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The 168 m-thick Shiant Isles Main Sill is a composite body, dominated by an early, 24 m-thick, picrite sill formed by the intrusion of a highly olivine-phyric magma, and a later 135 m-thick intrusion of olivine-phyric magma that split the earlier picrite into a 22 m-thick lower part and a 2 m-thick upper part, forming the picrodolerite/crinanite unit (PCU). The high crystal load in the early picrite prevented effective settling of the olivine crystals, which retain their initial stratigraphic distribution. In contrast, the position of the most evolved rocks of the PCU at a level ~80% of its total height point to significant accumulation of crystals on the floor, as evident by the high olivine mode at the base of the PCU. Crystal accumulation on the PCU floor occurred in two stages. During the first, most of the crystal load settled to the floor to form a modally and size-sorted accumulation dominated by olivine, leaving only the very smallest olivine grains still in suspension. The second stage is recorded by the coarsening-upwards of individual olivine grains in the picrodolerite, and their amalgamation into clusters which become both larger and better sintered with increasing stratigraphic height. Large clusters of olivine are present at the roof, forming a foreshortened mirror image of the coarsening-upwards component of the floor accumulation. The coarsening-upwards sequence records the growth of olivine crystals while in suspension in a convecting magma, and their aggregation into clusters, followed by settling over a prolonged period (with limited trapping at the roof). As olivine was progressively lost from the convecting magma, crystal accumulation on the (contemporaneous) floor of the PCU was increasingly dominated by plagioclase, most likely forming clusters and aggregates with augite and olivine, both of which form large poikilitic grains in the crinanite. While the PCU is unusual in being underlain by an earlier, still hot, intrusion that would have enhanced any driving force for convection, we conclude from comparison with microstructures in other sills that convection is likely in tabular bodies >100 m thickness.  相似文献   

A Fluid-Dynamical Study of Crystal Settling in Convecting Magmas   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Thermal convection in magma chambers is believed to be almostalways highly time-dependent, or ‘turbulent’, andpredicted convective velocities are commonly orders of magnitudelarger than settling velocities for typical crystals calculatedfrom Stokes' Law. To understand crystal settling in magma chamberswe have therefore undertaken a theoretical and experimentalstudy of particle settling in a turbulently convecting fluid. The regime of interest is where the ratio, S, of the Stokes'Law settling velocity, vs, to the root mean square verticalcomponent of convective velocity, W, at mid-depth in the fluidis less than unity. Although vs < W, settling is still possiblebecause convective velocities are height-dependent and mustdecrease to zero at the boundaries of the fluid. Particles immediatelyadjacent to the bottom boundary settle out with their full Stokes'settling velocities. At the same time, convection is vigorousenough to ensure that the distribution of particles in the fluidis uniform. It follows that the number of particles in suspensiondecays with time according to an exponential law, and the decayconstant is simply the ratio of vs to h, the depth of the fluid.Experiments confirm this relationship, at least for low particleconcentrations, provided S < 0.5 and there is no re-entrainmentof particles from the floor of the tank. We apply this relationship to crystals in magma chambers andso calculate residence times for typical crystals. We find thatfor basaltic magmas the predicted residence times are smallcompared with the many thousands of years that a chamber takesto solidify if cooling is dominated by conduction through thecountry rock. We therefore conclude that crystal settling maybe an efficient differentiation mechanism. Significant magmaticevolution may, however, take place on time-scales that are competitivewith these residence times. If the settling of crystals is the rate-limiting step duringthe crystallization of a magma chamber it is expected that asteady state will be achieved at which the rate of supply ofcrystals into the convecting magma by crystallization balancesthe rate at which crystals settle out. We show how this ideacan explain both the lack of hydraulic equivalence in cumulaterocks and the commonly observed discrepancy between the relativeproportions of phenocrysts of various phases in fractionatedbasaltic lavas and the calculated relative proportions of thesemineral phases in the fractionating assemblage. Finally, anattempt is made to calculate the steady-state crystal contentof convecting magma chambers. Comparison of the predicted crystalcontents with the observed phenocryst contents of typical basalticlavas suggests that magma chambers may often cool more rapidlythan would be expected for conduction through the country rockalone.  相似文献   

