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This mixed‐methods case study identifies how floodplain property acquisition—a buyout—impacts an urban environment at the neighborhood scale while considering the role of individual residents in formal and informal land‐use decision making. In floodplain buyouts, the reopening of urban space is enabled by federal structural drivers, primarily Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but it is repurposed as a cultural landscape constructed and produced by individuals. This research explores how residents perceive and ascribe values to the buyout landscape in Lexington, Kentucky. Enabled by federal funds, but left largely to their own devices, residents in Lexington adopted uses, ascribed values, and produced their own land‐use norms in each buyout neighborhood.  相似文献   

"Changes in the system of settlement in Staraya Russa Rayon, Novgorod Oblast [USSR], are traced. Migration from peripheral areas of the rayon to the suburban zone of Staraya Russa and to larger inhabited places along highways has transformed the historical pattern of settlement focused on river valleys into a new pattern focused on the central city of Staraya Russa, i.e., from the traditional dendritic configuration into a monocentric pattern. The impact of the migration process on land use is discussed, and it is suggested that abandoned peripheral villages be converted to recreation uses."  相似文献   

By diverting the waters of the River Mersey into a neighbouring basin, the Parangana Dam has changed the hydrological character of the downstream river. The flow records of three gauging stations, located at distances of 10, 67 and 88 km below the dam, provide the basis for identifying the changes. Intermediate discharges have decreased the most and even the furthest downstream station are 50% lower than before. The flow extremes, at both ends of the scale, have been less affected, and particularly the less frequent flood discharges which are augmented by overspill. Indeed the highest flood on record, with a recurrence interval of over 500 years, occurred in the post-dam period. The entry of unregulated tributaries in the middle section separates a much changed upstream hydrology from a downstream one able to mitigate the worst effects of the dam except at intermediate discharges.Field survey, air and ground photograph analysis are used to assess the impact of impoundment on the downstream channel. The main changes involve the expansion of existing lateral bars and the growth of new ones, but such deposition and the consequent narrowing of the channel are rather localized. The invasion of bar surfaces by vegetation could accelerate the process, but the general coarseness of the channel bed and the lack of fine material for bank building will severely delay adjustment of the Mersey channel. The chemical and biological character of the river could be adversely affected by the altered flow regime, particularly in those reaches immediately below the dam.  相似文献   

Antony Chum 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):1083-1098
Gentrification, a process of transforming working-class areas into middle-class use, is a pervasive process in many cities around the world. Although researchers recognize the dangers of displacement in this process, the magnitude of dislocation is highly contested. Literature on gentrification offers little guidance with regard to understanding the timing of displacement in a gentrifying neighborhood. Moreover, evictions have been neglected as a form of gentrification-led displacement, which may have led to underestimating displacement effects. This study sheds light on the geography of displacement through an analysis of 59,415 eviction applications in the City of Toronto from 1999 to 2001, which are compared with the timing of gentrification at the census tract level (n = 502). The study finds that evictions are positively associated with (1) neighborhoods in early stages of gentrification, and (2) “pre-gentrified neighborhoods” that are beginning to be marked by changes in social composition, that is, an increasing number of artists and people with higher education, but no significant increase yet in aggregate income or the number of owner-occupied dwellings. By illuminating the timing and magnitude of displacement in gentrifying neighborhoods, this study fosters a better understanding of gentrification outcomes that may inform policies to ameliorate its negative impacts.  相似文献   

以青藏高原为核心的世界第三极地区,是全球最独特的地质—地理—资源—生态耦合系统之一,对中国、北半球乃至全球环境变化具有重要的影响。同时,第三极地区对全球环境变化及周边人类活动的影响亦有敏感响应,同南极和北极一样受到科技界的高度重视。2009年,“第三极环境(Third Pole Environment,TPE)”国际计划正式启动。该计划以“水—冰—气—生—人类活动”之间的相互作用为主题,旨在解决第三极地区过去环境变化的时空特征、冰圈与水圈相互作用及其灾害过程、生态系统对环境变化的影响和响应、人类活动对该地区环境变化的影响及该地区环境变化的适应对策等科学问题,以揭示第三极地区环境变化过程与机制及其对全球环境变化的影响和响应规律,从而为提高这一地区人类对自然的适应能力和实现人与自然和谐相处服务。该计划自启动以来,以TPE科学委员会及TPE项目办公室为依托,,有效执行各种实施方案,已经在第三极冰川变化、季风与西风相互作用、台站建设、数据共享及人才培养等方面取得了很大的进展。今后,将进一步扩展研究领域和研究地区,与未来地球计划(Future Earth)相对接,为第三极地区生态环境改善和社会经济发展作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

