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Large wood (LW) is a ubiquitous feature in rivers of forested watersheds worldwide, and its importance for river diversity has been recognized for several decades. Although the role of LW in fluvial dynamics has been extensively documented, there is a need to better quantify the most significant components of LW budgets at the river scale. The purpose of our study was to quantify each component (input, accumulation, and output) of a LW budget at the reach and watershed scales for different time periods (i.e. a 50‐year period, decadal cycle, and interannual cycle). The LW budget was quantified by measuring the volumes of LW inputs, accumulations, and outputs within river sections that were finally evacuated from the watershed. The study site included three unusually large but natural wood rafts in the delta of the Saint‐Jean River (SJR; Québec, Canada) that have accumulated all LW exported from the watershed for the last 50 years. We observed an increase in fluvial dynamics since 2004, which led to larger LW recruitment and a greater LW volume trapped in the river corridor, suggesting that the system is not in equilibrium in terms of the wood budget but is rather recovering from previous human pressures as well as adjusting to hydroclimatic changes. The results reveal the large variability in the LW budget dynamics during the 50‐year period and allow us to examine the eco‐hydromorphological trajectory that highlights key variables (discharge, erosion rates, bar surface area, sinuosity, wood mobility, and wood retention). Knowledge on the dynamics of these variables improves our understanding of the historical and future trajectories of LW dynamics and fluvial dynamics in gravel‐bed rivers. Extreme events (flood and ice‐melt) significantly contribute to LW dynamics in the SJR river system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamics and functions of large wood have become integral considerations in the science and management of river systems. Study of large wood in rivers took place as monitoring of fish response to wooden structures placed in rivers in the central United States in the early 20th century, but did not begin in earnest until the 1970s. Research has increased in intensity and thematic scope ever since. A wide range of factors has prompted these research efforts, including basic understanding of stream systems, protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems, and environmental hazards in mountain environments. Research and management have adopted perspectives from ecology, geomorphology, and engineering, using observational, experimental, and modelling approaches. Important advances have been made where practical information needs converge with institutional and science leadership capacities to undertake multi-pronged research programmes. Case studies include ecosystem research to inform regulations for forest management; storage and transport of large wood as a component in global carbon dynamics; and the role of wood transport in environmental hazards in mountain regions, including areas affected by severe landscape disturbances, such as volcanic eruptions. As the field of research has advanced, influences of large wood on river structures and processes have been merged with understanding of streamflow and sediment regimes, so river form and function are now viewed as involving the tripartite system of water, sediment, and wood. A growing community of researchers and river managers is extending understanding of large wood in rivers to climatic, forest, landform, and social contexts not previously investigated. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding large wood (LW; ≥1 m long and ≥10 cm in diameter) dynamics in rivers is critical for many disciplines including those assessing flood hazard and risk. However, our understanding of wood entrainment and deposition is still limited, mainly because of the lack of long‐term monitoring of wood‐related processes. The dataset presented here was obtained from more than 8 years of monitoring of 1,264 tagged wood pieces placed in 4 low‐order streams of the Chilean mountain ranges and was used to further our understanding of key factors controlling LW dynamics. We show that LW displacement lengths were longer during periods when peak‐flow water depths (Hmax) exceeded the bankfull stage (HBk) than in periods with Hmax ≤ HBk and that these differences were significantly higher for smaller wood pieces. LW length and length relative to channel dimensions were the main factors governing LW entrainment; LW displacement lengths were inversely related to the ratio of piece length to H15% (i.e., the level above which the flow remains for 15% of the time) and to the ratio of H15% to bankfull width. Unrooted logs and LW pieces located at the bankfull stage travelled significantly longer distances than logs with attached rootwads and those located in other positions within the bankfull channel. A few large logjams were broken during the period of observation, and in all occasions, LW from these broken logjams did not travel over longer distances than other pieces of LW moved in the same periods and in the same stream segments. Most importantly, our work reveals that LW dynamics tend to be concentrated within a few reaches in each stream and that reaches exhibiting high wood dynamics (extensive entrainment, deposition, or repositioning of LW) are significantly wider and less steep than less dynamic reaches.