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A unified development of the subject of the algebraic strain analysis methods using Rf/ɸ data is outlined, embodying the main features the theories of Shimamoto and Ikeda, Mulchrone et al. and Yamaji. It is shown that the theories yields an identical strain ellipse from the same data set. However, error estimation in that of Shimamoto and Ikeda is difficult owing to the distortion of its parameter space: Resolution of their method depends on the choice of a reference orientation in the plane where strain markers are observed. In this respect, the remaining two theories have advantages. The hyperbolic vector mean method was developed in the Minkowski 3-space, thereby linked seamlessly with the visualizing methods of Rf/ɸ data, optimal strain and its confidence region. In addition, the residuals of the optimal strain ellipse determined by this method have clear physical meanings concerning logarithmic strains needed to transform a unit circle to given ellipses.  相似文献   

This paper presents a statistical analysis of the algebraic strain estimation algorithm of Shimamoto and Ikeda [Shimamoto, T., Ikeda, Y., 1976. A simple algebraic method for strain estimation from deformed eillipsoidal objects: 1. Basic theory. Tectonophysics 36, 315–337]. It is argued that the error in their strain estimation procedure can be quantified using an expected discrepancy measure. An analysis of this measure demonstrates that the error is inversely proportional to the number of clasts used. The paper also examines the role of measurement error, in particular that incurred under (i) a moment based and (ii) manual data acquisition methods. Detailed analysis of these two acquisition methods shows that in both cases, the effect of measurement error on the expected discrepancy is small relative to the effect of the sample size (number of objects). Given their relative speed advantage, this result favours the use of automated measurement methods even if they incur more measurement error on individual objects. Validation of these results is carried out by means of a simulation study, as well as by reference to studies appearing in previous literature. The results are also applied to obtain an upper bound on the error of strain estimation for various studies published in the literature on strain analysis.  相似文献   

The subjectivity of ellipse fitting in many strain techniques has hindered the determination of fabric anisotropy and tectonic strain. However, many sets of x, y co-ordinates can be approximated as an ellipse using a least-squares algorithm to calculate a best-fit ellipse and associated average radial error. For instance, the two dimensional shape of many objects can be approximated as an ellipse by entering digitized co-ordinates of the object margin into the ellipse algorithm.The rim of maximum point density in a normalized Fry diagram is defined by normalized center-to-center distances between touching or nearly touching objects. The enhanced normalized Fry (ENFry) method automates ellipse fitting by entering center-to-center distances between these “touching” objects into the least-squares ellipse algorithm. For homogeneously deformed populations of 200 objects, the ENFry method gives an accurate and precise measure of whole-rock fabric anisotropy, particularly for low ellipticities. When matrix strain exceeds clast strain, manual ellipse fitting of normalized Fry plots gives more accurate matrix anisotropies.The mean object ellipse (MOE) method calculates the best-fit ellipse from the geometry of the objects. Three points from the margin of each object ellipse, centered at the origin and expanded or reduced to unit volume, are used to calculate the best-fit fabric ellipse. The MOE method is very precise for small data sets, making it a good method for mapping heterogenous object strain. However, least-squares calculations maximize the influence of distal and spurious ellipticities, causing the MOE method to overestimate the fabric ellipticity of most aggregates.  相似文献   

It has been suggested (Oertel, 1971, 1972;Owens, 1974; Shimamoto and Ikeda, 1976) that some methods for analysis of finite homogeneous strain from deformed ellipsoidal objects (Ramsay, 1967; Dunnet, 1969a; Elliott, 1970; Dunnet and Siddans, 1971; Matthews et al., 1974) require sections to be cut in principal planes of the finite strain ellipsoid. A mathematical model is presented which enables the homogeneous deformation of a randomly oriented ellipsoid to be investigated. In particular the elliptical shapes that result on any three mutually perpendicular sections through the ellipsoid, in the deformed state, can be computed, together with the corresponding strain ellipses. The resulting ellipses can be unstrained in the section planes by applying the corresponding reciprocal strain ellipses. It is shown that these restored ellipses are identical with the elliptical shapes that result on planes through the original ellipsoid when the planes are parallel to the unstrained orientation of the section planes.The model is extended to investigate the finite homogeneous deformation of a suite of 100 randomly oriented ellipsoids of constant initial axial ratio. The pattern of elliptical shapes that result on any three mutually perpendicular section planes, in the deformed state, is computed. From this data the two-dimensional strain states in the section planes are estimated by a variety of methods. These are combined to recalculate the three-dimensional finite strain that was imposed on the system. It is thus possible to compare the results of the two- and three-dimensional analyses obtained by the various methods. It is found that providing all six independent combinations of the two-dimensional strain data are used to compute a best finite strain ellipsoid, the methods of Dunnet (1969a), Matthews et al. (1974) and Shimamoto and Ikeda (1976) provide accurate estimates of the three-dimensional finite strain state.It is concluded that measurement of the two-dimensional data on section planes parallel to the principal planes of the finite strain ellipsoid is not necessary and that all six independent combinations of the two-dimensional strain data should always be made and used to compute a best finite strain ellipsoid.  相似文献   

