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The contribution of bacterial biomass to total particulate organic matter (POM) in the ocean, including exported material, is poorly constrained. To examine potential signatures for the presence and export of bacterioplankton and their detrital remains, here we provide a detailed compound-specific 13C characterization of fatty acids from membrane polar lipids obtained from a water column profile in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. POM of submicron size (0.2–0.7 μm; “X-POM”) was sampled and analyzed separately from the size class typically collected as “suspended” POM (0.7–53 μm; “L-POM”). The distributions of polar head group classes, specific fatty acid side chains, and natural 13C contents all vary, both between particle size classes and with depth in the water column. In general, the polar lipids in submicron material – and by inference, lipids of bacterial origin – have higher 13C content than polar lipids from larger POM and are equally abundant. Lipid signatures from the photic zone appear to be partially conserved in the suspended pool during transit down the water column. However, bacterial heterotrophy and possibly chemoautotrophy partially overprint these surface signatures. In addition, active metabolisms in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) appear to mediate the disaggregation of POM transported from the surface, thus adding complexity to the pathways of mid-water carbon flux and providing additional organic substrates to the OMZ and below. This “substrate injection” may provide important fuel for the denitrification and anammox reactions. Finally, examination of 13C content in polar lipids provides a basis for new interpretation of depth-related variations in δ13C values of bulk suspended POM.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies and tropical instability waves in the eastern tropical Pacific, first revealed by satellite infrared imagery, play an important role in the dynamics and biology of the region, and in the transfer of mass, energy, heat, and biological constituents from the shelf to the deep ocean and across the equatorial currents.From boreal late autumn to early spring, four to 18 cyclonic or anticyclonic eddies are formed off the coastal region between southern Mexico and Panama. The anticyclonic gyres, which tend to be larger and last longer than the cyclonic ones, are the best studied: they typically are 180–500 km in diameter, depress the pycnocline from 60 to 145 m at the eddy center, have swirl speeds in excess of 1 m s−1, migrate west at velocities ranging from 11 to 19 cm s−1 (with a slight southward component), and maintain a height signature of up to 30 cm. The primary generating agents for these eddies are the strong, intermittent wind jets that blow across the isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, the lake district in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and the Panama canal. Other proposed eddy-generating mechanisms are the conservation of vorticity as the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) turns north on reaching America, and the instability of coastally trapped waves/currents.Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs) are perturbations in the SST fronts on either side of the equatorial cold tongue. They produce SST variations on the order of 1–2 °C, have periods of 20–40 days, wavelengths of 1000–2000 km, phase speeds of around 0.5 m s−1 and propagate westward both north and south of the Equator. The Tropical Instability Vortices (TIVs) are a train of westward-propagating anticyclonic eddies associated with the TIWs. They exhibit eddy currents exceeding 1.3 m s−1, a westward phase propagation speed between 30 and 40 km d−1, a signature above the pycnocline, and eastward energy propagation. Like the TIWs, they result from the latitudinal barotropically unstable shear between the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the NECC with a potential secondary source of energy from baroclinic instability of the vertical shear with the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC).This review of mesoscale processes is part of a comprehensive review of the oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

对北太平洋西部海域、苏禄海及印尼海、中国南海、印度洋东部海域、孟加拉湾及安达曼海等表层水体中放射性核素137Cs的活度进行了测定。结果表明,上述海域表层水体中137Cs活度显示了较大的变化范围,最低值出现在南极附近的南大洋(1.1Bqm-3),较高的活度值则出现在北太平洋西部海域及中国南海(3Bqm-3)。在所研究水域范围内,137Cs活度的纬度分布特征并没有完全有效地反映出137Cs的全球理论大气沉降趋势及其纬度效应。综合本研究及Miyake等人(1988)的测定结果,我们计算出137Cs自表层海水中的析出速率在苏禄海及印尼海约为0.016/a,在孟加拉湾及安达曼海约为0.033/a,在中国南海约为0.029/a,这一结果明显低于西北太平洋日本沿海表层水体中137Cs的析出速率。这可能是因为在这些海域,横向及纵向的水体混合过程相对都较慢,而且颗粒物对137Cs的吸附析出过程也比较弱所致。  相似文献   

