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采用气相色谱法对秋季黄海颗粒悬浮物和中华哲水蚤的脂肪酸组成及其指示作用进行了研究。结果表明,黄海表层海水中硅藻所占比例要大于甲藻。硅藻在黄海南部浮游植物中所占比重高于黄海北部,甲藻在黄海南北部的差别不大。从脂肪酸组成来看,中华哲水蚤雌体、雄体和桡足幼体都摄食硅藻和甲藻,雌体和雄体摄食的硅藻远多于甲藻,而桡足幼体摄食的甲藻则比雌体和雄体多。雄体和桡足幼体植食性的程度高于雌体,而雌体则可能由于繁殖活动的需要,还摄食了原生动物等其它一些营养丰富的食物。对冷水团内外中华哲水蚤脂肪酸组成研究发现,桡足幼体比雌体积累了更多的脂肪酸以满足度夏过程中的能量需求和后期繁殖的需要。  相似文献   

为研究低氧对海洋浮游生物关键种存活、繁殖等的影响,作者采用了实验室模拟低氧环境的方法,研究了低溶解氧(dissolved oxygen, DO)浓度对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)致死率、产卵和孵化的影响.研究发现,中华哲水蚤对低氧环境比较敏感,当DO质量浓度为2 mg/L左右时,中华哲水蚤会在1 h内全部死亡;当DO质量浓度为3 mg/L左右时,中华哲水蚤会在96 h内全部死亡;当DO质量浓度为4~6 mg/L 时,基本无死亡,但对中华哲水蚤的产卵有明显抑制作用,首次产卵时间推迟,产卵周期缩短.当DO质量浓度为4 mg/L时,基本不产卵,当DO质量浓度为6 mg/L时,产卵量也仅为常氧组的15%左右.当DO质量浓度为4~6 mg/L时,中华哲水蚤所产卵的孵化率为常氧组的60%左右,但差异不显著.可见,低氧对中华哲水蚤的存活和繁殖均有抑制作用,长时间低氧很可能会降低中华哲水蚤的种群数量,甚至改变海洋生态系统结构.  相似文献   

台湾海峡及其邻近海域中华哲水蚤的分布和繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus Brodsky)是我国近海的优势桡足类。它的数量大,分布广。特别在冬、春季,在我国近海浮游动物中,占有相当大的比例;同时它的个体也较大,是滤食性种类。因其在海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中,起着相当的作用,所以被国家自然科学基金重大项目-“东、黄海生态系统动力学与生物资源可持续利用”课题定为浮游动物的关键种之一。 作者根据以往历史资料(方金钏,1979;朱长寿,1997;朱长寿等,1991、1999;林玉辉等,1988;林元烧等,1984;李少菁,1963;陈清潮,1964;福建省海岸带和海凃综合调查领导小组,1990;福建海洋研究所,1988;Tan,1970)和多年来的研究结果(黄加祺等,1984,1986a、b、c,1989,1991a、b,1997a、b),对中华哲水蚤在不同水域的分布,与温、盐度关系及繁殖进行了探讨,并提出见解,为本项目子课题提供了历史资料。  相似文献   

北黄海中华哲水蚤各期幼体昼夜垂直移动的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘晓丹  王真良 《海洋学报》1991,13(2):247-253
本文分析了1986年5、7、11月和1987年2月在北黄海预倾废区(38°35'N、122°12'E)进行定点连续观测中分层采样的中华哲水蚤各期幼体。结果表明,北黄海一年四个季度月均能采到不同数量的各期中华哲水蚤幼体。随着季节的变化,各期幼体昼夜垂直移动的幅度、数量均有所变化,垂直移动的能力从无节幼虫至成体越来越显著。光、温度和盐度是影响中华哲水蚤幼体垂直移动的主要外界因素。  相似文献   

饵料浓度对中华哲水蚤摄食的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
张武昌  王荣 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):88-94
用饵料浓度差减法和排粪率法研究中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)在饵料(青岛大扁藻、新月菱形藻)浓度从1500到350000个/cm3时摄食率的变化。实验证明中华哲水蚤具有很强的摄食潜力,摄食率在实验饵料浓度范围内一直在增加,在较低的饵料浓度(如青岛大扁藻4000个/cm3)下停止摄食。  相似文献   

