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Wideband untuned baseband receivers incorporating high-resolution digitisers and polyphase digital filter banks (PDFBs) have been proposed for SKA and LOFAR, and PDFBs are being actively developed as core elements of beamformers, spectrometers and cross correlators for a number of other radio telescopes. Early on-air test results of a 1024-channel, 0–256 MHz baseband receiver, demonstrate excellent spectral purity and robustness against strong in-band RFI.  相似文献   

We probed for radio frequency interference (RFI) at three potential galactic emission mapping experiment (GEM) sites in Portugal using custom made omnidirectional disconic antennas and directional pyramidal horn antennas. For the installation of a 10-m dish dedicated to the mapping of polarized galactic emission foreground planned for 2005–2007 in the 5–10 GHz band, the three sites chosen as suitable to host the antenna were surveyed for local radio pollution in the frequency range 0.01–10 GHz. Tests were done to look for radio broadcasting and mobile phone emission lines in the radio spectrum. The results show one of the sites to be almost entirely RFI clean and showing good conditions to host the experiment.  相似文献   

Selecting the future site for a large Turkish radio telescope is a key issue. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is now in the stage of construction at a site near Karaman City, in Turkey. A single-dish parabolic radio antenna of 30?C40 m will be installed near a building that will contain offices, laboratories, and living accommodations. After a systematic survey of atmospheric, meteorological, and radio frequency interference (RFI) analyses, site selection studies were performed in a predetermined location in Turkey during 2007 and 2008. In this paper, we described the experimental procedure and the RFI measurements on our potential candidate??s sites in Turkey, covering the frequency band from 1 to 40 GHz.  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference (RFI) has plagued radio astronomy from its inception. The Workshop on the Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio Astronomy (RFI2004) was held in Penticton, BC, Canada in July 2004 in order to consider the prognosis for the RFI problem, in particular as it impacts the planned Square Kilometre Array (SKA). This paper concludes that RFI is unlikely to be a “showstopper” in achieving SKA science goals, but that improved RFI mitigation technology may nevertheless be essential in order to take advantage of the vastly improved sensitivity, bandwidth, and field of view. Reported results provide some optimism that the desired improvements in RFI mitigation technology are possible, but indicate that much more work is required.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the radio frequency interference (RFI) that future Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) observations in Malaysia may encounter. Four frequency windows below 2.8 GHz were chosen for this study and their spectra were measured at four sites. The frequency windows are 322-328 MHz, 608-614 MHz, 1660-1660.5 MHz and 1660.5-1668.4 MHz. The measured averaged RFI floor noise levels in these windows are −99.992 (±0.570) dBm, −99.907 (±0.639) dBm, −100.220 (±0.4941) dBm and −100.359 (±0.110) dBm, respectively. We found that only two bands below 2.8 GHz are permitted for the purpose of radio astronomy in Malaysia. They are 608-614 MHz and 1660-1660.5 MHz. The RFI levels in these permissible bands at the best site (Langkawi) were also measured and concluded to be relatively low. Main sources of RFI in these bands in Malaysia were identified. We also reviewed several current VLBI observations in these two bands.  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference (RFI) test observations were carried out at one of the candidate Square Kilometre Array (SKA) sites in Guizhou province, following the “RFI Measurement Protocol for Candidate SKA Sites” (hereafter RFI protocol). All data (raw and calibrated) are preserved in some suitable format, such as that set by the international RFI working group of the Site Evaluation and Selection Committee (SESC). An RFI test in December 2003 was performed according to Mode 1 of the RFI Protocol, in order to identify technical difficulties which might arise during a co-ordinated RFI measurement campaign over a period of 1 year. In this paper we describe the current equipment, observational technique and data presentation. The preliminary results demonstrate that the RFI situation at Dawodang depression in Guizhou province makes it quite a promising location for the proposed SKA. Furthermore, the first session of the RFI monitoring program, which was made in May 2004, showed that a complete RFI measurement including both modes 1 and 2 of the RFI Protocol would take about 2 weeks. The possible ways to minimize some limitations of the current equipment are also discussed, which will enable us to meet the RFI protocol.  相似文献   