1985~1990年的TOGA(热带海洋全球大气)计划,在热带西太平洋(123~165°E,10°N~6°S)进行了综合性多学科的联合调查。本文利用“中-美热带西太平洋联合调查”资料,对热带西太平洋上层水体的叶绿素α和亚硝酸盐的垂直分布进行研究。研究结果表明调查海域上层水体普遍存在叶绿素α最大值(SCM)和第一亚硝酸盐最大值(PNM);它们出现的深度分别在50~150m和75~175m之间,该深度与密度跃层及营养盐跃层密切相关。本文也从分析热带西太平洋上层水体温、盐及生态结构出发,探讨了热带西太平洋SCM和PNM的形成机理。  相似文献   

A set of phytoplankton pigment measurements collected on eight quarterly transects from France to New Caledonia is analyzed in order to identify the main assemblages of phytoplankton and to relate their occurrence to oceanic conditions. Pigment concentrations are first divided by the sum [monovinyl chlorophyll a plus divinyl chlorophyll a] to remove the effect of biomass, and second are normalized to give an equal weight to all pigments. The resulting 17 pigments × 799 observations matrix is then classified into 10 clusters using neural methodology. Eight out of these 10 clusters have a well marked regional or seasonal character, thus evidencing adapted responses of the phytoplankton communities. The main gradient opposes two clusters with high fucoxanthin and chlorophyll c1+2 in the North Atlantic in January, April and July, to three clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre with high divinyl chlorophyll a, zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin. One of the clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre has relatively high zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin contents and dominates in November and February (austral summer), while another with relatively high divinyl chlorophylls a and b dominates in May and August (austral winter). The third one in the South Pacific is characterized by high carotene concentration and its occurrence peaks in February and May. In the equatorial current system, one cluster, rich in chlorophylls b and c1+2, is strictly located in a narrow zone centred at the equator, while another with relatively high violaxanthin concentration is restricted to the high nutrient - low chlorophyll waters in only the southern part of the South Equatorial Current. One cluster with relatively high prasinoxanthin content has a spatial distribution spanning the entire South Equatorial Current. Two clusters have a ubiquitous distribution: one in the equatorial Pacific, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during summer has pigment concentrations close to the average of the entire dataset, and the other in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during autumn clearly has an oligotrophic character. Many of the differences between clusters are caused by diagnostic pigments of nano- or picoflagellates. While the space and time characteristics of the clusters are well marked and might correspond to differences in physical and chemical forcing, knowledge of the ecological requirements of these flagellates is generally lacking to explain how the variability of the environment triggers these clusters.  相似文献   

利用EN4(the UK Met Office EN4.2.1 analyses)盐度数据发现北太平洋副热带高盐中心——北太平洋热带水(NPTW)的海表面积与体积在2000—2008年、2014—2017年存在下降趋势,2008—2014年期间存在上升趋势,进一步的研究表明,这些变化与太平洋年代际震荡(PDO)的位相转换紧密相关。利用淡水通量数据以及ECCO2(Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II)流场数据计算分析后表明,淡水通量对NPTW的变化贡献较小,而水平输运对NPTW的表面积以及体积变化贡献较大,这与PDO正(负)位相期间北赤道流(NEC)的向北(南)摆动有关。  相似文献   

