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High-temperature–pressure experiments were carried outto determine the chlorine–hydroxyl exchange partitioncoefficient between hornblende and melt in the 1992 Unzen dacite.Cl in hornblende and melt was analyzed by electron microprobe,whereas OH in hornblende and melt was calculated assuming anionstoichiometry of hornblende and utilizing the dissociation reactionconstant for H2O + O = 2(OH) in water-saturated melt, respectively.The partition coefficient strongly depends on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)ratio of hornblende, and is expressed as ln K1 = (Cl/OH)hb/(Cl/OH)melt= 2·37 – 4·6[Mg/(Mg + Fe)]hb at 2–3kbar and 800–850°C. The twofold variation in Cl contentin the oscillatory zoned cores of hornblende phenocrysts inthe 1991–1995 dacite cannot be explained by the dependenceof the Cl/OH partition coefficient on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)hb ratio,and requires c. 80% variation of the Cl/OH ratio of the coexistingmelt. Available experimental data at 200 MPa on Cl/OH fractionationbetween fluid and melt suggest that c. 1·2–1·8wt % degassing of water from the magma can explain the required80% variation in the Cl/OH ratio of the melt. The negative correlationbetween Al content and Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio in the oscillatoryzoned cores of the hornblende phenocrysts is consistent withrepeated influx and convective degassing of the fluid phasein the magma chamber. KEY WORDS: chlorine; element partitioning; hornblende; oscillatory zoning; Unzen volcano  相似文献   

Two series of anhydrous experiments have been performed in anend-loaded piston cylinder apparatus on a primitive, mantle-derivedtholeiitic basalt at 0·7 GPa pressure and temperaturesin the range 1060–1270°C. The first series are equilibriumcrystallization experiments on a single basaltic bulk composition;the second series are fractionation experiments where near-perfectfractional crystallization was approached in a stepwise mannerusing 30°C temperature increments and starting compositionscorresponding to that of the previous, higher temperature glass.At 0·7 GPa liquidus temperatures are lowered and thestability of olivine and plagioclase is enhanced with respectto clinopyroxene compared with phase equilibria of the samecomposition at 1·0 GPa. The residual solid assemblagesof fractional crystallization experiments at 0·7 GPaevolve from dunites, followed by wehrlites, gabbronorites, andgabbros, to diorites and ilmenite-bearing diorites. In equilibriumcrystallization experiments at 0·7 GPa dunites are followedby plagioclase-bearing websterites and gabbronorites. In contrastto low-pressure fractionation of tholeiitic liquids (1 bar–0·5GPa), where early plagioclase saturation leads to the productionof troctolites followed by (olivine) gabbros at an early stageof differentiation, pyroxene still crystallizes before or withplagioclase at 0·7 GPa. The liquids formed by fractionalcrystallization at 0·7 GPa evolve through limited silicaincrease with rather strong iron enrichment following the typicaltholeiitic differentiation path from basalts to ferro-basalts.Silica enrichment and a decrease in absolute iron and titaniumconcentrations are observed in the last fractionation step afterilmenite starts to crystallize, resulting in the productionof an andesitic liquid. Liquids generated by equilibrium crystallizationexperiments at 0·7 GPa evolve through constant SiO2 increaseand only limited FeO enrichment as a consequence of spinel crystallizationand closed-system behaviour. Empirical calculations of the (dry)liquid densities along the liquid lines of descent at 0·7and 1·0 GPa reveal that only differentiation at the baseof the crust (1·0 GPa) results in liquids that can ascendthrough the crust and that will ultimately form granitoid plutonicand/or dacitic to rhyodacitic sub-volcanic to volcanic complexes;at 0·7 GPa the liquid density increases with increasingdifferentiation as a result of pronounced Fe enrichment, renderingit rather unlikely that such differentiated melt will reachshallow crustal levels. KEY WORDS: tholeiitic magmas; experimental petrology; equilibrium crystallization; fractional crystallization  相似文献   