The new generation of radio telescopes, such as the proposed Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) rely heavily on the use of very large phased aperture arrays operating over wide band-widths at frequency ranges up to approximately 1.4?GHz. The SKA in particular will include aperture arrays consisting of many thousands of elements per station providing un-paralleled survey speeds. Currently two different arrays (from nominally 70?MHz to 450?MHz and from 400?MHz to 1.4?GHz) are being studied for inclusion within the overall SKA configuration. In this paper we aim to analyze the array contribution to system temperature for a number of regular and irregular planar antenna array configurations which are possible geometries for the low-frequency SKA (sparse disconnected arrays). We focus on the sub-500?MHz band where the real sky contribution to system temperature (T sys ) is highly significant and dominants the overall system noise temperature. We compute the sky noise contribution to T sys by simulating the far field response of a number of SKA stations and then convolve that with the sky brightness temperature distribution from the Haslam 408?MHz survey which is then scaled to observations at 100?MHz. Our analysis of array temperature is carried out by assuming observations of three cold regions above and below the Galactic plane. The results show the advantages of regular arrays when sampled at the Nyquist rate as well as their disadvantages in the form of grating lobes when under-sampled in comparison to non-regular arrays.  相似文献   

Radio frequency interference (RFI) identification is a key step in radio data processing. In order to efficiently process huge volumes of data produced by modern large radio telescopes, such as the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), exceptional balance between accuracy and performance (throughput) is required for RFI flagging algorithms. RFI-Net is a single-process RFI identification package based on deep learning technique, and has achieved a higher flagging accuracy than the classical SumThreshold method. In this paper, we present a scalable RFI flagging toolkit, which can drive parallel workflows on multi-CPU and multi-GPU clusters, with RFI-Net as its core detector. It can automatically schedule the workload and aggregate itself after errors according to the running environment. Moreover, its main components are all pluggable, and can be easily customized according to requirements. The experiments with real data of FAST showed that using eight parallel workflows, the toolkit can process sky survey data at a speed of 66.79 GB/h, which means quasi-real-time RFI flagging can be achieved considering the data rate of FAST extragalactic spectral line observations.  相似文献   

The intra-cluster and inter-galactic media that pervade the large scale structure of the Universe are known to be magnetized at sub-micro Gauss to micro Gauss levels and to contain cosmic rays. The acceleration of cosmic rays and their evolution along with that of magnetic fields in these media is still not well understood. Diffuse radio sources of synchrotron origin associated with the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) such as radio halos, relics and mini-halos are direct probes of the underlying mechanisms of cosmic ray acceleration. Observations with radio telescopes such as the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, the Very Large Array and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope have led to the discoveries of about 80 such sources and allowed detailed studies in the frequency range 0.15–1.4 GHz of a few. These studies have revealed scaling relations between the thermal and non-thermal properties of clusters and favour the role of shocks in the formation of radio relics and of turbulent re-acceleration in the formation of radio halos and mini-halos. The radio halos are known to occur in merging clusters and mini-halos are detected in about half of the cool-core clusters. Due to the limitations of current radio telescopes, low mass galaxy clusters and galaxy groups remain unexplored as they are expected to contain much weaker radio sources. Distinguishing between the primary and the secondary models of cosmic ray acceleration mechanisms requires spectral measurements over a wide range of radio frequencies and with high sensitivity. Simulations have also predicted weak diffuse radio sources associated with filaments connecting galaxy clusters. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a next generation radio telescope that will operate in the frequency range of 0.05–20 GHz with unprecedented sensitivities and resolutions. The expected detection limits of SKA will reveal a few hundred to thousand new radio halos, relics and mini-halos providing the first large and comprehensive samples for their study. The wide frequency coverage along with sensitivity to extended structures will be able to constrain the cosmic ray acceleration mechanisms. The higher frequency (>5 GHz) observations will be able to use the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect to probe the ICM pressure in addition to tracers such as lobes of head–tail radio sources. The SKA also opens prospects to detect the ‘off-state’ or the lowest level of radio emission from the ICM predicted by the hadronic models and the turbulent re-acceleration models.  相似文献   

In radio astronomy, the Ultra-Long Wavelengths (ULW) regime of longer than 10 m (frequencies below 30 MHz), remains the last virtually unexplored window of the celestial electromagnetic spectrum. The strength of the science case for extending radio astronomy into the ULW window is growing. However, the opaqueness of the Earth’s ionosphere makes ULW observations by ground-based facilities practically impossible. Furthermore, the ULW spectrum is full of anthropogenic radio frequency interference (RFI). The only radical solution for both problems is in placing an ULW astronomy facility in space. We present a concept of a key element of a space-borne ULW array facility, an antenna that addresses radio astronomical specifications. A tripole–type antenna and amplifier are analysed as a solution for ULW implementation. A receiver system with a low power dissipation is discussed as well. The active antenna is optimized to operate at the noise level defined by the celestial emission in the frequency band 1 ? 30 MHz. Field experiments with a prototype tripole antenna enabled estimates of the system noise temperature. They indicated that the proposed concept meets the requirements of a space-borne ULW array facility.  相似文献   