Toshitsugu Fujii 《Lithos》1974,7(3):133-137
A quantitative model for the settling of a spherical body in a Newtonian fluid is developed and is applied to the distribution of phenocrystic olivine in a differentiated dolerite sill. Satisfactory agreement was obtained between the model calculation and the observed modal olivine distribution in the sill.  相似文献   

Two Karroo dolerite sills display chemical and mineralogical variation compatible with cumulus enrichment. The Blaauwkrans sill is an olivine tholeiite and contains a central zone slightly enriched in olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene. The thicker Hangnest sill is a quartz tholeiite and shows evidence of crystal settling and has a lower zone enriched in cumulus orthopyroxene and plagioclase.The two sills differ quite markedly in their trace element compositions, with the Hangnest magma enriched by a factor of two in LIL elements (Rb, Ba, Nb, Zr, Y) relative to the Blaauwkrans magma. The Hangnest magma contained extremely low Ni contents (3–5 ppm), whereas the Blaauwkrans magma contained higher but more normal Ni (100–110ppm). Such contrasting trace element compositions preclude any simple genetic relationship between the two Karroo magmas but they may be related either through a common parent or are derivatives from separate parental magmas.South African Contribution No. 24 to the International Geodynamics Project  相似文献   

We report data on the geology, mineralogy, petrography, and chemistry of 733 Ma gabbro-peridotite sills from the Late Riphean Dovyren plutonic complex. Thick sills were differentiated into plagiolherzolite to olivine gabbronorite compositions by fractional crystallization of the K-Na series high-Mg low-alkali low-Ti picritic parental magma. The magma already contained up to 5% of intratelluric olivine crystals when entering the reservoir. The sills emplaced before the whole complex, judging by the presence of their fragments as plagiolherzolite xenoliths in the gabbro zone of the Yoko-Dovyren layered pluton. The gabbro-peridotite sills are products of high-temperature within-plate magmatism. High heat flow during the generation of the magma, evident from its high-Mg composition, was likely maintained by the activity of a mantle plume associated with the Neoproterozoic Franklin large igneous province.  相似文献   

Transects through the lower part of the Palisades sill were made at Fort Lee and Alpine, New Jersey in order to characterize the petrologic signature of previously proposed reversals in the normal, tholeiitic differentiation trend. Petrographic and geochemical data include: (1) modal and grain size analyses, (2) bulk rock major and trace element concentrations by DCP-AES, and (3) augite, orthopyroxene, magnetite, and olivine compositions by electron microprobe analysis. Anomalous horizons, defined by increased bulk rock Mg#, Cr, Ni, and Co concentrations and abrupt modal and grain-size changes, occur at 10 m (the well known olivine zone), 27 m, 45 m, and 95m above the basal contact. Thermal models coupled with estimates of the emplacement rate and total magma volume indicate that the olivine zone (OZ) is an early-stage feature, related to the emplacement of initial magma into the Palisades chamber. Stoke's Law calculations indicate that the settling velocity of average-sized olivine crystals in a high-titanium, quartz-normative (HTQ) magma is too slow for significant gravity settling to have occurred prior to the solidification of the basal 20 m of the sill. It is suggested that the OZ resulted from the emplacement of a heterogeneous initial magma from a compositionally stratified, sub-Palisades storage chamber located within the upper crust; however, heterogeneity may have been derived directly from the mantle or during rapid ascent. Geochemical models indicate that the OZ contains accumulated olivine that is not in cotectic (or constant) proportions with the other cumulus phases, suggesting a mechanical sorting process. Magma chamber recharge is proposed to have occurred at the 27 m and 45 m levels, when a slightly more-primitive HTQ magma was injected into the Palisades sill chamber. Zones of elevated Mg# and Cr, 6 to 10 m thick, at these two horizons may indicate the thickness of the hybrid magma formed by the mixing of these two compositions. Geochemical models indicate that the rocks at these levels have accumulated excess orthopyroxene relative to samples from the rest of the sill. Normal faulting in the Fort Lee area at the 95 m level has caused repetition of the stratigraphic section, and hence, the sharp reversal observed at this level.  相似文献   

