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(环文林,汪素云,宋昭仪)Thecharacteristicsoftectonicstressfieldaboutstrikeslipearthquake-generatingstructureintheChinesemainland¥Wen-Lin...  相似文献   

Introduction The acceleration response spectrum and peak ground acceleration are the necessary and im-portant parameters in earthquake-resistant design at present. They are still active research field. With the increase of digital high accurate strong motion observation data, especially the earth-quakes of Loma Prieta (M=7.0) in 1989; Landers (M=7.3) in 1992; Big Bear (M=6.4) in 1994 and Northridge (M=6.7) in 1994 in USA; Kozani (M=6.6) earthquake and afteshocks in 1995 in Greece; Dinar…  相似文献   

IdentifyingtheactiveandinactiveperiodofearthquakesinChinesemainlandisofgreatimportanceforguid-ingmid-shortterm,especiallyshortterm,earthquakeforecast.Thisisanindispensablestepforstudyingearth-quakepredictioninourcountry.Nowanintegratedsetofconceptsandmethodsforgeneraltrendpredictionofearthquakeactivityhasbeendeveloped.BasedontheChineseearthquakedatasincethebeginningofthe20thcentury,somestatisticalmethodshavebeendevelopedtoanalyzeoccurrencefrequencyandenergyreleaseofearthquakes,distinguishacti…  相似文献   

ComparisonandanalysisofthestressfieldinthesourceregionofTangshanandLancangearthquakesequencesGui-LingDIAO;(刁桂苓)Li-MinYU;(于利民)...  相似文献   

(陈培善,肖磊,白彤霞,王溪莉)Theenvironmentshearstressfieldforthe1976Tangshanearthquakesequence¥Pei-ShanCHEN;LeiXIAO;Tong-XiaBAIandXi-LiWA...  相似文献   

Characteristicsoftectonicdeformationfieldaboutstrike-slipearthquake-generatingstructureintheChinesemainland环文林,张晓东,宋昭仪Wen-Lin...  相似文献   

Introduction In the last 20 years, with observation technique development in space monitoring to Earth, a large progress has been made in monitoring crustal movement. This makes it possible for us to study crustal movement and the present geodynamic. Continuous GPS observation conducted in Chinese mainland and its neighboring region provides us for studying the present strain field of crustal micro-behavior tectonic. Crustal micro-behavior tectonic means that we can study the dif-ference bet…  相似文献   

Introduction Analyzing tectonic stress field based on focal mechanism data is an important way to the study tectonic evolvement of lithosphere and associated dynamic process. Such studies growrapidly in China and abroad (Zoback, 1992; Plenefisch, Bonjer, 1997; XU, 1985; CUI, XIE, 1999). At present most of the studies focus on the inversion of focal mechanism data for the direction and relative magnitude of stress tensor, and few on absolute stress. Using focal mechanism and fault scratch,…  相似文献   

ThestructurefeaturesofstickslipmechanismofthestrikeslipearthquakegeneratingstructureintheinterioroftheChinesemainlandWENL...  相似文献   

TheearthquakedistributionandtheresistivitystructureintheChinesemainland(Ⅰ)CHANG-FANGXU(徐常芳)(InstituteofGeology,StateSeismolig...  相似文献   

根据环境应力场方法确定地震危险区的3年实践检验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
地震是在剪应力作用下发生的岩石大规模破裂过程。因此,环境剪应力值τ0是控制地震发生的主要因素,我们根据环境应力场确定大震危险区,经过3年的时间检验,结果表明,大约70%的地震都发生在我们事先确定的危险区内。  相似文献   

AmbienttectonicshearstresfieldinSouthernCaliforniaandseismichazardregionsPEISHANCHEN(陈培善)LEIXIAO(肖磊)TONGXIABAI(白彤霞)JINCH...  相似文献   

