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Summary Longterm recordings of the O3 concentration at the Zugspitze in 2964 m a.s.l. and at the Wank peak in 1780 m a.s.l. together with continuous daily measurements of cosmogenic radio-nuclides have been analyzed in order to ascertain whether or not a significant trend of O3 exists. Recordings from 1981 to 1988 show definitely that there was no trend of the O3 concentration in the free atmosphere between 1.8 and 3 km a.s.l. However, an increase of 10 ppb occurred 1978 to 1981.A cable car operating between Zugspitze and the valley (in 1000 m a.s.l.) over a two km height difference at the northern border of the Bavarian Alps has been used for atmospheric research. The run of this cable car is rather steep and is mostly suspended far away from the ground. Consequently it is ideal for simulataneously investigating the profiles of meteorlogical and atmospheric electrical parameters, and the ozone concentration. From 1980 to 1982 a total of 1990 ozone profiles have been recorded on fair weather days. The data collected offer a profound basis in order to study the time variations in the lower tropospheric ozone profile depending on the hour of the day during all seasons. The influence of the following atmospheric processes and conditions on the O3 profile pattern has been investigated:Vertical mixing intensity in and above the boundary layer, temperature inversions, photochemical production of ozone or its depletion in the lowermost layers, and stratospheric intrusions based on the measurements of cosmogenic radionuclides on Zugspitze, the upper end of the trail. The penetration depth of stratospheric O3 in the lower troposphere has been investigated and the shape and time behavior of temporarily O3 maxima within the boundary layer has been studied.With 12 FiguresExtended version of a paper presented at the International Conference on the Generation of Oxidants on Regional and Global Scales, held at the Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 3–7 July 1989.  相似文献   

Summary Recently we reported on results concerning the structure of the aerosol chemical matrix in samples collected from 1972 to 1982 at a mountain observatory at 1780 m a.s.l. in a clean air region (BAPMoN-station). Trend analyses and parameterizations have been made using the meteorological environmental conditions. Sampling and measurements were continued and show in the recent past for components of mostly anthropogenic origin significant reductions. Moreover, we give for the first time results of synchronous aerosol sampling at the mountain observatory and in the neighboring valley floor at 740 m a.s.l., the horizontal distance being only 6 km. The results are analyzed statistically.
In jüngster Zeit beobachtete starke Änderungen in der Aerosolchemischen Matrix in 1780 m NN (BAPMoN-Bergstation) und Ergebnisse erster Vergleiche mit simultanen Proben aus 740 m NN
Zusammenfassung Kürzlich wurde über Ergebnisse der Struktur der chemischen Aerosol-Matrix berichtet, welche von 1972 bis 1982 auf einem Bergobservatorium in 1780 m NN in einer Reinluftzone(BAPMoN-Station)gesammelt wurden. Trend-Analysen und Parameterisierungen mit Hilfe der meteorologischen Umweltbedingungen wurden durchgeführt. Die Probenahmen und Messungen wurden fortgesetzt und zeigen im Hinblick auf Komponenten hauptsächlich anthropogenen Ursprungs in jüngster Zeit signifikante Reduzierungen, die dargestellt werden. Außerdem werden erstmals Ergebnisse mitgeteilt aus synchronen Aerosol-Probenahmen am Bergobservatorium in 740 m NN bei nur 6 km horizontaler Distanz. Die Ergebnisse werden statistisch analysiert.

