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基于谱比法,以台站记录地震波频谱为观测数据,通过扣除仪器响应及几何扩散后同一地震不同台站记录谱比,扣除震源方向性、 震源因子的影响,在此基础上,建立数学模型通过联合反演求解场地效应及地震波衰减参数. 以浙江省地震台网台站记录的台湾地震数字化地震波资料为基础,使用地震波记录中的Lg波, 评估浙江省台网丘陵地带基岩台站场地效应, 计算穿越台湾海峡较单一路径Lg波衰减参数. 研究使用20次发生于2002——2005年、 震级在MS5.0~6.7之间的台湾东北部较小区域地震, 参与评估台站16个, 地震波记录960条. 地震波处理频段为0.5~10.0 Hz, 每间隔0.2 Hz计算一次,对应于垂直、 东西及南北分量获得的衰减参数, 数据结果分别为:gamma;(f )=0.001 75f 0.43485, gamma;(f )=0.001 45f 0.48467, gamma;(f )=0.0021f 0.41241. 庆元台(QIY)在1.5 Hz以上放大效应非常明显,宁波台(NIB)在大部分频率点场地效应最小,参与评估台站场地效应各分向基本相当,未表现出方向性特征. 相似文献
采用Ω平方模型来约束中小地震的震源位移振幅谱,从而实现对震源参数、介质的几何扩散特征、介质的非弹性衰减以及场地响应等参数的同时反演,数值模拟结果表明该方法是可靠的。江苏省苏南地区的几何扩散较好地符合三段衰减统计模型,该地区的品质因子与频率的依赖关系以频率3.0Hz为界分为低频、高频二部分.且均符合指数衰减关系,而全部频率点的品质因子频率依赖关系似乎与四元素流变模型的Q值理论频率特征曲线比较一致。该地区中小地震地震矩对数值与震级ML具有较好的线性关系;地震矩与拐角频率呈现出良好的双对数关系,且该地区的地震应力降与震源半径之间的关系在震源半径小于300m时与圆盘静态破裂模式理论关系较吻合。 相似文献
根据浙江数字地震台网记录的发生在浙江省及其附近海域的中小地震的波形资料,采用互相衔接的三段几何衰减模型,利用遗传算法联合计算,通过在频率域内的分析,测定和研究了浙江地区剪切波的几何衰减和非弹性衰减以及场地响应的特征。 相似文献
本文利用2009—2019年间中国大陆固定台站记录的宽频带地震波形数据, 采用反双台法, 获得了约36万个台站对的Lg波Q值, 并反演得到了中国大陆Lg波的衰减模型.结果显示, 中国大陆Lg波衰减的Q值结构存在显著的横向非均一性.青藏高原、渤海湾盆地以及祁连山造山带等构造活动块体展现出明显的地壳低Q值强衰减特征, 而华南块体、鄂尔多斯盆地以及塔里木盆地等相对稳定的地区则呈现地壳高Q值弱衰减特征.Lg波衰减与构造活动强度、松散沉积物、地下流体或部分熔融以及地质块体结构等因素密切相关.渤海湾盆地的强衰减主要由上地壳巨厚的松散沉积物和较高的地壳温度导致.青藏高原和祁连山造山带的地壳强衰减主要归因于现今活跃的构造活动、复杂的断裂系统和地质结构以及富含地下流体甚至是部分熔融等因素.华南造山带和大兴安岭地区的地壳弱衰减特征可能与侵入岩冷却形成高强度的结晶基底以及古老造山带地壳构造趋于稳定相关. 相似文献
根据安徽数字地震台网7个地震台的143条波形资料,研究了安徽地区的衰减模型和各台站的场地响应。采用三段几何衰减模型拟合,得到了安徽及邻近地区的几何衰减函数,得到安徽地区非弹性衰减Q值随频率f的关系为Q(f)=235.3×f0.616;7个台站的场地响应均无明显的放大效应,这与它们均处于岩石地基相符;并在本地区地震预测研究中尝试使用新参数,进行了初步的应用。 相似文献
利用海南数字地震台网18个地震台274条波形资料,运用遗传算法反演海南岛非弹性衰减系数及台站场地响应,计算得到海南岛非弹性衰减 Q值随频率 f的关系为 Q( f)=343.7 f0.42,说明海南岛适中 Q值区域,地壳相对稳定。18个地表台站的场地响应场与频率有关,其中:7个台站的场地响应接近1,平稳变化;2个台站在高频部分衰减;7个台站的场地响应小于1,变化平稳; 2个台站低频部分场地响应接近1,高频部分放大。 相似文献
根据地质构造及地震台网分布特征,将青海地区分为柴达木盆地、青海东北部、青海东南部3个区域,运用青海地震台网记录的112条数字地震波形资料,利用Atkinson方法得到3个区域的非弹性衰减Q值随频率的关系,结果表明,柴达木盆地Q值最大,青海东南部Q值最小。采用Moya方法反演得到3个区域24个地震台的场地响应,其中15个台站的场地响应在频率域不平坦,9个台站稳定性相对较好,GOM(格尔木)作为国家基准地震台,具有良好的观测环境,场地响应曲线稳定。 相似文献
根据宁夏数字地震台网19个地震台的294条波形资料,研究宁夏南区及北区的衰减模型和各台站的场地响应。采用三段几何衰减模型拟合,得到宁夏南区和北区非弹性衰减Q值随频率f的关系分别为:Q(f)=503.92f^0.32和Q(f)=267.6f^0.580;19个台站的场地响应除泾源地震台外,其余台站没有显示出明显的放大效应,与实际情况基本相符。 相似文献
A multi-event and multi-station inverse method is presented in the paper to simultaneously estimate the seismicmoments (Mo) and source comer frequencies (fc) of several Jiashi (Xinjiang, China) earthquakes, as well as theapparent Lg Q models for the paths from Jiashi to eight seismic stations (WMQ, AAK, TLG MAKZ, KUR, VOS,ZRN and CHK) in Central Asia. The resultant seismic moments correlate well with the Mo values obtained by Harvard University using the centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion and the surface-wave magnitudes as well. Afterthe correction by a typical value of average radiation coefficient for regional SV waves, the Mo values from Lgspectral inversion are still close to the corresponding values obtained from CMT inversion. The obtained apparentQOLg values (Lg Q at 1 Hz) are consistent with the tectonic features of corresponding propagation paths. The QoLgvalues are 351±87, 349±86 and 300±27 for the paths from Jiashi to AAK, TLG and MAKZ, respectively. They aresmaller than QoLg values for the paths to KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK, which are 553±72, 569±58, 550±57 and603±65, respectively. These results agree with the condition that the paths to AAK, TLG and MAKZ mainlypropagate through the mountainous Tianshan area where relatively strong seismic activities and large variations oftopography are exhibited, while the paths to KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK mainly propagate through the stable areaof Kazak platform. The QoLg value for the path to WMQ is 462±56. This is also in agreement with the conditionthat the path to WMQ is basically along the border area between Tianshan Mountain and Tarim Basin, and alongthis path the variations of topography and crustal thickness are moderate in comparison with that along the path toMAKZ. 相似文献
选取江苏数字地震台网在2001年1月-2010年7月记录到43次高质量数字地震波形,采用Atkinson(1992)和Moya(2000)的方法,反演得到江苏地区的介质非弹性衰减特性和场地响应. 相似文献
时域全波形反演由于采用了全频段信息,因此在迭代过程中不同波长的信息不能由低到高的逐步重建,极易陷入局部极小值.本文通过分频段的方式,对地震数据做正反傅里叶变换,利用频域指数衰减的方法逐级分离出地震数据中的高频成分,在时域上实现由低频向高频的波形反演,从而降低了反演的非线性,使不同波长的信息得到稳步恢复.同时,在高频成分衰减的过程中,后至波的能量也被削弱,由此也降低了深层反射在初始反演过程中的干扰.整个反演仅增加对数据做正反傅里叶变换过程,相较于混合域反演,无需提取全部波场的相应频率成分.在计算效率方面,利用GPU进行加速,并采用CUDA自带函数库中cufft来提高计算效率.通过对Marmousi模型测试,验证了所述方法的有效性. 相似文献
根据2007-2013年广西数字测震台网21个地震台的665条波形资料,运用三段几何衰减模型,采用Akinson方法多台多地震联合反演,得到广西地区非弹性衰减Q值,利用Moya方法进行台站的场地响应测算.结果表明:广西地区非弹性衰减Q值和频率f线性关系较好,Q(f)=366.3f0.47;其中10个台站的场地响应在1附近,且随频率变化波动小;百色、桂林、梧州地震台场地响应随着高频增加而缓慢降低;钦州地震台低频部分较为平坦,高频部分有较为明显的放大效应;河池地震台低频部分较为平坦,在频率7 Hz以上快速下降;南宁地震台仪器通带范围的能量场地响应有明显的放大效应. 相似文献
This paper discusses variability and accuracy of site response predictions performed using shear wave velocity (Vs) profiles derived from non-unique surface wave inversions and other commonly used statistical methods of accounting for epistemic uncertainty and aleatory variability in Vs. Specifically, linear and equivalent linear site response analyses were performed on the following three classes of Vs profiles: (1) 350 Vs profiles developed by performing multiple surface wave inversions, each with a unique set of layering parameters, on a common dispersion dataset, (2) two upper/lower range base-case Vs profiles developed by systematically increasing or decreasing the solution Vs profile by 20%, and (3) 100 Vs profiles developed using the Vs randomization procedure proposed by Toro (1995) [26]. Vs profiles derived from surface wave inversions generally yielded accurate site response estimates with minimal variability, so long as their theoretical dispersion data fit the experimental dispersion data well. On the other hand, the upper/lower range and randomized Vs profiles generally produced inaccurate and highly variable site response predictions, although the inclusion of site-specific parameters