reservoir and a simple mechanistic (Hydrus‐1D) models are implemented to simulate the hydrologic behaviour of the system; each model is calibrated and validated based on experimental data collected at the green roof site. The hydrographs simulated with both hydrologic models reproduce with acceptable matching capabilities the experimental measurements, as confirmed by the Nash‐Sutcliffe Efficiency index generally greater than 0·60. Although the relative percentage differences evaluated for the selected hydrograph variables (the total effluent volume, the peak flow rate and the hydrograph centroid) demonstrate that the mechanistic model is more accurate, prediction errors of the conceptual model are generally limited when compared with the observed hydrologic performance. Results of the present comparison are useful in supporting conceptual model selection in case the hydrologic response is addressed for hydrologic performance assessment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying the impact of landscape on hydrological variables is essential for the sustainable development of water resources. Understanding how landscape changes influence hydrological variables will greatly enhance the understanding of hydrological processes. Important vegetation parameters are considered in this study by using remote sensing data and VIC-CAS model to analyse the impact of landscape changes on hydrology in upper reaches of the Shule River Basin (URSLB). The results show there are differences in the runoff generation of landscape both in space and time. With increasing altitude, the runoff yields increased, with approximately 79.9% of the total runoff generated in the high mountains (4200–5900 m), and mainly consumed in the mid-low mountain region. Glacier landscape produced the largest runoff yields (24.9% of the total runoff), followed by low-coverage grassland (LG; 22.5%), alpine cold desert (AL; 19.6%), mid-coverage grassland (MG; 15.6%), bare land (12.5%), high-coverage grassland (HG; 4.5%) and shrubbery (0.4%). The relative capacity of runoff generation by landscapes, from high to low, was the glaciers, AL, LG, HG, MG, shrubbery and bare land. Furthermore, changes in landscapes cause hydrological variables changes, including evapotranspiration, runoff and baseflow. The study revealed that HG, MG, and bare land have a positive impact on evapotranspiration and a negative impact on runoff and baseflow, whereas AL and LG have a positive impact on runoff and baseflow and a negative impact on evapotranspiration. In contrast, glaciers have a positive impact on runoff. After the simulation in four vegetation scenarios, we concluded that the runoff regulation ability of grassland is greater than that of bare land. The grassland landscape is essential since it reduced the flood peak and conserved the soil and water.  相似文献   

For the analysis of hydrological extremes and particularly in flood prediction, deeper investigation is needed on the relative effects of different hydrological processes acting at the basin scale in different hydroclimatic areas of the world. In this framework, the theoretical derivation of flood distribution shows a great potential for development and knowledge advancement. In addition, another promising path of investigation is represented by the use of distributed hydrological models via simulation modelling (including Monte Carlo, discrete event and continuous simulation). In this paper results of a theoretically derived flood frequency distribution are analyzed and compared with the results of a simulation scheme that uses a distributed hydrological model (DREAM) in cascade with a rainfall generator (IRP). The numerical simulation allows the reproduction of a large number of extreme events and provides insight into the main control for flood generation mechanisms with particular emphasis to the peak runoff contributing areas, highlighting the relevance of soil texture and morphology in different climatic environments. The proposed methodology is applied here to the Agri and the Bradano basin, in Southern Italy.  相似文献   