浮游桡足类是海洋初级生产力和高级营养级之间能量传递的重要中介,对自然海区桡足类食物组成的研究是深入了解其在海洋食物网所处生态地位的关键。然而,由于研究方法的局限,目前很难获取桡足类准确的现场摄食信息。本文用分子生物学方法研究了黄河口邻近水域中华哲水蚤的现场食物组成,对现场采集固定的中华哲水蚤样品进行清洗、去除附肢、镜检等处理,研磨匀浆后提取总基因组DNA。基于对以此DNA为模板扩增出的非桡足类核糖体小亚基基因(non-copepod 18SrDNA)序列的分析,本文共检测出属于8个门的中华哲水蚤的潜在食物种类。研究结果表明,PCR的分子生物学技术在桡足类摄食研究中具有强大的效用,同时,诸多潜在食物类群的发现也意味着利用分子生物学方法对桡足类及其它海洋生物现场食物组成进行深入系统研究,将有利于揭示海洋生态系统结构与功能的真实状态,促进海洋生态系统物质循环和能量流动的研究。  相似文献   

四溴双酚A对中华哲水蚤摄食、耗氧及排氨的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在四溴双酚A(TBBPA)亚致死剂量下(0、5.3、10.6、21.2、42.4、84.8μg·L-1),研究了中华哲水蚤染毒48h及恢复7和14d后的摄食率、耗氧率和排氨率。结果表明,染毒48h后,各实验组的排氨率受TBBPA的影响与对照组相比均为显著,而摄食率和耗氧率各只有一个浓度组与对照组相比为显著。根据O∶N比值分析,染毒48h及恢复7、14d后,对照组及低浓度组中华哲水蚤以蛋白质为主要代谢底物,而在高浓度组主要通过脂肪或糖类获得能量,说明以脂肪和糖类作为食物有助于中华哲水蚤消除体内的TBBPA。本文通过研究TBBPA对中华哲水蚤的慢性致毒效应,探讨该种持久性有机污染物对近海桡足类可能的影响。  相似文献   

温度对中华哲水蚤代谢率的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张武昌  王荣  王克 《海洋科学》2000,24(2):42-44
海洋生态系统的能流和物流是海洋生态学研究的重要内容。中华哲水蚤 (Calanussinicus)是中国黄、渤海桡足类的优势种 ,本文研究了中华哲水蚤的代谢率 ,为研究海洋生态系统的能流和物流积累资料。1材料和方法1997年12月26日到1998年1月17日在中科院海洋研究所研究了温度对中华哲水蚤耗氧率和排氨率的影响。1997年6月渤海调查时 ,在“科学1号”调查船上研究了温度对中华哲水蚤耗氧率的影响。中华哲水蚤1997年12月26日到1998年1月17日实验用中华哲水蚤采自青岛汇泉湾 ,用浅水 I型网在中…  相似文献   

黄海中华哲水蚤C5发育期油脂积累初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据9个黄海调查航次的数据,研究了黄海中华哲水蚤C5发育期油脂积累的区域、季节变化,并探讨了中华哲水蚤油脂积累对其生理、生活史的可能作用。在黄海近岸海域,中华哲水蚤C5期油囊体积常年较小;而在陆架海域则表现出明显的季节差异。在陆架区,C5期的油囊体积与度夏过程联系密切:最大油囊体积(可占前体部体积的30%以上)出现于度...  相似文献   

中华哲水蚤对自然饵料的摄食选择性实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李超伦  孙松  王荣 《海洋与湖沼》2007,38(6):529-535
提要为了解自然环境中中华哲水蚤的摄食选择性及其生态策略,利用库尔特颗粒计数器测定了夏季黄海中华哲水蚤对自然水体中混合饵料的选择性摄食状况。调查期间,黄海海域季节性温跃层开始出现,水体中叶绿素a浓度为0.23—1.44mg/m3,最大值均出现在温跃层底部。水平分布上,水体中颗粒浓度近岸浅水区(A站:0.5—5.2×106μm3/ml)高于深水区(B站:0.3—0.7×106μm3/ml,C站:0.9—2.4×106μm3/ml);垂直分布上A、B站近底层颗粒浓度最高,C站颗粒浓度最高值出现在叶绿素a最大值区。中华哲水蚤对水体中粒径为1—100μm的食物颗粒均有摄食,但是颗粒大小和颗粒浓度对其摄食选择性均有一定的影响,主要摄食粒径为5—50μm的饵料颗粒。不同海域中华哲水蚤的个体摄食率分别为近岸A站23.82×106μm3/d、北部B站51.16×106μm3/d和南部C站36.32×106μm3/d,其日摄食量分别占体碳含量的2.1%(A站)、4.6%(B站)和3.2%(C站)。近岸海域(A站)中华哲水蚤摄食的饵料颗粒中各粒级组所占比例变化不大,但是深水区(B、C站)中华哲水蚤对于10—25μm范围内的饵料颗粒摄食选择性明显高于其它粒级组。中华哲水蚤的摄食选择性主要与水体中饵料的体积浓度相关,当饵料浓度降低时,中华哲水蚤可以通过扩大摄食饵料颗粒的粒径范围,增加对大颗粒的摄食以获得更多的营养。  相似文献   