Apúlia is a small Portuguese sector in NW of Central-Iberian Zone, that have been deformed in a non-coaxial sinistral transpressive regime during the first and main Variscan tectonic event (D1). This deformation give rise to a major NW–SE anticline, where the S1 N–S cleavage transect the inverted short NE limb; two and three-dimensional strains analysis have been done in the low metamorphic grade Ordovician quartzites of this limb using Fry and Rf/ϕ methods. The data show that most deformation was due to intergranular deformation mechanisms. The intragranular deformation leading to the distortion of strain markers and to cleavage was very incipient and a latter event in the D1 phase. The apparent plane strain ellipsoids (if no volume change is assumed) related to the intragranular mechanisms contrast with the more prolate strain ellipsoids related to the bulk deformation of Apúlia Quartzites. This constrictional bulk strain fabrics are characteristic of the sinistral transpressive regimes dominant in the northern sectors of the Central-Iberian Zone.  相似文献   

Five deformational “episodes” (D1-D5) during which folds and associated cleavages formed, and a later period of faulting dominated by strike-slip movements, comprise the structural sequence in the Nambucca slate belt. D1 structures are most widespread and involved greatest strain; D2-D4 structures have affected progressively smaller areas and indicate progressively smaller strains. Strong compressive stresses during D1 produced horizontal shortening and vertical extension, and the D2-D4 structures result from adjustments to this initial strain. Regional metamorphism accompanied D1, and D1 strain is greatest in the more highly metamorphosed rocks. Some granitic bodies were probably emplaced at this time, but most plutons rose only after folding had ceased. Orogenesis, as indicated by folding and regional metamorphism lasted less than 10 m.y., but faulting continued for at least another 30 m.y.The slate belt accumulated close to a consuming plate margin, but deformation commenced only after subduction ceased, with compressive stresses generated by coupling across the former plate boundary. The development of a wrench regime during D5, and its continued existence during a long period of faulting, suggests either that the consuming plate boundary was replaced by a transform fault, or that subduction stepped oceanward and underthrusting was obliquely directed.  相似文献   

Ali. O. Oncel  Tom Wilson   《Tectonophysics》2006,418(3-4):205-218
Seismotectonic parameters including the Gutenberg-Richter b-value and multifractal dimensions D2 and D15 of seismicity patterns (both spatial and temporal) were compared to GPS-derived maximum shear and dilatation strains measured in the Marmara Sea region of western Turkey along the Northern Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). Comparisons of seismotectonic parameters and GPS-derived maximum shear and dilatation strain along the NAFZ in the vicinity of the 1999 M7.4 Izmit earthquake reveal a positive correlation (r = 0.5, p = 0.05) between average dilatation and the Gutenberg-Richter b-value. Significant negative correlation (r = − 0.56, p = 0.03 and r = − 0.56, p = 0.02) was also observed between the spatial fractal dimension D2 and GPS-derived maximum geodetic and shear strain. This relationship suggests that, as maximum geodetic and shear strains increase, seismicity becomes increasingly clustered.Anomalous interrelationships are observed in the Marmara Sea region prior to the Izmit event along a bend in the NAFZ near the eastern end of the Marmara Sea known as the Northern Boundary Fault (NBF). An asperity is located near the northwest end of the NBF. Along the 50-km length of the NBF, GPS strains become slightly compressive. The correlation between b-value and GPS-derived dilatation suggests that regions in compression have increased probability of larger magnitude rupture. The NBF appears to serve as an impediment to the transfer of strain from east to west along the NAFZ. Recurrence times for large earthquakes along the NBF are larger than in surrounding areas. Temporal clustering of seismicity in the vicinity of the NBF may represent foreshocks of an impending rupture.  相似文献   

