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开发了一种新型平台桩靴,可通过活动板转动实现自升式平台不同阶段桩靴受力面积的灵活变化。基于大变形有限元方法,模拟新型桩靴基础在“砂-黏”地层中的贯入过程,分析了活动板转角、砂层厚度比、摩擦角和黏土层不排水抗剪强度对新型桩靴贯入阻力的影响,并与普通桩靴的贯入响应比较。数值分析中,上覆砂土和下层黏土分别采用摩尔库伦模型和修正Tresca模型进行模拟。结果表明:新型桩靴穿刺时,土层参数对峰值阻力的影响规律与普通桩靴相同,但其峰值阻力随活动板转角的变化而变化,无法直接使用具有等效面积普通桩靴的穿刺预测方法。考虑各项关键影响因素,结合穿刺破坏时的地基破坏模式,基于数值模拟结果提出了适用于新型桩靴的贯入阻力预测公式。 相似文献
在自升式平台的预压载过程中,桩靴在层状地基上较易发生“穿刺”现象,很大程度上影响着平台的安全运行。准确地分析桩靴峰值阻力,避免平台桩靴发生“穿刺”是非常重要的。采用极限分析上限定理,合理构建运动许可速度场,从理论上推导了层状地基上桩靴峰值阻力的上限解答。为了进一步验证峰值阻力理论解答的准确性,采用ABAQUS有限元软件构建了“桩靴—弹塑性海床”的三维数值模型,对桩靴贯入海床的过程进行了数值模拟,分析桩靴周围土体的塑性变形演变规律,研究土体的破坏机理。研究结果表明:推导的桩靴峰值阻力上限解答,能够较好地计算层状地基极限承载能力,通过与离心机试验和数值结果对比,计算误差在18%以内;给出的运动许可速度场能够较好地反映桩靴周围土体破坏模式;桩靴阻力达到峰值时,下层软土中的土塞高度约为桩靴直径的0.2倍。 相似文献
海上自升式钻井平台以其造价低廉、便于移动和安装的优势被广泛应用于海洋地质勘察、风电安装和油气开采等领域,其基础类型多为桩靴基础。为了保证平台能在恶劣的海洋环境中安全作业,桩靴基础需要贯入海床以下一定深度以获得足够的承载力。然而,当桩靴基础在上硬下软土层中贯入时可能发生穿刺破坏导致平台损坏甚至倾覆。已有的桩靴穿刺破坏分析方法基于预设的地层参数预测穿刺荷载,由于无法考虑海床中地层及土性的不确定性,其准确性有待提高。将桩靴基础贯入过程中的监测数据与穿刺破坏机理相结合,通过66组离心机模型试验结果表征土体不确定性的影响,发展贝叶斯预测模型,实现了峰值阻力和穿刺深度的实时预测。基于规范推荐的荷载扩展分析法和冲剪系数分析法,建立了适用于规范法的概率模型,采用该模型对上砂下黏土层中桩靴基础的穿刺行为进行了预测,结果表明所提方法的预测精度随着监测数据的增加而提高,预测得到的峰值阻力误差在10%以内。 相似文献
由于复杂海洋工程地质条件的普遍性,自升式平台在安装过程中穿刺事故频发,近年来涌现出大量针对自升式平台桩靴基础在复杂土层中穿刺预测方法的研究。为了方便工程设计人员的理解和使用,首先简单介绍这些研究中所采用的技术手段,总结现行规范ISO 19905-1建议的桩靴在复杂土层中贯入阻力的预测方法以及最新文献中提出的新的设计方法,并对规范方法和新方法的优缺点进行了评价。所总结的设计方法针对国内外常见的含穿刺风险的海洋地基形式,包括双层"砂—黏"、三层"硬—软—硬"黏性土、三层"软—硬—软"黏性土、三层"黏—砂—黏"地层以及四层"黏—砂—黏—硬层土"地层。通过对离心机模型试验的预测,对规范方法和新方法的预测精度进行了比较,对比结果显示新方法对桩靴穿刺破坏的预测更为合理精确。 相似文献
自升式平台作业前需对桩靴基础进行预压安装,使桩靴具备抵抗竖向-水平-弯矩复合荷载的能力。安装过程中,桩靴上部将形成一定深度的孔洞。弱超固结黏土地基中,土体强度较高,桩靴最终贯入深度较浅,而形成的上部孔洞较深,因此孔洞将对桩靴就位后的承载力产生影响。通过有限元分析,研究弱超固结黏土中桩靴上部孔洞对承载力的影响,结果表明:1)与无孔洞的情况相比,孔洞的存在对桩靴的单向和复合承载力有削弱作用; 2)当桩靴与孔洞底部距离大于桩靴直径时,承载力不再受上部孔洞的影响; 3)当桩靴埋深小于等于0.75倍桩靴直径时,无论桩靴上部有无孔洞,现有预测公式都不能较为合理地预测弱超固结黏土地基的复合承载力,为此提出了考虑孔洞影响的桩靴复合承载力包络面预测公式。 相似文献
This paper presents a finite element approach to calculate the full resistance profile of a spudcan deeply penetrating in dense sand overlying clay, in which a potential for an installing spudcan to experience a sudden uncontrolled punch-through failure exists. A modified Mohr-Coulomb model characterized by incorporating a four-phase variation of the mobilized strength and dilation parameters with an equivalent accumulated plastic strain is developed and tested for the overlying dense silica sand. An extended Tresca model is used for the strain softening of the underlying clay. A series of large deformation finite-element (LDFE) analyses are carried out, varying the strength and dilation parameters as well as the spudcan geometries. A fairly good performance of the present approach is verified by validating against groups of centrifuge tests data, allowing the numerical study to be extended parametrically. The four-phase variation of the mobilized strength and dilation parameters involved in the progressive failure of the upper dense sand is parametrically studied and extended to cover the range of sand relative densities that are of practical interest. Additionally, comparisons with the typical existing LDFE analyses using both simple and sophisticated constitutive models are carried out. It shows that the present approach performs fairly well to calculate the full resistance profile of a spudcan deeply penetration in both thin and thick dense sand overlying clay, especially the peak and post-peak resistance, within around 5% of the corresponding centrifuge tests results. 相似文献
