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In order to further understand the land surface processes over the northern Tibetan Plateau, this study produced an off-line simulated examination at the Bujiao site on the northern Tibetan Plateau from June 2002 to April 2004, using the Noah Land Surface Model (Noah LSM) and observed data from the CAMP/Tibet experiment. The observed data were neces- sarily corrected and the number of soil layers in the Noah LSM was changed from 4 to 10 to enable this off-line simulation and analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: the Noah LSM performed well on the northern Tibetan Plateau. The simulated net radiation, upward longwave radiation, and upward shortwave radiation demonstrated the same remarkable annual and seasonal variation as the observed data, especially the upward longwave radiation. The simulated soil temperatures were acceptably close to the observed temperatures, especially in the shallow soil layers. The simulated freezing and melting processes were shown to start from the surface soil layer and spread down to the deep soil layers, but they took longer than the observed processes. However, Noah LSM did not adequately simulate the soil moisture. Therefore, additional high-quality, long-term observations of land surface-atmosphere processes over the Tibetan Plateau will be a key factor in proper adiustments of the model parameters in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growing seasons.  相似文献   

In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growing seasons.  相似文献   

受全球气候变化和人类活动影响,青藏高原上的土地沙漠化正呈现加速发展态势。沙漠化产生的风沙堆积势必改变地表辐射和能量平衡状况,对较为敏感和脆弱的多年冻土环境造成影响,并可能影响青藏铁路路基的稳定性。因此,研究积沙对多年冻土的影响对于高原沙害防治、多年冻土保护和道路工程建设都具有重要的理论及现实意义。目前,前人已在青藏高原地表能量平衡研究方面取得了一些成果,并开始关注积沙对冻土温度影响问题。然而,由于已有观测资料的连续性、同步性和可比性等局限,对积沙地表辐射和能量平衡方面的研究还比较薄弱,积沙对冻土温度过程影响的研究结果尚不一致,而积沙对路基影响的问题也亟待开展研究。为此,本文提出了加强定位观测、开展室内低温实验以及数值模拟等建议,以期对今后的深入研究起到抛砖引玉作用。  相似文献   

Lakes regulate the water and heat exchange between the ground and the atmosphere on different temporal and spatial scales. However, studies of the lake effect in the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau(TP) rarely have been performed until recently, and little attention has been paid to modelling of frozen lakes. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF v. 3.6.1) is employed to conduct three numerical experiments in the Ngoring Lake Basin(the original experiment, an experiment with a tuned model, and a no-lake experiment) to investigate the influences of parameter optimization on the lake simulation and of the high-altitude lake on the regional climate. After the lake depth, the roughness lengths, and initial surface temperature are corrected in the model, the simulation of the air temperature is distinctly improved. In the experiment using a tuned model, the simulated sensible-heat flux(H) is clearly improved, especially during periods of ice melting(from late spring to early summer) and freezing(late fall). The improvement of latent-heat flux(LE) is mainly manifested by the sharp increase in the correlation coefficient between simulation and observation, whereas the improvement in the average value is small. The optimization of initial surface temperature shows the most prominent effect in the first year and distinctly weakens after a freezing period. After the lakes become grassland in the model, the daytime temperature clearly increases during the freezing and melting periods; but the nocturnal cooling appears in other stages, especially from September to October. The annual mean H increases by 6.4 times in the regions of the Ngoring Lake and the Gyaring Lake, and the LE declines by 56.2%. The sum of H and LE increases from 71.2 W/m2(with lake) to 84.6 W/m2(no lake). For the entire simulation region, the sum of H and LE also increases slightly. After the lakes are removed, the air temperature increases significantly from June to September over the area corresponding to the two lakes, and an abnormal convergence field appears; at the same time, the precipitation clearly increases over the two lakes and surrounding areas.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原东北部68个国家气象站的气象资料,统计了1961—2015年的全区月、季、年冷空气次数、强度和强降温综合强度资料,应用气候诊断方法分析了冷空气次数、强度和强降温综合强度的变化特征及其成因。结果表明:在年尺度上,1961—2015年青藏高原东北部全区冷空气年平均出现次数为49.6次,冷空气次数气候变化倾向率每10 a减少0.600次,减少趋势不显著;全区冷空气年平均强度为0.39,气候变化倾向率每10 a降低0.022,减弱趋势显著;全区冷空气年强降温综合平均强度为0.67,气候变化倾向率每10 a降低0.005,减弱趋势不显著。在季节尺度上,冷空气次数夏季减少的趋势显著,而春季减少的趋势和秋季、冬季增加的趋势不显著;冷空气强度冬季减弱的趋势显著,而其他季节减弱的趋势不明显;强降温综合强度春季增强趋势和其他季节减弱的趋势不显著。1961—2015年大西洋欧洲区极涡面积指数等因子减小以及热带北大西洋海温指数等因子增大是导致全区年冷空气次数减少的主要成因之一,而西藏高原指数等因子增强和热带印度洋海温偶极子指数等因子减弱是导致年冷空气强度减弱的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

