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渤海湾盆地辽河西部凹陷的走滑构造作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
渤海湾盆地辽河西部凹陷由于其丰富的油气资源和特殊的构造位置(郯庐断裂穿过此凹陷),其走滑构造的深入研究,对于揭示凹陷的构造演化和对油气成藏的控制作用以及郯庐断裂北段新生代的活动历史有重要意义。本文通过辽河西部凹陷三维地震资料系统的构造解析,并结合砂箱模拟实验,揭示了辽河西部凹陷存在多种与右行走滑相关的构造形迹,包括雁列正断层带、“梳状”构造、花状构造、“显形”和“隐伏”走滑断层等;确定了辽河西部凹陷的走滑活动开始于渐新世初期,活动强度开始时期(E3s1-2)较弱,逐渐加强,到渐新世末期(E3d1)达到最强,中新世有少量活动,上新世以来活动再次增强,活动比较显著,并持续到现今,推测整个郯庐断裂北段渐新世以来也有类似的演化历史;利用砂箱模拟实验确定在纯走滑拉分的条件下,约三分之二的走滑位移量可以转化为伸展量,并估算出辽河西部凹陷渐新世以来两侧基底累计的右行走滑位移量约为18 km,其中渐新世(E3s1-2—E3d)、中新世(N1g)、和上新世以来(N2m—Q)的走滑位移量分别为10.5 km、1.8 km和5.7 km,对应的平均走滑速度分别为0.71 mm/a、 0.10 mm/a和 1.11 mm/a。  相似文献   

Sequences of wave-enhanced sediment-gravity flows (WESGFs) have been widely recognized in the marine shelf environment. In this study, we show observations of WESGF deposits in lacustrine settings using well core and thin section data from the Paleogene in the Jiyang sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin, eastern China. The findings of this study include the following: 1) the sequence of WESGFs in the lacustrine basin is similar to that of marine; it consists of three units, MF1 unit: siltstone with basal erosion surface, MF2 unit: silt-streaked claystone, and MF3 unit: silty-mudstone; and 2) prodelta sand sheets are found in the lacustrine WESGF sequence and are classified as the MFd unit: clay-streaked siltstone. However, because the system size and variability in hydrodynamic conditions are different between the lacustrine and marine basins, lacustrine WESGFs do appear to have three distinguishable features: 1) the sediment grain size and sand content are slightly higher than those of the marine WESGFs; 2) lacustrine WESGFs may contain prodelta sediments or sedimentary sequences of other types of gravity flows, such as hyperpycnal flows; and 3) the scale of the sedimentary structures for lacustrine WESGFs is smaller. The WESGFs found in the continental lacustrine basin provide a new model for sediment dispersal processes in lake environments and may be helpful to explain and predict the distribution of sandy reservoirs for oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   

The Damintun depression is one of the four depressions in the Liaohe basin in northern China, and is a rift basin developed in the Paleogene. This paper discusses in detail the characteristics of pressure and fluid potential of the Damintun depression based on a synthesis of the data from boreholes, well tests and seismic surveys. Data from sonic logs, well tests and seismic velocity measurements are used to study the pressure characteristics of the areas. From the sonic log data, shales can be characterized as normally pressured, slightly overpressured or highly overpressured; from the well test data, the pressure-depth gradient in oil-producing intervals implies hydrostatic pressure in general. Most seismic profiles in the Damintun depression are of sufficiently high quality for seismic velocities to be measured. The fluid pressures, excess pressures and pressure coefficients in 47 representative seismic profiles are predicted using formula calculation methods, and further transformed to fluid potenti  相似文献   

湖相白云岩是渤海湾盆地北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发现的一种特殊油气储层类型。根据钻井岩心、古生物、薄 片、扫描电镜及电子探针等分析,确定了该套白云岩的主要岩石类型及矿物特征,并通过地球化学特征分析,对白云岩的 形成环境进行了探讨。北塘凹陷白云岩常与泥岩和方沸石岩呈互层状产出,其次为均匀块状;矿物成分主要有白云石、方 沸石、粘土矿物等。通过X射线衍射、主微量元素地球化学分析,对白云岩形成时的古盐度、古温度、水深、氧化还原条 件等进行了研究,认为研究区白云岩沉积于高盐度、较高水体温度和较高PH值的半咸水湖湾还原环境。海水的侵入使湖水 的含盐度增大,提供了有利的物理化学条件,促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   