在海洋工程中,移动钻井平台在作业结束后需要转场时,经常会遇到拔桩困难的问题,桩靴底部的吸附力是上拔力的重要组成部分,明确其产生机理及发展规律对于上拔力计算与缓解上拔困难问题有重要意义。通过室内模型试验研究了黏土中桩靴底部真空度对桩靴吸附力产生机理的影响,试验结果表明,桩靴底部真空度的变化对上拔力的影响显著,而桩靴贯入深度和上拔速率会对真空度产生影响。当真空度达到峰值时,桩靴底部吸附力与上拔力几乎同时达到峰值,因此可以通过减小桩靴底部真空度的措施来减小上拔力。根据试验结果,提出了运用真空吸盘理论来计算桩靴底部吸附力的计算公式。所述吸附力计算方法与试验结果进行对比,其误差较小,对工程实践具有一定的参考意义。 相似文献
为研究钻井船插桩对邻近平台群桩相互作用的影响,采用耦合欧拉拉格朗日(CEL)方法对桩靴贯入黏土层时邻近群桩中各桩荷载分担比、桩头附加位移及两桩相互作用系数进行了分析。首先通过对缩尺模型试验的数值分析,验证了CEL方法的可行性;然后进一步分析了桩靴贯入黏土层时对邻近群桩相互作用的影响;最后探讨了净间距、桩间距对群桩相互作用的影响。结果表明,在桩靴贯入中,前桩的荷载分担比大于后桩,且桩靴贯入至一定深度后,当净间距越小或桩间距越大时,前桩的荷载分担比越大、后桩的荷载分担比越小,但各桩的荷载分担比随桩靴贯入深度增加时的变化规律不变;净间距越大,桩头附加位移及相互作用系数越小;在桩靴贯入时,由于受群桩遮拦效应的影响,桩头附加位移及相互作用系数随桩间距的变化规律同插桩前有所不同,当桩间距大于3倍桩径时,随桩间距的增加而减小,当桩间距小于3倍桩径时,随桩间距的增加而增大。 相似文献
Undrained bearing capacity of spudcan under combined loading 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The bearing capacities of spudcan foundation under pure vertical (V),horizontal (H),moment (M) loading and the combined loading are studied based on a series of three-dimensional finite element analysis.The effects of embedment ratio and soil non-homogeneity on the bearing capacity are investigated in detail.The capacities of spudcan under different pure loading are expressed in non-dimensional bearing capacity factors,which are compared with published results.Ultimate limit states under combined loading are presented by failure envelopes,which are expressed in terms of dimensionless and normalized form in three-dimensional load space.The comparison between the presented failure envelopes and available published numerical results reveals that the size and shape of failure envelopes are dependent on the embedment ratio and the non-homogeneity of the soil. 相似文献
The sand compaction pile (SCP) method can be applied to soft marine clay ground that is a reinforcement of composite ground consisting of compacted sand piles and surrounding clay. The application of SCP method in the immersed tunnel of Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge verify SCP method is a robust solution to limit the total settlement and differential longitudinal settlement and to promote smooth transition from immersed tunnel to artificial island. The SCP method has significant settlement reduction effect on marine clay. The SCPs can also function as a drainage path to accelerate the consolidation process in marine clay. It is also found that the consolidation rate of SCP-improved ground is delayed compared with that predicted program which is most probably because of the soil disturbance effect during the installation of SCPs. 相似文献
采用CEL大变形非线性有限元方法并结合非线性地基梁模型对海洋石油941钻井船在番禺10-2平台钻井插桩时对邻近导管架平台群桩的影响进行了分析,并得到以下结论:1)钻井船插桩过程中,桩身最大位移及出现的位置随钻井船插桩深度增加而下移且钻井船插桩位置与群桩距离越近,对桩的影响越大;2)在插桩过程中,桩身最大弯矩出现的位置与桩身最大位移出现的位置一致,而桩身最大剪力出现的位置较桩身最大弯矩出现的位置偏下;3)与没有插桩影响的群桩相比,桩身最大弯矩与桩身最大剪力明显增加。 相似文献
