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杨丽娟 《地质学报》2024,98(3):647-652
黄汲清(1904~1995),著名地质学家,中国科学院院士,我国近现代地质事业开拓者和奠基人之一。他在开创中国区域地质调查和地质制图事业、建立中国大地构造理论基础、勘察中国石油天然气资源等方面均作出了卓越贡献。早在20世纪30年代,黄汲清即着手石油地质的考察研究工作;20世纪50年代,黄汲清参与规划、部署并实地指导全国范围的石油、天然气的普查,为大庆等油田的发现作出了突出贡献。本文利用黄汲清回忆录、年谱和自然资源部档案等原始材料,系统整理黄汲清数十年来在中国石油、天然气的方面研究工作,分析中国石油勘探工作在理论和实践上的突破。  相似文献   

2019年是地质学界一代宗师、新中国地质事业的开拓者和奠基者之一黄汲清先生诞生115周年。为纪念这位对我国地质事业作出了杰出历史性贡献的地学大师,我刊特邀著名地质学史专家、中国科学院大学潘云唐教授撰写此文。黄汲清先生是享誉国内外的地质学大家,他在开创中国区域地质调查和地质制图事业、创立中国大地构造理论、提出陆相生油和多期多层生储油理论、勘查中国石油天然气资源等方面,取得了卓越成就,创造了突出业绩。黄汲清先生把一生奉献给了祖国的地质和科学事业,他爱国无私的奉献精神、求真创新的科学追求,值得我们永远尊敬、怀念和学习。  相似文献   

今年是地质学界一代宗师、新中国地质事业的开拓者和奠基者之一黄汲清先生诞生115周年。为纪念这位对我国地质事业作出了杰出历史性贡献的地学大师,我刊特邀著名地质学史专家、中国科学院大学潘云唐教授撰写此文。黄汲清先生是享誉国内外的地质学大家,他在开创中国区域地质调查和地质制图事业、创立中国大地构造理论、提出陆相生油和多期多层生储油理论、勘查中国石油天然气资源等方面,取得了卓越成就,创造了突出业绩。黄汲清先生把一生奉献给了祖国的地质和科学事业,他的爱国无私的奉献精神、求真创新的科学追求,值得我们永远尊敬、怀念和学习。限于篇幅,本刊将分期刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

今年是地质学界一代宗师、新中国地质事业的开拓者和奠基者之一黄汲清先生诞生115周年为纪念这位对我国地质事业作出了杰出历史性贡献的地学大师,我刊特邀著名地质学史专家、中国科学院大学潘云唐教授撰写此文。黄汲清先生是享誉国内外的地质学大家,他在开创中国区域地质调查和地质制图事业,创立中国大地构造理论,提出陆相生油和多期多层生储油理论,勘查中国石油天然气资源等方面,取得了卓越成就,创造了突出业绩。黄汲清先生把一生奉献给了祖国的地质和科学事业,他的爱国无私的奉献精神、求真创新的科学追求,值得我们永远尊敬、怀念和学习。本文内容丰富,篇幅较长,本刊将分期刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

今年是地质学界一代宗师、新中国地质事业的开拓者和奠基者之一黄汲清先生诞生115周年。为纪念这位对我国地质事业作出了杰出历史性贡献的地学大师,我刊特邀著名地质学史专家、中国科学院大学潘云唐教授撰写此文。黄汲清先生是享誉国内外的地质学大家,他在开创中国区域地质调查和地质制图事业、创立中国大地构造理论、提出陆相生油和多期多层生储油理论、勘查中国石油天然气资源等方面,取得了卓越成就,创造了突出业绩。黄汲清先生把一生奉献给了祖国的地质和科学事业,他的爱国无私的奉献精神、求真创新的科学追求,值得我们永远尊敬、怀念和学习。限于篇幅,本刊将分期刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

今年是地质学界一代宗师、新中国地质事业的开拓者和奠基者之一黄汲清先生诞生115周年。为纪念这位对我国地质事业作出了杰出历史性贡献的地学大师,我刊特邀著名地质学史专家、中国科学院大学潘云唐教授撰写此文。黄汲清先生是享誉国内外的地质学大家,他在开创中国区域地质调查和地质制图事业、创立中国大地构造理论、提出陆相生油和多期多层生储油理论、勘查中国石油天然气资源等方面,取得了卓越成就,创造了突出业绩。黄汲清先生把一生奉献给了祖国的地质和科学事业,他的爱国无私的奉献精神、求真创新的科学追求,值得我们永远尊敬、怀念和学习。限于篇幅,本刊将分期刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

我国地质界的著名学者黄汲清教授,他的学术成就及其为人是人所共知的。在中国地质学会地质学史研究会第六届年会上黄教授作过一次即兴发言,他针对地质史学研究的特点,别开生面地提出了自己殷切  相似文献   

代国标 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2088-2088
为庆祝中国地质学会成立一百周年,表彰一批在我国地质科技工作岗位上做出突出贡献的 45 周岁以下的青年地质科技工作者,学会于 2022 年 2 月 22 日启动了第十一届“黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖”申报及推荐工作。“黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖”是为缅怀我国著名地质学家黄汲清先生对地质科学和地质事业作出的巨大贡献,鼓励广大青年地质工作者献身地质事业,促进我国地质事业的繁荣与发展,加速国家现代化建设,为建设世界科技强国作出新贡献。根据《黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖基金章程》和《黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖奖励条例》规定,中国地质学会开展了第十一届“黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖”的评奖活动。  相似文献   

黄汲清先生是我国享有国际声誉的著名地质学家,是地质界的一代宗师,是中国地质事业的开拓者和奠基人之一。 为纪念黄汲清先生对我国科学事业和地质事业作出的巨大贡献,继承和发扬他从国家建设需要出发,积极参加科学实践,求真务实,不断创新、勇攀科学高峰的科学精神和献身祖国地质事业的爱国主义精神,鼓励青年地质工作者为祖国建设无私奉献,开拓创新,中国地质学会在黄先生捐赠的基础上,设立了黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖。 第一届黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖的评奖工作得到广大野外地质工作者、地质科研工作者、地质教育工作者和各地质部门的大力支持。经专家评审,黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖基金管理委员会终评,决定授予下列十位同志第一届黄汲清青年地  相似文献   

<正> 我国天然气地质理论与天然气工业的发展——石昕,石宝珩/石油与天然气地质,1999(3)沉积盆地研究现状及发展趋势——张运东/世界石油工业,1999(10)中国陆上大中型气田形成的区域地质背景和科学探索井探索领域及目标——马新华,钱凯等/勘探家,1999(3)四川盆地油气勘探前景及发展对策——罗志立/石油与天然气地质,1999(3)论油气勘探的思维油气勘探思维是科学与工程两种思维  相似文献   