湖相白云岩是渤海湾盆地北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发现的一种特殊油气储层类型。根据钻井岩心、古生物、薄 片、扫描电镜及电子探针等分析,确定了该套白云岩的主要岩石类型及矿物特征,并通过地球化学特征分析,对白云岩的 形成环境进行了探讨。北塘凹陷白云岩常与泥岩和方沸石岩呈互层状产出,其次为均匀块状;矿物成分主要有白云石、方 沸石、粘土矿物等。通过X射线衍射、主微量元素地球化学分析,对白云岩形成时的古盐度、古温度、水深、氧化还原条 件等进行了研究,认为研究区白云岩沉积于高盐度、较高水体温度和较高PH值的半咸水湖湾还原环境。海水的侵入使湖水 的含盐度增大,提供了有利的物理化学条件,促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   

大民屯凹陷古潜山裂缝特征及控制因素   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
垂直缝和高角度斜交缝是辽河盆地大民屯凹陷太古宇和元古宇古潜山储层的重要储集空间.裂缝的形成和演化受燕山期的挤压构造应力场以及喜马拉雅早期的右旋张扭应力场和晚期的右行走滑构造应力场控制.对应于构造期次,可将裂缝体系分为早、中、晚3个形成期.早期裂缝体系以压性裂缝为主,中期以张性裂缝为主,晚期以张-剪性裂缝为标志.裂缝的性质和发育程度受构造应力场和岩性控制,超压流体有利于裂缝的开启.  相似文献   

南堡凹陷是一个典型的富油气凹陷,近年来在多个勘探领域获得新发现,展现出良好的勘探前景。目前的勘探实践与盆地第三次资评结果之间的矛盾日益突出,难以有效指导勘探部署。通过南堡凹陷基本石油地质特征解剖和油气成藏条件分析,建立了不同勘探领域油气成藏模式,明确了油气富集规律。基于地质风险评价,优选评价方法,重新开展南堡凹陷资源量计算,明确了剩余资源分布及未来有利勘探领域。资源评价结果显示:南堡凹陷常规石油地质资源量为12.20×108t,非常规石油地质资源量为2.19×108t,剩余常规石油地质资源量为7.10×108t。依据"深浅兼顾、油气并举"的原则评价,指出了高柳、南堡1号、南堡2号和老爷庙等4个构造带是未来重点石油勘探区带。  相似文献   

为了在渤海湾盆地辽河坳陷锦310预探井钻探前预测锦1井区古近系沙二段储集层的质量,文中应用成岩作用数值模拟技术预测了该地区沙二段的成岩阶段,综合考虑成岩作用和沉积微相对储集层孔隙度的影响,建立了孔隙度预测模型,在钻前预测了沙二段的孔隙度。结果表明,锦1井区沙二段储集层在大部分地区处于中成岩阶段A期,次生孔隙发育;在填隙物含量高达16.13%的条件下,锦310井钻前预测孔隙度和钻后实测孔隙度的绝对误差只有1.3%。由此可见,综合考虑成岩作用和沉积相的钻前储集层质量预测方法,可应用于预探井的勘探部署。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙河街组页岩油储层微观孔隙特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过场发射环境扫描电镜、低温氮气吸脱附实验、高分辨率背散射电子图像定量分析等技术方法,对渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙河街组页岩油储层的微观孔隙类型、结构特征及孔隙分布进行了系统研究。结果表明:沙河街组页岩油储层微观孔隙类型多样,包括粒间孔、粒内孔、晶间孔、溶蚀孔和晶内孔5类孔隙。有利储集空间为孔径在100~3000nm的孔隙,以粒间孔、粒内孔和溶蚀孔为主。泥岩类和灰岩类孔隙形态包括细颈瓶状(墨水瓶状)和平行板状;白云岩类孔隙形态为平行板状,连通性最好。白云岩类定量面孔率最大且孔隙发育最好,其次为泥岩类,灰岩类较差。影响微观孔隙特征的主要因素包括矿物成分及含量、有机质生排烃和热液作用,其中黏土矿物和泥级颗粒有利于储层微孔发育,方解石的胶结作用和重结晶作用不利于孔隙发育。生排烃产生的有机酸和热液作用增进了次生孔隙的形成。  相似文献   

