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Archival infrared Spitzer Space Telescope observations are used to study the dust component of the ISM in the irregular galaxy IC 10. The dust distribution in the galaxy is compared to the distributions of the Hα and [S II] emission, neutral gas and CO clouds, and ionizing radiation sources. The distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the galaxy is shown to be highly non-uniform, with the fraction of these particles in total dust mass reaching 4%. On the whole, PAHs avoid bright H II regions and correlate with the atomic and molecular gas. This pattern suggests that they form in the dense interstellar gas. It is suggested that the observed metallicity dependence of the PAH abundance shows up not only globally (at the level of the entire galaxy), but also locally (at least, at the level of individual H II regions). No conclusive evidence for shock destruction of PAHs in the IC 10 galaxy has been found.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of themaximumallowed totalmasses and sizes of the dark-matter halos in groups and associations of dwarf galaxies—special types of metagalactic populations identified in recent astronomical observations with the Hubble Space Telescope—are presented. Dwarf-galaxy systems are formed of isolated dark-matter halos with a small number of dark galaxies embedded in them. Data on the sizes of these systems and the velocity dispersions of the embedded galaxies can be used to determine lower limits on the total dark-halo masses using the virial theorem. Upper limits follow from the conditions that the systems immersed in the cosmic dark-energy background be gravitationally bound. The median maximum masses are close to 1012 M for both groups and associations of dwarf galaxies, although the median virial masses for these two types of systems differ by approximately a factor of ten.  相似文献   

An analysis of the abundance of cobalt in atmospheres of red giants, indicates they can be divided into two groups: stars with the normal [Co/Fe] abundance and those with a small [Co/Fe] excess. A comparative analysis of the spectrograms taking into account the effect of superfine splitting provides evidence for a [Co/Fe] excess in some stars. We have also detected physical and kinematical differences between these groups. Stars with a [Co/Fe] excess are related to the thick-disk population of the Galaxy. These stars are older and less massive, display lower metallicities, and have Galactic velocities corresponding to those of thick-disk objects. It is suggested that the observed pattern of a [Co/Fe] excess in the halo and thick disk reflects the chemical composition of the Galaxy at a very early stage of its evolution, when Population III objects existed. The lower abundance excess in the thick disk compared to the halo and the absence of an excess in the thin disk are due to the contributiuon from Type I supernovae at later stages of the Galaxy’s evolution. We have found that the thick disk of the Galaxy displays gradients of its cobalt and iron abundances, possibly providing evidence that the thick disk formed as a result of the collapse of a protogalactic cloud.  相似文献   

Data from the literature are used to construct a homogeneous catalog of fundamental astrophysical parameters for 145 globular clusters of the Milky Way Galaxy. The catalog is used to analyze the relationships between chemical composition, horizontal-branch morphology, spatial location, orbital elements, age, and other physical parameters of the clusters. The overall globular-cluster population is divided by a gap in the metallicity function at [Fe/H]=?1.0 into two discrete groups with well-defined maxima at [Fe/H]=?1.60±0.03 and ?0.60±0.04. The mean spatial-kinematic parameters and their dispersions change abruptly when the metallicity crosses this boundary. Metal-poor clusters occupy a more or less spherical region and are concentrated toward the Galactic center. Metal-rich clusters (the thick disk subsystem), which are far fewer in number, are concentrated toward both the Galactic center and the Galactic plane. This subsystem rotates with an average velocity of V rot=165±28 km/s and has a very steep negative vertical metallicity gradient and a negligible radial gradient. It is, on average, the youngest group, and consists exclusively of clusters with extremely red horizontal branches. The population of spherical-subsystem clusters is also inhomogeneous and, in turn, breaks up into at least two groups according to horizontal-branch morphology. Clusters with extremely blue horizontal branches occupy a spherical volume of radius ~9 kpc, have high rotational velocities (V rot=77±33 km/s), have substantial and equal negative radial and vertical metallicity gradients, and are, on average, the oldest group (the old-halo subsystem). The vast majority of clusters with intermediate-type horizontal branches occupy a more or less spherical volume ≈18 kpc in radius, which is slightly flattened perpendicular to the Z direction and makes an angle of ≈30° to the X-axis. On average, this population is somewhat younger than the old-halo clusters (the young-halo subsystem), and exhibits approximately the same metallicity gradients as the old halo. As a result, since their Galactocentric distance and distance from the Galactic plane are the same, the young-halo clusters have metallicities that are, on average, Δ[Fe/H] ≈0.3 higher than those for old-halo clusters. The young-halo subsystem, which apparently consists of objects captured by the Galaxy at various times, contains many clusters with retrograde orbits, so that its rotational velocity is low and has large errors, V rot=?23±54 km/s. Typical parameters are derived for all the subsystems, and the mean characteristics of their member globular clusters are determined. The thick disk has a different nature than both the old and young halos. A scenario for Galactic evolution is proposed based on the assumption that only the thick-disk and old-halo subsystems are genetically associated with the Galaxy. The age distributions of these two subsystems do not overlap. It is argued that heavy-element enrichment and the collapse of the proto-Galactic medium occurred mainly in the period between the formation of the old-halo and thick-disk subsystems.  相似文献   

