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Rainfall is the key climatic variable that governs the regional hydrologic cycle and availability of water resources. Recent studies have analysed the changes in rainfall patterns at global as well as regional scales in Australia. Recent studies have also suggested that any analysis of hydroclimatic variables should be performed at the local scale rather than at a large or global scale because the trends and their effects may be different from one location to the other. Because no studies were found specific to the Yarra River catchment, which is an important catchment in Victoria, Australia, this study performs a spatiotemporal trend analysis on long‐term rainfall records at 15 measuring stations within the catchment. The Mann–Kendall test was used to detect trends, and Sen's slope estimator was used to calculate the slopes in both monthly and annual rainfall. Moreover, a cumulative summation technique was used to identify the trend beginning year, and prewhitening criteria were tested to check for autocorrelation in the data. The results showed that the monthly rainfall has generally decreasing trends except in January and June. Significant decreasing rainfall trends were observed in May (among the autumn months of March, April and May) at most stations and also in some other months at several stations. A decreasing trend was also observed in the annual rainfall at all stations. This study indicates that there has been a consistent reduction in rainfall over the catchment, both spatially and temporally over the past 50 years, which will have important implications for the future management of water resources. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land use (and land management) change is seen as the primary factor responsible for changes in sediment and nutrient delivery to water bodies. Understanding how sediment and nutrient (or constituent) concentrations vary with land use is critical to understanding the current and future impact of land use change on aquatic ecosystems. Access to appropriate land-use based water quality data is also important for calculating reliable load estimates using water quality models. This study collated published and unpublished runoff, constituent concentration and load data for Australian catchments. Water quality data for total suspended sediments (TSS), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were collated from runoff events with a focus on catchment areas that have a single or majority of the contributing area under one land use. Where possible, information on the dissolved forms of nutrients were also collated. For each data point, information was included on the site location, land use type and condition, contributing catchment area, runoff, laboratory analyses, the number of samples collected over the hydrograph and the mean constituent concentration calculation method. A total of ~750 entries were recorded from 514 different geographical sites covering 13 different land uses. We found that the nutrient concentrations collected using "grab" sampling (without a well defined hydrograph) were lower than for sites with gauged auto-samplers although this data set was small and no statistical analysis could be undertaken. There was no statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between data collected at plot and catchment scales for the same land use. This is most likely due to differences in land condition over-shadowing the effects of spatial scale. There was, however, a significant difference in the concentration value for constituent samples collected from sites where >90% of the catchment was represented by a single land use, compared to sites with <90% of the upstream area represented by a single land use. This highlights the need for more single land use water quality data, preferably over a range of spatial scales. Overall, the land uses with the highest median TSS concentrations were mining (~50,000mg/l), horticulture (~3000mg/l), dryland cropping (~2000mg/l), cotton (~600mg/l) and grazing on native pastures (~300mg/l). The highest median TN concentrations are from horticulture (~32,000μg/l), cotton (~6500μg/l), bananas (~2700μg/l), grazing on modified pastures (~2200μg/l) and sugar (~1700μg/l). For TP it is forestry (~5800μg/l), horticulture (~1500μg/l), bananas (~1400μg/l), dryland cropping (~900mg/l) and grazing on modified pastures (~400μg/l). For the dissolved nutrient fractions, the sugarcane land use had the highest concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP). Urban land use had the highest concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). This study provides modellers and catchment managers with an increased understanding of the processes involved in estimating constituent concentrations, the data available for use in modelling projects, and the conditions under which they should be applied. Areas requiring more data are also discussed.  相似文献   