The very low frequency(VLF) regime below 30 MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum has presently been drawing global attention in radio astronomical research due to its potentially significant science outcomes exploring many unknown extragalactic sources,transients,and so on.However,the nontransparency of the Earth's ionosphere,ionospheric distortion and artificial radio frequency interference(RFI) have made it difficult to detect the VLF celestial radio emission with ground-based instruments.A straightforward solution to overcome these problems is a space-based VLF radio telescope,just like the VLF radio instruments onboard the Chang'E-4 spacecraft.But building such a space telescope would be inevitably costly and technically challenging.The alternative approach would be then a ground-based VLF radio telescope.Particularly,in the period of post 2020 when the solar and terrestrial ionospheric activities are expected to be in a 'calm' state,it will provide us a good chance to perform VLF ground-based radio observations.Anticipating such an opportunity,we built an agile VLF radio spectrum explorer co-located with the currently operational Mingantu Spectra Radio Heliograph(MUSER).The instrument includes four antennas operating in the VLF frequency range 1-70 MHz.Along with them,we employ an eight-channel analog and digital receivers to amplify,digitize and process the radio signals received by the antennas.We present in the paper this VLF radio spectrum explorer and the instrument will be useful for celestial studies of VLF radio emissions.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation observations of weak radio sources have been made at a frequency of 102.5 MHz. Sources have been chosen from the Bologna catalogue, with flux densities 0.5 Jy–4.0 Jy at 408 MHz.It has been found that the average scintillation visibility is in agreement with the results of the interferometer observations of Speed and Warwick (1978).A very wide spectral index distribution has been found for weak radio sources at low frequencies, perhaps indicating the presence of a new population of low luminosity, flat spectrum radio sources.  相似文献   

近些年,南山台址内部各类电子设备不断引入,此过程忽视了有效的设备管理及电磁防护,且台址周边无线电业务增多,以致电波环境恶化。为改善台址电波环境,采用一种准实时电波环境测量方法测量分析了台址周边瞬态信号的影响;另外,为提高微弱信号检测能力,采用便携式电磁干扰测量系统和26m射电望远镜对台址主要干扰信号特征及来源进行测量分析。依据测量和分析结果,采用屏蔽及滤波技术对望远镜观测室内部主要干扰源进行电磁防护,并针对屏蔽工程的有效性进行测量评估,结果表明,采用的电磁屏蔽措施有效。另外,提出了初步南山无线电宁静区保护办法缓解台址外部电磁干扰。  相似文献   

With the high sensitivity and wide-field coverage of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), large samples of explosive transients are expected to be discovered. Radio wavelengths, especially in commensal survey mode, are particularly well-suited for uncovering the complex transient phenomena. This is because observations at radio wavelengths may suffer less obscuration than in other bands (e.g. optical/IR or X-rays) due to dust absorption. At the same time, multiwaveband information often provides critical source classification rapidly than possible with only radio band data. Therefore, multiwaveband observational efforts with wide fields of view will be the key to progress of transients astronomy from the middle 2020s offering unprecedented deep images and high spatial and spectral resolutions. Radio observations of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) with SKA will uncover not only much fainter bursts and verifying claims of sensitivity-limited population versus intrinsically dim GRBs, they will also unravel the enigmatic population of orphan afterglows. The supernova rate problem caused by dust extinction in optical bands is expected to be lifted in the SKA era. In addition, the debate of single degenerate scenario versus double degenerate scenario will be put to rest for the progenitors of thermonuclear supernovae, since highly sensitive measurements will lead to very accurate mass loss estimation in these supernovae. One also expects to detect gravitationally lensed supernovae in far away Universe in the SKA bands. Radio counterparts of the gravitational waves are likely to become a reality once SKA comes online. In addition, SKA is likely to discover various new kinds of transients.  相似文献   

The results of the very-low frequency sky survey of discrete sources made with the UTR-2 radio telescope within the declination zone 41° to 52° are presented. The UTR-2 radio source catalogue contains the estimates of the coordinates and flux densities of 432 sources measured at a number of the lowest frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 at 25 MHz. The questions of establishing the UTR-2 sky survey sensitivity, completeness and reliability of the resulting catalogue are considered. The coordinates of the sources measured at very low frequencies have been compared with respective data obtained in the 4C survey at 178 MHz.  相似文献   

