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Arrested charnockite formation at Kottavattam, southern India   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract At Kottavattam, southern Kerala (India), late Proterozoic homogeneous leptynitic garnet–biotite gneisses of granitic composition have been transformed on a decimetric scale into coarse-grained massive charnockite sensu stricto along a set of conjugate fractures transecting the gneissic foliation. Charnockitization post-dates the polyphase deformation, regional high-grade metamorphism and anatexis, and evidently occurred at a late stage of the Pan-African tectonothermal history. Geothermobarometric and fluid inclusion data document textural and chemical equilibration of the gneiss and charnockite assemblages at similar PlithT conditions (650–700°C, 5–6 kbar) in the presence of carbonic fluids internally buffered by reaction with graphite and opaque mineral phases (XCO2= 0.7–0.6; XH2O= 0.2–0.3; XN2= 0.1; log fO2= -17.5). Mineralogical zonation indicates that charnockitization of the leptynitic gneiss involved first the breakdown of biotite and oxidation of graphite in narrow, outward-migrating transition zones adjacent to the gneiss, followed by the breakdown of garnet and the neoblastesis of hypersthene in the central charnockite zone. Compared to the host gneiss, the charnockite shows higher concentrations of K, Na, Sr, Ba and Zn and lower concentrations of Mg, Fe, Ti, V, Y, Zr and the HREE, with a complementary pattern in the narrow transition zones of biotite breakdown. The PlithT–XH2O data and chemical zonation patterns indicate charnockitization through subsolidus-dehydration reaction in an open system. Subsequent residence of the carbonic fluids in the charnockite resulted in low-grade alteration causing modification of the syn-charnockitic elemental distribution patterns and the properties of entrapped fluids. We favour an internally controlled process of arrested charnockitization in which, during near-isothermal uplift, the release of carbonic fluids from decrepitating inclusions in the host gneiss into simultaneously developing fracture zones led to a change in the fluid regime from ‘fluid-absent’in the gneiss to ‘fluid-present’in the fracture zones and to the development of an initial fluid-pressure gradient, triggering the dehydration reaction.  相似文献   

Arrested charnockite formation in southern India and Sri Lanka   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Arrested prograde charnockite formation in quartzofeldspathic gneisses is widespread in the high-grade terrains of southern India and Sri Lanka. Two major kinds of orthopyroxene-producing reactions are recognized. Breakdown of calcic amphibole by reaction with biotite and quartz in tonalitic/granitic gray gneiss produced the regional orthopyroxene isograd, manifest in charnockitic mottling and veining of mixed-facies exposures, as at Kabbal, Karnataka, and in the Kurunegala District of the Sri Lanka Central Highlands. Chemical and modal analyses of carefully chosen immediately-adjacent amphibole gneiss and charnockite pairs show that the orthopyroxene is produced by an open system reaction involving slight losses of CaO, MgO and FeO and gains of SiO2 and Na2O. Rb and Y are depleted in the charnockite. Another kind of charnockitization is found in paragneisses throughout the southern high-grade area, and involves the reaction of biotite and quartz±garnet to produce orthopyroxene and K-feldspar. Although charnockite formation along shears and other deformation zones at such localities as Ponmudi, Kerala is highly reminiscent of Kabbal, close pair analyses are not as suggestive of open-system behavior. This type of charnockite formation is found in granulite facies areas where no prograde amphibole-bearing gneisses exist and connotes a higher-grade reaction than that of the orthopyroxene isograd. Metamorphic conditions of both Kabbaltype and Ponmudi-type localities were 700°–800° C and 5–6 kbar. Lower P(H2O) in the Ponmudi-type metamorphism was probably the definitive factor.CO2-rich fluid inclusions in quartz from the Kabbaltype localities support the concept that this type of charnockite formation was driven by influx of CO2 from some deep-seated source. The open-system behavior and high oxidation states of the metamorphism are in accord with the CO2-streaming hypothesis. CO2-rich inclusions in graphitebearing charnockites of the Ponmudi type, however, commonly have low densities and compositions not predictable by vapor-mineral equilibrium calculations. These inclusions may have suffered post-metamorphic H2 leakage or some systematic contamination.Neither the close-pair analyses nor the fluid inclusions strongly suggest an influx of CO2 drove charnockite formation of the Ponmudi type. The possibility remains that orthopyroxene and CO2-rich fluids were produced by reaction of biotite with graphite without intervention of fluids of external origin. Further evidence, such as oxygen isotopes, is necessary to test the CO2-streaming hypothesis for the Ponmudi-type localities.  相似文献   

