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Climate warming must lead the mainly air temperature controlled permafrost to degrade.Based on the numerical simulation,the process of permafrost degradation can be divided into five stages,i.e.,starting stage,temperature rising stage,zero geothermal gradient stage,talic layers stage,and disappearing stage,according to the shape of ground temperature profile.Permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is generally considered a relic from late Pleistocene,and has been degenerating as a whole during Holocen...  相似文献   

Changes in the hydrological processes in alpine soil constitute one of the several key problems encountered with studying watershed hydrology and ecosystem stability against the background of global warming. A typically developing thermokarst lake was chosen as a subject for a study using model simulation based on observations of soil physical properties, infiltration processes, and soil moisture. The results showed that the selected thermokarst lake imposed certain changes on the soil infiltration processes and, with the degree of impact intensifying, the initial infiltration rate decreased. The greatest reduction was achieved in the area of moderate impact. However, the stable infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration gradually increased in the surface layer at a depth of 10 and 20 cm, both decreasing initially and then increasing, which is correlated significantly with soil textures. Moreover, the cumulative infiltration changed in line with steady infiltration rate. Based on a comparative analysis, the Horton model helps better understand the effect on the soil infiltration processes of the cold alpine meadow close to the chosen thermokarst lake. In conclusion, the formation of the thermokarst lake reduced the water holding capacity of the alpine meadow soil and caused the hydraulic conductivity to increase, resulting in the reduction of runoff capacity in the area of the thermokarst lake.  相似文献   

青藏高原冻土带天然气水合物的形成条件与分布预测   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
冻土带是天然气水合物发育的两个重要地质环境之一.青藏高原平均海拔在4000m以上,多年冻土面积约1.4×106km2.本文根据青藏高原冻土层厚度和地温梯度特征,运用天然气水合物的热力学稳定域预测方法,确定中低纬度高海拔区冻土带天然气水合物的产出特征.青藏高原多年冻土带热成因天然气水合物形成的热力学相平衡反映,水合物顶界埋深约27~560m,底界埋深约77~2070m.初步计算表明,青藏高原冻土带水合物天然气资源约1.2×1011~2.4×1014m3.在冻土层越厚、冻土层及冻土层之下沉积层的地温梯度越小的地区,最有利于天然气水合物的发育.气温的季节性变化对天然气水合物影响不大.在全球气温快速上升的背景下,青藏高原天然气水合物将处于失稳状态,天然气水合物顶界下降、底界上升,与冻土带的退化相似,分布区逐渐缩小,最终将完全消失.  相似文献   

Impacts of permafrost changes on alpine ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Alpine cold ecosystem with permafrost environment is quite sensitive to climatic changes and the changes in permafrost can significantly affect the alpine ecosystem. The vegetation coverage, grassland biomass and soil nutrient and texture are selected to indicate the regime of alpine cold ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The interactions between alpine ecosystem and permafrost were investigated with the depth of active layer, permafrost thickness and mean annual ground temperature (MAGTs). Based on the statistics model of GPTR for MAGTs and annual air temperatures, an analysis method was developed to analyze the impacts of permafrost changes on the alpine ecosystems. Under the climate change and human engineering activities, the permafrost change and its impacts on alpine ecosystems in the permafrost region between the Kunlun Mountains and the Tanggula Range of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are studied in this paper. The results showed that the per- mafrost changes have a different influence on different alpine ecosystems. With the increase in the thickness of active layer, the vegetation cover and biomass of the alpine cold meadow exhibit a significant conic reduction, the soil organic matter content of the alpine cold meadow ecosystem shows an exponential decrease, and the surface soil materials become coarse and gravelly. The alpine cold steppe ecosystem, however, seems to have a relatively weak relation to the permafrost environment. Those relationships resulted in the fact that the distribution area of alpine cold meadow decreased by 7.98% and alpine cold swamp decreased by 28.11% under the permafrost environment degradation during recent 15 years. In the future 50 years the alpine cold meadow ecosystems in different geomorphologic units may have different responses to the changes of the permafrost under different climate warming conditions, among them the alpine cold meadow and swamp ecosystem located in the low mountain and plateau area will have a relatively serious degradation. Furthermore, from the angles of grassland coverage and biological production the variation characteristics of high-cold eco- systems in different representative regions and different geomorphologic units under different climatic conditions were quantitatively assessed. In the future, adopting effective measures to protect permafrost is of vital importance to maintaining the stability of permafrost engineering and alpine cold eco- systems in the plateau.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP)has the highestand largest permafrost coverage in the low-middlelatitudes all over the world.With the progress ofChina’s Western Development,human activities areincreasing significantly on the QTP.For instance,theQinghai-Tibet Railway project started in June2001iscurrently under construction,but permafrost problemwill be one of the critical factors for the engineeringconstruction.Frost heave and permafrost settlementmay destroy engineering construction[1,2]…  相似文献   