Detection and mitigation of radio frequency interference(RFI) is the first and also the key step for data processing in radio observations, especially for ongoing low frequency radio experiments towards the detection of the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization(Eo R). In this paper we demonstrate the technique and efficiency of RFI identification and mitigation for the 21 Centimeter Array(21CMA), a radio interferometer dedicated to the statistical measurement of Eo R. For terrestrial, man-made RFI, we concentrate mainly on a statistical approach by identifying and then excising non-Gaussian signatures, in the sense that the extremely weak cosmic signal is actually buried under thermal and therefore Gaussian noise. We also introduce the so-called visibility correlation coefficient instead of conventional visibility, which allows a further suppression of rapidly time-varying RFI. Finally, we briefly discuss removals of the sky RFI, the leakage of sidelobes from off-field strong radio sources with time-invariant power and a featureless spectrum. It turns out that state of the art technique should allow us to detect and mitigate RFI to a satisfactory level in present low frequency interferometer observations such as those acquired with the 21 CMA, and the accuracy and efficiency can be greatly improved with the employment of low-cost, high-speed computing facilities for data acquisition and processing.  相似文献   

An indoor and an outdoor radio frequency survey was conducted in Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, as a test site, for the purpose of developing radio astronomy research in Malaysia. This is the first radio astronomical survey of any such done in Malaysia. Observation and analysis were done in the radio frequency spectrum between 1 MHz and 2060 MHz. In this paper, the experimental setup and procedure of surveying are outlined and the measured data are interpreted. The eight radio astronomical windows were investigated from a 24 h observation, with the emphasis on two of the most important radio astronomical windows which are protected by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Some intermittent observations were also done for referencing purposes. The radio frequency interferences (RFIs) are found to be relatively low. The overall relative Interference-to-Noise ratio (INR) at this test site ranges between 5.72% and 11.74%. The average strength of RFI in the eight focused radio astronomical windows at this site ranges between ?100 dBm and ?90 dBm (equivalently between 9.23 × 104 Jy and 93.29 × 104 Jy at resolution bandwidth of 125 kHz).  相似文献   

We present radio observations at frequencies ranging from 240 to 8460 MHz of the radio galaxy 4C 29.30 (J0840+2949) using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Effelsberg telescope. We report the existence of weak extended emission with an angular size of ∼520 arcsec (639 kpc) within which a compact edge-brightened double-lobed source with a size of 29 arcsec (36 kpc) is embedded. We determine the spectrum of the inner double from 240 to 8460 MHz and show that it has a single power-law spectrum with a spectral index of ∼0.8. Its spectral age is estimated to be ≲33 Myr. The extended diffuse emission has a steep spectrum with a spectral index of ∼1.3 and a break frequency ≲240 MHz. The spectral age is ≳200 Myr, suggesting that the extended diffuse emission is due to an earlier cycle of activity. We re-analyse archival X-ray data from Chandra and suggest that the X-ray emission from the hotspots consists of a mixture of non-thermal and thermal components, the latter being possibly due to gas which is shock heated by the jets from the host galaxy.  相似文献   

We have observed the large supernova remnant Cygnus Loop at 34.5 MHz with the low frequency radio telescope at Gauribi-danur, India. A radio map of the region with a resolution of 26 arcmin × 40 arcmin (α × δ) is presented. The integrated flux density of the Cygnus Loop at this frequency is 1245 ± 195 Jy. The radio fluxes of different parts of the nebula at this frequency were also measured and used to construct their spectra. It is found that the spectrum of the region associated with the optical nebulosity NGC 6992/5 is not flat at low frequencies, and also exhibits a break at a frequency around 400 MHz. The spectrum of the region associated with NGC 6960 also shows a break but around 1000 MHz, while the spectrum of the region associated with NGC 6974 is straight in the entire frequency range 25 to 5000 MHz. The implication of these results on the basis of existing theories of the origin of radio emission from supernova remnants is discussed.  相似文献   

Radio Frequency Interference(RFI)mitigation is essential for supporting the science output of Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)due to its high sensitivity.In order to protect FAST from RFI,an Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)study has been carried out and the operation of a Radio Quiet Zone(RQZ)is ongoing.RFI measurements of the telescope instruments and monitoring of the active radio services outside the site have revealed the radiation properties of the RFI sources.Based on the measurement results and theoretical analysis,various EMC methods have been implemented for the telescope to decrease the RFIs.Meanwhile,the main RFI sources in the FAST RQZ,such as mobile stations,broadcast stations and navigation instruments,have been identified,and the technical measures have been adopted to protect the quiet radio environment around the site.The early science outputs of FAST have demonstrated the efficiency of RFI mitigation methods.  相似文献   

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