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Estuarine and coastal sediment transport is characterised by the transport of both sand-sized particles (of diameter greater than 63?μm) and muddy fine-grained sediments (silt, diameter less than 63?μm; clay, diameter less than 2?μm). These fractions are traditionally considered as non-cohesive and cohesive, respectively, because of the negligible physico-chemical attraction that occurs between sand grains. However, the flocculation of sediment particles is not only caused by physico-chemical attraction. Cohesivity of sediment is also caused by biology, in particular the sticky extra-cellular polymeric substances secreted by diatoms, and the effect of biology in binding sediment particles can be much larger than that of physico-chemical attraction. As demonstrated by Manning (2008) and further expanded in part 1 of this paper (Manning et al., submitted), the greater binding effect of biology allows sand particles to flocculate with mud. In many estuaries, both the sand and fine sediment fractions are transported in significant quantities. Many of the more common sediment transport modelling suites now have the capability to combine mud and sand transport. However, in all of these modelling approaches, the modelling of mixed sediment transport has still essentially separated the modelling of sand and mud fractions assuming that these different fractions do not interact except at the bed. However, the use of in situ video techniques has greatly enhanced the accuracy and reliability of settling velocity measurements and has led to a re-appraisal of this widely held assumption. Measurements of settling velocity in mixed sands presented by Manning et al. (2009) have shown strong evidence for the flocculation of mixed sediments, whilst the greater understanding of the role of biology in flocculation has identified mechanisms by which this mud-sand flocculation can occur. In the first part of this paper (Manning et al., submitted), the development of an empirical flocculation model is described which represents the interaction between sand and mud particles in the flocculation process. Measurements of the settling velocity of varying mud-sand mixtures are described, and empirical algorithms governing the variation of settling velocity with turbulence, suspended sediment concentration and mud-sand content are derived. The second part of this paper continues the theme of examination of the effects of mud-sand interaction on flocculation. A 1DV mixed transport model is developed and used to reproduce the vertical transport of mixed sediment fractions. The 1DV model is used to reproduce the measured settling velocities in the laboratory experiments described in the part 1 paper and also to reproduce measurements of concentration of mixed sediments in the Outer Thames. In both modelling exercises, the model is run using the algorithms developed in part 1 and repeated using an assumption of no interaction between mud and sand in the flocculation process. The results of the modelling show a significant improvement in the ability of the 1DV to reproduce the observed sediment behaviour when the empirical equations are used. This represents further strong evidence of the interaction between sand and mud in the flocculation process.  相似文献   

The rock magnetic properties of the samples of dredged rocks composing the submarine volcanic edifices within the Sea-of-Okhotsk slope of the northern part of the Kuril Island Arc are studied. The measurements of the standard rock magnetic parameters, thermomagnetic analysis, petrographical studies, and microprobe investigations have been carried out. The magnetization of the studied rocks is mainly carried by the pseudo-single domain and multidomain titanomagnetite and low-Ti titanomagnetite grains. The high values of the natural remanent magnetization are due to the pseudo-single-domain structure of the titanomagnetite grains, whereas the high values of magnetic susceptibility are associated with the high concentration of ferrimagnetic grains. The highest Curie points are observed in the titanomagnetite grains of the igneous rocks composing the edifices of the Smirnov, Edelshtein, and 1.4 submarine volcanoes.  相似文献   

The sea area east of Taiwan Island is a unique ac-tive arc-continental collision margin in China and even in the world with the NE-nearly EW extending Ryu-kyu trench-arc-backarc basin system on the east and the nearly N-S extending Manila trough and Luzon arc on the west. The sea area east of Taiwan Island differs from the Ryukyu trench-arc-basin system in structural property, but there is a certain genetic relation between the two (Fig. 1)[1-3]. Since the 1990s, many investigations and …  相似文献   