The goal of the paper is to determine the most efficient, yet accurate and stable, finite element nonlinear solution method for analysis of partially saturated deformable porous media at small strain. This involves a comparison between fully implicit, semi‐implicit, and explicit time integration schemes, with monolithically coupled and staggered‐coupled nonlinear solution methods and the hybrid combination thereof. The pore air pressure pa is assumed atmospheric, that is, pa=0 at reference pressure. The solid skeleton is assumed to be pressure‐sensitive nonlinear isotropic elastic. Coupled partially saturated ‘consolidation’ in the presence of surface infiltration and traction is simulated for a simple one‐dimensional uniaxial strain example and a more complicated plane strain slope example with gravity loading. Three mixed plane strain quadrilateral elements are considered: (i) Q4P4; (ii) stabilized Q4P4S; and (iii) Q9P4; “Q” refers to the number of solid skeleton displacement nodes, and “P” refers to the number of pore fluid pressure nodes. The verification of the implementation against an analytical solution for partially saturated pore water flow (no solid skeleton deformation) and comparison between the three time integration schemes (fully implicit, semi‐implicit, and explicit) are presented. It is observed that one of the staggered‐coupled semi‐implicit schemes (SIS(b)), combined with the fully implicit monolithically coupled scheme to resolve sharp transients, is the most efficient computationally. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary A new concept of feature size range of a roughness profile is introduced in the paper. It is shown that this feature size range plays an important role in estimating the fractal dimension,D, accurately using the divider method. Discussions are given to indicate the difficulty of using both the divider and the box methods in estimatingD accurately for self-affine profiles. The line scaling method's capability in quantifying roughness of natural rock joint profiles, which may be self-affine, is explored. Fractional Brownian profiles (self-affine profiles) with and without global trends were generated using known values ofD, input standard deviation, , and global trend angles. For different values of the input parameter of the line scaling method (step sizea 0),D and another associated fractal parameterC were calculated for the aforementioned profiles. Suitable ranges fora 0 were estimated to obtain computedD within ±10% of theD used for the generation. Minimum and maximum feature sizes of the profiles were defined and calculated. The feature size range was found to increase with increasingD and , in addition to being dependent on the total horizontal length of the profile and the total number of data points in the profile. The suitable range fora 0 was found to depend on bothD and , and then, in turn, on the feature size range, indicating the importance of calculating feature size range for roughness profiles to obtain accurate estimates for the fractal parameters. Procedures are given to estimate the suitablea 0 range for a given natural rock joint profile to use with the line scaling method in estimating fractal parameters within ±10% error. Results indicate the importance of removal of global trends of roughness profiles to obtain accurate estimates for the fractal parameters. The parametersC andD are recommended to use with the line scaling method in quantifying stationary roughness. In addition, one or more parameters should be used to quantify the non-stationary part of roughness, if it exists. The estimatedC was found to depend on bothD and and seems to have potential to capture the scale effect of roughness profiles.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1131-1138
In this investigation we evaluate several proposed optically stimulated luminescence single-aliquot regeneration (OSL SAR) procedures to determine which technique has the greatest potential to yield accurate ages for samples collected from tuff-derived alluvial sediments within the narrow, sharply incised canyon systems of the Pajarito Plateau of northern New Mexico. The SAR data collection methods evaluated are: infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL), post-IR blue-OSL, IRSL with TL annealing cycles on polymineral fine-grains, and blue-OSL on quartz fine sand. A single-grain laser luminescence (SGLL) procedure for quartz sand is also evaluated. Age estimates obtained from these methods are compared with radiocarbon, soil PDI (profile development index), and IRSL multi-aliquot additive dose (MAAD) age constraints. Our results indicate that the modal De of quartz sand SGLL dose distributions yield ages that are consistent with radiocarbon and PDI age constraints for the tuff derived sediments in this investigation and appears to be the most promising method for studies in this area. Additionally, two fine-grained polymineral methods, IRSL SAR and traditional IRSL MAAD, produced ages that were generally in agreement with the SGLL ages and with available 14C and PDI age constraints. At the present stage of research, we advocate using quartz sand SGLL in conjunction with IRSL SAR or even IRSL MAAD for polymineral fine-grains to provide the most robust and reliable luminescence age data sets for tuff-derived sediments.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the possibility for estimating K0 in a level ground of granular soil by seismic methods on the basis of micromechanics theory. The idea was to simulate in situ cross‐hole seismic method for the measurement of wave velocities along various directions of wave‐propagation. This work made use of a field simulator to control a K0 condition (zero lateral strain condition) in specimens. A series of vertical loading containing subsequent loading and unloading were applied to the specimen prepared by pluviation. In general, the K0 values determined experimentally in this work agreed with the exiting empirical relations. K0 value was also calibrated from measured anisotropic wave velocities using an optimization procedure. From the comparison of the back‐calculated and measured results of K0, it revealed the feasibility for the determination of the in situ lateral stress in granular soil by seismic methods and on the basis of micromechanics theory as long as enough wave‐velocity measurements along various directions of wave‐propagation were available. The potential for the usage of the presented methodology for the determination of the in situ lateral stress in level‐ground of granular soil by seismic methods seems encouraging. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