According to the fracture mechanics rupture model of earthquakes put forward by us, several equations to compute tectonic ambient shear stress value τ0 have been derived [equations (1), (2), (3), (5)]. τ0 values for intermediate and small earthquakes occurred in Chinese mainland and Southern California have been calculated by use of these equations. The results demonstrate that the level and distribution of τ0 are closely related to the location where large earthquakes will occur, i.e. the region with higher level of τ0 will be prone to occur large earthquakes and the region with lower level will usually occur small earthquakes. According to the spatial distribution of τ0, the seismic hazard regions or the potential earthquake source regions can in some degree be determined. According to the variation of τ0 with time, the large earthquake occurrence time can be roughly estimated. According to the distribution of τ0 in Southern California and variation with time, three high stress level regions are determined, one (Goldfield area) of them is the present seismic hazard region. Contribution No. 98A02023, Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, China  相似文献   

利用广西台网30多年地震观测资料,根据P波初动半周期和地震震级资料测定环境剪应力的方法,测算了广西及邻区大量中小地震震源的相对剪切应力强度值,据此分析了广西及邻区环境剪应力场总体特征,给出了8次中强地震前后一年的环境剪应力值,对环境剪应力值的区域特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

Dependence of the energy released during earthquake on ambient shear stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Starting with dislocation model, using the result of the fracture mechanics: the slip displacement at the crack tip is proportional to the length of the crack and the applied ambient shear stressτ 0 2 , we consider the dislocation in the earthquake to be the slip displacement at the crack tip and have obtained the analysis expresses of displacement and velocity pulse for the circular crack and have calculated the seismic wave energy radiated by earthquake. The seismic wave energyEM 0 τ 0 2 f(v) r , i. e.E is proportional to the seismic momentM 0 and the square of the ambient shear stressτ 0 2 and increases with the rupture velocityv r . In frequency domain, integrating the square of source velocity spectrum derived from our the scaling law model, we have also obtained the seismic wave energyE released by earthquake and earthquake radiated effficiencyη.EM 0 τ 0 2 also. If takingτ 0 = 10.0 MPa, E=4.79M 0. This result is consistent with the estimate by Vassiliou and Kanamori (1982). Theη=5.26%. The distribution of the seismic wave energy is that most of the energy contains in the frequency range between the first corner frequencyf c1 and thirdf c3, amount to 92.3% the energy in the rangef<f c1 is about 3.85% and 3.85% whenf>f c3. Thef c3 is about 8Hz forM ⩾ 6, thus most of radiated energy is below 2Hz. This phenomenon had been verified by Vassiliou Kanamori. Previous results show the energy radiated by earthquake to be strongly dependent on ambient shear stress. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 146–152, 1993. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, F. R. Germany. The support is grateful acknowledged. The authors are also grateful to Professor Klussmann and Mr. Hasthoff for their lots of help.  相似文献   

It has been analyzed the influence of the tectonic ambient shear stress value on response spectrum based on the previous theory. Based on the prediction equation BJF94 presented by the famous American researchers, CLB20, a new prediction formula is proposed by us, where it is introduced the influence of tectonic ambient shear stress value on response spectrum. BJF94 is the prediction equation, which mainly depends on strong ground motion data from western USA, while the prediction equation SEA99 is based on the strong ground motion data from extensional region all over the world. Comparing these two prediction equations in detail, it is found that after BJF94's prediction value lg(Y) minus 0.16 logarithmic units, the value is very close to SEA99's one. This case demonstrates that lg(Y) in extensional region is smaller; the differences of prediction equation are mainly owe to the differences of tectonic ambient shear stress value. If the factor of tectonic ambient shear stress value is included into the prediction equation, and the magnitude is used seismic moment magnitude to express, which is universal used around the world, and the distance is used the distance of fault project, which commonly used by many people, then regional differences of prediction equation will become much less, even vanish, and it can be constructed the universal prediction equation proper to all over the world. The error in the earthquake-resistant design in China will be small if we directly use the results of response spectrum of USA (e.g. BJF94 or SEA99).  相似文献   

IntroductionChinesemainlandliesinthesoutheastofEurasianPlateandisclampedbyindian,PacificandPhilippineSeaPlates.Besides,itislocatedatbetweenthetwobigseismicactivebeltsintheworldatthesametime.Differingfromtheshowoftwobigseismicbeltswhichhaveseismiczonaldistributionalongplateboundary,Chinesemainlandanditsperipheralareahaveapeculiarcharacter,expressingseismicallylargestrength,highfrequency,widedistribution,shallowfocus,seriousdamage,multiplestyles,extremelynonuniformspace-timedistributionandsoo…  相似文献   

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