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内蒙古突泉盆地突参1井原油地球化学特征与油源分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古突泉盆地牤牛海坳陷南部突参1井的1684.5~1698.2m深度段侏罗系万宝组发现轻质原油,揭示了该区较好的油气勘探新领域。对该井原油和主要烃源岩分子地球化学特征、族组分稳定C同位素等进行了分析认为,该原油为轻质高蜡原油,C31升藿烷、C29甾烷异构化等成熟度参数显示该原油为成熟原油。正构烷烃呈单峰前峰型,姥鲛烷较植烷占绝对优势(Pr/Ph2.5),C29规则甾烷含量远高于C27甾烷,伽马蜡烷含量低,表明该原油生烃母质形成于以陆源高等植物为主的偏氧化沉积环境,原油来自该区侏罗系万宝组煤系泥岩。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地原油轻烃地球化学特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张敏  张俊 《地球化学》1999,28(2):191-196
通过塔里木盆地540个原油要品中轻烃,尤其是C7烃类异构烷烃、环烷烃和正构烷烃的研究,认识到2-MH与3-MH化合物之间的相关性要高于2-MH与2-MP化合物之间的相关性,而MCP与MCH的化合物之间的相关性最差。原油K1值分布在0.78-1.54之间,其中80%原油样品的K1值为0.90-1.20。原油中(2-MH+2,3-DMP)与(3-MH+2,4-DMP)占总径(C4-C7)的百分比的变化  相似文献   

Crude oil samples taken from the southern part of western Qaidam Basin were analyzed with GC/MS in order to understand the geochemical characteristics of crude oils. The results reveal that most crude oils are characterized by high abundance of gammacerane and C35 homohopane, which are the representative characteristics of saline lacustrine crude oils. Based on the variation of the ratios of gammacerane/C30 hopane (G/H) and C35 homoho-pane/C34 homohopane (C35/C34H), two crude oil groups, A and B, are identified. Group-A crude oils mainly occurr in the north of the study area, with higher ratios of G/H (〉0.8) and C35/C34H (〉1.2), whereas group-B crude oils, selected from the south of the study area, show lower ratios of G/H (〈0.8) and C35/C34H (〈1.0). In addition, group-A crude oils are distinguished into three subgroups in accordance with their different ratios of G/H and C35/C34H and different distribution characteristics of n-alkanes, isoprenoids and steranes. These may be helpful for understanding the distribution characteristics of crude oils in the southern part of western Qaidam Basin and providing clues to the forthcoming exploration of crude oils and gas.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of crude oils from Zao-V oil measures in the Shen-jiapu oilfield are systematically described in terms of the fractional composition of crude oils, GC characteristics of saturated hydrocarbon fraction of crude oils and the characteristics of their bio-markers. The deposifional environment, type and evolution of the biological source are also discussed. All pieces of evidence such as low saturated hydrocarbon fraction, high resin and asphalt, high isoprenoid alkane, weak odd-carbon number predominance ( CPI ranging from 1.23 to 1,29, OEP ranging from 1.14 to 1.16) and low sterane and terpane maturity parameters show these crude oils are immature oils. Low Pr/Ph ratios (0.66 -0.88) and high gammacer-ante/C31 hopane ratios ( 0.59 - 0.86 ) indicate the source rocks were formed in a slightly saline to brackish reducing lake depositional environment. Gas chromatographic characteristics of the saturated hydrocarbon fraction and the predominance of C30 hopane in terpane series and C29 sterane in sterane series indicate the biological source of the crude oils is composed mainly of bacterial and algal organic matter, and some algae are perhaps the main contributor of organic matter to the source rocks.  相似文献   

