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Runoff and erosion processes can increase after wildfire and post-fire salvage logging, but little is known about the specific effects of soil compaction and surface cover after post-fire salvage logging activities on these processes. We carried out rainfall simulations after a high-severity wildfire and post-fire salvage logging to assess the effect of compaction (uncompacted or compacted by skid traffic during post-fire salvage logging) and surface cover (bare or covered with logging slash). Runoff after 71 mm of rainfall across two 30-min simulations was similar for the bare plots regardless of the compaction status (mean 33 mm). In comparison, runoff in the slash-covered plots averaged only 22 mm. Rainsplash in the downslope direction averaged 30 g for the bare plots across compaction levels and decreased significantly by 70% on the slash-covered plots. Sediment yield totalled 460 and 818 g m−2 for the uncompacted and compacted bare plots, respectively, and slash significantly reduced these amounts by an average rate of 71%. Our results showed that soil erosion was still high two years after the high severity burning and the effect of soil compaction nearly doubled soil erosion via nonsignificant increases in runoff and sediment concentration. Antecedent soil moisture (dry or wet) was the dominant factor controlling runoff, while surface cover was the dominant factor for rainsplash and sediment yield. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and interrill erodibility calculated from these rainfall simulations confirmed previous laboratory research and will support hydrologic and erosion modelling efforts related to wildfire and post-fire salvage logging. Covering the soil with slash mitigated runoff and significantly reduced soil erosion, demonstrating the potential of this practise to reduce sediment yield and soil degradation from burned and logged areas.  相似文献   

Continuing long and extensive wildfire seasons in the Western US emphasize the need for better understanding of wildfire impacts including post-fire management scenarios. Advancements in our understanding of post-fire hillslope erosion and watershed response such as flooding, sediment yield, and debris flows have recently received considerable attention. The potential impacts of removing dead trees, called salvage logging, has been studied, however the use of remotely sensed imagery after salvage logging to evaluate spatial patterns and recovery is novel. The 2015 North Star Fire provided an opportunity to evaluate hillslope erosion reduction using two field experiments and coincidental remotely sensed imagery over 3 years. Simulated rill experiments with four flow rates were used to quantify hillslope erosion on skidder trails with and without added logging slash compared with a burned-only control. Seven replicated hillslope silt fence plots with the same treatments were also evaluated for natural rainfall events. WorldView-2 satellite imagery was used to relate ground cover and erodible bare soil between the two experiments using multi-temporal Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) values. Results indicate that the skid trails produced significantly more sediment (0.70 g s−1) than either the slash treated skid trail (0.34 g s−1) or controls (0.04 g s−1) with the simulated rill experiment. Similarly, under natural rainfall conditions sediment yield from hillslope silt fence plots was significantly greater for the skid trail (3.42 Mg ha−1) than either the slash treated skid trail (0.18 Mg ha−1) or controls (0 Mg ha−1). An NDVI value of 0.32 on all plots over all years corresponded to a ground cover of about 60% which is an established threshold for erosion reduction. Significant relationships between NDVI, ground cover, and sediment values suggest that NDVI may help managers evaluate ground cover and erosion potential remotely after disturbances such as a wildfire or salvage logging.  相似文献   

Elevated wildfire activity in many regions in recent decades has increased concerns about the short- and long-term effects on water quantity, quality, and aquatic ecosystem health. Often, loss of canopy interception and transpiration, along with changes in soil structural properties, leads to elevated total annual water yields, peak flows, and low flows. Post-fire land management treatments are often used to promote forest regeneration and mitigate effects to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. However, few studies have investigated the longer-term effects of either wildfire or post-fire land management on catchment hydrology. Our objectives were to quantify and compare the short- and longer-term effects of both wildfire and post-fire forest management treatments on annual discharge, peak flows, low flows, and evapotranspiration (AET). We analyzed ten years of pre-fire data, along with post-fire data from 1 to 7 and 35 to 41 years after wildfire burned three experimental catchments in the Entiat Experimental Forest (EEF) in the Pacific Northwest, USA. After the fire, two of the catchments were salvage logged, aerially seeded, and fertilized, while the third catchment remained as a burned reference. We observed increases in annual discharge (150–202%), peak flows (234–283%), and low flows (42–81%), along with decreases in AET (34–45%), across all three study catchments in the first seven year period after the EEF wildfire. Comparatively, annual discharge, peak flows, lows flows, and AET had returned to pre-fire levels 35–41 years after the EEF fire in the two salvage logged and seeded catchments. Surprisingly, in the catchment that was burned but not actively managed, the annual discharge and runoff ratios remained elevated, while AET remained lower, during the period 35–41 years after the EEF fire. We posit that differences in long-term hydrologic recovery across catchments were driven by delayed vegetation recovery in the unmanaged catchment. Our study demonstrates that post-fire land management decisions have the potential to produce meaningful differences in the long-term recovery of catchment-scale ecohydrologic processes and streamflow.  相似文献   

Large wildfires can have profound and lasting impacts not only from direct consumption of vegetation but also longer-term effects such as persistent soil erosion. The 2002 Hayman Fire burned in one of the watersheds supplying water to the Denver metropolitan area; thus there was concern regarding hillslope erosion and sedimentation in the reservoirs. The efficacy of various treatments for reducing erosion was tested, including hand scarification on contour, agricultural straw mulch, wood mulch, burned controls and unburned reference plots. Simulated rill erosion experiments were used both immediately after the fire and again 10 years post fire. To better understand untreated recovery, the same experiments were applied to control plots in post-fire years 1, 2, 3 and 4, and in unburned reference plots in years 4 and 10. Results indicate that control and scarified plots produced significantly greater sediment flux rates – 1.9 and 2.8 g s−1 respectively – than the straw and wood mulch treatments – 0.9 and 1.1 g s−1 – immediately after the fire. Mulch treatments reduced runoff rate, runoff velocity, and sediment concentration and flux rate. The straw mulch cover was no longer present, whereas the wood mulch was still there in year 10. Vegetation regrowth was slow and mulch treatments provided effective cover to reduce sediment right after the fire. In post-fire year 10, there were no significant differences in sediment flux rates across treatments; it is notable, however, that the wood mulch treatment (0.09 g s−1) most closely approached the unburned condition (0.07 g s−1). The burned control plots had high sediment flux rates until post-fire year 3, when flux rates significantly decreased and were statistically no longer higher than the unburned levels from year 4 and 10. These results will inform managers of the longer-term post-fire sediment delivery rates and of the ability of post-fire emergency hillslope treatments to mitigate erosion rates. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Sediment delivery following post-fire logging is a concern relative to water quality. While studies have assessed the effect of post-fire logging on sediment yields at different spatial scales, none have explicitly identified sediment sources. Our goal was to quantify post-fire and post-salvage logging sediment yields and use rill patterns to identify sediment sources. We measured the extent and type of logging disturbance, length of rills per unit area or “rill density”, ground cover, and sediment yields in nine logged and five control small catchments or “swales”, 0.09 to 0.81 ha, for 5 years after the 2013 Rim Fire in California's Sierra Nevada. The logged swales had a mean ground disturbance of 31%. After the first wet season following logging, there was no difference in either mean rill density (0.071 and 0.088 m m−2, respectively) or mean transformed, normalized sediment yields between the control and logged swales. Untransformed mean sediment yields across three sites ranged from 0.11–11.8 and 1.1–3.2 Mg ha−1 for the controls and salvage-logged swales, respectively. Rill density was strongly related to sediment yield and increased significantly with the amount of high-traffic skid trail disturbance in logged swales. Rill density was not significantly related to the amount of bare soil despite a significant relationship between sediment yields and bare soil. Rills usually initiated in bare soil and frequently connected high traffic skid trails to the drainage network after being diverted by waterbars. Rill connectivity and sediment yields decreased in control and logged swales where vegetation or other surface cover was high, suggesting this cover disconnected rills from the drainage network. Increasing ground cover on skid trails and between areas disturbed by post-fire logging and stream channels may reduce sediment yields as well as the hydrologic connectivity between hillslopes and the drainage network.  相似文献   