Picritic lava flows near Lijiang in the late Permian Emeishanflood basalt province are associated with augite-phyric basalt,aphyric basalt, and basaltic pyroclastic units. The dominantphenocryst in the picritic flows is Mg-rich olivine (up to 91·6%forsterite component) with high CaO contents (to 0·42wt %) and glass inclusions, indicating that the olivine crystallizedfrom a melt. Associated chromite has a high Cr-number (73–75).The estimated MgO content of the primitive picritic liquidsis about 22 wt %, and initial melt temperature may have beenas high as 1630–1690°C. The basaltic lavas appearto be related to the picritic ones principally by olivine andclinopyroxene fractionation. Age-corrected Nd–Sr–Pbisotope ratios of the picritic and basaltic lavas are indistinguishableand cover a relatively small range [e.g. Nd(t) = –1·3to +4·0]. The higher Nd(t) lavas are isotopically similarto those of several modern oceanic hotspots, and have ocean-island-likepatterns of alteration-resistant incompatible elements. Heavyrare earth element characteristics indicate an important rolefor garnet during melting and that the lavas were formed byfairly small degrees of partial melting. Rough correlationsof isotope ratios with ratios of alteration-resistant highlyincompatible elements (e.g. Nb/La) suggest modest amounts ofcontamination involving continental material or a relativelylow-Nd component in the source. Overall, our results are consistentwith other evidence suggesting some type of plume-head originfor the Emeishan province. KEY WORDS: Emeishan; flood basalts; picrites; mantle plumes; late Permian  相似文献   

The Proterozoic (950 Ma) Lyngdal granodiorite of southern Norwaybelongs to a series of hornblende–biotite metaluminousferroan granitoids (HBG suite) coeval with the post-collisionalRogaland Anorthosite–Mangerite–Charnockite (AMC)suite. This granitoid massif shares many geochemical characteristicswith rapakivi granitoids, yet granodiorites dominate over granites.To constrain both crystallization (P, T, fO2, H2O in melt) andmagma generation conditions, we performed crystallization experimentson two samples of the Lyngdal granodiorite (with 60 and 65 wt% SiO2) at 4–2 kbar, mainly at fO2 of NNO (nickel–nickeloxide) to NNO + 1, and under fluid-saturated conditions withvarious H2O–CO2 ratios for each temperature. Comparisonbetween experimental phase equilibria and the mineral assemblagein the Lyngdal granodiorite indicates that it crystallized between4 and 2 kbar, from a magma with 5–6 wt % H2O at an fO2of NNO to NNO + 1. These oxidized and wet conditions sharplycontrast with the dry and reduced conditions inferred for thepetrogenesis of the AMC suite and many other rapakivi granitesworldwide. The high liquidus temperature and H2O content ofthe Lyngdal granodiorite imply that it is not a primary magmaproduced by the partial melting of the crust but is derivedby the fractionation of a mafic magma. Lyngdal-type magmas appearto have volcanic equivalents in the geological record. In particular,our results show that oxidized high-silica rhyolites, such asthe Bishop Tuff, could be derived via fractionation of oxidizedintermediate magmas and do not necessarily represent primarycrustal melts. This study underlines the great variability ofcrystallization conditions (from anhydrous to hydrous and reducedto oxidized) and petrogenetic processes among the metaluminousferroan magmas of intermediate compositions (granodiorites,quartz mangerites, quartz latites), suggesting that there isnot a single model to explain these rocks. KEY WORDS: ferroan granitoids; crystallization conditions; experiments; Norway; Sveconorwegian; Bishop Tuff  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of metapelites from the eastern partof the Monte Rosa nappe and the Camughera–Moncucco unit,both situated in the upper Penninic units SW of the Simplonline, were investigated using microstructural relationshipsand equilibrium phase diagrams. The units under considerationexperienced pre-Alpine amphibolite-facies conditions and underwenta complex metamorphic evolution during the Alpine orogeny. Peakpressures during an early Alpine high-pressure stage of 12·5–16kbar were similar in the Monte Rosa nappe and Camughera–Moncuccounit. A pronounced thermal gradient is indicated during decompressionleading to an amphibolite-facies overprint, as the decompressionpaths went through the chlorite, biotite and plagioclase stabilityfields in most of the Monte Rosa nappe, through the staurolitefield in the easternmost Monte Rosa nappe and in the Camughera–Moncuccounit, and through the sillimanite field in the easternmost Camughera–Moncuccounit. In high-Al metapelites the initial formation of stauroliteis related to continuous paragonite breakdown and associatedformation of biotite. In the course of this reaction phengitebecomes successively sodium enriched. In low-Al metapelites,in contrast, the initial staurolite formation occurs via thecontinuous breakdown of sodium-rich phengite. In both low- andhigh-Al metapelites the largest volume of staurolite is formedduring the continuous breakdown of sodium-rich phengite belowPT conditions of about 9·5 kbar at 600–650°C.During this reaction phengite becomes successively potassiumenriched as sodium from phengite is used to form the albitecomponent in plagioclase. For ‘normal’ pelitic chemistries,phengite becomes Na enriched during decompression through thebreakdown of paragonite along a near-isothermal decompressionpath. The Na content in phengite reaches its maximum when paragoniteis entirely consumed. During further decompression the paragonitecomponent in phengite decreases again because Na is preferentiallyincorporated into the albite component of plagioclase. KEY WORDS: metapelites; white mica; high pressure; equilibrium diagrams; Western Alps  相似文献   