Light hydrocarbons, especially C7 isoalkanes, cyclopentanes, cyclohexanes and n-heptane in 540 oils from the Tarim Basin were studied systematically. The results suggested the K1 values [ (2-MH+ 2,3-DMP)/(3-MH + 2,4-DMP) ] of crude oils vary from a lowest value of 0.78, to a highest value of 1.54, but the K1 values of the majority of oil samples (80%) range from 0.90 to 1.20. However, the absolute contents of ( 2-methylhexane + 2,3-dimethylpentane) and ( 3-methylhexane + 2,4-dimethylpentane) in the total light hydrocarbons ( C4-C7 ) show a similar variation trend. The variation of K1 values of crude oils can suggest a typical sedimentary environment for source rocks. Therefore, according to the compositional characteristics of C7 light hydrocarbons in light of the steady-state catalytic hypothesis, nonmarine oils from the Yingmaili area and marine oils from the Tazhong uplift in the Tarim Basin were genetically classified.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地三叠系生源油藏的发现及其意义   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
首次在准噶尔盆地发现了来源于三叠系烃源岩的典型原油,其地球化学特征与以往发现的石炭系、二叠系和侏罗系烃源岩生成原油均不同。该原油全油碳同位素δ^13C值为-3l‰左右,与石炭系和侏罗系原油差异很大;生物标志物中富含重排甾烷、Ts、C29Ts及C30重排藿烷,而伽马蜡烷和β-胡萝卜烷含量低,与三叠系烃源岩抽提物中生物标志物的分布十分相似,而与二叠系和侏罗系明显不同。二叠系、三叠系和侏罗系烃源岩的地球化学特征对比分析研究表明,三叠系是仅次于二叠系的良好烃源岩,具有较高的生烃潜力,是该盆地中又一套重要的烃源岩层系。油源对比表明该原油来源于三叠系烃源岩。三叠系生源原油的发现对该盆地油气勘探具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

张越  陈隽璐  孙吉明  唐卓  李平  白建科 《地质通报》2019,38(9):1431-1442
阿尔曼太蛇绿岩带位于新疆东准噶尔地区,蛇绿岩中变质橄榄岩、堆晶岩、基性火山岩较发育,层序组合虽受构造破坏,但从总体来看仍是一套组合比较完整的蛇绿岩,岩石变形变质强烈,普遍发生绿泥石化、绿帘石化。蛇绿岩中基性熔岩可分为3种类型,即洋岛玄武岩(OIB)、洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和岛弧玄武岩(IAT)。其中洋岛玄武岩不属于蛇绿岩成分,是后期卷入蛇绿岩带随其他组分一同构造就位而成;基性熔岩主量和微量元素特征揭示岩浆源于亏损的地幔源区,且存在消减组分加入的交代作用,表明其成因与俯冲作用有关。结合岩石地球化学特征和构造环境判别图解,基性熔岩显示出IAT和MORB兼具并呈现过渡的特点,推断该蛇绿岩的形成与岛弧相关,其形成可能介于洋脊到海沟之间的偏海沟区域。  相似文献   

邓敏  程锦翔  唐勇  付国斌  王正和  冯伟明  李嵘 《地质论评》2024,70(2):2024020016-2024020016
准噶尔盆地东部石钱滩凹陷石炭系巴塔玛依内山组火山岩之后发育一套连续稳定的碎屑岩沉积。笔者等通过XRD、主微量元素分析等手段针对其中的细粒沉积岩开展元素地球化学研究,其结果对恢复准东地区晚石炭世源区风化特征、古气候、判断其源岩性质及源区构造背景具有重要意义。研究表明,巴山组—石钱滩组泥岩具有低石英含量特点,其中巴山组泥岩黏土含量稍高,而石钱滩组泥岩中长石含量高,两者黏土成份均为蒙脱石(>99%),反映了干燥、寒冷的气候特征且沉积介质长期为碱性;CIA结果显示巴山组—石钱滩组时期经历了中等—弱化学风化作用,并具有干湿交替气候变化特征;主微量元素及相关判别图解显示巴山组—石钱滩组泥岩的源岩多以偏中性的长英质火山岩为主,少量中基性及少量偏酸性的火山岩物源,并且多数为未分异的弧;泥岩的地球化学特征反映了沉积物源区构造背景主要为大陆岛弧背景,结合石钱滩组碎屑锆石峰值年龄及主要物源区分析认为,野马泉地体与其南部的准噶尔地体东北缘于335 Ma左右开始由俯冲转变为碰撞造山。  相似文献   