The occurrence of a charnockitised felsic gneiss adjacent to a marble/calc-silicate horizon at Nuliyam, southern India, has been cited in recent literature as a classic example of the dehydration of crustal rocks resulting from the advective infiltration of CO2-rich fluids generated from a local carbonate source. Petrographic study of the Nuliyam calc-silicate, however, reveals it to consist of abundant wollastonite and scapolite and contain locally discordant veins rich in wollastonite. At the pressure—temperature conditions proposed for charnockite formation in recent studies, 5 kbar and 725°C, this wollastonite-bearing mineral assemblage was stable in the presence of a fluid phase only if X CO2 was near 0.25 and could not have coexisted with the fluid causing biotite breakdown and charnockite development in adjacent rocks (X CO2>0.85). The stable coexistence of wollastonite and scapolite prohibits the calc-silicate from being a source for fluid driving charnockitisation at the required P-T conditions. Textural observations such as the limited replacement of wollastonite by calcite+quartz symplectites and mosaics, are consistent with late fluid infiltration into the calc-silicate. The extensive isotopic, chemical and mineral abundance data of Jackson and Santosh (1992) are re-interpreted and integrated with these observations to develop a model involving the infiltration of an externally derived CO2-rich fluid during high-temperature decompression. Increased charnockite development next to the calc-silicate has arisen because the calc-silicate acted as a relatively unreactive and impermeable barrier to fluid transport and caused fluid ponding beneath antiformal closures. The Nuliyam charnockite/calc-silicate locality is an example of a structural trap in a metamorphic setting rather than a site where charnockite formation can be attributed to local fluid sources.  相似文献   

G. R. Ravindra Kumar   《Lithos》2004,75(3-4):331-358
The formation of arrested charnockite is an excellent example of structurally controlled channellised fluid flow along specific sites accompanied by selective elemental mobility and mineralogical changes. The present paper recognises and focuses study on three types of arrested charnockite formation from Palghat region, namely, shear-controlled, foliation parallel and boudin-neck types, and address their spatio-temporal relations to regional-scale charnoenderbite. The shear-controlled and foliation parallel types post-date deformation and migmatisation. The boudin-neck type, on the contrary, is coeval with partial melting and followed the path of cooling and decreasing water activity in the gneiss. K-feldspar veining around plagioclase and quartz, symplectitic intergrowth of biotite+quartz after orthopyroxene and K-feldspar, and fluid inclusion data suggests the presence of alkalic supercritical brine and low-density CO2-rich fluid during charnockite formation. Charnockite domains developed following the breakdown of hornblende, biotite and quartz are characterised by a more or less pronounced depletion of Fe, Ca, Mg and Ti and trace elements Y and Zr, compared to their counterpart gneiss. REE spectra indicate a subtle depletion in the HREE near the centre of the charnockite domain. Although close-pair samples of gneiss–charnockite are isochemical, on a scale of a few millimetres, bi-directional element movement, related to the formation of new mineral was noted. It is postulated that arrested charnockite formation developed in situ on local scale within the granitic domains of the hornblende-biotite gneiss, in the presence of CO2-rich fluids and alkalic supercritical saline brine. This process post-dated the time of regional granulite (charnoenderbite) and large regional scale retrogression and migmatisation.  相似文献   

