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Diffraction and anelasticity problems involving decaying, evanescent or inhomogeneous waves can be studied and modelled using the notion of complex rays. The wavefront or eikonal equation for such waves is in general complex and leads to rays in complex position-slowness space. Initial conditions must be specified in that domain: for example, even for a wave originating in a perfectly elastic region, the ray to a real receiver in a neighbouring anelastic region generally departs from a complex point on the initial-values surface. Complex ray theory is the formal extension of the usual Hamilton equations to complex domains. Liouville's phase-space-incompressibility theorem and Fermat's stationary-time principle are formally unchanged. However, an infinity of paths exists between two fixed points in complex space all of which give the same final slowness, travel time, amplitude, etc. This does not contradict the fact that for a given receiver position there is a unique point on the initial-values surface from which this infinite complex ray family emanates. In perfectly elastic media complex rays are associated with, for example, evanescent waves in the shadow of a caustic. More generally, caustics in anelastic media may lie just outside the real coordinate subspace and one must trace complex rays around the complex caustic in order to obtain accurate waveforms nearby or the turning waves at greater distances into the lit region. The complex extension of the Maslov method for computing such waveforms is described. It uses the complex extension of the Legendre transformation and the extra freedom of complex rays makes pseudocaustics avoidable. There is no need to introduce a Maslov/KMAH index to account for caustics in the geometrical ray approximation, the complex amplitude being generally continuous. Other singular ray problems, such as the strong coupling around acoustic axes in anisotropic media, may also be addressed using complex rays. Complex rays are insightful and practical for simple models (e.g. homogeneous layers). For more complicated numerical work, though, it would be desirable to confine attention to real position coordinates. Furthermore, anelasticity implies dispersion so that complex rays are generally frequency dependent. The concept of group velocity as the velocity of a spatial or temporal maximum of a narrow-band wave packet does lead to real ray/Hamilton equations. However, envelope-maximum tracking does not itself yield enough information to compute synthetic seismograms. For anelasticity which is weak in certain precise senses, one can set up a theory of real, dispersive wave-packet tracking suitable for synthetic seismogram calculations in linearly visco-elastic media. The seismologically-accepiable constant-Q rheology of Liu et al. (1976), for example, satisfies the requirements of this wave-packet theory, which is adapted from electromagnetics and presented as a reasonable physical and mathematical basis for ray modelling in inhomogeneous, anisotropic, anelastic media. Dispersion means that one may need to do more work than for elastic media. However, one can envisage perturbation analyses based on the ray theory presented here, as well as extensions like Maslov's which are based on the Hamiltonian properties.  相似文献   

In order to trace a ray between known source and receiver locations in a perfectly elastic medium, the take-off angle must be determined, or equialently, the ray parameter. In a viscoelastic medium, the initial value of a second angle, the attenuation angle (the angle between the normal to the plane wavefront and the direction of maximum attenuation), must also be determined. There seems to be no agreement in the literature as to how this should be done. In computing anelastic synthetic seismograms, some authors have simply chosen arbitrary numerical values for the initial attenuation angle, resulting in different raypaths for different choices. There exists, however, a procedure in which the arbitrariness is not present, i.e., in which the raypath is uniquely determined. It consists of computing the value of the anelastic ray parameter for which the phase function is stationary (Fermat's principle). This unique value of the ray parameter gives unique values for the take-off and attenuation angles. The coordinates of points on these stationary raypaths are complex numbers. Such rays are known as complex rays. They have been used to study electromagnetic wave propagation in lossy media. However, ray-synthetic seismograms can be computed by this procedure without concern for the details of complex raypath coordinates. To clarify the nature of complex rays, we study two examples involving a ray passing through a vertically inhomogeneous medium. In the first example, the medium consists of a sequence of discrete homogeneous layers. We find that the coordinates of points on the ray are generally complex (other than the source and receiver points which are usually assumed to lie in real space), except for a ray which is symmetric about an axis down its center, in which case the center point of the ray lies in real space. In the second example, the velocity varies continuously and linearly with depth. We show that, in geneneral, the turning point of the ray lies in complex space (unlike the symmetric ray in the discrete layer case), except if the ratio of the velocity gradient to the complex frequency-dependent velocity at the surface is a real number. We also present a numerical example which demonstrates that the differences between parameters, such as arrival time and raypath angles, for the stationary ray and for rays computed by the above-mentioned arbitrary approaches can be substantial.  相似文献   

