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利用WRF中尺度数值模式,模拟2008年6月20-21日江淮一次β中尺度切变线、低涡降水过程。分析发现:低层大尺度的0.5×10 -6m2·S-1·K·kg-1的大值位涡为切变线暴雨提供了背景场,在其南部边缘,低层的切变辐合及云水形成的非绝热加热,导致了正位涡的增长,使低层正涡度加大引起降水加强。低层的正位涡通过上升运动向上传递,导致了高层位涡正异常,高层位涡的正异常又可导致低层的气旋性涡度进一步加大并使降水加大;β中尺度低涡的生成与大别山地形关系不大,主要是由对流层高层正位涡异常引起,但是低涡的维持及降水与大别山的地形坡度密切相关,当地形平坦时,不利于低涡维持和降水加强,当具有大别山的地形坡度时,不论山脉的高低都有利于低涡维持和降水加强。  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所LASG研制的AREM中尺度暴雨数值预报模式, 对2003年6月29—30日发生在淮河流域的一次大暴雨过程进行了数值模拟分析。结果表明:随着西太平洋副热带高压加强, 低空急流迅速向北推进, 加强了其北侧的风速梯度和气旋性切变, 使涡度场发生了强烈变化, 强正涡度柱的发展导致了低层β-中尺度低压和气旋的新生; 而对流层中高层β-中尺度高压的发展所引起的地转偏差使得β-中尺度高压附近的风场发生明显变化, 并导致β-中尺度强辐散中心强烈发展, 最终造成强烈的上升运动。强上升运动出现在低层θse强锋区的南侧。  相似文献   

The evolution of a mesoscale convective system (MCS) that caused strong precipitation in the northern area of Dabie Mountain during 21-22 June 2008 is analyzed, along with the evolution of the associated meso-β-scale convective vortex (MCV). The mesoscale reanalysis data generated by the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) at a 3-km horizontal resolution and a 1-h time resolution during the South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment (SCHeREX) were utilized. The results show that two processes played key roles in the enhancement of convective instability. First, the mesoscale low-level jet strengthened and shifted eastward, leading to the convergence of warm-wet airflow and increasing convective instability at middle and low levels. Second, the warm-wet airflow interacted with the cold airflow from the north, causing increased vertical vorticity in the vicinity of steeply sloping moist isentropic surfaces. The combined action of these two processes caused the MCS to shift progressively eastward. Condensation associated with the MCS released latent heat and formed a layer of large diabatic heating in the middle troposphere, increasing the potential vorticity below this layer. This increase in potential vorticity created favorable conditions for the development of a low-level vortex circulation. The vertical motion associated with this low-level vortex further promoted the development of convection, creating a positive feedback between the deep convection and the low-level vortex circulation. This feedback mechanism not only promoted the maturation of the MCS, but also played the primary role in the evolution of the MCV. The MCV formed and developed due to the enhancement of the positive feedback that accompanied the coming together of the center of the vortex and the center of the convection. The positive feedback peaked and the MCV matured when these two centers converged. The positive feedback weakened and the MCV began to decay as the two centers separated and diverged.  相似文献   

针对2020年8月11—12日四川盆地西部特大暴雨过程中尺度系统演变特征和维持机制,利用欧洲中心ERA5逐小时再分析资料以及FY-4A的云顶相当黑体温度TBB资料进行诊断分析。(1)本次过程发生在500 hPa巴湖长波槽分裂短波和高原低槽东移发展在四川盆地停滞,副高加强西伸形成阻挡的形势下,同时200 hPa有南亚高压和高空分流区配合。(2)在上述有利的背景条件下,中尺度系统活动经历了中尺度辐合扰动-西南涡生成发展-低空急流影响-西南涡再次发展增强等4个阶段,西南涡两个阶段的发展对降水影响最大,初生发展阶段雨强最强,再次发展阶段强降雨范围最大。(3)西南涡在暖区内初生发展,对流不稳定性强,地面潜热和感热加热以及500 hPa层以下水汽凝结潜热加热均十分显著,在较强暖湿平流作用下,配合低层涡度拉伸项和扭转项的动力作用加强,西南涡迅速发展,但低层辐合相对较弱,正涡度柱高度仅发展至500 hPa。(4)西南涡再次发展阶段冷平流入侵,大气斜压性增强,中高层感热和凝结潜热加热作用加大,“低层辐合-中高层辐散”的动力机制显著加强,配合垂直向上输送正涡度和涡度拉伸项的动力发展作用,西南涡发展旺盛,正...  相似文献   