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of large wood (LW) river studies there is still a lack of understanding of LW transport dynamics on large low gradient rivers. This study used 290 radio frequency identification tagged (RFID) LW and 54 metal (aluminum) tagged LW, to quantify the percent of in‐channel LW that moves per year and what variables play a role in LW transport dynamics. Aluminum tags were installed and monitored on LW in‐transit during the rising limb of a flood, the mean distance traveled by those pieces during the week was 13.3 river kilometers (km) with a maximum distance of 72 km. RFID tagged LW moved a mean of 11.9 km/yr with a maximum observed at 101.1 km/yr. Approximately 41% of LW low on the bank moves per year. The high rate of transport and distance traveled is likely due to the lack of interaction between LW floating in the channel and the channel boundaries, caused primarily by the width of the channel relative to length of the LW. Approximately 80% of the RFID tags moved past a fixed reader during the highest 20% of river stage per year. LW transport and logjam dynamics are complicated at high flows as pieces form temporary jams that continually expand and contract. Unlike most other studies, key members that create a logjam were defined more by stability than jam size or channel/hydrologic conditions. Finally, using an existing geomorphic database for the river, and data from this study, we were able to develop a comprehensive LW budget showing that 5% of the in‐channel LW population turns over each year (input from mass wasting and fluvial erosion equals burial, decomposition, and export out of system) and another 16% of the population moving within the system. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

A 177 river km georeferenced aerial survey of in‐channel large wood (LW) on the lower Roanoke River, NC was conducted to determine LW dynamics and distributions on an eastern USA low‐gradient large river. Results indicate a system with approximately 75% of the LW available for transport either as detached individual LW or as LW in log jams. There were approximately 55 individual LW per river km and another 59 pieces in log jams per river km. Individual LW is a product of bank erosion (73% is produced through erosion) and is isolated on the mid and upper banks at low flow. This LW does not appear to be important for either aquatic habitat or as a human risk. Log jams rest near or at water level making them a factor in bank complexity in an otherwise homogenous fine‐grained channel. A segmentation test was performed using LW frequency by river km to detect breaks in longitudinal distribution and to define homogeneous reaches of LW frequency. Homogeneous reaches were then analyzed to determine their relationship to bank height, channel width/depth, sinuosity, and gradient. Results show that log jams are a product of LW transport and occur more frequently in areas with high snag concentrations, low to intermediate bank heights, high sinuosity, high local LW recruitment rates, and narrow channel widths. The largest concentration of log jams (21.5 log jams/km) occurs in an actively eroding reach. Log jam concentrations downstream of this reach are lower due to a loss of river competency as the channel reaches sea level and the concurrent development of unvegetated mudflats separating the active channel from the floodplain forest. Substantial LW transport occurs on this low‐gradient, dam‐regulated large river; this study, paired with future research on transport mechanisms should provide resource managers and policymakers with options to better manage aquatic habitat while mitigating possible negative impacts to human interests. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wood in rivers plays a major role both ecologically and morphologically. In recent decades, due to human activities in the river channels and along the riparian zone, wood obstruction and jamming has exacerbated flooding hazards and infrastructure damage. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify the wood flux and discharge in rivers to improve wood hazard management. Among the various methods for monitoring the wood flux in a river, the streamside videography technique is effective given its high temporal and spatial resolution. Previous work monitored the wood discharge (m3/s) using this technique in the Ain River (France) during three floods (MacVicar and Piégay, 2012), and the same method is implemented on the Isère River (France) to obtain the statistics of wood discharge for two floods. Comparison between the two sites supports the generalization of both the monitoring technique and the link between wood discharge and flood characteristics. We first show that the maximum wood discharge is observed at bankfull discharge, and we confirm the three stage model proposed by MacVicar and Piégay (2012). Additionally, transverse distributions of the number of wood pieces and corresponding wood length appear to be similar for different flood magnitudes on each site. As a technical contribution, the use of the same technique on two sites allows for recommendations on key decisions related to the location and implementation of the equipment. Both statistical and technical contributions can be used by decision makers to implement this monitoring technique, acquire the wood transport parameters, and evaluate the potential wood hazards at local scale or along a river. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large wood (LW) transport can increase greatly during floods, leading to accumulations at river infrastructures. To mitigate the potential flood hazard, racks are a common method to retain LW upstream of endangered settlements or infrastructures. The majority of LW retention racks consist of vertical bars and, therefore, disrupt bedload transport. It can be hypothesized that inclined racks reduce backwater rise and local scour, as wood will block the upper part of the rack, thereby increasing the open flow cross-section below the accumulation. Flume experiments were conducted under clear water conditions to analyse backwater rise and local scour as a function of (1) rack inclination, (2) hydraulic inflow condition, (3) uniform bed material, and (4) LW volume. In addition, the first experiments were performed under live bed scour conditions to study the effect of bedload transport on local scour and backwater rise. Based on the experiments, backwater rise and local scour decrease with decreasing rack angle to the horizontal. LW predominantly accumulated at the upper part of the rack, leading to an open flow cross-section below the accumulation. The effect of rack angle was included in existing design equations for backwater rise and local scour depth. In addition, the first experiments with bedload transport resulted in smaller backwater rise and local scour depth. This study contributes to an enhanced process understanding of wood retention and bedload transport at rack structures and an improved design of LW retention racks. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Downed large wood (LW) in floodplains provides habitat and nutrients for diverse organisms, influences hydraulics and sedimentation during overbank flows, and affects channel form and lateral migration. Very few studies, however, have quantified LW volumes in floodplains that are unaltered by human disturbance. We compare LW volumes in relatively unaltered floodplains of semiarid boreal lowland, subtropical lowland, and semiarid temperate mountain rivers in the United States. Average volumes of downed LW are 42.3 m3 ha?1, 50.4 m3 ha?1, and 116.3 m3 ha?1 in the semiarid boreal, subtropical, and semiarid temperate sites, respectively. Observed patterns support the hypothesis that the largest downed LW volumes occur in the semiarid temperate mountain sites, which is likely linked to a combination of moderate‐to‐high net primary productivity, temperature‐limited decomposition rates, and resulting slow wood turnover time. Floodplain LW volumes differ among vegetation types within the semiarid boreal and semiarid temperate mountain regions, reflecting differences in species composition. Lateral channel migration and flooding influence vegetation communities in the semiarid boreal sites, which in turn influences floodplain LW loads. Other forms of disturbance such as fires, insect infestations, and blowdowns can increase LW volumes in the semiarid boreal and semiarid temperate mountain sites, where rates of wood decay are relatively slow compared with the subtropical lowland sites. Although sediment is the largest floodplain carbon reservoir, floodplain LW stores substantial amounts of organic carbon and can influence floodplain sediment storage. In our study sites, floodplain LW volumes are lower than those in adjacent channels, but are higher than those in upland (i.e. non‐floodplain) forests. Given the important ecological and physical effects of floodplain LW, efforts to add LW to river corridors as part of restoration activities, and the need to quantify carbon stocks within river corridors, we urge others to quantify floodplain and instream LW volumes in diverse environments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monitoring large wood (LW: width > 10 cm, length > 1 m) in transport within rivers is a necessary next step in the development and refinement of wood budgets and is essential to a better understanding of basin‐wide controls and patterns of LW flux and loads. Monitoring LW transport with coarse interval (≥ 1 min) time‐lapse photography enables the deployment of monitoring cameras at large spatial and long temporal scales. Although less precise than continuous sampling with video, it allows investigators to answer broad questions about basin connectivity, compare drainages and years,and identify transport relationships and thresholds. This paper describes methods to: (i) construct fluvial wood flux curves; (ii) analyze the effects of sample interval lengths on transport estimates; and (iii) estimate total wood loads within a specified time period using coarse‐interval time‐lapse photography. Applying these methods to the Slave River, a large‐volume (103 m3 s‐1), low‐gradient (10? 