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0414号"云娜"台风浪数值试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
闻斌  于福江 《海洋预报》2006,23(2):10-18
利用美国NOAA/NCEP开发的海浪数值模式WAVEWATCHⅢ。以每天4次的NOAA/NCEP再分析风场资料为输入,模拟了2004年8月8~12日西北太平洋海域的0414号“云娜”台风引起的海浪。通过分析TOPEX/Poseidon(以下简称T/P)高度计的星下轨迹浪观测资料和WAVEWATCHⅢ模式后报的有效波高大小,可以看出模式能够较好地模拟台风浪。  相似文献   

结合东北太平洋浮标资料,使用神经网络模型对WAVEWATCHⅢ海浪模式模拟的有效波高进行训练模拟,并与增加风场作为输入项的神经网络模型作了对比分析。通过分析浮标观测资料、WAVEWATCHⅢ数值模式和神经网络模拟的海浪有效波高大小,可以看出使用神经网络结合数值模式能够较好地提高有效波高的模拟精度。  相似文献   

WWATCH模式模拟南海海浪场的结果分析   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
利用美国NOAA/NCEP环境模拟中心海洋模拟小组近年新开发的一个准业务化的海浪数值模式WAVEWATCH Ⅲ(以下简称WWATCH),以每天4次的NOAA/NCEP再分析风场资料为输入,模拟了1996年的南海海域的海面风浪场,通过分析TOPEX/Poseidon(以下简称T/P)高度计的上升和下降轨道在南海海域的交叉点位置处的风、浪观测资料与NCEP风场和WWATCH模式模拟的有效波高大小,可以看出,NCEP风场基本与T/P高度计的风速观测结果一致,相应的模式模拟的有效波高也基本与卫星高度计的有效波高观测结果相一致,但从空间上看,在计算区域中心附近海域的结果一致性较好,靠近计算边界附近海域的结果相对较差,但这种因边界而影响模拟结果的范围很有限;从时间上看,冬季风期间的结果一致性较好,而夏季风期间的结果偏小的趋势明显,并且这种偏小主要出现在夏季风期间的极小风速值附近。  相似文献   

MASNUM海浪数值模式业务化预报与检验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍了MASNUM(Key Laboratory of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling)海浪数值预报系统,并利用全球和西北太平洋的Jason-1卫星数据和NDBC浮标数据中的海浪波高观测,对该预报系统进行了自2007年8月1日-2007年12月31日5个月的24,48和72 h预报结果的比较检验.模式校验结果表明,有效波高预报与观测的绝均差在0.5 m左右,从夏季到冬季,预报精度不断提高,与风场冬季预报精度较高吻合.  相似文献   

针对海浪资料同化中预报误差的统计性质难以确定的问题,利用WAVEWATCHⅢ和Topex/Posei-don(T/P)有效波高观测资料,对东中国海区的有效波高预报误差进行了统计分析。结果表明,预报误差符合正态分布;不同网格点的预报误差协方差随距离增长呈指数关系递减,并且空间上表现出弱各向异性;在预报模式空间网格为0.5°×0.5°条件下相关距离为3.0°~5.9°。  相似文献   

海浪是引起我国海灾海难事故的主要海洋环境过程之一。每年由海浪引起的海灾海难事故所造成的直接经济损失以亿元计。海洋环境预报中心引进第三代海浪数值模式,对中国海近海海域(15°~45°N,105°~141°E和15°~45°N,105”~155°E)进行了72小时的海浪数值预报,从1989年1月起进行了试报,从1992年11月起投入了准业务运行。预报结果能够为海浪业务预报提供一定的参考。本文介绍了浅水情形下的第三代海浪模式以及几年来的试运行情况。  相似文献   

