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第一篇是学术讨论会概况综述,介绍了中国地震学会地震工程专业委员会成立会期间地震小区域划分学术报告的主要内容:包括地震烈度区域、烈度分布与烈度异常、地震小区划与场地选择、地面运动计算分析、砂土液化与土动力学特性和地面脉动;特别是对唐山地震时玉田县的低烈度异常,从平均剪切模量,地质构造、土质条件等方面作了分析。  相似文献   

利用现场实测资料,对河北省玉田、宁河两县烈度异常区内外的51个场地(村庄)进行了模拟唐山地震的地震反应计算;研究了地震动参数(地面加速度和反应谱特征周期)与场地指数的关系,验证了场地指数反映场地地震效应的有效性。  相似文献   

由国家地震局地质研究所蒋溥等著的《地震小区划概论》即将由地震出版社出版,该书以作者的工程地震实践为基础,系统地介绍地震小区划的原理和方法。为了便于读者较全面地理解地震小区划,书中涉及了一些和地震小区划工作有关的地震学、地质学和工程地震学等方面的基本概念。全书共八章:第一章、震级、烈度、地震动;第二章、烈度和地震动衰减;第三章,地震地质效应及其评价;第四章、场地地震危  相似文献   

场地指数与地震动参数的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用现场实测资料,对河北省玉田、宁河两县烈度异常区内外的51个场地(村庄)进行了模拟唐山地震的地震反应计算;研究了地震动参数(地面加速度和反应谱特征周期)与场地指数的关系,验证了场地指数反映场地地运效应的有效性。  相似文献   

一、情况简介五十年代后期,苏联首先使用地震小区划概念。他们在基本烈度的基础上,对烈度相同的某个地区或一个复杂的工程场地,按场地局部条件,如局部土质条件、地下水位、局部地形和断层影响等进行烈度调整。小区划的结果是一种场地烈度图。近十多年来,地震小区划发展很快。世界上一些多地震国家把它当作减轻地震灾害的一种方法,因而受到普遍重视。目前,它已发展成为一项综合应用的地震工程分支。  相似文献   

非构造型水库地震具有震级小、震源浅、烈度高的特点,研究其烈度衰减对库区地震地质灾害的预测与防治具有重要的意义。根据三峡库首区近年地震实地科考原始烈度资料,选择椭圆衰减模型并对其进行二元回归分析,得到非构造型水库地震的烈度衰减关系。并与原有构造型水库地震烈度衰减关系进行比较。结果可供库区地震危险性分析与地震小区划使用。  相似文献   