Detailed chemical and mineralogical data are given for three sequences of basalts and picrite basalts from bore-holes in Western India. The picrite basalts show bulk compositional variation generated by the fractionation of olivine and chromite. Evolved picrite basalt magma appears to have given rise to basalt by the fractionation of olivine+clinopyroxene, despite the presence of abundant plagioclase phenocrysts. It is suggested that a slow settling rate for plagioclase relative to clinopyroxene and olivine is sufficient to account for this feature. The high degree of equilibrium crystallisation which many of the lavas have apparently undergone is interpreted in terms of the mechanism of compensated crystal settling (Cox and Bell, 1972). Experimentally determined atmospheric pressure phase relations are used to model dyke-like magma chambers in some detail. Finally volumetric and age relationships are used to argue that the picrite basalts, despite their porphyritic nature, crystallised from ultramafic liquids containing in some cases at least 16% MgO.  相似文献   

Mafic rocks at Lake Nipigon provide a record of rift-related continental basaltic magmatism during the Keweenawan event at 1109 Ma. The mafic rocks consist of an early, volumetrically minor suite of picritic intrusions varying in composition from olivine gabbro to peridotite and a later suite of tholeiitic diabase dikes, sheets and sills. The diabase occurs primarily as two 150 to 200 m thick sills with a textural stratigraphy indicating that the sills represent single cooling units. Compositional variation in the sills indicates that they crystallized from several magma pulses.The diabases are similar in chemistry to olivine tholeiite flood basalts of the adjacent Keweenawan rift, particularly with respect to low TiO2, K2O and P2O5. The picrites have higher TiO2, K2O and P2O5 than the diabases and are similar to, but more primitive than, high Fe-Ti basalts which erupted early in the Keweenawan volcanic sequence.All of the rocks crystallized from fractionated liquids. The picrites are cumulate rocks derived at shallow crustal depths from a magma controlled predominantly by olivine fractionation. Picritic chills are in equilibrium with olivine phenocrysts of composition Fo80 and are interpreted to represent the least evolved liquids observed. The parental magma of the picrites was probably Fe rich relative to the parental magma of the diabase. The diabase sills crystallized from an evolved basaltic liquid controlled by cotectic crystallization of plagioclase and lesser olivine and pyroxene.The emplacement of dense olivine phyric picritic magmas early in the sequence, followed by later voluminous compositionally evolved magmas of lower density suggests the development of a crustal density filter effect as the igneous event reached a peak. Delamination of the crust-mantle interface may have resulted in the transition from olivine controlled primitive magma to fractionated magma through the development of crustal underplating.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the principal results obtained over the past three decades at the Vernadsky Institute and the Department of Geochemistry of the Moscow State University by the computer simulation of basaltic magma differentiation in magma chambers. The processes of diffusion-controlled mass transfer in a chamber are demonstrated to be principally limited by the heat resources of the cooling magma and cannot play any significant role during the large-scale partitioning of melt components. The leading mass-transfer mechanism is the settling of crystals from convecting magma in the form of suspension flows that are enriched and depleted in the solid phase. The physical prerequisite for the onset of this concentration convection is the existence of boundary layers, which are characterized by volume crystallization and a gradient distribution of the suspended phases. Considered in detail are the principles used in the development of algorithms with regard for the occurrence of a boundary layer and the “instantaneous” stirring of the crystallizing magma that does not hamper the settling of mineral grains forming the cumulus. The plausibility of the convection-accumulation model is illustrated by the example of the reconstructed inner structure of differentiated Siberian traps. In application to these bodies, it is demonstrated that the solutions of the forward and inverse simulation problems with the use of geochemical thermometry techniques are identical. This is a convincing argument for the predominance of convection-accumulation processes during the formation of thin tabular magmatic bodies. The further development of the computer model for the differentiation dynamics should involve the processes of compositional convection related to the migration and reactivity of the intercumulus melt.  相似文献   

