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The freshwater Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) and the hypersaline Dead Sea are remnant lakes, evolved from ancient water bodies that filled the tectonic depressions along the Dead Sea Transform (DST) during the Neogene-Quartenary periods. We reconstructed the limnological history (level and composition) of Lake Kinneret during the past ∼40,000 years and compared it with the history of the contemporaneous Lake Lisan from the aspect of the regional and global climate history. The lake level reconstruction was achieved through a chronological and sedimentological investigation of exposed sedimentary sections in the Kinnarot basin trenches and cores drilled at the Ohalo II archeological site. Shoreline chronology was established by radiocarbon dating of organic remains and of Melanopsis shells.The major changes in Lake Kinneret level were synchronous with those of the southern Lake Lisan. Both lakes dropped significantly ∼42,000, ∼30,000, 23,800, and 13,000 yr ago and rose ∼39,000, 26,000, 5000, and 1600 yr ago. Between 26,000 and 24,000 yr ago, the lakes merged into a unified water body and lake level achieved its maximum stand of ∼170 m below mean sea level (m bsl). Nevertheless, the fresh and saline water properties of Lake Kinneret and Lake Lisan, respectively, have been preserved throughout the 40,000 years studied. Calcium carbonate was always deposited as calcite in Lake Kinneret and as aragonite in Lake Lisan-Dead Sea, indicating that the Dead Sea brine (which supports aragonite production) never reached or affected Lake Kinneret, even during the period of lake high stand and convergence. The synchronous level fluctuation of lakes Kinneret, Lisan, and the Holocene Dead Sea is consistent with the dominance of the Atlantic-Mediterranean rain system on the catchment of the basin and the regional hydrology. The major drops in Lake Kinneret-Lisan levels coincide with the timing of cold spells in the North Atlantic that caused a shut down of rains in the East Mediterranean and the lakes drainage area.  相似文献   

A planktonic biozonation of the Albian to Coniacian stages for the Western Coastal Plain of Israel, is proposed. Ten zones are described, based on the succession of the following genera: Ticinella, Thamanninella, Rotalipora and Marginotruncana. Chronostratigraphic position of the zones and comparison with both, regional and worldwide biozonation, are discussed.  相似文献   

杭州湾沿岸平原晚第四纪沉积特征和沉积过程   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
林春明  李从先 《地质学报》1999,73(2):120-130
本文采用层序地层学基本原理,以海平面升降旋回为主线,根据300口钻井,静力触探井和分析化验等资料。探讨了杭州湾地区晚第四纪地层层序,沉积特征,控制沉积的主要地质作用及沉积层的形成过程。结果表明,该区晚第四纪地层底界面为区域不整合面,是末次冰期海面下降时形成的。  相似文献   

An Early Paleolithic site was recently discovered within a sequence of paleosols in the Revadim Quarry, central coastal plain of Israel. The section is composed of three superimposed soils in a continuous sequence, but separated by two unconformity surfaces. The uppermost paleosol is a modern Dark Brown Grumusol (Vertisol), the middle is a Quartzic Gray Brown Soil (Haploxeralf), and the lower is a Red Hamra (Rhodoxeralf). Normal magnetic polarity was detected in the two lower soils, indicating that they are younger than the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (<780 ka). A human occupation bed, enriched in secondary carbonate nodules, forms the lower part of the Quartzic Gray Brown Soil and overlies the Red Hamra. The living floor is located on top of the unconformity surface, separating the Red Hamra from the overlying Quartzic Gray Brown Soil. Middle to Late Acheulian handaxes, choppers, cores, and flake tools, including tools made by the Levallois technique, and man-laid flint pebbles were excavated in the human occupation bed. In addition, two elephant tusks, an elephant pelvis, an elephant tooth (Palaeoloxodon antiquus), tusk splinters, and bones of equid, suid, cervid, bovid, felid, and rodents were also collected. Based on well-documented nearby boreholes and on regional correlation, it appears that the underlying dune sands, the parent materials from which the Red Hamra developed, were deposited probably during a phase of high-stand sea level of Isotope Stage 9. The Red Hamra developed simultaneously with the human occupation of the site, probably during a phase of low-stand sea-level of Isotope Stage 8, before some 300–245 ka. The overlying dune sands, the parent materials from which the Quartzic Gray Brown Soil developed, were deposited probably during a phase of high-stand sea level of Isotope Stage 7. The climate prevailing in the area during Stage 8, as well as during the human habitation, was moist, with a dense vegetation cover of grassland and probably scattered trees. A small lake of trapped fresh water at a junction of two small tributaries of the Soreq River drainage system near the area occupied was available to hominids and animals. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Lower Galilee and the Yizre'el Valley, northern Israel, are an extensional domain that has been developing since the Miocene, prior and contemporaneously to the development of the Dead Sea Fault (DSF). It is a fan-shaped region bounded in the east by the N–S trending main trace of the DSF, in the north by the Bet-Kerem Fault system, and in the south by the NW–SE trending Carmel Fault. The study area is characterized by high relief topography that follows fault-bounded blocks and flexures at a wavelength of tens of km. A synthesis of the morphologic–structural relations across the entire Galilee region suggests the following characteristics: (1) Blocks within the Lower Galilee tilt toward both the southern and northern boundaries, forming two asymmetrical half-graben structures, opposite facing, and oblique to one another. (2) The Lower Galilee's neighboring blocks, which are the Upper Galilee in the north and the Carmel block in the southwest, are topographically and structurally uplifted and tilted away from the Lower Galilee. (3) The southern half-graben, along the Carmel Fault, is topographically and structurally lower than the northern one. Combining structural and geological data with topographic analysis enables us to distinguish several stages of structural and morphological development in the region. Using a semi-quantitative evolutionary model, we explain the morpho-structural evolution of the region. Our results indicate that the Galilee developed as a set of two isostatically supported opposite facing half-grabens under varying stress fields. The southern one had started developing as early as the early Miocene prior to the formation of the DSF. The northern and younger one has been developing since the middle Pliocene as part of the extension process in the Galilee. Elevation differences between the two half-grabens and their bounding blocks are explained by differences in isostatic subsidence due to sedimentary loading and uplift of the northern half-graben due to differential influences of the regional folding.  相似文献   