近40年青藏高原湖泊面积变化遥感分析   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
董斯扬  薛娴  尤全刚  彭飞 《湖泊科学》2014,26(4):535-544
以MSS、TM和ETM遥感影像作为主要信息源,综合利用RS、GIS技术,提取青藏高原1970s、1990s、2000s及2010s 4个时段的湖泊面积信息,分别从区域位置、面积规模、海拔高度3方面分析其近40年来的变化趋势及变化特征,同时结合1972-2011年间青藏高原气候变化情况,初步探讨了影响青藏高原湖泊面积变化的主要原因.研究结果表明:(1)青藏高原面积大于10 km2的湖泊有417个,这些湖泊大多是面积为10~100 km2的小型湖泊,空间上集中分布在高原西部地区,海拔上集中在4500~5000 m范围内;(2)近40年青藏高原湖泊面积的变化趋势及差异性特征在整体上表现为湖泊呈加速扩张的趋势,其中2000s-2010s时段是湖泊扩张最显著的时期;在区域位置上,北部地区的湖泊变化最为剧烈;在面积规模上,小型湖泊扩张最为显著;在海拔高度上,低海拔地区湖泊扩张剧烈;(3)近40年青藏高原气候暖湿化程度明显,气候变化对湖泊面积变化影响显著;在气象要素中,降水量的变化是青藏高原湖泊面积变化的主要驱动因子.  相似文献   

胡晓莹  盛煜  吴吉春  李静  曹伟 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):825-835
以青藏高原查拉坪地区一处热融湖塘(40 m×50 m,最大深度为1 m)为研究对象,由实测数据对比分析了热融湖塘与天然地表相同深度的温度变化特征.结果表明:与天然地表相比,热融湖塘融化时间长,冻结时间短,且存在接近4℃的水温变化;受太阳辐射及热对流的影响,垂向水温梯度仅在水表从4℃降温及冻结阶段较大,其余时段接近0;湖底年均温度比相同深度的天然地表高约6.4℃,湖底下部存在约14 m深随时间发展的融区,土体吸热增大,放热减小;热融湖塘2.5~3.0 m土体的年内热交换为19592.0 k J/m2,约是天然地表的230倍,其中吸热量及放热量分别为后者的1.4倍及8.7%.湖塘下部的融化夹层是深层冻土的主要热源,湖塘对下部土体放热的抑制作用是湖塘对土体产生热影响的主要原因.  相似文献   

Permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Railroad produces the great change under the influence of climate change, such as the decreasing of permafrost table, the rising of permafrost temperatures, etc. Climate effect on permafrost is the long-term process. Engineering action makes rapidly permafrost the large extent change. On the basis of analyzing the permafrost change under the climate change and engineering action, the thermal regime and spatial distribution of permafrost are predicted for air temperature rising 1℃ and 2℃ after 50 years in this paper. The results show that climate change results in the larger change for the thermal regime and spatial distribution of permafrost. Permafrost change will produce the great effect on the Qinghai-Tibet Railroad engineering, not only resulting in the decreasing of permafrost table beneath the roadbed, but also resulting in thawing settlement due to the thawing of ground ice near permafrost table. The idea of cooling roadbed and active protecting permafrost for the Qinghai-Tibet Railroad engineering could adjust and control the permafrost thermal state, some better methods are provided to ensure the engineering stability in the areas of warm permafrost and high ice content.  相似文献   