An economic audit of the labour-market impact of in-migration to rural Scotland provides evidence that migrants make rather than take jobs. A survey of 689 households in six study areas selected from across rural Scotland provides the basis for examining the scale and nature of job growth associated with in-migration. Job multipliers are calculated by migrant type and by economic sector.  相似文献   

基于中国工业企业数据库和阿里巴巴平台数据,从企业和行业两个层面考察“互联网+”对中国制造业就业增长的影响。结果显示,就企业层面而言,“互联网+”阻碍了制造业企业的就业增长。具体分企业规模来看,“互联网+”能够促进大型企业就业增长,但对小微企业起到一定抑制作用。就行业层面而言,“互联网+”程度加深对行业就业增长产生负面影响。从产业集聚来看,地方专业化、产业多样化和产业内竞争三类集聚动态外部性显著促进企业就业增长和行业就业增长,但地方专业化和产业内竞争会阻碍“互联网+”对行业就业带动作用的发挥。此外,“互联网+”和产业集聚的就业影响具有地区差异性。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Automated extraction of drainage features from DEMs is an effective alternative to the tedious manual mapping from topographic maps. The derived hydrologic characteristics include stream-channel networks, delineation of catchment boundaries, catchment area, catchment length, stream-channel long profiles and stream order etc. Other important characteristics of river catchments, such as the stream-channel density, stream-channel bifurcation ratios, stream-channel order, number…  相似文献   


The proliferation of digital cartographic and geographic information technologies has provided an obvious alternative to paper for the storage of maps. Not unlike their paper predecessors, digital maps must be indexed to provide sufficient access points to information and to allow the librarian carto-bibliographic control over the collection. Maps have traditionally been treated as ‘unusual’ books and librarians have relied primarily on cataloguing strategies designed for books. Most automated cataloguing efforts involve nothing more than the computerization of card catalogues without altering the nature and design of the task. This paper examines the utilities and unique qualities of cartographic materials and accounts for deficiencies of traditional cataloguing methods for the handling of both analogue and digital cartographic products. In view of the increased availability of digital cartographic databases, this paper also evaluates requirements and presents issues beyond the conventional responsibilities of spatial data librarianship.  相似文献   

Hydrologic data derived from digital elevation models (DEM) has been regarded as an effective method in the spatial analysis of geographical information systems (GIS). However, both DEM resolution and terrain complexity has impacts on the accuracy of hydrologic derivatives. In this study, a multi-resolution and multi-relief comparative approach was used as a major methodology to investigate the accuracy of hydrologic data derived from DEMs. The experiment reveals that DEM terrain representation error affects the accuracy of DEM hydrological derivatives (drainage networks and watershed etc.). Coarser DEM resolutions can usually cause worse results. However, uncertain result commonly exists in this calculation. The derivative errors can be found closely related with DEM vertical resolution and terrain roughness. DEM vertical resolution can be found closely related with the accuracy of DEM hydrological derivatives, especially in the smooth plain area. If the mean slope is less than 4 degrees, the derived hydrologic data are usually unreliable. This result may be helpful in estimating the accuracy of the hydrologic derivatives and determining the DEM resolution that is appropriate to the accuracy requirement of a particular user. By applying a threshold value to subset the cells of a higher accumulation flow, a stream network of a specific network density can be extracted. Some very important geomorphologic characteristics, e.g., shallow and deep gullies, can be separately extracted by means of adjusting the threshold value. However, such a flow accumulationbased processing method can not correctly derive those streams that pass through the working area because it is hard to accumulate enough flow direction values to express the stream channels at the stream's entrance area. Consequently, errors will definitely occur at the stream’s entrance area. In addition, erroneous derivatives can also be found in deriving some particular rivers, e.g., perched (hanging up) rivers, anastomosing rivers and braided rivers. Therefore, more work should be done to develop and perfect the algorithms.  相似文献   