玉田低烈度异常区位于河北省玉田县的中北部地区,该区在1679年三河—平谷8.0级特大地震和1976年唐山7.8级大地震中都表现出了明显的低烈度异常现象,是典型的低烈度异常区。唐山大地震以后,国内外众多学者对其异常的原因进行了较为深入的研究,取得了丰富的研究成果。作为一种探索,本文在已有研究成果的基础上,采用谱元法对异常原因进行了更为深入的研究。谱元法属于广义有限元法,是一种新的地震动数值模拟方法,具有计算精度高、收敛快以及易于实现并行运算等优点,用其进行数值模拟计算能大大减少内存需求和计算时间。近年来,该法取得了较快的发展,目前已成为进行大尺度、复杂地质结构模型地震动数值模拟分析的重要工具。破坏性地震震害异常机理的探索是进行场地条件对地震动影响研究的核心问题之一。本文为震害异常机理的研究提供了一种新的方法,这一工作对促进震害异常机理以及场地条件对地震动影响的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文在对震害异常产生原因和研究进展进行详细归纳和总结的基础上,通过对玉田低烈度异常区已有研究成果和收集资料的分析,重点从基岩地形和土层特性两个方面,对玉田地区3个计算剖面的地震动反应进行了谱元法模拟,研究了玉田低烈度异常区的异常机理,得到了若干有意义的结论。本文取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)建立了玉田地区105m深度内的土层波速结构模型。根据收集的68个钻孔数据,从钻孔深度、覆盖层厚度、土层剪切波速以及场地类别4个方面对玉田地区土层的波速特性进行了详细分析,拟合得到了黏性土、砂土和碎石土剪切波速随深度变化的经验公式,再结合不同土层的波速特征,以平均剪切波速作为分类指标对玉田地区的土体进行了分层统计,建立了该区105m深度内的土体波速结构模型。(2)研究了基岩地形特征对地表地震动强度的影响。在对简单基岩凸起模型理论分析的基础上,通过对简单基岩地形模型的谱元法分析,从多个方面探讨了基岩凹陷或凸起地形对地表地震动强度的影响。结果表明,基岩凹陷或凸起地形的存在改变了地震波的入射角度,在使其出现多次折射与反射现象的同时,也使传播至凹凸变化区域的地震波向内汇聚或向外发散,从而导致与该区域相对应地表处的地震动强度整体得到加强或减弱,形成地震动强度相对增强区或减弱区。地震动强度相对增强区的范围较基岩凹陷区小,两者的比值随着基岩凹陷地形陡度和覆盖层厚度的增大而逐渐减小。地震动强度相对减弱区的范围较基岩凸起区大,两者的比值随着基岩凸起地形陡度和覆盖层厚度的增大而逐渐增大。(3)研究了玉田地区基岩地形对震害异常的影响。通过对玉田地区3个剖面6个基岩地形模型的谱元法分析,探讨了各剖面中基岩地形的变化对地表地震动强度的影响。结果表明,玉田地区地表地震动的强度受基岩地形凹凸变化的影响,且这种影响在玉田地区的南北方向上表现得较为明显。玉田县城下基岩凸起地形的存在,降低了城区内大部分区域的地震动强度,形成了地震动强度相对减弱区;而县城以北区域下基岩槽形洼地的存在,则增大了该区的地震动强度,形成了地震动强度相对增强区。相对增强区内的地震动强度为相对减弱区的2倍左右。地震动强度相对减弱区与震害异常区相对应,且其范围较基岩凸起区大。(4)研究了玉田地区土体对震害异常的影响。通过对玉田低烈度异常区内外土体模型的谱元法分析,从地震动强度和频谱特性两个方面,探讨了同一地震作用下异常区内外土体地震动反应的异同。结果表明,在0~105m的深度范围内,玉田异常区内外土体的地震动强度相差不大,且都具有大致相同的频谱特性。异常区内外土体对较低频段(异常区内为0.67~3.17Hz,异常区外为0.67~2.94 Hz)地震波都具有明显的放大作用,而对高频段(6 Hz左右)地震波则都具有一定的吸收作用,并且这种放大、吸收作用在水平方向上表现得尤为明显。(5)研究了玉田地区基岩地形和土体对震害异常的共同影响。通过对玉田地区3个实际剖面的谱元法分析,综合分析了基岩地形和土体对震害异常的影响。结果表明,基岩地形与土体的共同作用,在增大地表地震动强度的同时,更显著地加强了基岩凸起(凹陷)地形对地震波的发散(汇聚)作用,表现出了明显的低烈度异常现象。低烈度异常区的范围较基岩凸起区大,但与震后现场调查得出的0.2等震害指数包线相比,其在南北向的范围较小,东西向则相差不大。综上所述,在合理考虑介质各向异性、地质构造背景以及场地条件等多种影响因素的前提下,建立正确的计算模型,利用谱元法进行震害异常机理研究是可行、有效的。玉田低烈度异常区的出现,是基岩地形与土体共同作用的结果。其中,玉田地区基岩地形的凹凸变化,在加强玉田县城以北区域地震动强度的同时,也降低了玉田县城内大部分地区的地震动强度,从而使县城内大部分地区的地震动强度相对更低;玉田地区深厚覆盖层的存在,导致土体的卓越频率主要位于较低频段,这与唐山地震时区内建(构)物自振频率较高的特点正好相反,避免了共振现象的产生,降低了玉田地区建(构)物的破坏程度。基岩地形和土体的共同作用,使玉田城区内大部分区域的震害程度相对更低,从而形成了典型的低烈度异常区。  相似文献   

根据烈度资料估算我国地震动参数衰减规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了根据烈度资料估算地震动参数衰减规律的方法,推导了由烈度、距离和由烈度、震级标定地面运动参数的公式,并在推导中对两种经验方法的不确定性作了初步分析。 为了说明如何利用该方法推算我国的地震动参数衰减规律,本文首先根据美国西部积累的强震观测数据和烈度资料以及我国华北、西南地区的烈度资料,通过统计分析建立相应的衰减模型,然后用上述两种经验方法建立我国华北和西南地区的地震动衰减模型。用这两种方法换算的结果相近。这些研究结果已在大连市地震小区划和四川瀑布沟小坝坝址地震危险性分析中采用。  相似文献   