After 11·5 ka of quiescence (24·5–13 ka),the Nevado de Toluca volcano started a 2500 year period of activity.This period was characterized by a dome destruction event at13 ka, a small Plinian event at 12·1 ka, and a largePlinian eruption at 10·5 ka. About 10 km3 of magma waserupted that was homogeneous in composition (63·3–65·7SiO2 wt % whole-rock) and in mineralogy. Pumice consists ofplagioclase (An30–59) > orthopyroxene (En56–59)> hornblende >> Fe–Ti oxides + rare apatite (inopx) + biotite, set in a rhyolitic matrix (72–76 SiO2wt %). 40Ar/39Ar analysis of single biotite crystals yieldedages (0·81–4·7 Ma), that do not correspondto eruption ages. The biotite represents partially assimilatedxenocrysts, which could have resided in the magma for only ashort period of time. Mineral chemical data, coupled with hydrothermalexperiments, indicate that prior to eruption the dacitic magmastagnated at a depth of 4·5–6 km below the summitat water pressures of 160–210 MPa and a temperature of824 ± 12°C on the basis of Fe–Ti oxide thermometry,and under water-saturated conditions. To stabilize a homogeneousmagma body of >10 km3 at 824°C in the upper crust, wepropose that reheating of the dacitic reservoir by hotter magmabatches was able to maintain the equilibrium between the temperatureof the magma and the assimilation of wall-rock over a periodof 2500 years. Based on similarities among the juvenile products,we suggest that the three eruptions were fed from the same magmabody. KEY WORDS: explosive volcanism; xenocrystic contamination; Nevado de Toluca, Mexico  相似文献   

Crystallization experiments were conducted on dry glasses fromthe Unzen 1992 dacite at 100–300 MPa, 775–875°C,various water activities, and fO2 buffered by the Ni–NiObuffer. The compositions of the experimental products and naturalphases are used to constrain the temperature and water contentsof the low-temperature and high-temperature magmas prior tothe magma mixing event leading to the 1991–1995 eruption.A temperature of 1050 ± 75°C is determined for thehigh-temperature magma based on two-pyroxene thermometry. Theinvestigation of glass inclusions suggests that the water contentof the rhyolitic low-temperature magma could be as high as 8wt % H2O. The phase relations at 300 MPa and in the temperaturerange 870–900°C, which are conditions assumed to berepresentative of the main magma chamber after mixing, showthat the main phenocrysts (orthopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende)coexist only at reduced water activity; the water content ofthe post-mixing dacitic melt is estimated to be 6 ± 1wt % H2O. Quartz and biotite, also present as phenocrysts inthe dacite, are observed only at low temperature (below 800–775°C).It is concluded that the erupted dacitic magma resulted fromthe mixing of c. 35 wt % of an almost aphyric pyroxene-bearingandesitic magma (1050 ± 75°C; 4 ± 1 wt % H2Oin the melt) with 65 wt % of a phenocryst-rich low-temperaturemagma (760–780°C) in which the melt phase was rhyolitic,containing up to 8 ± 1 wt % H2O. The proportions of rhyoliticmelt and phenocrysts in the low-temperature magma are estimatedto be 65% and 35%, respectively. It is emphasized that the strongvariations of phenocryst compositions, especially plagioclase,can be explained only if there were variations of temperatureand/or water activity (in time and/or space) in the low-temperaturemagma. KEY WORDS: Unzen volcano; magma mixing; experimental study  相似文献   

