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Mesoscale inhomogeneities in the fields of wind, temperature, and ozone concentrations have been studied on the basis of aircraft measurements performed within the international EUPLEX and RECONCILE projects in the northern polar region in the presence of the circumpolar vortex. Data have been obtained on the structure of turbulence inside and outside the circumpolar vortex. The zones of enhanced turbulence have been studied. The spectrum of coherence between ozone and wind velocity are found to have high values.  相似文献   

Using the mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas product derived from satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 2016, this study analyzes statistical characteristics and seasonal variability of mesoscale eddies in the Banda Sea of the Indonesian seas. The results show that there were 147 mesoscale eddies that occurred in the Banda Sea, of which 137 eddies were locally generated and 10 originated from outside. The total numbers of cyclonic eddies(CEs,clockwise) and anticyclonic eddies(AEs, anticlockwise) ar...  相似文献   

A thermodynamics-microphysics model of the formation and evolution of stratospheric clouds is developed. This model was integrated into the global chemistry-climate model of the lower and middle atmosphere. Model experiments on the study of the evolution of the gas and aerosol compositions of the Arctic and Antarctic atmosphere were performed. The results of an investigation into the observed differences of changes in the contents of gaseous impurities and aerosol in polar regions showed that the presence of nitrification in the Antarctic and its absence in the Arctic are the main factors controlling distinctions between the formation of a full-value ozone hole in the Antarctic and only occasional “mini-holes” in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The response of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) circulation to large-scale North Pacific climate variability is explored using three high resolution (15 km) regional ocean model ensembles over the period 1950-2004. On interannual and decadal timescales the mean circulation is strongly modulated by changes in the large scale climate forcing associated with PDO and ENSO. Intensification of the model gyre scale circulation occurs after the 1976-1977 climate shift, as well as during 1965-1970 and 1993-1995. From the model dynamical budgets we find that when the GOA experiences stronger southeasterly winds, typical during the positive phase of the PDO and ENSO, there is net large-scale Ekman convergence in the central and eastern coastal boundary. The geostrophic adjustment to higher sea surface height (SSH) and lower isopycnals lead to stronger cyclonic gyre scale circulation. The opposite situation occurs during stronger northwesterly winds (negative phase of the PDO).Along the eastern side of the GOA basin, interannual changes in the surface winds also modulate the seasonal development of high amplitude anticyclonic eddies (e.g. Haïda and Sitka eddies). Large interannual eddy events during winter-spring, are phase-locked with the seasonal cycle. The initial eddy dynamics are consistent with a quasi-linear Rossby wave response to positive SSH anomalies forced by stronger downwelling favorable winds (e.g. southwesterly during El Niño). However, because of the fast growth rate of baroclinic instability and the geographical focusing associated with the coastal geometry, most of the perturbation energy in the Rossby wave is locally trapped until converted into large scale nonlinear coherent eddies. Coastally trapped waves of tropical origin may also contribute to positive SSH anomalies that lead to higher amplitude eddies. However, their presence does not appear essential. The model ensembles, which do not include the effects of equatorial coastally trapped waves, capture the large Haïda and Sitka eddy events observed during 1982 and 1997 and explain between 40% and 70% of the tidal gauges variance along the GOA coast.In the western side of the GOA basin, interannual eddy variability located south of the Alaskan Stream is not correlated with large scale forcing and appears to be intrinsic. A comparison of the three model ensembles forced by NCEP winds and a multi-century-long integration forced only with the seasonal cycle, shows that the internal variability alone explains most of the eddy variance. The asymmetry between the eddy forced regime in the eastern basin, and the intrinsic regime in the western basin, has important implications for predicting the GOA response to climate change. If future climate change results in stronger wintertime winds and increased downwelling in the eastern basin, then increased mesoscale activity (perhaps more or larger eddies) might occur in this region. Conversely, the changes in the western basin are not predictable based on environmental forcing. Eastern eddies transport important biogeochemical quantities such as iron, oxygen and chlorophyll-a into the gyre interior, therefore having potential upscale effects on the GOA high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll region.  相似文献   