Shrink–swell soils, such as those in a Mediterranean climate regime, can cause changes in terms of hydrological and erosive responses because of the changing soil water storage conditions. Only a limited number of long‐term studies have focused on the impacts on both hydrological and erosive responses and their interactions in an agricultural environment. In this context, this study aims to document the dynamics of cracks, runoff and soil erosion within a small Mediterranean cultivated catchment and to quantify the influence of crack processes on the water and sediment supplied to a reservoir located at the catchment outlet using water and sediment measurements at a cultivated field outlet as baseline. Detailed monitoring of the presence of topsoil cracks was conducted within the Kamech catchment (ORE OMERE, Tunisia), and runoff and suspended sediment loads were continuously measured over a long period of time (2005–2012) at the outlets of a field (1.32 ha) and a catchment (263 ha). Analysis of the data showed that topsoil cracks were open approximately half of the year and that the rainfall regime and water table level conditions locally control the seasonal cracking dynamics. Topsoil cracks appeared to seriously affect the generation of runoff and sediment concentrations and, consequently, sediment yields, with similar dynamics observed at the field and catchment outlets. A similar time lag in the seasonality between water and sediment delivery was observed at these two scales: although the runoff rates were globally low during the presence of topsoil cracks, most sediment transport occurred during this period associated with very high sediment concentrations. This study underlines the importance of a good prediction of runoff during the presence of cracks for reservoir siltation considerations. In this context, the prediction of cracking effects on runoff and soil erosion is a key factor for the development of effective soil and water management strategies and downstream reservoir preservation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two hydrological models with different structures and spatial capabilities are selected to simulate the runoff and actual evapotranspiration (AET) in Yingluoxia watershed, the upper reaches of Heihe River basin in northwest of China, to validate their performances in simulating hydrological processes. They are calibrated against the observed runoff at the watershed outlet (Yingluoxia station) for the period from 1990 to 1996 and validated for the period from 1997 to 2000. Results show that in terms of the simulated hydrograph against observations and the two selected objective functions, the conceptual, lumped Water And Snow balance MODeling system (WASMOD) with simple model structure could give the same, even better results than the semi‐distributed Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) with complex structure. Compared with other model applications to the watershed, simulation for monthly runoff made in this study seems better. With regard to AET, results calculated from both models are comparable as well. Both WASMOD and SWAT are proved to be suitable and satisfactory tools in simulating hydrological processes in the study area, although both of them have strengths and limitations in applications. WASMOD model may be one of the promising alternatives in hydrological modelling. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of land use changes on the ecology and hydrology of natural watersheds have long been debated. However, less attention has been given to the hydrological effects of forest roads. Although less studied, several researchers have claimed that streamflow changes related to forest roads can cause a persistent and pervasive effect on hillslope hydrology and the functioning of the channel system. The main potential direct effects of forest roads on natural watersheds hydrologic response are runoff production on roads surfaces due to reduced infiltration rates, interruption of subsurface flow by road cutslopes and rapid transfer of the produced runoff to the stream network through roadside ditches. The aforementioned effects may significantly modify the total volume and timing of the hillslope flow to the stream network. This study uses detailed field data, spatial data, hydro‐meteorological records, as well as numerical simulation to investigate the effects of forest roads on the hydrological response of a small‐scale mountain experimental watershed, which is situated in the east side of Penteli Mountain, Attica, Greece. The results of this study highlight the possible effects of forest roads on the watersheds hydrological response that may significantly influence direct runoff depths and peak flow rates. It is demonstrated that these effects can be very important in permeable watersheds and that more emphasis should be given on the impact of roads on the watersheds hydrological response. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the period from 1958 to 1996, streamflow characteristics of a highly urbanized watershed were compared with less‐urbanized and non‐urbanized watersheds within a 20 000 km2 region in the vicinity of Atlanta, Georgia: in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge physiographic provinces of the southeastern USA. Water levels in several wells completed in surficial and crystalline‐rock aquifers were also evaluated. Data were analysed for seven US Geological Survey (USGS) stream gauges, 17 National Weather Service rain gauges, and five USGS monitoring wells. Annual runoff coefficients (RCs; runoff as a fractional percentage of precipitation) for the urban stream (Peachtree Creek) were not significantly greater than for the less‐urbanized watersheds. The RCs for some streams were similar to others and the similar streams were grouped according to location. The RCs decreased from the higher elevation and higher relief watersheds to the lower elevation and lower relief watersheds: values were 0·54 for the two Blue Ridge streams, 0·37 for the four middle Piedmont streams (near Atlanta), and 0·28 for a southern Piedmont stream. For the 25 largest stormflows, the peak flows for Peachtree Creek were 30% to 100% greater than peak flows for the other streams. The storm recession period for the urban stream was 1–2 days less than that for the other streams and the recession was characterized by a 2‐day storm recession constant that was, on average, 40 to 100% greater, i.e. streamflow decreased more rapidly than for the other streams. Baseflow recession constants ranged from 35 to 40% lower for Peachtree Creek than for the other streams; this is attributed to lower evapotranspiration losses, which result in a smaller change in groundwater storage than in the less‐urbanized watersheds. Low flow of Peachtree Creek ranged from 25 to 35% less than the other streams, possibly the result of decreased infiltration caused by the more efficient routing of stormwater and the paving of groundwater recharge areas. The timing of daily or monthly groundwater‐level fluctuations was similar annually in each well, reflecting the seasonal recharge. Although water‐level monitoring only began in the 1980s for the two urban wells, water levels displayed a notable decline compared with non‐urban wells since then; this is attributed to decreased groundwater recharge in the urban watersheds due to increased imperviousness and related rapid storm runoff. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The role of hummocky terrain in governing runoff routing and focussing groundwater recharge in the Northern Prairies of North America is widely recognised. However, most hydrological studies in the region have not effectively utilised information on the surficial geology and associated landforms in large-scale hydrological characterization. The present study uses an automated digital elevation model (DEM) analysis of a 6500-km2 area in the Northern Prairies to quantify hydrologically relevant terrain parameters for the common types of terrains in the prairies with different surficial deposits widespread in the prairies, namely, moraines and glaciolacustrine deposits. Runoff retention (and storage) capacity within depressions varies greatly between different surficial deposits and is comparable in magnitude with a typical amount of seasonal snowmelt runoff generation. The terrain constraint on potential runoff retention varies from a few millimetres in areas classified as moraine to tens of millimetres in areas classified as stagnant ice moraine deposits. Fluted moraine and glaciolacustrine deposits have intermediate storage capacity values. The study also identified the probability density function describing a number of immediate upstream neighbours for each depression in a fill-and-spill network. A relationship between depression parameters and surficial deposits, as well as identified depression network structure, allows parametrisation of hydrologic models outside of the high-resolution DEM coverage, which can still account for terrain variation in the Prairies.  相似文献   