This paper reviews advances made during the last seven years in the application of fluid dynamics to problems of igneous petrology, with emphasis on the laboratory work with which the authors have been particularly involved. Attention is focused on processes in magma chambers which produce diversity in igneous rocks, such as fractional crystallization, assimilation and magma mixing. Chamber geometry, and variations in the density and viscosity of the magma within it, are shown to play a major role in determining the dynamical behaviour and the composition of the erupted or solidified products.Various convective processes are first reviewed, and in particular the phenomenon of double-diffusive convection. Two types of double-diffusive interfaces between layers of different composition and temperature are likely to occur in magma chambers. A diffusive interface forms when a layer of hot dense magma is overlain by cooler less dense magma. Heat is transported between the layers faster than composition, driving convection in both layers and maintaining a sharp interface between them. If a layer of hot slightly less dense magma overlies a layer of cooler, denser but compositionally lighter magma, a finger interface forms between them, and compositional differences are transported downwards faster than heat (when each is expressed in terms of the corresponding density changes).Processes leading to the establishment of density, compositional and thermal gradients or steps during the filling of a magma chamber are considered next. The stratification produced, and the extent of mixing between the inflowing and resident magmas, are shown to depend on the flow rate and on the relation between the densities and viscosities of the two components. Slow dense inputs of magma may mix very little with resident magma of comparable viscosity as they spread across the floor of the chamber. A similar pulse injected with high upward momentum forms a turbulent “fountain”, which is a very efficient mechanism for magma mixing, as is a turbulent plume of less dense magma rising through the host magma to the top of the chamber.The form of convection in the filled magma chamber is controlled by the shape and size of the chamber, the viscosity of the magma (through the Rayleigh number which is usually high in the early stages of cooling), and by processes at the boundary which produce lighter or denser fluid than that in the interior of the chamber. Compositional convection due to fluid released by crystallization often dominates over thermal convection. If crystallization at the bottom of a funnel-shaped chamber releases a light magma, this convects away from the floor, causing turbulent convection which tends to homogenize the overlying melt. If the magma released is dense, it flows down the sloping floor and stratifies the magma at the base of the chamber. Convection driven by crystallization in an inverted funnel has the reverse effect, e.g. dense fluid released at the sloping roof now has a homogenizing influence. Assimilation of wall rocks can also lead to identical dynamical effects and thus to zoning in magma chambers. Melting of a light roof, for instance, can produce a layer of cool felsic magma overlying the hotter more basic magma in the lower part of the chamber, with a diffusive interface between them. Assimilation has also been discussed for other geometries: assimilation of the walls of dykes, sills and lava flows can occur when the flow is hot and turbulent, whereas if the flow is laminar the magma will chill against the adjacent rocks and protect them from assimilation.When the magma in a chamber is layered, crystallization can cause the composition and density to change in several ways which may lead to mixing. A crystallizing lower layer of hot dense magma can evolve till it has the density of the magma above it, causing sudden overturning and thorough mixing. On the other hand, with a much more viscous layer above, light fluid is released continuously during crystallization and rises to the top of the chamber with little mixing. Overturning of a gas-rich mafic lower layer into a cooler silicic layer can cause a sudden quenching, with the rapid release of gas which could trigger an explosive eruption. Mixing can also occur during eruption, as two layers are drawn up simultaneously from a stratified chamber when a critical flow velocity is exceeded, and they then mix in the outlet vent. Laboratory experiments suggest, however, that magma mixing is inhibited by large viscosity differences, both during the filling and emptying of a magma chamber. Scaling these results to magmas indicates that a basaltic magma can flow into the bottom of a chamber containing rhyolite with little or no mixing between them, and that these two magma types can also flow out through the same exit vent with limited mixing.Each of the phenomena discussed in this review has been studied, at least in a qualitative way, using laboratory experiments to identify and understand a significant physical process occurring in magma chambers. The field of geological fluid mechanics and its application to these problems is still very new, and further advances seem assured as new phenomena are identified and more detailed and quantitative analogue experiments are developed to study them.  相似文献   