Both the inflow and outflow of supra‐permafrost water to lakes play important roles in the hydrologic process of thermokarst lakes. The accompanying thermal effects on the adjacent permafrost are required for assessing their influences on the development of thermokarst lakes. For these purposes, the lake water level, temperature dynamics, and supra‐permafrost water flow of a lake were monitored on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau. In addition, the spatial and temporal variation of the active layer thickness and permafrost distribution around the lake were investigated by combining ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography, and borehole temperature monitoring. The results revealed that the yearly unfrozen supra‐permafrost water flow around the lake lasted approximately 5 months. The temperature and water level measurements during this period indicate that the lake water was recharged by relatively colder supra‐permafrost water from the north‐western lakeshore and was discharged through the eastern lakeshore. This process, accompanied by heat exchange with the underlying permafrost, might cause a directional difference of the active layer thickness and permafrost characteristics around the lake. Specifically, the active layer thickness variation was minimal, and the ice‐rich permafrost was found adjacent to the lakeshore along the recharge groundwater pathways, whereas a deeper active layer and ice‐poor permafrost were observed close to the lakeshore from which the warm lake water was discharged. This study suggests that the lateral flow of warm lake water can be a major driver for the rapid expansion of thermokarst lakes and provides clues for evaluating the relationships between the thermokarst expansion process and climate warming.  相似文献   

SBAS-InSAR技术监测青藏高原季节性冻土形变   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
冻土的冻结和融化的反复交替会造成地质环境与结构的破坏,从而导致房屋和道路等地面工程建筑物的地基破裂或者塌陷,还会引起山体滑坡、洪水暴发以及冰川移动等.因此,监测冻土形变对确保冻土区工程建筑的稳定性和安全性,同时保证冻土区社会经济可持续发展具有重要的意义.目前,在冻土监测方面并没有能大面积监测冻土形变时间演化情况的有效方法,本文提出将InSAR技术中的小基线集方法(SBAS-InSAR)应用于监测冻土来获取其形变时间序列中.考虑到冻土形变呈现明显的季节性特征,本文提出利用周期形变模型来代替传统SBAS方法中的线性形变模型,从而更好地分离出高程残差和大气误差.利用ENVISAT卫星获取的21景ASAR影像图作为实验数据,采用改进的SBAS技术成功获取了青藏高原从羊八井站至当雄站铁路段冻土区的地表形变时间序列图,揭示了该冻土区从2007年到2010年的季节性形变演化情况.通过与研究地区温度变化的联合分析,发现所得到的地表形变结果与冻土的物理变化规律非常吻合,证明了SBAS-InSAR技术在冻土形变监测中具有良好的发展应用前景.  相似文献   

微生物是湖泊生态系统重要的有机组分。了解不同时期青藏高原湖泊细菌群落特征、环境驱动因子及其群落构建过程的差异,对高原湖泊水生态管理具有重要的指导意义。分别于2020年6和12月采集青藏高原东北部5个湖泊水样,基于高通量测序技术、统计分析和模型分析,解析高原湖泊群在非冰封期和冰封期细菌群落结构、环境驱动因子和中性过程、确定性过程以及随机性过程在细菌群落构建过程的贡献。结果表明:(1)非冰封期湖泊细菌群落的Chao1丰度指数、Simpson和Shannon多样性指数低于冰封期,Spearman相关性分析结果表明非冰封期细菌群落的Chao1丰度指数和多样性指数与水温和海拔显著相关,而冰封期细菌群落的Chao1指数和多样性指数与总氮显著相关;(2)水体细菌群落的优势门均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),非冰封期细菌中拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)的平均相对丰度明显高于冰封期。另外,主坐标分析和相似性分析结果表明非冰封期和冰封期的细菌群落组成差异极显著;(3)冗余分析结果表明不同时期湖泊群细菌群落结构的...  相似文献   