为检验南海海浪业务化数值预报系统的预报效果,利用2010年和2011年3-11月的观测资料,通过计算预报值和观测值的绝对误差、相对误差等统计参数和线性回归分析对南海海浪业务化数值预报系统进行检验.统计结果显示有效波高和平均周期的预报误差24 h<48 h<72 h,有效波高的24 h、48 h、72 h预报平均绝对误差小于0.5 m,平均周期的24 h、48 h、72 h预报平均绝对误差小于0.8 s;预报误差有明显的季节变化,10月和11月的预报误差显著小于其它各月;回归分析结果显示预报值与观测值存在中度高度线性相关关系,随着预报时效的增长相关度逐渐递减,预报值较观测值偏大.总体来说,该系统的预报误差在可接受的范围之内,满足业务化预报的要求,但与欧洲气象中心等发达国家的预报系统比较来看,该系统还存在较大差距.  相似文献   

基于第三代海浪模式WaveWatchⅢ和Swan,采用四重网格嵌套建立了黄海、南海近海海浪的高精度数值预报系统,以及青岛第一海水浴场、广西北海银滩浴场、海南三亚亚龙湾海水浴场3个示范区近岸定点海浪的精细化数值预报系统。通过后报和预报试验对所建立的数值预报系统进行了系统的检验,后报波高与实测值吻合较好。准业务化预报试验表明有效波高的预报精度随预报时效的增加而降低,近海海浪大于2 m的平均预报相对误差小于30%。浴场海浪的平均预报绝对误差为0.35 m左右。预报精度可以满足业务化预报的要求。  相似文献   

针对有效波高资料提出一种海浪谱分解与重构的资料同化方案:利用历史时段内的有效波高观测资料和模式计算波高场,采用最优插值方法得到分析波高场;在WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ模式的波浪能量密度谱和有效波高分析值之间引入一个变异系数矩阵,描述模式的误差,以此为状态向量构建卡尔曼滤波系统,对分解过的海浪谱进行修正和重构,得到同化后的海浪谱初始场。利用美国阿拉斯加湾北部海域的7个浮标站进行同化和72 h预报试验,对连续1个月的预报结果进行统计表明:采用该同化方案后24 h预报结果的有效波高均方根误差比未同化的结果降低了0.13 m;同化方案对预报效果的影响可持续36 h左右,随着预报时效延长,同化的效果减弱。  相似文献   

将共轭变分同化方法应用于LAGFD-WAM海浪数值模式,导出了海浪谱能量平衡方程的共轭方程以及风输入、破碎、底摩擦、波波非线性相互作用和波流相互作用的相庆共轭源函数,建立了海浪同化模型,数值计算仍采用特征线嵌入计算格式,为合成孔径雷达波谱反演资料和卫星高度计有效波高资料同化奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

在复杂群岛海域海浪模拟中,发展一种综合利用水深数据和高分辨率海岸线数据优化计算网格和在海浪数值计算中引入次网格地形效应的方法,充分描述多岛屿复杂地形分布对海浪模拟的影响.通过理想试验和实际应用表明:采用该方法后.在计算网格分辨率水平上,充分考虑了海岸和多岛屿地形对海浪传播的作用和多岛屿的次网格效应.数值计算结果有明显改善.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison of the collocated inter-annual significant wave height (SWH) data collected between 2006 and 2009 from buoys and altimeters at nine buoy locations (total n = 2241) in the Northern Indian Ocean is attempted for assessing the validity of daily averaged gridded altimeter significant wave height (ASWH) provided by AVISO for operational use. ASWH is underestimated by 0.20 m, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) is less than 0.30 m, the Scatter Index is less than 20%, and the correlation coefficient is greater than 0.90. Further, at three locations, the examination of the above statistics showed that the bias and RMSE is high during the southwest monsoon season compared with the Northeast monsoon. Scatter Index showed only slight variation (14–18%) for different ranges of SWH. The response of the daily average gridded ASWH data during extreme conditions (cyclones) in the vicinity of the buoy locations is poor at all compared buoy locations. The gridded ASWH from different satellite missions provided by AVISO can be used for basin scale validation experiments of the wave model and for climatological studies in the Indian Ocean, except during cyclone conditions.  相似文献   