The near-liquidus crystallization of a high-K basalt (PST-9golden pumice, 49·4 wt % SiO2, 1·85 wt % K2O,7·96 wt % MgO) from the present-day activity of Stromboli(Aeolian Islands, Italy) has been experimentally investigatedbetween 1050 and 1175°C, at pressures from 50 to 400 MPa,for melt H2O concentrations between 1·2 and 5·5wt % and NNO ranging from –0·07 to +2·32.A drop-quench device was systematically used. AuPd alloys wereused as containers in most cases, resulting in an average Feloss of 13% for the 34 charges studied. Major crystallizingphases include clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase. Fe–Tioxide was encountered in a few charges. Clinopyroxene is theliquidus phase at 400 MPa down to at least 200 MPa, followedby olivine and plagioclase. The compositions of all major phasesand glass vary systematically with the proportion of crystals.Ca in clinopyroxene sensitively depends on the H2O concentrationof the coexisting melt, and clinopyroxene Mg-number shows aweak negative correlation with NNO. The experimental data allowthe liquidus surface of PST-9 to be defined. When used in combinationwith melt inclusion data, a consistent set of pre-eruptive pressures(100–270 MPa), temperatures (1140–1160°C) andmelt H2O concentrations is obtained. Near-liquidus phase equilibriaand clinopyroxene Ca contents require melt H2O concentrations<2·7–3·6 and 3 ± 1 wt %, respectively,overlapping with the maximum frequency of glass inclusion data(2·5–2·7 wt % H2O). For olivine to crystallizeclose to the liquidus, pressures close to 200 MPa are needed.Redox conditions around NNO = +0·5 are inferred fromclinopyroxene compositions. The determined pre-eruptive parametersrefer to the storage region of golden pumice melts, which islocated at a depth of around 7·5 km, within the metamorphicarc crust. Golden pumice melts ascending from their storagezone along an adiabat will not experience crystallization ontheir way to the surface. KEY WORDS: basalt; pumice; experiment; phase equilibria; Stromboli  相似文献   

High-pressure–high-temperature experiments were performedin the range 7–15 GPa and 1300–1600°C to investigatethe stability and phase relations of the K- and Ba-dominantmembers of the crichtonite and magnetoplumbite series of phasesin simplified bulk compositions in the systems TiO2–ZrO2–Cr2O3–Fe2O3–BaO–K2Oand TiO2–Cr2O3–Fe2O3–BaO–K2O. Both seriesof phases occur as inclusions in diamond and/or as constituentsof metasomatized peridotite mantle xenoliths sampled by kimberlitesor alkaline lamprophyres. They can accommodate large ion lithophileelements (LILE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) on awt % level and, hence, can critically influence the LILE andHFSE budget of a metasomatized peridotite even if present onlyin trace amounts. The Ba and K end-members of the crichtoniteseries, lindsleyite and mathiasite, are stable to 11 GPa and1500–1600°C. Between 11 and 12 GPa, lindsleyite breaksdown to form two Ba–Cr-titanates of unknown structurethat persist to at least 13 GPa. The high-pressure breakdownproduct of mathiasite is a K–Cr-titanate with an idealizedformula KM7O12, where M = Ti, Cr, Mg, Fe. This phase possessesspace group P63/m with a = 9·175(2) Å, c = 2·879(1)Å, V = 209·9(1) Å3. Towards high temperatures,lindsleyite persists to 1600°C, whereas mathiasite breaksdown between 1500 and 1600°C to form a number of complexTi–Cr-oxides. Ba and K end-members of the magnetoplumbiteseries, hawthorneite and yimengite, are stable in runs at 7,10 and 15 GPa between 1300 and 1400°C coexisting with anumber of Ti–Cr-oxides. Molar mixtures (1:1) of lindsleyite–mathiasiteand hawthorneite–yimengite were studied at 7–10GPa and 1300–1400°C, and 9–15 GPa and 1150–1400°C,respectively. In the system lindsleyite–mathiasite, onehomogeneous Ba–K phase is stable, which shows a systematicincrease in the K/(K + Ba) ratio with increasing pressure. Inthe system hawthorneite–yimengite, two coexisting Ba–Kphases appear, which are Ba rich and Ba poor, respectively.The data obtained from this study suggest that Ba- and K-dominantmembers of the crichtonite and magnetoplumbite series of phasesare potentially stable not only throughout the entire subcontinentallithosphere but also under conditions of an average present-daymantle adiabat in the underlying asthenosphere to a depth ofup to 450 km. At still higher pressures, both K and Ba may remainstored in alkali titanates that would also be eminently suitablefor the transport of other ions with large ionic radii. KEY WORDS: crichtonite; magnetoplumbite; high-PT experiments; phase relations; upper mantle  相似文献   