Asymptotic methods provide an efficient way to compute seismograms in heterogeneous media. However, zeroth-order ray theory, the simplest of the asymptotic methods, often fails because of the presence of caustics. Maslov theory is an extension of zeroth-order ray theory, which gives a uniformly valid expression of the wavefield everywhere, including the caustics. This result is given in terms of an integral of ray data over one or two ray parameters. It is shown in this paper how geometrical arrivals are constructed in the one and two-parameter Maslov integrals.In practice Maslov seismograms have been computed using only one ray parameter. However, in three-dimensional media two parameters are needed to uniquely define a ray. In this paper we present an efficient algorithm to compute two-parameter Maslov integrals. The Maslov integral is evaluated by computing the frequency-to-time Fourier transform prior to integration over the ray parameters. The wavefield is then discretized by smoothing with a boxcar function. The resulting expression, which only requires the results of ordinary kinematic and dynamic ray tracing, cen be computed efficiently and robustly. A numerical example is given that illustrates the use of this algorithm.  相似文献   

—We consider several extensions of ray tracing (uniform asymptotics, complex rays, space-time rays) interrelated by the fact that they must be used jointly in order to deal with both focusing and attenuation. Two representative models of acoustic wave propagation are considered: elasticity and viscoelasticity. Basic ideas behind canonical functions and Maslov integrals for uniformly asymptotic evaluation of the wave field from ray field parameters are discussed. Complex space-time ray tracing algorithms for dispersive and attenuating media are presented. Two models of attenuation in a viscoelastic medium are compared: (1) complex space-time ray methods for general attenuation/dispersion, (2) real ray methods for weak attenuation.  相似文献   

Point-to-curve ray tracing is an attempt at dealing with multiplicity of solutions to a generic boundary-value problem of ray tracing. In a point-to-curve tracing (P2C) the input parameters of the boundary-value problem (BVP), such as the ends of the ray, are allowed to vary along a curve. The solutions of the BVP automatically wander from one solution branch to another generating a nearly complete multi-valued solution of the BVPs.A procedure for transforming an arbitrary iterative algorithm, solving a ray tracing BVP to a corresponding P2C algorithm, is presented. Bifurcations of the solution curve of the P2C problem at caustics are studied and an algorithm for obtaining the bifurcating branches is developed. In particular, transition from real rays to complex rays in a caustic shadow offers an additional link between otherwise disconnected solution curves of the P2C problem. The topological structure of a generic solution curve and its implications for the algorithm are studied.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt has been made to study the mechanical response of rocks to stress waves using the Complex Modulus Apparatus. Natural resonant frequencies and the half-power relative band widths are determined experimentally in the frequency range 50–5000 c/s for a few igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock samples. Elastic and anelastic parameters, like the real part of the elastic modulus, loss factor, complex modulus of elasticity and percentage anelasticity, are evaluated and the interrelationships between them shown. Data on four synthetic materials like perspex, ebonite and laminated sheeting are reported besides the results on different rock types.RM-9/73.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling ofSH wave seismograms in media whose material properties are prescribed by a random distribution of many perfectly elastic cavities and by intrinsic absorption of seismic energy (anelasticity) demonstrates that the main characteristics of the coda waves, namely amplitude decay and duration, are well described by singly scattered waves in anelastic media rather than by multiply scattered waves in either elastic or anelastic media. We use the Boundary Integral scheme developed byBenites et al. (1992) to compute the complete wave field and measure the values of the direct waveQ and coda wavesQ in a wide range of frequencies, determining the spatial decay of the direct wave log-amplitude relation and the temporal decay of the coda envelope, respectively. The effects of both intrinsic absorption and pure scattering on the overall attenuation can be quantified separately by computing theQ values for corresponding models with (anelastic) and without (elastic) absorption. For the models considered in this study, the values of codaQ –1 in anelastic media are in good agreement with the sum of the corresponding scatteringQ –1 and intrinsicQ –1 values, as established by the single-scattering model ofAki andChouet (1975). Also, for the same random model with intrinsic absorption it appears that the singly scattered waves propagate without significant loss of energy as compared with the multiply scattered waves, which are strongly affected by absorption, suggesting its dominant role in the attenuation of coda waves.  相似文献   