Seismic refraction and continuous reflection measurements were made in the southern Barents Sea. On the basis of these investigations and earlier data from the area, the total thickness of sediments and thickness of the semiconsolidated section have been mapped. The main part of the investigated area consists of Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments, while the areas near the shelf edge show a westward increasing wedge of Cenozoic deposits above the same sediments found to the east. Along the Norwegian coast and in the areas southwest of Bjørnøya a rapid increase of sediments is noted, while a much more gentle westward growth is found in the main part of the Barents shelf. The data suggest the southern flank of Bjørnøyrenna is an area of structural deformation. Structures that can be associated with salt diapirs are recorded in a limited area on Tromsøflaket.  相似文献   

为了研究南海中尺度涡强度的季节和年际变化规律,利用Matlab提取50 a(1958~2007年)简单海洋资料同化(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation,SODA)月平均数据集中流场和海表面高度场数据,应用一个涡旋自动探测算法对南海中尺度涡初始生成位置进行分析,并分析了海表面高度异常均方根值的季节变化和年际变化。结果表明:50 a里南海中尺度涡主要分布在吕宋岛西北海域、吕宋岛西南海域和越南以东广大海域,秋、冬季中尺度涡能量较高,春季中尺度涡最弱,中尺度涡强度高值区年际变化明显。从季节变化上看,海面高度异常均方根春、夏季最小,秋冬季最大;从年际变化上看,与同时期Nino3指数有显著负相关,周期大约为3 a。  相似文献   

By using the results of processing of the instrumental data with high space resolution obtained in September 2008, we analyze the structure of the Rim Current in the upper 100-m layer near the coast of Crimea. We determine the statistical characteristics of the mesoscale fluctuations of currents according to the data of 1165 vertical probes. It is shown that the kinetic energy of intense mesoscale perturbations observed in the vicinity of the Rim Current is of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the mean current.  相似文献   

Combining an intensive hydrographic data survey with a numerical primitive equation model by data assimilation, the main features of dominant mesoscale to subbasin-scale variability in the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea) during the summer of 1996 are estimated, revealed and described, and several hydrographic and dynamical properties of the flow and variabilities discussed. The feature identification is based on two independent real-time analyses of the variability. One analysis “subjectively” evaluates and studies physical field forecasts and their variations. The other more “objectively” estimates and forecasts the principal components of the variability. The two independent analyses are found to be in agreement and complementary. The dominant dynamical variations are revealed to be associated with five features: the Adventure Bank Vortex, Maltese Channel Crest, Ionian Shelfbreak Vortex, Messina Rise Vortex, and temperature and salinity fronts of the Ionian slope. These features and their variations are found to have links with the meanders of the Atlantic Ionian Stream. For each feature, the characteristic physical scales, and their deviations, are quantified. The predominant circulation patterns, pathways and transformations of the modified Atlantic water, Ionian water and modified Levantine intermediate water, are then identified and discussed. For each of these water masses, the ranges of temperature, salinity, depth, velocity and residence times, and the regional variations of these ranges, are computed. Based on the estimated fields and variability principal components, several properties of the dynamics in the Strait are discussed. These include: general characteristics of the mesoscale anomalies; bifurcations of the Atlantic Ionian Stream; respective roles of topography, atmospheric forcings and internal dynamics; factors controlling (strengthening or weakening) the vortices identified; interactions of the Messina Rise and Ionian Shelfbreak vortices; and, mesoscale dynamics and relatively complex features along the Ionian slope. For evaluation and validation of the results obtained, in situ data, satellite sea surface temperature images and trajectories of surface drifters are employed, as well as comparisons with previous studies.  相似文献   

In the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, Coastal Zone Color Scanner images suggest that the eddies that participate in the restratification following deep convection interact with the spring phytoplankton bloom. The mechanisms for this interaction are studied using a biogeochemical model embedded in an eddy-resolving primitive equation ocean model. The model is initialized with a patch of dense water surrounded by a stratified ocean, which is characteristic of the winter situation. The atmospheric forcing is artificially held constant, in order to focus solely on the mesoscale variability. After a few days, meanders develop at the periphery of the patch, inducing its sinking and spreading. Mesoscale upward motions are responsible for the shoaling of the mixing layer in the trough of the meanders. As sunlight is the main factor regulating primary production at this time of year, this shoaling increases the mean exposure time of the phytoplankton cells and thus enhances productivity. Consequently, the majority of phytoplankton production is obtained at the edge of the patch, in agreement with in situ data. Through advection, phytoplankton is then subducted from these sources towards the crest of the meanders. Our results suggest that this mesoscale transport is responsible for a decorrelation between phytoplankton biomass and primary production.  相似文献   