We report a new occurrence of incipient charnockite from Mavadi in the Trivandrum Granulite Block (TGB), southern India, and discuss the petrogenesis of granulite formation in an arrested stage on the basis of petrography, geothermobarometry, and mineral equilibrium modeling. In Mavadi, patches and lenses of charnockite (Kfs?+?Qtz?+?Pl?+?Bt?+?Grt?+?Opx?+?Ilm?+?Mag) of about 30 to 220 cm in length occur within Opx-free Grt-Bt gneiss (Kfs?+?Qtz?+?Pl?+?Bt?+?Grt?+?Ilm). The application of mineral equilibrium modeling on the charnockite assemblage in the NCKFMASHTO system to constrain the conditions of charnockitization defines a PT range of 800 °C at 4.5 kbar to 850 °C at 8.5 kbar, which is broadly consistent with the results from the conventional geothermobarometry (810–880 °C at 7.7–8.0 kbar) on these rocks. The PT conditions are lower than the peak metamorphic conditions reported for the ultrahigh-temperature granulites from this area (T?>?900 °C). The heterogeneity in peak PT conditions within the same crustal block might be related to local buffering of metamorphic temperatures by the Opx-Bt-Kfs-Qtz assemblage. The result of T versus mole H2O (M(H2O)) modeling demonstrated that the Opx-free assemblage in the Grt-Bt gneiss is stable at M(H2O)?=?0.3 to 1.5 mol%, and orthopyroxene occurs as a stable mineral at M(H2O) <0.3 mol%, which is consistent with the petrogenetic model of incipient charnockite related to the lowering of the water activity and stabilization of orthopyroxene through the breakdown of biotite by dehydration caused by the infiltration of CO2-rich fluid from external sources. We also propose a possible alternative mechanism to form charnockite from Grt-Bt gneiss through slight variations in bulk-rock chemistry (particularly for the K- and Fe-rich portion of Grt-Bt gneiss) that can enhance the stability of orthopyroxene rather than that of biotite, with K-metasomatism playing a possible role.  相似文献   

The cordierite-bearing gneisses occurring as elongate patches in an 8- to 10-km-wide zone along the Achankovil fault-lineament at the northern margin of the southern Kerala crustal segment represent an important lithological unit in the Archaean granulite terrane of south India. The textural relationships in these rocks are consistent with the following main reactions: (1) garnet+quartz=cordierite+hypersthene; (2) garnet+sillimanite+quartz=cordierite; (3) hypersthene+sillimanite+quartz=cordierite; (4) sillimanite+spinel=cordierite+corundum; and (5) biotite+quartz+sillimanite=cordierite+K-feldspar. Many of the mineral associations and reaction textures, including the remarkable preservation of symplectites, are indicative of partial replacement of high-pressure assemblages by cordierite-bearing lower-pressure ones during an event of rapid decompression. Temperature estimates from coexisting mineral phases show 710° (garnet-biotite), 791° (garnet-cordierite) and 788° C (garnet-orthopyroxene). Pressure estimates from mineral assemblages range from 5.4 to 7 kb. Detailed fluid inclusion studies in quartz associated with cordierite show high-density CO2 (0.80–0.95 g/cm3) as the dominant fluid phase, with traces of probable CH4 (?) in the sillimanite-bearing rocks. The isochore for the higher-density fluid inclusions defines a pressure of 5.5 kb. The fracture-bound CO2 and CO2-H2O (±CH4?) inclusions indicate simultaneous entrapment at 400° C and 1.7 kb in the cordierite-hypersthene assemblage and 340° C and 1.2 kb in the cordierite-sillimanite assemblage. The P-T path delineated from combined solid and fluid data corresponds to the piezothermic array of the gneisses and is characterized by T-convex nature, indicative of rapid and virtually isothermal crustal uplift, probably aided by extensional tectonics.  相似文献   

Exposures in many quarries in southern India exhibit field evidence for incipient charnockitization of tonalitic and granitic gneiss (prograde relationship), or retrogression of charnockite to produce tonalitic gneiss (retrograde relationship). Few systematic geochemical relationships exist between adjacent gneisscharnockite sample pairs during either prograde or retrograde reactions. Most elements and element ratios exhibit inconsistent variations; however, prograde chamockites appear enriched in Ta, Pb, volatiles (chiefly CO2), and in transition metals relative to Mg, and depleted in REE and Y compared to adjacent gneiss protoliths. Retrograde gneisses have higher Rb, Pb, Th, Hf, Zn relative to Co, Nb relative to Ta, Hf relative to Zr, and volatiles (chiefly H2O) compared to parental charnockites. Of those elements (U, Th, Rb, Cs, Pb) significantly depleted in high-pressure charnockites exposed south of the prograde transition zone, only Pb is significantly replenished during retrogression. Evidence suggests that prograde fluids are relatively rich in CO2 and retrograde fluids in H2O and that the typical non-systematic geochemical variations during prograde and retrograde reactions reflect local effects at the wave front.  相似文献   