The conditions for the destruction of dust in hot gas in galaxy clusters are investigated. It is argued that extinction measurements can be subject to selection effects, hindering their use in obtaining trustworthy estimates of dust masses in clusters. It is shown, in particular, that the ratio of the dust mass to the extinction M d /S d increases as dust grains are disrupted, due to the rapid destruction of small grains. Over long times, this ratio can asymptotically reach values a factor of three higher than the mean value in the interstellar medium in the Galaxy. This lowers dust-mass estimates based on measurements of extinction in galaxy clusters. The characteristic lifetime of dust in hot cluster gas is determined by its possible thermal isolation by the denser medium of gas fragments within which the dust is ejected from galaxies, and can reach 100–300 million years, depending on the kinematics and morphology of the fragments. As a result, the mass fraction of dust in hot cluster gas can reach 1–3% of the Galactic value. Over its lifetime, dust can also be manifest through its far-infrared emission. The emission characteristics of the dust change as it is disrupted, and the ratio of the fluxes at 350 and 850 μm can increase appreciably. This can potentially serve as an indicator of the state of the dust and ambient gas.  相似文献   

胶东群新议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太古代胶东群主要是由TTG花岗质片麻岩组成。近期区调研究发现真正的变质表壳岩系仅在其中呈包体出现,据岩性特征胶东岩群可分为苗家岩组、郭格庄岩组,时代为晚太古代  相似文献   

Observations of the nebula S3 associated with the WO star in the galaxy IC 1613 and of an extended region surrounding S3 are reported. The star and bright core of the nebula were observed with a multipupil fiber spectrograph mounted on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Images in the principle spectral lines and integrated spectra of the star and three compact clumps were obtained, and the radial-velocity field constructed. An extended region of the galaxy was observed with the Very Large Array at 21 cm. A giant ring or H I shell enclosing a large fraction of the stellar population in IC 1613 was discovered. The WO star and associated bipolar nebula, which we discovered earlier, lie at the inner edge of the H I ring. A local H I deficiency and two arclike H I ridges were also detected for the first time and probably represent the neutral component of the bipolar shell surrounding the WO star. The two arclike ridges may also have been produced by the collective stellar wind (and supernova explosions?) in OB association No. 9 from the list of Hodge. A scenario for the formation of the extended bipolar feature is discussed, based on the new data.  相似文献   

嵩山地区位于华北克拉通南缘,是我国记录前寒武纪地质的典型地区之一。但以往对该区偏重于地球化学的研究,对地层学的研究相对薄弱,尤其是太古界登封群地层研究程度很低。在野外实地调查,实际测量研究整个登封群地质剖面时,发现登封群存在的一个宏观的粒序,从老羊沟岩组到金家门岩组再到郭家窑岩组,所含砾石粒径存在一个总体变小,数量由多变少的规律。  相似文献   

A deep search for the predicted Galactic microwave dipole emission of spinning interstellar fullerene-type molecules has been conducted using the RATAN-600 radio telescope. This effect is of interest both in its own right and as a new form of Galactic screen between the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the observer. The power of this noise component on angular scales of about 0.1° (l=1000) is estimated. These scales are of primary interest for the “Cosmological Gene of the Universe” (RATAN-600), PLANCK Surveyor Mission, and other projects. At the frequencies of the expected emission peak of this dust component, the small-scale noise is a factor of 20 weaker than the predicted noise. It is shown that the role of this dust component is negligible, at least at the main PLANCK frequencies. The first estimates of the contribution from Galactic polarization noise are given for λ=3.9 cm, where the theory predicts a maximum in the CMB polarization (l~1000). At wavelengths of ~1 cm and shorter, macromolecules contribute less than 1 µK, and should not hinder CMB polarization studies. Galactic synchrotron polarization, likewise, should not prevent CMB polarization experiments at the main PLANCK frequencies.  相似文献   