本文讨论了用修正麦卡里烈度表表示的大城市区域的地震小区划。使用了关于活断层的位置和它们的相对地震活动水平,断层的三维几何性质,依赖频率的哀减,用场地下面沉积层深度表示的波振幅和局部放大效应的资料和用震中烈度表示的标定方法。证明了这个标定方法与用震级表示的标定是一致的,它可给出统一危险性谱的可靠估计。  相似文献   

河北省玉田县是个比较典型的低烈度异常区。在其东、西50—60公里的两次历史大地震影响下,它都明显地比周围地区破坏轻。 1679年9月2日三河、平谷8级地震,震中在玉田西北约60公里,玉田周围破坏较重,而玉田则无恙。据光绪《顺天府志》载:“京师地震,固安、宝坻、三河、平谷、香河、武清、通州、蓟县等处尤甚”,未提及玉田。又据《玉田县志》记载:“已时地大震,京东地方凡庙宇房屋墙垣倒  相似文献   

The paper presents the method and results of calculating the increment of macroseismic intensity at seismic stations of Kamchatka. Calculation is based on measurement of the relative level of maximum accelerations of intense earth vibrations in the phase of S-waves of comparatively strong regional earthquakes and the root-mean-square deviation of acceleration in the phase of P-waves of a strong distant earthquake. In the latter case, records of an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1, which occurred in Japan on March 11, 2011, were used. The Petropavlovsk seismic station was used as the reference station. At the foundation of this station rests on rocky soil composed of siliceous shales. An estimate of the increment for the majority of digital stations is presented. Anomalously high intensity values were noted at a number of stations. The data obtained are used to assess the properties of soils in the investigated area. At several stations, the intensity of the horizontal component of soil vibrations above the intensity of the vertical component is much greater than the corresponding design value, which is probably due to the presence of resonant soil layers under these stations. The discrepancy in the incremental intensity estimates from records of intense oscillations from regional earthquakes and from records of a very strong remote earthquake obtained from sensors located in basements of heavy-frame concrete structures is revealed. To avoid distortion in recording ground vibrations, it is desirable to place seismic instruments far from such structures. The results obtained in the study can be used for seismic microzoning of construction sites in the investigated territory.  相似文献   

After the April 6th 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (M w 6.3), where 306 people died and a further 60,000 were displaced, seismic microzoning investigations have been carried out for towns affected by a macroseismic intensity equal to or greater than 7 MCS. Based upon seismotectonic data, historical seismicity and strong motion records, we defined input spectra to be used in the numerical simulations of seismic microzoning in four key municipalities, including the town of L’Aquila. We adopted two main approaches: uniform hazard response spectra are obtained by a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment introducing some time-dependency for individual faults on the study area; a deterministic design spectrum is computed from magnitude/distance pairs extracted by a stationary probabilistic analysis of historical intensities. The uniform hazard spectrum of the present Italian building code represents the third, less restrictive, response spectrum to be used for the numerical simulations in seismic microzoning. Strong motions recordings of the main shock of the L’Aquila sequence enlighten the critical role played by both the local response and distances metric for sites located above a seismogenic fault; however, these time-histories are compatible with the uncertainties of a deterministic utilization of ground motion predictive equations. As recordings at very near field are rare, they cannot be neglected while defining the seismic input. Disaggregation on the non-Possonian seismotectonic analysis and on the stationary site-intensity estimates reach very similar results in magnitude-distance pairs identification; we interpret this convergence as a validation of the geology-based model by historical observations.  相似文献   

An index is proposed for the quantitative evaluation of topographical effects, as may be required in seismic microzoning and structural design applications. This topographical effects index (TEI) is defined as the relative Arias intensity for a given position. As an example, the TEI is calculated for a semicircular canyon excited by an earthquake signal that consists of plane elastic SH waves and is characterized by a theoretical spectrum of accelerations. The analytical solution by Trifunac15 provides the transfer functions for this problem. The behaviour and spacial distribution of the calculated TEI values are illustrated for different incidence angles and spectral parameters. The proposed index appears useful for generating quantitative criteria which, after proper confirmation by instrumental recordings, could be considered in earthquake code provisions.  相似文献   