Laterite occurs extensively over the crystalline and sedimentary rocks in the midland and lowland areas of south Kerala, India. Two lateritization cycles are identified in this area. Large, good-quality kaolin deposits, composed mostly of kaolinite, are characteristic of the sedimentary sequence in south Kerala. These deposits were formed on deposition of the weathering materials of the khondalites towards the first cycle of lateritization. After deposition and uplift of the sedimentary rocks, another lateritization cycle affected these, as well as the khondalites during pre-Quaternary times with the formation of a planation surface at 25–125 m above sea level having thick laterite profiles. The laterite profiles over the kaolin deposits show higher concentration of Fe-oxides (mostly in the form of hematite) and titania, compared to their concentration in the kaolins. Higher contents of Cr and Ni are also characteristic of the laterite over kaolin deposits. Recrystallization of the kaolinite, appearance of Al, Fe and Si amorphous phases in the kaolin clays and partial removal of Fe and Ti from them are attributed to the second lateritization cycle.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary sediments representing the floodplain, estuary and offshore environments of southern Kerala were investigated to infer provenance. The grain size reveals the dominance of sand to silty clay, clay to clayey silt and clayey silt in the floodplain, estuary and offshore sediments, respectively. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) values and A-CN-K plot attributes to high, moderate and low weathering in floodplain, estuary and offshore regions, respectively. The SiO2/Al2O3 values lesser than Post-Archean Australian Shale indicate low to moderate maturity for the estuarine and offshore sediments. The geochemical immaturity indicates its derivation from low to moderately weathered source rocks. The major and trace elemental ratios and discriminant function diagrams attribute that the sediments were derived from intermediate to felsic source rocks. The enrichment of Cr and Ni concentration in the sediments compared to the upper continental crust, related to the contribution of orthopyroxenes, weathered from charnockite and garnets from the granulite terrain, respectively.  相似文献   

Amphibolite facies metamorphic grade gives way southward to the granulite grade in southern Karnataka, as acid gneisses develop charnockite patches and streaks and basic enclaves develop pyroxenes. Petrologic investigations in the transitional zone south of Mysore have established the following points:
  1. The transition is prograde. Amphibole-bearing gneisses intimately associated with charnockite at Kabbal and several similar localities are not retrogressive after charnockite, as proved by patchy obliteration of their foliation by transgressive, very coarse-grained charnockite, high fluorine content of biotite and amphibole in gneisses, and high large-ion lithophile element contents in gneisses and charnockites. These features are in contrast to very low fluorine in retrogressive amphiboles and biotites, very low large-ion lithophile element contents, and zonal bleaching of charnockite, in clearly retrogressive areas, as at Bhavani Sagar, Tamil Nadu.
  2. Metamorphic temperatures in the transitional areas were 700°–800° C, pressures were 5–7 kbar, and H2O pressures were 0.1–0.3 times total pressures, based on thermodynamic calculations using mineral analyses. Dense CO2-rich fluid inclusions in the Kabbal rocks confirm the low H2O pressures at the first appearance of orthopyroxene. Farther to the south, in the Nilgiri Hills and adjacent granulite massif areas, peak metamorphic temperatures were 800°–900° C, pressures were 7–9 kbar, and water pressures were very low, so that primary biotites and amphiboles (those with high F contents) are rare.
  3. The incipient granulite-grade metamorphism of the transitional areas was introduced by a wave of anatexis and K-metasomatism. This process was arrested by drying out under heavy CO2 influx. Charnockites so formed are hybrids of anatectic granite and metabasite, of metabasite and immediately adjacent gneiss, or are virtually isochemical with pre-existing gneiss despite gross recrystallization to granulite mineralogy. These features show that partial melting and metasomatism are attendant, rather than causative, in charnockite development. Copious CO2 from a deep-crustal or mantle source pushed ahead of it a wave of more aqueous solutions which promoted anatexis. Granulite metamorphism of both neosome and paleosome followed. The process is very similar to that deduced for the Madras granulites by Weaver (1980). The massif charnockites, for the most part extremely depleted in lithophile minor elements, show many evidences of having gone through the same process.
A major problem remaining to be solved is the origin of the large amount of CO2 needed to charnockitize significant portions of the crust. The most important possibilities include CO2 from carbonate minerals in a mantle “hot spot” or diapir, from emanations from a crystallizing basaltic underplate, or from shelf sediments trapped at the continent-continent interface in continental overthrusting. Ancient granulite massifs may be such suture zones of continental convergence.  相似文献   