2019年8月16日沈阳市区受伴有低空γ中尺度涡旋的强对流系统影响,发生了1951年有观测记录以来的最大小时降水(102 mm)。为了提高对此类涡旋所致强降水天气的认识和预报能力,综合利用多源观测和ERA5再分析资料,对此次过程中低空γ中尺度涡旋的观测特征、形成原因和对强降水的影响机制开展研究。此次过程期间,500 hPa沈阳位于东北冷涡东南侧,850 hPa以下低空位于“利奇马”台风残涡西侧的偏北气流水汽输送带内,16日午后沈阳市区具有低层大气气温廓线接近干绝热递减率、较低抬升凝结高度和逐渐加强的风垂直切变等环境条件特征;风廓线雷达资料显示降水前0—6 km风矢量差最大达17 m/s,有利于较浅薄中尺度涡旋对发生。16时前后,沈阳市区内γ中尺度辐合风场首先触发局地风暴,随后有对流风暴群移入沈阳,在局地风暴具有反气旋式旋转处合并。合并风暴在初期产生强降水后,回波顶降低、降水强度减小,低空出现了生命期约30 min的γ中尺度涡旋对,更是出现罕见的具有辐合特征的反气旋式涡旋加强的现象,伴有低空涡旋的风暴再次加强并导致后期更强的降水。相比中国中气旋统计特征,本次低空浅薄涡旋生命期较短、尺度小...  相似文献   

王智  高坤 《大气科学进展》2006,23(2):267-281
A relatively independent and small-scale heavy rainfall event occurred to the south of a slow eastwardmoving meso-α-scale vortex. The analysis shows that a meso-β-scale system is heavily responsible for the intense precipitation. An attempt to simulate it met with some failures. In view of its small scale, short lifetime and relatively sparse observations at the initial time, an adjoint model was used to examine the sensitivity of the meso-β-scale vortex simulation with respect to initial conditions. The adjoint sensitivity indicates how small perturbations of initial model variables anywhere in the model domain can influence the central vorticity of the vortex. The largest sensitivity for both the wind and temperature perturbation is located below 700 hPa, especially at the low level. The largest sensitivity for the water vapor perturbation is located below 500 hPa, especially at the middle and low levels. The horizontal adjoint sensitivity for all variables is mainly located toward the upper reaches of the Yangtze River with respect to the simulated meso-β-scale system in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces with strong locality. The sensitivity shows that warm cyclonic perturbations in the upper reaches can have a great effect on the development of the meso-β-scale vortex. Based on adjoint sensitivity, forward sensitivity experiments were conducted to identify factors influencing the development of the meso-β-scale vortex and to explore ways of improving the prediction. A realistic prediction was achieved by using adjoint sensitivity to modify the initial conditions and implanting a warm cyclone at the initial time in the upper reaches of the river with respect to the meso-β-scale vortex, as is commonly done in tropical cyclone prediction.  相似文献   

为探究华北暴雨的维持及中尺度系统演变机制,利用NCEP/NCAR的GFS资料、地面自动站观测资料等,借助数值模拟、涡度收支分析和尺度分离等方法,对2016年7月19日前后一次华北暴雨过程进行了观测分析和模拟研究。(1)本次极端降水过程与东移低槽切断形成的深厚低涡密切相关。低涡与副高脊线形成“东高西低”形势且雨区始终处于高层辐散低层辐合的动力配置下,有利于对流维持。涡旋与低空急流的配合使来自西南侧和东侧的水汽在华北辐合,并使雨区处于能量锋区,对流层中低层形成深厚逆温层,为暴雨维持提供水汽和能量保障。(2)低涡系统总体呈增强趋势,中心涡度最高达55×10-5 s-1以上。成熟阶段呈现贯穿对流层的直立正涡度柱,但涡度变化集中在500 hPa以下,中心维持在850 hPa附近。涡度增长主要受正涡度区与辐合中心重合产生的拉伸效应以及干侵入等因素的促进作用。(3)低层辐合中心由三种不同尺度系统叠加而成,其中中尺度系统对中心的强度和位置影响最大,而大中尺度风场间的辐合也使辐合区更大、强度更强。低层涡旋增长与风场辐合加强之间形成正反馈调节,有利于低涡和降水的维持。   相似文献   