谢冰晶 《岩矿测试》2020,39(4):493-504
近年来光释光测年在单颗粒技术上的研究取得了一系列重要进展,极大地提高了测年精度,为地质考古测年提供了更大的空间,研究者们对全球重要考古遗址点进行了详细的单颗粒测年,取得诸多考古新发现。单颗粒释光技术是在光释光单片技术上发展而来,对样品的单个石英或长石颗粒进行独立测试,基于单个颗粒测量结果,结合误差理论、统计学分析和样品地质沉积特征分析获得样品的准确年龄。本文结合大量地质考古样品的单颗粒测年数据,重点阐述了单颗粒释光测年技术的原理、发展历程、实验流程、筛选条件和年龄模型。单颗粒释光技术为地质考古的精确定年提供了可能性,尤其是对由于晒退不充分等原因导致的等效剂量分散的样品,如过度分散值(OD)高达20%甚至超过50%的地质考古样品,提供了新的方法和及时支持。通过开展释光测年信号分析,选择不同的单颗粒样品年龄模型分析,可以得到较为可靠的年龄,为诸多地质考古遗迹建立年代学框架。  相似文献   

The Caprauna-Armetta Unit (CAU) is a Briançonnais cover nappe emplaced on the external margin of the Ligurian Briançonnais Zone. A structural analysis of the nappe indicates that there are four superposed deformations (D1-D4). D1 produced large recumbent isoclinal folds associated with a strong axial-plane cleavage and a SW-trending lineation. These folds can be related to a SW-directed overthrust shear. D2 produced open to moderately tight folds with subvertical axial planes, overturned towards the northeast. D3 and D4 are represented by large wavelength open folds affecting only the large-scale setting of the nappe.A finite strain map of the nappe has been compiled using data from an oolitic limestone layer. The measured strains appears to be essentially the product of the D1 phase. The measured ellipsoids are generally triaxial. The trend of the finite strain X axes is towards the southwest. Prolate ellipsoids with very high Rxz ratios occur on the inverted limbs and sometimes near the hinge zones of the anticlinal F1 folds. Oblate ellipsoids are prevalent on the normal limbs. This pattern of finite strain resulted from deformation in a ductile shear zone generated within the tectonic units trailed at the base of the huge Helminthoid Flysch Nappe during its motion towards the foreland.  相似文献   

The use of in situ geochronological techniques allows for direct age constraints to be placed on fabric development and the metamorphic evolution of polydeformed and reworked terranes. The Shoal Point region of the southern Gawler Craton consists of a series of reworked granulite facies metapelitic and metaigneous units which belong to the Late Archean Sleaford Complex. Structural evidence indicates three phases of fabric development with D1 retained within boudins, D2 consisting of a series of upright open to isoclinal folds producing an axial planar fabric and D3 composed of a highly planar vertical high‐strain fabric which overprints the D2 fabric. Th–U–total Pb EPMA monazite and garnet Sm–Nd geochronology constrain the D1 event to the c. 2450 Ma Sleaford Orogeny, whereas the D2 and D3 events are constrained to the 1730–1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny. P–T pseudosections constrain the metamorphic conditions for the Sleafordian Orogeny to between 4.5 and 6 kbar and between 750 and 780 °C. Subsequent Kimban‐aged reworking reached peak metamorphic conditions of 8–9 kbar at 820–850 °C during the D2 event, followed by high‐temperature decompression to metamorphic conditions <6 kbar and 790–850 °C associated with the development of the D3 high‐strain fabric. The P–T–t evolution of the Shoal Point rocks reflects the transpressional exhumation of lower crustal rocks during the Kimban Orogeny and the development of a regional ‘flower structure’.  相似文献   