基于水热变化的青藏高原土壤冻融过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原近地层土壤冻融过程是高原地表最显著的陆面特征之一,也是判断冻土发育、存在以及反映气候变化的重要指标。近地层土壤昼夜、季节性的冻结、融化会导致青藏高原陆—气间能水平衡的变化甚至异常,从而显著影响高原地表水文过程、生态环境、碳氮循环以及高原及其周边区域的天气和气候系统。论文从观测、模拟以及对气候的影响3个角度来探讨1990年以来青藏高原土壤冻融过程的最新研究进展。结果表明:① 在一个完整的年冻融循环过程中,近地表各层土壤大体都经历了夏季融化期、春秋季融化—冻结期、冬季冻结期4个阶段。受局地因素的影响,不同站点的冻结或消融起止时间、速率、类型均有差异。② 多年冻土区和季节冻土区的日冻融循环过程差异较大,主要体现在日冻融循环持续时间上。③ 不同陆面模式都可以很好地抓住冻融过程中物理量的时空变化,但都需要针对高原陆面过程的特点进行参数化改进。④ 规避不稳定的迭代计算并根据热力学平衡方程确定冻融临界温度可以改进不合理的冻融参数化方案。基于已有研究回顾,发现增加高质量的观测站,利用卫星遥感等多种手段来反演高原土壤冻融过程以及加强陆面模式与区域气候模式和全球气候模式的耦合,并立足于高原冻融过程的特点发展相适应的参数化方案以及模拟结构的调整,能够有助于高原冻融过程的模拟。  相似文献   

青藏高原不同时段气候变化的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1 Introduction The annual mean world temperature increased by about 0.6℃ from the late 1800s to the 1980s (Wang, 1994). The global environmental change is marked with “global warming” and its possible effects on the ecosystem as well as the production …  相似文献   

青藏高原不同时段气候变化的研究综述   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
李潮流  康世昌 《地理学报》2006,16(3):337-345
综述了近年来通过冰芯、树轮、湖泊沉积等记录对青藏高原不同时段气候变化研究取得的成果.并特别着重于末次间冰期以来青藏高原的气候变化特征。在末次间冰期.青藏高原气候变化剧烈,降温迅速升温缓慢;末次冰期温度变化与格陵兰冰芯记录具有较好一致性,同时也具有高原的独特性;新仙女木事件发生时间与欧洲和格陵兰冰芯的记录基本一致;全新世总体比较温暖;近2000年来温度变化在波动中逐渐上升;近代温度有加速升高的趋势。总体上青藏高原各种尺度上的气候变化要早于我国其它地区.变化的幅度也较大。  相似文献   

顾慧  唐国平  江涛 《地理研究》2020,39(6):1255-1268
设定两种独立的调参方案,检验将高/低分辨率下的调参值应用到低/高分辨率中驱动模型模拟的可行性;同时分析驱动数据分辨率的差异对模型模拟生态水文过程的影响;此外,设置9种集水面积阈值,分析驱动数据分辨率与集水面积阈值对模拟结果的影响。结果表明两种调参方案下模拟的水文与生态数据相关性强、差异小,说明调参方案受驱动数据分辨率的影响不明显;分辨率对土地覆被和土壤类型面积影响小,而对高程和坡度影响大;驱动数据分辨率降低,模拟径流的均值减小、峰值增大、生态变量值增大;驱动数据分辨与集水面积阈值之间不存在交互作用;集水面积阈值增大,模拟径流的均值、峰值均减小,生态变量值也减小,但阈值变化对峰现时间无影响。  相似文献   