Wildfire is a natural component of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe rangelands that induces temporal shifts in plant community physiognomy, ground surface conditions, and erosion rates. Fire alteration of the vegetation structure and ground cover in these ecosystems commonly amplifies soil losses by wind- and water-driven erosion. Much of the fire-related erosion research for sagebrush steppe has focused on either erosion by wind over gentle terrain or water-driven erosion under high-intensity rainfall on complex topography. However, many sagebrush rangelands are geographically positioned in snow-dominated uplands with complex terrain in which runoff and sediment delivery occur primarily in winter months associated with cold-season hydrology. Current understanding is limited regarding fire effects on the interaction of wind- and cold-season hydrologic-driven erosion processes for these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated fire impacts on vegetation, ground cover, soils, and erosion across spatial scales at a snow-dominated mountainous sagebrush site over a 2-year period post-fire. Vegetation, ground cover, and soil conditions were assessed at various plot scales (8 m2 to 3.42 ha) through standard field measures. Erosion was quantified through a network of silt fences (n = 24) spanning hillslope and side channel or swale areas, ranging from 0.003 to 3.42 ha in size. Sediment delivery at the watershed scale (129 ha) was assessed by suspended sediment samples of streamflow through a drop-box v-notch weir. Wildfire consumed nearly all above-ground live vegetation at the site and resulted in more than 60% bare ground (bare soil, ash, and rock) in the immediate post-fire period. Widespread wind-driven sediment loading of swales was observed over the first month post-fire and extensive snow drifts were formed in these swales each winter season during the study. In the first year, sediment yields from north- and south-facing aspects averaged 0.99–8.62 t ha−1 at the short-hillslope scale (~0.004 ha), 0.02–1.65 t ha−1 at the long-hillslope scale (0.02–0.46 ha), and 0.24–0.71 t ha−1 at the swale scale (0.65–3.42 ha), and watershed scale sediment yield was 2.47 t ha−1. By the second year post fire, foliar cover exceeded 120% across the site, but bare ground remained more than 60%. Sediment yield in the second year was greatly reduced across short- to long-hillslope scales (0.02–0.04 t ha−1), but was similar to first-year measures for swale plots (0.24–0.61 t ha−1) and at the watershed scale (3.05 t ha−1). Nearly all the sediment collected across all spatial scales was delivered during runoff events associated with cold-season hydrologic processes, including rain-on-snow, rain-on-frozen soils, and snowmelt runoff. Approximately 85–99% of annual sediment collected across all silt fence plots each year was from swales. The high levels of sediment delivered across hillslope to watershed scales in this study are attributed to observed preferential loading of fine sediments into swale channels by aeolian processes in the immediate post-fire period and subsequent flushing of these sediments by runoff from cold-season hydrologic processes. Our results suggest that the interaction of aeolian and cold-season hydrologic-driven erosion processes is an important component for consideration in post-fire erosion assessment and prediction and can have profound implications for soil loss from these ecosystems. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment fences are often used to monitor hillslope erosion, but these can underestimate sediment yields due to overtopping of runoff and associated sediment. We modified four sediment fences to collect and measure the runoff and sediment that overtopped the fence in addition to the sediment deposited behind the fence. Specific objectives were to: (1) determine the catch efficiency of sediment fences measuring post-fire hillslope erosion; (2) assess particle sorting of sand, silt/clay, and organic matter from each hillslope through the sediment fence and subsequent runoff collection barrels; (3) evaluate how catch efficiency and particle size sorting relate to site and rainfall-runoff event characteristics; and (4) use runoff simulations to estimate sediment fence volumes for future post-fire monitoring. Catch efficiency ranged from 28 to 100% for events and 38 to 94% per site for the entire sampling season, indicating a relatively large underestimation of sediment yields by sediment fences. Most of the eroded sediment had similar proportions of sand and silt/clay as the hillslope soils, but the sediment behind the fence was significantly enriched in sand while the sediment that overtopped the fence was more strongly enriched in silt/clay. The sediment fences had capacities of 3 m3 for hillslopes of 0.19–0.43 ha, but simulations of runoff for 2- to 100-year storms indicate that the sediment fences would need a capacity of up to 240 m3 to store all of the runoff and associated sediment. More accurate measurements of sediment yields with sediment fences require either increasing the storage capacity of the sediment fence(s) to accommodate the expected volume of runoff and sediment, reducing the size of the contributing area, or directly measuring the runoff and sediment that overtop the fence. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The intensity of soil loss and sediment delivery, representing hydrologic and geomorphic processes within a catchment, accelerates with rapid changes in land cover and rainfall events. An underlying component of sustainable management of water resources is an understanding of spatial and temporal variability and the adverse influences of regional parameters involved in generating sediment following widespread changes in land cover. A calibrated algorithm of soil loss coupled with a sediment delivery ratio (SDR) was applied in raster data layers to improve the capability of a combined model to estimate annual variability in sediment yields related to changes in vegetation cover identified by analyses of SPOT imagery. Four catchments in Kangaroo River State forest were assessed for annual changes in sediment yields. Two catchments were selectively logged in 2007, while the two other sites remained undisturbed. Results of SDR estimates indicated that only a small proportion of total eroded sediment from hillslopes is transported to catchment outlets. Larger SDR values were estimated in regions close to catchment outlets, and the SDR reduced sharply on hillslopes further than 200–300 m from these areas. Estimated sediment yield increased by up to 30% two years after land cover change (logging) in 2009 when more storm events were recorded, despite the moderate density of vegetation cover in 2009 having almost recovered to its initial pre‐logging (2005) condition. Rainfall had the most significant influence on streamflow and sediment delivery in all catchments, with steeply sloping areas contributing large amounts of sediment during moderate and high rainfall years in 2007 and 2009. It is concluded that the current scenario of single‐tree selection logging utilized in the study area is an acceptable and environmentally sound land management strategy for preservation of soil and water resources. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accelerated runoff and erosion commonly occur following forest fires due to combustion of protective forest floor material, which results in bare soil being exposed to overland flow and raindrop impact, as well as water repellent soil conditions. After the 2000 Valley Complex Fires in the Bitterroot National Forest of west‐central Montana, four sets of six hillslope plots were established to measure first‐year post‐wildfire erosion rates on steep slopes (greater than 50%) that had burned with high severity. Silt fences were installed at the base of each plot to trap eroded sediment from a contributing area of 100 m2. Rain gauges were installed to correlate rain event characteristics to the event sediment yield. After each sediment‐producing rain event, the collected sediment was removed from the silt fence and weighed on site, and a sub‐sample taken to determine dry weight, particle size distribution, organic matter content, and nutrient content of the eroded material. Rainfall intensity was the only significant factor in determining post‐fire erosion rates from individual storm events. Short duration, high intensity thunderstorms with a maximum 10‐min rainfall intensity of 75 mm h?1 caused the highest erosion rates (greater than 20 t ha?1). Long duration, low intensity rains produced little erosion (less than 0·01 t ha?1). Total C and N in the collected sediment varied directly with the organic matter; because the collected sediment was mostly mineral soil, the C and N content was small. Minimal amounts of Mg, Ca, and K were detected in the eroded sediments. The mean annual erosion rate predicted by Disturbed WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) was 15% less than the mean annual erosion rate measured, which is within the accuracy range of the model. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wildfire increases the potential connectivity of runoff and sediment throughout watersheds due to greater bare soil, runoff and erosion as compared to pre-fire conditions. This research examines the connectivity of post-fire runoff and sediment from hillslopes (< 1.5 ha; n = 31) and catchments (< 1000 ha; n = 10) within two watersheds (< 1500 ha) burned by the 2012 High Park Fire in northcentral Colorado, USA. Our objectives were to: (1) identify sources and quantify magnitudes of post-fire runoff and erosion at nested hillslopes and watersheds for two rain storms with varied duration, intensity and antecedent precipitation; and (2) assess the factors affecting the magnitude and connectivity of runoff and sediment across spatial scales for these two rain storms. The two summer storms that are the focus of this research occurred during the third summer after burning. The first storm had low intensity rainfall over 11 hours (return interval <1–2 years), whereas the second event had high intensity rainfall over 1 hour (return interval <1–10 years). The lower intensity storm was preceded by high antecedent rainfall and led to low hillslope sediment yields and channel incision at most locations, whereas the high intensity storm led to infiltration-excess overland flow, high sediment yields, in-stream sediment deposition and channel substrate fining. For both storms, hillslope-to-stream sediment delivery ratios and area-normalised cross-sectional channel change increased with the percent of catchment that burned at high severity. For the high intensity storm, hillslope-to-stream sediment delivery ratios decreased with unconfined channel length (%). The findings quantify post-fire connectivity and sediment delivery from hillslopes and streams, and highlight how different types of storms can cause varying magnitues and spatial patterns of sediment transport and deposition from hillslopes through stream channel networks.  相似文献   

