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The detailed analysis of landforms, drainages and geology of the area between the rivers Amaravati and Karjan was carried out in order to understand the tectonic history of the lower Narmada basin. Movement along the various faults in the area was studied on the basis of the drainage offsetting. Horizontal offsetting of stream channels was found quite demonstrable along NNW-SSE trending transverse faults. Tectonic landforms including systematic deflection of stream channels and ridges, alignment of fault scarp and saddles and displacement in the basement rocks and alluvial deposits show that the area is undergoing active deformation driven by the NSF system.  相似文献   

The rivers of western India are monsoon dominated and have been so throughout the late Quaternary. Sediment accumulation in these river basins has been controlled by climatic and tectonic changes over a time span from the Late Pleistocene to the recent. The lithofacies assemblages associated with the various sediment archives in the Narmada basin range from the boulders of the alluvial fans to overbank fines on the alluvial plains. Estimates, based on clast size, of stream power and competence, bed shear stress and discharge reveal that hydrological conditions during the Late Pleistocene (∼90 ka) were comparable to the present day. The size of the transported clasts and the thickness of the accumulated sediment indicate the influence of basin subsidence rather than an increase in discharge. Discharge estimates based on sedimentary structures preserved in the alluvial-plain facies suggest that the channel had a persistent flow, with a low width-depth ratio and large meander wavelength. The hydrological changes during the Holocene are more pronounced where the early Holocene is marked by a high-intensity hydrological regime that induced erosion and incision of the earlier sediments. The mid-Holocene stream channel was less sinuous and had a higher width-depth ratio and a higher meander amplitude in comparison with the present-day channel. Palaeo-fluvial reconstructions based on the sediment archives in the alluvial reach of the river basin are important tools in understanding the long-term hydrological changes and the intricate fluvial architecture preserved in the Narmada River basin ensures scope for detailed studies to identify phases of weak and enhanced hydrological regimes.  相似文献   

北京舞蹈学院综合楼地基开挖工程,揭示了北京西部永定河冲积扇全新世和晚更新世地层的垂向分布特征和工程地质特性。该地区工程地质特性满足一般高层建筑(高度小于100m)所需的承载力,建筑的持力层多位于全新世和晚更新世地层的第五层或第七层,不需要进行地基处理,直接采用天然地基即可。该地区一般高层建筑的主要工程地质问题为开挖深基坑的边坡稳定性问题,采用桩锚支护体系进行基坑支护,并配合必要的监测手段,可使基坑周围建筑物的沉降、边坡位移和边坡稳定性满足规范要求。  相似文献   

The Deccan Trap region exhibits an erosional landscape over a relatively ancient and stable Deccan shield. The Quaternary history of the area has been reconstructed on the basis of evidence from alluvial deposits occurring along the major rivers. However, recent investigations have revealed that evidence for geo-environmental change during the Quaternary Period is also contained in the colluvial deposits that occur in the foothill zones. The colluvial deposits, ranging in thickness from 1 to 10 m, invariably occupy gently inclined pediment slopes. The sediments are presently deeply dissected by gullies, and the process of colluviation has almost ceased. These deposits are best preserved in the semi-arid parts of the region. Detailed textural, geochemical and stratigraphical studies at four different sites reveal similar input processes, the slight variations being attributed to local environmental factors. Scanning electron microscopy studies of some grains indicate marginal contribution of aeolian processes at the time of deposition. Mesolithic artefacts and a few U/Th dates indicate that the colluviation took place during the Late Quaternary. The properties of the deposits suggest relatively high energy conditions as well as a remarkable variability in the intensity of hillslope processes. These properties are indicative of semi-arid conditions during which the regolith was stripped from devegetated hillslopes and was deposited on the pediments. A variety of evidence indicates that the period of colluviation coincided with arid conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum. The geomorphological and archaeological evidence also indicates that incision by gully systems was initiated during the early Holocene humid phase. The environmental conditions deduced for the study area are similar to those reported for other parts of the intertropical zone. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relic carbonate deposits along the western margin of India occur as dolomite crusts, aragonite sands (pelletal / oolitic) and aragonite-cemented limestones, oyster shells, corals, encrusted coralline algal and foraminiferal-dominated nodules. The petrology and mineralogy of the deposits indicate that except for aragonite sands and foraminiferal nodules, the others were formed in shallow marine conditions and serve as sea level indicators. Radiocarbon dates were measured for 62 relic deposits covering the entire margin. The age of these deposits on the continental shelf off Cape Comorin and Mangalore, between 110 and 18 m depth, ranges between 12, 61014C yr BP and 6,39014C yr BP. On the northwestern margin of India, especially on the carbonate platform (between 64 and 100 m), the age ranges from 17,250 to 6,73014C yr BP. The relic deposits of the Gulf of Kachchh at depths between 35 and 25 m are dated at 12,550–9,63014C yr BP. The age vs. depth plot of the relic deposits further indicates that the Gulf of Kachchh was inundated much early, atleast by 15 ka, after the Last Glacial Maximum, and was subjected to uplift and subsidence during the Holocene. The carbonate platform subsided during the early Holocene. Some of the relic deposits between Cape Comorin and Mangalore plot on or, closely follow the glacio-eustatic sea level curve. Despite abundant siliciclastic flux discharged by the Narmada and Tapti during the early Holocene, the platform off these rivers is largely devoid of this flux and carbonate sedimentation continued until 6,70014C yr BP. We suggest that the river-derived sediment flux diverted southwards under the influence of the SW monsoon current and, thereby, increased the turbidity on the shelf and slope southeast of the carbonate platform and facilitated the formation of deeper water foraminiferal nodules off Vengurla-Goa.  相似文献   