The results of recent magnetic measurements in the southern part of the Sea of Galilee, Israel and in the land area south of it, indicate the presence in the subsurface of elongated intrusive bodies of basic composition. These bodies are thought to be associated with faults which formed a rhomb shaped graben during movement along the main Jordan Rift Valley shear system and may mark the southern boundary of that graben. If that is the case, the Sea of Galilee may be considerably shorter in the N-S direction than previously thought. The proposed new dimensions of the graben as outlined in this study are more readily explained by the accepted mechanisms for the formation of rhomb shaped grabens.  相似文献   

During the Middle Triassic a great turn took place in thedevelopment of sedim entary basin of South China.Followingthe final suture of Cathaysia block with Yangtze block (in-cluding the L ower Yangtze region) ,Yangtze block matchedcompletely the North China block (Yin et al.,1999) ,whilethe extensive Indosinian m ovementwreaked havoc in the east-ern Tethys.Then the sediments in the main part of SouthChina transformed gradually from marine to terrestrial.As aresult the most remarkable cha…  相似文献   

中三叠世是中国南方沉积盆地从海相沉积向陆相沉积转变的重要时期,因此阐明该期的地层结构和沉积古地理分异对于揭示该区域构造和地质发展历史是相当重要的.本文将中国南方划分为四个沉积区:东南沉积区、下扬子沉积区、上扬子沉积区及右江沉积区.同时对各沉积区序列、岩相生物群的分布和分异进行了总结.从而认为当时东南沉积区与下扬子沉积区是一个直接关联的沉积古地理整体,而上扬子沉积区与右江沉积区为另个沉积古地理整体.前者在中三叠世时是-个南东高,北西低的向北西方向倾斜的陆缘海沉积盆地,从安尼期至拉丁期,沉积相带不断向北西方向迁移,并在安尼期与拉丁期之交完成从海向陆的转变.后者在中三叠世时期是一个由北向南加深的大陆边缘,其沉积相的分异亦大体呈南北方向.上扬子主体为一个巨大的浅水碳酸盐台地,向南海逐渐加深,构成台一盆式的古地理格局,但进入晚三叠世,本区全面隆升,而长期隆升的康滇古陆开始接受沉积,从而形成东西向分异的新的古地理格局,两者具有很不相同的演化历史,反映了它们从海向陆的转折过程中具有不同的作用机制.  相似文献   

中国南方中三叠世地层及沉积古地理分异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
刘志丽  童金南 《沉积学报》2001,19(3):327-332,356
中三叠世是中国南方沉积盆地从海相沉积向陆相沉积转变的重要时期, 因此阐明该期的地层结构和沉积古地理分异对于揭示该区域构造和地质发展历史是相当重要的。本文将中国南方划分为四个沉积区 :东南沉积区、下扬子沉积区、上扬子沉积区及右江沉积区。同时对各沉积区序列、岩相生物群的分布和分异进行了总结。从而认为当时东南沉积区与下扬子沉积区是一个直接关联的沉积古地理整体, 而上扬子沉积区与右江沉积区为另个沉积古地理整体。前者在中三叠世时是一个南东高, 北西低的向北西方向倾斜的陆缘海沉积盆地, 从安尼期至拉丁期, 沉积相带不断向北西方向迁移, 并在安尼期与拉丁期之交完成从海向陆的转变。  相似文献   