The jack-up unit may suffer difficult extraction from soft clay attributed to the large embedment and suction. To ease spudcan extraction, the jetting technique is extensively adopted. The jetting effect on spudcan extraction is investigated with a series of model tests. Firstly, the effectiveness of top jetting is investigated, and it is found that the top jetting is not effective in reducing extraction resistance. Secondly, the efficiency of different jetting procedures are studied. It is revealed that jetting prior to extraction reduces the suction by increasing the excess pore pressure at spudcan base. And the jetting after extraction begins reduces the suction by filling the gap formed under the spudcan with jetting water and eliminating cavitation. Finally, tests with different jetting times, jetting rates, jetting pressures, and jetting nozzle locations and numbers are conducted. It is found that the effect of jetting time converges as it increases. The flow rate of jetting prior to extraction has little effect on jetting efficiency, whereas the flow rate of jetting after the extraction begins has significant influences on the jetting efficiency. Jetting pressure also has great effect on jetting efficiency, and converges as it increases. The closer the nozzles are located to the spudcan edge, the sooner the post-peak extraction resistance decreases. And the jetting efficiency increases with the nozzle number. The findings from the experimental studies can serve as a reference for future studies on the operation and optimization design of a jack-up jetting system. 相似文献
S. Rezazadeh 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2018,36(6):625-639
Semi-deep skirted foundations are now considered to be a viable foundation option for a variety of onshore and offshore applications. The capacity under combined vertical, horizontal, and moment loadings must be found to ensure their capability and stability. In this study, undrained bearing capacity subjected to vertical loading, as part of combined loading is determined through stress characteristics and finite element analyses. Circular skirted foundations with different soil strength and geometries considering embedment depth effects have been studied. Stress field, kinematic mechanism accompanying failure, and bearing capacity factors for various embedment ratios are investigated. Acquired vertical failure mechanism has demonstrated the transition from a general shear to a punch shear failure. Comparisons with different research works including conventional methods, upper and lower bound, finite element analyses, physical modeling, experimental, and centrifuge tests have indicated the underestimation of conventional approaches and accuracy of proposed methods in determining bearing capacity. Furthermore, differences between predicted bearing capacities and the results of this study increased with D/B ratio due to ignoring the significant role of skin friction in larger embedment circumference. 相似文献
Bearing capacity of shallow foundations in clay with linear increase in strength and adhesion factor
Boonchai Ukritchon Sothoan Yoang Suraparb Keawsawasvong 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2018,36(4):438-451