Most sulfide-rich magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits form in dynamic magmatic systems by partial melting S-bearing wall rocks with variable degrees of assimilation of miscible silicate and volatile components, and generation of barren to weakly-mineralized immiscible Fe sulfide xenomelts into which Ni-Cu-Co-PGE partition from the magma. Some exceptionally-thick magmatic Cr deposits may form by partial melting oxide-bearing wall rocks with variable degrees of assimilation of the miscible silicate and volatile components, and generation of barren Fe ± Ti oxide xenocrysts into which Cr-Mg-V ± Ti partition from the magma. The products of these processes are variably preserved as skarns, residues, xenoliths, xenocrysts, xenomelts, and xenovolatiles, which play important to critical roles in ore genesis, transport, localization, and/or modification. Incorporation of barren xenoliths/autoliths may induce small amounts of sulfide/chromite to segregate, but incorporation of sulfide xenomelts or oxide xenocrysts with dynamic upgrading of metal tenors (PGE > Cu > Ni > Co and Cr > V > Ti, respectively) is required to make significant ore deposits. Silicate xenomelts are only rarely preserved, but will be variably depleted in chalcophile and ferrous metals. Less dense felsic xenoliths may aid upward sulfide transport by increasing the effective viscosity and decreasing the bulk density of the magma. Denser mafic or metamorphosed xenoliths may also increase the effective viscosity of the magma, but may aid downward sulfide transport by increasing the bulk density of the magma. Sulfide wets olivine, so olivine xenocrysts may act as filter beds to collect advected finely dispersed sulfide droplets, but other silicates and xenoliths may not be wetted by sulfides. Xenovolatiles may retard settling of – or in some cases float – dense sulfide droplets. Reactions of sulfide melts with felsic country rocks may generate Fe-rich skarns that may allow sulfide melts to fractionate to more extreme Cu-Ni-rich compositions. Xenoliths, xenocrysts, xenomelts, and xenovolatiles are more likely to be preserved in cooler basaltic magmas than in hotter komatiitic magmas, and are more likely to be preserved in less dynamic (less turbulent) systems/domain/phases than in more dynamic (more turbulent) systems/domains/phases. Massive to semi-massive Ni-Cu-PGE and Cr mineralization and xenoliths are often localized within footwall embayments, dilations/jogs in dikes, throats of magma conduits, and the horizontal segments of dike-chonolith and dike-sill complexes, which represent fluid dynamic traps for both ascending and descending sulfides/oxides. If skarns, residues, xenoliths, xenocrysts, xenomelts, and/or xenovolatiles are present, they provide important constraints on ore genesis and they are valuable exploration indicators, but they must be included in elemental and isotopic mass balance calculations.  相似文献   

Partition coefficients of Hf,Zr, and REE between zircon,apatite, and liquid   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
Concentration ratios of Hf, Zr, and REE between zircon, apatite, and liquid were determined for three igneous compositions: two andesites and a diorite. The concentration ratios of these elements between zircon and corresponding liquid can approximate the partition coefficient. Although the concentration ratios between apatite and andesite groundmass can be considered as partition coefficients, those for the apatite in the diorite may deviate from the partition coefficients. The HREE partition coefficients between zircon and liquid are very large (100 for Er to 500 for Lu), and the Hf partition coefficient is even larger. The REE partition coefficients between apatite and liquid are convex upward, and large (D=10–100), whereas the Hf and Zr partition coefficients are less than 1. The large differences between partition coefficients of Lu and Hf for zircon-liquid and for apatite-liquid are confirmed. These partition coefficients are useful for petrogenetic models involving zircon and apatite.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(1-2):13-26
We examined the coprecipitation behavior of Ti, Mo, Sn and Sb in Ca–Al–Mg fluorides under two different fluoride forming conditions: at < 70 °C in an ultrasonic bath (denoted as the ultrasonic method) and at 245 °C using a Teflon bomb (denoted as the bomb method). In the ultrasonic method, small amounts of Ti, Mo and Sn coprecipitation were observed with 100% Ca and 100% Mg fluorides. No coprecipitation of Ti, Mo, Sn and Sb in Ca–Al–Mg fluorides occurred when the sample was decomposed by the bomb method except for 100% Ca fluoride. Based on our coprecipitation observations, we have developed a simultaneous determination method for B, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Hf and Ta by Q-pole type ICP-MS (ICP-QMS) and sector field type ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS). 9–50 mg of samples with Zr–Mo–Sn–Sb–Hf spikes were decomposed by HF using the bomb method and the ultrasonic method with B spike. The sample was then evaporated and re-dissolved into 0.5 mol l 1 HF, followed by the removal of fluorides by centrifuging. B, Zr, Mo, Sn, Sb and Hf were measured by ID method. Nb and Ta were measured by the ID-internal standardization method, based on Nb/Mo and Ta/Mo ratios using ICP-QMS, for which pseudo-FI was developed and applied. When 100% recovery yields of Zr and Hf are expected, Nb/Zr and Ta/Hf ratios may also be used. Ti was determined by the ID-internal standardization method, based on the Ti/Nb ratio from ICP-SFMS. Only 0.053 ml sample solution was required for measurement of all 9 elements. Dilution factors of ≤ 340 were aspirated without matrix effects. To demonstrate the applicability of our method, 4 carbonaceous chondrites (Ivuna, Orgueil, Cold Bokkeveld and Allende) as well as GSJ and USGS silicate reference materials of basalts, andesites and peridotites were analyzed. Our analytical results are consistent with previous studies, and the mean reproducibility of each element is 1.0–4.6% for basalts and andesites, and 6.7–11% for peridotites except for TiO2.  相似文献   