通过对北京平原南口—孙河断裂南段上、下两盘钻孔ZK17和ZK18的磁化率和自然伽马测井曲线进行频谱分析,识别出显著的米兰柯维奇沉积旋回,揭示出北京平原区第四纪古气候及沉积过程受到地球轨道力的控制。通过对初始年代格架下的数据曲线进行100 ka的短偏心率信号滤波处理并调谐至天文理论偏心率曲线,建立了精度为01 Ma的连续天文年代标尺,在此年代学研究成果的基础上实现了对目标断裂活动性精细探讨的目的。通过对比断裂两盘的沉积速率变化,可以识别出南口—孙河断裂第四纪以来6个相对较强的活动幕。其中早更新世存在4个明显的活动幕,活动周期具有04 Ma准周期的特点,第Ⅰ幕和第Ⅲ幕分别对应了青藏高原隆升期的青藏运动的B幕(26 Ma)和C幕(17 Ma),中更新世的活动特征则对应了“昆黄运动”,北京地区新构造运动特征与之有较好的呼应关系。  相似文献   

赣东北上二叠统龙潭组为一个完整的准二级层序,含15个三级层序,按体系域分七个阶段描述了古地理特点。垂向上水体由浅至深再至浅,横向上南浅北深,有官山段上部、狮子山段、王潘里段上部三个障壁形成期。赣东北龙潭期含煤建造,多数是在潮汐为主的水动力条件下形成的,成煤环境与潮汐带伴生在一起,不同成煤环境形成不同的煤。退积型平缓潮坪,分内、中、外三种亚环境,分别形成富镜质组树皮煤、贫镜质组树皮煤、富镜质组含树皮煤;障壁后潮坪形成富镜质组富树皮煤;三角洲平原和滩脊带形成腐植煤。真正质量最好的乐平树皮煤,只发育在退积型平缓潮坪的中带。不同类型的煤,生烃条件大不相同。  相似文献   

柴西缘阿尔金山前侏罗系与柴北缘侏罗系具有相似的沉积背景,发育较好的泥页岩层段,具有一定的页岩气资源潜力。通过对野外露头与钻孔岩芯沉积特征的研究,建立了柴西缘阿尔金山前下侏罗统小煤沟组层序地层格架,恢复了基于三级层序的岩相古地理,并对沉积演化特征进行分析。小煤沟组岩性主要为泥岩、页岩、粉砂岩、砂岩、砾岩,发育湖泊、扇三角洲和辫状河沉积体系,包含半深湖、滨浅湖、湖湾、扇三角洲平原、扇三角洲前缘、河床、泛滥平原等沉积相。根据区域不整合面、河流下切谷冲刷面等层序界面,将小煤沟组划分为3个三级层序,每个层序内均发育一定厚度的泥页岩段。在单剖面和对比剖面沉积相分析的基础上,以三级层序为作图单元,利用单因素分析多因素综合作图法恢复了研究区古地理面貌。小煤沟组整体呈现北部半深湖、滨浅湖,南部以及东北部扇三角洲、河流的古地理格局,地势具有东南高西北低的特点,此时阿尔金山尚未隆升,物源主要来自于南部的柴达木盆地腹部隆起以及东北部的古阿拉巴什套山,盆地沉积中心主要为清水沟以及小西沟东北地区,发育厚度巨大的泥页岩段,为侏罗系页岩气勘探的有利地区。  相似文献   

王永  董进  杨劲松 《地球科学》2020,45(7):2662-2672
哈尔滨荒山剖面是东北地区第四纪典型剖面,因缺乏绝对年龄数据,关于其地层划分及时代还有不同认识.对荒山剖面进行了系统的磁性地层学研究,并与AMS14C、OSL等年代学数据相结合,重新厘定了荒山剖面第四纪地层的年代框架.结果表明,荒山剖面记录了Matuyama负极性时晚期至Brunhes正极性时的沉积,B/M界线位于剖面下部46.7 m,剖面起始沉积年龄早于0.90 Ma.根据AMS14C和OSL年龄确定了全新统和上更新统的底界,对第四纪岩石地层单位的分层标志及顶、底年龄进行了分析,确定第四纪各个岩石地层单位的时代分别为:坦途组的年龄为~12 ka BP,顾乡屯组的年龄为12~79 ka BP,哈尔滨组的年龄为79~138 ka BP,上荒山组的年龄为138~580 ka BP,下荒山组的年龄>900 ka BP.据此建立了荒山剖面第四纪地层系统,为区域地层对比提供依据.   相似文献   