Various authors have suggested that the Islas Marias archipelago, Mexico, may play a significant biogeographic role in the dispersal of Indo Pacific coral species into the Eastern Pacific; however, the coral communities of this archipelago have received scarce attention to date. Here, we first addressed coral community structure across the islands and, by employing ordination analysis, minimum spanning tree and particle‐tracking experiments, used this information to evaluate the relevance of the archipelago for coral dispersal. Twenty‐four coral communities were recorded in the archipelago. Coral cover varied significantly among islands: Maria Cleofas had large values (38.5%), intermediate values were observed for Maria Madre (26.5%) and Maria Magdalena (22.84%), and relatively low values were recorded for San Juanito (18.5%). Coral communities mainly consisted of Pocillopora (57.3%) and Porites (25.5%) species, while species of Pavona (16%) and Psammocora (0.6%) made relatively minor contributions. Thirteen stony coral species were identified in the archipelago; of these Psammocora profundacella and Pavona duerdeni represent new records. Ordination analysis, minimum spanning tree and particle‐tracking experiments suggested similar connecting paths in the studied area; in general, the Islas Marias stands as a route for coral dispersal of Indo Pacific species into the Northeastern Pacific. In a regional context, the Islas Marias has three major biogeographic implications to coral dispersal: (i) the archipelago stands as a major stepping stone for the transport of species and individuals among the Revillagigedo archipelago, the Gulf of California and the tropical Mexican Pacific; (ii) the Islas Marias may play a seminal role in maintaining the genetic connectivity between southern and northern coral populations along the Mexican Pacific and (iii) because of its relatively pristine status and low levels of human impact, the archipelago may potentially serve as a source of coral propagules for ecosystem recovery in the Gulf of California and along the Pacific coast of the Mexican mainland following natural and/or human induced perturbations.  相似文献   

Using time series of hydrographic data in the wintertime and summertime obtained along 137°E from 1971 to 2000, we found that the average contents of nutrients in the surface mixed layer showed linear decreasing trends of 0.001∼0.004 μmol-PO4 l−1 yr−1 and 0.01∼0.04 μmol-NO3 l−1 yr−1 with the decrease of density. The water column Chl-a (CHL) and the net community production (NCP) had also declined by 0.27∼0.48 mg-Chl m−2 yr−1 and 0.08∼0.47 g-C-NCP m−2 yr−1 with a clear oscillation of 20.8±0.8 years. These changes showed a strong negative correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index (PDO) with a time lag of 2 years (R = 0.89 ± 0.02). Considering the recent significant decrease of O2 over the North Pacific subsurface water, these findings suggest that the long-term decreasing trend of surface-deep water mixing has caused the decrease of marine biological activity in the surface mixed layer with a bidecadal oscillation over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight surficial deposit samples were collected from the equatorial North Pacific, and the natural thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of both bulk and clay fraction samples (<2 μm fractions) were studied by the FJ427-A1 automatic TL Dosimeter for the first time. With the measurements of clay mineral composition, element composition by XRD and ICP, the correlations between TL intensity and sedimentary environment proxies were analyzed, such as water depth, ratio of FeO to Fe2O3 contents, LOI, and major clay mineral concentration, and it was found the bulk sample’s TL signal was stronger than the clay ones. Usually, increase in the clay components may result in the decrease of TL intensity. From the shape of TL curves, the pelagic sediments can be divided into two groups: the majority group has two glow peaks, in general, the first peak is broad and flat, but the second narrow and sharp; the minority group only has a single peak because the first is absent. The peak centers of TL curves are almost fixed, falling in the temperature sections 230~260 and 390~405 ℃ respectively. Lorentz model packed in the Origin 7.5 was chosen to deal with the TL curves. From the processing results, three parameters (H, C and A), corresponding to the height, center, and kurtosis of TL curve, were obtained to describe the curve characteristics. The correlations between TL curve parameters and sedimentary environment proxies were also calculated. On the basis of the above work, the relationship between TL characteristics and sediment type, mineral composition, sedimentary environment of surface sediments was discussed in the study area, and a conclusion is: sediments from the environment of shallower water, higher organic contents and weaker reductivity have stronger TL signals.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋潜流模拟:(Ⅰ)模式配置与模拟结果验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高分辨率准全球海洋模式HYCOM(HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model),采用局部加密网格的方法,模式积分30年,模拟了热带西太平洋环流的年平均状态和季节变化.通过与实测的海表面高度、测流资料、温盐资料等对比分析,验证了模拟结果的有效性,认为模式结果可以用于研究热带西太平洋潜流及其季节变化.  相似文献   