To which extent do wildfires affect runoff production, soil erosion and sediment transport in upland catchments? This transient effect is investigated here by combining data of long term precipitation, sediment yield and wildfire records with a fine resolution spatially distributed modeling approach to flow generation and surface erosion. The model accounts for changes in the structure and properties of soil and vegetation cover by combining the tube-flux approach to topographic watershed partition with a parsimonious parametrization of hydrologic processes. This model is used to predict hydrologic and sediment fluxes for nine small catchments in Saint Gabriel mountains of southern California under control (pre-fire) and altered (post-fire) conditions. Simulation runs using a 45 years record of hourly precipitation show the passage of fire to significantly modify catchment response to storms with a major effect on erosion and flood flows. The probability of occurrence of major floods in the post-fire season is shown to increase up to an order of magnitude under same precipitation conditions. Also, the expected anomaly of sediment yield can increase dramatically the desertification hazard in upland wildfire prone areas. One should further consider the role of firefloods produced by the combined occurrence of wildfires and storms as a fundamental source of non-stationarity in the assessment of hydrologic hazard.  相似文献   

After the Valley Complex Fire burned 86 000 ha in western Montana in 2000, two studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of contour‐felled log, straw wattle, and hand‐dug contour trench erosion barriers in mitigating postfire runoff and erosion. Sixteen plots were located across a steep, severely burned slope, with a single barrier installed in 12 plots (four per treatment) and four plots left untreated as controls. In a rainfall‐plus‐inflow simulation, 26 mm h?1 rainfall was applied to each plot for 1 h and 48 L min?1 of overland flow was added for the last 15 min. Total runoff from the contour‐felled log (0·58 mm) and straw wattle (0·40 mm) plots was significantly less than from the control plots (2·0 mm), but the contour trench plots (1·3 mm) showed no difference. The total sediment yield from the straw wattle plots (0·21 Mg ha?1) was significantly less than the control plots (2·2 Mg ha?1); the sediment yields in the contour‐felled log plots (0·58 Mg ha?1) and the contour trench plots (2·5 Mg ha?1) were not significantly different. After the simulations, sediment fences were installed to trap sediment eroded by natural rainfall. During the subsequent 3 years, sediment yields from individual events increased significantly with increasing 10 min maximum intensity and rainfall amounts. High‐intensity rainfall occurred early in the study and the erosion barriers were filled with sediment. There were no significant differences in event or annual sediment yields among treated and control plots. In 2001, the overall mean annual sediment yield was 21 Mg ha?1; this value declined significantly to 0·6 Mg ha?1 in 2002 and 0·2 Mg ha?1 in 2003. The erosion barrier sediment storage used was less than the total available storage capacity; runoff and sediment were observed going over the top and around the ends of the barriers even when the barriers were less than half filled. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Active wildfire seasons in the western U.S. warrant the evaluation of post-fire forest management strategies. Ground-based salvage logging is often used to recover economic loss of burned timber. In unburned forests, ground-based logging often follows best management practices by leaving undisturbed areas near streams called stream buffers. However, the effectiveness of these buffers has not been tested in a post-wildfire setting. This experiment tested buffer width effectiveness with a novel field-simulated rill experiment using sediment-laden runoff (25 g/L) released over 40 min at evenly timed flow rates (50, 100 and 150 L/min) to measure surface runoff travel length and sediment concentration under unburned and high and low soil burn severity conditions at 2-, 10- and 22-month post-fire. High severity areas 2-month post-fire had rill lengths of up to 100 m. Rill length significantly decreased over time as vegetation regrowth provided ground cover. Sediment concentration and sediment dropout rate also varied significantly by soil burn severity. Sediment concentrations were 19 g/L for the highest flow 2-month post-fire and reduced to 6.9–14 g/L 10-month post-fire due to abundant vegetation recovery. The amount of sediment dropping out of the flow consistently increased over the study period with the low burn severity rate of 1.15 g L−1 m−1 approaching the unburned rate of 1.29 g L−1 m−1 by 2-year post-fire. These results suggest that an often-used standard, 15 m buffer, was sufficient to contain surface runoff and reduce sediment concentration on unburned sites, however buffers on high burn severity sites need to be eight times greater (120 m) immediately after wildfire and four times greater (60 m) 1-year post-fire. Low burn severity areas 1-year post-fire may need to be only twice the width of an unburned buffer (30 m), and 2-year post-fire these could return to unburned widths.  相似文献   