Synthetic vertical seismic profiles (VSP) provide a useful tool in the interpretation of VSP data, allowing the interpreter to analyze the propagation of seismic waves in the different layers. A zero-offset VSP modeling program can also be used as part of an inversion program for estimating the parameters in a layered model of the subsurface. Proposed methods for computing synthetic VSP are mostly based on plane waves in a horizontally layered elastic or anelastic medium. In order to compare these synthetic VSP with real data a common method is to scale the data with the spherical spreading factor of the primary reflections. This will in most cases lead to artificial enhancement of multiple reflections. We apply the ray series method to the equations of motion for a linear viscoelastic medium after having done a Fourier transformation with respect to the time variable. This results in a complex eikonal equation which, in general, appears to be difficult to solve. For vertically traveling waves in a horizontally layered viscoelastic medium the solution is easily found to be the integral along the ray of the inverse of the complex propagation velocity. The spherical spreading due to a point source is also complex, and it is equal to the integral along the ray of the complex propagation velocity. Synthetic data examples illustrate the differences between spherical, cylindrical, and plane waves in elastic and viscoelastic layered media.  相似文献   

Based on analytic relations, we compute the reflection and transmission responses of a periodically layered medium with a stack of elastic shales and partially saturated sands. The sand layers are considered anelastic (using patchy saturation theory) or elastic (with effective velocity). Using the patchy saturation theory, we introduce a velocity dispersion due to mesoscale attenuation in the sand layer. This intrinsic anelasticity is creating frequency dependence, which is added to the one coming from the layering (macroscale). We choose several configurations of the periodically layered medium to enhance more or less the effect of anelasticity. The worst case to see the effect of intrinsic anelasticity is obtained with low dispersion in the sand layer, strong contrast between shales and sands, and a low value of the net‐to‐gross ratio (sand proportion divided by the sand + shale proportion), whereas the best case is constituted by high dispersion, weak contrast, and high net‐to‐gross ratio. We then compare the results to show which dispersion effect is dominating in reflection and transmission responses. In frequency domain, the influence of the intrinsic anelasticity is not negligible compared with the layering effect. Even if the main resonance patterns are the same, the resonance peaks for anelastic cases are shifted towards high frequencies and have a slightly lower amplitude than for elastic cases. These observations are more emphasized when we combine all effects and when the net‐to‐gross ratio increases, whereas the differences between anelastic and elastic results are less affected by the level of intrinsic dispersion and by the contrast between the layers. In the time domain, the amplitude of the responses is significantly lower when we consider intrinsic anelastic layers. Even if the phase response has the same features for elastic and anelastic cases, the anelastic model responses are clearly more attenuated than the elastic ones. We conclude that the frequency dependence due to the layering is not always dominating the responses. The frequency dependence coming from intrinsic visco‐elastic phenomena affects the amplitude of the responses in the frequency and time domains. Considering intrinsic attenuation and velocity dispersion of some layers should be analyzed while looking at seismic and log data in thin layered reservoirs.  相似文献   

We describe the behaviour of the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity. The anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays crossing the split intersection singularity are smoothly but very sharply bent. While the initial–value rays can be safely traced by solving Hamilton’s equations of rays, it is often impossible to determine the coefficients of the equations of geodesic deviation (paraxial ray equations, dynamic ray tracing equations) and to solve them numerically. As a result, we often know neither the matrix of geometrical spreading, nor the phase shift due to caustics. We demonstrate the abrupt changes of the geometrical spreading and wavefront curvature of the fast anisotropic–ray–theory S wave. We also demonstrate the formation of caustics and wavefront triplication of the slow anisotropic–ray–theory S wave.Since the actual S waves propagate approximately along the SH and SV reference rays in this velocity model, we compare the anisotropic–ray–theory S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays. Since the coupling ray theory is usually calculated along the anisotropic common S–wave rays, we also compare the anisotropic common S–wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays.  相似文献   

The coupling ray theory is usually applied to anisotropic common reference rays, but it is more accurate if it is applied to reference rays which are closer to the actual wave paths. If we know that a medium is close to uniaxial (transversely isotropic), it may be advantageous to trace reference rays which resemble the SH–wave and SV–wave rays. This paper is devoted to defining and tracing these SH and SV reference rays of elastic S waves in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic), and to the corresponding equations of geodesic deviation (dynamic ray tracing). All presented equations are simultaneously applicable to ordinary and extraordinary reference rays of electromagnetic waves in a generally bianisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxially anisotropic. The improvement of the coupling–ray–theory seismograms calculated along the proposed SH and SV reference rays, compared to the coupling–ray–theory seismograms calculated along the anisotropic common reference rays, has already been numerically demonstrated by the authors in four approximately uniaxial velocity models.  相似文献   