王容  刘元波  王若男  刘永伟 《湖泊科学》2023,35(3):1057-1071
GLEAM(Global Land Evapotranspiration Amsterdam Model)和MOD16(MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Project)全球蒸散发产品已经得到了广泛的检验和应用,但由于观测资料缺乏,尚缺少对高原地区的检验。本文以青藏高原然乌湖流域、羊卓雍错流域、纳木错流域、色林错流域和塔若错流域为检验区域,利用流域水量平衡法,采用相关系数、相对误差、均方根误差和Kling-Gupta系数,对这两种蒸散产品开展了精度验证与评价。结果表明:GLEAM蒸散发产品在然乌湖、色林错和塔若错流域整体存在低估现象,在羊卓雍错和纳木错流域存在轻微高估现象,而MOD 16产品仅在色林错流域有轻微低估现象,在其他湖泊流域均表现为高估;GLEAM和MOD16蒸散发产品在5个湖泊流域年降水量较少的年份均存在高估的现象,在湿润年份则为低估;GLEAM产品在然乌湖流域、羊卓雍错流域和色林错流域的验证结果相对较好,而MOD16产品在纳木错流域和塔若错流域的验证精度相对较高;总体而言,在年尺度和多年平均尺度下,GLEAM蒸散发产品在青藏高原中东南湖泊流域...  相似文献   

Permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is widespread, thin, and thermally unstable. Under a warming climate during the past few decades, it has been degrading extensively with generally rising ground temperatures, the deepening of the maximum summer thaw, and with lessening of the winter frost penetration. The permafrost has degraded downward, upward and laterally. Permafrost has thinned or, in some areas, has totally disappeared. The modes of permafrost degradation have great significance in geocryology, in cold regions engineering and in cold regions environmental management. Permafrost in the interior of the QTP is well represented along the Qing-hai-Tibet Highway (QTH), which crosses the Plateau through north to south and traverses 560 km of permafrost-impacted ground. Horizontally, the degradation of permafrost occurs more visibly in the sporadic permafrost zone in the vicinity of the lower limit of permafrost (LLP), along the margins of taliks, and around permafrost islands. Downward degradation develops when the maximum depth of seasonal thaw exceeds the maximum depth of seasonal frost, and it generally results in the formation of a layered talik disconnecting the permafrost from the seasonal frost layer. The downward degrada- tion is divided into four stages: 1) initial degradation, 2) accelerated degradation, 3) layered talik and 4) finally the conversion of permafrost to seasonally frozen ground (SFG). The upward degradation occurs when the geothermal gradient in permafrost drops to less than the geothermal gradients in the underlying thawed soil layers. Three types of permafrost temperature curves (stable, degrading, and phase-changing transitory permafrost) illustrate these modes. Although strong differentiations in local conditions and permafrost types exist, the various combinations of the three degradation modes will ultimately transform permafrost into SFG. Along the QTH, the downward degradation has been proceeding at annual rates of 6 to 25 cm, upward degradation at 12 to 30 cm, and lateral degradation in the sporadic permafrost zone at 62 to 94 cm during the last quarter century. These rates exceed the 4 cm per year for the past 20 years reported for the discontinuous permafrost zone in subarctic Alaska, the 3 to 7 cm per year reported in Mongolia, and that of the thaw-stable permafrost in subarctic Yakutia and Arctic Alaska.  相似文献   

湖冰物候影响着区域及全球气候,是全球变化的敏感因子,青藏高原湖泊众多,冻融现场监测数据缺乏,而微波具有对冰水相变敏感、时间分辨率高、历史存档数据长等特点,这对于长时间序列湖冰物候研究具有重要意义.然而,被动微波遥感空间分辨率低、湖泊亮温的精准定位难.论文通过获取AMSR-E/Aqua和AMSR-2/Gcom-W1的亮温数据,构建了基于轨道亮温数据的阈值判别法,通过对青藏高原不同区域和不同大小的青海湖、色林错、哈拉湖以及阿其克库勒湖进行测试研究:与青海湖现场观测对比,湖泊完全冻结日期与开始融化日期最大误差小于3天;与无云光学遥感判别结果相比,4个湖泊的冻融参数误差为2~4天.结果表明,被动微波轨道亮温数据可实现青藏高原地区亚像元级中大型湖泊冻融信息的获取,历史卫星资料可为湖冰物候的监测提供重要的支撑.  相似文献   