Highly restitic metapelites occur at the contact of the RustenburgLayered Suite (Bushveld Complex). On the basis of previous experimentalstudies, the high (  相似文献   

Abundant glass is present along grain boundaries in coarse-grained,glass-bearing, crystalline gabbroic and peridotitic nodulesentrained and erupted in lavas from Iceland, Santorini and MaunaLoa (Hawaii), even when the total porosity is less than a fewvolume per cent. The glass films vary from a few microns toa few tens of microns thick, and are associated with stringsof small lensoid grain boundary pockets formed by impingementduring crystal growth. Additional porosity occurs as extensiveliquid-filled pockets adjacent to included grains within oikocrystsand as large triangular pockets formed by impingement of planar-sidedgrains. Interstitial material within glass films, and the irregularityof film thickness along a single grain boundary, suggest thatthe present pore structure is representative of the pore structurebefore entrainment and eruption. Pore geometry is consistentwith a dominant control by crystal growth during solidification,with little or no evidence for control by minimization of internalenergies driven by textural equilibration. Similarities betweenliquid distribution in the crystalline nodules and that of late-stage,interstitial phases in fully solidified mafic cumulates fromthe Rum and Skaergaard intrusions demonstrate that the crystallinenodules provide information about the latest stages of solidificationin slowly cooled mafic plutons. The highly permeable networkof intersecting liquid films, lenses and pockets may promotein situ crystallization in the solidifying mush, explainingthe common presence of adcumulates in such intrusions. KEY WORDS: textures; liquid distribution; mafic cumulates; crystalline nodules  相似文献   

To investigate eclogite melting under mantle conditions, wehave performed a series of piston-cylinder experiments usinga homogeneous synthetic starting material (GA2) that is representativeof altered mid-ocean ridge basalt. Experiments were conductedat pressures of 3·0, 4·0 and 5·0 GPa andover a temperature range of 1200–1600°C. The subsolidusmineralogy of GA2 consists of garnet and clinopyroxene withminor quartz–coesite, rutile and feldspar. Solidus temperaturesare located at 1230°C at 3·0 GPa and 1300°C at5·0 GPa, giving a steep solidus slope of 30–40°C/GPa.Melting intervals are in excess of 200°C and increase withpressure up to 5·0 GPa. At 3·0 GPa feldspar, rutileand quartz are residual phases up to 40°C above the solidus,whereas at higher pressures feldspar and rutile are rapidlymelted out above the solidus. Garnet and clinopyroxene are theonly residual phases once melt fractions exceed 20% and garnetis the sole liquidus phase over the investigated pressure range.With increasing melt fraction garnet and clinopyroxene becomeprogressively more Mg-rich, whereas coexisting melts vary fromK-rich dacites at low degrees of melting to basaltic andesitesat high melt fractions. Increasing pressure tends to increasethe jadeite and Ca-eskolaite components in clinopyroxene andenhance the modal proportion of garnet at low melt fractions,which effects a marked reduction in the Al2O3 and Na2O contentof the melt with pressure. In contrast, the TiO2 and K2O contentsof the low-degree melts increase with increasing pressure; thusNa2O and K2O behave in a contrasted manner as a function ofpressure. Altered oceanic basalt is an important component ofcrust returned to the mantle via plate subduction, so GA2 maybe representative of one of many different mafic lithologiespresent in the upper mantle. During upwelling of heterogeneousmantle domains, these mafic rock-types may undergo extensivemelting at great depths, because of their low solidus temperaturescompared with mantle peridotite. Melt batches may be highlyvariable in composition depending on the composition and degreeof melting of the source, the depth of melting, and the degreeof magma mixing. Some of the eclogite-derived melts may alsoreact with and refertilize surrounding peridotite, which itselfmay partially melt with further upwelling. Such complex magma-genesisconditions may partly explain the wide spectrum of primitivemagma compositions found within oceanic basalt suites. KEY WORDS: eclogite; experimental petrology; mafic magmatism; mantle melting; oceanic basalts  相似文献   