Summary Aerosol particles have been separated by filter at a mountain station at 1780 m a.s.l. continuously since 1972. The station (a WMO-BAPMoN station with extended program) is freely exposed to all sides and in no way influenced by local aerosol sources. In the cold seasons it lies almost exclusively above the convection layer (very often over inversions) so that real background data can be acquired in these cases. By means of analytical methods the chemical components are determined on the exposed filters. This includes (apart from crust elements) also cations and anions from man-made and maritime sources as well as some important trace elements (in all, 15 components). Filters are exposed over 1–4 days. Filter exchange is determined by the respective weather situation with due regard to all changes so that the requirements for a reasonable correlation of the measured values with the meteorological conditions are met. Additionally, all meteorological parameters are determined, as well as intensity of the vertical exchange, number density of Aitken nuclei, concentration of natural radioactivity (RaB), and other variables. In the present paper the components of the aerosol chemical matrix are related to the behavior of the parameters below and the results are discussed in detail: Dependence of the individual components on total aerosol mass per volume, type of air mass; representation of two single cases of long-range transport of crust elements (source areas: Sahara, Colorado); vertical exchange coefficient, concentration of natural radioactivity, temperature gradient between valley and mountain station, temperature at the sampling site, relative humidity, precipitation rate, wind direction. occurrence of fog.Zusammenfassung An einer allseitig frei exponierten Bergstation in 1780 m NN werden seit 1982 die Aerosolpartikel auf Filtern gesammelt. Die Station (eine WMO-BAPMoN-Station mit erweitertem Programm) wird nicht durch lokale Aerosolquellen in irgendeiner Weise beeinflußt. Sie liegt in den kalten Jahreszeiten fast ausschließlich über der Konvektionsschicht (sehr oft oberhalb von Inversionen), so daß in diesen Fällen echte Background-Daten erfaßt werden. Mittels analytischer Verfahren werden an den exponierten Filtern alle chemischen Hauptkomponenten (von den Krustenelementen abgesehen auch die Kationen und Anionen sowohl anthropogenen als auch maritimen Ursprungs), sowie einige gewichtige Spurenelemente (insgesamt 15 Komponenten) bestimmt. Die Filter werden 1–4 Tage lang exponiert. Der Filterwechsel wird durch den jeweiligen Wetterzustand bzw. seiner Veränderung gesteuert, so daß eine gute Voraussetzung für eine Zuordnung der Meßwerte zu den meteorologischen Bedingungen gegeben ist. Zusätzlich werden alle meteorologischen Parameter, sowie die Intensität des Vertikalaustausches, Zahl der Aitken-Kerne, Konzentration der natürlichen Radioaktivität (RaB) und andere Größen bestimmt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Komponenten der chemischen Aerosolmatrix zum Verhalten der folgenden Parameter in Beziehung gesetzt und die Ergebnisse eingehend diskutiert:Abhängigkeit der Einzelkomponenten von: Gesamt-Aerosohnasse pro Volumen; Typ der Luftmasse und Darstellung von zwei Einzelfällen eines Ferntransportes von Krustenelementen (Quellgebiete: Sahara, Colorado); vertikaler Austauschkoeffizient; Konzentration der natürlichen Radioaktivität; Temperaturgradient zwischen Tal- und Bergstation; Temperatur an der Probennahmestelle; relative Feuchte; Niederschlagsintensität; Windrichtung; Auftreten von Nebel.
Bestimmung der Konzentration chemischer Haupt- und Spurenstoffe (chemische Matrix) im Aerosol von 1972 bis 1982 an einer nordalpinen Reinluftstation in 1780 m NN.Teil II: Parametrische Korrelationsanalyse der chemischen Matrix mit Berücksichtigung meteorologischer Größen

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Aerosol particles have been separated by filter at a mountain station at 1780 m a.s.l. continuously since 1972. The station (a WMO-BAPMoN station with extended...  相似文献   

Increases in tropospheric ozone (O3) abundance are likely to take place in the near future in the populous and rapidly developing countries in the tropics and subtropics. An accurate evaluation of the future impact of increasing industrial activities in tropical and subtropical areas requires knowledge of the background levels of ozone. New ozone monitoring stations have been installed at several sites by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) since the mid‐90s. We analyze ozone data collected during two years since April 1996 at Cerro Tololo (30°S, 70°W, 2200 m.a.s.l.) some 50 km east from the city of La Serena. In this paper, we describe some of the atmospheric chemistry and meteorology that characterizes the Tololo site. The data show a seasonal variation with maximum mixing ratios in late winter and spring and minimum mixing ratios in late summer and early fall. These variations are most likely associated with the large‐scale subsidence of the Hadley circulation and the location of the subtropical jet stream (STJ). Also, there is a diurnal variation that is probably partly associated with a mountain wind flow which is strongest in late spring and summer months. No significant mixing with marine boundary layer air perturbed by anthropogenic activities is apparent from the data. We find the Cerro Tololo site to be generally representative for background conditions of free‐tropospheric air in the subtropics of the Southern Hemisphere. This work is done within the framework of a larger effort recently started by several Chilean institutions in cooperation with research centers abroad.  相似文献   