In the estimation of momentum fluxes over land surfaces by the bulk aerodynamic method, no unique value of the drag coefficient (C D) is found in the literature. The drag coefficient is generally estimated from special observations at different parts of the world. In this study an attempt is made to estimate drag coefficient over the western desert sector of India using data sets of Monsoon Trough Boundary Layer Experiment (MONTBLEX) during the summer monsoon season of 1990. For this purpose, the fast and slow response data sets obtained simultaneously from a 30 m high micro-meteorological tower at Jodhpur are used. All the observations used in this study are confined to a wind speed regime of 2.5–9.0 ms−1. A comparison of momentum fluxes computed by eddy correlation (direct estimation) with profile and bulk aerodynamic (C D = 3.9 × 10−3, Garratt, 1977) methods revealed that though the nature of variation of the fluxes by all these methods is almost similar, both the indirect methods give an under-estimated value of the fluxes. The drag coefficient is estimated as a function of wind speed and surface stability by a multiple regression approach. An average value of the estimated drag coefficient is found to be of the order of 5.43 × 10−3. The estimated value ofC D is validated with a set of independent observations and found to be quite satisfactory. The recomputed momentum fluxes by bulk aerodynamic method using the estimated drag coefficient are in close agreement with the directly estimated fluxes.  相似文献   

Four ductile phases of superimposed deformation are regionally mappable in the Ardnamurchan Moine in the Western Highlands of Scotland. These deformations are recognized on the basis of their individual geometrical characteristics and are named, in ascending order, the Kentra phase (D1), the Ardtoe phase (D2), the Glenmore phase (D3), and the Claish phase (D4). Non-systematic earlier structures (pre-D1), possibly coeval with the climactic metamorphism, are locally observable. Folds and fabrics produced by the D2, D1, and D4 deformations, however, developed as conjugate sets. There is a significant spatial variation in the distribution and intensity of each of the D1-D4 phases. The regional deformation of the Moine schists is notably inhomogeneous due to the nature of the D1-D4 incremental strains. In the areas affected by large finite strains, pervasive, normally composite LS-fabrics are developed. In the areas that persistently suffered negligible strain increments, right-way-up rocks commonly display several mineral foliations lying at various angles to bedding. The conjugate systems of folds and fabrics appear to be related to the evolution of a ductile shear belt in Ardnamurchan.  相似文献   

Padhy  Simanchal  Mishra  O. P.  Subhadra  N.  Dimri  V. P.  Singh  O. P.  Chakrabortty  G. K. 《Natural Hazards》2013,77(1):75-96

This study discusses the scaling properties of the spatial distribution of the December 26, 2004, Sumatra aftershocks. We estimate the spatial correlation dimension D 2 of the epicentral distribution of aftershocks recorded by a local network operated by Geological Survey of India. We estimate the value of D 2 for five blocks in the source area by using generalized correlation integral approach. We assess its bias due to finite data points, scaling range, effects of location errors, and boundary effects theoretically and apply it to real data sets. The correlation dimension was computed both for real as well as synthetic data sets that include randomly generated point sets obtained using uniform distributions and mimicking the number of events and outlines of the effective areas filled with epicenters. On comparing the results from the real data and random point sets from simulations, we found the lower limit of bias in D 2 estimates from limited data sets to be 0.26. Thus, the spatial variation in correlation dimensions among different blocks using local data sets cannot be directly compared unless the influence of bias in the real aftershock data set is taken into account. They cannot also be used to infer the geometry of the faults. We also discuss the results in order to add constraints on the use of synthetic data and of different approaches for uncertainty analysis on spatial variation of D 2. A difference in D 2 values, rather than their absolute values, among small blocks is of interest to local data sets, which are correlated with their seismic b values. Taking into account the possible errors and biases, the average D 2 values vary from 1.05 to 1.57 in the Andaman–Nicobar region. The relative change in D 2 values can be interpreted in terms of clustering and diffuse seismic activity associated with the low and high D 2 values, respectively. Overall, a relatively high D 2 and low b value is consistent with high-magnitude, diffuse activity in space in the source region of the 2004 Sumatra earthquake.