刘帅 《地理研究》2021,40(2):310-325
新冠肺炎疫情对中国经济产生了巨大冲击。本文从悲观、中观和乐观三种情景预测了2020年中国经济增速,根据各地疫情严重程度分别用不同情景利用历史数据预测了各省2020年经济数据,随后运用Dagum基尼系数等方法分析了疫情对中国区域经济的影响。研究发现:即使在悲观情景下,中国经济在2020年仍能实现1.90%的增长,完全有能力实现"六稳""六保"任务,保障经济社会平稳健康运行;中观和乐观情景下,预计2020年中国经济增速将达到2.20%和3.74%;地区差异分析表明,地区差异扩大的趋势放缓,地区内部的不平衡加剧,而地区之间的差距变大。基于此,本文提出以疫后恢复为契机,充分挖掘中国区域经济发展的巨大潜力,实现区域增长接力,稳定经济增长。  相似文献   

In a previous work we developed GISwaps, a novel method for geospatial decision-making based on Even Swaps. In this paper, we present the results of an evaluation of a visualization framework integrated with this method, implemented within a decision support system. This evaluation is based on two different studies. In the quantitative study, 15 student participants used GISwaps with no visual features, and 15 participants used GISwaps with the integrated visual framework, as the tool in a solar farm site location case study. The results of the quantitative evaluation show positive impact of the visualization in terms of increased coherency in trade-offs. The results also show a statistically significant difference in average trade-off values between the groups, with users from the non-visual group setting on average 20% higher trade-off values compared with the users in the visual group. In the qualitative study, we had one expert in GIS, two experts in decision-making and two experts in solar energy as a focus user group. Data in this study were obtained by observations and semi-structured interviews with the participants. The impact of the visualization framework was assessed positively by all participants in the expert group.  相似文献   

The area that the railway will cross is a region with the main physiognomies of desert and Gobi, with a most fragile ecological environment. It is also a region that is highly susceptible to man-made disturbance. The construction of railway will intensify soil erosion along the railway line to a certain degree. The map of soil erosion conditions in the section from Liugou to Dunhuang City in the range of 10 km each side along the line was compiled by using the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS). Based on analysis of the status of desertification and the influence of the railway construction projects, the changes of the types, intensities and the total amount of the soil erosion caused by the construction were predicted.  相似文献   

吴思栩  孙斌栋  张婷麟 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1446-1460
本文旨在揭示互联网影响城市内部就业分布的净效应及其动态变化。首先,将互联网分散力与集聚力的相对变化纳入互联网动态影响的分析框架并提出相应理论假说;其次,利用中国2004年、2008年、2013年3次经济普查中289个地级市的2247万个企业的微观数据,以“邮区”为基本空间单元构建了城市内部就业集聚指数;最后,构造工具变量以缓解内生性问题。结果显示,平均而言,互联网能显著促进城市内部的就业集聚,但随互联网渗透率的提高,其促进作用呈现“边际递减”趋势,而城市就业的空间多中心性不断提升,即就业向远离城市主中心的次中心集聚;对于高发展水平的城市,互联网渗透率的提高促进了就业先短暂分散,而后“边际递增”式集聚。本文研究发现对于预判未来城市中经济活动的空间分布和指导空间规划具有重要意义。  相似文献   

1 Introduction UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) defines desertification as land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities (Agenda 21…  相似文献   

弹性通勤逐渐成为城市经济、城市地理学的研究热点,弹性工作时间在政策文件和企业管理中被频繁提及。国内对企业员工通勤出发时间选择的研究较少考虑活动因素。立足于上海市交通拥挤与职住失衡的背景,以闵行区企业员工为研究对象,借鉴多项logit模型分析通勤活动的时间和空间弹性对企业员工出发时间选择的影响。结论如下:(1)员工早晚通勤出发时刻集中在高峰时段,与晚通勤相比,早通勤出发时间的选择更集中于高峰前和高峰中。(2)个人社会经济特征、城市建成环境特征、通勤时空特征对员工通勤的出发时间选择产生影响。(3)对于控制变量,年龄和收入因素制约了早通勤出发时间选择;工作地在郊区或商业可达性较差的员工,更不倾向于早高峰前出行;公交可达性较差的,则不倾向于晚高峰后出行。(4)工作地弹性、出发时间弹性、驻停时间及驻停地弹性等均对早通勤出发时间选择产生显著影响。仅出发时间弹性和到达时间弹性对晚通勤出发时间选择产生显著影响。  相似文献   

