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The often poor quality of ocean bottom seismic data, particularly that observed on horizontal seismometers, is shown to be the result of instruments responding to motions in ways not intended. Instruments designed to obtain the particle motion of the ocean bottom are found to also respond to motions of the water. The shear discontinuity across the ocean floor boundary results in torques that cause package rotation, rather than rectilinear motion, in response to horizontal ground or water motion. The problems are exacerbated by bottom currents and soft sediments. The theory and data presented in this paper suggest that the only reliable way of obtaining high fidelity particle motion data from the ocean floor is to bury the sensors below the bottom in a package with density close to that of the sediment. Long period signals couple well to ocean bottom seismometers, but torques generated by bottom currents can cause noise at both long and short periods. The predicted effects are illustrated using parameters appropriate for the operational OBS developed for the U. S. Office of Naval Research. Examples of data from ocean bottom and buried sensors are also presented.  相似文献   

SEDIS IV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪数据校正方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用15台SEDISIV型短周期自浮式海底地震仪在南海中、北部地壳深部结构调查中所获得的资料,探讨了海底地震仪数据校正的方法和校正后的效果,结果表明:使用该地震仪所获得的原始资料经过放炮时间、炮点坐标数据局部化、海底地震仪位置误差以及记录时间漂移4方面的校正后,数据更趋合理,误差显著降低。放炮时间的校正消除了时钟漂移和时间延迟的误差;炮点坐标数据局部化处理消除了炮点位置整体趋势性偏移的现象;试错法进行位置误差和记录时间的精细校正时,时间漂移的校正量值约为几个到十几个毫秒,位置校正的量值仅在几米到数百米之间,实测数据所绘曲线的形态和位置都与理论曲线十分吻合,可见校正后误差显著降低。  相似文献   

海底地震仪及其国内外发展现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以改进型得克萨斯海底地震仪为主线,详细描述了海底地震仪的工作原理、主要仪器参数、观测方式和回收方法,同时,对美国、日本等几个国家和地区海底地震仪研制和实际观测工作方面的发展状况作了简要介绍,并对海底地震仪的发展趋势和应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

在海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer,OBS)广角地震记录剖面上,经常可以见到震相清晰且连续的多次波信号,多次波和初至波是由相同的震源信号产生的,也是地壳真实结构的反映。但是在通常的OBS数据处理过程中,经常将多次波作为无效信号剔除掉,对其属性及应用的研究比较少。文章通过对台湾海峡南部OBS探测测线HXN01数据的处理,对多个台站记录到的二次震相进行了识别与拾取,并以OBS0106台站为例,对识别出的二次Ps震相进行了系统的研究分析,发现二次Ps震相的波形特征和质点运动轨迹与初至震相相似,但波形最大振幅值明显大于初至震相。通过Rayinvr射线追踪方法模拟,确定了二次Ps震相的主要反射层,并发现加入二次震相后,台站下方浅部沉积层射线覆盖密度有显著提升,射线覆盖的区域也明显增加,为沉积层精细结构的反演提供了更为丰富的数据基础。另外,对理论模型的地壳结构进行加入二次Ps震相前后的反演测试,结果显示加入二次Ps震相数据后,沉积层的界面深度误差得到明显的改善。  相似文献   

Ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) have been widely used during the past decade to collect seismic data for determination of the structure of the oceanic lithosphere, stress patterns in regions of earthquake activity, and geoacoustic parameters of the ocean floor. Data quality from these experiments has often been disappointing because of poor signal quality and high noise levels. Many of these problems result from motion of the OBS package that is decoupled from motion of the ocean floor. These coupling problems are more serious in the ocean than on land because of the low shear strengths of most ocean sediments. In this paper we continue to develop the theory of coupling of OBSs to soft sediments and arrive at results suggesting that OBS packages should be designed with: (1) the minimum mass possible, (2) radius of area in contact with the sediment proportional to the cube root of the mass, and the maximum radius less than 1/4 of the shear wavelength, (3) density of the OBS approximately that of the sediment, (4) a low profile and a small vertical cross section with water, and (5) low density gradients, and maximum symmetry about the vertical axis. Agreement of the theory with test data is good; most deviations are reasonable, given limitations of the theory and experiments. The theory also suggests that the coupling frequency, the frequency above which the OBS does not follow the motion of the sediment, is directly proportional to the sediment shear velocity.  相似文献   

海底地震仪实测信号特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
置于海底数百米至数千米的海底地震仪(OBS)的实测信号相比陆地地震仪具有不同的特性;由于水的作用或记录信号源频率的不同,短周期OBS和宽频带OBS记录的信号又有明显的差异。文章对南海西南次海盆地震探测期间记录的人工气枪震源和天然地震实测信号进行了时频分析,结果如下。1)气枪作业后在海底激发两种噪声:一是水的波动不断叠加形成的长波,周期50s左右,以水平分量为主;二是高频噪声,主要是OBS底座细微晃动引起的。2)宽频OBS对于水下移动目标激发海底波动具有很好的探测能力,特别是水平分量可以获得大振幅且周期特征清晰的记录,并能够指示方向。3)宽频OBS能记录到清晰的天然地震信号,为研究调查区岩石圈结构增添了更多的信息,短周期OBS对远震直达P波有很好的记录。国产宽频I-4C型OBS碰巧记录了日本M9.0级大震。  相似文献   