Sloped areas calculated from a GIS raster file, such as a digital elevation model, are smaller than the true surface area, because they are projected to a planimetric plane. In mountainous regions this sloped area under‐estimation (SAUE) can have significant consequences on hydrological calculations. A sensitivity analysis is conducted, using the ACRU agro‐hydrological modelling system in a small watershed in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, to investigate the sensitivity of the SAUE on key elements of the hydrological cycle, including precipitation depth, April snow depth, August soil moisture deficit, actual evapotranspiration depth, and runoff depth. The sensitivity analysis is based on 224 unique combinations of slope, soil and land cover types, elevation with associated precipitation depths, and north and south facing radiation regimes. Results revealed an increasing influence of the SAUE on all hydrological processes with increasing slope steepness. Distinct differences and magnitudes between different land cover types, different elevations, and, in particular, different exposition were quantified. Actual evapotranspiration increases with SAUE, while runoff decreases. April soil water is simulated to decrease with an increase in SAUE. Finally, a comparison of a streamflow simulation of a small and steep alpine watershed with and without consideration of the SAUE is carried out. The sloped area of the small watershed is under‐estimated by 20·9%, and the difference in simulated runoff is 12·3%. When the SAUE was not considered, runoff was simulated to be higher, the associated coefficient of determination was slightly lower, and the slope of the regression line was flatter. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study a simple modelling approach was applied to identify the need for spatial complexity in representing hydrological processes and their variability over different scales. A data set of 18 basins was used, ranging between 8 and 4011 km2 in area, located in the Nahe basin (Germany), with daily discharge values for over 30 years. Two different parsimoniously structured models were applied in lumped as well as in spatially distributed according to two distribution classifications: (1) a simple classification based on the lithology expressed in three permeability types and (2) a more complex classification based on seven dominating runoff production processes. The objective of the study was to compare the performances of the models on a local and on a regional scale as well as between the models with a view to identifying the accuracy in capturing the spatial variability of the rainfall‐runoff relationships. It was shown that the presence of a specific basin characteristic or process of the distribution classification was not related with higher model performance; only a larger basin size promoted higher model performance. The results of this study also indicated that the permeability generally contained more useful information on the spatial heterogeneity of the hydrological behaviour of the natural system than did a more detailed classification on dominating runoff generation processes. Although model performance was slightly lower for the model that used permeability as a distribution classification, consistency in its parameter values was found, which was lacking with the more complex distribution classification. The latter distribution classification had a higher flexibility to optimize towards the variability of the runoff, which resulted in higher performance, however, process representation was applied inconsistently. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lihua Xiong  Shenglian Guo 《水文研究》2004,18(10):1823-1836
Effects of the catchment runoff coefficient on the performance of TOPMODEL in simulating catchment rainfall–runoff relationships are investigated in this paper, with an aim to improve TOPMODEL's simulation efficiency in catchments with a low runoff coefficient. Application of TOPMODEL in the semi‐arid Yihe catchment, with an area of 2623 km2 in the Yellow River basin of China, produced a Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency of about 80%. To investigate how the catchment runoff coefficient affects the performance of TOPMODEL, the whole observed discharge series of the Yihe catchment is multiplied with a larger‐than‐unity scale factor to obtain an amplified discharge series. Then TOPMODEL is used to simulate the amplified discharge series given the original rainfall and evaporation data. For a set of different scale factors, TOPMODEL efficiency is plotted against the corresponding catchment runoff coefficient and it is found that the efficiency of TOPMODEL increases with the increasing catchment runoff coefficient before reaching a peak (e.g. about 90%); after the peak, however, the efficiency of TOPMODEL decreases with the increasing catchment runoff coefficient. Based on this finding, an approach called the discharge amplification method is proposed to enhance the simulation efficiency of TOPMODEL in rainfall–runoff modelling in catchments with a low runoff coefficient. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The topographically explicit distributed hydrology–soil–vegetation model (DHSVM) is used to simulate hydrological effects of changes in land cover for four catchments, ranging from 27 to 1033 km2, within the Columbia River basin. Surface fluxes (stream flow and evapotranspiration) and state variables (soil moisture and snow water equivalent) corresponding to historical (1900) and current (1990) vegetation are compared. In addition a sensitivity analysis, where the catchments are covered entirely by conifers at different maturity stages, was conducted. In general, lower leaf‐area index (LAI) resulted in higher snow water equivalent, more stream flow and less evapotranspiration. Comparisons with the macroscale variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model, which parameterizes, rather than explicitly represents, topographic effects, show that runoff predicted by DHSVM is more sensitive to land‐cover changes than is runoff predicted by VIC. This is explained by model differences in soil parameters and evapotranspiration calculations, and by the more explicit representation of saturation excess in DHSVM and its higher sensitivity to LAI changes in the calculation of evapotranspiration. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