The models currently used in the seismic evaluation of important projects, microzoning and seismic zonation are all for site. Although seismic hazard analysis have been done for many sites in seismic zonation and microzoning, relationship among sites is not considered in the final results. Studies show that it is impossible to get total hazard for specific area from the results of the hazard analysis of sites. So, when we consider the total seismic hazard of a specific spatial distributed system, methods for site are not enough. Author discussed the relation and the difference between system hazard and segments hazard which form the system and proposed a seismic hazard analysis model taking spatial linear distributed series and parallel system as an example. In aseismic design and earthquake disaster prevention decision, not only the seismic hazard of segments of the system but also the total seismic hazard of the system should be considered. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 347–352, 1993.  相似文献   

城市是人口密集、财富集中的区域,也是需要采取特别抗震设防措施的重点地区。地震小区划是精细划分城市抗震设防单元的重要技术途径,可以帮助摸清城市所面临的潜在地震灾害风险,并为城市规划和建设提供更加科学的抗震设防要求。1986—2022年6月,中国共完成城市地震小区划项目369个,地震小区划总面积22856.6km2,涉及61.3%的省会城市和直辖市、33%的设区的市和地(州、盟)驻地城市以及14.1%的县(市、区、旗)所在城市。本文利用文献调研和统计学方法,系统总结了中国城市地震小区划工作开展情况,分析存在的问题,并对今后推进地震小区划工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

—?The problem of accounting for local soil effect on earthquake ground motion is especially urgent when assessing seismic hazard – recent needs of earthquake engineering require local site effects to be included into hazard maps. However, most recent works do not consider the variety of soil conditions or are performed for generalized site categories, such as “hard rock,”“soft soil” or “alluvium.” A technique of seismic hazard calculations on the basis of the Fourier Amplitude Spectra recently developed by the authors allows us to create hazard maps involving the influence of local soil conditions using soil/bedrock spectral ratios. Probabilistic microzoning maps may be constructed showing macroseismic intensity, peak ground acceleration, response and design spectra for various return periods (probability of exceedance), that allow optimization of engineering decisions. An application of this approach is presented which focused on the probabilistic microzoning of the Tashkent City.  相似文献   

After the 2009 April 6th Mw 6.3 L??Aquila earthquake (Central Italy) the Italian Civil Defense Department promoted the microzoning study in the ten zones in the epicentral area that suffered major damage. In this paper we present the activities and the results concerning a temporary seismic network installed in the historical L??Aquila city center indicated as ??macroarea 1?? in the microzoning project. Seismic data were collected to investigate the amplification effects in the city and to support the microzoning activities in verifying both geological profiles and 1D numerical modeling of the seismic response of the city. The conventional spectral approaches using both microtremor and earthquake data allowed to determine the fundamental resonance frequencies and the amplification factors within the city respectively. The spatial variability of these quantities can be related to the geological and geomorphologic characteristics of the investigated area. A comparison between the network data and the data recorded by the two strong motion instruments installed in the city was also made. This allows verifying the relative response of the accelerometric stations that recorded in the city the major events of the sequence.  相似文献   

本文导出了一种给出相对烈度在lg R~0之间的收敛解(忽略震级)的小震方程式。结合在贝加尔地区岩石抗震特性调查与文字资料和统一理论,使人们可对震源等势面进行评估。确定了在震源区边界处的地震烈度稳定性和弹性波在地壳中的传播,使得推导出从地震主要参数震级向随震中距不同的烈度定量计算的转换成为可能。获得了烈度(能通量的密度)对距离的双线性相关,给出了能通量密度和相对烈度之间的关系。求出了取决于地表建筑地基的物理特性的振动载荷烈度。在地震学角度,这种强震的定量预测方法是一种提供详细地震区划和场地小区划的可能手段之一。  相似文献   

The Russian seismic safety regulations are based on macroseismic evaluations in terms of seismic intensity values. According to the seismic scale, intensity value determines both the degree of destruction of buildings and engineering structures and such parameters of seismic impacts as peak ground accelerations and response spectra. Application of macroseismic approach in various aspects of seismic microzoning has led to achievements in earthquake engineering; these aspects are discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of the macroseismic approach are considered.  相似文献   

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