2 m km? 1) river in the subarctic (60° N), yielded the following results. A threshold relationship for wood mobility was located around 4500 m3 s‐1. More wood is transported on the rising limb of the hydrograph because wood flux declines rapidly on the falling limb. Five‐ and ten‐minute sampling intervals provided unbiased equal variance estimates of 1 min sampling, whereas 15 min intervals were biased towards underestimation by 5–6%, possibly due to periodicity in wood flux. Total LW loads estimated from the 1 min dataset and adjusted for a 15% misdetection rate from 13 July to 13 August are: 1600 ± 200 # pieces, 600 ± 200 m3 and of the order of 1.3 × 105 kg carbon. The total wood load for the entire summer season is probably at least double this estimate because only the second half of the summer was monitored and a large early summer peak freshet was missed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of the largest flood since dam regulation on geomorphic and large wood (LW) trends using LW distributions at three time periods on the 150 km long Garrison Reach of the Missouri River. In 2011, a flood exceeded 4390 m3/s for a two‐week period (705% above mean flow; 500 year flood). LW was measured using high resolution satellite imagery in summer 2010 and 2012. Ancillary data including forest character, vegetation cover, lateral bank retreat, and channel capacity. Lateral bank erosion removed approximately 7400 standing trees during the flood. Other mechanisms, that could account for the other two‐thirds of the measured in‐channel LW, include overland flow through floodplains and islands. LW transport was commonly near or over 100 km as indicated by longitudinal forest and bank loss and post‐flood LW distribution. LW concentrations shift at several locations along the river, both pre‐ and post‐flood, and correspond to geomorphic river regions created by the interaction of the Garrison Dam upstream and the Oahe Dam downstream. Areas near the upstream dam experienced proportionally higher rates of bank erosion and forest loss but in‐channel LW decreased, likely due to scouring. A large amount of LW moved during this flood, the chief anchoring mechanism was not bridges or narrow channel reaches but the channel complexity of the river delta created by the downstream reservoir. Areas near the downstream dam experienced bank accretion and large amounts of LW deposition. This study confirms the results of similar work in the Reach: despite a historic flood longitudinal LW and channel trends remain the same. Dam regulation has created a geomorphic and LW pattern that is largely uninterrupted by an unprecedented dam regulation era flood. River managers may require other tools than infrequent high intensity floods to restore geomorphic and LW patterns. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although in-channel and floodplain large wood (LW) has been recognized as an important component of lotic ecosystems, there is still limited knowledge on the recruitment, mobility and retention of LW in rivers with an intermittent hydrological regime. In this study, we analysed the LW characteristics and related reach-scale variables of 22 reaches in a Mediterranean intermittent river (Evrotas, Greece) in order to identify predictors of in-channel and floodplain LW distribution. Our results indicated high downstream variation in LW volumes in the fluvial corridor (0.05–25.51 m3/ha for in-channel LW and 0–30.88 m3/ha for floodplain LW). In-channel and floodplain LW retention was primarily driven by the hydrological regime of the studied reaches (i.e. perennial or non-perennial) with higher volumes of LW observed in perennial sections. The width of the riparian corridor was an important predictor of LW storage at the reach scale. Non-perennial reaches had a disproportionally larger number of relatively small-diameter living trees at the expense of mature trees with larger diameters typical for riparian stands functioning as LW recruitment areas in perennial reaches. The smaller dimensions of in-channel LW in non-perennial reaches, coupled with the dominance of loose LW pieces, implies frequent LW transport during ordinary flood events. Nevertheless, overall low LW retention in the fluvial corridor under non-perennial flow regime predicts low volumes of mobilized LW. In contrast, the recruitment of relatively long and large-diameter LW from mature riparian stands in perennial reaches, together with additional LW stabilization by banks, bed sediments, living trees or other LW pieces decreases the potential for further LW transport. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The eco-hydrogeomorphic significance of large wood (LW) and its potential for increasing downstream hazards during extreme floods have been widely recognized. We used LW data collected for a 10-year period from the two low-order streams of Pichún (Pi) and Vuelta de Zorra (VZ) in Southern Chile to (a) determine if the abundance and dimensions of individual LW pieces change with time, (b) quantify wood load fluctuations during the 10-year period, and (c) assess the role of LW recruitment from the riparian forests to explain wood load fluctuations during the study period. Nine years after the first survey, the number of LW pieces in Pi and VZ diminished by 60 and 40%, respectively. Despite the reduction in these numbers, in Pi, the LW dimensions did not change significantly during the study. In VZ, the dimensions exhibited statistically significant differences, despite being within the same class. In both catchments, the LW load fluctuated during a 10-year period, but the drivers of change differed. Although tree toppling was the recruitment mechanism responsible for LW in both stream cases, the high wood load measured in Pi at the beginning of the study suggested massive tree recruitments before the first survey, followed by wood exports which were higher than inputs in the subsequent 10-year period. In VZ, LW load decreased during the first 9 years (mean annual rate of ~9.2 m3 year−1) and then increased by ~12.1 m3 year−1 in year 10. At VZ, the inputs consisted of single trees that were recruited from the riparian area and by upstream flotation, while exports occurred by downstream fluvial transport. Wood inputs and exports occurred asynchronously and led to LW load fluctuations at decadal and annual intervals. Land management and tree species thus exert a major influence on wood inventory and budget in streams. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Debris flow is one of the dominant processes distributing large wood (LW) within mountainous catchments. However, little has been reviewed on wood-laden debris flow (WLDF), presumably owing to limited reviewable works. This article, therefore, navigates the international readers through 40 years of WLDF studies, most of which have been published only in Japanese. Firstly, we reviewed the historical development of Japanese WLDF particularly focusing on the 1980s and the 1990s. A series of post-disaster fieldworks from the July 1982 Nagasaki flood to the July 1990 Kumamoto flood provided 32 catchment-scale wood budgeting data; empirical relationships among drainage area, dominant tree species, sediment yield, and wood loads associated with single debris flow disasters were illustrated. Secondly, the characteristics of WLDF were summarized based on relevant previous studies on the recruitment, transport, and deposition processes of LW during debris flows. Thirdly, we discussed the connectivity between those Japanese WLDF studies and international LW studies by relating/contrasting their research approaches and spatiotemporal scales. In contrast to global LW research trends, Japanese WLDF studies have almost exclusively regarded LW as hazardous materials (i.e., “driftwood” or “woody debris”) that need to be retained upstream of the inhabited areas. Those practice-oriented WLDF studies were concentrated on drainage areas of 10−2 to 100 km2, representing 1–6 orders of magnitude smaller spatial scales than those generally covered by existing international LW studies. Strongly motivated by engineering requirements, “dynamic” interactions between debris flows and LW during floods have also been physically presented, mainly based on unique laboratory experiments involving steep flume (> 0.05) and mobile bed conditions. Finally, some future works for WLDF were briefly stated from practical and scientific perspectives. By “rediscovering” those WLDF studies domestically developed in Japanese debris flow channels since the 1980s, a more comprehensive understanding of LW dynamics in the river system may be achieved.  相似文献   

Wood flux (piece number per time interval) is a key parameter for understanding wood budgeting, determining the controlling factors, and managing flood risk in a river basin. Quantitative wood flux data is critically needed to improve the understanding of wood dynamics and estimate wood discharge in rivers. In this study, the streamside videography technique was applied to detect wood passage and measure instantaneous rates of wood transport. The goal was to better understand how wood flux responds to flood and wind events and then predict wood flux. In total, one exceptional wind and seven flood events were monitored on the Ain River, France, and around 24,000 wood pieces were detected visually. It is confirmed that, in general, there is a threshold of wood motion in the river equal to 60% of bankfull discharge. However, in a flood following a windy day, no obvious threshold for wood motion was observed, which confirms that wind is important for the preparation of wood for transport between floods. In two multi-peak floods, around two-thirds of the total amount of wood was delivered on the first peak, which confirms the importance of the time between floods for predicting wood fluxes. Moreover, we found an empirical relation between wood frequency and wood discharge, which is used to estimate the total wood amount produced by each of the floods. The data set is then used to develop a random forest regression model to predict wood frequency as a function of three input variables that are derived from the flow hydrograph. The model calculates the total wood volume either during day or night based on the video monitoring technique for the first time, which expands its utility for wood budgeting in a watershed. A one-to-one link is then established between the fraction of detected pieces of wood and the dimensionless parameter “passing time × frame rate ”, which provides a general guideline for the design of monitoring stations.  相似文献   