The data collected during an 18-day station and nine hydrologic surveys have been analysed. Mesoscale and large-scale temperature and salinity oscillations were revealed. Mesoscale oscillations in the sea surface layer are induced by the diurnal course of solar radiation, and in the seasonal thermocline layer by internal waves with a predominant 6–10 h periodicity. Large-scale fluctuations are related to the passage of clockwise (cold) and anticlockwise (warm) meanders and vortices. It has been determined that the contribution of large-scale temperature and salinity oscillations to the total variability is 1·5 to 3-fold larger than that of the mesoscale ones.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Distinctions between the longitudinal structures of circulation in the stratosphere and mesosphere/lower thermosphere of the Northern and Southern hemispheres are investigated on the basis of the temperature and geopotential distributions obtained with a SABER instrument (TIMED satellite) in the months of February and August in 2002–2005. The positions of the winter cyclone and polar vortex at stratospheric and mesospheric heights in 2002–2005 are compared to the climatic data over 1978–1998. At stratospheric heights, the mean position of the polar vortex’s center over several years changed insignificantly during the specified years (several degrees in latitude and longitude) in both the Southern and Northern hemispheres. At mesosphere/lower thermosphere heights, the polar vortex occupies the same position in the Southern Hemisphere each year during 2002–2005, and this position agrees with the estimates for 1996–1997. Parameters of stationary planetary waves with the zonal wave number 1 (SPW1) in the fields of temperature, geopotential, and wind are calculated from data on the temperature and geopotential. The height profiles of SPW1 amplitudes and phases calculated from the SABER instrument data for August in the Southern Hemisphere are in good agreement with the profiles of amplitudes and phases obtained from the direct wind measurements with HRDI and WINDII instruments. A strong interannual variability of SPW1 parameters is observed in the Northern Hemisphere. The calculation of the Eliassen-Palm flux and its divergence has shown that SPW1 penetrates into the mesosphere mainly from the stratosphere and slows down the zonal mean flux. However, in the Southern Hemisphere, there is a regular additional SPW1 source with the center at a height of about 65 km and a latitude of 55°S. Such a SPW1 source is, on average, absent in the Northern Hemisphere during 2002–2005; however, in some years (for example, in February 2004), its existence is possible.  相似文献   

We investigated the 2005 spring phytoplankton bloom in the Labrador Sea using Seaglider, an autonomous underwater vehicle equipped with hydrographic, bio-optical and oxygen sensors. The Labrador Sea blooms in distinct phases, two of which were observed by Seaglider: the north bloom and the central Labrador Sea bloom. The dominant north bloom and subsequent zooplankton growth are enabled by the advection of low-salinity water from West Greenland in the strong and eddy-rich separation of the boundary current. The glider observed high fluorescence and oxygen supersaturation within haline-stratified eddy-like features; higher fluorescence was observed at the edges than centers of the eddies. In the central Labrador Sea, the bloom occurred in thermally stratified water. Two regions with elevated subsurface chlorophyll were also observed: a 5 m thin-layer in the southwest Labrador Current, and in the Labrador shelf-break front. The thin layer observations were consistent with vertical shearing of an initially thicker chlorophyll patch. Observations at the front showed high fluorescence down to 100 m depth and aligned with the isopycnals defining the front. The high-resolution Seaglider sampling across the entire Labrador Sea provides first estimates of the scale dependence of coincident biological and physical variables.  相似文献   