We conducted a PUB (predictions in ungauged basins) experiment looking at hydrology and crop dynamics in the semi-arid rural Mod catchment in India. The experiment was motivated by the aims (a) to develop a coupled eco-hydrological model capable of analysing land-use strategies concerning crop water need, erosion protection, crop yield and resistivity against droughts and floods, and (b) to assess the feasibility of a strategy for collecting the necessary data in a data-scarce region. Our experiment combines parsimonious data assessment and eco-hydrological model coupling at the lower mesoscale. Linking bottom-up sampling of functionally representative soil classes and top-down regionalization based on spectral properties of the same resulted in a comprehensive distributed data basis for the model. A clear focus on the dominating processes and the catena as the organizing landscape element in the given environmental setting enabled this. We employed the WASA (Water Availability in Semi-Arid environments) model for uncalibrated process-based water balance modelling and integrated a crop simulation subroutine based on the SWAP (Soil Water Atmosphere Plant) model to account for crop dynamics, feedbacks and yield estimation. While we found the data assessment strategy and the hydrological model application largely feasible, in terms of its accounting for scale, processes and model concepts, the simulation of feedbacks with crops was problematic. Contributing to the PUB issue, more general conclusions are drawn concerning spatially-distributed structural information and uncalibrated modelling.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor F. Hattermann  相似文献   

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an established method for establishing high accuracy horizontal and vertical control points over large areas. Recent improvements in receiver technology, differential surveying and software have made the use of GPS technology more practical for smaller projects. This paper compares different GPS methods with occupation times of 2 s, 2 min and 12 min using an existing control network, and the gathering of topographic data from a difficult field site. Two examples are given, one in East Texas, demonstrating the speed and accuracy of different techniques, and the other in the Quantock Hills in Somerset.  相似文献   

An equivalent layer magnetization model for Australia and adjacent oceanic areas is presented. The model is obtained by linear inversion of Magsat anomaly data measured in the altitude range 325–550 km. The anomaly data set has been isolated from the raw data set by use of models of the core field and very long wavelength external fields, and is internally consistent. Certain major structural features of the Australian continent are geographically associated with magnetization anomalies. A first-order difference is seen between the Tasman Zone and the Precambrian cratonic areas: magnetization anomalies are much more subdued in the former, possibly reflecting a shallowing of the Curie isotherm within the crust. A profile of the vertical integral of magnetization is presented for a crustal section extending from the Gawler Block to the southeast coast. It is shown that the magnetization variations are probably due partly, but not wholly, to depth to Curie isotherm variations; gross magnetization variations among at least three distinct crustal units must be involved.  相似文献   

Specific catchment area (SCA) patterns are commonly computed on grids using flow direction algorithms that treat the flow as coming from a point source at the pixel centre. These algorithms are all ambiguous in the definition of the flow width to be associated with a pixel when computing the SCA. Different methods for computing the flow width have been suggested, without giving an objective reason. In the few cases where this issue has been specifically discussed, the flow width is derived from subjective analysis and incorrect conceptualizations. This paper evaluates alternative approaches for defining the flow width when computing SCA patterns using the D∞ and D8 algorithms, by comparing theoretical and computed SCA patterns on sloping planes, inward and outward cones. Two new methods of defining the flow width are also analysed for both the D∞ and D8 algorithms. The performances of the different methods are discussed in relation to two dimensionless parameters: (1) the global resolution, defined as the ratio of a characteristic length of the study area to the grid size and (2) the upslope area resolution, defined as the ratio of the theoretical SCA to the grid size. The optimal methods are identified by specific threshold values of these dimensionless parameters. We conclude that assuming the flow width invariant and equal to the grid size is generally the best approach in most practical circumstances, both for the D∞ and D8 algorithm. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The inclusion of cloudiness characteristics, obtained by computer analysis of multispectral satellite photographs, in the objective analysis of the dew-point temperature deficit is suggested for the mesomodel. The basic principle of the method is the correction of mathematically packed data using processed satellite cloudiness observations. Special fast algorithms for constructing bicubic splines are used to effect the basic mathematical packing.