罗照华 《地学前缘》2020,27(5):61-69
火成岩中可以包含多种晶体群这一发现具有重要意义,使得成因矿物学重新成为揭示岩浆系统演化的基本指导思想。但是,这种重要性在许多文献中都没有得到反映,其典型实例就是镁铁质层状侵入体中堆晶岩的成因。争论在于堆晶矿物是循环晶还是母岩浆的液相线相。因此,本文致力于探讨四川攀西地区镁铁质层状侵入体中堆晶岩的形成过程,重申成因矿物学的重要意义。显微镜观察表明,堆晶单斜辉石富含Fe-Ti氧化物出溶叶片(含叶片辉石),表明其形成环境明显不同于与斜长石呈共结关系的单斜辉石(无叶片辉石);无叶片辉石和斜长石中的橄榄石包裹体呈浑圆状,表明了橄榄石与结晶环境间的热力学不平衡。橄榄石与熔体间Fe-Mg分配关系分析表明,根据母岩浆成分推测的橄榄石Fo值远低于岩体中观测橄榄石化学成分变化范围(Fo61-Fo81)的高限,表明至少部分橄榄石不是寄主侵入体的液相线相。橄榄石的Mg#值(100×Mg/(Mg+Fe))与微量元素(特别是Ni)的相关关系表明存在多种橄榄石晶体群,它们形成于不同的热力学环境中。晶体沉降过程分析表明,寄主岩浆析出的晶体几乎不可能发生快速重力沉降来形成堆晶岩。所有这些证据都表明,形成堆晶岩的矿物主要来自岩浆系统深部不同的岩浆房中,是被岩浆携带输运到终端岩浆房的循环晶。  相似文献   

 Magma chambers are commonly replenished at low Reynold’s number by liquids denser than that already resident in the chamber, and, nearly always, the injected liquid is less viscous than the resident liquid in the magma chamber. We report fluid-mechanic experiments that are designed to investigate this case, specifically treating the injection process itself, before a multilayered, convecting system develops. The injected fluid is emplaced as a viscous gravity current with a nose slightly elevated above the floor, trapping a thin layer of ambient fluid beneath it. Further, these injections develop a flow-front instability that takes the form of fingers that extend in the direction of the flow. Using scaling arguments, we model the height and the length of the current as functions of time, and we use dimensional analysis and our experimental data to model the wavelength of the fingers. The fingers and other structures observed in the experiments correlate well with similar features found in silicic intrusions that have been replenished with basic liquid. We argue that these and associated mafic pillows are formed by this finger instability. Our scaling can be combined with finger widths measured in the field to estimate magma reinjection rates. We suggest that structures observed in similar environments–composite lava flows, sills, and dikes–also formed by a flow-front instability. When applied to basic replenishments of basic magma chambers, the scaling arguments constrain the time required for emplacement. The emplacement time scale is short relative to the cooling time scale, indicating that, even when traveling tens of kilometers, such injections cool little during emplacement. Received: 27 October 1994/Accepted: 13 June 1995  相似文献   

Christophe L  cuyer 《Lithos》1990,25(4):243-259
The Trinity ophiolite consists of small magma chambers inside a large mantle body. Xenoliths of mantle peridotite occur both in gabbroic cumulates along the walls and in the matrices of ultrabasic breccias on the floors of the magma chambers. Field relationships and petrographic data suggest that these fragments of original mantle peridotite were modified by contact with basic magmas by modal metasomatism. Quantitative elemental mass transfers determined from the composition, volume and density variations of reacting minerals demonstrate both closed and open system conditions for the major (Si, Al, Ti, Na, Ca, Fe and Mg) and trace elements (Cr, Ni). In the open system, material gains and losses provide information on the composition of the fluid taking part in the metasomatic reaction.

During a first stage of metasomatism the mantle xenoliths were affected by high-temperature reactions at 600 to 925°C. They resulted from the interaction between solid mantle lherzolites and basic melts. The reactions are:

1. (1)those forming orthopyroxene-magnetite simplectite

2. (2)those forming plagioclase-magnetite corona

3. (3)clinopyroxene+spinel I→pargasitic hornblende+spinel II.

