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The November 3, 2002 Denali-Alaska earthquake (Mw=7.9) caused significant liquefaction associated damage to various infrastructure built on fine-grained soils. The seismic response, liquefaction potential, and excess pore pressure generation of soils in cold regions, especially those of fine-grained nature, have not been studied thoroughly and therefore are not well-understood. This paper presents results from an extensive laboratory study on the characteristics of excess pore pressure generation and liquefaction potential of fine-grained soils. Laboratory-constituted soils specimens were tested in four categories: (1) tests on specimens subjected to no thermal conditioning or freeze–thaw cycles; (2) tests on specimens conditioned at 24, 5, 1, 0.5, and −0.2 °C; (3) tests on specimens subjected to 1–4 freeze–thaw cycles; and (4) tests on specimens conditioned at near-freezing temperatures of 0.5 and −0.2 °C through different freeze–thaw paths. Strain-controlled, undrained, cyclic triaxial tests were performed at shear strain levels of 0.005–0.8%. Specimens conditioned at different temperatures were found to generate significantly different pore pressures with cyclic loading. The excess pore pressure generation at near or slightly below freezing was found to change dramatically. A transitional change in the dynamic soil behavior, attributed to unfrozen- or frozen-dominant pore water, was discovered. The threshold shear strain was also found to be influenced by the temperature. Subjecting the soil specimens to 1, 2 and 4 freeze–thaw cycles caused a reduction in excess pore pressure generation and slight change in the threshold shear strain. The temperature conditioning path to reach the target temperature was found to be important on the development of excess pore pressure at near and slightly below-freezing temperatures.  相似文献   

Concerns about the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus have motivated many discussions regarding new approaches for managing water, energy and food resources. Despite the progress in recent years, there remain many challenges in scientific research on the WEF nexus, while implementation as a management tool is just beginning. The scientific challenges are primarily related to data, information and knowledge gaps in our understanding of the WEF inter-linkages. Our ability to untangle the WEF nexus is also limited by the lack of systematic tools that could address all the trade-offs involved in the nexus. Future research needs to strengthen the pool of information. It is also important to develop integrated software platforms and tools for systematic analysis of the WEF nexus. The experience made in integrated water resources management in the hydrological community, especially in the framework of Panta Rhei, is particularly well suited to take a lead in these advances.  相似文献   

The inactivation of Fusarium solani in water was assessed by solar driven Fenton-like processes using three different iron salts: ferric acetylacetonate (Fe(acac)3), ferric chloride (FeCl3) and ferrous sulfate (FeSO4). The experimental conditions tested were [Fe] ≈ 5 mg L−1, [H2O2] ≈ 10 mg L−1 and [Fe] ≈ 10 mg L−1; [H2O2] ≈ 20 mg L−1 mild and high, respectively, and pH 3.0 and 5.0, under solar radiation. The highest inactivation rates were observed at high reaction conditions for the three iron salts tested at pH 5.0 with less than 3.0 kJ L−1 of accumulate energy (QUV) to achieve over 99.9% of F. solani inactivation. Fe(acac)3 was the best iron salt to accomplishing F. solani inactivation. The modified Fermi equation was used to fix the experimental inactivation, data showed it was helpful for modeling the process, adequately describing dose–response curves. Inactivation process using FeSO4 at pH 3.0 was modeled fairly with r2 = 0.98 and 0.99 (mild and high concentration, respectively). Fe(acac)3, FeCl3 and FeSO4 at high concentration (i.e. [Fe] ≈ 10 mg L−1; [H2O2] ≈ 20 mg L−1) and pH 5.0 showed the highest fitting values (r2 = 0.99). Iron salt type showed a remarkable influence on the Fenton-like inactivation process.  相似文献   