Experimental phase equilibrium and trace element partitioningdata are reported for H2O-saturated mid-ocean ridge basalt at2·5 GPa, 750–900°C and oxygen fugacities atthe nickel–nickel oxide buffer. Garnet, omphacite andrutile are present at all temperatures. Amphibole and epidotedisappear as residual phases above 800°C; allanite appearsabove 750°C. The Na–Al-rich silicate glass presentin all run products is likely to have quenched from a supercriticalliquid. Trace element analyses of glasses demonstrate the importantcontrol exerted by residual minerals on liquid chemistry. Inaddition to garnet, which controls heavy rare earth elements(HREE) and Sc, and rutile, which controls Ti, Nb and Ta, allanitebuffers the light REE (LREE; La–Sm) contents of liquidsto relatively low levels and preferentially holds back Th relativeto U. In agreement with previous experimental and metamorphicstudies we propose that residual allanite plays a key role inselectively retaining trace elements in the slab during subduction.Experimental data and analyses of allanite-bearing volcanicrocks are used to derive a model for allanite solubility inliquids as a function of pressure, temperature, anhydrous liquidcomposition and LREE content. The large temperature dependenceof allanite solubility is very similar to that previously determinedfor monazite. Our model, fitted to 48 datapoints, retrievesLREE solubility (in ppm) to within a factor of 1· 40over a pressure range of 0–4 GPa, temperature range of700–1200°C and for liquids with anhydrous SiO2 contentsof 50–84 wt %. This uncertainty in LREE content is equivalentto a temperature uncertainty of only ± 27°C at 1000K, indicating the potential of allanite as a geothermometer.Silicic liquids from either basaltic or sedimentary protolithswill be saturated in allanite except for Ca-poor protolithsor at very high temperatures. For conventional subduction geothermsthe low solubility of LREE (+ Th) in liquids raises questionsabout the mechanism of LREE + Th transport from slab to wedge.It is suggested either that, locally, temperatures experiencedby the slab are high enough to eliminate allanite in the residueor that substantial volumes of H2O-rich fluids must pass throughthe mantle wedge prior to melting. The solubility of accessoryphases in fluids derived from subducted rocks can provide importantconstraints on subduction zone thermal structure. KEY WORDS: subduction; experimental petrology; allanite; solubility; supercritical liquid; eclogite  相似文献   

The Graveyard Point intrusion is the only known example of awell-exposed differentiated mafic pluton associated with thelate Miocene–Pleistocene magmatism of the western SnakeRiver Plain (SRP). It is exposed in a 6 km by 4 km area adjacentto the Oregon–Idaho border, and exposures range in thicknessfrom 20 to 160 m. The thicker parts of the intrusion are stronglydifferentiated and contain a 25–60 m thick section ofwell-laminated cumulus-textured gabbros that grade upward intopegmatoidal ferrogabbro. Evolved liquids formed sheets of Fe-richsiliceous granophyre. At least two injections of magma are indicatedby abrupt discontinuities in the rock and mineral compositions,and by the lack of mass balance between the bulk intrusion andits chilled borders. The laminated gabbros are interpreted tohave formed from a tongue of augite and plagioclase crystalsthat were carried in with the second pulse of magma. Followingthe final emplacement of the intrusion, in situ differentiationproceeded through a two-stage process: the ferrogabbros areexplained as interstitial liquids forced out of the crystalmush by compaction, and the siliceous granophyres are interpretedto be residual liquids that migrated out of the partly crystallizedferrogabbros in response to the exsolution of volatiles. Becausethe geochemical trend inferred for the mafic to intermediatecomposition liquids in the Graveyard Point intrusion is similarto the trend for many western Snake River Plain lavas, the plutonmay be a good model for shallow sub-volcanic magma chamberselsewhere in the SRP. However, some western SRP lavas containanomalously high concentrations of P2O5 , which are best explainedby mixing within the active crustal mush column or with partialmelts of previously formed differentiated mafic intrusions. KEY WORDS: Snake River Plain; mafic intrusions; tholeiitic; sill; granophyre  相似文献   