The close proximity of a radio-loud active galactic nucleus (AGN) can trigger star formation in nearby objects containing gas if they are hit by a radio jet emerging from the active nucleus (as is observed, for example, in the case of Minkowski’s Object). The predicted frequency of such events is modest for close pairs of galaxies—of the order of several percent of all close (with separations of the order of several tens of parsec) pairs containing a radio AGN. A statistical study of this effect is carried out using the SDSS and FIRST surveys, by searching for spatially close pairs (projected separations <150 kpc, relative radial velocities <600 km/s) containing AGNs with radio jets. The frequency of galaxies with bursts of star formation, f SF, and active nuclei f AGN, in pairs either containing or not containing an AGN with radio jets are evaluated as functions of the separation of the galaxies in the pair. It is concluded that (1) the predicted effect should be of the order of 5%, falling off with increasing separation between the galaxies in the pair; (2) the observed values of f SF and f AGN and their dependences on the galaxy separation are consistent withmodel predictions, but the large uncertainties associated with the limited size of the studied sample hinders firm conclusions about the existence of radio-induced activity in close galaxy pairs; (3) further investigations using a larger volume of observational material are required, for example, using only photometric redshifts.  相似文献   

This Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy contains coordinates and fluxes of young objects in the radio and infrared, as well as data on the radial velocities of recombination and molecular lines, for more than three thousand star-forming regions. In addition to photometric and kinematic data, we present information on diffuse and reflecting nebulae, dark and molecular clouds, and other objects related to young stars. The catalog consists of two parts. The main catalog lists star-forming regions in order of Galactic longitude and is supplemented by analogous information for star-forming regions in complexes of dark clouds with large angular sizes that are closest to the Sun. The main catalog is located at http://www.strasbg.-u.fr/pub/cats. In our preliminary study of the catalog data using a formal classification of the star-forming regions, we subdivided these objects into several classes and characterized them as being populated primarily by massive or low-mass stars at early or late stages of the star-formation process. We also distinguish between relatively nearby and distant complexes.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,武建集团坚持以市场为取向,与时俱进,大胆探索,不断深化企业改革,优化企业结构,转换企业体制和机制,创新企业管理,推动了企业持续发展,在集团信誉、工程质量、经营领域和地域的开拓等方面不断取得了新的进步。下面就武建集团的改革和我们的体会向大家作一汇报。  相似文献   

Chevkinite specimen from a rare-earth mineral deposit in Sichuan,southwest ofChina have been studied in detail by means of transmission electron microscope(TEM).The selected area electron diffraction(SAED)and convergent beam electron diffraction(CBED)patterns,obtained from different crystal zone axis direction,proved coineidently that the space group of chevkinite is C2/m.Fringe lattice image obser-vation showed the mineral crystal is structurally uniform in microscale,and it is anideal specimen for electron diffraction analysis.The mineral studied here is similar to theone from Bayan Obo,Inner Mongolia,China,in chemical composition and REE distri-bution.The chemical formula of the crystal is(Ce,La,…,Ca)_4 Fe~2-(Fe,Ti,Nb)_2O_8 (Si_2O_7)_2 .From our study,we come to the conclusion that the space group of the natu-ral chevkinite is C2/m,instead of P2_1/a as synthetic one.Up to now,chevkinitecompositionally similar to the synthetic one,in which the complete replacements of Ce,La by Nd and Fe by Mg or Co o  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope archive data are used to perform photometry of stars in seven fields at the center and periphery of the galaxy NGC 2366. The variation of the number density of stars of various ages with galactocentric radius and along the minor axis of the galaxy are determined. The boundaries of the thin and thick disks of the galaxy are found. The inferred sizes of the subsystems of NGC 2366 (Z thin = 4 kpc and Z thick = 8 kpc for the thin and thick disks, respectively) are more typical for spiral galaxies. Evidence for a stellar halo is found at the periphery of NGC 2366 beyond the thick disk of the galaxy.  相似文献   

