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火山活动对北半球平流层气候异常变化的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
文中利用逐次滤波法滤除北半球平流层70 hPa约15~22 km高空大气温度异常变化中太阳活动的影响之后,进一步分析了火山活动的气候效应,分析结果表明,火山活动能引起平流层较大幅度增温,对于北半球70hPa高空气候异常变化的影响超过了总方差的30%;火山活动影响最显著的高度是平流层70 hPa约15~22 km高空,由此高度向上或向下,火山活动的影响都逐渐减小;火山活动引起平流层大气升温的同时还将引起对流层大气降温,其分界线大致位于对流层顶300 hPa附近;强火山爆发如皮纳图博火山爆发、阿贡火山爆发和堪察加北楮缅奴等火山爆发是引起未来两年左右平流层中下层温度异常变化最重要的因素,其方差贡献率超过百分之五十三!;火山喷发高度越高,引起平流层增温效应的层次也越高;北半球大气温度异常变化对南半球火山活动响应的滞后时间比北半球火山活动长. 平流层高空气候异常变化还具有显著的22年变化周期,分析认为是大气温度场对太阳磁场磁性周期22年异常变化的响应,其方差贡献率超过9%.  相似文献   

杨鑑初 《地球物理学报》1961,10(02):101-112
本文应用1955年英国格林威治观象台出版的大磁暴資料,研究了1909—1952年时期內历次大磁暴前后我国九站逐日溫度变化的情况。文中用重迭时序分析法,对大磁暴后90天内我国九站逐日溫度正距平百分率及平均溫度距平进行了計算,結果見图1。同样,对大磁暴前30天的計算結果,見图2。从而发現,在大磁暴后第10,16,24,44,75—77天附近,我国出現几次显著的溫度增暖期;而且在大磁暴前后,我国的溫度变动表現出27天太阳自轉周期性的振动。在大磁暴出現日期和其后第45天与第75天,亚欧地区自然天气周期的环流类型表現出清楚的韵律振动,因此认为天气过程的韵律振动当与太阳发射强烈粒子流輻射的活动区及其自轉周期发生密切关联。此外,本文还研究了某些小磁暴之后30天內,我国八站溫度的变动(图3),发現在其后第13天附近出現显著的降溫。  相似文献   

占瑞芬  李建平 《中国科学D辑》2008,38(8):1028-1040
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA40资料,借助Wei诊断模式研究平流层一对流层水汽交换过程,重点分析亚洲地区夏季平流层.对流层水汽交换的年代际特征,探讨青藏高原和热带西北太平洋大气热源在其变化中的作用.气候学特征表明,北半球夏季“亚洲南部半岛-印度洋-太平洋交汇区”为全球最强的对流层向平流层输送的通道,它能将亚洲季风区丰富的水汽源源不断地输送到平流层,影响平流层水汽的分布和变化.北半球夏季亚洲地区穿越对流层顶水汽交换整体上都具有明显的年代际变化,且在近44a可以分为三段比较稳定的时段:1958~1977年、1978~1992年和1993。2001年.在这三个时段中,孟加拉湾.东亚大陆及南海海域的水汽交换通道作用在逐渐减弱,而西北太平洋地区在水汽交换中扮演着越来越重要的角色.进一步研究发现,青藏高原、热带西北太平洋热源的年代际异常是亚洲地区平流层.对流层水汽交换年代际变化的主要原因.44a来青藏高原和热带西北太平洋的热力作用均发生了重大调整,在年代际尺度上两者的综合作用决定了亚洲夏季风的年代际变异,从而影响平流层.对流层水汽交换的年代际异常.然而不同时段不同地区两者的贡献有所不同,尤其是1992年以后,高原热源影响明显减弱,而热带西北太平洋热源在影响平流层.对流层水汽交换中起主要作用.这些结果对深入认识其他大气成份输送过程和正确评估人类活动(排放)对全球气候的影响也具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   

大磁暴后我国温度的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用1955年英国格林威治观象台出版的大磁暴資料,研究了1909-1952年时期內历次大磁暴前后我国九站逐日溫度变化的情况。文中用重迭时序分析法,对大磁暴后90天内我国九站逐日溫度正距平百分率及平均溫度距平进行了計算,結果見图1。同样,对大磁暴前30天的計算結果,見图2。从而发現,在大磁暴后第10,16,24,44,75-77天附近,我国出現几次显著的溫度增暖期;而且在大磁暴前后,我国的溫度变动表現出27天太阳自轉周期性的振动。在大磁暴出現日期和其后第45天与第75天,亚欧地区自然天气周期的环流类型表現出清楚的韵律振动,因此认为天气过程的韵律振动当与太阳发射强烈粒子流輻射的活动区及其自轉周期发生密切关联。此外,本文还研究了某些小磁暴之后30天內,我国八站溫度的变动(图3),发現在其后第13天附近出現显著的降溫。  相似文献   

平流层准两年变化对南海夏季风影响机制的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用美国大气研究中心(the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR)的中层大气模式模拟了平流层准两年振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, QBO)过程对对流层顶和对流层上层的影响, 并结合NCEP(the National Centers for Environmental Prediction)/NCAR、欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)月平均的风场资料和实际的探空观测资料, 分析了平流层QBO对南海夏季风的影响作用. 结果表明: 平流层QBO会引起平流层的异常经向环流并向下传播, 在QBO位相的中后期和位相转换期影响到对流层顶和对流层上层, 使热带和低纬度的对流层上层形成异常的经向气压梯度, 最终在夏季的对流层热带地区激发出不同类型的异常环流—西风位相时, 激发出与南海夏季风环流相反的异常环流, 在南海地区有显著的异常下沉运动, 对南海夏季风有削弱作用; 东风位相时, 激发出反Hadley环流型的异常环流, 在南海地区有明显的异常上升气流, 对南海夏季风有加强的效果. 虽然QBO对南海夏季风经向环流有影响, 但它并不是决定南海夏季风准两年变化的唯一因子.  相似文献   