Chemical interactions between the upper mantle and oceanic magma chambers occurred as soon as the basic magmas had ascended through the upper mantle. The chemically modified magmas, within oceanic magma chambers, were depleted in Ti, Fe and Na. This could partly explain regional variations of the chemical compositions of primary magmas produced beneath slow-spreading ridges. The breakdown of olivine to orthopyroxene and magnetite participates in the control of the partition of magnetic Fe---Ti oxides between oceanic crust and mantle.

During the second stage, the serpentinization of olivine and the production of talc were superimposed on the products of the first stage. These reactions require large amounts of H2O. The hydrothermal fluid was probably seawater. It circulated in the brecciated area along the walls and floors of the magma chambers located at shallow depths. Such structural discontinuities thus played the role of penetration channels favoring seawater circulation in the oceanic crust.

All the chemical reactions examined suggest a significant open-system element transfer by infiltrating melts or circulating fluids. The results of this study suggest that caution is required in the interpretation of mineralogical and chemical information provided by mantle xenoliths carried to the surface by ascending magmas.  相似文献   

A Silurian/Ordovician extensional event in the southernmost sectors of the Central Iberian Zone is inferred from the Sm/Nd isochron obtained (436 ± 17 Ma) after the diabase sills from the La Codosera syncline. From the geochemical and mineralogical points of view, the diabase sills are subalkaline and range between high-Mg tholeiite diabases to tholeiite andesites. LREE enrichment, an Nb negative anomaly, the absence of a Ta trough and a high Nd isotope signature (εNdt = + 6) are the most relevant geochemical features. The diabase bodies are up to 330 m in thickness and were sampled from bottom to top along several different sections, permitting the definition of an accumulation of clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase close to chilled margins at the bottom, and abundant pegmatoid layers at the top. Chemical profiles and mass-balance modelling suggest that the bulk rock and chilled margin compositions are not dissimilar, defining an unusual S-type vertical compositional profile for large (> 50 m thick) sills, which in turn strongly suggests a single magma pulse and a probable gravitational settling. Assuming chilled margin samples as the parental magma, as well as Cr-enriched samples as cumulate layers, a two-stage liquid line of descent has been established, the first one consisting of a clinopyroxene-plagioclase-olivine cumulate assemblage. A second stage in relation to the depletion in Ti, Fe and V is accounted for by ilmenite fractionation, along with that of clinopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine fractionation. Thermobarometric estimations reveal that the clinopyroxene (around 1100 °C and 197 MPa) was a late mineral phase, whereas the plagioclase (around 1200 °C) was pre- to syn-emplacement, in agreement with the presence only of plagioclase phenocrysts in the chilled margins and the very abundant positive Eu anomaly. The energy constraint modelling is consistent with the lack of a significant assimilation process owing to the high temperature contrast between the country rock and the magma itself. The compositional characteristics of chilled margins enable them to be ruled out as primary melts in equilibrium with mantle olivine (Fo91), a certain amount of olivine fractionation being required, which might have occurred in magma conduits en route to shallow emplacement levels in the crust. Spinel lherzolitic xenoliths from the European Cenozoic alkaline magmatism appear to be unsuitable protoliths to account for the chilled margin compositions. Instead, a hybrid mantle source consisting of a small amount of OIB-mantle component (5 wt.%) and a depleted end-member mantle component seems to be a plausible protolith, resulting in a good fit with the fractionation-corrected chilled margin trends for 10% of partial melting.  相似文献   

The rocks of the Manu'a Islands are predominantly olivine basalt with lesser amounts of picrite basalt (both ankaramite and oceanite), basalt, hawaiite, olivine gabbro, basaltic lapilli tuff, and ash. Alkali silica ratios obtained from chemical analyses of twenty widely selected samples place the rocks in the alkali basalt suite. All of the samples are also high in titanium. Plots of the chemical analyses, including samples from nearby Tutuila Island, show a progressive enrichment in alkalis. The occurrence of hawaiite and picrite basalt indicates that a primitive alkalic olivine basalt magma was undergoing differentiation. The most important factor in this process was crystal settling, especially of olivine. The dunite xenoliths in the late-stage rocks of Ta'u Island probably came from a residual olivine layer near the bottom of the magma chamber. The magma did not become sufficiently silicic to produce the trachytic end-member of the series, which probably would have contained normative and possibly some modal quartz, as on Tutuila Island. With increasing silica content, iron and titanium generally decrease slightly, whereas alkalis increase.Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution No. 237.  相似文献   