Late Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Ganga Alluvial Plain and the Bengal Basin have influenced arsenic contamination of groundwater. Arsenic contaminated aquifers are pervasive within lowland organic rich, clayey deltaic sediments in the Bengal Basin and locally within similar facies in narrow, entrenched river valleys within the Ganga Alluvial Plain. These were mainly deposited during early-mid Holocene sea level rise. Arsenic was transported from disseminated sources as adsorbed on dispersed phases of hydrated-iron-oxide. These were preferentially entrapped as sediment coatings on organic-rich, fine-grained deltaic and floodplain sediments. Arsenic was released later to groundwater mainly by reductive dissolution of hydrated-iron-oxide and corresponding oxidation of sediment organic matter. Strong reducing nature of groundwater in the Bengal Basin and parts of affected middle Ganga floodplains is indicated by high concentration of dissolved iron (maximum 9-35 mg/l). Groundwater being virtually stagnant under these settings, released arsenic accumulates and contaminates groundwater. The upland terraces in the Bengal Basin and in the Central Ganga Alluvial Plain, made up of the Pleistocene sediments are free of arsenic contamination in groundwater. These sediments are weakly oxidised in nature and associated groundwater is mildly reducing in general with low concentration of iron (<1 mg/l), and thus incapable to release arsenic. These sediments are also flushed free of arsenic, released if any, by groundwater flow due to high hydraulic head, because of their initial low-stand setting and later upland terraced position.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic succession of the Mesozoic suites in the Uda and Torom sedimentary basins and the hiatuses and unconformities in the section and their duration are analyzed. The tectono-stratigraphic systems are distinguished with respect to the regional and global geological events, which makes it possible to trace the evolution of these fragments in the continental margin in the Mesozoic, as well as to propose paleogeographic and paleogeodynamic reconstructions.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(1):91-118
The mechanism governing salinization of ground water discharging into the Sea of Galilee in Israel has been the subject of debate for several decades. Because the lake provides 25% of the water consumed annually in Israel, correct identification of the salt sources is essential for the establishment of suitable water-management strategies for the lake and the ground water in the surrounding aquifers. Existing salinization models were evaluated in light of available and newly acquired data including general chemistry, and O, H, C and Cl isotopes. Based on the chemical and isotopic observations, the proposed salt source is an ancient, intensively evaporated brine (21- to 33-fold seawater) which percolated through the valley formations from a lake which had formed in the Rift Valley following seawater intrusion during the late Miocene. Low Na:Cl and high Br:Cl values support the extensive evaporation, whereas high Ca:Cl and low Mg:Cl values indicate the impact of dolomitization of the carbonate host rock on the residual solution. Based on radiocarbon and other isotope data, the dilution of the original brine occurred in two stages: the first took place ∼30 000 a ago by slightly evaporated fresh-to-brackish lake water to form the Sea of Galilee Brine. The second dilution phase is associated with the current hydrological regime as the Sea of Galilee Brine migrates upward along the Rift faults and mixes with the actively circulating fresh ground water to form the saline springs. The spatially variable chemical and isotopic features of the saline springs suggest not only differential dilution by fresh meteoric water, but also differential percolation timing of the original brine into the tectonically disconnected blocks, registering different evaporation stages in the original brine. Consequently, various operations to reduce the brine contribution to the lake may be differentially effective in the various areas.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸滨海平原晚第四纪以来的沉积间断   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
渤海湾西岸滨海平原1:50 000区域地质调查发现晚第四纪地层多次出现沉积间断.深入的岩石与生物地层、年代地层、磁性地层和气候地层等多重地层学研究及与深海氧同位素曲线的对比表明,这些间断均与寒冷气候有关.氧同位素曲线证实,全球相对寒冷气候时期几乎占过去180万年时间的一半[1],这为本区的寒冷导致间断的推断提供了依据.这些间断可以分为两类,一类即通常为人们熟知的具明显侵蚀面的间断;另一类为极缓慢的沉积(即在空间上占有一定的厚度,并非象第一类那样仅占一个侵蚀面)的层段.作为地层划分重要组成因素,对间断的重视与深入研究,在重建第四纪地质环境演变历史和地层划分中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Sissakian  V. K.  Al-Ansari  N.  Adamo  N. 《Geotectonics》2021,55(1):135-160
Geotectonics - The Mesopotamian Plain is part of the Mesopotamia which extends for vast area bigger than the plain. The plain is almost flat and vast lowland, which has clearly defined...  相似文献   

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