Based on quantitative GC-MS analysis of 40 crude oil samples collected from the south area of western Qaidam Basin,one of the largest saline lacustrine basins in China,the geochemical characteristics of aromatic hydrocarbons in oils were studied systematically in this paper.Among those constitutes,naphthalene(43% 59%),phenanthrene(12% 21%) and taromatic-sterane series(6% 28%) were the main ones of aromatic hydrocarbons.The ratio of aromatic hydrocarbon maturity parameter vs.saturated hydrocarbon maturity parameter C 29 20S/(20S+20R) shows that some aromatic hydrocarbon maturity parameters are not suitable for low-mature oils,including MPI,MNR,DNR,etc.Meanwhile,maturity parameters for dibenzothiophene and taromatic-sterane series are more appropriate for low maturity saline lacustrine crude oils.Based on the ratio of 4,6-DMDBT/1,4-DMDBT,the R c values are within the range of 0.59% 0.72%.However,the abundance of dibenzothiophene(DBT) is low,and the dibenzofuran(DBF) content is even lower,suggesting that the crude oils were formed in a saline lacustrine anaerobic environment.The high abundance of C 26 triaromatic steroid also indicates that the source material is brackish water-saline water with strong reducibility.  相似文献   

为了明确Melut盆地北部不同地区原油母质来源、沉积环境及亲缘关系,采用饱和烃色谱及色谱-质谱方法,开展了盆地北部不同地区原油地球化学特征分析及对比。研究表明,盆地北部各地区原油正构烷烃无明显奇偶优势,Ts/Tm值1.36~3.47、C31升藿烷22S/(22S+22R)比值0.54~0.60、αααC2920S/(20S+20R)与C29αββ/(ααα+αββ)比值大于0.4,总体表现为成熟原油;伽马蜡烷指数普遍小于0.1,C21三环萜烷具有明显优势,Pr/Ph值0.97~2.31,均值1.61,指示其烃源岩形成于弱还原-弱氧化的淡水湖相环境;生油母质为II~III型混合型。不同地区原油母质来源及成熟度有差异:Moleeta次凹东坡原油为单峰后峰态分布,高碳数正构烷烃含量占优势,C24TeT/C23TT平均值大于1,具有明显的陆源高等植物贡献,原油成熟度较低,发育重质—中质油;Jamous次凹深洼区原油为前峰优势的双峰态分布,C24  相似文献   

1 Introduction Since the 1990’s of the 20th century, oil & gas geochemists have shifted their research focus on hydrocarbon source rocks in the past to that on reservoir rocks and oil reservoirs at present; their research field has been expanded from oil & gas exploration to the assessment of oil reservoirs and production & management. Therefore, reservoir geochemistry as a branch disciplinary of organic geochemistry is now attracting great concern of many oil & gas explorers and oilfield en…  相似文献   

According to the assemblage characteristics of saturated hydrocarbon biomarkers in crude oils and their geochemical implications, this study has proposed, for the first time, the criteria for the genetic classification of crude oils in the Tazhong area of the Tarim Basin, China. Crude oils from the area studied are classified as three genetic types: type-Ⅰ is characterized by the low contents of C29 norhopane, extremely abundant contents of gammacerane, low contents of rearranged sterane and relatively high contents of regular C28 sterane; the geochemical properties of type-Ⅱ crude oils are opposite to those of type-Ⅰ crude oils; the parameters for type-Ⅲ crude oils are intermediate between type-Ⅰ and type-Ⅱ. Results of oil correlation indicated that type-Ⅰ crude oils were derived from Cambrian-Lower Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks, type-Ⅱ curde oils originated from Middle-Upper Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks and type-Ⅲ crude oils are of mixed origin.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西南缘四棵树凹陷主要分布侏罗系、白垩系和古近系3套潜在烃源岩,其中侏罗系八道湾组烃源岩有机质丰度较高,有机质类型以Ⅲ型为主,部分为Ⅱ2型,生烃潜力较高;三工河组烃源岩有机质丰度、类型明显偏差,生烃潜力较低;西山窑组泥岩有机质丰度较高,但由于受西山窑组沉积末期构造抬升导致地层剥蚀的影响,烃源岩厚度较小,总体上生烃条件较差;白垩系烃源岩在四棵树凹陷最大厚度可达300 m,处于低熟阶段,生烃潜力较小;古近系烃源岩有机质丰度较高、类型好,但成熟度偏低,生烃条件较差。侏罗系八道湾组烃源岩处于主要生油阶段;白垩系烃源岩已达到生烃门限,处于低熟—中等成熟阶段;古近系烃源岩成熟度偏低,目前仍处于未熟到低熟阶段。油源对比表明,四棵树凹陷北部斜坡及车排子凸起带原油主要来源于四棵树凹陷及沙湾凹陷侏罗系烃源灶,后期受到白垩系低熟油源灶的侵染,古近系烃源岩的油源贡献有限。  相似文献   