Hydrographic mesoscale structures in the North-western Alboran Sea show a high variability induced by a number of different factors. One of the most important is the differences in atmospheric pressure over the Mediterranean basin when compared to the Gulf of Cádiz. This difference modulates the zonal wind field in the Alboran Sea and the intensity of the Atlantic inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar, also affecting the formation and extension of the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG). When westerly winds are dominant, lower atmospheric pressure in the Mediterranean enhances the inflow of Atlantic waters causing the Atlantic Jet to be located in the vicinity of the Spanish shore, creating a well-defined frontal zone in front of Estepona Cove. In this situation, the coastal upwelling is enhanced, leading to a minimum in sea surface temperature and a maximum of surface nutrient concentrations located in the coastal area. The vertical position of the chlorophyll maximum found in these circumstances appeared to be controlled by the nutrient availability. On the other hand, when easterly winds prevail, higher atmospheric pressure in the Mediterranean leads to a reduced inflow and the oceanographic and biological structures are clearly different. The Atlantic Jet moves southward flowing in a south-eastern direction, changing the structure of the currents, resulting in an enhanced cyclonic circulation extending throughout the North-western Alboran Sea basin. These physical alterations also induce changes in the distribution of biogeochemical variables. Maximum nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations are located further off the coast in the central area of the newly created cyclonic gyre. During these easterlies periods coastal upwelling stops and the distribution of phytoplankton cells seems to be mainly controlled by physical processes such as advection of coastal waters to the open sea.  相似文献   

A number of processes are proposed to explain the time and space variability of the onset and decay of the spring phytoplankton bloom. This is done in the modeling framework of a case study most representative of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (MEDOC area). The strategy followed is to isolate the different possible sources of variability (oceanic mesoscale dynamics, spring warming, wind bursts) in a series of process experiments (no flux, warming and wind experiments). The analysis of these experiments provides information for the analysis of a more realistic experiment, forced with daily atmospheric data (high-frequency experiment). On the basis of this study, we propose a categorization of the processes that control the spring bloom, in terms of their impact on the onset and decay of the bloom, and of the time and space scales on which they apply.  相似文献   

利用1993-2010年间的卫星高度计资料,用EOF方法及小波分析研究了黑潮延伸体区域的海平面异常和中尺度涡的时空变化特征.研究结果表明:海平面EOF第一模态是季节模态,与该海域风应力旋度第一模态类似,相关系数达0.65.EOF第二模态主要反映了黑潮南部次级环流的变化情况,显著性周期是8-10年.通过相关分析发现黑潮延伸体南部次级环流的年代际变化与PDO有关,同时它又与风应力旋度第二模态有关;该海域的海面高度受到北太平洋东部SSH信号西传的影响,信号的传播需要大约3-4年时间.EOF第三模态是黑潮弯曲模态.日本南部的气旋涡和反气旋涡可以表征黑潮弯曲的形成,而且弯曲强度和涡的持续时间、强度和位置有关.  相似文献   

We considered the procedure of digital processing of IR data on the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea obtained at the automated data reception station (ADRS) operated by the Marine Hydrophysical Institute, UkSSR Academy of Sciences during the daily and nightly communication session with the NOAA satellite in the APT regime. Two methods were used: a histogram method (for the daily one-channel measurements) and a spectral-angular one (for the nightly dual-channel measurements). As a result, 117 and 99 digital charts of the sea surface radiation temperatures, respectively, were obtained for these basins, as well as 10-day and monthly combinations of the nightly and partially daily digital images. The compositions derived by these two techniques have been compared with the data set for July, which was statistically most complete.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Properties of the dense ice shelf water plume emerging from the Filchner Depression in the southwestern Weddell Sea are described, using available current meter records and CTD stations. A mean hydrography, based on more than 300 CTD stations gathered over 25 yr points to a cold, relatively thin and vertically well-defined plume east of the two ridges cross-cutting the continental slope about 60 km from the Filchner sill, whereas the dense bottom layer is warmer, more stratified and much thicker west of these ridges. The data partly confirm the three major pathways suggested earlier and agree with recent theories on topographic steering by submarine ridges. A surprisingly high mesoscale variability in the overflow region is documented and discussed. The variability is to a large extent due to three distinct oscillations (with periods of about 35 h, 3 and 6 d) seen in both temperature and velocity records on the slope. The oscillations are episodic, barotropic and have a horizontal scale of ∼20–40 km across the slope. They are partly geographically separated, with the longer period being stronger on the lower part of the slope and the shorter on the upper part of the slope. Energy levels are lower west of the ridges, and in the Filchner Depression. The observations are discussed in relation to existing theories on eddies, commonly generated in plumes, and continental shelf waves.  相似文献   

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