Focal mechanisms determined from moment tensor inversion and first motion polarities of the Himalayan Nepal Tibet Seismic Experiment (HIMNT) coupled with previously published solutions show the Himalayan continental collision zone near eastern Nepal is deforming by a variety of styles of deformation. These styles include strike-slip, thrust and normal faulting in the upper and lower crust, but mostly strike-slip faulting near or below the crust–mantle boundary (Moho). One normal faulting earthquake from this experiment accommodates east–west extension beneath the Main Himalayan Thrust of the Lesser Himalaya while three upper crustal normal events on the southern Tibetan Plateau are consistent with east–west extension of the Tibetan crust. Strike-slip earthquakes near the Himalayan Moho at depths >60 km also absorb this continental collision. Shallow plunging P -axes and shallow plunging EW trending T -axes, proxies for the predominant strain orientations, show active shearing at focal depths ∼60–90 km beneath the High Himalaya and southern Tibetan Plateau. Beneath the southern Tibetan Plateau the plunge of the P -axes shift from vertical in the upper crust to mostly horizontal near the crust–mantle boundary, indicating that body forces may play larger role at shallower depths than at deeper depths where plate boundary forces may dominate.  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒区生态脆弱性评价   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
于伯华  吕昌河 《地理研究》2011,30(12):2289-2295
在分析青藏高原高寒生态系统形成机制的基础上,构筑了3个层次、10个指标的脆弱性评价指标体系,系统评估了青藏高原生态脆弱性及其区域差异。研究结果表明:青藏高原中、重度以上脆弱区的面积较大,占区域总面积的74.79%。微度、轻度脆弱区主要分布在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯处、藏东南海拔3000m以下的山地、祁连山南坡的西北段和昆仑山北...  相似文献   

青藏高原的主要环境效应   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
作为地球的"第三极",青藏高原越来越受到世界的关注,本文就青藏高原的环境效应问题进行了研究和探讨.青藏高原的隆起和抬升,形成了其自身独特的自然环境特征,促成了独特的高原季风系统,造就了中国现代季风格局,影响着全球气候的变化和亚洲植被格局的分布,导技致了亚洲干旱地带的北移和植被地带的不对称分布,形成了世界上著名的高原地带性植被格局.对中国东部、西北干旱区、亚洲的气候和植被格局乃至全球气候变化都具有深刻的影响.  相似文献   

In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growine seasons.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and conservation in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tibetan Plateau (Qinghai-Xizang Plateau) is a unique biogeographic region in the world, where various landscapes, altitudinal belts, alpine ecosystems, and endangered and endemic species have been developed. A total of 26 altitudinal belts, 28 spectra of altitudinal belts, 12,000 species of vascular plant, 5,000 species of epiphytes, 210 species of mammals, and 532 species of birds have been recorded. The plateau is also one of the centers of species formation and differentiation in the world. To protect the biodiversity of the plateau, about 80 nature reserves have been designated, of which 45 are national or provincial, covering about 22% of the plateau area. Most of the nature reserves are distributed in the southeastern plateau. Recently, the Chinese government has initiated the “Natural Forests Protection Project of China,” mainly in the upper reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. “No logging” policies have been made and implemented for these areas.  相似文献   

The simulation of soil temperature on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays a dominant role in the performance of both global climate and numerical weather forecast models. To improve the simulation of soil temperature on the TP, the Johansen soil thermal conductivity parameterization scheme was introduced into Community Land Model 3.5 (CLM3.5) and Regional Climatic Model 4 (RegCM4). The improved CLM3.5 and RegCM4-CLM were utilized to conduct offline and regional simulation experiments on the TP. Comparison of the new and old schemes revealed that CLM3.5 provides high thermal conductivity parameters of mineral soil solid on the TP. The Johansen scheme is more practical for the TP than the soil thermal conductivity parameterization in CLM3.5. The simulation of soil temperature and liquid water content was improved in offline experiment. The improved parameterization scheme can also reduce the simulation error of soil temperature in winter throughout the entire TP.  相似文献   