We have applied quantitative geospatial analyses to rootless eruption sites in the Hnúta and Hrossatungur groups of the 1783–1784 Laki lava flow to establish how patterns of spatial distribution can be used to obtain information about rootless cone emplacement processes and paleo-environments. This study utilizes sample-size-dependent nearest neighbor (NN) statistics and Voronoi tessellations to quantify the spatial distribution of rootless eruption sites and validate the use of statistical NN analysis as a remote sensing tool. Our results show that rootless eruption sites cluster in environments with abundant lava and water resources, but competition for limited groundwater in these clusters can cause rootless eruption sites to develop repelled distributions. This pattern of self-organization can be interpreted within the context of resource availability and depletion. Topography tends to concentrate lava (fuel) and water (coolant) within topographic lows, thereby promoting explosive lava–water interactions in these regions. Given an excess supply of lava within broad sheet lobes, rootless eruption sites withdraw groundwater from their surroundings until there is insufficient water to maintain analogs to explosive molten fuel–coolant interactions. Rootless eruption sites may be modeled as a network of water extraction wells that draw down the water table in their vicinity. Rootless eruptions at locations with insufficient groundwater may either fail to initiate or terminate before explosive activity has ceased at nearby locations with a greater supply of water, thus imparting a repelled distribution to observed rootless eruption sites.  相似文献   

Ascertaining the emplacement mechanism of oceanic basaltic lavas is important in understanding how ocean floor topography is produced and oceanic plates evolve, particularly during the early stages of crustal development of a supra-subduction zone. A detailed study of the volcanic stratigraphy at International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1438 in the Amami Sankaku Basin, west of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge, has revealed the development of lava accretion and ridge topography on the Philippine Sea plate at about 49 Ma. Igneous basement rocks penetrated at Site U1438 are the uppermost 150 m of ~6 km-thick oceanic crust, and comprise, in a downhole direction, sheet flows (12.6 m), lobate sheet flows (61.3 m), pillow lavas (50.7 m), and thin sheet flows (25.3 m). The lowermost sheet flows are intercalated with layers of limestone and epiclastic tuff. Lithofacies analysis reveals that the lowermost sheet flows, limestone, and tuff formed on an axial rise, the pillow lavas were emplaced on a ridge slope, and the lobate sheet flows formed off ridge on an abyssal plain. The lithofacies of the basement basalt corresponds to the upper portions of fast-spreading oceanic crust, suggesting that subduction initiation was associated with intermediate to fast rates of seafloor spreading. The surface sheet flows are olivine–clinopyroxene-phyric basalt and differ from the lower basalt flows that contain phenocrysts of olivine and plagioclase, with or without clinopyroxene. The depleted chrome-spinel composition and olivine–clinopyroxene phenocryst assemblage in the surface sheet flows suggests a slight contribution of water for magma generation not present for the lower basalt flows. Considering the lithological difference between the backarc and forearc oceanic crust in the Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc, with sheet flow dominant in the former, seafloor spreading occurred faster in the later stage of subduction initiation.  相似文献   

Semiarid rivers are often characterized by chains of small pools connected by riffles and wet meadows. The pools can be maintained by wet season surface runoff, groundwater discharge, or some combination thereof. Using synoptic surveys for several environmental tracers (δD and δ18O of H2O, specific electrical conductance at 25°C [EC], chloride and 222Rn), we evaluated the groundwater—surface water connectivity of the Light River (South Australia) along an 8 km section in the vicinity of a proposed mining development. In all three surveys (representing spring, summer and winter conditions), the pools were maintained by regional groundwater discharge based on an elevated surface water EC (9–12 dS m−1) similar to regional groundwater, elevated radon-222 activities (0.09–3.0 Bq L−1) and low rainfall. Most pools were perennial, either because they directly received groundwater discharge or, indirectly, had an inflow originating from upstream groundwater-fed pools. The elevated salinity of regional groundwater is a key factor for the maintenance of perennial pools in the Light River because the potential for baseflow depletion by groundwater pumping is more limited.  相似文献   