Based on the new all-covering 3D seismic data and the drilling-logging data, we established the sequence stratigraphic framework for Dongying Depression and identified two kinds of structural systems in Palaeogene, i.e. the extensional structural system and the transtensional structural system. The extensional structural system consists of different normal faults that predominantly trend NE, EW, and NW. The attitudes of the normal faults vary in different tectonic settings. However, the transtensional structural system consists of some strike–slip faults and some normal faults. According to the analysis of the relationships between the faults and the sedimentary sequences of Dongying Depression, we considered that the extensional structural system was developed mainly from the Palaeocene to the middle Eocene, whereas the transtensional structural system was mostly developed from the middle Eocene to the Oligocene. In addition, we found that the structural systems had transformed since 43.5 Ma, when the subduction direction and activity rates of the Pacific Plate changed and the dextral strike–slip movement of the large-scale Tanlu fault zone started from eastern China. The extensional structural deformation was probably derived from the back-arc extension triggered by subduction rollback of the Pacific Plate under the Eurasian Plate, whereas the transtensional structural deformation was probably related to the regional dextral strike–slip movement induced by the subduction of the Pacific Plate and the continents’ collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

辽河盆地大民屯凹陷沈95区块砂岩储层中钙质夹层研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钙质夹层是控制剩余油形成与分布的主要因素之一.辽河盆地大民屯凹陷沈95区块钙质夹层十分发育,利用丰富的岩心、测井资料,识别并探讨了钙质夹层的分布规律及成因.研究表明:本区钙质夹层是早期无铁碳酸盐与晚期含铁碳酸盐胶结形成的两期夹层;早期钙质夹层主要分布于泛滥平原亚相、三角洲平原亚相;晚期钙质夹层主要发育于三角洲前缘亚相,且一般位于砂泥岩接触带,厚层砂岩顶底部碳酸盐胶结物较中部高.早期钙质夹层是沉积期、成岩早期,蒸发作用使富钙孔隙水中的钙质沉淀形成的;晚期钙质夹层是在有机酸作用下,Ca2+、Mg2+在烃源岩(泥岩)中溶解,再于储集岩(砂岩)中沉淀形成的.根据夹层的分布规律可以更有效地挖掘剩余油.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(7):1427-1444
Very high S oils (up to 14.7%) with H2S contents of up to 92% in the associated gas have been found in the Tertiary in the Jinxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, PR China. Several oil samples were analyzed for C and S stable isotopes and biomarkers to try to understand the origin of these unusual oil samples.The high S oils occur in relatively shallow reservoirs in the northern part of the Jinxian Sag in anhydrite-rich reservoirs, and are characteristic of oils derived from S-rich source rocks deposited in an enclosed and productive stratified hypersaline water body. In contrast, low S oils (as low as 0.03%) in the southern part of the Jinxian Sag occur in Tertiary lacustrine reservoirs with minimal anhydrite. These southern oils were probably derived from less S-rich source rocks deposited under a relatively open and freshwater to brackish lake environment that had larger amounts of higher plant inputs.The extremely high S oil samples (>10%) underwent biodegradation of normal alkanes resulting in a degree of concentration of S in the residual petroleum, although isoprenoid alkanes remain showing that biodegradation was not extreme. Interestingly, the high S oils occur in H2S-rich reservoirs (H2S up to 92% by volume) where the H2S was derived from bacterial SO4 reduction, most likely in the source rock prior to migration. Three oils in the Jinxian Sag have δ34S values from +0.3‰ to +16.2‰ and the oil with the highest S content shows the lightest δ34S value. This δ34S value for that oil is close to the δ34S value for H2S (∼0‰). It is possible that H2S was incorporated into functionalized compounds within the residual petroleum during biodegradation at depth in the reservoir thus accounting for the very high concentrations of S in petroleum.  相似文献   

盐湖相烃源岩单体烃硫同位素分布特征和影响因素研究薄弱.采用气相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱,结合色谱/质谱、微量元素以及碳氧同位素技术,对东濮凹陷北部盐湖相烃源岩进行了分析.结果 表明,不同单体含硫化合物的δ34S值有较大差异,以δ34S=25.00‰为界,将烃源岩分成了两类,第一类:δ34S>25.00‰,主要为卫城地...  相似文献   

The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate, paleosalinity and provenance, on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment. The classification of shale lithofacies and the interpretation of shale depositional environment are key features used in shale oil and gas exploration and development activity. The lower 3rd member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es3x shale) was sel...  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷的背形负花状构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘晓峰  董月霞  王华 《地球科学》2010,35(6):1029-1034
花状构造以其独特的构造样式而成为在剖面上识别走滑构造的重要标志.经典的花状构造包括正花状构造和负花状构造.渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷发育一种新型的花状构造——背形负花状构造.在三维地震剖面上,背形负花状构造是由一束向上、向外撒开的大多数为正离距的离散的走滑断层或转换伸展断层所限定的,下部呈向形,上部呈背形的组合样式.平面上,褶皱和相关正断层呈雁行排列.背形负花状构造发育于南堡凹陷转换伸展的构造背景.浅层的背形是由转换伸展断层牵引塑性的盖层而形成的一种强制褶皱.该构造经历了牵引背斜形成和背斜脊部断裂-塌落两个发育阶段.背形负花状构造普遍发育于渤海湾盆地的新近系.   相似文献   