The Narmada River flows through the Deccan volcanics and transports water and sediments to the adjacent Arabian Sea. In a first-ever attempt, spatial and temporal (annual, seasonal, monthly and daily) variations in water discharge and sediment loads of Narmada River and its tributaries and the probable causes for these variations are discussed. The study has been carried out with data from twenty-two years of daily water discharge at nineteen locations and sediment concentrations data at fourteen locations in the entire Narmada River Basin. Water flow in the river is a major factor influencing sediment loads in the river. The monsoon season, which accounts for 85 to 95% of total annual rainfall in the basin, is the main source of water flow in the river. Almost 85 to 98% of annual sediment loads in the river are transported during the monsoon season (June to November). The average annual sediment flux to the Arabian Sea at Garudeshwar (farthest downstream location) is 34.29×106 t year−1 with a water discharge of 23.57 km3 year−1. These numbers are the latest and revised estimates for Narmada River. Water flow in the river is influenced by rainfall, catchment area and groundwater inputs, whereas rainfall intensity, geology/soil characteristics of the catchment area and presence of reservoirs/dams play a major role in sediment discharge. The largest dam in the basin, namely Sardar Sarovar Dam, traps almost 60–80% of sediments carried by the river before it reaches the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

洞庭盆地澧县凹陷第四纪沉积特征与古地理演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
澧县凹陷内第四系厚度达200m左右,由早更新世-中更新世中期沉积和全新统组成。早更新世-中更新世中期沉积除顶部为粘土外,主体为砾石层,在凹陷中央夹粉砂、细砂和少量粘土。全新统分布于凹陷南部,为湖冲积粘土。早更新世澧县凹陷区断陷沉降,于河道和冲积扇环境下接受沉积;中更新世凹陷逐渐扩张,沉积范围扩展至凹陷外缘,凹陷主体部位自边缘向中央依次为冲积扇和扇前浅湖环境。中更新世中后期因盆地扩张,自凹陷中央至边缘地带均为静水湖泊环境。中更新世晚期至晚更新世,凹陷及周缘因构造抬升而遭受剥蚀而缺失沉积。全新世凹陷南部受澧水及区域湖面上升影响而发育湖冲积沉积。  相似文献   