海洋浮游动物可以对因二氧化碳浓度升高导致的海水酸化做出敏感的响应,然而关于海水酸化对其生理机能的研究却较少。因此,我们研究了暴露于不同二氧化碳浓度(0.08,0.20,0.50 and 1.00%)的酸化条件下中华哲水蚤主要抗氧化酶以及2种解毒酶的活性变化情况。结果表明,暴露于酸化海水中的中华哲水蚤的GPx酶活性显著高于对照组,然而,其它抗氧化组分,包括GST、SOD活性,GSH水平和GSH/GSSG比值均被显著抑制。中华哲水蚤的ATPase活性被海水酸化显著刺激,而AchE活性却显著被抑制。此外,主成分分析结果表明,各指标变化的75.93%可以用第一和第二主成分解释。因二氧化碳浓度升高导致的海水酸化可以通过影响桡足类体内一些酶类的活性来影响其新陈代谢及存活。在未来的研究工作中,需要对海水酸化和其它环境因素的协同作用对桡足类的影响作进一步研究。  相似文献   

Planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus is the dominant meso-zooplankton in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. To better understand its population dynamics and phylogeographic patterns, 243 C. sinicus individuals were collected from seven locations across the shelf waters of China and its population genetics was studied by mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I(mtCOI) sequences analyses. Thirty-nine different sequences, or haplotypes, were detected with moderate haplotype diversity(h=0.749) and low nucleotide diversity(π=0.003) for all populations. The evolutionary divergence between geographic populations varied from 0.24% to 0.37%, indicative of very limited genetic differentiation. Visualized minimum spanning network(MSN) and phylogenetic analysis of all the detected haplotypes did not reveal any clear phylogeographic pattern. Furthermore, AMOVA data showed no significant spatial population differentiation existed among the individuals collected across China shelf waters. Pairwise FST values showed that population collected from northwest of the East China Sea(ECS) displayed a low difference to other populations. Mismatch distribution analyses and neutrality tests indicated that C. sinicus might undergo a demographic/population expansion. No significant population genetic structuring was detected, indicating an extensive gene flow among the C. sinicus populations. Our results provide molecular evidence for the hypothesis that C. sinicus in the northwestern South China Sea in winter is transported from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea by the China Coastal Current during the northeast monsoon period.  相似文献   

To understand the effects of the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water(YSCBW)on the diel vertical migration(DVM)of the copepod Calanus sinicus,we surveyed vertical distribution of C.sinicus at a fixed station in the Yellow Sea before(spring)and during(summer)formation of the YSCBW.Cold water(<10 C)was observed in the bottom layer when the water column was thermally stratified in summer,but the water column was thermally well-mixed in spring 2010.Samples were collected from five different layers at 3-h intervals using an opening-closing net.Adult females(1–155 ind./m3)showed a clear normal DVM pattern throughout the entire water column in spring,whereas adult males did not migrate.DVM of copepodite V(CV)individuals was not clear,but the maximum abundance of CI–CIV occurred consistently in the upper 10–20 m layer,where there was a high concentration of chlorophyll-a(Chl-a)(0.49–1.19μg/L).In summer,weak DVM was limited to cold waters beneath the thermocline for adult females(<30 ind./m3),but not for adult males.The maximum abundance of CI–CIV also occurred consistently in the subsurface layer(20–40 m)together with high concentrations of Chl-a(0.81–2.36μg/L).CV individuals(1–272 ind./m3)moved slightly upward nocturnally to the near-surface layer(10–20 m),where the average temperature was 25.74 C,but they were not found in the surface layer(0–10 m;28.31 C).These results indicate that the existence of the YSBCW affected food availability at depth and the vertical temperature distribution,leading to variation in the amplitude and shape of stage-specific vertical distributions(CI to adults)in C.sinicus before and during the formation of cold waters in the Yellow Sea during the study period.  相似文献   