in the randomization model improved the results. At real sites where substantial aleatory variability is anticipated and/or the epistemic uncertainty is quite high, the site response estimates associated with the randomized and/or upper/lower range Vs profiles may be deemed acceptable. However, if the experimental dispersion data and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios are shown to be consistent over the footprint of a site, it may be possible to significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with the input Vs profile and the resulting uncertainty in the site response. 相似文献
根据新疆数字地震台网17个数字地震台的地震波形资料,用Atkinson和Mereu方法反演天山中东段地区的非弹性衰减;用Moya和Jorge方法反演17个台站的场地响应.结果表明,天山中东段地区非弹性衰减Q值随频率f的关系为Q(f)=460.7f0.515;17个台站的台基均有不同程度的放大效应.209次地震震级与地震矩在单对数坐标下有明显的正相关关系,地震震级与震源尺度及矩震级成正相关关系,与拐角频率成反相关关系,地震震级与应力降之间没有明显依赖关系. 相似文献
A multi-event and multi-station inverse method is presented in the paper to simultaneously estimate the seismic moments ( M
0) and source corner frequencies ( f
c) of several Jiashi (Xinjiang, China) earthquakes, as well as the apparent Lg Q models for the paths from Jiashi to eight seismic stations (WMQ, AAK, TLG, MAKZ, KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK) in Central Asia.
The resultant seismic moments correlate well with the M
0 values obtained by Harvard University using the centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion and the surface-wave magnitudes as
well. After the correction by a typical value of average radiation coefficient for regional SV waves, the M
0 values from Lg spectral inversion are still close to the corresponding values obtained from CMT inversion. The obtained apparent
0Lg values (Lg Q at 1 Hz) are consistent with the tectonic features of corresponding propagation paths. The Q
0Lg values are 351±87, 349±86 and 300±27 for the paths from Jiashi to AAK, TLG and MAKZ, respectively. They are smaller than
0Lg values for the paths to KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK, which are 553±72, 569±58, 550±57 and 603±65, respectively. These results agree
with the condition that the paths to AAK, TLG and MAKZ mainly propagate through the mountainous Tianshan area where relatively
strong seismic activities and large variations of topography are exhibited, while the paths to KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK mainly
propagate through the stable area of Kazak platform. The Q
0Lg value for the path to WMQ is 462±56. This is also in agreement with the condition that the path to WMQ is basically along
the border area between Tianshan Mountain and Tarim Basin, and along this path the variations of topography and crustal thickness
are moderate in comparison with that along the path to MAKZ.
Foundation item: Foundation of Verification Researches for Army Control Technology (413290102). 相似文献
The data of short-period seismograms had been collected widely in the mainland area of China not including Xinjiang and Tibet.