HST trigonometric distances, photometric metallicities, isochronic ages from the second revised version of the Geneva-Copenhagen survey, and uniform spectroscopic Fe and Mg abundances from our master catalog are used to construct and analyze the age-metallicity and age-relative Mg abundance relations for stars of the thin disk. The influences of selection effects are discussed in detail. It is demonstrated that the radial migration of stars does not lead to appreciable distortions in the age dependence of the metallicity. During the first several billion years of the formation of the thin disk, the interstellarmaterial in this disk was, on average, fairly rich in heavy elements (〈[Fe/H]〉 ≈ −0.2) and poorly mixed. However, the metallicity dispersion continuously decreased with age, from σ [Fe/H] ≈ 0.22 to ≈0.13. All this time, the mean relative abundance of Mg was somewhat higher than the solar value (〈[Mg/Fe]〉 ≈ 0.1). Roughly four to five billion years ago, the mean metallicity began to systematically increase, while retaining the same dispersion; the mean relative Mg abundance began to decrease immediately following this. The number of stars in this subsystem increased sharply at the same time. These properties suggest that the star-formation rate was low in the initial stage of formation of the thin disk, but abruptly increased about four to five billion years ago.  相似文献   

The statistical dependence of τ/(DM)2 (the ratio of the broadening of a pulsar pulse due to scattering in the interstellar medium to the square of the pulsar’s dispersion measure) on the pulsar’s dispersionmeasure, Galactic coordinates, age, and the angular distance to the nearest supernova remnant are studied. This parameter describes the relative level of electron density fluctuations in the turbulent interstellar plasma. It is shown that the interstellar plasma turbulence level is three orders of magnitude higher in the spiral arms of the Galaxy than outside the arms. The plasma turbulence level is approximately an order of magnitude higher in the Galactic arms, in regions within ?0.3° of supernova remnants, than outside these regions. We conclude that the source of energy for the turbulence in the Galactic arms is supernova explosions in the denser medium there.  相似文献   

We present BVRI surface photometry of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 3627. The distributions of the color indices and extinction-independent Q indices show that the observed photometric asymmetry in the inner part of the galaxy, including the bar, is due to an asymmetric distribution of absorbing material. The bluest regions of star formation are located in a ring surrounding the bar. The background-subtracted color indices of individual blue knots are used to estimate the ages of young stellar aggregates. In combination with previously published photometric data, our measurements indicate that the R-band profile of the disk is rather flat in its inner part (r<50″) and becomes steeper further from its center. We estimate the mass of the disk and dark halo by decomposing the rotation curve. The mass-to-light ratio M/L B for the stellar disk is ≈1.4. The galaxy possesses a massive dark halo; however, the mass of the disk exceeds that of the halo in the inner part of the galaxy, which displays a regular spiral structure.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the dust and gas in the tidal region of the M81 galaxy group have been analyzed, and the drift of the dust relative to the gas has been estimated, including the drift due to the action of radiation pressure from stars in M81. It is concluded that a large fraction of the gas in the tidal region is in the form of ionized hydrogen HII that shields the observedHI gas from the extragalactic Lyman continuum: the observed atomic gas could be only 10% of the total mass of gas. Only then it is possible to satisfactorily explain the excess dust abundance, which exceeds the Galactic value by a factor of six. By analogy, extended HI disks in galaxies with sizes appreciably larger than the stellar disks could be surrounded by HII envelopes with a comparable or greater mass. Such disks could play an important role in supporting prolonged star formation in galaxies with extended HI disks. Associated observational manifestations are discussed. Such HII envelopes outside HI disks could be detectable in absorption in Ly α and lines of ions of heavy elements.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation observations of the compact nucleus of 3C 274 have been carried out at 111 MHz on on the Large Phased Array radio telescope. We have derived an upper limit for the flux density of the compact radio source, and determined the parameters of the low-frequency cutoff of the spectrum of this source. We have analyzed the observational data assuming that the low-frequency spectral cutoff is due to synchrotron self-absorption. In this case, the magnetic field in the nucleus of 3C 274 must be very nonuniform. At the center, on scales of < 0.01 pc, the magnetic field varies in the range 0.4 G < H < 40 G, while its mean value over the entire radio source is 〈H〉 ~ 10?3 ? 10?4 G. The energy density of the relativistic electrons exceeds the energy density of the magnetic field everywhere within the nucleus, though energy equipartition is also possible near the center.  相似文献   

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