针对兖州煤田下组煤深部开采受奥灰高承压水威胁以及当地大型煤化工企业生产用水量大的现状,在已进行的水文地质勘探及放水试验基础上,评价奥灰富水性,并采用有限差分法进行奥灰疏水降压数值模拟研究,提出水煤共采观点。研究结果表明:兖州煤田深部奥灰水压高,合理布置水煤共采孔,可以实现奥灰水位的有效疏降,疏降中心区水位最大降深可达110 m,突水系数显著下降,提高了下组煤开采的安全性;同时可提供煤化工43200 m3/d的供水量,能达到可持续的、水资源保护性的供水效果,实现下组煤的水煤共采。  相似文献   

The distribution of Cu, Co, As and Fe was studied downstream from mines and deposits in the Idaho Cobalt Belt (ICB), the largest Co resource in the USA. To evaluate potential contamination in ecosystems in the ICB, mine waste, stream sediment, soil, and water were collected and analyzed for Cu, Co, As and Fe in this area. Concentrations of Cu in mine waste and stream sediment collected proximal to mines in the ICB ranged from 390 to 19,000 μg/g, exceeding the USEPA target clean-up level and the probable effect concentration (PEC) for Cu of 149 μg/g in sediment; PEC is the concentration above which harmful effects are likely in sediment dwelling organisms. In addition concentrations of Cu in mine runoff and stream water collected proximal to mines were highly elevated in the ICB and exceeded the USEPA chronic criterion for aquatic organisms of 6.3 μg/L (at a water hardness of 50 mg/L) and an LC50 concentration for rainbow trout of 14 μg/L for Cu in water. Concentrations of Co in mine waste and stream sediment collected proximal to mines varied from 14 to 7400 μg/g and were highly elevated above regional background concentrations, and generally exceeded the USEPA target clean-up level of 80 μg/g for Co in sediment. Concentrations of Co in water were as high as in 75,000 μg/L in the ICB, exceeding an LC50 of 346 μg/L for rainbow trout for Co in water by as much as two orders of magnitude, likely indicating an adverse effect on trout. Mine waste and stream sediment collected in the ICB also contained highly elevated As concentrations that varied from 26 to 17,000 μg/g, most of which exceeded the PEC of 33 μg/g and the USEPA target clean-up level of 35 μg/g for As in sediment. Conversely, most water samples had As concentrations that were below the 150 μg/L chronic criterion for protection of aquatic organisms and the USEPA target clean-up level of 14 μg/L. There is abundant Fe oxide in streams in the ICB and several samples of mine runoff and stream water exceeded the chronic criterion for protection of aquatic organisms of 1000 μg/L for Fe. There has been extensive remediation of mined areas in the ICB, but because some mine waste remaining in the area contains highly elevated Cu, Co, As and Fe, inhalation or ingestion of mine waste particulates may lead to human exposure to these elements.  相似文献   