基于加密自动站降水、葵花8卫星和ECMWF ERA5再分析等多种资料,本文对2018年6月17日08时至18日22时(协调世界时,下同)一次青藏高原(简称高原)中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,简称MCS)东移与下游西南低涡作用并引起四川盆地强降水的典型事件进行了研究(四川盆地附近最大6小时降水量高达88.5 mm)。研究表明,本次事件四川盆地的强降水主要由高原东移MCS与西南低涡作用引起,高原MCS与西南低涡的耦合期是本次降水的强盛时段,暴雨区主要集中在高原东移MCS的冷云区。高原东移MCS整个生命史长达33 h,在其生命史中,它经历了强度起伏变化的数个阶段,总体而言,移出高原前后,高原MCS对流的重心显著降低,但对流强度大大增强。在高原MCS的演变过程中,四川盆地有西南低涡发展,该涡旋生命史约为21h,所在层次比较浅薄,主要位于对流层低层。西南低涡与高原MCS存在显著的作用,在高原MCS与西南低涡耦合阶段,两者的上升运动区相叠加直接造成了强降水。此后,由于高原MCS系统东移而西南低涡维持准静止,高原MCS与西南低涡解耦,西南低涡由此减弱消亡,东移高原MCS所伴随的降水也随之减弱。涡度收支表明,散度项是西南低涡发展和维持的最主导因子,此外,倾斜项是800 hPa以下正涡度制造的第二贡献项,而垂直输送项则是西南低涡800hPa以上正涡度增长的另一个主导项,这两项分别有利于西南低涡向下和向上的伸展。相关分析表明,在西南低涡发展期间,高原MCS中冷云面积(相当黑体亮度温度TBB≤?52°C)可以有效地指示西南低涡强度(涡度)的变化,超前两小时的相关最显著,相关系数可达0.83。  相似文献   

隆霄  潘维玉  邱崇践  赵建华 《高原气象》2009,28(6):1335-1347
利用常规观测资料\, 卫星观测的高时空分辨率TBB资料以及客观分析资料, 对2002年6月22~23日(“02.6”)一次非典型的梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了天气分析。在此基础上, 利用中尺度数值模式MM5对此次梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了数值模拟, 并分析了暴雨中尺度系统的结构特征。结果表明: (1)天气分析显示, “02.6”梅雨锋暴雨过程与α中尺度低涡的东移发展和对流层低层的两支低空急流的增强发展有关。对流层低层700 hPa为一个缓慢东移与南压的东北西南向冷式切变线, 暖式切变线不太明显, 这与通常的江淮切变线梅雨锋暴雨不同。对流层500 hPa的副热带高压非常强, 高层200 hPa对流层高层的反气旋环流非常强并与高空急流相伴, 南亚高压中心位于我国江南地区。(2)TBB资料分析表明, 此次暴雨过程产生与多个β中尺度系统合并发展成α中尺度系统以及此后从α中尺度系统中不断分裂出β中尺度系统发展演变密切相关; 强中尺度对流系统主要在中尺度低涡冷、 暖切变线的的南侧发生和发展, 并不是在中尺度低涡的冷暖切变线上发展。(3)垂直结构分析显示: 在中尺度系统开始发展阶段, 中尺度系统具有强的垂直于剖面的风分量切变、 低空急流核以及高空强辐散低空强辐合, 这有利于中尺度系统的发展; 当中尺度低涡发展到相对成熟的阶段, 其后部不断分裂出中小尺度系统, 对流层低层的θe具有明显暖心结构, 由于气块绝热上升冷却效应比对流潜热释放作用强, 导致在800~600 hPa层上 θe比环境的低, 加之在强上升运动的顶部两侧的下沉补偿气流也比较弱, 这不利于中尺度低涡的维持。  相似文献   

引发暴雨天气的中尺度低涡的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年7月17—19日发生在山东的大到暴雨天气是由“海鸥”台风和副热带高压共同向山东输送水汽,与弱冷空气相互作用造成的。对流层低层的中尺度低涡是暴雨天气的直接制造者。利用常规观测资料和中尺度模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)的模拟资料对该中尺度低涡的结构及形成机制进行了分析研究。结果表明,数值模拟可以清楚地捕捉到中尺度低涡东移过程中有新的涡旋中心形成,并与原来的涡旋中心合并的过程,而不是简单的沿切变线东移。中尺度低涡形成在增温增湿明显、上升运动为主的对流区内;中尺度低涡形成后其中心转为下沉运动,对流区东移,降水区位于低涡的东北和东南象限。中尺度低涡上空近地面层的冷池、600~400hPa的弱冷空气堆、900~850hPa的弱风区及高低空急流耦合发展是中尺度低涡形成和发展阶段的重要特征。中尺度低涡减弱阶段,下沉运动变强,低空急流和高空出流都明显减弱。涡度方程的收支表明,对流层低层的散度项、倾侧项及对流层中层的水平平流项和铅直输送项是正涡度的主要贡献者。中低层的水平辐合、涡度由低层向高层的垂直输送都有利于中尺度低涡的形成和发展。倾侧项对中尺度低涡的形成也有重要贡献。中尺度低涡形成后期,低层辐合、高层辐散及垂直输送的减弱导致正涡度制造的减弱,从而使中尺度低涡减弱。  相似文献   