岩浆物理性质和流体动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文评述了岩浆物理性质和流体动力学应用于火成岩岩石学研究的新进展,并强调了其地质成果。岩浆的密度和粘度是岩浆两个最重要的物理性质,岩浆密度和粘度的变化对岩浆流体动力学习性以及产生火成岩的多样性起了重要作用。岩浆房中的双扩散对流、岩浆房的再充填以及边界作用等是岩浆流体动力学的重要机制,对它们的研究,使人们对火成岩的成因和演化以及地球动力学产生了新的认识。本文还概述了流体动力学机制的主要地质结果,如:地幔对流、成矿作用、带状岩浆房、层状侵入体以及火山岩中的流体动力学等。但直到目前,岩浆流体动力学机制及其应用仍是一个崭新的研究领域。  相似文献   

The Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits in the Yangliuping area, SW China, are hosted in mafic–ultramafic sills. The four mineralized sills are located in the Yangliuping tectonic dome and intrude Devonian carbonaceous marble, graphitic schist. The sills are 200–300 m thick and 1,000–2,000 m in strike length and now consist chiefly of serpentinite, talc schist, tremolite schist, and meta-gabbro. Disseminated Ni–Cu sulfide mineralisation occurs in the serpentinite in the lower parts of the sills. Massive sulfide mineralisation is located in the base of the sills and in the footwall along fractures beneath the mineralized serpentinite. Although the sulfide ores have been modified by hydrothermal activity, there are relict cumulate textures in the disseminated sulfides indicating a magmatic origin for the ores. The Yangliuping Intrusions and the Dashibao Formation have similar primitive-mantle normalized trace element and platinum group element (PGE) patterns, indicating that they are derived from a common parental magma type. The positive correlation between Cu concentrations and Cu/Zr ratios of the Dashibao Formation basalts indicates that the chalcophile elements were removed before eruption. We propose that fractional crystallization of the Yangliuping magma accompanied by the introduction of S and CO2 from the wall rocks caused the magma to become S-saturated leading to the segregation of magmatic sulfides that became enriched in Ni–Cu–(PGE). The sills acted as conduits for the overlying Dashibao Formation basalts with the sulfide liquid, along with early crystallizing olivine and pyroxene, segregating from the magma as it passed through the conduits prior to eruption.Editorial handling: H.E. Frimmel  相似文献   