设计波高推算的一种新模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑台风影响海域的设计波高,结合复合极值理论和最大熵原则,构造了1种新型的具有4个待定参量和1个台风频次参量的poisson-最大熵分布函数模型,并推导出求解参数的方程组,参数的数值解可通过年极值实测数据的期望、方差、偏度和峰度得到.以黄海某观测站26 a极值波高的实测数据为例计算了新模型中4个待定参量和多年一遇设计波高,并与传统常用计算方法得到的结果进行比较.比较表明,新模型相比传统方法具有一定的优势.  相似文献   

西北太平洋夏季海浪数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解第三代海浪模式SWAN在西北太平洋海浪模拟效果,利用2013年7月期间Jason-2卫星高度计观测资料,通过计算模拟值和观测值的绝对误差、均方根误差和进行逐日统计、分级统计、一次台风过程的统计,对FNL风场资料驱动SWAN模式的西北太平洋海浪数值模拟有效波高进行了检验。检验结果表明,模式对较小波高模拟效果较好,模拟波高与实测值误差在可接受的范围之内,可满足业务化预报的要求,但对较大波高的模拟存在一定的误差,且驱动风场的精细化水平直接影响模拟效果。  相似文献   

Distribution of wave heights and surface elevations of wind-driven waves are studied.Recordsof surface elevations obtained from both field observations and laboratory measurements are analyzed.Wave heights can be approximated by normal,two-parameter Weibull,and/or Rayleigh distribution.However,while the first two models may have almost equal probabilities to fit measured data quite satis-factorily,the Rayleigh distribution does not appear to be a good model for the majority of the cases stu-died.Surface elevations from field data are well described by the Gaussian model,but as with increasingwind speeds,water surface in a wind-wave flume deviates from normality,and the Edgeworth's form ofthe type A Gram-Charlier series is then applied.  相似文献   

海浪的视景仿真有重要的应用背景与军事意义。文中围绕如何解决海浪的实时视景仿真问题,讨论了基于海浪谱的不同浪级波面的仿真模型,并讨论了海浪的实时视景仿真实现技术。这些模型与技术对于提高海浪仿真实时性与真实性有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A vertical 2-D numerical model is presented for simulating the interaction between water waves and a soft mud bed. Taking into aceotmt nonlinear theology, a semi-empirical theological model is applied to this water-mud model, reflecting the combined visco-elasto-plastic properties of soft mud under such oscillatory external forces as water waves. In order to increase the resolution of the flow in the neighborhood of both sides of the inter-surface, a logarithmic grid in the vertical direction is employed for numerical treatment. Model verifications are given through comparisons between the calculated and the measured mud mass transport velocities as well as wave height changes.  相似文献   

In this paper a series of numerical simulations are performed to investigate the vortex shedding mechanism for a solitary wave propagating over a submerged breakwater by use of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model combined with a k-ε model. Flows of different Reynolds numbers up to Re=1.4×105 corresponding to varying incident wave heights are considered in which the characteristic fluid velocity is represented by the maximum horizontal velocity above the submerged breakwater. For the verification of the accuracy of the numerical model, the incident waves and the velocity field in the vicinity of the breakwater are compared with experimental data. The result shows that the model is capable of describing vortex shedding for a solitary wave propagating over a rectangular submerged breakwater. Key features of vortex generation, evolution and dissipation are investigated. It is found that the vortex shedding and their evolution due to separated boundary layer over the breakwater are strongly related to the Reynolds number. A considerable number of vortices and complicated vortex pattern are observed as the Reynolds number increases.  相似文献   

In this paper a series of numerical simulations are performed to investigate the vortex shedding mechanism for a solitary wave propagating over a submerged breakwater by use of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model combined with a k-ε model. Flows of different Reynolds numbers up to Re=1.4×105 corresponding to varying incident wave heights are considered in which the characteristic fluid velocity is represented by the maximum horizontal velocity above the submerged breakwater. For the verification of...  相似文献   

Measurements of wave heights with image sequences from a Charged Coupled Device(CCD) camera were made. Sinusoidal, as well as unidirectional and directional, waves were used for the experiments. A transfer function was obtained by calibration of the magnitudes of the gray values of the images against the results of wave gauge measurements for directional waves. With this transfer function, wave heights for regular waves were deduced. It is shown that the average relative errors are smaller than 16% for both unidirectional and directional waves.  相似文献   

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