近年来,中国海军的发展开始进入快车道。武器装备规模的扩大、武器装备性能的提升以及武器装备体系的完善是中国海军崛起的主要表现。中国海军的崛起是需求侧和供给侧合力作用的结果。需求侧指的是应对日益严峻的外部压力、保护海外利益和海上交通线、维护国家主权和领土完整以及汲取历史教训的需要;供给侧指的是中国综合国力的提高、中国对海洋和海权重视度的提升以及中俄关系的稳定提供了中国发展海军的良好内外部环境,使得中国可以发展出强大海军。中国海军的崛起将会给东亚安全秩序带来深远的影响,这些影响主要集中在改变东亚地缘结构、冲击美国同盟体系、安全公共物品供给这三方面。  相似文献   

FDI企业的空间集聚已经成为重要空间现象,但其对FDI企业规模的影响尚未引起学者的重视。既有研究发现的国家尺度集聚对制造业企业规模扩张的促进效应,是否适用于制造业和服务业共存的大都市区尺度?这也需要进行再商榷。论文基于企业内部生产技术条件、企业外部交易行为,搭建了大都市区范围内企业规模分异的解析框架,利用在京日企微观数据,分析了其空间集聚特征,讨论了其就业规模与分工的时空间变动特征,解析了集聚对在京日企的就业规模影响。研究发现:① 在京日企围绕集聚中心,呈现清晰的中心-外围分异特征。1995—2016年,集聚程度增强,集聚区重心外移,集聚空间规模扩大。2016年时形成了使馆区-CBD集聚区、BDA亦庄集聚区、首都机场集聚区、Z-Park中关村集聚区。② 在京日企的单环节化、服务化空间分异特征明显。单环节日企更临近分布重心,复合环节日企更趋外;服务型日企更趋中,生产型日企更趋外。集聚区内服务功能型日企更多,集聚区外生产功能型的日企更多。③ 新增日企,无论单环节还是复合环节日企,就业规模均显著减小。越是临近分布重心、越是位于集聚区内的日企,平均就业规模越小。④ 大都市区范围内,集聚更利于吸引中小日企扎堆布局,更利于抑制其规模扩张冲动;日企主营业务的技术经济特点会影响分工作用的显现,隶属行业、进驻时长和独合资模式等也有显著性影响。  相似文献   

中国边境地缘经济的空间差异及影响机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋涛  程艺  刘卫东  刘慧 《地理学报》2017,72(10):1731-1745
边境地区是国家重要的国土安全屏障和对外开放门户,深刻分析复杂地缘环境下,中国内陆边境地区的地缘经济合作现状及其影响机制,对于挖掘利用边境传统优势,促进中国边境、民族地区加速发展意义重大。在综合分析边境地缘经济理论的基础之上,搭建地缘经济分析框架,纳入本地经济、外向型经济、本地综合发展三大类指标后,系统刻画了中国边境地区的地缘经济发展及演化。并通过地理探测器剖析了中国边境地区地缘经济空间分异的机制。研究结果发现,边境地区的地缘经济综合发展水平总体平稳增长,空间分异明显。东北地区地缘经济的绝对优势地位逐渐下降。优势地区在空间上高度分散,呈现以东北地区的牡丹江市、内蒙古地区的包头市、新疆地区的博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、云南广西地区的德宏傣族景颇族自治州、崇左市为增长极核的空间极化格局。边境地区的地缘经济主要受国家政策的影响,以及邻国发展水平、与中国展开双边贸易的合作意愿等。政策优惠指数、交通通达度、文化接近度等因素对边境地缘经济影响显著。其中,内蒙古地区、西藏地区以邻国影响为主;东北地区、新疆地区以中国政策影响为主;云南广西地区为综合因素影响。最后,文章提出复杂地缘环境下,差异化边境地区地缘经济发展的政策建议及启示。  相似文献   

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