射线追踪法是以建立的地下地质模型为基础,研究不同的激发点发出的射线经地下地质界面反射后可以被接收到的信息,从而了解不同的观测系统对于特定地质条件地震资料采集的效果,对于海上地震采集相关参数的确定十分关键.在天然气水合物地震勘探中,丰富的多波勘探信息对于查清水合物内部速度结构、提高地层的分辨率具有重要意义.本文在分析国外天然气水合物海底地震仪(OBS,ocean bottom seismometer)勘探的应用成果基础上,采用射线追踪法理论计算和海上实验,实现了针对天然气水合物的海底地震观测系统设计,试验获得了转换横波记录,取得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

A transient technique was used for estimating the bottom-instrument response function in experiments with bottom seismographs (OBS) in deep ocean. The sharp mechanical impacts on bottom seismograph usually induced by bottom displacements under the instrument (microshocks) are suggested as rough analogues of the impulses for the bottom-instrument system transient calibration. It has been found that microshocks has usually sufficiently small duration to be used for coupling characteristics estimates. Test measurements have shown that in many cases this method makes it possible to distinguish spectral features characterising earthquakes and seismic noise wavetrains from those which are caused by coupling resonances of the OBS-sediment inter-face.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variability of ocean bottom pressure(OBP) in the Southern Ocean was investigated using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) data and a Pressure Coordinate Ocean Model(PCOM)based on mass conservation. By comparing OBP, steric sea level, and sea level, it is found that at high latitudes the OBP variability dominates the sea level variability at seasonal-to-decadal time scales. The diagnostic OBP based on barotropic vorticity equation has a good correlation with t...  相似文献   

利用2003—2015年的重力恢复和气候实验(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE)卫星观测数据, 揭示了印度洋海底压强的变化特征, 并探讨了其变化机制。结果表明, 印度洋海底压强具有显著的季节变化特征, 北半球冬季在40°S以北(南), 海底压强呈负(正)异常, 夏季分布与冬季相反。印度洋区域的海底压强空间分布与Ekman输送空间分布有较好的对应关系。正压涡度方程诊断结果表明, 利用风场重构的海底压强能够较好地解释印度洋海底压强的季节和长期变化。此外, 海平面变化收支分析表明, 海底压强的变化在高纬度区域主导了海平面变化。  相似文献   

2010年3月,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所在渤海海域开展了深部地震探测试验,试验过程中使用了3种海底地震仪(OBS),包括德国的SEDISⅥ型OBS、法国的Micr OBS和中国的I-7C型OBS共计51台。文章详细描述并比较了以上3种OBS的性能指标,通过对比发现:I-7C型OBS的耦合技术比其他两种OBS更加完善,功耗和数据存储容量方面优势明显;I-7C型OBS和Micr OBS在设置参数和充电时,操作方便,提升了海上工作效率;Micr OBS的水听器性能略有优势,获取的数据清晰度高,连续性好;SEDIS VI型OBS的垂直分量数据在三者之间最优。本文提出了OBS的发展趋势:(1)小型化、便携式;(2)低功耗、大容量;(3)长周期、宽频带;(4)低成本,易回收。最后简要介绍了本次海上试验过程、数据处理方法以及探测试验取得的成果。本次试验成功取得了渤海海域深部地球物理数据,对开展该区域内的深部地质研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

We have obtained precise estimates of the position of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) on the sea bottom. Such estimates are usually uncertain due to their free falling deployment. This uncertainty is small enough, or is correctable, with OBS spacing of more than 10 km usually employed in crustal studies. But, for example, if the spacing is only 200 m for OBS reflection studies, estimates of the position with an accuracy of the order of 10 m or more is required.The determination was carried out with the slant range data, ship position data and a 1D acoustic velocity structure calculated from Conductivity–Temperature–Depth (CTD) data, if they are available. The slant range data were obtained by an acoustic transponder system designed for the sinker releasing of the OBS or travel time data of direct water wave arrivals by airgun shooting. The ship position data was obtained by a single GPS or DGPS. The method of calculation was similar to those used for earthquake hypocenter determination.The results indicate that the accuracy of determined OBS positions is enough for present OBS experiments, which becomes order of 1 m by using the DGPS and of less than 10 m by using the single GPS, if we measure the distance from several positions at the sea surface by using a transponder system which is not designed for the precise ranging. The geometry of calling positions is most important to determine the OBS position, even if we use the data with larger error, such as the direct water wave arrival data. The 1D acoustic velocity structure should be required for the correct depth of the OBS. Although it is rare that we use a CTD, even an empirical velocity structure works well.  相似文献   

A technique has been devised for firing arrays of bottom shots on the ocean bed in depths upto 4000 m or more. Ten kilogram explosive charges are dropped from the surface while the shooting ship is navigated acoustically. They are detonated at preset times by an electronic timer which initiates an electrical detonator, detonating cord and cast PETN/TNT explosive. Ranges to ocean bottom seismographs, and the shot instants, can be calculated from the arrival-time differences of the direct and surface-reflected water waves. The accuracy, which is dependent on water-depth and range, was better than 22 m in range and 14 msec in shot instant for our experiments.  相似文献   