We proposed an empirical equation of sea surface dimethylsulfide (DMS, nM) using sea surface temperature (SST, K), sea surface nitrate (SSN, μM) and latitude (L, °N) to reconstruct the sea surface flux of DMS over the North Pacific between 25°N and 55°N: ln DMS = 0.06346 · SST  0.1210 · SSN  14.11 · cos(L)  6.278 (R2 = 0.63, p < 0.0001). Applying our algorithm to climatological hydrographic data in the North Pacific, we reconstructed the climatological distributions of DMS and its flux between 25 °N and 55 °N. DMS generally increased eastward and northward, and DMS in the northeastern region became to 2–5 times as large as that in the southwestern region. DMS in the later half of the year was 2–4 times as large as that in the first half of the year. Moreover, applying our algorithm to hydrographic time series datasets in the western North Pacific from 1971 to 2000, we found that DMS in the last three decades has shown linear increasing trends of 0.03 ± 0.01 nM year− 1 in the subpolar region, and 0.01 ± 0.001 nM year− 1 in the subtropical region, indicating that the annual flux of DMS from sea to air has increased by 1.9–4.8 μmol m− 2 year− 1. The linear increase was consistent with the annual rate of increase of 1% of the climatological averaged flux in the western North Pacific in the last three decades.  相似文献   

东太平洋多金属结核的一般特征与影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要阐述了东太平洋海盆国家海洋局调查区内多金属结核的物性特点、形态分区、粒级分布、矿物成分以及结核丰度、品位与生成环境因素的关系,并指出了勘探与选冶的较佳区块。  相似文献   

热释光是矿物晶体接受环境核辐射作用后积蓄起来的能量在受到热激发时以光的形式释放出来的一种物理现象,它与晶体损伤、晶体中杂质混入等原因所导致的晶格缺陷有关.热释光强度的大小主要取决于自然界中长寿命放射性元素(238U,235U,230Th,40K及其子体)的衰变,与其他物理、化学、生物或人类活动无关.热释光特征能有效反映晶体形成的环境条件.热释光方法的制样简单、测量快捷,因此在辐射学、核工业、核医学、环境学、农业、考古学、地质学等领域都得到了广泛的应用.在陆地地质学上热释光方法在地质年代测定[1,2]、地层对比[3]、矿物世代划分[4]、矿床含矿评价[4,5]、陨石形成热的历史恢复[6]以及地质事件识别[7]等方面都取得了不少成果.  相似文献   

A simulation is conducted with a realistic ocean general circulation model to investigate the three dimensional spreading of a passive tracer prescribed at the sea surface with the same distribution as the interdecadal sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies observed in the North Pacific. The tracers reaching the equator have the same sign as the major oval-shaped SST anomaly pattern in the central North Pacific but with a magnitude reduced less than 10% of the mid-latitude SST anomaly. The mixing both with the water containing SST anomalies of an opposite sign off the west coast of North America, and with the Southern Hemisphere thermocline water both contribute to the reduced equatorial amplitude. On the way to the equator in the southwestern part of the subtropical gyre, the subducted water is replenished by tracers leaking from the recirculation region to the north. The simulated passive tracer field in the subsurface layers agrees with the observed interdecadal temperature anomalies, suggesting the relevance of the processes studied here to the thermocline variability in the real North Pacific.  相似文献   