Due to the lateral heterogeneity of the upper layers of the Earth, paths of surface waves deviate from arcs of great circles. Because of the sphericity of the Earth, the paths intersect on a hemisphere opposite to the epicenter and form caustics consisting of two branches, with their tangent point being a cusp. For this reason, the field of surface waves cannot be analyzed in terms of the ray theory at distances larger than 90°. The asymptotic approach to the analysis of the field in the vicinity of such caustics is very ill-suited for numerical implementation. The difficulties of such an approach to the field calculation are aggravated by the fact that such caustics are superimposed in some regions. Therefore, it is suggested to use the theorem of representation, according to which the field within a certain contour is expressed as an integral whose integrand contains values of the function itself, its derivative along the normal to the contour, and Green’s function. The field on the contour (the circle bounding a hemisphere centered at the epicenter) is calculated by the ray method because rays do not intersect on this hemisphere. These data are used for the construction of the field on the opposite hemisphere assumed to be homogeneous, which enables the construction of Green’s function for this hemisphere. This limitation is not very stringent because the configuration of rays and caustics on this hemisphere is mainly determined by the field on the circle. The integral in the representation theorem is calculated numerically. Numerical examples are presented for models in which one caustic or two superimposed caustics form. These calculations yield constraints on variations in the amplitude and phase of the wave. Rayleigh wave fields are also calculated for a model of the real Earth. It is shown that, at some points, the Rayleigh wave spectrum can be strongly distorted because caustics corresponding to different periods differ in shape.  相似文献   

This paper is the second in a sequel of two papers and dedicated to the computation of paraxial rays and dynamic characteristics along the stationary rays obtained in the first paper. We start by formulating the linear, second‐order, Jacobi dynamic ray tracing equation. We then apply a similar finite‐element solver, as used for the kinematic ray tracing, to compute the dynamic characteristics between the source and any point along the ray. The dynamic characteristics in our study include the relative geometric spreading and the phase correction due to caustics (i.e. the amplitude and the phase of the asymptotic form of the Green's function for waves propagating in 3D heterogeneous general anisotropic elastic media). The basic solution of the Jacobi equation is a shift vector of a paraxial ray in the plane normal to the ray direction at each point along the central ray. A general paraxial ray is defined by a linear combination of up to four basic vector solutions, each corresponds to specific initial conditions related to the ray coordinates at the source. We define the four basic solutions with two pairs of initial condition sets: point–source and plane‐wave. For the proposed point–source ray coordinates and initial conditions, we derive the ray Jacobian and relate it to the relative geometric spreading for general anisotropy. Finally, we introduce a new dynamic parameter, similar to the endpoint complexity factor, presented in the first paper, used to define the measure of complexity of the propagated wave/ray phenomena. The new weighted propagation complexity accounts for the normalized relative geometric spreading not only at the receiver point, but along the whole stationary ray path. We propose a criterion based on this parameter as a qualifying factor associated with the given ray solution. To demonstrate the implementation of the proposed method, we use several isotropic and anisotropic benchmark models. For all the examples, we first compute the stationary ray paths, and then compute the geometric spreading and analyse these trajectories for possible caustics. Our primary aim is to emphasize the advantages, transparency and simplicity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The application of Maslov asymptotic theory in a general 3-D mixed subspace of 6-D complex phase space is proposed to obtain the integral superpositions of Gaussian packets and beams. The ray method and the superposition of plane waves (Maslov method of Chapman and Drumond [7]) are special limiting cases of the above mentioned approach. The same high-frequency asymptotic expansion formulae for seismic body waves were derived previously in [8] using the Gaussian beam method.  相似文献   