为探究南黄海和东海不同海域春季中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)分布主要受何种环境因子影响及对各环境因子的响应差异,利用2020年春季南黄海海州湾至长江口以北海域和东海长江口海域、三门湾邻近海域、福建中部近岸海域调查数据,基于广义可加非线性模型(GAMs)分析了中华哲水蚤与环境因子的关系。结果表明:海州湾至长江口以北海域中华哲水蚤主要受温度、溶解氧、化学需氧量、Chl a、pH和氨氮的影响。其密度随着温度的增加呈一个波谷曲线变动,温度在14℃时密度最低;随着溶解氧的增加其密度呈一个波谷曲线变动,溶解氧含量在10 mg/L时中华哲水蚤密度最低;随化学需氧量增加其密度波动变化;随着Chl a浓度的增加其密度先下降再呈波动上升;随着pH的增加中华哲水蚤密度逐渐降低;随着氨氮浓度的增加中华哲水蚤密度逐渐增加。长江口海域中华哲水蚤主要受盐度、水深、化学需氧量和活性磷酸盐影响,随盐度和水深的增加其密度逐渐增加;随化学需氧量和活性磷酸盐浓度增加其密度逐渐降低。三门湾邻近海域中华哲水蚤主要受盐度、pH和透明度影响,随盐度的增加其密度逐渐增加;随pH的增加其密度逐渐降低;随透明度的增加其密度先...  相似文献   

Calanus sinicus is a calanoid copepod widely distributed in coastal waters of China and Japan, and oversummering strategies may have major impacts on their population dynamics which in turn affect local marine food web structure. The abundance, stage composition, and sex composition of the planktonic copepod C. sinicus were studied from August to October 2002 in the southern Yellow Sea to understand how its population recovers from the over-summering state. Results showed that C. sinicus had low reproduction in August due to high temperature, except in waters near the Cheju Island with rich food and moderate bottom temperature, but the reproduction rates here decreased in September–October as food availability declined. When temperature dropped in September–October, C. sinicus actively propagated in coastal shallow waters. However, reproduction rates of C. sinicus individuals inhabiting the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) remained low during the three months of the study. The percentage of C. sinicus females was high during the reproductive period, which suggests that the sex composition of adult C. sinicus may reflect whether or not the population is in the reproductive mode.Numerous fifth copepodite stage(CV) C. sinicus aggregated in the YSCWM in a suspended developmental stage during the three months of this study, and they potentially served as the parental individuals for population development when conditions became optimal for reproduction later in the year.  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature (SST) of the East China Sea (ECS) increased in the past decades,which may have a great impact on the ecosystem of the ECS,including the changes in plankton-population structure.In this paper,the changes in peaked abundance of Calanus sinicus in the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) Estuary were compared between 1959 and 2002,based on the data collected from the seasonally oceanographic cruises and those performed in spring of 2005.It was much higher in spring compared with that in other seasons both in 1959 and 2002.Furthermore,in spring 2005,the time for occurrence and decrease of the peaked C.sinicus abundance advanced about one month, accompanying the increase in the sea surface water temperature (SST).It peaked in June and decreased in July in 1959,however,in 2005,it peaked in May and attenuated sharply in early June.The earlier decrease of peaked C.sinicus abundance may further deteriorate the ecosystem in the Changjiang River Estuary and north nearshore of the ECS.  相似文献   

While numerous laboratory studies in the last decade have shown that diatoms can induce reproductive failure in copepods, field evidence for a negative diatom effect is equivocal. To unambiguously elucidate the effects diatoms have on copepod reproduction in situ, we undertook a study of the abundance, distribution, grazing rates, and reproductive success of Calanus pacificus in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA, during two spring bloom periods. We simultaneously measured the phytoplankton composition, abundance, and distribution. Here we present results for the reproductive success of C. pacificus using four measurements: egg production rate, clutch size, egg hatching success, and naupliar survival (to the first feeding stage). Egg production rate was positively correlated with chlorophyll a concentration, and egg hatching success and naupliar survival were usually greater than 80%. However, in February 2002 and 2003 – during blooms of diatoms of the genus Thalassiosira – either egg hatching success, naupliar survival, or both were significantly depressed compared to other times in spring and summer. These effects, combined with evidence that C. pacificus was grazing aldehyde-producing Thalassiosira at the time of their blooms, indicate that diatoms can negatively affect copepod reproduction in the field, albeit only under specific circumstances and for brief periods.  相似文献   

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