量化气候变化和人类活动对流域水文影响及其对流域水资源规划和管理具有重要的理论与现实意义.采用水文模型和多元回归法定量分析气候变化和人类活动对鄱阳湖"五河"径流的影响,并通过与灵敏度分析法对比来进一步验证分析结果 .研究表明,1970-2009年,气候变化和人类活动对鄱阳湖流域径流增加的贡献率分别为73%和27%.气候变化是饶河、信江和赣江径流增加的主导因素,而人类活动是修水径流增加的主要因素,是抚河径流减少的主要原因.另外,不同季节影响径流变化的主导因素又有不同,人类活动为干季(11月到次年2月)径流增加和湿季(4-6月)径流减小的主导因素,其贡献率分别为78.9%和82.7%.本研究可为鄱阳湖流域防洪抗旱及水资源优化配置提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   

Sandwich masonry walls are widely used as energy-saving panels since the interlayer between the outer leaves can act as an insulation layer.New types of sandwich walls are continually being introduced in research and applications,and due to their unique bond patterns,experimental studies have been performed to investigate their mechanical properties,especially with regard to their seismic performance.In this study,three new types of sandwich masonry wall have been designed,and cyclic lateral loading tests were carried out on five specimens.The results showed that the specimens failed mainly due to slippage along the bottom cracks or the development of diagonal cracks,and the failure patterns were considerably influenced by the aspect ratio.Analysis was undertaken on the seismic response of the new walls,which included ductility,stiffness degradation and energy dissipation capacity,and no obvious difference was observed between the seismic performance of the new walls and traditional walls.Comparisons were made between the experimental results and the calculated results of the shear capacity.It is concluded that the formulas in the two Chinese codes(GB 50011 and GB 50003) are suitable for the calculation of the shear capacity for the new types of walls,and the formula in GB 50011 tends to be more conservative.  相似文献   

提出一种十字带侧板型抗剪连接件,以混凝土强度、抗剪连接件长度、抗剪连接件数量为参数设计四个试件,并进行往复加载试验,研究其破坏形态、剪力-位移曲线、骨架曲线、初始刚度、抗剪承载力和应变等指标。结果表明:四个试件的破坏形态基本一致,均由抗剪连接件与混凝土梁连接处率先产生裂缝,并向上端和下端发展,在混凝土出现压溃后达到极限状态;剪力-滑移曲线走势基本相同,均包括初始弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段和破坏阶段。另外,提高混凝土强度可增大试件初始刚度达16.44%,并能有效降低位移及应变;增大抗剪连接件长度仅提高试件初始刚度的4.25%,且对位移和应变的影响也较小;提高抗剪连接件数量可使初始刚度增大47.82%,抗剪连接件始终处于弹性,且有效减小位移和混凝土损伤,以及提高试件承载能力,满足弯剪分离式组合连接节点预期1mm最大位移的要求。  相似文献   

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