Geochemical composition characteristics of light oils from the Tertiary in the west of the Chepaizi uplift in the Junggar basin, northwest China, are distinct from those of biodegraded oils derived from the Permian in the study area and crude oils from some adjacent oil fields such as the Chepaizi and Xiaoguai oilfields. Oil source correlation shows that light oils in the study area have similar n-alkane and isoprenoid distribution patterns and carbon isotope compositions with the coal-derived oils from the Jurassic, and display obvious discrepancy on biomarker composition characteristics with the Cretaceous source rock extracts, inferring that they are probably the mixed oils from the Jurassic coal measures and Cretaceous source rocks. In this study, combined with the geochemical data of coal-derived oils from the Jurassic and Cretaceous source rocks or crude oils from the Cretaceous, the source and commingling features of the Tertiary crude oils of Well Pai 2 and Well Pai 8 were investigated. The proportion of the two sources in the mixed crude oils was estimated, and the hydrocarbon accumulation pattern of reservoirs in the study area was established.  相似文献   

Oil group separation, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of saturated hydrocarbons, carbon isotope analysis of fractions and tests on trace elements were all carried out to determine the origin of shallow Jurassic heavy oils in the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin, northwestern China. Results showed that all the crude oils had been subjected to different degrees of biodegradation, on an order ranging from PM 6 to 9, which yielded many unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) and formed a huge spike in the mass chromatogram (M/Z = 85). Two heavy oils from the Karamay area underwent slight biodegradation, characterized by the consistent ratios of biomarker parameters. C21/C23 and C23/H of the two samples were 0.81 and 0.85, while G/H, C27/C29 and C28/C29 were 0.38 and 0.40, 0.16 and 0.27, 0.87 and 0.86, respectively. The isomerization parameters of terpane and steranes were 0.50–0.53, and 0.48–0.49, respectively. The above geochemical indices indicated that the crude oils in the study area were in the marginally mature stage. The parent materials were a mixture, consisting of bacteria, algae and some higher plants, formed under reducing depositional conditions, which is in agreement with the source rocks of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu depression. The carbon isotopic compositions of saturated hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbon, NSO and asphaltene were ?31‰? to ?30.3‰, ?29.5‰ to ?29.03‰, ?29.4‰ to ?28.78‰ and ?28.62‰ to ?28.61‰, respectively. These findings are in agreement with the light carbon isotope of kerogen from the lower Permian Fengcheng Formation. Furthermore, V/Ni and Cr/Mo of all the crude oils were 0.01 to 0.032, 0.837 to 10.649, which is in good agreement with the ratios of the corresponding elements of the extracts from the Fengcheng Fm. carbonate source rock. As a result, a two–stage formation model was established: (1) the oil generated from the carbonate source rocks of the Fengcheng Formation migrated to the Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic traps during the Late Triassic, forming the primary oil reservoirs; (2) during the Late Jurassic period, the intense tectonic activity of Yanshan Episode II resulted in the readjustment of early deep primary reservoirs, the escaped oils gradually migrating to the shallow Jurassic reservoir through cross-cutting faults, unconformities and sand body layers. The oils then finally formed secondary heavy oil reservoirs, due to long–term biodegradation in the later stage. Therefore, joint methods of organic, isotopic and element geochemistry should be extensively applied in order to confirm the source of biodegradation oils.  相似文献   

The Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields are new Mesozoic petroleum exploration targets in Lishu Fault Depression of Songliao Basin, northeastern China. Currently, researches on geochemistry of crude oils from Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields have not been performed and the genesis of oils is still uncertain. Based on bulk analyses, the crude oils in the Qinjiatun and Qikeshu oilfields of Lishu Fault Depression from the Lower Cretaceous can be classified as three types. TypeⅠoils, from Quantou and Denglouku formations of Qikeshu oilfield, are characterized by high C24tetracyclic terpane/C26tricyclic terpanes ratios, low gammacerance/C30hopane ratios, tricyclic terpanes/hopanes ratios, C29Ts/C29norhopane ratios and 17α(H)-diahopane/17α(H)-hopane ratios, indicating a brackish lacustrine facies. TypeⅡoils, from Shahezi Formation of Qikeshu oilfield show low C24tetracyclic terpane/C26tricyclic terpanes, high gammacerance/C30hopane ratios, tricyclic terpanes/hopanes ratios, C29Ts/C29 norhopane and C30diahopane/C30hopane ratios, thus suggesting that they originated from source rocks deposited in a weak reducing brackish lacustrine environment, or clay-rich sediments. Type oilsⅢ, from some wells of Qikeshu oilfield have geochemical characteristics intermediate between those two types and may be mixture of typeⅠand Ⅱoils.  相似文献   

利用原油与岩样抽提物的族组成分离与定量分析、饱和烃色谱色质、芳烃色谱色质等分析测试资料,系统分析了陇东地区延长组原油的地球化学特征,并研究了原油的成因类型。研究表明,陇东地区延长组原油均为正常油,组分以饱和烃馏分为主;原油的母质来源为低等水生生物与陆源高等植物的双重贡献;形成环境为淡水微咸水的水体环境、弱氧化还原的沉积环境;原油为成熟油,属于烃源岩生烃高峰时期的产物。根据C30重排藿烷的相对含量,可将原油划分为3类,第Ⅰ类原油C30重排藿烷含量最低,第Ⅱ类原油C30重排藿烷含量中等,第Ⅲ类原油C30重排藿烷含量最高。其中第Ⅰ类原油最多,来自于长7油页岩,该类原油分布广泛,白豹、西峰、合水、华庆以及姬塬地区均以该类原油为主;第Ⅱ、Ⅲ类原油样品较少,与暗色泥岩关系密切,零星分布于镇北以北,西峰以东地区。  相似文献   

报道了新疆准噶尔盆地西部玛纳斯及白杨河中侏罗世西山窑组(J2x)银杏类楔拜拉属的一个新种--准噶尔楔拜拉(Sphenobaiera junggarensis sp. nov.)的首次发现。该新种以表皮构造为双面气孔式、上表皮气孔少、下表皮气孔密度大、孔缝基本定向、普通表皮细胞具不规则角质化隆丘及气孔器保卫细胞角质化放射纹之间发育有梳状“细耙”等特征,区别于楔拜拉属已知种。 还讨论了该新种的发现在研究楔拜拉属的分类及其古气候等方面的意义。  相似文献   

赛汉塔拉凹陷位于二连盆地腾格尔坳陷西部,是二连盆地低熟油分布区.采用有机地球化学和生物标志物分析方法,对赛汉塔拉凹陷下白垩统腾二段低熟原油和油砂样品进行了地球化学特征和油源对比研究.赛汉塔拉凹陷腾二段低熟油具有饱和烃含量相对较低、非烃和沥青质含量相对较高的族组成特征,正构烷烃分布以前峰型为主,主峰碳为C21或C23,P...  相似文献   

系统采集鄂尔多斯盆地南部中生界的烃源岩、原油及油砂样品,对其饱和烃和芳烃馏分进行气相色谱-质谱分析,通过 对生物标志物组成特征的研究,分析和探讨中生界原油的油源。结果表明:根据 8β(H)-补身烷和 C3017α(H)-重排藿烷含量, 鄂尔多斯盆地南部中生界原油可划分为I,II,III类。第I类原油 8β(H)-补身烷含量高, C3017α(H)-重排藿烷含量低,来自 深湖相沉积相带的长 7 油页岩 (A1 类),第II类原油 8β(H)-补身烷含量较高, C3017α(H)-重排藿烷含量中等,来自深湖—半深 湖沉积相带的长 7 暗色泥岩 (A2 类),第III类原油 8β(H)-补身烷含量低, C3017α(H)-重排藿烷含量高,来自半深湖沉积相带的 长 7 暗色泥岩 (A3 类),由于采集样品数量限制,第III类原油不排除来自长 8 或长 9 暗色泥岩 (A3 类) 的可能,目前发现的原油 主要是第I类,即各油层组的原油主要是由长 7 油页岩提供的,它是鄂多斯盆地南部中生界的主力烃源岩。  相似文献   

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