In this paper, the computational lower bound (LB) limit analysis using finite element with second-order cone programming was used to investigate the LB solutions of the undrained bearing capacity of continuous footing with a linear increase in the strength profile and an adhesion factor at the soil–footing interface. A full range of parametric studies of the dimensionless strength gradients and adhesion factors at the soil–footing interface were performed in the LB calculations. The results were verified by comparison with the available solution from the method of characteristics (slip-line analysis) for perfectly smooth and rough footings. The LB analyses were able to complete a prior solution of undrained bearing capacity with a linear increase in the strength profile by incorporating the influence of adhesion factor at the soil–footing interface. Based on the nonlinear regression to the computed LB solutions, an approximate expression of the LB solution regression was proposed, which is applicable to an accurate prediction of a safe load for offshore shallow foundations in clay with an arbitrary linear increase in strength and adhesion factor at soil–foundation interface in practice. 相似文献
吸力基础是海洋工程中新型的一种基础型式,广泛应用于海洋平台、海洋浮动式结构等,近年来,也被作为浅海离岸风力发电工程的基础。吸力基础易遭受较大的水平动力荷载和弯矩,从而可能产生较大水平位移和转角;同时,由于海床冲刷,会降低其承载能力。为克服这些不足,提出了一种新型吸力基础———裙式吸力基础,把分析传统吸力基础砂土中的沉贯方法,拓广到裙式吸力基础中,研究该基础型式在砂土中的可沉贯性以及所需的吸力;并与同情况下的传统吸力基础进行了比较,证明了所提出的裙式吸力基础具有较好的沉贯性能,具有工程实践推广价值。 相似文献
The mechanisms of soil structure interaction have drawn much attention in the past years in the installation and operation of jack-up platform. A bionic spudcan produced by biomimetic of egg and snail shell is proposed, and the performance of the penetration and extraction are analyzed by numerical method. The geometric contour of egg and snail shell is measured, and its mathematical model is established respectively. According to the structure of existing spudcan of jack-up platform, three kinds of typical biomimetic spudcan are designed. Furthermore, numerical analysis models of biomimetic spudcan are established respectively to study the soil structure interaction mechanism in the process of penetration and extraction, and contrastive analysis of resistance characteristics are carried out. To conclude, the results show that the biomimetic spudcan facilitates the platform installation, and it is also beneficial to the improvement of the bearing capacity of spudcan. 相似文献
针对传统无损检测方法对自升式海洋平台检测工作量大、费时费力等问题,提出了一种金属磁记忆(MMM)与交流电磁场(ACFM)联合检测的新方法。在简介MMM和ACFM检测机理之后,将其应用到自升式海洋平台关键部位的无损检测中。分别以齿条座板与桩腿之间的T型焊缝和桩腿环焊缝为例,首先通过MMM快速全面扫描待检测表面,基于磁场分布及梯度值确定应力集中部位;在此基础上,利用ACFM方法重点对应力集中部位进行裂纹缺陷的定量化检测,结果表明MMM对应力集中或微观缺陷非常敏感,而ACFM方法可精确给出裂纹缺陷的深度信息,为平台结构的安全可靠运行和维修方案制定提供了方法参考和理论依据。 相似文献
航船应急抛锚时锚板贯入土体可能会影响河床或海床中的结构物甚者造成破坏,因此在通航频繁的航道,结构物埋深的设计需要充分考虑应急抛锚时锚板的贯入深度。本文通过缩尺模型试验模拟了霍尔锚在中等密实度粉细砂中的抛锚贯入过程,研究了不同抛锚速度(1.15~4.4 m/s)及粉细砂相对密实度(0.45~0.65)对抛锚贯入深度的影响;基于太沙基极限承载力理论和能量守恒定律,推导出霍尔锚在粉细砂土中贯入深度的表达式,与模型试验结果对比显示理论计算结果偏于保守。基于试验结果提出修正系数,修正后的理论公式能够较好地快速预测霍尔锚在中等密实度粉细砂中的贯入深度。研究结果为粉细砂土河床或海床中的结构物埋深设计提供了一定的技术参考。 相似文献
防沉板是深海油气工程中水下生产系统的重要基础形式,因其埋深浅、水下施工方便等特点而具有广阔的应用前景。为了满足基础抗滑移的要求,可在防沉板底部设置裙板,裙板的存在增加了防沉板竖向承载力计算的难度。将防沉板基础简化为带裙板条形基础,考虑了内部土体与基础的相互作用,建立了竖向承载模式,即Terzaghi模式;运用极限分析法推导了该承载模式的上限解,引入了一个能够反映裙板与基础内部土体共同作用的经验参数—土体破坏率(η),其大小决定了地基中土体滑动面的范围;通过分析确定了在二维简化条件下带裙板防沉板基础的土体破坏率与基础高宽比的关系;并研究了土体破坏率不同时,地基承载力系数Nq和Nγ与土体内摩擦角之间的关系。 相似文献