The dielectric constants and dielectric loss values of 4 Ca-containing minerals were determined at 1 MHz using a two-terminal method and empirically determined edge corrections. The results are: vesuvianitel κ′ a=9.93 tan δ=0.006 κ′ c=9.79 tan δ=0.005 vesuvianitel κ′ a=10.02 tan δ=0.002 κ′ c=9.85 tan δ=0.003 zoisite1 κ′ a =10.49 tan δ=0.0006 κ′ b =15.31 tan δ=0.0008 κ′ c=9.51 tan δ=0.0008 zoisite2 κ′ a =10.55 tan δ=0.0011 κ′ b =15.45 tan δ=0.0013 κ′ c=9.39 tan δ=0.0008 epidote κ′ 11= 9.52 tan δ=0.0008 κ′ 22=17.1 tan δ=0.0009 κ′ 33= 9.37 tan δ=0.0006 fluorapatite1 κ′ a =10.48 tan δ=0.0008 κ′ c = 8.72 tan δ=0.0114 fluorapatite2 κ′ a =10.40 tan δ=0.0010 κ′ c=8.26 tan δ=0.0178 The deviation (δ) between measured dielectric polarizabilities as determined from the Clausius-Mosotti equation and those calculated from the sum of oxide polarizabilities according to α D (mineral)=∑ α D (oxides) for vesuvianite is ~ 0.5%. The large deviations of epidote and zoisite from the additivity rule with Δ=+ 10.1 and + 11.7%, respectively, are attributed to “rattling” Ca ions. The combined effects of both a large F thermal parameter and possible F-ion conductivity in fluorapatite are believed to be responsible for Δ=+2–3%. Although variation of oxygen polarizability with oxygen molar volume (Vo) is believed to affect the total polarizabilities, the variation of Vo in these Ca minerals is too small to observe the effect.  相似文献   

The contents of As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn have been determined in sediment and water samples from Valle de las Garzas estuary and Port Manzanillo (Colima, Mexico) using ICP-AES. The concentrations of these elements were used for a comparative study to determine the distribution of heavy metals and to evaluate which elements reflect natural or anthropogenic backgrounds. For this purpose, seven sampling points were selected: Four of them correspond to the lagoon, and three were situated in the port. Statistical analysis of the mineral content was assessed. Initially, data comparison was assessed by statistical tests for each variable. Principal component analysis was then applied considering the influence of all variables at the same time by obtaining the distribution of samples according to their scores in the principal component space. In this way, four studies were carried out: (1) study of sediments collected during the dry season; (2) study of sediments collected during the rainy season; (3) comparative study between sediments from rainy and dry season; and (4) study of water composition collected during rainy season. From the results of the performed analyses, it can be concluded that metals distribution pattern reflected natural and anthropogenic backgrounds (e.g., sediments from the lagoon, situated at the beginning of the rain channel, presented high contents of Zn and Cu, perhaps related to anthropogenic activities or the influence of igneous sediments).  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of a study of 11 isotope systems (3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar, 34S/32S, 65Cu/63Cu, 62Ni/60Ni, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206–208Pb/204Pb, Hf–Nd, U–Pb, and Re–Os) in the rocks and ores of the Cu–Ni–PGE deposits of the Norilsk ore district. Almost all the results were obtained at the Center of Isotopic Research of the Karpinskii All-Russia Research Institute of Geology. The use of a number of independent genetic isotopic signatures and comprehensive isotopic knowledge provided a methodic basis for the interpretation of approximately 5000 isotopic analyses of various elements. The presence of materials from two sources, crust and mantle, was detected in the composition of the rocks and ores. The contribution of the crustal source is especially significant in the paleofluids (gas–liquid microinclusions) of the ore-forming medium. Crustal solutions were probably a transport medium during ore formation. Air argon is dominant in the ores, which indicates a connection between the paleofluids and the atmosphere. This suggests intense groundwater circulation during the crystallization of ore minerals. The age of the rocks and ores of the Norilsk deposits was determined. The stage of orebody formation is restricted to a narrow age interval of 250 ± 10 Ma. An isotopic criterion was proposed for the ore-bearing potential of mafic intrusions in the Norilsk–Taimyr region. It includes several interrelated isotopic ratios of various elements: He, Ar, S, and others.  相似文献   

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