To assess the petrogenetic relationship between monazite and major silicates during prograde metamorphism, REE were measured across coexisting zoned silicates in garnet through kyanite‐grade pelitic schists from the Great Smoky Mountains, western Blue Ridge terrane, southern Appalachians, to establish REE concentrations and distributions before and after the monazite‐in isograd, and to identify the role major silicates play in the formation of monazite. Results indicate significant scavenging of light rare‐earth elements (LREE) from silicates during the monazite‐in isograd reaction; however, the absolute concentration of LREE hosted in the silicates was insufficient to produce monazite in the quantity observed in these schists. Monazite must have formed mainly from either the dissolution of allanite or some other source of concentrated LREE (possibly adsorbed onto grain boundaries), even though direct evidence for allanite is lacking in a majority of the samples. Laser‐ablation ICP‐MS analyses and theoretical thermodynamic calculations show that monazite may have formed as a result of contributions from both allanite and major silicates. Allanite breakdown initially formed monazite, and monazite production drew LREE liberated from allanite, major silicates and possibly from crystal boundaries. In many rocks the reaction was further promoted by the staurolite‐in reaction, allowing for rapid, isogradic monazite growth.  相似文献   

Two stages of granitic magmatism occurred during the Pan-African evolution of the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) in southern India. Granitic gneisses were derived from porphyritic granites, which intruded prior to the main stage of deformation and peak-metamorphism. Subsequently, leucogranites and leucotonalites formed during fluid-absent melting and intruded the gneiss sequences. Monazites from granitic gneisses, leucogranites and a leucotonalite were investigated by conventional U-Pb and electron microprobe dating in order to distinguish the different stages of magma emplacement. U-Pb monazite dating yielded a wide range of ages between 590–520 Ma which are interpreted to date high-grade metamorphism rather than magma emplacement. The results of this study indicate that the KKB experienced protracted heating (>50 Ma) at temperatures above 750–800 °C during the Pan-African orogeny. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the study area is comparable to southern Madagascar which underwent a similar sequence of events earlier than the KKB. The results of this study further substantiate previous assertions that the timing of high-grade metamorphism in East Gondwana shifted from west to east during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

This note reports new occurrences of syenite bodies around Marunthurkota area from the Kerala khondalite belt (KKB). Petrological and geochemical studies suggest that the syenites have a pronounced A-type affinity, metaluminous characteristics with high concentrations of alkalies, Rb, Sr, Zr, and high K2O/Na2O ratio. Miaskitic nature (agpaitic index<1) of syenite suggest involvement of CO2 related phase in their genesis. The petrological characteristics signify crystallization of the rock at shallow levels within the crust. Geochemistry favours mantle origin of the magma and enrichment of Ba and Sr are indicative of involvement of carbonatite melt in the source region. The study envisages the presence of a juvenile CO2 enriched upper mantle below the southern Indian continental crust during the Pan-African time.  相似文献   

Incipient charnockites have been widely used as evidence for the infiltration of CO2‐rich fluids driving dehydration of the lower crust. Rocks exposed at Kakkod quarry in the Trivandrum Block of southern India allow for a thorough investigation of the metamorphic evolution by preserving not only orthopyroxene‐bearing charnockite patches in a host garnet–biotite felsic gneiss, but also layers of garnet–sillimanite metapelite gneiss. Thermodynamic phase equilibria modelling of all three bulk compositions indicates consistent peak‐metamorphic conditions of 830–925 °C and 6–9 kbar with retrograde evolution involving suprasolidus decompression at high temperature. These models suggest that orthopyroxene was most likely stabilized close to the metamorphic peak as a result of small compositional heterogeneities in the host garnet–biotite gneiss. There is insufficient evidence to determine whether the heterogeneities were inherited from the protolith or introduced during syn‐metamorphic fluid flow. U–Pb geochronology of monazite and zircon from all three rock types constrains the peak of metamorphism and orthopyroxene growth to have occurred between the onset of high‐grade metamorphism at c. 590 Ma and the onset of melt crystallization at c. 540 Ma. The majority of metamorphic zircon growth occurred during protracted melt crystallization between c. 540 and 510 Ma. Melt crystallization was followed by the influx of aqueous, alkali‐rich fluids likely derived from melts crystallizing at depth. This late fluid flow led to retrogression of orthopyroxene, the observed outcrop pattern and to the textural and isotopic modification of monazite grains at c. 525–490 Ma.  相似文献   