Ocean bottom bases (OBBs) have been installed on both sides of the axis of the Sagami Trough east of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan, as the first step toward long‐term geodetic and geophysical observations at the plate boundary (subduction zone). The OBB is a platform for seafloor measurements; otherwise it is difficult to find an appropriate place for precise seafloor measurements in the subduction zones. It is made of a nonmagnetic concrete block of size 1100 × 1100 × 500 mm. It was lowered from a ship using a winch wire and installed on a predetermined place with its position being monitored by an acoustic transponder system and a 30‐kHz bottom pinger with an accuracy of about 2 m.

It was confirmed later during the divings on board the submersible Shinkai 2000 that the OBB was installed on a flat mud bottom in normal condition. No change has been recognized in the installation condition in 3 years; the OBB is stable enough to be used for acoustic range measurements on the seafloor as well as for several geophysical measurements.

The resolution of seafloor range measurement can be improved by two orders by using phase measurement techniques with the aid of pulse compression. Precise acoustic range measurement of the order of 10?5 is feasible under the following conditions: two‐way measurements between the two OBBs installed on the slope facing each other with angles larger than 1.5°. Correction is necessary for the effect of long‐term temperature variation.  相似文献   


The equations of wave motion are considered in this article for three-layered medium which consists of liquid and porous layers with finite depth and solid half-space such as ocean bed. By virtue of scalar potential functions for each layer, complicated differential equations of layers are reduced to ordinary differential equations. An analytical method is applied to determine the Green’s functions of media based on an arbitrary shaped time-harmonic excitation at the interface of liquid and porous layers. A Mathcad code is provided to compute the complex integrals. Displacement and stress fields of three layers are discussed. Comparing with special cases, existing answers represent the validity of the proposed method. Numerical results are carried out for circular patch, ring and point loads, and the effects of various parameters on the behavior of the system are plotted. Finally, the achieved results were under discussion.  相似文献   

童思友  廖仪  陈亮  吴志强 《海洋科学》2016,40(2):145-150
为研究海洋环境信号在OBS(Ocean Bottom Seismograph)原始数据中的规律及应用,根据OBS原始数据的波形及频谱特征,将研究区划分为5个时间段,依次为旧涌浪阶段、风浪渐强阶段、风浪全盛阶段、风浪消退阶段和新涌浪阶段。结合海洋天气预报,认为上述现象是由偏南风风浪对海流的影响造成的。参考野外地震数据采集记录班报,得到各阶段的时长和距离,计算风浪渐强、全盛和消退阶段OBS附近海流的平均速度。结果表明:OBS原始资料中浅海海洋环境噪音增强的主要因素是风浪,且风浪引起的噪音信号的波形变化特征是渐进式的;OBS可用于接收某种特殊阶段(如台风、海啸等)的噪音信号,并根据噪音信号的波形特征、频谱变化规律和持续时间估算该阶段的海流速度变化。  相似文献   

Sources of very low frequency (0.01 to 1.0 Hz) ambient seismic noise in the shallow (<100 m) water continental margin sediments are investigated using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS). The predominant seismic motions are found to be due to surface gravity (water) waves and water-sediment interface waves. Actual experimental measurements of seabed acceleration and hydrodynamic pressure are given, including side by side comparisons between buried and plate-mounted OBS units. OBS-sediment resonant effects are found to be negligible at the low frequencies under investigation. Wherever there exists relative motion between the seabed and the water, however, an exposed OBS is subject to added mass forces that cause it to move with the water rather than the sediments. Calculations based on measured seabed motions show that a neutral density, buried seismometer has superior sediment coupling charactersitics to any exposed OBS design.  相似文献   

介绍了海底地震仪(OBS)的基本原理、结构和海上调查方法,针对解决东海冲绳海槽地壳结构及性质等目的,利用大容量气枪枪阵震源和海底地震仪在东海冲绳海槽首次开展人工地震深部地球物理探测试验。本次试验布设一条NNW—SSE向垂直构造走向的勘测线,共投放海底地震仪40台,回收成功36台。获得了有效的深部地震数据,可识别到Pg、PmP、Pn等多种震相。此次试验是我国在冲绳海槽深部探测中的成功示范,有效填补了该地区深部地震数据的空白,为解决冲绳海槽深部地质问题奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

OBS记录的时间和定位误差校正   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据地震波传播的时距关系,利用海底地震仪子母钟对时记录、测深数据和近炮点数据,使用数据处理软件OBSTOOL,对南海北部采集的海底地震记录进行高精度时钟校正处理。通过反演确定放炮延迟和海底地震仪的漂移参数,为准确反演速度奠定了基础。分析结果显示,南海北部OBS数据放炮延迟为1.278s,最大时钟校正量为2.394 s,OBS偏离测线最大距离为652m,这些将会导致浅层正、反演结果不准确,影响BSR的正确识别。  相似文献   

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