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ADAPT区域数字地震台网数据汇集与处理软件包   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
已经开发了一种区域数字地震台网处理软件包,称作ADAPT(Adaptive Data Acquisition and Processing Tools)。ADAPT软件系统适用于安装在区域遥测数字地震台网中心的Windows NT计算机网络,用于汇集和处理来自台网所属台站的数字地震波形数据,其主要功能包括在线自动处理和人机交互处理两个方面。本文将介绍ADAPT系统的基本功能,分析该系统的特点,并着重说明系统中采用的地震定位方法。  相似文献   

Adequate irrigation inputs are essential for the application of hydrological models in irrigated catchments, but reliable data on both the amount and the frequency of irrigation applications are often missing at an appropriate spatial scale. In this paper, we demonstrate and test approaches to estimate irrigation inputs for distributed hydrological modelling. In this context, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool was applied to simulate water balances for an irrigated catchment in southeast Australia during the period 2008–2010. Two methods for estimating irrigation inputs were tested. One method was based on a fixed irrigation application rate, whereas the other one had variable irrigation rates depending on season and the irrigated crop. These two approaches were also compared with the ‘auto‐irrigation’ method within the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. The method with variable irrigation rates resulted in the most reasonable interpretation of the readily available irrigation data, consistent estimates of irrigation runoff coefficients throughout the year and the best fit to observed data on both drain flows at the catchment outlet and spatial evapotranspiration patterns. We also found that the different irrigation inputs significantly affected simulated water balances, in particular deep percolation under relatively dry climatic conditions. All these results suggest that it is possible to infer irrigation inputs from readily available data and local knowledge, adequate for hydrological modelling in irrigated catchments. Our study also demonstrates that, in order to predict reliable water balances in irrigated catchments, an accurate knowledge of irrigation scheduling and irrigation runoff is required. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A statistical downscaling model, based on the outputs of general circulation models (GCMs) as predictors, was proposed to simulate the daily precipitations in the Shih‐Men reservoir catchment in Taiwan. The structure of the proposed downscaling model is composed of two parts: classification and regression. Predictors of classification and regression models were selected from the large‐scale weather variables in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NECP) reanalysis data based on statistical tests. Discriminant analysis and support vector regression (SVR) were applied to build the classification and regression models. The outputs of five atmosphere‐ocean GCMs, which are reported to have properly considered tropical cyclone information and East Asian Monsoon modelling, were used for projecting future precipitations. Data from four grids covering Taiwan were used for developing the downscaling model. The potential of the downscaling models in simulating local precipitations was evaluated, and downscaling results reveal that the proposed downscaling model can reproduce local daily precipitations from large‐scale weather variables. Projected local precipitations under two emission scenarios show that the precipitations in the study area tend to decrease. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the significant influence of temperature upon alpine stream benthic communities, thermal regimes of the water column and hyporheic zone of these mountain streams have received limited attention. This paper reports upon a detailed spatio‐temporal study of water column and streambed temperatures undertaken within the Taillon–Gabiétous catchment, French Pyrénées, that aims: (1) to characterize the nature and dynamics of alpine stream water column and streambed thermal patterns; (2) to investigate stream thermal variability under a range of hydroclimatological conditions; and (3) to consider the implications of (1) and (2) for alpine stream benthic communities. The catchment contains four highly dynamic hydrological sources and pathways: (1) two cirque glaciers (Taillon and Gabiétous); (2) seasonal snowpacks; (3) a karst groundwater system; and (4) hillslope aquifers. Water column temperatures were monitored continuously at four sites located along the Taillon glacial stream and at three groundwater springs (two karstic and one hillslope) over the 2002 summer melt season. An eighth site (Tourettes) was established on a predominantly groundwater‐fed stream with limited meltwater input. Bed temperatures (0·05, 0·20 and 0·40 m depth) and river discharge were measured at three sites: (1) the Taillon stream; (2) the Tourettes stream; and (3) below the confluence of (1) and (2). Air temperatures, incoming short‐wave radiation and precipitation were recorded to characterize atmospheric conditions. Glacial stream water column temperatures increased downstream, although groundwater tributaries punctuated longitudinal patterns. Karstic groundwater streams were cooler and more thermally stable than the glacial stream (except at the glacier snout). Hillslope groundwater stream temperatures were most variable and, on average, the warmest of all sites. Streambed temperatures in the glacial stream were coldest and most variable whilst the warmest and least variable streambed temperatures were recorded in an adjacent groundwater tributary. Temperature variability was strongly related to: (1) dynamic water source and pathway contributions; (2) proximity to source; and (3) prevailing hydroclimatological conditions. The high thermal heterogeneity within this catchment may sustain relatively diverse benthic communities, including some endemic Pyrénéan macroinvertebrate taxa. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Kiryu Experimental Catchment (KEW) is a small (5.99 ha) forest catchment located in Shiga Prefecture, central Japan (34°58′ N, 136°00′ E; www.bluemoon.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kiryu/contents.html ). Around this area, forest devastation occurred from ca. 1250 to ca. 150 years ago because of overuse of forest and timbers. Then, hillside forestation was carried out for more than 100 years to prevent soil erosion and support the timber industry, and consequently, most of this area is now covered with plantation forests mainly by Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc. (Japanese cypress) planted around 1960's. This plantation forest is not actively managed. The KEW is one of the leading experimental forests with long-term monitoring data in Japan. Research in the KEW began in 1967 to elucidate the hydrological and biogeochemical processes in the forested catchment in relation to climate, geology, soil, and vegetation growth. Since then, the long-term hydrological data of precipitation, runoff and sediment transport are continuously monitoring. In this study, we provide the data and preliminarily discuss the rainfall–runoff patterns and sediment transport through 50 years in the KEW. The annual precipitation and the maximum daily rainfall have been greater than the average over the last decade. In response to the rainfall patterns, the ratio of annual direct runoff to precipitation was also larger in the last decade. The sediment transport in this decade was consequently larger than the preceding decades. Our data presented here suggest that a close relationship exists between the climate condition, rainfall–runoff response, sediment dynamics, as well as a slowly progressing change of forest condition.  相似文献   

Here, we compared grid precipitation data — Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) and WATCH Forcing Data methodology applied to ERA‐Interim (WFDEI) data — with Brazilian Weather Bureau (INMET) and Brazilian Water Agency (ANA) rain gauge data (n = 2027) for the period 1980–2010 in order to evaluate which grid data set better represents precipitation, and is thus more suitable for hydrological modelling of Brazilian water resources. We found that WFDEI outperformed CFSR according to three statistical indicators. We then applied and interpolated a simple bias correction to further improve WFDEI data before we used these data to model river discharge of the Tocantins catchment with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Calibration (validation in parentheses; weighted averages of all gauges) had satisfactory statistical metrics: p‐factor = 0.52 (0.47); r‐factor = 0.84 (0.99); R2 = 0.78 (0.71); bR2 = 0.68 (0.47); NS = 0.70 (0.66); Pbias = ?4.5 (4.0). Finally, the calibrated SWAT model was used to assess the spatial distribution of the catchment's water resources. Annual green water flow (evapotranspiration) increased from the south‐east (640–840 mm yr?1) to north‐west (1140–1440 mm) of the Tocantins catchment, while green water storage (soil water content) increased from south (330–1070 mm) to north (2180–3290 mm). Blue water (water yield) had a less clear pattern, with lower values in the south and the central borders of the catchment (20–560 mm) and higher values along the central axis and the north (920–1460 mm). Our analysis suggested that WFDEI was an accurate representation of Brazilian precipitation. For large catchments, we therefore recommend the use of WFDEI instead of sparse and often missing rain gauge data in modelling Brazilian water resources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have analyzed helium ages of apatites from several boreholes in the Otway basin, Australia, to evaluate whether laboratory helium diffusivity can be accurately extrapolated to conditions relevant in nature. Downhole apatite helium ages define a broad swath of values from 78–71 Ma at the surface (15°C) to nearly zero at depths corresponding to ambient temperatures of 80°C. The width of the swath results from uncertainties in corrected borehole temperatures, differences in the thermal history experienced by the various boreholes, and possibly from slightly different helium diffusivities among the detrital apatite grains studied. In the eastern Otway basin, the shape and position of the helium age profile is in good agreement with predictions based on the extrapolation of laboratory diffusivity data for Durango apatite coupled with published thermal histories for this part of the basin. In contrast, helium ages are much younger than predicted in the western Otway basin. Based on measured ages from Otway sediments, which have been essentially isothermal over the last few million years, an empirical diffusivity (D/a2) of 2×10−15 s−1 can be assigned to apatites residing at downhole temperatures of 67–97°C. This empirical diffusivity is consistent with laboratory diffusion measurements, demonstrating that such measurements are reasonably accurate and can be applied with confidence to natural geologic settings. Given this confirmation of the laboratory diffusivity data, the discrepancy between the observed and modeled helium age profiles in the western Otway basin suggests that these sediments recently experienced higher temperatures than presently supposed.  相似文献   