The physical quantities of Lg wave are determined respectively in the five subregions. The group velocities of priminary arrival
and maximum amplitude of Lg wave are equal to 3.54±0.02 km/s and 3.30±0.05 km/s, respectively. The periods of Lg waves are
between 0.2s to 1.2s, averaging 0.7s. The γ-values of Lg waves in the five subregions are equal to 0.0034±0.0001 km −1 for East, 0.0031±0.0004 km −1 for Southwest, 0.0027±0.0004 km −1 for Northeast, 0.0022±0.0001 km −1 for South, and 0.0021±0.0002 km −1 for Northwest subreqion, respectively. The average γ-value for the five subregions, γ=0.0027±0.0006 km −1. The relations among the amplitude ratio H/Z, the station correction D
z and D
h of amplitudes, and among them and station site condition are discussed.
The subregional magnitude calibration functions of m
Lg had been established according to each regional γ-value. From these, the unified magnitude calibration function of Chinese
mainland not including Xinjiang and Tibet was given by
地震波在地下介质传播过程中由于非弹性衰减的存在将导致能量损失和相位变化, 精确的速度与衰减参数建模对油气识别、提高强衰减介质中地震波成像的质量都起着至关重要的作用.常分数阶拉普拉斯算子黏声方程由于完全分离的速度频散项与振幅衰减项的优势, 以及在强非均质衰减介质中可以高精度求解的特点, 已被应用于速度与衰减参数的建模中.本文将二阶常分数阶拉普拉斯算子黏声方程拆分为等价的一阶方程组, 并在此一阶方程组的基础上推导出新的梯度公式与伴随方程, 建立了一种新的速度与衰减参数同时重建的全波形反演方法.相较于原二阶常分数阶拉普拉斯算子黏声方程建立的全波形反演流程, 数值实验表明, 新建立的反演流程可以有效避免原梯度数值计算中的噪声, 尤其是可以有效提高衰减参数梯度的反演精度, 从而显著提高反演的收敛速度与反演精度. 相似文献
In this paper,according to the relationship of observation spectrum with source spectrum,travel-path attenuationfactor and site effect,we use the digital seismic data of moderate-small earthquakes to invert the soft rock site ef-fect and S wave inelastic attenuation under the constraint of site effect,and determine the parameters of path andsite.The parameters obtained by this method exclude the topographic effect of seismic stations,and truly reflectthe seismic effect of free soft rock sites and the S wave inelastic attenuation in the studied region.The average softrock site effect is about 1.5 times in the frequency domain of 2~4 Hz and the S wave quality factor is obtained asQS=278 f0.346,which can be directly applied to the stochastic modeling of ground motions in the studied region. 相似文献
目前转换波AVO(Amplitude Versus Offset)反演或纵波、转换波联合AVO反演是基于Aki等的反射系数近似公式,通常反演结果为上、下层速度比值和速度平均比值.本文在Shuey和郑晓东近似公式的基础上,运用最小平方算法,提出一种p-p波和P-SV波联合AVO反演下层介质纵、横波速度及泊松比的方案,并应用于双层含气砂岩模型上,误差在10%以内.此方案要求上、下层物性差别不大且入射角小于30°,但不需要速度比值为常数2的假设. 相似文献
Lg波的QLg值是描述区域地壳结构及介质衰减特性的重要参数之一,QLg层析成像被广泛应用于地壳衰减结构横向不均匀性的研究中.但是,对QLg在垂直方向上的不均匀性的研究较少.当发现一个地区发生QLg值低时,我们希望进一步了解这种介质衰减深度.本文通过数值模拟合成地震图的方法,通过分析不同震源深度和介质模型计算QLg,判断Lg波发生主要衰减的深度.研究结果显示:(1)当震源深度浅时,上地壳介质衰减对于Lg波Q值的影响明显比下地壳的影响更大.而震源深度深时,两者贡献基本相当;(2)如果上地壳介质衰减强,则随着震源深度的增加,η值逐渐减小;如果下地壳介质衰减强,η值先增大后减小;但如果下地壳存在低速层,则η值持续增大;(3)如果上地壳介质衰减强,则随着震源深度的增加,Q0逐渐增大;反之如果下地壳介质衰减强,则Q0逐渐减小.因此,我们可以通过调查某一区域不同深度地震的Lg波衰减规律,来判断这一地区的地壳介质衰减情况. 相似文献