Xenolithic inclusions in calc-alkaline andesite from Mt. Moffettvolcano, Adak Island, Aleutian arc, reveal a nearly continuousrecord of crystallization of basaltic magmas in the crust, andpossibly upper mantle, of the arc. The record is more detailedand continuous than that obtained from study of calc-alkalinevolcanic rocks in the arc. Cumulate xenoliths form a progressiveseries in modal mineralogy from ultramafic, hornblende-bearingolivine clinopyroxenite to both hornblende-bearing and hornblende-freegabbros. The cumulate hornblende gabbro xenoliths are typicalof those found in island arc andesites worldwide. Xenolithicinclusions without cumulate textures, here termed compositexenoliths, are characterized by forsteritic olivine, zoned Cr-diopsideand hornblende, and are interpreted to have resulted from reactionand chilling upon magma mixing at depth. The olivine and clinopyroxene in both cumulate and compositexenoliths show the largest and the most complete variation trendsfor Ni, Cr, and FeO/MgO ratio yet reported in igneous xenolithsfrom island arc volcanic rocks. Variation of Ni in olivine indicatesthat the parent magmas for the xenoliths had minimum MgO contentsof 9 wt. per cent. Variation of Cr in clinopyroxene indicatesthat the magmas were basaltic rather than picritic, probablyin equilibrium with spinel lherzolite at near Moho depths. Successiveinjections of batches of primary melt into a magma chamber fractionatingolivine and clinopyroxene can reproduce observed compatibleelement depletion trends. A steady-state process of cotecticcrystallization in a magma chamber continually replenished withbasaltic magma is a possible mechanism for producing large accumulationsof olivine and clinopyroxene, suggesting that Alaskan-type ultramaficcomplexes are related to hydrous basaltic magmas in island arcs.This steady-state open-system crystallization process can alsoyield the abundant high-alumina basalt type in the Aleutianarc. Continued crystallization of high-alumina basalt in lowercrustal magma chambers, recorded in a mineralogically coherentseries of pyroxenite to hornblende gabbro xenoliths, can yieldbasaltic to andesitic magmas of the calc-alkaline series. No xenoliths with a sedimentary protolith have been found atMt Moffett, evidence that the arc crust is igneous in origin,with the lower crust formed of gabbro crystallized from mantle-derivedmelts. Ultramafic cumulates may reside in both the lower crustor upper mantle beneath the arc. A model is proposed wherebythe cumulate crystallization products of hydrous, mantle beneaththe arc. A model is define the upper mantle and lower crustof the arc over time.The net composition added to the crustof the arc is that of high-alumina basalt.  相似文献   

The Somerset Dam Layered Basic Intrusion is probably a sub‐volcanic magma chamber, and it consists of 20 saucer‐shaped layers composed of troctolites, olivine gabbros, ferrigabbros, and leucogabbros. The layered sequence is 1650 ft (500 m) thick, and comprises several repetitions of a standard pattern termed a zone. Each zone is generally composed of four layers, and successive mineral assemblages from the base upwards are: plagioclase‐olivine, plagioclase‐augite‐olivine, plagioclase‐augite‐magnetite‐ilmenite, and plagioclase‐uralite. Pronounced modal and textural changes define the boundaries between these layers. Within a zone, systematic variation in the proportions and compositions of minerals is thought to be the result of a slight decrease in temperature, and an increase in the partial pressures of water vapour and oxygen from the base to the top.

Repetition of zones is explained by a mechanism involving periodic renewals of magma. Lack of progressive changes in mineral compositions and proportions from the base to the top of the layered sequence is also a consequence of the magma composition, the control of water vapour pressure, and the limited range of crystallisation temperatures. Gravitational settling of early minerals does not explain the variation within a zone, or the small‐scale rhythmic layering that is locally developed, and it is concluded that diffusion has been an important control.  相似文献   

Sulfide minerals in amounts up to 3 vol% are found in basal, chilled marginal zones of two layered peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro sills in the Early Precambrian Deer Lake Complex, northcentral Minnesota. The sulfides occur interstitially to silicate minerals, and consist of pyrrhotite with minor exsolved cobaltian pentlandite, chalcopyrite, gersdorffite, and marcasite±pyrite as an alteration product of pyrrhotite.The basal chilled units (3–6 m) of the sills are divisable into three zones based primarily on textures. The lowermost zone is an equigranular basalt, whereas the overlying zone is characterized by skeletal, spinifex-like actinolite after clinopyroxene. The upper zone of the basal margins contains elongate and swallow tail plagioclase, and is barren of sulfide minerals.Electron microprobe analyses of sulfide minerals and modal data suggest that sulfide bulk compositions at 1,100–1,000 ° C represent a pyrrhotite solid solution and a coexisting Cu-rich sulfide liquid. Cooling of the Cu-rich liquid and low temperature transformations are thought to have produced chalcopyrite or chalcopyrite plus pyrrhotite. The sulfide minerals have reequlibrated to temperatures near 300 ° C or less.Analyses of sulfur content and 34S values suggest that assimilation of sulfur from adjacent country rocks was the principal mechanism responsible for anomalous concentrations of sulfides in the basal chilled margins. The distribution of sulfides in the peridotite-pyroxenite-gabbro portions of the sills, and calculations of settling rate preclude an origin involving gravitational settling of immiscible droplets through the magma body.  相似文献   

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