渤海海域黄河口凹陷油气成藏条件及其分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用最新高分辨率三维地震资料、测井录井等资料,结合岩心观察信息,从烃源岩、储集层、生储盖组合、圈闭类型和输导体系5个方面对黄河口凹陷油气成藏条件进行了系统分析。研究表明,黄河口凹陷烃源岩在整个凹陷普遍发育,共有3套烃源岩,其中沙河街组三段和东营组三段是主力烃源岩;主要的储集层是新生界碎屑岩储层和基岩储层;生储盖层组合模式有下生中储上盖式、上生下储上盖式和自生自储式;圈闭类型以断块圈闭为主;输导系统以断裂的垂向疏导为主;新构造运动对黄河口凹陷的影响是新近系油气聚集的优越条件,晚期断裂活动对已形成油气藏起到保存和二次分配的作用。油气藏分布在平面上主要环绕生油洼陷呈环带状分布于洼陷周边的构造带中,古近系油气主要围绕东部次洼呈环带状分布,新近系主要呈"T"字形分布,从古近系到新近系油气有由周边向中间、由南向北聚集的特征。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷原油成因类型及其分布规律   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
南堡凹陷近年油气勘探取得了重大突破,为揭示该区滩海与陆地油气成因及分布规律,对67个原油和油砂样品进行了详细的地球化学研究。南堡凹陷原油具有低硫、中高蜡含量特征,陆相成因特点显著。共分为4种类型原油:(1)陆地沙三段深部层系原油,具有高4-甲基甾烷丰度、低奥利烷丰度与低甲基菲指数值和轻微偏高成熟度特征;(2)陆地Es1—Ed原油与Ng和Nm原油,其特征与第一类原油相反;上第三系原油普遍遭遇生物降解;(3)滩海东营组原油,以较高伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷和高甾烷/藿烷值区别于陆地原油;(4)滩海奥陶系潜山原油,具有低丰度甾萜类生物标志物、相对高丰度孕甾烷、三环萜烷与重排甾烷系列等特征,显示较高成熟度。上述4种成因类型原油指示南堡凹陷陆地、滩海均存在多层导有利烃源岩;同层位中滩海Es1-Ed存在较陆地更为优越的有利烃源岩,南堡滩海地区具有广泛的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

The physical accumulation process of oil and gas, as thenatural nuids buried in the underground, follows the mechanism of fluid flow dynamics (Tao, 19831 Hubbert, 1953,1940). More and more lines of evidence show that the underground fluid dynamics not only controls hydrocarbon expulsionand accumulation directly, but also influences hydrocarbongeneration and preservation. Therefore, this research has beenpursued with great interests by worldwide petroleum geologists(GOng and Yang, 19993 Ye et…  相似文献   

<正>It is significant to distinguish the dynamic systems of petroleum accumulation(DSPA) for the understanding of petroleum accumulation and distribution.According to the formation pressure framework,genetic types of petroleum and characteristics of conduit systems,three dynamic systems of petroleum accumulation were identified in the vertical profile in the Nanpu depression,Bohai Bay basin.The deeper DSPA(including formations Es_3 to Es_2) is a sealed system with high-overpressure and high-mature self-sourced oil.Most of the crude oil in the system accumulated in the periods of late Oligocene(23.5 Ma) and late Pliocene(2.4 Ma).The middle DSPA(including formations Es_1 to Ed_1) is an overpressured half-sealed system with mature or lower-mature self-sourced oil.The accumulation of oil in the system also occurred in the late Oligocene(23.5 Ma) and late Pliocene(2.4 Ma).The shallower DSPA(including formations Ed_2 to Q) is a hydrostatic system with lower-mature aliensourced oil from the middle system.Oil within this system accumulated only in the late Pliocene period.The oil in the shallower system migrated vertically along the faults from the formerly accumulated oil in the middle system by lateral migration along the sandbodies,whereas petroleum accumulation in the deeper system was mainly derived from the system itself by lateral migration along the sandbodies and rarely migrated out of the system.In this case,it seems that the deeper system is a more potential exploration prospect in addition to the other two proved favorable systems.  相似文献   

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