利用WRF中尺度数值模式,NCEP/NCAR分析资料,多普勒雷达观测资料等,对2016年7月25日一次东北冷涡下的飑线过程进行数值模拟,研究了飑线形成和维持与水平涡度的关系及飑线过程中中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)的形成机制,分析发现,高低层水平涡度逆时针旋转对本次飑线的形成和维持有很好的指示意义。(1)飑线发生前,高层渤海湾西侧出现水平涡度的逆时针旋转中心,并有较强的辐散配合,低层水平涡度为逆时针弯曲,为飑线产生提供了有利的上升运动条件。随后高层多个对流单体的水平涡度气旋式涡旋合并形成较大范围的气旋式涡旋结构,触发低层的上升运动,同时低层对流区前部形成一致的气旋式弯曲使得对流单体组织成带状结构,形成飑线。(2)飑线成熟时期高层水平涡度表现为统一大范围气旋式涡旋结构,低层则呈现典型的S型弯曲结构,水平涡度x方向的分量沿对流带从南至北表现为正负正,y方向的分量始终为正,并由对流带的中心向两侧减小,显示出水平涡度矢量旋转的方向对飑线影响的重要性。(3)由垂直涡度方程的分析得出,在飑线发展中期,MCV形成前,雷达反射率回波在500 hPa左右表现出明显的旋转,此时主要与500 hPa以上强的正涡度水平平流项及中层倾侧项和水平散度项有关,之后,在这几项的作用下使得中层风场产生气旋式旋转,形成MCV。   相似文献   

Using the NCEP 1°×1°reanalysis data,several obvious differences of the structural characteristics of developed versus undeveloped mid-level vortexes are studied.First,the central vorticity of the developed mid-level vortex increases towards higher levels while the undeveloped one decreases.The low-level convergence structure maintains well in the developed mid-level vortex whereas the undeveloped one does badly.Second,on the one hand,according to the symmetric analysis,the horizontal wind field and wind vertical section of the developed mid-level vortex are well symmetric while those of the undeveloped one are less symmetric.Meanwhile,weak wind vertical shear help the developed mid-level vortex to establish a warm core in upper-and mid-levels of the troposphere.On the other hand,according to the balance analysis,better balance between wind and pressure is shown in the mid-and lower-levels of the troposphere of the developed mid-level vortex than in those of the undeveloped vortex.Third,positive anomaly of potential vorticity is enhanced and developed in the vertical direction of the developed vortex.However,the undeveloped vortex weakens with a weak positive anomaly.  相似文献   

一次台风远距离暴雨中的干侵入分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
李媛  赵宇  李婷  李敏  侯红运 《气象科学》2014,34(5):536-542
利用常规观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2008年7月17—19日发生在山东地区的台风远距离暴雨过程进行了观测分析和模拟研究。结果表明:降水期间有来自中高层的干冷空气的侵入,主要有两种表现形式:对流层顶附近向下的干空气侵入和对流层低层由西北向南的干空气侵入。干侵入存在于300~600 hPa之间,高层略微落后于低层,不利于对流不稳定的发展。但干冷空气侵入使得等相当位温面倾斜,有利于条件性对称不稳定的发展。干侵入使原来不饱和湿空气出现饱和,有利于降水增幅,雨区始终位于500 hPa干区前沿。高层正位涡扰动沿相当位温密集带向低层输送,500 hPa位涡高值区与降水有较好的同位相关系,对降水的发展和移动有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