The Campanian Ignimbrite is a > 200 km3 trachyte–phonolitepyroclastic deposit that erupted at 39·3 ± 0·1ka within the Campi Flegrei west of Naples, Italy. Here we testthe hypothesis that Campanian Ignimbrite magma was derived byisobaric crystal fractionation of a parental basaltic trachyandesiticmelt that reacted and came into local equilibrium with smallamounts (5–10 wt%) of crustal rock (skarns and foid-syenites)during crystallization. Comparison of observed crystal and magmacompositions with results of phase equilibria assimilation–fractionationsimulations (MELTS) is generally very good. Oxygen fugacitywas approximately buffered along QFM + 1 (where QFM is the quartz–fayalite–magnetitebuffer) during isobaric fractionation at 0·15 GPa ( 6km depth). The parental melt, reconstructed from melt inclusionand host clinopyroxene compositions, is found to be basaltictrachyandesite liquid (51·1 wt% SiO2, 9·3 wt%MgO, 3 wt% H2O). A significant feature of phase equilibria simulationsis the existence of a pseudo-invariant temperature, 883 °C,at which the fraction of melt remaining in the system decreasesabruptly from 0·5 to < 0·1. Crystallizationat the pseudo-invariant point leads to abrupt changes in thecomposition, properties (density, dissolved water content),and physical state (viscosity, volume fraction fluid) of meltand magma. A dramatic decrease in melt viscosity (from 1700Pa s to 200 Pa s), coupled with a change in the volume fractionof water in magma (from 0·1 to 0·8) and a dramaticdecrease in melt and magma density acted as a destabilizingeruption trigger. Thermal models suggest a timescale of 200kyr from the beginning of fractionation until eruption, leadingto an apparent rate of evolved magma generation of about 10–3km3/year. In situ crystallization and crystal settling in density-stratifiedregions, as well as in convectively mixed, less evolved subjacentmagma, operate rapidly enough to match this apparent volumetricrate of evolved magma production. KEY WORDS: assimilation; Campanian Ignimbrite; fractional crystallization; magma dynamics; phase equilibria  相似文献   

Volcán Popocatépetl has been the site of voluminousdegassing accompanied by minor eruptive activity from late 1994until the time of writing (August 2002). This contribution presentspetrological investigations of magma erupted in 1997 and 1998,including major-element and volatile (S, Cl, F, and H2O) datafrom glass inclusions and matrix glasses. Magma erupted fromPopocatépetl is a mixture of dacite (65 wt % SiO2, two-pyroxenes+ plagioclase + Fe–Ti oxides + apatite, 3 wt % H2O, P= 1·5 kbar, fO2 = NNO + 0·5 log units) and basalticandesite (53 wt % SiO2, olivine + two-pyroxenes, 3 wt % H2O,P = 1–4 kbar). Magma mixed at 4–6 km depth in proportionsbetween 45:55 and 85:15 wt % silicic:mafic magma. The pre-eruptivevolatile content of the basaltic andesite is 1980 ppm S, 1060ppm Cl, 950 ppm F, and 3·3 wt % H2O. The pre-eruptivevolatile content of the dacite is 130 ± 50 ppm S, 880± 70 ppm Cl, 570 ± 100 ppm F, and 2·9 ±0·2 wt % H2O. Degassing from 0·031 km3 of eruptedmagma accounts for only 0·7 wt % of the observed SO2emission. Circulation of magma in the volcanic conduit in thepresence of a modest bubble phase is a possible mechanism toexplain the high rates of degassing and limited magma productionat Popocatépetl. KEY WORDS: glass inclusions; igneous petrology; Mexico; Popocatépetl; volatiles  相似文献   

An unusual quartz-bearing orthopyroxene-rich websterite xenolithhas been found in an alkali basaltic tuff at Szigliget, Bakony–BalatonHighland Volcanic Field (BBHVF), western Hungary. Ortho- andclinopyroxenes are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE),middle REE and Ni, and depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr and Ti comparedwith ortho- and clinopyroxenes occurring in either peridotiteor lower crustal granulite xenoliths from the BBHVF. Both ortho-and clinopyroxenes in the xenolith contain primary and secondarysilicate melt inclusions, and needle-shaped or rounded quartzinclusions. The melt inclusions are rich in SiO2 and alkalisand poor in MgO, FeO and CaO. They are strongly enriched inLREE and large ion lithophile elements, and display negativeNb, Ta and Sr anomalies, and slightly positive Pb anomalies.The xenolith is interpreted to represent a fragment of an orthopyroxene-richbody that crystallized in the upper mantle from a hybrid meltthat formed by interaction of mantle peridotite with a quartz-saturatedsilicate melt that was released from a subducted oceanic slab.Although the exact composition of the slab melt cannot be determined,model calculations on major and trace elements suggest involvementof a metasedimentary component. KEY WORDS: quartz; mantle; silicate melt inclusion; SiO2-rich melt; subduction; Carpathian-Pannonian Region  相似文献   

WILLNER  ARNE P. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(9):1805-1833
In the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, two units, the Western andEastern Series, constitute coeval parts of a Late Palaeozoicpaired metamorphic belt dominated by siliciclastic metasediments.The Western Series also contains rocks from the upper oceaniccrust and represents an accretionary prism. Omnipresent high-pressureconditions are reflected by Na–Ca-amphibole and phengitein greenschists. Peak PT conditions of 7·0–9·3kbar, 380–420°C point to a metamorphic gradient of11–16°C/km. Three unique occurrences of blueschistyield deviating conditions of 9·5–10·7 kbar,350–385°C and are interpreted as relics from the lowermostpart of the basal accretion zone preserving the original gradientof 9–11°C/km along the subducting slab. Pervasiveductile deformation related to basal accretion occurred nearpeak PT conditions. Deformation and PT evolution of the metapsammopeliticrocks is similar to that of the metabasites. However, a raregarnet mica-schist yields peak PT conditions of 9·6–14·7kbar, 390–440°C reflecting a retrograde stage aftercooling from a high-temperature garnet-forming stage. It isconsidered to be an exhumed relic from the earliest siliciclasticrocks subducted below a still hot mantle wedge. A retrogradeoverprint of all rock types occurred at 300–380°C.Continuous reactions caused crystal growth and recrystallizationwith abundant free water mostly under strain-free conditions.They record a pressure release of 3–4 kbar without erasingpeak metamorphic mineral compositions. The Eastern Series lacksmetabasite intercalations and represents a less deformed retro-wedgearea. In the study area it was entirely overprinted at a uniformdepth at 3 ± 0·5 kbar with temperatures progressivelyrising from 400°C to 720°C towards the coeval Late Palaeozoicmagmatic arc batholith. The interrelated pattern of PT datapermits a conceptual reconstruction of the fossil convergentmargin suggesting a flat subduction angle of 25° with continuousbasal accretion at a depth of 25–40 km and a short mainintrusion pulse in the magmatic arc. The latter was accompaniedby the formation of a thermal dome in the retro-wedge area,which remained stable relative to the vertically growing accretionaryprism characterized by cyclic mass flow. KEY WORDS: paired metamorphic belt; greenschist; blueschist; central Chile; thermobarometry  相似文献   

We present an experimental and petrological study aimed at estimatingthe pre-eruptive conditions of a Holocene dacitic lava fromVolcán San Pedro (36°S, Chilean Andes). Phase-equilibriumexperiments were performed at temperatures (T) from 800 to 950°C,and mainly at 200 MPa, but also at 55, 150, and 406 MPa. Oxygenfugacity (fO2) ranged from the Ni–NiO buffer (NNO) to3·5 log units above (NNO + 3·5), and water contentsfrom  相似文献   

The volume %, distribution, texture and composition of coexistingolivine, Cr-spinel and glass has been determined in quenchedlava samples from Hawaii, Iceland and mid-oceanic ridges. Thevolume ratio of olivine to spinel varies from 60 to 2800 andsamples with >0·02% spinel have a volume ratio ofolivine to spinel of approximately 100. A plot of wt % MgO vsppm Cr for natural and experimental basaltic glasses suggeststhat the general trend of the glasses can be explained by thecrystallization of a cotectic ratio of olivine to spinel ofabout 100. One group of samples has an olivine to spinel ratioof approximately 100, with skeletal olivine phenocrysts andsmall (<50 µm) spinel crystals that tend to be spatiallyassociated with the olivine phenocrysts. The large number ofspinel crystals included within olivine phenocrysts is thoughtto be due to skeletal olivine phenocrysts coming into physicalcontact with spinel by synneusis during the chaotic conditionsof ascent and extrusion. A second group of samples tend to havelarge olivine phenocrysts relatively free of included spinel,a few large (>100 µm) spinel crystals that show evidenceof two stages of growth, and a volume ratio of olivine to spinelof 100 to well over 1000. The olivine and spinel in this grouphave crystallized more slowly with little physical interaction,and show evidence that they have accumulated in a magma chamber. KEY WORDS: olivine; spinel; basalt glass; volume %; cotectic  相似文献   

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