This work makes explicit an algebraic expression giving the matrix of transient influence coefficients associated with a one-dimensional semi-confined aquifer model. The domain studied is divided into a series of connected and completely mixed compartments over which the governing equation is discretized. The discrete equations obtained are solved for the compartmental hydraulic head and used to derive the algebraic expression in question. The basic properties of the so-called algebraic influence coefficients are investigated. In particular, their consistency with the exact Green function is highlighted. Finally, the newly derived influence coefficients are applied to a simplified aquifer system in order to formulate and solve the problem of identifying illegal groundwater pumping.  相似文献   

This study is an extension of the stochastic analysis of transient two-phase flow in randomly heterogeneous porous media (Chen et al. in Water Resour Res 42:W03425, 2006), by incorporating direct measurements of the random soil properties. The log-transformed intrinsic permeability, soil pore size distribution parameter, and van Genuchten fitting parameter are treated as stochastic variables that are normally distributed with a separable exponential covariance model. These three random variables conditioned on given measurements are decomposed via Karhunen–Loève decomposition. Combined with the conditional eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of random variables, we conduct a series of numerical simulations using stochastic transient water–oil flow model (Chen et al. in Water Resour Res 42:W03425, 2006) based on the KLME approach to investigate how the number and location of measurement points, different random soil properties, as well as the correlation length of the random soil properties, affect the stochastic behavior of water and oil flow in heterogeneous porous media.  相似文献   

Transmission losses from the beds of ephemeral streams are thought to be a widespread mechanism of groundwater recharge in arid and semi-arid regions and support a range of dryland hydro-ecology. Dryland areas cover ~40% of the Earth's land surface and groundwater resources are often the main source of freshwater. It is commonly assumed that where an unsaturated zone exists beneath a stream, the interaction between surface water and groundwater is unidirectional and that groundwater does not exert a significant feedback on transmission losses. To test this assumption, we conducted a series of numerical model experiments using idealised two-dimensional channel-transects to assess the sensitivity and degree of interaction between surface and groundwater for typical dryland ephemeral stream geometries, hydraulic properties and flow regimes. We broaden the use of the term ‘stream–aquifer interactions’ to refer not just to fluxes and water exchange but also to include the ways in which the stream and aquifer have a hydraulic effect on one another. Our results indicate that deep water tables, less frequent streamflow events and/or highly permeable sediments tend to result in limited bi-directional hydraulic interaction between the stream and the underlying groundwater which, in turn, results in high amounts of infiltration. With shallower initial depth to the water table, higher streamflow frequency and/or lower bed permeability, greater ‘negative’ hydraulic feedback from the groundwater occurs which in turn results in lower amounts of infiltration. Streambed losses eventually reach a constant rate as initial water table depths increase, but only at depths of 10s of metres in some of the cases studied. Our results highlight that bi-directional stream–aquifer hydraulic interactions in ephemeral streams may be more widespread than is commonly assumed. We conclude that groundwater and surface water should be considered as connected systems for water resource management unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.  相似文献   

Clarifying the distribution and dynamics of soil moisture during the freeze–thaw process is crucial for surface ecology and is an objective requirement to investigate the mechanism of changes during the groundwater recharge process in a freeze–thaw zone. Based on the monitoring data of soil moisture and temperature in the Changbai Mountain area, the freeze–thaw process is classified into four periods. This study investigates the hydrothermal migration processes during different periods. The simultaneous heat and water model is used to simulate and analyse the infiltration of soil moisture into groundwater under five precipitation insurance rates. The results are as follows: (1) The smaller the soil depth, the stronger is the correlation between soil temperature and air temperature during the freeze–thaw process. (2) The redistribution of soil moisture before and after freeze–thaw is significantly affected by the soil texture, and soil permeability affects the recharge of soil moisture from the upper region to the lower region during the thawing period. (3) Groundwater receives vertical infiltration recharge mainly during non-freezing and is supplied by freezing and snowmelt recharge during the stable thawing period. The percentage of soil water infiltration during the stable thawing period in the total annual infiltration increases gradually with the precipitation insurance rate.  相似文献   