Occurrence of carbonatite is reported from the Munnar area, Kerala, where an alkali granite-syenite-carbonatite association is seen emplaced along the intersection zone of the Attur and Kerala fault-lineaments. The carbonatites are of two varieties, a calcite-rich sovite and a very coarse grained, calcite and dolomite bearing alvikite. Higher levels of SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO are characteristic of these as compared to the composition of typical carbonatites. The transition element levels are high whereas the incompatible elements show lower values. The low Sr values, lower amount of apatite and absence of rare metal minerals preclude a primary carbonatite magma. The associated syenite and alkali granite have higher K2O, K2O/Na2O, K/Rb, K/Ba and transition element levels. Petrochemical features suggest the rock association to be a result of separation of an immiscible fraction of less viscous carbonate liquid during cooling and ascent from a more viscous polymerized alkali silicate phase. The pre-requisites for melt equilibration and liquid immiscibility were achieved through volatile degassing related to crustal warping and rifting. The unique alkaline association of Munnar, which shows spatial relationships with deep-seated faults as well as a probable triple-point junction, is suggested to be a signature of late Precambrian alkaline magmatism which manifested in the Indian shield as a precursor to the rifting of the continental margin.  相似文献   

The physiographic setting of Kerala State, India, is unique. A narrow strip of the state contains a chain of lagoons and estuaries with a very high population density. The strip is subjected to severe coastal erosion during the monsoon season. A number of other problems are also associated with the coastal zone of Kerala, such as irregular dredging of black sands from the beaches, coastal flooding, hazards due to developmental activities, etc. A Coastal Zone Management Programme was developed and administered by the Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, to provide efficient coastal management and solve some of these problems. Various programmes included under the Coastal Zone Management are the following: (1) Sedimentological, bathymetric, and geochemical studies of lagoons and estuaries; (2) monitoring of planimetric changes of beaches by profiling beaches during different seasons all along the coast; (3) studies of the nature, distribution, and provenance of black sand deposits from beaches; (4) studies of the peculiar occurrence of patchy, calm, turbid areas of water in the offshore containing high suspended sediment concentrate known as mud banks; (5) wave studies involving continuous monitoring of wave data all along the coast in order to understand wave climate and erosion; (6) sediment movement studies using fluorescent tracer to aid in the development of ports and harbors; (7) studies on various aspects of offshore. The outlines of the various programmes discussed in this article will help other states and countries to develop a coastal zone management programme according to the needs of the state or country and the nature of the problem occurring in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

A comprehensive and systematic study to understand various geochemical processes as well as process drivers controlling the water quality and patterns of the hydrochemical composition of river water in Muthirapuzha River Basin, MRB (a major tributary of Periyar, the longest river in Kerala, India), was carried out during various seasons, such as monsoon, post-monsoon and pre-monsoon of 2007–2008, based on the data collected at 15 monitoring stations (i.e., 15 × 3 = 45 samples). Ca2+ and Mg2+ dominate the cations, while Cl? followed by HCO3 ? dominates the anions. In general, major ion chemistry of MRB is jointly controlled by weathering of silicate and carbonate rocks, which is confirmed by relatively larger Ca2+ + Mg2+/Na+ K+ ratios as well as Ca2+/Na+ vs. Mg2+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ vs. HCO3 ?/Na+ scatter plots. The relationship between Cl? and Na+ implies stronger contributions of anthropogenic activities modifying the hydrochemical composition, irrespective of seasons. The water types emerged from this study are transitional waters or waters that changed their chemical character by mixing with waters of geochemically different ionic signatures. However, various ionic ratios, hydrochemical plots and graphical diagrams suggest seasonality over the hydrochemical composition, which is solely controlled by the rainfall pattern. Relatively higher pCO2 indicates the disequilibrium existing in natural waterbodies vis-à-vis the atmosphere, which is an outcome of both the contribution of groundwater to stream discharge and anthropogenic activities. Hence, continuous monitoring of hydrochemical composition of mountain rivers is essential in the context of climate change, which has serious implications on tropical mountain fluvial-hydro systems.  相似文献   