In April 2007, a caldera collapsed at the Dolomieu summit crater of Piton de La Fournaise (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean) revealing new outcrops up to 340?m high along the crater walls. The lithostratigraphic interpretation of these new exposures allows us to investigate the most recent building history of a basaltic shield volcano. We present the history of the Piton de La Fournaise terminal cone, from the building of a juvenile cone during which periods of explosive activity dominated, to the most recent effusive period. The changes in eruptive dynamics are the cause of successive summit crater/pit–crater collapses. In April 2007, such an event occurred during rapid emptying of the shallow plumbing system feeding a large effusive lateral eruption. During the most recent effusive period, an eastward migration of the eruptive crater was observed and was linked to the successive destructions of the shallow magma reservoir during each collapse. The resulting changes in the local stress field favor the formation of a new reservoir and thus the migration of activity. Internal structures reveal that the building of the upper part of the terminal cone was predominantly by exogenous growth and that the hydrothermal system is confined at a depth >?350?m. These observations on Piton de La Fournaise provide new insights into construction of the summits of other basaltic shield volcanoes.  相似文献   

3 ) erupted from circumferential vents near the summit. These flows are nearly an order of magnitude smaller in volume than the predominantly aa flows erupted from radial eruptive fissures near the break in slope (0.06–0.1 km3). The differences in volume and flow morphology with altitude are due to slower eruption rates from summit vents than from flank vents, which, in turn, are attributable to the different heights the magmas must ascend from shallow reservoirs. These observations support the contention that the steep upper flanks were constructed by the buildup of short lava flows rather than by the structural deformation of originally gently dipping flanks. In addition to the higher eruption rates, a subdued lower flank geometry is promoted by the deposition of lava deltas onto the shallow Galápagos platform on the western, northern, and eastern flanks of the volcano. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and volume estimates show that, despite their morphologic differences, the growth of the western Galápagos shields has been nearly synchronous, precluding an evolutionary model for their development. The wide variations in elevation, volume, area, and the distribution of slope angles among the western volcanoes can be linked instead to different long-term eruption rates and, to a lesser degree, the position of each volcano relative to the edge of the Galápagos platform. Received: 24 September 1998 / Accepted: 7 August 1999  相似文献   

Three independent temperature datasets have been analyzed for quantifying the influence of the 11-year solar cycle modulation of the UV radiation. The datasets used include: US rocketsondes, the OHP lidar, and the global temperature database made by the successive SSU on the NOAA satellites, adjusted and provided by the UK Meteorological Office. These measurements cover the upper stratosphere and the mesosphere, where the direct photochemical effect is expected. The improvement of the analysis compared to previous ones was possible because the overall quality and the continuity of many data series have been checked more carefully during the last decade in order to look for anthropogenic fingerprints and the one used here have been recognized as the best series according to their temporal continuity. The analysis of the different data set is based on the same regression linear model. The 11-year solar temperature response observed presents a variable behavior, depending on the location. However, an overall adequate agreement among the results has been obtained, and thus the global picture of the solar impact in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere has been obtained and is presented here. In the tropics, a 1–2 K positive response in the mid and upper stratophere has been found, in agreement with photochemical theory and previous analyses. On the opposite, at mid-latitudes, negative responses of several Kelvin have been observed, during winters, in the analyses of the datasets analyzed here. In the mesosphere, at sub-tropic and mid-latitude regions, we observe a positive response all the year round increasing by a factor of two during winter.  相似文献   