The relative nucleus density (RND) model of dynamically recrystallized grain size [Sakai, T., Jonas, J.J. 1984. Dynamic recrystallization: mechanical and microctructutal consideration. Acta metallurgica, 32, 198–209] was applied to experimentally and to naturally deformed marbles that have undergone dynamic recrystallization. The model shows that a relationship between initial grain size (D0) and stable dynamically recrystallized grain size (DS) for a given value of temperature-corrected strain-rate (Z) controls grain size evolution during dynamic recrystallization. New microstructural mechanism maps (MM-maps) for experimentally and naturally deformed marbles (based on previously published data) were defined in log grain size–log Z space and show two distinct regions of grain reduction and grain coarsening. The boundary between these two regions corresponds to an equation relating dynamically recrystallized grain size and temperature corrected strain rate, as proposed in this work. The new MM-map was used to trace semi-quantitatively microstructural and grain size evolution in naturally deformed marbles that underwent dynamic recrystallization at different thermal conditions. The boundary between grain coarsening and grain reduction does not necessarily coincide with the boundary between rotation and migration recrystallization mechanisms. Assessment of available natural data shows that the boundary condition D0 = 2DS between grain-coarsening and grain-reduction introduced by Sakai and Jonas [Sakai, T., Jonas, J.J. 1984. Dynamic recrystallization: mechanical and microctructutal consideration. Acta metallurgica, 32, 198–209] is not required for naturally deformed marble.  相似文献   

The Arthur Lineament of northwestern Tasmania is a Cambrian (510 ± 10 Ma) high‐strain metamorphic belt. In the south it is composed of metasedimentary and mafic meta‐igneous lithologies of the ‘eastern’ Ahrberg Group, Bowry Formation and a high‐strain part of the Oonah Formation. Regionally, the lineament separates the Rocky Cape Group correlates and ‘western’ Ahrberg Group to its west from the relatively low‐strain parts of the Oonah Formation, and the correlated Burnie Formation, to its east. Early folding and thrusting caused emplacement of the allochthonous Bowry Formation, which is interpreted to occur as a fault‐bound slice, towards the eastern margin of the parautochthonous ‘eastern’ Ahrberg Group metasediments. The early stages of formation of the Arthur Lineament involved two folding events. The first deformation (CaD1) produced a schistose axial‐planar fabric and isoclinal folds synchronous with thrusting. The second deformation (CaD2) produced a coarser schistosity and tight to isoclinal folds. South‐plunging, north‐south stretching lineations, top to the south shear sense indicators, and south‐verging, downward‐facing folds in the Arthur Lineament suggest south‐directed transport. CaF1 and CaF2 were rotated to a north‐south trend in zones of high strain during the CaD2 event. CaD3, later in the Cambrian, folded the earlier foliations in the Arthur Lineament and produced west‐dipping steep thrusts, creating the linear expression of the structure.  相似文献   

The influence of vorticity and rheology of matrix material on the development of shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of populations of rigid objects was experimentally studied. Experiments in plane strain monoclinic flow were performed to model the fabric development of two populations of rectangular rigid objects with object aspect ratios (Rob) 2 and 3. The density of the rigid object populations was 14% of the total area. Objects were dispersed in a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian, power law matrix material with a power law exponent n of 1.2. The kinematic vorticity number (Wn) of the plane strain monoclinic flow was 1, 0.8 and 0.6 with finite simple shear strain of 4.6, 3.0 and 0.9, respectively. In experiments with Rob=3, the SPO is strongly influenced by Wn and the material properties of the matrix. Deformation of a power law matrix material and low Wn resulted in a stronger SPO than deformation of a linear viscous matrix and high Wn. Strain localization coupled with particle interaction plays a significant role in the development of a shape-preferred orientation. High strain simple shear zones separate trains of rigid objects that are surrounded by low strain zones with Wn lower than the bulk Wn. In fabrics involving populations of objects with Rob=2, rheology of the matrix materials does not systematically influence the intensity of the SPO.  相似文献   

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