Precipitation plays an important role in permafrost hydrology; it can alter the hydrothermal condition of the active layer and even influence the permafrost aggradation or degradation. Moisture recycling from evaporation and transpiration can greatly contribute to local precipitation in some regions. This study selected four monitoring sites and used an isotope mixing model to investigate local moisture recycling in permafrost regions of the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). The results showed that the local water vapour flux in the summer and autumn were dominantly influenced by westerlies and the Indian monsoon. Moistures for precipitation in Wudaoliang (WDL) and Fenghuoshan (FHS) mainly came from the western QTP, eastern Tianshan Mountains, western Qilian Mountains, and the surrounding regions. In comparsion, more than half of precipitation at Tanggula (TGL) was mostly sourced from the Indian monsoon. Local moisture recycling ratios at the four sites ranged from 14% ± 3.8% to 31.6% ± 4.8%, and depended on the soil moisture and relative humidity. In particular, the higher soil moisture and relative humidity promoted local moisture recycling, but frozen ground might be a potential influencing factor as well. The moisture recycling ratios of the study area were consistent with the results from both the Qinghai Lake Basin and the Nam Co Basin, but differed from those of the northwestern QTP. This difference may indirectly confirm the great spatial variability in precipitation on the QTP. Moreover, the rising air temperature and ground temperature, increasing precipitation, higher soil moisture, higher vegetation cover, and expanding lakes in the study area may be conductive to enhancing future local moisture recycling by altering ground surface conditions and facilitating the land surface evaporation and plant transpiration.  相似文献   

朱守彪  陈霞  杨绪海 《地震研究》2007,30(3):210-215
介绍了应力释放模型、耦合应力释放模型及其在时、空两个方面经过改进的模型。利用改进后的模型研究了青藏高原地区的地震活动,结果显示,在青藏高原地区改进后的应力释放模型仍然适用,并且改进后的耦合应力释放模型要优于简单的应力释放模型,其预测地震的效能和精度都要优于泊松模型。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部地区中强震前地磁低点位移特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了1994年以来青藏高原北部地区中强震前地磁低点位移的分布特征后,发现在该区中强震前均出现地磁低点位移异常。表明根据地磁低点位移异常对地震三要素(时间、地点和震级)的短临预报有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

青藏高原地表温度的比较分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用青藏高原改则、甘孜、拉萨和那曲气象站的地面水银温度计观测的地面0 cm温度和地面向上、大气向下长波辐射观测资料,计算和比较分析了地面水银表温度与地表辐射温度的差异.分析表明,由于地面水银温度计接触式测温方法的局限性,使得气象台站观测场地的地面水银表温度存在较大的误差:在裸露地表,夏季白天的正偏差可达4℃以上,夜间的负偏差在-2℃左右;在稠密植被地表,白天正偏差最高可达16℃以上,夜间的负偏差可达-3℃.由于偏差的不均衡性和离散性,即使对地面水银表温度作简单平均或积分平均处理,其代表性仍然很差.在对地表温度准确性要求较高的定量化研究与应用中,应避免直接采用地面水银表温度资料,即使由于资料缺乏而以其代之,也应对其采取适当的订正补偿等处理措施.随着科学研究对地表温度准确性的更高要求,推广使用地表辐射测温的观测方法是必要的.  相似文献   

本文收集了青藏高原区7级以上以走滑为主的30个地震的地表破裂参数资料,拟合出了青藏高原区新的震级与破裂带长度统计关系式,并结合前人的统计关系式,分别通过破裂带长度估算震级,求出了估算震级与仪器震级的差值。同时将差值为正值(即估算震级偏大)的归为一类,差值为负值(估算震级偏小)的归为另一类,做了分析和对比。研究发现,差值为正值的地震所处的走滑断裂带一般位于一级块体或次级块体的边界断裂带上;差值为负值的地震所处的走滑断裂带大多位于一级块体或次级块体内部断裂带或断裂带的交汇处。基于上述分类的差异,作者对不同回归关系计算的差值数据进行了统计分析,分别给出了修正计算结果不确定性的参考值,为降低估算震级的不确定性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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