"0907"长江下游梅雨锋暴雨的数值模拟和诊断分析   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
赵娴婷  苗春生  于波 《气象科学》2012,32(2):194-201
利用常规观测资料、卫星TBB资料以及客观再分析资料,对2009年7月6—7日(简称"0907")的长江下游梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了数值模拟和天气分析,重点研究了中尺度系统的发生发展机制。结果表明:7月6—7日对流层低层,长江下游北侧存在的一次天气尺度低压,其发展和东移,促使锋生加强,低空急流发生。WRF中尺度模式数值模拟结果显示,在次天气尺度低压的南侧不断形成β中尺度和γ中尺度对流系统。对其中一个β中尺度对流系统的分析研究表明:低空中尺度急流和中尺度辐合首先发生。之后中尺度辐散迅速加强。高层强辐散、低空中尺度急流核和中尺度低涡的相互耦合作用使系统不断发展并东移。高层相对干冷空气的侵入促使系统衰减消亡。  相似文献   

In this study,the effect of vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensification of tropical cyclone(TC)is investigated via the numerical simulations.Results indicate that weak shear tends to facilitate the development of TC while strong shear appears to inhibit the intensification of TC.As the VWS is imposed on the TC,the vortex of the cyclone tends to tilt vertically and significantly in the upper troposphere.Consequently,the upward motion is considerably enhanced in the downshear side of the storm center and correspondingly,the low-to mid-level potential temperature decreases under the effect of adiabatic cooling,which leads to the increase of the low-to mid-level static instability and relative humidity and then facilitates the burst of convection.In the case of weak shear,the vertical tilting of the vortex is weak and the increase of ascent,static instability and relative humidity occur in the area close to the TC center.Therefore,active convection happens in the TC center region and facilitates the enhancement of vorticity in the inner core region and then the intensification of TC.In contrast,due to strong VWS,the increase of the ascent,static instability and relative humidity induced by the vertical tilting mainly appear in the outer region of TC in the case with stronger shear,and the convection in the inner-core area of TC is rather weak and convective activity mainly happens in the outer-region of the TC.Therefore,the development of a warm core is inhibited and then the intensification of TC is delayed.Different from previous numerical results obtained by imposing VWS suddenly to a strong TC,the simulation performed in this work shows that,even when the VWS is as strong as 12 m s-1,the tropical storm can still experience rapid intensification and finally develop into a strong tropical cyclone after a relatively long period of adjustment.It is found that the convection plays an important role in the adjusting period.On one hand,the convection leads to the horizontal convergence of the low-level vorticity flux and therefore leads to the enhancement of the low-level vorticity in the inner-core area of the cyclone.On the other hand,the active ascent accompanying the convection tends to transport the low-level vorticity to the middle levels.The enhanced vorticity in the lower to middle troposphere strengths the interaction between the low-and mid-level cyclonical circulation and the upper-level circulation deviated from the storm center under the effect of VWS.As a result,the vertical tilting of the vortex is considerably decreased,and then the cyclone starts to develop rapidly.  相似文献   

Observational analysis shows that a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) occurred on May 13- 14 2004 along the coastal area in South China. The MCS initiated among the southwesterly flows within a west-east orientation low-level shear line. Associated with the system, in its subsequent development stages, no distinct vortex circulation developed in low-level. Instead, a cyclonic flow disturbance was observed in the mid-troposphere. How the convection starts to develop and evolve into a MCS? With observational analysis and numerical simulation, the problem has been studied. The high-resolution MM5 simulation shows that topographic convergence along the coastal line and the nearby mountains in western South China plays an important role to initiate the MCS convection. Once the convection occurs, due to the condensation heating, a cooperative interaction between the preexisting mid-level disturbance and convection is created,which may greatly affect the MCS development during periods when the system continues moving eastward.Compared to some typical MCS that happen in Southern China, which are usually accompanied with upward development of cyclonic vorticity, the development and evolution of the investigated MCS shows distinguishing features. In this article, the physical mechanisms responsible for the intensification of mid- level disturbance are discussed, and a viewpoint to interpret the effects of mid-level disturbance on the MCS organizational development is proposed.  相似文献   