Informal education for disaster risk reduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our children are the future: their school buildings must be safe in the face of natural hazards and children must be empowered with an understanding of natural hazards and actions they can take to be better prepared for the next “event”. With respect to natural hazards, educational institutions have dual roles of caretakers who must ensure the safety of students in their charge and teachers responsible for educating students about natural hazards. This article presents a comparative study on earthquake risk reduction efforts in primary and secondary schools, based on surveys conducted in areas of varying seismic hazard in Iceland, Italy, and Portugal. The study evaluated the degree to which local authorities were involved in the dissemination of earthquake risk and hazard mitigation information, and specifically how this information was channelled to schools. Vulnerability mitigation for school building interiors (contents) and efforts towards educating pupils towards a culture of safety were also measured. In addition the article presents the risk reduction efforts implemented in Icelandic institutions that serve groups who are especially vulnerable in emergencies and compares those efforts with the efforts made in schools.  相似文献   


On the basis of analysing the genesis, recurrence and severity of flood hazards, a regional flood hazard analysis of the southern area of East Siberia has been carried out. The greatest flood hazard corresponds to the relatively densely populated area of southern East Siberia: the Upper Yenisei, Angara and Upper Lena river basins and the Lake Baikal watershed. Typically, the most hazardous floods include those caused by surges produced by damage to the dams of the Angara—Yenisei hydropower cascade; flash floods are also an extreme hazard. Maximum runoff factors were used to delineate regions within the study area, and the hazard severity was scored for the Irkutsk region. An inventory of the ice-dam and ice-jam areas, as well as of the streamflow sites with maximum runoff of different origins predominating in the Angara and Lena river basins, showed that the study area includes 78 and 19 ice-dam and ice-jam locations, respectively. A high recurrence of ice dams and ice jams is also observed on other rivers.  相似文献   

Although much has been done to understand, quantify, and delineate volcanic hazards, there are fewer efforts to assess societal vulnerability to these hazards, particularly demographic differences in exposed populations or spatial variations in exposure to regional hazards. To better understand population diversity in volcanic hazard zones, we assess the number and types of people in a single type of hazard zone (lahars) for 27 communities downstream of Mount Rainier, Washington (USA). Using various socioeconomic and hazard datasets, we estimate that there are more than 78 000 residents, 59 000 employees, several dependent-population facilities (e.g., child-day-care centers, nursing homes) and numerous public venues (e.g., churches, hotels, museums) in a Mount Rainier lahar-hazard zone. We find that communities vary in the primary category of individuals in lahar-prone areas—exposed populations are dominated by residents in some communities (e.g., Auburn), employees in others (e.g., Tacoma), and tourists likely outnumber both of these groups in yet other areas (e.g., unincorporated Lewis County). Population exposure to potential lahar inundation varies considerably—some communities (e.g., Auburn) have large numbers of people but low percentages of them in hazard zones, whereas others (e.g., Orting) have fewer people but they comprise the majority of a community. A composite lahar-exposure index is developed to help emergency managers understand spatial variations in community exposure to lahars and results suggest that Puyallup has the highest combination of high numbers and percentages of people and assets in lahar-prone areas. Risk education and preparedness needs will vary based on who is threatened by future lahars, such as residents, employees, tourists at a public venue, or special-needs populations at a dependent-care facility. Emergency managers must first understand the people whom they are trying to prepare before they can expect these people to take protective measures after recognizing natural cues or receiving an official lahar warning.  相似文献   