The paper reviews pollen analytical and palaeoenvironmental work carried out on saline lakes in western Rajasthan, northwest India. The saline lakes are salient geomorphological features within the arid and semi-arid landscapes to the west of the Aravalli mountain ranges. Preliminary palynological work was carried out on two profiles from a gypsum-rich lake depression around Thob (District of Barmer). The varied pollen data are indicative of a fluctuating vegetational assemblage, possibly in response to local hydrological conditions and not necessarily indicative of climatic change. Pollen of Ephedra sp. (a typical desert species) in the lower levels suggests episodes of relatively dry conditions during the early phase of lake sedimentation at the end of the Pleistocene. Other work at four lake sites, on the basis of pollen analysis has indicated shifts in climatic and vegetational belts during the early Holocene, especially during the period of Indus Valley Culture. Later in the Holocene, between 5000 and 3500 yr BP, rainfall variations have been related to the dynamics of the monsoon. Pioneering geoarchaeological studies carried out at the palaeolithic site of 16 R and the adjacent Didwana lake have illustrated palaeoclimatic fluctuations and accompanying changes in cultural stages from the lower palaeolithic to mesolithic. These studies have been extended geochemically and sedimentologically through a detailed study documenting a history of salinity from 20000 to 13000 yr BP and freshwater conditions from 9000 to 6000 yr BP. Later studies have illustrated a sequence of changes reflecting summer and winter precipitation. These have indicated steppe vegetation during the last Glacial Maximum along with hypersaline lake conditions at Didwana, inferring a weakened summer monsoon and relatively high winter precipitation. The taxa indicative of both summer and winter precipitation in the mid-Holocene declined during the late Holocene, at the same time as falling lake levels around 4000 yr BP, a time when other lakes, at Sambhar, Lunkaransar and Pachpadra, also became ephemeral. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two types of phosphorite recovered from the continental slope off western India are described. The first type, phosphorite 1, comprises a hard, grey nodule composed of carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) and calcite as major minerals. The phosphorite consists of light‐brown microcrystalline apatite containing a few skeletal fragments and planktonic foraminifera. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies show evidence of dissolution of skeletal calcite and filling of the resulting cavities by phosphate composed of ovoid to rod‐shaped apatite microparticles. Apatite also occurs as coatings on these particles. The P2O5 content of the phosphorite is 29%, and the CO2 content of the CFA is about 4·5%. The rare‐earth element (REE) abundance (ΣREE=2·02 μg g–1) is lower than in other modern phosphorites. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio and ?Nd value of this sample are 0·70921 and –9·9 respectively. The 14C age found through accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating (18 720 ± 120 years BP) is much younger than that determined by the U‐series method (100 ka). The second type, phosphorite 2, comprises a friable, light‐brown nodule consisting of CFA as the only major mineral, with a CO2 content of the CFA of 4·5%. In thin section, the phosphate is light brown and homogeneous, and a few bone fragments are present. The P2O5 content is 33%, and REE contents (ΣREE = 0·18 μg g–1) are lower than in phosphorite 1. The age of phosphorite 2 is >300 ka. Phosphorite 1 appears to have formed during the late Pleistocene through replacement of carbonate by phosphate; phosphorite 2 is also of Pleistocene age but is much older than phosphorite 1. The initial substrate for phosphorite 2 was a fish coprolite, which was subsequently phosphatized during slow sedimentation under low‐energy conditions. Microbial mediation is evident in both phosphorites. The colour, density and P2O5 content of the phosphorites are found to be dependent on the nature of the initial substrates and physico‐chemical conditions during phosphatization. The CO2 content of the CFA is not related to the precursor carbonate phase. The nature of sediments, rates of sedimentation and the time spent undergoing phosphogenesis at the sediment–water interface may control REE concentrations in phosphorites.  相似文献   

兰州-民和盆地第四纪地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,对兰州-民和盆地的晚新生代地层和环境进行了较系统的研究,对第四纪地层进行了地貌学、岩石学、年代学、土壤地层学和古气候学研究,查明了研究区各地貌单元形成时代与物质组成特点、侵蚀期与堆积期的旋回过程及黄土中1.9MaB.P.以来磁化率与古气候、古土壤事件(S26-S0)、古气候演化的周期(45ka、100ka)、特点和黄土中15万年以来短尺度气候事件(H1-9及DO1-10).  相似文献   

张启连  陈有斌  刘希军  黄文芳  韦访  黄光琼  黎家龙  徐海棚  梁国科  叶宝月 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020012-2022020012
岩溶型铝土矿中火山物质参与成矿的直接证据需要进一步明确。通过线路调查和剖面研究,在桂西大范围内的铝土矿及其早期的铝土质岩中观察到大量的火山灰,含量大于30%;火山灰种类有岩屑、晶屑、玻屑和火山尘,塑性—半塑性变形及刚性爆裂显著,自由降落为主,属原地—准原地沉积;火山灰易于分解为水铝石、高岭石、赤铁矿等微细矿物,屑状火山灰相对尘状火山灰更易于矿化,大量火山灰主要以直接铝土矿化作用成矿。元素地球化学特征显示铝土矿和铝土质岩具有亲岩浆性,不活动元素图解判别及铝土矿测年数据显示火山灰原岩浆以碱性玄武岩为主,与岛弧火山岩一致,主要来自于哀牢山—松马造山带的二叠纪岛弧,铝土矿层具有穿时性,部分火山灰可来源于峨眉山火成岩。铝土矿层中的火山灰丰富,跨度长,可能是瓜德鲁普统末生物灭绝的肇凶。  相似文献   

