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This paper describes the design, construction and preliminary test results for a gas-tight serial sampler intended to be deployed at seafloor for long-term operation to take time-series fluid samples from deep-sea environments such as cold seeps, water column and hydrothermal vents. The serial sampler is a modular system that is based on independent and identical sampling modules, which are designed to collect six 160 ml gas-tight fluid samples maintained at high pressure to a depth of 4000 meters. With two working modes, the sampler can be deployed either with seafloor cabled observatory for remote control or as a stand-alone device for autonomous operation. A prototype of the instrument has been constructed and tested on the MARS cabled observatory for two months. The laboratory and field tests proved the success of the design and construction of the serial sampler, and indicated the potential for future ocean sciences.  相似文献   

A New Plankton Sampler for Coral Reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A new self-contained Horizontal Plankton Sampler (HOPLASA) collects near-reef plankton that is not captured by conventional net tows and emergence traps. An electrical motor-propeller assembly inside a large acrylic cylinder drives water past an in-line flowmeter and through a rigidly attached plankton net. When positioned in the coral reef environment this sampling gear filters known quantities of bottom water. Larvae and developmental stages of many invertebrates and some fishes that never migrate to upper water layers but constitute an important fraction of the food chain are captured. Larvae of sponges, corals, and gorgonians, the most important animal reef builders, are obtained live and undamaged and can be cultured in the laboratory for identification after metamorphosis.  相似文献   

A Sampler for Taking Short Undisturbed Marine Cores   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本系统是国家“863”任务中818-02A项目的重要组成部 和高精度CTD测量仪联用,可以完成任意深度、任意时刻的采水控制功能,它采用国内外最新的技术和元器件,打破了原有的采水控制装置的设计思想,使采水器的动作完全合理准确。本文重点介绍其工作原理和关键技术。  相似文献   

Pneumatic muscles have been used for a number of years as actuators in robotic systems, usually for those that mimic human actions. They are most commonly used in systems designed to aid physically handicapped people. This feasibility study reports mechanical testing and modeling results for the Shadow™ artificial muscle pneumatic actuator working in both air and underwater. The static and dynamic tension-contraction measurements were recorded through both the force and contraction relationship test and the dynamic response and time relationship test. A model of the properties of the muscle working in water was derived from the measurements of the tests that can be considered for its feasibility for use in undersea robotics.   相似文献   

每一位海洋地质工作者都非常重视外业调查及第一手资料的获取,而这些往往得益于海洋地质调查仪器的帮助.以前我们常用的表层沉积物取样仪器,有普通蚌式抓斗、小箱式取样器、多管取样器等.这里介绍一种深海新型取样仪器--电视抓斗.目前,它在深海及大洋洋中脊资源调查,特别是在深海底块状硫化物、多金属结核、锰结壳调查等勘测中扮演着重要...  相似文献   

文章概述了用电磁方式控制采水器释放机构的可行性,介绍了释放机构的工作原理、结构和特点,给出了应用实例试验中的测量方法和结果。  相似文献   

海上风电作为一种清洁能源,其开发利用越来越受到世界各沿海国家的重视.吸力锚基础是海洋工程中的一种新型基础型式,广泛应用于海洋平台、海洋浮动式结构等.近年来,也被作为海上风电工程塔架的基础,此海上风电塔架的基础部分是整个工程结构的重要组成部分,它涉及到整个风电结构的安全性,是工程可靠运行的前提.在深入研究已有塔架的基础上...  相似文献   

针对水声信道的特点,提出了一种利用具有大的时宽带宽积的线性调频信号作为帧同步信号的方法。该方法首先在接收端进行滑动时频分析,从而实现线性调频信号的检测及粗同步,再进一步利用拷贝相关处理来实现细同步。计算机仿真和海上试验结果均表明,该方法能够在多途干扰下有效地实现同步。  相似文献   

一种适合海洋环境温度测量的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种崭新的海洋环境温度测量方法,也可以说是一种崭新的温度测量传感器。它直接输出温度数字量,连接PC机极为方便。文中介绍了该方法的测量原理和特点;介绍了室内和海上的试验情况,给出了试验数据和曲线;展望了广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

海底热液矿产是一种具有重要经济价值的新型海底资源,九十年代将成为世界海洋科学中人们关注的焦点.本文试图通过这种矿产资源在大洋构造格局下发生的位置,热液溢口的温度及测试,金属含量的评价和成因机制等核心问题作一综述,以期能够得到有关方面的重视.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) is crucial for its design and optimization. A novel dynamics analysis method for the spar-type FOWT system is proposed in this paper based on the theorem of moment of momentum and the Newton’s second law. The full nonlinearity of the equations of motion (EOMs) and the full nonlinear coupling between external loads and the motions are preserved in this method. Compared with the conventional methods, this method is more transparent and it can be applied directly to the large-amplitude rotation cases. An in-house code is developed to implement this method. The capability of in-house code is verified by comparing its simulation results with those predicted by FAST. Based on the in-house code, the dynamic responses of a spar-type FOWT system are investigated under various conditions.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is undertaken to describe the wave-induced flow field and the surge motion of a permeable platform structure with fuzzy controllers in an oceanic environment. In the design procedure of the controller, a parallel distributed compensation (PDC) scheme is utilized to construct a global fuzzy logic controller by blending all local state feedback controllers. A stability analysis is carried out for a real structure system by using Lyapunov method. The corresponding boundary value problems are then incorporated into scattering and radiation problems. They are analytically solved, based on separation of variables, to obtain series solutions in terms of the harmonic incident wave motion and surge motion. The dependence of the wave-induced flow field and its resonant frequency on wave characteristics and structure properties including platform width, thickness and mass has been thus drawn with a parametric approach. From which mathematical models are applied for the wave-induced displacement of the surge motion. A nonlinearly inverted pendulum system is employed to demonstrate that the controller tuned by swarm intelligence method can not only stabilize the nonlinear system, but has the robustness against external disturbance.  相似文献   

In order to forecast the distribution of crest amplitudes and the occurrence of freak waves in a short crested coastal sea, a novel transformed linear simulation method is initially proposed in this paper. A Hermite transformation model expressed as a monotonic cubic polynomial serves as the foundation for the novel simulation technique. The wave crest amplitude exceedance probabilities of two sea states—one with a directional wave spectrum based on the measured wave elevation data at the Yura c...  相似文献   

A new epibenthic sled was developed for use in deep water over rough terrain, especially seamounts. It has a Furuno net sonde unit to confirm bottom contact. A novel weak-link system significantly enhanced the probability of successful sampling and retrieval. During a cruise in January 1997, 47 samples were obtained with the sled from the summit, slope and base of 14 seamounts south of Tasmania.  相似文献   

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