温度变化对我国GPS台站垂直位移的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
地表温度变化可以引起GPS台站上安装GPS天线的地表水泥墩内部温度变化,还可以通过热传导的方式引起GPS台站基岩温度变化,从而引起GPS台站垂直位移变化.在中国区域,由GPS台站基岩温度变化引起GPS台站垂直位移变化的周年振幅最大可以达到1 mm;在长江以北地区,此周年振幅一般大于0.5 mm.在我国地壳运动观测网络中的23个GPS基准站中,温度变化对GPS台站垂直位移总影响的周年振幅最大值为2.8 mm,其中13个GPS基准站垂直位移的周年振幅变化大于1 mm.因此,温度变化是引起GPS台站垂直位移周年变化的一个不可忽视因素.  相似文献   

占瑞芬  李建平 《地球物理学报》2012,55(10):3181-3193
亚洲地区是物质由对流层向平流层输送的主要通道,在平流层-对流层交换中扮演着积极的角色. 本文主要利用卫星资料和欧洲中心ERA40再分析资料,借助Wei诊断模式研究亚洲地区夏季上对流层-下平流层(UTLS)水汽分布和平流层-对流层水汽交换特征,重点着眼于水汽交换的年际变化,并探讨其与亚洲夏季风的联系. 结果表明,季风区UTLS水汽较赤道地区偏多,且通过磁带记录信号的传播,可穿越对流层顶影响下平流层水汽的多寡. 夏季平流层-对流层水汽交换表现出明显的年际特征,其年际变化与亚洲季风强弱变化有密切联系,尤其与南亚夏季风的关系更为显著. 在亚洲夏季风影响下,亚洲地区出现异常的大气环流和垂直运动,从而影响平流层-对流层之间水汽的交换. 这些结果对认识其它大气成分的输送过程也具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   

武汉地区无线电探空仪加密观测的初步结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用武汉地区2006年1月11~15日的Radiosonde加密观测数据,本文讨论了当地对流层与低平流层(25 km以内)温度、纬向风与经向风周日潮汐变化的振幅与相位(振幅最大值对应的时间)的变化,同时与其他地区统计平均的结果进行了比较. 发现风场振幅的变化与统计平均的结果存在较大差异,这归结于当地冬季对流层内强烈变化而低平流层内相对稳定的风场;温度在23 km以上存在稳定的周日变化,气压在更大的范围内存在与温度类似的周日变化,这使得在23 km以上大气密度的周日变化十分微弱,在各个高度上近似为一个常数.  相似文献   

<正>2014年4月4日《Science》发表题为"洋中脊下深部温度变化的地球物理和地球化学证据"(Geophysical and geochemical evidence for deep temperature variations beneath midocean ridges)的文章指出,地震波数据显示地幔深处的温度控制洋中脊与洋底巨大山脉的海拔高度和火山活动。洋中脊是地幔对流上升形成的,是板块分离的部位,也是新地  相似文献   

利用一套新的遥感信息反演的叶面积指数(LAI)数据和生物气候数据,建立了全球尺度的LAI与降水及温度的总体相关和距平相关,用以揭示全球尺度的植被季节和年际的变化对气候变化的响应特征.结果发现,全球尺度植被与气候因子的季节和年际变化随不同的生态系统差异明显.植被LAI与温度的总体正相关的最大值出现在北半球的中高纬度地区;LAI与降水的总体正相关高值(>0.8)出现在亚洲东部、北美洲北部腹地和热带非洲北部的Sahel地区;最大的LAI与温度的正距平相关(0.4-0.6)出现在东南亚南部、非洲Sahel地区的南部和巴西东部等热带地区;而从LAI与降水的距平相关来看,最明显的特征是出现在西伯利亚、亚洲北部和北美西北部的强的负距平相关.本文进一步阐明了出现相关特征差异的陆-气过程物理机制.  相似文献   

One of the longest temperature records available for the equatorial region is provided by Rocketsonde from Thumba (8°N, 77°E), India during the period 1971–1993. In recent times, these data sets are reanalyzed using the up-to-date regression models, which take care of several corrections and parameters, not accounted for in earlier analyses and hence affecting the conclusions. In this paper, annual mean solar response in this data set along with the seasonal solar coefficient is quantitatively estimated now with improved confidence. A negative solar response in the stratosphere (1–2 K/100 solar flux unit, sfu) and a positive response for the mesosphere (0.5–3 K/100 sfu) are found. The negative stratospheric solar response is in contrast to the solar coefficient reported for low latitudes by earlier workers for other stations.  相似文献   

We report here the results of a feasibility study of luminescence dating of polymineralic volcanic ash. Of the several possible protocols that used different emission bands and different IR stimulation regimes, the post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IRSL) signal (detected using a violet-blue emission window with stimulation temperature in the region 260–320 °C) provided the most stable signal. This involved, i) identification of the most suitable temperature for pIR-IRSL read out, ii) determination of alpha efficiency and, iii) estimation of anomalous (athermal) fading rate. