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Summary 1. The so called sigularities want all reality and are of no value in monsoon investigations. — 2. In this section a short summary ofChromow's monsoon studies is given (Fig. 1). — 3. The monsoon in Western Europe manifests itself in impulses during some days alternating with the general west circulation. Monthly means of the wind direction give the resultant direction of these two independent wind systems and do by no means elucidate the true behaviour of the wind.Chromow's method, the appliance of monthly means of pressure gradients, is also insufficient. The only reliable method of researching the monsoon in moderate regions is the investigation of the separate wind octants. A month is too long to reveal the rather short impulses and therefore calculating decade means is recommended. The monsoon depends upon the direction and the velocity of the wind. Calculating the product of the frequency of the direction (in %) and the wind velocity is in practice a sufficient approximation. I have called this product the «relative wind vector». — 4. Whereas generally the months of January and July are accepted as the central monsoon months, in the Netherlands and Germany these months appear to be November–December and May–June (Table 1, 2; Fig. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7), respectively with S and NE winds. The summer monsoon seems to back from E to N and perhaps even to NW. This backing may be caused by the form of the european continent. — 5. A research into the maximal development of the monsoon impulses shows that they equal or even surpass the general western ciruclation concerning both their number (Table 1, right-hand side) and their intensity (Table 3).Willett's opinion that the normal geographical distribution of air mass source regions in the spring and the autumn are intermediate between those of the months of Janaury and July cannot be maintained for West Europe. — 6. A research by means ofConrad's monsoon index also shows that the full monsoon months in W-Europe are November–December and May–June (Table 4). The application of his method to the relative wind vector at Den Helder and Maastricht confirms this result (Table 5). — All results arrived at show the activity of the monsoon phenomenon in a good deal of West Europe.
Zusammenfassung 1. Die Singularitäten entbehren jede Realität und sind wertlos für Monsununtersuchungen. — 2. In diesem Paragraph findet man eine Zusammenfassung vonChromow's Anschauungen (Fig. 1). — 3 Der europäische Monsun äussert sich in Stössen während einiger Tage, abwechselnd mit der allgemeinen Westzirkulation. Montasmittel der Windrichtung geben nur die resultierende Richtung dieser zwei unabhängigen Windsystemen und zeigen in keinem Fall die wahren Windverhältnisse. Die einzige Methode ist die Untersuchung der einzelnen Windoktanten. Eine Monat, ist zu lang um die ziemlich kurzen Stösse zu zeigen. Ein gutes Mass ist das Produkt der Richtungsverteilung in Prozenten mit der Geschwindigkeit, der «relative Windvektor» genannt. — 4. In den Niederlanden und Deutschland sind nicht die allgemein angenommenen Monate Januar und Juli die Zentralmonate des Monsuns, sondern November–Dezember und Mai–Juni (Tab. 1, 2.; Fig. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7), beziehungsweise mit S- und NE-Winden. Der NE-Monsun scheint zurückzudrehen von E nach N, vielleicht selbst, nach NW. Diese Eigenschaft kann verursacht werden von der Form des europäischen Kontinents. — 5. Die Wichtigkeit der Monsunstösse ist gleich, der Westzirkulation oder selbst stärker als diese, sowohl was ihre Zahl (Tab. 1, rechts) als ihre Intensität (Tab. 3) betrifft.Willett's Behauptung, dass die normale geographische Verteilung der Luftmassen im Frühling und im Herbst die mittleren Eigenschaften der Verteilung im Januar und im Juli besitzt kann für Westeuropa nicht aufrecht gehalten werden. — 6.Conrad's Monsunindex zeigt auch dass die vollen Monsunmonate in Westeuropa die oben genannten sind (Tab. 4). Die Anwendung seiner Methode auf dem relativen Windvektor bestätigt dieses Resultat (Tab. 5). Alle gefundenen Resultate zeigen die Aktivität des Monsunphänomens in Westeuropa.

Résumé 1. Les singularités manquent toute réalité et n'ont pas de valeur pour l'étude des moussons dans les régions modérées. — 2. Un résumé court des études deChromow est donné (Fig. 1). — 3. Le mousson européen se manifeste par des impulsions pendant quelques jours alternant avec la circulation atmosphérique générale. Les moyennes mensuelles de la direction du vent ne donnent que la direction résultante mais ne démontrent rien concernant les particularités réelles du vent. La méthode deChromow, l'application des gradients mensuels de la pression, est aussi insuffisante. En outre la durée d'une mois est trop longue pour révéler ces impulsions courtes. Il faut préférer les décades. Pour conclure il faut tenir compte de la vitesse du vent aussi. J'ai calculé le produit de la fréquence (en pourcentage) et la vitesse, le «vecteur relatif du vent» 4. Tandis que généralement les mois de Janvier et de Juin sont acceptées comme les mois centrales du mousson, dans les Pays Bas et en Allemagne ces mois sont Novembre–Décembre et Mai–Juin (Tabl. 1, 2; Fig. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) avec resp. le mousson de S et le mousson de NE. Le mousson de NE semble changer de l'E à N et peutêtre même à NW. Ce recul du vent peut être causé par la configuration du continent européen. — 5. Une recherche des impulsions du mousson démontre qu'elles égalent, même surpassent la circulation générale aussi bien concernant leur nombre (Tabl. 1, à droite) que leur intensité (Tabl. 3). L'opinion deWillett que les masses d'air du printemps et de l'automne sont intermédiaires entre celles de Janvier et de Juin n'est pas acceptable pour l'Europe occidentale. — 6. Une recherche au moyen de l'index deConrad montre aussi que les mois essentielles du mousson européen sont les mois mentionnées (Tabl. 4). L'application de la méthode deConrad sur le vecteur du vent relatif confirme ce résultat (Tabl. 5). — Tous les résultats gagnés montrent l'activité du mousson dans une grande partie de l'Europe occidentale.

Summary One of the main results of the rotating cylinder experiments ofFultz andHide is that the general flow regime in them is essentially determined by the ratio of the angular velocity of the fluid motions (relative to the cylinder) to that of the cylinder itself. Extending these results to the atmosphere of the sun, leads to the hypothesis that the layer in which spots are imbedded should exhibit a non-axially symmetric pattern, of theRossby type.The fluid motions, characteristic of such a general circulation pattern, are mainly along spherical surfaces, and have a wavelike (eddy) appearance similar to the planetary waves in the upper troposphere of the terrestrial atmosphere. These eddies transport momentum along these spherical surfaces from regions of relatively lower angular velocity to regions of higher velocity. Tracers (e.g., sunspots) imbedded is such a flow would show a correlation between their proper motions in latitude and longitude, such that spots moving equatorward will tend to have larger longitudinal motions (toward the west limb), and vice versa.Analysis of ten years (1935 to 1944) of Greenwich spot data shows a consistent, and (statistically) very significant correlation of spot group proper motions, in the proper sense. These results provide strong support for the existence of large-scale waves which are some modest fraction of the solar circumference, but larger than the sunspot groups. Moreover, these waves transport angular momentum (up the gradient of angular velocity) toward the equatorial regions from higher latitudes across at least the entire sunspot zone. It is not known, however, whether these eddies are the primary (or only) source of momentum to maintain the equatorial acceleration of the sun. However, if this source were shut off, and all other processes continued unabated, this layer of the sun between latitudes ±20° would reach solid rotation in about 51/2 rotations.Because this eddy transport of momentum is counter to the gradient of angular velocity, there is an implied transformation of the kinetic energy of the eddies into the kinetic energy of the mean east-west flow. Of possibly even more interest, however, might be the possibility of transfers of kinetic energy between eddies of all different scale sizes extending down the entire spectrum to include sunspot groups and the spots themselves. Moreover, some eddy size(s) in this layer is likely to be primarily responsible for a conversion of potential to kinetic energy.A result of subsidiary interest is the systematically higher value of solar rotation (at all latitudes) derivable from this data, which includes all spots which survive for at least two days. In contrast to the work of previous authors who used only long-lived spots, the result obtained when many small spots are used, indicates perhaps a variation of the rotation rate with height in the solar atmosphere.The results provide no evidence to indicate the existence of significant meridional circulations (latitudinal driffs).  相似文献   

Nimbus 7 LIMS geopotential height data are utilized to infer the rotational wind distribution in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere and lower mesosphere during a period of substantial wave-mean flow interaction in January, 1979. Rotational winds are derived from the application of a successive relaxation numerical procedure which incorporates the spherical polar coordinate iterative algorithm ofPaegle andTomlinson (1975) for the nondivergent nonlinear balance equation. Optimum convergence of the numerical solutions is found to occur when under-relaxation is utilized. The LIMS height analyses were also latitudinally smoothed and constrained to obey the ellipticity criterion for spherical coordinates. The balanced winds are compared with geostrophically derived values and within situ radiosonde reports for 100 mb to 10 mb over Berlin.From a localized perspective, the Berlin-LIMS comparison indicates that radiosonde and balanced wind vectors exhibit somewhat closer agreement in direction than is associated with the geostrophic estimates. However, substantial quantitative differences between radiosonde, balanced, and geostrophic wind speeds are also evident, suggesting that caution should be exercised in the local application of derived winds, as for example in the quantitative interpretation of trajectories derived from satellite height analyses during periods of enhanced stratospheric wave activity.On a longitudinally averaged basis, balanced zonal-mean wind speeds are typically 20% weaker than geostrophic values in polar latitudes, and as much as 50% weaker in tropical and midlatitude regions. Meridional balanced wind velocities, at a given longitude, are generally within ±10% of geostrophic values. Although these alterations in horizontal wind components result in only modest differences between balanced and geostrophic meridional eddy heat fluxes, a more substantial change appears in the meridional eddy momentum flux analysis. The corresponding patterns of Eliassen-Palm flux divergence are found to be somewhat more (less) intense for the balanced wind case in the stratosphere (lower mesosphere) in polar latitudes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Falle homogener Turbulenz läßt sich bei höhenkonstantem Wind die Konzentration im Lee einer punktförmigen Gasquelle über dem Boden in einfacher Weise berechnen. Die Formel ist bei geeigneter Parameterwahl auch auf die natürlichen Verhältnisse anwendbar. — In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die effektiven Mittelwerte der in die Konzentrationsformel eingehenden Turbulenzparameter so ermittelt, daß eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung mit der Natur gewährleistet ist. Es zeigt sich, daß dieSuttonsche Diffusionsformel die maximale Gaskonzentration mit den geringsten Fehlern (ca.+10%) bei lebhaften Winden und kräftiger Einstrahlung wiedergeben kann, diese aber bei extrem stabiler Schichtung und turbulenter Strömung von geringer Geschwindigkeit um mehr als 100% überschätzt. — Die Theorie liefert eine gute Übereinstimmung mitPasquills Kurven für die Rauchwolkenhöhe, sofern man Fälle extremer Abweichungen vom adiabatischen Zustand ausschließt.
Summary It is not difficult to calculate the gas concentration at ground level in the lee of a point source, if the turbulence is homogeneous and the windspeed is assumed to be constant with height. With a suitable choice of the parameters, however, the derived formula can be applied to real conditions, too. — In the present paper the necessary parameters are chosen as mean values in such a manner, that best agreement with nature is guaranted. It is found, thatSuttons diffusion formula overestimates the maximum gas concentration about 10 per cent in case of strong winds and strong insolation, but more than 100 per cent in case of light turbulent winds and extreme stability. Our theory is in good accordance withPasquills different curves for the vertical spread of smoke as a function of distance, if cases of extreme diabatic conditions are excluded.


Zusammenfassung Auswertungen von Raketenmessungen aus den Zeiten der Zirkulationsumstellungen oberhalb 20 km in Frühling und Herbst lassen den Mechanismus dieser Umstellungen erkennen. Sie machen es mit Hilfe der Nullschichtkonzeption möglich, Schemata der allgemeinen Zirkulation der aussertropischen Breiten für die Umstellungszeiten zu gewinnen.
Summary Evaluations of wind measurements of the North American Meteorological Rocket Network gave a picture of seasonal variation of the mean winds in stratosphere and mesosphere. The upper part of Fig. 1 refers to the northern stations (Fort Churchill and Fort Greely), the lower part to all others rocket bases. The periods in which the general circulation changes from west to east and from east to west were investigated by half-month means (Figs. 2–4). With the help of the null layer conception — a persistent wind extrem layer reverses the large scale vertical motion — it was possible to derive a scheme of the general circulation of the nontropical latitudes for spring and fall (Figs. 5-a and b).

Diese Arbeit wurde unterstützt vom US-Department of the Army, European Research Office, unter Kontrakt Nr. DA-91-591-EUC-2174.  相似文献   

Summary The value of three different methods for deducing aerosol size distribution from diffusional decay measurements — the exhaustion method proposed byPollak andMetnieks, the method byFuchs et al. and the method byNolan andScott — is investigated with numerical examples of known distributions and also by applying them to laboratory experiments. It was found that the exhaustion method and the method proposed byFuchs et al. are satisfactory for deducing the mean particle size and that none of the three methods is quite satisfactory for deducing dispersion of the distributions with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary There are two ways to define the energy flux for Hide waves, one from its equations of motion and the other by multiplying its mean energy density by group velocity and these lead to different results FollowingLonguet-Higgins we point out that this is due to certain arbitrariness in the definition of the energy flux and that their difference is just a solenoidal vector.Dedicated to the memory of Dr.V. A. Wynne, 1945–1972.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Verteilung der Schwere an der Erdoberfläche sind gewisse grosse Züge bereits kenntlich geworden. So sind allgemein die (wie gebräuchlich) isostatisch reduzierten Schwerewerte im Ozeangebiet grösser, im Kontinent kleiner als die Normalschwere, u.z. beträgt Unterschied zwischen beiden ca. 60 mgal. Man hat das dahin gedeutet, dass wirklich eineAbweichung vom Zustand isostatischen Gleichgewichtes vorliege. Das führt zu geologisch unbefriedigenden Folgerungen. Andrerseits kann eine isostatisch vollkommen ausbalanzierte Massenverteilung der Erde im Meeresniveau Schwerewerte liefern, die von der Normalschwere systematisch abweichen, ja — genau besehen — müssen solche rechnungsmässige «Anomalien» die Regel sein.In dem gebräuchlichen Modell der 2-Schichten-Isostasie überwiegt die Gravitationswirkung der Unregelmässigkeiten in der Oberflächenschicht jene der Kompensationsmassen, die in derAiry-(Pratt-) Zone bis 60 (bezw. 120) km tief liegen. Daher muss über einem in vollkommenem isostatischen Gleichgewicht flottierenden Kontinent positive, über dem Ozean negative «Anomalie» aufscheinen. Der Unterschied zwischen beiden Bereichen ist nicht gross (ca. 10 mgal), aber dem Vorzeichen nach das Gegenteil des Beobachteten.Wir schlagen dagegen ein 3-Schichten-Modell vor, in dem die Massenunregelmässigkeiten der Oberfläche (Schicht 1) durch Massen entgegengesetzten Vorzeichens, die in derAiry-Zone (2) liegen, stark — fast bis ans doppelte — überkompensiert werden, worauf erst in Schicht 3 (Tiefherd-Zone, –50 bis –500 km) die vollständige Ausbalanzierung zum hydrostatischen Gleichgewicht herbeigeführt wird. Das ergibt sich — mit plausibeln Annahmen über die Dichten — im Ozean positive, im Kontinent negative «Anomalie», und wenn man die Dimensionen wie die des Pazifik, bezw. Asiens annimmt, beträgt der Unterschied zwischen beiden rund 60 mgal—genau wie beobachtet! Die neue Ausgleichszone wurde in –500 km gewählt, weil in dieser Tiefe eine Sprungschicht von grösserer Nachgiebigkeit liegt. Das ergibt sich aus der Verbreitung der Tiefherdbeben, deren Vorkommen allein schon beweist, dass unter derAiry-(Pratt)schen Ausgleichszone, gegen die Grundannahme von hydrostatischem Gleichgewicht dortselbst und tiefer, grosse Gleichgewichtsstörungen noch viel tiefer auftreten und das recht häufig. Diese Wahl der Ausgleichstiefe wird auch durch andere geophysikalische Ueberlegungen gestützt.
Summary In the distribution of gravity at the Earth's surface the main features are already discernible. So the isostatically corrected gravity is greater than the normal gravity at the area of the ocean, but it is smaller than this on the continent. The difference between both amounts to ca. 60 milligal. One has explained this by the assumption of areal deviation from equilibrium. This hypothesis leads to geologically unsatisfyng conclusions. On the other hand a perfectly equilibrated mass — distribution of the Earth may furnish values of gravity at the sea-level, which are systematically deviating from the normal gravity, and — after careful consideration — such calculated «anomalies» must be almost a rule.In the common model of a 2-layers-isostasy the attraction of the irregularities in the surface-layer outweighs that of the compensation-masses, which are situated in a depth up to 60 (respectively 120) km, in theAiry-Pratt-zone. Therefore positive anomalies must appear on a continent floating in a perfect isostatic equilibrium and negative ones on the ocean. The difference between the two regions is not great (approximately 10 milligal) but has just the opposite sign as it is observed.On the other hand we propose a 3-layers-model of isostasy, in which the mass-irregularities of the surface (layer I.) are intensively (almost up to the double value) overcompensated in theAiry-zone (layer II.), whereupon only then at the layer III. (zone of deep-shocks: –50 to –500 km) the perfect equipoised hydrostatic equilibrium is brought about. Thereform results — with plausible assumptions concerning the densities of the layers etc. — positive anomaly on the ocean and a negative one on the continent; and if we assume the dimensions like that one of the Pacific (respetively Asia), the difference between both amounts in round numbers to 60 milligal — exactly as it has been observed! The new zone of isostatic adjustement was chosen in –500 km, because there is a zone of yielding at this depth. This results from the distribution of thedeep focus earthquakes, the mere occurrence of which already proofs that under the zone of isostatic adjustement assumed byPratt orAiry great deviations from equilibrium take place in contradiction to their fundamental assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium in this depth and still deeper. This is also supported by other geophysical evidence.

Summary The technique for evaluating the natural illumination of direct solar radiation introduced byÅngström andDrummond [1]2) has been applied by the authors to the pyrheliometric observations in India and the values of natural illumination derived at eight representative stations are presented in this paper. The dirunal and seasonal variations of the illumination fluxes have been discussed. —In general, illumination fluxes in India show a maximum during summer season except at Madras, where the maximum occurs during winter. The illumination fluxes at various stations vary within the range 80–110 kilolux throughout the year. However, at Calcutta, it varies within a rather narrow range of 65–85 kilolux. Both in summer and winter, the illumination flux during forenoon hours is usually more than that during afternoon hours. An increase in daylight illumination is observed with height of the station above sea level.  相似文献   

Summary In numerical weather forecasting process, with primitive equations, the wind and pressure fields mutually adjust to each other until some form of balance is achieved. The type of balance so achieved by the mass and wind fields during the numerical integration of the primitive equations governing atmospheric motions is not knowna priori. This is particularly so in the case of tropical regions where the pressure wind adjustment laws prevailing in a tropical atmosphere are not well understood.In this study we perform a systematic investigation of the pressure wind adjustment relations during a numerical integration of the primitive equations governing atmospheric motions in a tropical atmosphere. Therefore, a two-day prediction experiment is carried out using the Florida State University Tropical Prediction (FSU) Model (Krishnamurti, 1969;Krishnamurti,et al. 1973;Kanamitsu, 1975). The 200 mb predicted motion (u, v) and height (z) fields are then extracted at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours of forecast time. Using these motion (u, v) fields three other 200 mb height (z) fields were computed from the inverse nonlinear, linear and quasigeostrophic balance equations. Each of these three diagnostic heights for the 200 mb pressure surface were compared with the respective 200 mb heights obtained from the Florida State University Tropical Preciction Model. The comparison is done by computing the root-mean-square differences between the predicted 200 mb height fields and each of the three 200 mb heights obtained from the inverse non-linear, linear and quasigeostrophic balance equations. The results show that the root-meansquare differences between thez fields from the FSU model and those obtained from the non-linear and linear balance equations lie within the ranges 23 to 44 and 25 to 50 metres respectively. The root-mean-square differences between the predicted heights and the heights computed from the quasigeostrophic balance equation lie in the range 54 to 62 metres. These root-mean-square differences are of significant magnitude since large-scale disturbances in the tropical atmosphere are associated with rather small pressure changes.The variations of these root-mean-square differences as one moves from one forecast time to another exhibit no clear increasing or decreasing trend. In fact the variations appear somewhat random. This rather unsystematic time variation of the root-mean-square differences is a manifestation of the constant changes of the physics in the model as different weather systems evolve in the course of the forecasting process. It seems therefore that the pressure-wind adjustments that take place during a numerical integration of the model equations are of complex nature and cannot simply be approximated by simple diagnostic relations like the ones used in this study.Most of this work was done while the author was at the Florida State University, tallahassee, USA.  相似文献   

根据完全动力论理论,证明了可由简化漂移动力论方程求得动力Alfven波色散方程,即横向用磁流体力学方程,纵向用Vlasov方程,在初级近似下由此推导出适合于日冕和太阳风的色散关系和Landau阻尼,得到在性质上与MHD Alfven波完全不同的动力Alfven波,太阳风中Alfven湍流很容易由动力Alfven波演化而来。提出由动力Alfren波构筑太阳风高速流模型将更符合观测结果。  相似文献   

The mass redistribution in the earth as a result of an earthquake faulting changes the earth's inertia tensor, and hence its rotation. Using the complete formulae developed byChao andGross (1987) based on the normal mode theory, we calculated the earthquake-induced polar motion excitation for the largest 11,015 earthquakes that occurred during 1977.0–1993.6. The seismic excitations in this period are found to be two orders of magnitude below the detection threshold even with today's high precision earth rotation measurements. However, it was calculated that an earthquake of only one tenth the size of the great 1960 Chile event, if happened today, could be comfortably detected in polar motion observations. Furthermore, collectively these seismic excitations have a strong statistical tendency to nudge the pole towards 140°E, away from the actually observed polar drift direction. This non-random behavior, similarly found in other earthquake-induced changes in earth rotation and low-degree gravitational field byChao andGross (1987), manifests some geodynamic behavior yet to be explored.  相似文献   

Summary The mean zonal and meridional wind components and the mean mass circulation in different latitudes are discussed in relation to previous studies. Divergence and vertical motion are calculated for various latitude belts. There is evidence for a strong tropical Hadley cell with a temperate latitude indirect circulation during the winter season. During summer, the northern Hadley cell is weaker and displaced poleward; a circulation in the opposite sense appears in equatorial latitudes.The regional patterns of divergence and vertical motion appear related particularly to the position of the subtropical high pressure cells. Subsidence and lower-layer divergence are characteristic of the eastern flanks of the subtropical anticyclones, while the opposite pattern prevails on its western flanks. These longitudinal contrasts appear particularly pronounced during the summer season. The three-dimensional flow pattern in the tropics is illustrated by selected trajectories for the winter and summer seasons.  相似文献   

The seismic analysis of the volcanic tremors preceding and accompanying the Etnean eruption of March–August, 1983 has shown a significant variation in the spectral content before the beginning of the eruption, the tremor peaks at 1.4 and 1.6 Hz — which might be associated with the feeding pipes of the NE crater (Schick et al., 1982a) — being the dominant feature of the spectra.A model of eruption mechanism is proposed where a feeder dyke would connect the NE crater with the effusive fracture.  相似文献   

Summary From a corollary ofGreen's theorem is derived, that a thin layer of variable density can produce the same gravitational effect as a certain mass distribution below this layer. To this thin layer of variable density is analogous a sheet illuminated of variable intensity. The intensity of illumination is detected with a Philips LDR (light dependent resistor) cell. It is pointed out further that the method can be applied to determine the vertical gravity gradient too.
Zusammenfassung Aus einem Folgesatz des Green-Theorems wird abgeleitet, dass eine dünne Schicht mit veränderlicher Dichte die gleiche Gravitationswirkung verursacht wie eine bestimmte — unter dieser Schicht liegende — Massenverteilung. Zwischen dieser dünnen Schicht mit veränderlicher Dichte und einer beleuchteten Fläche mit veränderlicher Lichtstärke besteht eine Analogie. Die Intensität der Beleuchtung wird mit einer Philips-LDR-Zelle gemessen. Es wird weiter darauf hingewiesen, dass die Methode auch für Bestimmung des vertikalen Gravitationsgradienten anwendbar ist.

Summary The meridional dispersion of particles depends from the mean meridional circulation (Hadley-type) and the turbulent mass exchange. The velocity of the latter process can be estimated with the standard deviation of the meridional wind component, which is represented in two diagrams.
Zusammenfassung Die meridionale Ausbreitung von Partikeln hängt von der mittleren Meridionalzirkulation in der Vertikalebene (Hadley-Zirkulation) und dem turbulenten Massenaustausch ab. Die Geschwindigkeit des turbulenten Austauschs kann mit Hilfe der Streung der meridionalen Windkomponente abgeschätzt werden. Diese Größe wird in zwei Diagrammen dargestellt.

Zusammenfassung R. v. Eötvös hat für die Bestimmung von Lotrichtungsdifferenzen mit seiner Drehwaage zwei Verfahren angegeben, die aber nur unter Hinzuziehung astronomisch-geodätischer Messungen zum Ziel führen. Beide Verfahren sind sehr umständlich, und in der einschlägigen Literatur finden sich keine Hinweise, daß eines der genannten Verfahren seitEötvös nochmals angewandt wurde. — In Freiburg i. Br. wird zur Zeit eine Drehwaage erprobt, mit der voraussichtlich die direkte Messung des GradientenU zzs möglich sein wird. Es soll nun gezeigt werden, daß die Bestimmung der Lotrichtungsdifferenz zweier Feldpunkte mit Hilfe dieser Größe, ohne Zuhilfenahme von astronomisch-geodätischen Messungen, möglich ist.
Summary R. v. Eötvös has showed two methods for the measurement of differences between vertical lines with his torsion-balance. Both methods are only applicable, if they are connected with astronomic and geodetic measurements, and they are very troublesome. In the special publications are no remarks, that one of these methods everytime has been applied since the measurement ofEötvös. —At Freiburg i. Br. (Western Germany) now a new torsion-balance is built, with which foreseeable the direct measurement of the gradientU zzs will be possible. In the following publication will be demonstrated, that the fixation of differences between the vertical lines of two points of the gravity field of the earth is possible with this gradientU zzs without astronomic and geodetic measurements.

Summary A layer of a few hundred meters thickness with suspended matter (a nepheloid zone) was discovered byEwing andThorndike [4]3) near the bottom on the continental slope of the North Atlantic. A downward pressure gradient is produced in this layer due to increment of water density with suspensoid. When only the Coriolis force balances with this pressure gradient, a bottom nepheloid current flows southwestward parallel to the depth contours with a velocity of about 10 (cm/sec) for a slope of one degree. The pressure gradient for fluid with locally variable density above a sloping bottom is treated and an extra term due to density gradient along the slope is derived. The vertical profiles of the nepheloid current with an effect on the vertical eddy viscosity are computed. Two kinds of vertical distributions of eddy viscosity are determined from the observed nepheloid distributions and used in the calculations: constant but different values at two layers and those increasing with height. The effect of the change of density along the bottom is treated by introducing dimensionless variables. Rossby number of the nepheloid current becomes about 10–2 indicating inertia terms to be negligible. Rossby number of turbidity currents ranges from 2 (in a decaying area) to 5 (developing area), suggesting that inertia terms are more important than Coriolis terms. The trajectories of turbidity currents are computed from motion of a mass of mud under the Coriolis force and friction, and the results are applied to those inferred byHand andEmery [6] in the San Diego Through off California.LGO Contribution Number 925.  相似文献   

Fault gouges have been observed in the surface outcrops, in shallow excavations, and in deep (300 meters below the surface) tunnels and mines in fault zones. The 2-microns fractions in these fault gouges may compose a few percent to more than fifty percent of the total mass in the outcrops, and the mineralogy of the 2-microns fractions consists of a variety of clays (the common ones are montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite and mixed-layer clays) and some quartz, feldspars, etc.Although we cannot yet conclude directly from the studies of gouges that similar gouges exist at depths where many large shallow earthquakes are generated, there is a strong possibility that they do, based on (1) available equilibrium data on various clays — for example, kaolinite has been found to exist at 4 kb and 375°C (±15°C) (Thompson, 1970) and montmorillonite + kaolite has been found to exist at 450°C and 4 kb (Velde, 1969); (2) the compatibility of laboratory velocity data in gouge (Wang et al., 1977) with those in a model for central California (Healy andPeake, 1975); (3) the capability of clays to undergo sudden earthquake-like displacements (Summers andByerlee, 1977); (4) the petrology of intrafault cataclastic rocks in old fault zones (Kasza, 1977); and (5) the compatibility of gouge mineralogy with the mineralogy of hydrothermal clay deposits.If clay gouges are indeed significant components of the fault zone at depth, then the mechanical properties of clays under confining pressures up to 4 kb are important in the behavior of faults. Very few experiments have been performed under such high pressures. But from the physical makeup of clays, we can infer that (1) the range of possible behavior includes stable sliding with vermiculite and montmorillonite (asByerlee andSummers, 1977, have proven) to stick-slip-like behavior with kaolinite, chlorite, etc.; (2) the absence or presence of water will greatly affect the strengths of gouges — it is possible that water may reduce the strength of gouge to a fairly small value.  相似文献   

Summary Many writers treated on the problem of dynamic instability of westerly flow due to the excessive horizontal shear, and the present author discusses the corresponding dynamic instability due to the vertical shear. The critical vertical shear in indifferent stratification is given by the condition — the meridional component of absolute vorticity vanishes, — and is an approximate negative valueof 10–4 sec –1 in middle latitude. However the critical vertical shear in normal stable stratification is a fairly large negative value of 2 sec–1. It might be emphasized that the problem of this study differs fromRichardson's criterion of turbulence, for the present author discusses the condition under which the zonal flow is dynamically stable, whileRichardson expressed the condition under which the turbulence will decrease.  相似文献   

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