北太平洋海表温度及各贡献因子的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘珊  王辉  姜华  金啟华 《海洋学报》2013,35(1):63-75
采用1958年1月至2007年12月SODA海洋上层温度的月平均资料,基于海温变化方程和统计分析方法,分析了北太平洋海表面温度(SST)异常特征及各局地因子贡献比例的变化。结果表明,伴随着1976/1977风场最强中心位置的南北移动,形成了两个北太平洋SST年际-年代际变化的异常中心:一个是位于30°N附近的副热带海盆内区,SST异常主要受风应力强度的主导;一个是位于40°N附近的副热带和副极地环流交汇区,SST异常主要受风应力旋度的位置即风场位置的影响。在副热带海盆内区,最强降温发生在1978-1982年,SST异常的主要局地贡献因子为海表热通量和经向平流,二者所占比例和约为50%~60%,均为同相增温或降温作用,余项所占比例约为20%~50%。在副热带和副极地环流交汇区,海盆内区和西部边界区的SST异常的跃变时间同为1975年,但是内区的垂直混合项的跃变时间早于西部5年左右。SST异常的主要贡献因子为海表热通量和经向平流,但在1983-1988年海温强降温期间,经向平流项贡献大于海表热通量项的贡献。两个区域的垂直混合项均为降温贡献,虽然量值小却显示出很强的年代际变化信号。平流项中经向平流最大,垂直平流最小。  相似文献   

The adjustment of the North Pacific Subtropical and Subpolar Gyres towards changes in wind stress leads to different time-scale variabilities, which plays a significant role in climate changes. Based on the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) and Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) datasets, the variations of the Subtropical and Subpolar Gyres are diagnosed using "three-dimension Ocean Circulation Diagnostic Method", and established three types of index series describe the strength, meridional and depth center of the Subtropical and Subpolar Gyres. The above indices present the seasonal, interannual and interdecadal variabilities of the Subtropical and Subpolar Gyres, which proves well. Both the Gyres are the strongest in winter, but the Subtropical Gyre is the weakest in summer and the Subpolar Gyre is the weakest in autumn. The Subtropical Gyre moves northward from February to March, southward in October, and to the southernmost in around January, while the Subpolar Gyre moves northward in spring, southward in summer, northward again in autumn and reaching the extreme point in winter to the south. The common feature of the interannual and interdecadal variabilities is that the two gyres were weaker and to the north before 1976-1977, while they were stronger and to the south after 1976-1977. The Subpolar Gyre has made a paramount contribution to the variability on interdecadal scales. As is indicated with the Subpolar Gyre strength indices, there was an important shift from weak to strong around 1976-1977, and the correlation coefficient with the North Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) indices was 0.45, which was far better than that between the Subtropical Gyre strength indices and the PDO. Tests show that influenced by small and mesoscale eddies, the magnitude of large-scale gyres strength is strongly dependent on data resolution. But seasonal interannual and interdecadal large-scale variabilities of the two gyres presented with indices is less affected by model resolution.  相似文献   

使用全球版本的迈阿密等密度海洋环流模式对2011年3月日本福岛核电站泄漏在海洋中的传输以及扩散进行了数值模拟。数值模式中核废料(示踪物)排放情景采取等通量连续排放,排放时间从3月25日开始,分别持续20 d以及1 a,两种情形分别积分20 a。为了减少海洋环流年际变化带来的数值模拟的的不确定性,20 a的模式积分分别用2010年、1991-2011年、1971-1991年以及1951-1971年4个不同时段的NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料作为大气强迫场,因此每种排放情形包含4个数值试验。模拟结果的分析表明,不同核废料排放情景及其在不同时段大气资料对海洋模式的驱动下,模拟的示踪物总体的传输扩散路径(包括表层以及次表层)、传输速率以及垂直扩展的范围没有显著的差异。集合平均数值模拟的结果显示:在两种排放情景下,日本福岛核泄漏在海洋的传输路径受北太平洋副热带涡旋洋流系统主导,其传输路径首先主要向东,到达东太平洋后,再向南向西扩散至西太平洋,可能在10~15 a左右影响到我国东部沿海海域,且海洋次表层的传输信号比表层信号早5 a左右。通过进一步分析模式积分过程中最大示踪物浓度随时间变化发现,在积分第20 a(2031年3月),海洋表层和次表层浓度的最高值分别只有模式积分第一年浓度的0.1%和1%。在积分的20 a里,排放的核废料主要滞留在北太平洋海域(超过86%±1.5%的核废料在积分结束时,滞留在北太平洋),而在积分的前10 a(2021年之前),几乎所有的核废料滞留在北太平洋;在核废料的垂直分布上,主要集中在海洋表层至600 m的深度,在积分的20 a时间里,没有核废料信号扩散至1 000 m以下的深度。数值模拟的结果也表明核废料浓度减弱的强度以及演变的时间特征主要受洋流系统的影响,与排放源的排放时间长短关系不大。值得指出的是,更加准确地评估一个真实的核泄漏事故对海洋环境所造成的可能影响,还需要考虑大气中的放射性物质的沉降以及海洋生态对核物质的响应。  相似文献   