为明确近60 a来在近对流层自由大气底部这一特定高度上河南省中岳嵩山气温变化特征,在对河南省登封气象站月平均气温数据均一化的基础上,采用该站均一化数据构建嵩山站月平均气温模拟模型,对1990—2002年缺测数据插补,建立中岳嵩山高山国家基准气候站1956—2017年时间序列连续的月平均气温资料,采用线性回归对其进行气温变化趋势分析。结果表明:均一化处理对登封站月平均气温因台站迁移的非自然因素引起的非均一性取得了明显的校正效果。均一化后,1969—2017年登封站年平均气温由显著上升速率0.218℃/10 a增至0.310℃/10 a。利用独立数据对模型进行验证表明,总体上,嵩山站各月平均气温推算模型模拟值与实测值的线性相关系数和斜率分别为0.999和0.989(n=204,P < 0.01);1—12月各月模型验证检验参数的平均值相关系数为0.958、均方根误差为11.7%、平均绝对偏差为0.3℃、平均偏差为0.1℃、拟合指数为0.973、模拟效率为0.900,模型具有较好的模拟效果。1956—2017年嵩山站年平均气温增温显著,其速率为0.223℃/10 a。四季之间,以春季增温速率最大,为0.350℃/10 a;冬季和秋季次之;夏季增温不显著。各月之间,以2月增温速率最大,达0.445℃/10 a。  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in which wind speed and direction were measured over flat terrain at a height of 10 m using 13 identical instruments spaced logarithmically along two perpendicular 10 km lines. Station separations ranged from 312 m to 10 km. One-minute data from 11 sampling periods of duration 6 to 10 h were studied. p ]The statistics showed little dependence on whether the line of instruments was oriented along the wind or across the wind. The correlation coefficients between wind fluctuations at two stations separated by distance x were found to vary exponentially with x, with an integral distance scale on the order of 1 km. The integral time scale derived from the variation of the single station variances with averaging time was found to equal several minutes. At a station separation of 10 km, the correlation coefficients between the wind components at the two sites were calculated to be 0.24, 0.37, and 0.47 for averaging times of 1, 10, and 60 min, respectively. These values for the correlation coefficients correspond to root-mean-square differences in wind speed at the two stations of about 1.3, 1.0, and 0.7 m/s, respectively.Exponential formulas based on dimensional analysis are suggested for fitting these observations. It is found that the observations of spatial correlations are best fit if two independent integral distance scales are used — a boundary-layer distance scale of about 300 m that best applies to small station separations and a mesoscale distance scale of about 10 km that applies to larger station separations.  相似文献   

The mixing ratios for ozone and NOx (NO+NO2) have been measured at a rural site in the United States. From the seasonal and diurnal trends in the ozone mixing ratio over a wide range of NOx levels, we have drawn certain conclusions concerning the ozone level expected at this site in the absence of local photochemical production of ozone associated with NOx from anthropogenic sources. In the summer (June 1 to September 1), the daily photochemical production of ozone is found to increase in a linear fashion with increasing NOx mixing ratio. For NOx mixing ratios less than 1 part per billion by volume (ppbv), the daily increase is found to be (17±3) [NOx]. In contrast, the winter data (December 1 to March 1) indicate no significant increase in the afternoon ozone level, suggesting that the photochemical production of ozone during the day in winter approximately balances the chemical titration of ozone by NO and other pollutants in the air. The extrapolated intercept corresponding to [NOx]=0 taken from the summer afternoon data is 13% less than that observed from the summer morning data, suggesting a daytime removal mechanism for O3 in summer that is attributed to the effects of both chemistry and surface deposition. No significant difference is observed in the intercepts inferred from the morning and afternoon data taken during the winter.The results contained herein are used to deduce the background ozone level at the measurement site as a function of season. This background is equated with the natural ozone background during winter. However, the summer data suggest that the background ozone level at our site is elevated relative to expected natural ozone levels during the summer even at low NOx levels. Finally, the monthly daytime ozone mixing ratios are reported for 0[NOx]0.2 ppbv, 0.3 ppbv[NOx]0.7 ppbv and 1 ppbv[NOx]. These monthly ozone averages reflect the seasonal ozone dependence on the NOx level.  相似文献   

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