Ecosystems can simultaneously provide multiple functions and services. Knowledge on the combinations of such multi-dimensional functions is critical for accurately assessing the carrying capacity and implementing sustainable management. However, accurately quantify the multifunctionality of ecosystems remains challenging due to the dependence and close association among individual functions. Here, we quantified spatial patterns in the multifunctionality of alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau by integrating four important individual functions based on data collected from a field survey and remote sensing NDVI. After mapping the spatial pattern of multifunctionality, we extracted multifunctionality values across four types of grassland along the northern Tibet Plateau transect. Effects of climate and grazing intensity on the multifunctionality were differentiated. Our results showed that the highest values of multifunctionality occurred in the alpine meadow. Low values of multifunctionality were comparable in different types of grassland. Annual precipitation explained the large variation of multifunctionality across the different types of grassland in the transect, which showed a significantly positive effect on the multifunctionality. Grazing intensity further explained the rest of the variation in the multifunctionality (residuals), which showed a shift from neutral or positive to negative effects on multifunctionality across the different types of grassland. The consistently rapid declines of belowground biomass, SOC, and species richness resulted in the collapse of the multifunctionality as bare ground cover amounted to 75%, which corresponded to a multifunctionality value of 0.233. Our results are the first to show the spatial pattern of grassland multifunctionality. The rapid decline of the multifunctionality suggests that a collapse in the multifunctionality can occur after the vegetation cover decreases to 25%, which is also accompanied by rapid losses of species and other individual functions. Our results are expected to provide evidence and direction for the sustainable development of alpine grassland and restoration management.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and conservation in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tibetan Plateau (Qinghai-Xizang Plateau) is a unique biogeographic region in the world, where various landscapes, altitudinal belts, alpine ecosystems, and endangered and endemic species have been developed. A total of 26 altitudinal belts, 28 spectra of altitudinal belts, 12,000 species of vascular plant, 5,000 species of epiphytes, 210 species of mammals, and 532 species of birds have been recorded. The plateau is also one of the centers of species formation and differentiation in the world To protect the biodiversity of the plateau, about 80 nature reserves have been designated, of which 45 are national or provincial, covering about 22% of the plateau area. Most of the nature reserves are distributed in the southeastern plateau. Recently, the Chinese government has initiated the “Natural Forests Protection Project of China,” mainly in the upper reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. “No logging” policies have been made and implemented for these areas.  相似文献   

青藏高原古地理环境研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
本文综述了最近 5 0年青藏高原古地理演化中一些基本问题研究进展。分析了中新世~上新世青藏古地理环境 ,高原在 3 6MaBP海拔不超过 10 0 0m ,此后强烈隆升。青藏高原最近三次冰期年代分别为 72 5~ 5 81、 2 89~ 136、 82~ 10kaBP ,冰期中不存在“大冰盖”。高原晚新生代重大古地理演化阶段和事件为 :38~ 2 2MaBP行星风系控制的热带 亚热带低地、 2 2~3 6MaBP古季风出现与主夷平面发育、 3 6~ 1 7MaBP高原强烈隆升与现代季风形成和现代河谷发育、 1 1~ 0 6MaBP高原抬升进入冰冻圈与大冰期出现、 0 15MaBP以来强烈隆升与高原内部干旱化。本文还讨论了高原古地理尚需深入研究的一些重大问题  相似文献   

再论青藏高原范围   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张镱锂  李炳元  刘林山  郑度 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1543-1553
伴随青藏高原研究的深入,高原内外多学科研究程度和认识的提高,及地理大数据、地球观测科学和技术的进步,对青藏高原范围提出了新的要求.本研究系统论述了确定青藏高原范围的原则、依据和方法,分析探讨了高原地貌宏观结构(高原面、高原内低盆地与高原边缘河谷低地等)和周围边界各自然地段构成的基本特征.采用ArcMap软件,通过遥感影...  相似文献   

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