Spatial variations of the magnetic field, measured at the Earth's surface, are mainly due to geological inhomogeneities within the crust. The present state of the crust, in turn, reflects its past dynamical processes and evolution. We analyzed the magnetic field intensity along a few but densely sampled profiles in a Tertiary volcanic province near Bonn, Germany. The aim was to find out whether the variation of the magnetic intensity can be related to a deterministic, although chaotic, generating system or to a stochastic one. In the former case, the geodynamical history would depend on a few degrees of freedom, whereas in the latter case, the parameters to take into account were so many that a statistic approach appears to be more suitable. Since strange attractors do not emerge from the analyzed data, we exclude the presence of a chaos generating system. Autocorrelation functions and a rescaled-range analysis, on the other hand, reveal and quantify a certain degree of correlation among successive data points and allow calculation of a range of spectral exponents in log-log diagrams, which are clearly distinct from those of white noise and Brownian motion. Only one of the profiles exhibits similarity to uncorrelated or white noise. In this case, the signal variations do not result from the local geology but from a buried gas pipe-line, aligned subparallel to that profile. If self-organized crustal evolution generally produces signatures that can be described as correlated noise, within a limited bandwidth of spectral exponents, erraneous or disturbed data could eventually be discriminated from records containing purely natural data by applying analysis tools of the dynamic system theory together with autocorrelation tests.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the availability and quality of data from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Global Positioning System (GPS) network in Africa, especially for retrieving zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD), from which precipitable water vapour (PWV) can be derived, in view of application to the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) project. Three major error sources for the GPS data analysis evaluating PWV in Africa are the accuracy of the satellite orbits, the correction for the radio delay induced by the ionosphere and the vertical site displacements due to ocean loading. The first part of this study examines these error sources and the validity of GPS data for meteorological applications in Africa in dedicated analyses spanning the year 2001. These analyses were performed using the IGS precise orbits. Weak degradation of baseline precision with increasing baseline lengths suggests that the average orbital error is not limiting the GPS analysis in Africa. The impact of the ionosphere has been evaluated during a maximum of solar activity in 2001. The loss of L2 data has actually been observed. It amounts to 2% on average for 2001, with maxima of 8% during magnetic storm events. A slight decrease in formal accuracy of ZTD seems to be related to the loss of L2 data at the end of the day. This indicates that scintillation effects are present in the GPS observations but however are not a major limitation. The impact of ocean loading is found to be significant on ZTD estimates (up to ±2 mm in equivalent PWV). The use of a proper ocean loading model eliminates this effect.The second aspect of this study concerns the IGS analysis quality for the African stations. The accuracy has been assessed through position dispersion between individual solutions and the most recent version of the IGS combined solution IGb00, and residuals from the transformation of the IGS combined solution into the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005. The positioning performance of the IGS analysis is consistent with an accuracy in ZTD of ±6 mm (±1 mm in PWV), as requested for meteorological applications such as planned in AMMA.  相似文献   