Post‐fire rehabilitation treatments are commonly implemented after high‐severity wildfires, but few data are available about the efficacy of these treatments. This study assessed post‐fire erosion rates and the effectiveness of seeding, straw mulching, and contour felling in reducing erosion after a June 2000 wildfire northwest of Loveland, Colorado. Site characteristics and sediment yields were measured on 12 burned and untreated control plots and 22 burned and treated plots from 2000 to 2003. The size of the hillslope plots ranged from 0·015 to 0·86 ha. Sediment yields varied significantly by treatment and were most closely correlated with the amount of ground cover. On the control plots the mean sediment yield declined from 6–10 Mg ha?1 in the first two years after burning to 1·2 Mg ha?1 in 2002 and 0·7 Mg ha?1 in 2003. Natural regrowth caused the amount of ground cover on the control plots to increase progressively from 33% in fall 2000 to 88% in fall 2003. Seeding had no effect on either the amount of ground cover or sediment yields. Mulching reduced sediment yields by at least 95% relative to the control plots in 2001, 2002, and 2003, and the lower sediment yields are attributed to an immediate increase in the amount of ground cover in the mulched plots. The contour‐felling treatments varied considerably in the quality of installation, and sediment storage capacities ranged from 7 to 32 m3 ha?1. The initial contour‐felling treatment did not reduce sediment yields when subjected to a very large storm event, but sediment yields were significantly reduced by a contour‐felling treatment installed after this large storm. The results indicate that contour felling may be able to store much of the sediment generated in an average year, but will not reduce sediment yields from larger storms. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of erosion studies carried out at three representative sites in the European Mediterranean basin are discussed. The objectives of the study are to clarify the underlying processes affecting soil erosion and to quantify erosion and runoff in the framework of mitigation of land degradation. The study was carried out at three instrumented field stations using similar layouts and experimental set-ups and harmonized field procedures. Runoff and sediment yield from bounded plots were measured for different types of land use for longer periods. The runoff and sediment values were found to be relatively low, and showed average annual values between 2·0 and 8·9 1 m−2 for runoff, and between 20·2 and 28·1 g m−2 for sediment yield. The results show that the individual plot response on an event basis shows no relationship between runoff and sediment yield for two of the three sites. On an annual average basis a significant relationship is found between the runoff and sediment yield. Significant differences were observed between different types of land use, especially between semi-natural vegetation, burned and abandoned field cover types on the one hand, and agricultural fields on the other hand. The runoff and erosion values were lowest for the semi-natural fields. It was found that in non-cultivated fields the bounded plots might suffer from depletion of available sediment. It can be concluded that erosion figures are very low for the sites studied, and that the maintenance of semi-natural vegetation may help in the prevention of runoff generation and erosion. It can be concluded that the use of bounded plots may not be as ideal as might be expected from its wide application. In some cases open plots, especially under semi-natural land use, may produce much better results, especially when measuring over longer periods. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After wildfire, hillslope and channel erosion produce large amounts of sediment and can contribute significantly to long-term erosion rates. However, pre-erosion high-resolution topographic data (e.g. lidar) is often not available and determining specific contributions from post-fire hillslope and channel erosion is challenging. The impact of post-fire erosion on landscape evolution is demonstrated with Structure from Motion (SfM) Multi-View Stereo (MVS) photogrammetry in a 1 km2 Idaho Batholith catchment burned in the 2016 Pioneer Fire. We use SfM-MVS to quantify post-fire erosion without detailed pre-erosion topography and hillslope transects to improve estimates of rill erosion at adequate spatial scales. Widespread rilling and channel erosion produced a runoff-generated debris-flow following modest precipitation in October 2016. We implemented unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based SfM-MVS to derive a 5 cm resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the channel scoured by debris-flow. In the absence of cm-resolution pre-erosion topography, a synthetic surface was defined by the debris-flow scour's geomorphic signature and we used a DEM of Difference (DoD) to map and quantify channel erosion. We found 3467 ± 422 m3 was eroded by debris-flow scour. Rill dimensions along hillslope transects and Monte Carlo simulation show rilling eroded ~1100 m3 of sediment and define a volume uncertainty of 29%. The total eroded volume (4600 ± 740 m3) we measured in our study catchment is partitioned into 75% channel erosion and 25% rill erosion, reinforcing the importance of catchment size on erosion process-dominance. The deposit volume from the 2016 event was 5700 ± 1140 m3, indicating ~60% contribution from post-fire channel erosion. Dating of charcoal fragments preserved in stratigraphy at the catchment outlet, and reconstructions of prior deposit volumes provide a record of Holocene fire-related debris-flows at this site; results suggest that episodic wildfire-driven erosion (~6 mm/year) dominate millennial-scale erosion (~5 mm/Ka) at this site. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Catchments have highly variable yields of runoff and soil erosion. The size, land use and the surface cover play a significant role and influence the catchment response and parameter values of simulation models. Two experimental basins—the Cariri basins—were equipped in a semi-arid region of Brazil, for obtaining runoff and sediment yield at different catchment scales, as well as, to evaluate the influence of the land use and surface cover. In the first basin, located in the municipality of Sumé, the field studies were carried out at two different scales: four micro-catchments with an area of around 0.5 ha and nine standard Wischmeier-type erosion plots of 100 m2. The experimental units had varied vegetation and management. They were subjected only to natural rainfall events, and were monitored from 1982 to 1991. The total runoff and total sediment yield were determined for each of the events. The installations in the second basin, in the municipality of São João do Cariri, from 1999, include two erosion plots, three micro-catchments, and two sub-catchments of a small basin. These basins are still being monitored for runoff and sediment production. Among the micro-catchments two are nested to detect any scale effect at the micro-catchment level. Nearly 600 events of precipitation, that produced runoff in at least one of the experimental units, have been registered. These data have been used to evaluate the influence of various factors, including cultivation practices and to calibrate hydrological models for plots and micro-catchments. Parameters have been tested by means of cross validations among micro-catchments and sub-catchments. The data sets are made available to all the catchment hydrology researchers and others at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4690886 .  相似文献   

A fundamental question in arid land management centers on understanding the long‐term effects of fire on desert ecosystems. To assess the effects of fire on surface topography, soil roughness, and vegetation, we used terrestrial (ground‐based) LiDAR to quantify the differences between burned and unburned surfaces by creating a series of high‐resolution vegetation structure and bare‐earth surface models for six sample plots in the Grand Canyon‐Parashant National Monument, Arizona. We find that 11 years following prescribed burns, mound volumes, plant heights, and soil‐surface roughness were significantly lower on burned relative to unburned plots. Results also suggest a linkage between vegetation and soil mounds, either through accretion or erosion mechanisms such as wind and/or water erosion. The biogeomorphic implications of fire‐induced changes are significant. Reduced plant cover and altered soil surfaces from fire likely influence seed residence times, inhibit seed germination and plant establishment, and affect other ecohydrological processes. Published in 2012. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

In the near future, a higher occurrence of wildfires is expected due to climate change, carrying social, environmental, and economic implications. Such impacts are often associated with an increase of post-fire hydrological and erosive responses, which are difficult to predict. Soil erosion models have been proven to be a valuable tool in the decision-making process, from emergency response to long-term planning, however, they were not designed for post-fire conditions, so need to be adapted to include fire-induced changes. In recent years, there have been an increasing number of studies testing different models and adaptations for the prediction of post-fire soil erosion. However, many of these adaptations are being applied without field validation or model performance assessment. Therefore, this study aims to describe the scientific advances in the last 20 years in post-fire soil erosion modelling research and evaluate model adaptations to burned areas that aim to include: (i) fire-induced changes in soil and ground cover; (ii) fire-induced changes in infiltration; (iii) burn severity; and (iv) mitigation measures in their predictions. This study also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches, suggests potential improvements, and identifies directions for future research. Results show that studies are not homogeneously distributed worldwide, according to the model type used or by region most affected by wildfire. During calibration, 73% of cases involved model adaptation to burned conditions, and only 21% attempted to accommodate new processes. Burn severity was addressed in 75% of cases, whilst mitigation measures were simulated in 27%. Additionally, only a minor percentage of model predictions were validated with independent field data (17%) or assessed for uncertainties (13%). Therefore, further efforts are required in the adaptation of erosion models to burned conditions, to be widely used for post-fire management decisions. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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