The coastal tract of southern Saurashtra has been studied for spectacular Miliolite Formation—its origin and depositional environment. The region had witnessed two moderate earthquakes of Mw 5.0 and 5.1 during 2007 and 2011. However, there have been limited studies which pronounce the geological and geomorphic evidences of neotectonics in southern Saurashtra. Also, there exists little to no information regarding the presence of faults from the region. The paper presents geological and geomorphic evidences of neotectonics from region between Somnath to Jafrabad, western India. A geospatial dataset was used to highlight the neotectonically active nature of the region, as well as support the claim with field evidences and drainage network anomalies. The morphometric parameters like longitudinal river profile, drainage basin asymmetry, and hypsometric integral suggest neotectonic activeness of the southern Saurashtra region. The southern Saurashtra coastal alluvial plains show presence of knick zone, ravines, coastal marine notches, and offset channels/ridges, which testifies the neotectonically active nature of the region. Presence of these features in Miliolites, Middle to Late Pleistocene age, suggests rejuvenation of the landscape post this period.  相似文献   

A family of geophysical lineaments have been identified in ~15,000 km~2 in central Kerala between9 30'N to 10 45'N and 76 00'E to 77°30′E,integrating geophysical data with geological and geomorphological features. The characteristics of these lineaments in the magnetic and gravity fields and their derivatives have been analysed. The evolution of the lineaments has been traced to the temporal phases of global evolution of the region. A group of these faults have formed by reactivation of the deep-seated distensional fractures associated with and accompanying dyke emplacements during the episodic breakup of Gondwana at ~90 and 65 Ma under distinctive mantle thermal regimes. It is possible that reactivation of these distensional faults may have started during the cooling interval of time between the two distensions in the 90 and 65 Ma and post 65 Ma periods and later in the Cenozoic, when the lineaments were enlarged to their present dimension, possibly under the influence of forces that led to the uplift of the western Ghats. These may extend down to the crust-mantle interface. A cluster of youngergeophysical lineaments has been generated by reactivation along the weak planes of transformation of the charnockitic rocks of the Precambrian. They seem to have a strike-slip character. They are devoid of any dyke association and were formed on a cold crust. They may be confined to the upper-middle crust.They were generated in the high intensity intra-plate palaeo-stress fields of the triple forces arising from(1) the back-thrust from the Himalayan Collision;(2) the impact of epeirogenic forces and related isostatic uplift of the Western Ghats and(3) the flexural isostatic uplifts due to surface loads of late Mesozoic basaltic lavas and Cenozoic sedimentation in the coastal rifted basins in late Cenozoic, probably in the time span of 20 Ma to the present, when the palaeostress fields were most intense.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluid inclusion studies of rocks from the late Archaean amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies transition zone of southern India provide support for the hypothesis that CO2,-rich H2O-poor fluids were a major factor in the origin of the high-grade terrain. Charnockites, closely associated leucogranites and quartzo-feldspathic veins contain vast numbers of large CO2-rich inclusions in planar arrays in quartz and feldspar, whereas amphibole-bearing gray gneisses of essentially the same compositions as adjacent charnockites in mixed-facies quarries contain no large fluid inclusions. Inclusions in the northernmost incipient charnockites, as at Kabbal, Karnataka, occasionally contain about 25 mol. % of immiscible H2O lining cavity walls, whereas inclusions from the charnockite massif terrane farther south do not have visibile H2O Microthermometry of CO2 inclusions shows that miscible CH4 and N2 must be small, probably less than 10mol.%combined. Densities of CO2 increase steadily from north to south across the transitional terrane. Entrapment pressures calculated from the CO2 equation of state range from 5 kbar in the north to 7.5 kbar in the south at the mineralogically inferred average metamorphic temperature of 750°C, in quantitative agreement with mineralogic geobarometry. This agreement leads to the inference that the fluid inclusions were trapped at or near peak metamorphic conditions. Calculations on the stability of the charnockite assemblage biotite-orthopyroxene-K-feldspar-quartz show that an associated fluid phase must have less than 0.35 H2O activity at the inferred P and T conditions, which agrees with the petrographic observations. High TiO2 content of biotite stabilizes it to lower H2O activities, and the steady increase of biotite TiO2 southward in the area suggests progressive decrease of aH2O with increasing grade. Oxygen fugacities calculated from orthopyroxene-magnetite-quartz are considerably higher than the graphite CO2-O2 buffer, which explains the absence of graphite in the charnockites. The present study quantifies the nature of the vapours in the southern India granulite metamorphism. It remains to be determined whether CO2-flushing of the crust can, by itself, create large terranes of largeion lithophile-depleted granulites, or whether removal of H2O-bearing anatectic melts is essential.  相似文献   

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