We greatly enjoyed reading the paper by Liu et al., which is both timely and rich in insight, as it discusses the challenges in operationalizing the water–energy–food security (WEF) nexus. The nexus approach is gaining increasing attention, both in research and in policy documents, as reflected in the number and content of published documents in the past years and highlighted by the authors.  相似文献   

Variation of snow water resources in northwestern China, 1951–1997   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Two models are used to simulate the high-altitude permafrost distribution on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The two models are the “altitude model”, a Gaussian distribution function used to describe the latitudinal zonation of permafrost based on the three-dimensional rules of high-altitude permafrost, and the “frost number model”, a dimensionless ratio defined by manipulation of freezing and thawing degree-day sums. The results show that the “altitude model” can simulate the high-altitude permafrost distribution under present climate conditions accurately. Given the essential hypotheses and using the GCM scenarios from HADCM2, the “altitude model” is used for predicting the permafrost distribution change on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The results show that the permafrost on the plateau will not change significantly during 20–50 a, the percentage of the total disappeared area will not be over 19%. However, by the year 2099, if the air temperature increases by an average of 2.91°C on the plateau, the decrease in the area of permafrost will exceed 58%—almost all the permafrost in the southern plateau and in the eastern plateau will disappear. Project “Fundamental Research of Cryosphere” supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Water is a critical natural resource upon which all social and economic activities and ecosystem functions depend. With a surprising social and economic development in the past decades, water has become an important constraint for China’s sustainable development, and a matter concerning economic security, ecological security and national security of the country. Understanding the changes of water resources is greatly helpful in analyzing the impacts of climatic change, formulating plans for utilization and protection of water resources, and making water resource decisions. Based on China’s national water resources assessment, the Mann-Kendall’s test, and Morlet wavelet, we analyzed the changing trends and periods of China’s renewable water resources during 1956–2010. The results as following: (1) There is no significant change trend of water resources on the countrywide scale during the period 1956–2010, the total water resources show a slight increasing trend, and the national annual average water resources during the period 1991–2010 increased by 1% relative to that of the period 1961–1990. (2) The changes of water resources in different level-I water resource regions vary significantly. Annual average water resources of the Haihe River and Yellow River regions in the northern China decreased 19% and 17% respectively in the past 20 years. Water resource increased in Southern and Northwestern rivers regions, particularly in the Northwest rivers region, with the increasing amplitude by nearly 10% in the past 20 years. (3) The inter-annual variation of national water resource became larger in the past 20 years, as compared with that of the period 1961–1990. The coefficients of water resource variation increased in Northwestern and Southwestern rivers regions, while the inter-annual variation tended to decrease in the Haihe and the Yellow River regions where significant decline of water resources happened. (4) A 14-year quasi-periodicity of the national water resource variation was detected, overlapping with various periodicities of water resources of different level-I water resource regions. Remarkable uniformity exists between the first or secondary primary periodicity of water resource variation in adjacent level-I water resource regions.  相似文献   

Stiffness degradation and damping represent some of the most well-known aspects of cyclic soil behavior. While standard equivalent linear approaches reproduce these features by (separately) prescribing stiffness reduction and damping curves, in this paper a multiaxial, 3D, viscoelastic – plastic model is developed for the simultaneous simulation of both cyclic curves over a wide cyclic shear strain range.The proposed constitutive relationship is based on two parallel resisting/dissipative mechanisms, purely frictional (elastic–plastic) and viscous. The frictional mechanism is formulated as a bounding surface plasticity model with vanishing elastic domain, including pressure-sensitive failure locus and non-associative plastic flow – which are essential for effective stress analysis. At the same time, the use of the parallel viscous mechanism is shown to be especially beneficial to improve the simulation of the overall dissipative performance.In order to enable model calibration from stiffness degradation (G/Gmax) and damping curves, the constitutive equations are purposely kept as simple as possible with a low number of material parameters. Although the model performance is here explored with reference to pure shear cyclic tests, the 3D, multiaxial formulation is appropriate for general loading conditions.  相似文献   