2011年3月日本福岛核电站核泄漏在海洋中的传输   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用全球版本的迈阿密等密度海洋环流模式对2011年3月日本福岛核电站泄漏在海洋中的传输以及扩散进行了数值模拟。数值模式中核废料(示踪物)排放情景采取等通量连续排放,排放时间从3月25日开始,分别持续20 d以及1 a,两种情形分别积分20 a。为了减少海洋环流年际变化带来的数值模拟的的不确定性,20 a的模式积分分别用2010年、1991-2011年、1971-1991年以及1951-1971年4个不同时段的NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料作为大气强迫场,因此每种排放情形包含4个数值试验。模拟结果的分析表明,不同核废料排放情景及其在不同时段大气资料对海洋模式的驱动下,模拟的示踪物总体的传输扩散路径(包括表层以及次表层)、传输速率以及垂直扩展的范围没有显著的差异。集合平均数值模拟的结果显示:在两种排放情景下,日本福岛核泄漏在海洋的传输路径受北太平洋副热带涡旋洋流系统主导,其传输路径首先主要向东,到达东太平洋后,再向南向西扩散至西太平洋,可能在10~15 a左右影响到我国东部沿海海域,且海洋次表层的传输信号比表层信号早5 a左右。通过进一步分析模式积分过程中最大示踪物浓度随时间变化发现,在积分第20 a(2031年3月),海洋表层和次表层浓度的最高值分别只有模式积分第一年浓度的0.1%和1%。在积分的20 a里,排放的核废料主要滞留在北太平洋海域(超过86%±1.5%的核废料在积分结束时,滞留在北太平洋),而在积分的前10 a(2021年之前),几乎所有的核废料滞留在北太平洋;在核废料的垂直分布上,主要集中在海洋表层至600 m的深度,在积分的20 a时间里,没有核废料信号扩散至1 000 m以下的深度。数值模拟的结果也表明核废料浓度减弱的强度以及演变的时间特征主要受洋流系统的影响,与排放源的排放时间长短关系不大。值得指出的是,更加准确地评估一个真实的核泄漏事故对海洋环境所造成的可能影响,还需要考虑大气中的放射性物质的沉降以及海洋生态对核物质的响应。  相似文献   

The subsurface water beneath the summer mixed layer is important to air–sea carbon flux, while its geochemical properties are not frequently observed. A data assimilation method is applied to determine the geochemical fields in the subsurface (i.e., 100 m) from the data collected at the surface in the North Pacific. This method, in the family of the inverse methods, is constructed on a one-dimensional bulk mixed layer model. In addition to temperature and salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity are also considered as model variables, whereas biological productivity is omitted. The geochemical properties increase from the fall to the winter, which is the period simulated by the model, as the mixed layer develops and entrains subsurface water rich in DIC and alkalinity. Consequently, the geochemical fields in the mixed layer must have extremely sharp north–south gradients in the western region of the North Pacific and can be reproduced only by enhancing the north–south gradients in the subsurface. The fields reconstructed by the data assimilation provide useful information about the biogeochemical cycles. It is suggested that the large difference in DIC between the surface and the subsurface in the northwestern region is produced by transporting DIC from the mixed layer to the subsurface in the summer, implying extremely high biological productivity. Furthermore, it is suggested that high DIC in the ambient water is maintained by the upwelling of lower layer water.  相似文献   

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