When a seismic signal propagates through a finely layered medium, there is anisotropy if the wavelengths are long enough compared to the layer thicknesses. It is well known that in this situation, the medium is equivalent to a transversely isotropic material. In addition to anisotropy, the layers may show intrinsic anelastic behaviour. Under these circumstances, the layered medium exhibits Q anisotropy and anisotropic velocity dispersion. The present work investigates the anelastic effect in the long-wavelength approximation. Backus's theory and the standard linear solid rheology are used as models to obtain the directional properties of anelasticity corresponding to the quasi-compressional mode qP, the quasi-shear mode qSV, and the pure shear mode SH, respectively. The medium is described by a complex and frequency-dependent stiffness matrix. The complex and phase velocities for homogeneous viscoelastic waves are calculated from the Christoffel equation, while the wave-fronts (energy velocities) and quality factor surfaces are obtained from energy considerations by invoking Poynting's theorem. We consider two-constituent stationary layered media, and study the wave characteristics for different material compositions and proportions. Analyses on sequences of sandstone-limestone and shale-limestone with different degrees of anisotropy indicate that the quality factors of the shear modes are more anisotropic than the corresponding phase velocities, cusps of the qSV mode are more pronounced for low frequencies and midrange proportions, and in general, attenuation is higher in the direction perpendicular to layering or close to it, provided that the material with lower velocity is the more dissipative. A numerical simulation experiment verifies the attenuation properties of finely layered media through comparison of elastic and anelastic snapshots.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the actual polarization of an electromagnetic wave or elastic S–wave is described by the coupling ray theory, which represents the generalization of both the zero–order isotropic and anisotropic ray theories and provides continuous transition between them. The coupling ray theory is usually applied to anisotropic common reference rays, but it is more accurate if it is applied to reference rays which are closer to the actual wave paths. In a generally anisotropic or bianisotropic medium, the actual wave paths may be approximated by the anisotropic–ray–theory rays if these rays behave reasonably. In an approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic) anisotropic medium, we can define and trace the SH (ordinary) and SV (extraordinary) reference rays, and use them as reference rays for the prevailing–frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory. In both cases, i.e. for the anisotropic–ray–theory rays or the SH and SV reference rays, we have two sets of reference rays. We thus obtain two arrivals along each reference ray of the first set and have to select the correct one. Analogously, we obtain two arrivals along each reference ray of the second set and have to select the correct one. In this paper, we suggest the way of selecting the correct arrivals. We then demonstrate the accuracy of the resulting prevailing–frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory using elastic S waves along the SH and SV reference rays in four different approximately uniaxial (approximately transversely isotropic) velocity models.  相似文献   

横向各向同性介质中地震波走时模拟   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
横向各向同性介质是地球内部广泛分布的一种各向异性介质.针对这种介质,我们对各向同性介质的最小走时树走时模拟方法进行了推广,推广后的方法可适用于非均匀、对称轴任意倾斜的横向各向同性介质模型.为保证计算效率,最小走时树的构建采用了一种子波传播区域随地震波传播动态变化的改进算法.对于弱各向异性介质,我们使用了一种新的地震波群速度近似表示方法,该方法基于用射线角近似表示相角的思想,对3种地震波(qP, qSV和qSH)均有较好的精度.应用本文地震波走时模拟方法对均匀介质、横向非均匀介质模型进行了计算,并将后者结果与弹性波方程有限元方法的模拟结果进行了对比,结果表明两者符合得很好.本文方法可用于横向各向同性介质的深度偏移及地震层析成像的深入研究.  相似文献   

基于弹性波动理论的多波多分量高斯束偏移具有计算效率高和成像准确等优点.但是目前此方法没有考虑实际地下介质的黏弹性对地震波传播的影响,从而无法补偿能量衰减和校正相位畸变,这使得该方法对一些含高黏弹性地层的成像效果不佳.针对衰减区域的成像问题,本文提出一种黏弹性衰减补偿高斯束偏移方法,该方法以多波多分量矢量波场弹性高斯束偏移方法为基础,在偏移过程中沿射线路径通过引入品质因子Q来考虑黏弹性影响并进行衰减补偿.该方法能够在偏移过程中实现PP波和PS波的自动分离及分别成像.同时,本文给出了在矢量波场偏移过程中提取角度域共成像点道集的方法,以便用于成像质量控制,并为后续速度和黏弹性参数反演提供所需的数据.本文利用2D层状模型和洼陷模型进行了方法测试,其成像结果验证了本文所提出的黏弹性衰减补偿高斯束偏移方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

Ray theory based upon real rays is presented for high frequencyP andS waves in continuously inhomogeneous isotropic linear media. Simple explicit formulae for the polarization anomalies described by higher order terms of the ray asymptotic expansions are considered.  相似文献   

Anisotropic common S-wave rays are traced using the averaged Hamiltonian of both S-wave polarizations. They represent very practical reference rays for calculating S waves by means of the coupling ray theory. They eliminate problems with anisotropic-ray-theory ray tracing through some S-wave slowness-surface singularities and also considerably simplify the numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory for S waves. The equations required for anisotropic-common-ray tracing for S waves in a smooth elastic anisotropic medium, and for corresponding dynamic ray tracing in Cartesian or ray-centred coordinates, are presented. The equations, for the most part generally known, are summarized in a form which represents a complete algorithm suitable for coding and numerical applications.  相似文献   

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