Floodplains are composed of complex depositional patterns of ancient and recent stream sediments, and research is needed to address the manner in which coarse floodplain materials affect stream–groundwater exchange patterns. Efforts to understand the heterogeneity of aquifers have utilized numerous techniques typically focused on point-scale measurements; however, in highly heterogeneous settings, the ability to model heterogeneity is dependent on the data density and spatial distribution. The objective of this research was to investigate the correlation between broad-scale methodologies for detecting heterogeneity and the observed spatial variability in stream/groundwater interactions of gravel-dominated alluvial floodplains. More specifically, this study examined the correlation between electrical resistivity (ER) and alluvial groundwater patterns during a flood event at a site on Barren Fork Creek, in the Ozark ecoregion of Oklahoma, USA, where chert gravels were common both as streambed and as floodplain material. Water table elevations from groundwater monitoring wells for a flood event on 1–5 May 2009 were compared to ER maps at various elevations. Areas with high ER matched areas with lower water table slope at the same elevation. This research demonstrated that ER approaches were capable of indicating heterogeneity in surface water–groundwater interactions, and that these heterogeneities were present even in an aquifer matrix characterized as highly conductive. Portions of gravel-dominated floodplain vadose zones characterized by high hydraulic conductivity features can result in heterogeneous flow patterns when the vadose zone of alluvial floodplains activates during storm events.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR X. Chen  相似文献   


Despite the Sahelian drought of the 1970s–1990s, the unconfined aquifer in southwest Niger exhibits a multidecadal increase in groundwater reserves. Recent changes in land surface conditions have enhanced runoff and thus indirect groundwater recharge below endorheic ponds. This paper presents a model-based investigation of surface runoff and groundwater recharge at mesoscale (~5000 km2). A new lumped-conceptual runoff model applicable to the large number of ungauged endorheic catchments is specially developed, derived from an existing fine-scale, physically-based hydrologic model. Runoff simulated for sites identified as groundwater recharge sources are used to derive recharge forcing for a Modflow-based model of the aquifer. The rising water table trend and its spatial distribution over the period 1992–2003 are generally well simulated, albeit smoothed year-to-year dynamics. Comparison with alternative methods of recharge estimation suggests, however, that there may presently exist more recharging sites and/or contributing surfaces than those considered so far.

Citation Massuel, S., Cappelaere, B., Favreau, G., Leduc, C., Lebel, T. & Vischel, T. (2011) Integrated surface water–groundwater modelling in the context of increasing water reserves of a regional Sahelian aquifer. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1242–1264.  相似文献   


We thank the authors, Varis and Keskinen, and Nauditt, for their constructive contributions. We endorse their key comments, further referring to recent literature and events, including the UN 2018 High Level Political Forum on sustainable development. Here, we elaborate on the epistemological perspective of the water–energy–food nexus conceptualization, assessment, discourse and operationalization.  相似文献   

Due to the influence of climate change and human activities, more and more regions around the world are nowadays facing serious water shortages. This is particularly so with the Guangdong province, an economically prosperous region in China. This study aims at understanding the abrupt behavior of hydrological processes by analyzing monthly precipitation series from 257 rain gauging stations and monthly streamflow series from 25 hydrological stations using the likelihood ratio statistic and schwarz information criterion (SIC). The underlying causes of the changing properties of hydrological processes are investigated by analyzing precipitation changes and information of water reservoirs. It is found that (1) streamflow series in dry season seems to exhibit abrupt changes when compared to that in the flood season; (2) abrupt changes in the values of mean and variance of hydrological variables in the dry season are more common than those in the streamflow series in the flood season, which implies that streamflow in the dry season is more sensitive to human activities and climate change than that in the flood season; (3) no change points are identified in the annual precipitation and precipitation series in the flood season. Annual streamflow and streamflow in the flood season exhibit no abrupt changes, showing the influence of precipitation on streamflow changes in the flood season. However, streamflow changes in the dry season seem to be heavily influenced by hydrological regulations of water reservoirs. The results of this study are of practical importance for regional water resource management in the Guangdong province.  相似文献   

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