岩溶型铝土矿中火山物质参与成矿的直接证据需要进一步明确。通过线路调查和剖面研究,在桂西大范围内的铝土矿及其早期的铝土质岩中观察到大量的火山灰,含量大于30%;火山灰种类有岩屑、晶屑、玻屑和火山尘,塑性—半塑性变形及刚性爆裂显著,自由降落为主,属原地—准原地沉积;火山灰易于分解为水铝石、高岭石、赤铁矿等微细矿物,屑状火山灰相对尘状火山灰更易于矿化,大量火山灰主要以直接铝土矿化作用成矿。元素地球化学特征显示铝土矿和铝土质岩具有亲岩浆性,不活动元素图解判别及铝土矿测年数据显示火山灰原岩浆以碱性玄武岩为主,与岛弧火山岩一致,主要来自于哀牢山—松马造山带的二叠纪岛弧,铝土矿层具有穿时性,部分火山灰可来源于峨眉山火成岩。铝土矿层中的火山灰丰富,跨度长,可能是瓜德鲁普世末生物灭绝的肇凶。  相似文献   

祁连山西段第四纪环境变迁研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
祁连山西段地处青藏高原西北缘,自更新世以来的环境变迁是青藏高原隆升过程的环境响应。笔者根据对CaCO3、古地磁、孢粉等资料的分析,初步划分了12个寒冷期和12个温暖期,并根据气候变迁的研究,认为青藏高原隆升至少有三次加速时期。  相似文献   

Quaternary alluvial fans in the tectonically active Pinjaur Dun, an intramontane valley in the Sub‐Himalaya, were deposited in front of the Nalagarh Thrust and were influenced both by tectonics and glacial climate fluctuations. The surface morphology indicates that an earlier set of first‐order fans (Qf1) became entrenched and onlapped by a series of second‐order fans (Qf2). The younger fan segments were then cut by a pair of terraces (T1 and T2). Quartz optically stimulated luminescence dating establishes that the Qf1 aggradational phase was initiated before 96·5 ± 25·3 ka and terminated after 83·7 ± 16·3 ka. This was followed by a period of incision, before Qf2 fan deposition started at 72·4 ± 13·4 ka and continued until 24·5 ± 4·9 ka. Sediment was deposited on the T1 (upper) and T2 (lower) terraces at 16·3 ± 2·1 and 4·5 ka, respectively, recording a return to overall degradation punctuated by minor deposition on terraces. The period of incision separating the younger and older fan deposits coincided with enhanced SW monsoon precipitation. The subsequent development of the Qf2 fans and their progradation until 20 ka suggest erosional unloading of the thrust hangingwall during a tectonically quiescent phase. Toe cutting, deposition of axial river and lacustrine facies, and retreat of Qf2 around 45 ka, indicate fanward shift of the axial river due to tilting of the valley towards the NE in response to reactivation of the Nalagarh Thrust. The cessation of Qf2 deposition around 20 ka and the onset of through‐fan entrenchment suggest reduced sediment supply but relatively high stream power during the last glacial maxima (LGM). The prolonged stream incision since the cessation of Qf2 deposition, with only minor depositional phases at 16·3 ± 2·1 and 4·5 ka, resulted from high water discharge and low sediment input during intensification of the SW monsoon and vegetation changes in the hinterland.  相似文献   

This study reviews the Quaternary alluvial stratigraphy in three semi-arid river basins of western India i.e., lower Luni (Rajasthan), and Mahi and Sabarmati (Gujarat alluvial plains). On the basis of OSL chronologies, it is shown that the existing intra-valley lithostratigraphic correlations require a revision. The sand, gravel and mud facies are present during various times in the three basins, however, the fluvial response to climate change, and the resulting facies associations, was different in the Thar desert as compared to that at the desert margin; this makes purely lithostratigraphic correlations unviable. It is further shown that the rivers in the Thar desert were more sensitive to climate change and had small response times and geomorphic thresholds as compared to the desert-margin rivers. This is illustrated during the early OIS 1, when the Luni river in the Thar desert was dynamic and showed frequent variations in fluvial styles such as gravel bedload braided streams, sand-bed ephemeral streams and meandering streams, all followed by incision during the early Holocene. The coeval deposits in Sabarmati, however, only show a meandering, floodplain-dominated river. Late Quaternary alluvial deposits in these basins unconformably overlie some older deposits that lack any absolute chronology. Based on the facies types and their associations, and the composition and architecture of the multistoried gravel sheets in the studied sections, it is suggested that older deposits are of pre-Quaternary age. This hypothesis implies the presence of a large hiatus incorporating much of the Quaternary period in the exposed sections  相似文献   