The jet erosion test (JET) is a widely applied method for deriving the erodibility of cohesive soils and sediments. There are suggestions in the literature that further examination of the method widely used to interpret the results of these erosion tests is warranted. This paper presents an alternative approach for such interpretation based on the principle of energy conservation. This new approach recognizes that evaluation of erodibility using the jet tester should involve the mass of soil eroded, so determination of this eroded mass (or else scour volume and bulk density) is required. The theory partitions jet kinetic energy flux into that involved in eroding soil, the remainder being dissipated in a variety of mechanisms. The energy required to erode soil is defined as the product of the eroded mass and a resistance parameter which is the energy required to entrain unit mass of soil, denoted J (in J/kg), whose magnitude is sought. An effective component rate of jet energy consumption is defined which depends on depth of scour penetration by the jet, but not on soil type, or the uniformity of the soil type being investigated. Application of the theory depends on experimentally determining the spatial form of jet energy consumption displayed in erosion of a uniform body of soil, an approach of general application. The theory then allows determination of the soil resistance parameter J as a function of depth of scour penetration into any soil profile, thus evaluating such profile variation in erodibility as may exist. This parameter J has been used with the same meaning in soil and gully erosion studies for the last 25 years. Application of this approach will appear in a companion publication as part 2. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of jet tester experiments on soil samples of uniform properties which allow quantitative application of the new theory proposed in part 1 of these publications. This theory explores the possibly that a more adequate indicator of soil erodibility may be obtained by using the mass (and so volume) of soil eroded by the jet and the depth of scour penetration, rather than by using penetration depth alone, as assumed in the commonly‐used data interpretation method. It is shown that scour geometry can be well described using a generalized form of the Gaussian function, defined by its standard deviation and maximum depth. Using a published expression for jet kinetic energy flux, the new theory divides this flux into that used to erode soil, and the remainder which is dissipated in a variety of ways. Jet experiments on a specially‐prepared uniform soil sample are reported which provide the key to determining the spatial variability in the profile resistance to erosion offered by field soils. This resistance is expressed in the work required to erode unit mass of soil, denoted as J (in J/kg). The paper also gives results obtained on the profile variation in J for jet tests carried out at riverine sites on the upper Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia. As expected in most natural soil profiles, the results show an increase in J with depth in the profile. The soil resistance (J) is compared to the traditional interpretation of soil erodibility, (kd). The graphical comparison of these two indicators illustrates the inverse type of relationship between them which is expected from their respective definitions, but this relationship is associated with significant scatter. Possible reasons for this scatter are given, together with comments on jet tester experience in a wide variety of soil types. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to shortage of rainfall and its increasing variability, moisture stress is identified to be one of the most critical factors affecting agricultural productivity in the drylands of Ethiopia. To circumvent this problem, a strategy of supplemental irrigation through surface water harvesting was adopted by the government and several micro‐dams have been built in the semi‐arid parts of the country. However, the benefits from the water harvesting schemes are not sustainable because of rapid water storage loss due to siltation. There is, therefore, an urgent need for improved catchment‐based erosion control and sediment management strategies. The design and implementation of such strategies require data on the rate and magnitude of sediment deposition. To this end, reservoir surveys were conducted to estimate sediment deposition rate for 11 reservoirs identified to be representative of catchments in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. Two approaches were employed during the survey: one was based on measurement of sediment thickness in reservoirs while the other was based on comparing the original and existing topography of the reservoir‐beds. The average annual sediment yield estimated for the study sites was about 19 t ha?1 y?1. An equation of the type SSY = 3á36A0á67 (with SSY = area specific sediment yield in t ha?1 y?1 and A = catchment area in km2) was also established for the study region, which is opposite to the ‘universal’ SSY–A relationship. In order to improve the sediment yield predictive capability of A, it was integrated with a factorial index that assesses the catchment's propensity to erosion and potential sediment yield. The effect of accelerated sediment deposition on water storage loss of reservoirs and possible controlling factors of the SSY–A relationship are outlined. The potential semi‐quantitative scoring approach to characterize catchments in terms of erosion sensitivity and the significance of the A‐index approach to predict SSY of similar catchments are also highlighted. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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