Pb, Hf, Nd and Sr isotopes of basaltic lavas from the two Réunion Island volcanoes are reported in order to examine the origin of the sources feeding these volcanoes and to detect possible changes through time. Samples, chosen to cover the whole lifetime of the two volcanoes (from 2 Ma to present), yield a chemically restricted (compared to OIB lavas) but complex distribution. Réunion plume isotopic characteristics have been defined on the basis of the composition of uncontaminated shield-building lavas from the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. The average ?Nd, ?Hf, 87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios calculated for this component are + 4.4, + 9.1, 0.70411, 18.97, 15.59 and 39.03, respectively. In Pb–Pb isotope space, each volcano defines a distinct linear trend but slight variations are also detected within the various volcanic sequences. The Piton des Neiges volcano yields a distinct and significantly more scattered isotopic distribution than Piton de la Fournaise for both Pb, Hf and Nd isotope tracers. A principal component analysis of the Pb isotope data from Piton de la Fournaise reveals a major contribution of the C and EM-1 components (with a clear Dupal flavor) as main components for the modern Réunion plume. The same components have been identified for Piton des Neiges but with a stronger participation of a depleted mantle component and a weaker EM-1 contribution. The compositional change of the lavas erupted by the Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes is attributed to the impingement of two small-scale blobs of plume material at the base of the Réunion lithosphere. Compared to other hot-spots worldwide, in particular Hawaii and Kerguelen, magmas beneath Réunion are generated from a considerably more homogeneous, compositionally more primitive plume higher in 206Pb. Although shallow-level contamination processes have been locally detected they did not alter significantly the composition of the plume magmas. This is tentatively attributed to mantle dynamics producing small, high-velocity blobs that ascend rapidly through the lithosphere, and to the lack of a well-developed magma chamber at depth in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

The fault-block structure and stress state of the upper crust at one of the sites of the Baikal rift (Ust-Barguzin fault node) is studied on the basis of a complex of geomorphological, geological-structural, and tectonophysical methods. A map reflecting specific features of the fault-block structure of the upper crust in the region under investigation is compiled. In situ data are collected, and the stress state is reconstructed from residual deformations in local rock volumes. Systematization of the reconstructed stress fields with respect to ruptures of various ranks made it possible to reveal specific features of the stress state of the upper crust of the region associated with its fault-block structure. Optical modeling of the stress state was performed both for the area of the Ust-Barguzin fault node as a whole (regional structure) and for the vicinity of conjugation zones of lower-rank ruptures (local structures) composing zones of regional faults. It is shown that stress changes in the areas of fault conjugation nodes, both in value and in the strike of the principal axes, can be caused by the cooperative behavior of ruptures during the activation in the zone of influence of a larger fault or a fault node.  相似文献   

Fossil leaves resembling Nothofagaceae have been investigated from the Eocene of western Antarctica and a new form genus Nothofagofolia is proposed for these kinds of fossils. Some new specimens belonging to this form genus are described. They were collected from the Fossil Hill locality of Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, western Antarctica. Two new species, two new combinations and an unnamed species are reported. A number of published Nothofagus leaf fossils from the same locality are discussed and revised. As a result of these studies of Nothofagus leaf morphology, we conclude that (1) Nothofagus probably originated in high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere during the middle-late Late Cretaceous and diversified, dispersed gradually to the lower latitudes of the same hemisphere; (2) leaf morphological characters are significant for the systematics of the family Nothofagaceae, especially at the intrageneric level; and (3) extant species of Nothofagus known from southern temperate areas have more primitive leaf morphological characters and lower leaf ranks than those from tropical mountains as well as those of the Fagaceae and Betulaceae. Supported by the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology & Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaoentology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 013106), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30670159) and the Fund of Innovation Program by Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

Onthephysicalmodelofearthquakeprecursorfieldsandthemechanismofprecursors'timespacedistribution──originandevidencesof thestron...  相似文献   