Large wood tends to be deposited in specific geomorphic units within rivers. Nevertheless, predicting the spatial distribution of wood deposits once wood enters a river is still difficult because of the inherent complexity of its dynamics. In addition, the lack of long‐term observations or monitored sites has usually resulted in a rather incomplete understanding of the main factors controlling wood deposition under natural conditions. In this study, the deposition of large wood was investigated in the Czarny Dunajec River, Polish Carpathians, by linking numerical modelling and field observations so as to identify the main factors influencing wood retention in rivers. Results show that wood retention capacity is higher in unmanaged multi‐thread channels than in channelized, single‐thread reaches. We also identify preferential sites for wood deposition based on the probability of deposition under different flood scenarios, and observe different deposition patterns depending on the geomorphic configuration of the study reach. In addition, results indicate that wood is not always deposited in the geomorphic units with the highest roughness, except for low‐magnitude floods. We conclude that wood deposition is controlled by flood magnitude and the elevation of flooded surfaces in relation to the low‐flow water surface. In that sense, the elevation at which wood is deposited in rivers will differ between floods of different magnitude. Therefore, together with the morphology, flood magnitude represents the most significant control on wood deposition in mountain rivers wider than the height of riparian trees. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers are dynamic components of the terrestrial carbon cycle and provide important functions in ecosystem processes. Although rivers act as conveyers of carbon to the oceans, rivers also retain carbon within riparian ecosystems along floodplains, with potential for long‐term (> 102 years) storage. Research in ecosystem processing emphasizes the importance of organic carbon (OC) in river systems, and estimates of OC fluxes in terrestrial freshwater systems indicate that a significant portion of terrestrial carbon is stored within river networks. Studies have examined soil OC on floodplains, but research that examines the potential mechanistic controls on OC storage in riparian ecosystems and floodplains is more limited. We emphasize three primary OC reservoirs within fluvial systems: (1) standing riparian biomass; (2) dead biomass as large wood (LW) in the stream and on the floodplain; (3) OC on and beneath the floodplain surface, including litter, humus, and soil organic carbon (SOC). This review focuses on studies that have framed research questions and results in the context of OC retention, accumulation and storage within the three primary pools along riparian ecosystems. In this paper, we (i) discuss the various reservoirs for OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (ii) discuss physical conditions that facilitate carbon retention and storage in riparian ecosystems, (iii) provide a synthesis of published OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (iv) present a conceptual model of the conditions that favor OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (v) briefly discuss human impacts on OC storage in riparian ecosystems, and (vi) highlight current knowledge gaps. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical range of variability (HRV) describes the range of temporal and spatial variations in river variables such as flow regime or channel planform prior to intensive human alteration of the ecosystem. In mountainous river networks, HRV is most usefully applied to spatially differentiated geomorphic process domains with distinctive form and process. Using the Colorado Front Range as an example, three examples of how knowledge of HRV can assist river management and restoration are discussed. The examples involve instream wood load and channel morphology, beaver colonies and valley‐bottom form and process, and flow thresholds in regulated rivers. The question of what a river should look like – that is, what range of process and form the river included prior to intensive human alteration – can be addressed by (i) placing the river within a process domain, (ii) establishing correlations between form parameters that can be remotely sensed and reach‐scale process and form, so that the spatial extent, connectivity, and rarity of process domains within a river network or a region can be quickly assessed, (iii) inferring characteristics of the river prior to intensive alteration by documenting characteristics of the least altered reference rivers and by using proxy indicators of pre‐alteration conditions, and (iv) establishing process thresholds that must be exceeded to maintain form (e.g. flow thresholds to mobilize bed sediment). Once this context has been established, resource managers can better evaluate the options for restoring altered riverine form and function. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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