李向东  魏泽昳  陈洪达 《地质学报》2023,97(4):1278-1294
虽然地层记录中的内波和内潮汐沉积研究已有30年的研究历史,但尚未涉及深水环境中内波和内潮汐成因研究,不利于对深水复杂水动力环境下各种流体交互作用的深入研究,同时由于已发现研究实例中缺乏生物化石和遗迹化石,从而在很大程度上限制了对内波和内潮汐沉积和油气生成及运移之间的关系研究。本文以鄂尔多斯盆地西缘北部桌子山地区上奥陶统拉什仲组深水沉积为研究对象,在详细的野外观察基础上,采用沉积地球化学和沉积学相结合的方法对该组中发育的内波和内潮汐沉积进行了综合研究。结果表明:拉什仲组中的双向交错层理和浪成波纹层理可相互伴生,多发育在完全或近于完全的鲍玛序列Tc段,其寄主岩性主要为灰绿色薄-中层细砂岩、粉砂岩、黏土质粉砂岩和粉砂质黏土岩;沉积时水体介质具有海水性质总体上不明显、氧化-还原分层、盐度倒置、不受热液影响和水动力较强等现象。结合拉什仲组存在的浊流反射现象认为:拉什仲组沉积于局限海深水斜坡至盆地环境,其内波和内潮汐的形成与低密度浊流反射形成的密度跃层密切相关,具有事件性作用特征,并伴生有大量的生物化石(笔石)及遗迹化石。这种新型内波和内潮汐沉积对于深水牵引流沉积油气勘探具有...  相似文献   

笔者重点分析了哈尔滨河床冲积物的粒度组成,结合沙尘沉降物的粒度组成,论述了裸露河床冲积物对沙尘天气的影响。河床冲积物及沙尘沉降物粒度分析结果显示,裸露河床冲积物粒径大于63μm的颗粒占84%以上,而小于63μm粒径的颗粒很少,小于10μm的颗粒微乎其微;沙尘沉降物中小于63μm的粉粘颗粒含量在90%以上。对河床冲积物而言,无论是砂级别的粗颗粒物质还是粉粘级别的细颗粒物质都与沙尘沉降物的粒度无相关性,对沙尘暴物质组成没有影响或影响很小。受砂级别的粗颗粒物质扬起高度和搬运距离的限制,沙尘暴发生时,裸露河床中的冲积物颗粒不会被远距离搬运而影响到整个哈尔滨地区,真正影响整个哈尔滨地区的沙尘物质是小于63μm的粉砂级别的颗粒,特别是小于10μm的粉尘。笔者认为对哈尔滨沙尘天气产生重大影响的是含有大量细颗粒物质的城市地表土和建筑土等,这些地域是防止沙尘天气的重点治理区域。  相似文献   

西藏阿里地区札达盆地第四纪砾石统计及其意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对西藏阿里札达盆地第四纪砾石层的砾组分析,以及对从基岩地层和第四纪砾石层的砾性、砾石粒度、砾态和砾向分析,阐述了札达盆地象泉河流域河流阶地和香孜地区第四纪砾石层的来源、成因、搬运方式及当时的水动力条件、古水流流向。研究表明,札达盆地的砾石层主要来源于盆地上部河湖相地层,砾石的风化程度普遍较低,象泉河流域古水流方向大致与现代河流的流向一致,伴随着青藏高原的整体隆升,象泉河流量有减小的趋势。  相似文献   

The first documented interpretation of the regional-scale hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow is presented for a ~21,000-km2 area of the arsenic-affected districts of West Bengal [Murshidabad, Nadia, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas (including Calcutta)], India. A hydrostratigraphic model demonstrates the presence of a continuous, semi-confined sand aquifer underlain by a thick clay aquitard. The aquifer thickens toward the east and south. In the south, discontinuous clay layers locally divide the near-surface aquifer into several deeper, laterally connected, confined aquifers. Eight 22-layer model scenarios of regional groundwater flow were developed based on the observed topography, seasonal conditions, and inferred hydrostratigraphy. The models suggest the existence of seasonally variable, regional, north–south flow across the basin prior to the onset of extensive pumping in the 1970s. Pumping has severely distorted the flow pattern, inducing high vertical hydraulic gradients across wide cones of depression. Pumping has also increased total recharge (including irrigational return flow), inflow from rivers, and sea water intrusion. Consequently, downward flow of arsenic contaminated shallow groundwater appears to have resulted in contamination of previously safe aquifers by a combination of mechanical mixing and changes in chemical equilibrium.  相似文献   

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