The horizontal vorticity equation used in this study was obtained using the equations of motion in the pressure coordinate system without considering friction, to reveal its relationship with vertical shear. By diagnostically analyzing each term in the horizontal vorticity equation during a squall line process that occurred on 19 June 2010, we found that the non-thermal wind term had a negative contribution to the local change of upward movement in the low-level atmosphere, and that its impact changed gradually from negative to positive with altitude, which could influence upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere greatly. The contribution of upward vertical transport to vertical movement was the largest in the low-level atmosphere, but had negative contribution to the upper-level atmosphere. These features were most evident in the development stage of the squall line. Based on analysis of convection cells along a squall line, we found that in the process of cell development diabatic heating caused the subsidence of constant potential temperature surface and non- geostrophic motion, which then triggered strong convergence of horizontal acceleration in the mid-level atmosphere and divergence of horizontal acceleration in the upper-level atmosphere. These changes of horizontal wind field could cause a counterclockwise increment of the horizontal vorticity around the warm cell, which then generated an increase of upward movement. This was the main reason why the non-thermal wind term had the largest contribution to the strengthening of upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere. The vertical transport of large value of horizontal vorticity was the key to trigger convection in this squall line process.  相似文献   

一次东北冷涡不同阶段强对流天气特征对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用NCAR/NCEP再分析(1?×1?)资料、区域自动站观测、FY-2D/2E卫星观测和GPS/MET水汽监测等资料,对2012年6月7-18日长春地区发生在同一东北冷涡系统不同演变阶段的3次强对流天气进行对比诊断分析。结果表明:在冷涡形成期,高低空急流耦合产生的次级环流上升支,触发锋前不稳定能量释放,导致中β尺度孤立深厚湿对流系统出现;在冷涡发展期,对流层高层干冷空气向对流层中下层侵入,形成高空露点锋,触发有组织的中α尺度对流系统;在冷涡消亡期,低涡减弱为高空槽并快速东移,其后部冷空气置于低层大范围暖湿空气之上,地面中尺度辐合触发不稳定能量释放,形成中β尺度对流系统。  相似文献   

2012年7月27日陕北佳县特大暴雨天气的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  郭大梅  胡启元 《干旱气象》2014,(3):424-430,438
利用常规高低空气象观测资料、地面逐小时降水、物理量、NCEP再分析资料和卫星云图,对2012年7月27日发生在陕北佳县的一次特大暴雨天气进行诊断分析,结果表明:暴雨前期副热带高压较强,当西风带的冷空气与副热带高压西北侧的西南暖湿气流交汇时,触发对流产生;低层700 hPa西南气流、850 hPa东南气流为特大暴雨提供了比较充沛的水汽;大气低层存在大量不稳定能量;高空200 hPa陕西北部位于浅槽的前部、急流入口区的右侧,存在正涡度平流,这一区域有强烈的辐散,提供了较强的上升运动,是特大暴雨产生的主要机制;在卫星云图上表现为一个水平尺度为200~400km、云顶亮温最低为-60℃,生命史为14 h的中-α尺度对流云团。  相似文献   

利用"淮河流域东北部一次异常特大暴雨的数值模拟研究Ⅰ"的数值模拟结果,分析了几种不稳定对流涡度矢量(CVV)与中尺度深湿对流系统之间的关系,并分析了不稳定条件的增强和维持机制,结果表明:(1)中低层对流不稳定是深湿对流系统发生的先决条件,由于低层存在辐合,使得周围湿空气向暴雨区集中,对流单体在暴雨区汇聚,且发生合并增强,台风左前方向暴雨区输送对流不稳定能量等,是使得暴雨区对流不稳定重新建立和加强的重要机制.(2)深湿对流系统的中低层不仅有对流不稳定,而且还有斜压不稳定、条件对称不稳定,而中高层必须有湿斜压不稳定和条件对称不稳定.深湿对流系统中高层西(北)侧为负MPV2柱,东(南)侧为正MPV2柱;(3)深湿对流系统中惯性不稳定柱与惯性稳定柱相间分布,西(南)侧为负CVV柱,东(北)侧为正CVV柱,负CVV柱对深湿对流起激发作用;(4)惯性不稳定、湿倾斜不稳定和条件不稳定产生强的倾斜式对流,而强的倾斜式上升运动加强了深对流系统北侧高层的南风分量,因深对流系统南侧低层出现补偿性下沉气流,因而低层南风加强,高低空急流中心的加强会进一步加强对流的发展,使得惯性不稳定、湿倾斜不稳定及条件不稳定增强和维持,这是一个正反馈过程.(5)在暴雨中心以东维持一顺切变环流,同时暴雨中心的浅对流单体吸收来自南方的水汽和不稳定能量,中尺度辐合线与β中尺度涡旋对对流单体起组织和增强作用,对流系统中辐合、辐散柱相间分布,强散度柱与强涡柱互伴互耦,都有利于形成中尺度深湿对流系统,使不稳定向纵深方向发展,从而使得不稳定得到增强和维持.  相似文献   

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