Kerlingarfjöll central volcano is Iceland’s second largest outcrop of Quaternary rhyolite and is part of the Icelandic Western Rift Zone. Geochemical and Ar/Ar age data show that at least 21 different rhyolite eruptions have taken place at Kerlingarfjöll over the last 350 ka. Ar/Ar dating was carried out on samples of obsidian which showed variable reproducibility, illustrating the difficulty in dating young Icelandic volcanics. Nevertheless, reasonable estimates of eruption age have been derived for a number of eruptive units that are consistent with observed stratigraphy, enabling an understanding of the temporal evolution of Kerlingarfjöll. Two rhyolite magma types are present. The first is an older, low-Nb rhyolite that was erupted episodically along a cryptic curved fracture system, to form a discontinuous ring of rhyolite mountains, between 350 and 250 ka. This discontinuous ring is similar to structures observed at other volcanoes in Iceland, suggesting that the development of a curved fracture that acts as a pathway for episodic silicic eruptions is a feature of central volcano development. The second magma is a younger, high-Nb rhyolite that was erupted episodically between 250 and 68 ka in the northern part of Kerlingarfjöll, forming two clusters, both of which have areas of intense hydrothermal activity. Repose periods for rhyolite volcanism are thought to be on the order of tens of thousands of years, and it is possible that Kerlingarfjöll will erupt rhyolite again in the future.  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotope variations in lavas from the Cook–Austral volcanic chain have delineated three distinct mantle sources: a HIMU component, a depleted component (DM), and an enriched component (EM). To better constrain the mantle sources for South Pacific hot spot volcanism, we determined lithium isotopic compositions of lavas from Raivavae, Rapa, Mangaia and Tubuai of the volcanic chain. The study includes whole rock and mineral analyses. In general, δ7Li of most olivines resemble bulk rock composition whereas clinopyroxenes are variably lighter. This implies that clinopyroxene is more susceptible to diffusion-induced fractionation, in agreement with previous studies. Olivine δ7Li values span a narrower range than whole rock values, and do not extend to the very heavy compositions previously reported in HIMU bulk lavas. This discrepancy likely reflects alteration of bulk lavas, and suggests that Li-isotope analyses of bulk lavas should be interpreted with caution. Olivines from HIMU lavas have heavy δ7Li values (up to 6.2‰), and extend beyond the range reported for fresh MORB. Correlations between Li-isotopes and radiogenic isotopes suggest that the heavy δ7Li values in HIMU olivines are a source characteristic and not the result of post-magmatic alteration. Although the Li-isotope composition of recycled, dehydrated oceanic crust is currently under debate, our results suggest that HIMU lavas derive from a source containing recycled dehydrated oceanic crust, and that the “heavy” Li-isotope signature of altered oceanic crust is partially preserved during passage through the subduction factory.  相似文献   

Barite, an important component of offshore drilling muds, is shown to adversely affect the ctenidia of the suspension feeding bivalve, Cerastoderma edule and the deposit feeder, Macoma balthica. SEM observations showed that exposure to barite caused cilia to shorten and coagulate, and, in some extreme cases, cause the disintegration of the gill structure itself. Using a simple ciliary condition index (CCI) the impact of the barite was quantified and damage rates expressed. The bivalves were treated with daily doses of 1, 2, and 3-mm depth equivalents of barite. In all treatments significant damage to the gills was recorded although, in the case of the 1-mm dose rate, this did not occur for 4 days. In the other two treatments, damage was apparent within a day of exposure with 100% mortality occurring within 12 days. Macoma balthica appeared slightly more tolerant of exposure to barite than C. edule.  相似文献   

The formation of bends (meanders) can be described by a simple physical model, according to which, water flow in a gentle valley with gentle slopes, once deflected by a random obstacle, starts oscillating from one slope to another, while keeping moving down the valley. The sinuosity of the river (the ratio of the path along its channel to the direct path along the valley) depends on the ratio of the steepness of the slopes and the valley; the mean sinuosity is close to 1.5 in accordance with the available geographic data.  相似文献   

Chen  Peixiong  Sun  Zhilin  Zhou  Xin  Xia  Yuezhang  Li  Li  He  Zhiguo  Wang  Rusheng  Xie  Haijian 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(3):323-341
Ocean Dynamics - Coastal reclamation projects have been extensively constructed along the coastline of the East China Sea over the past decades. To investigate the impact of reclamations on the...  相似文献   

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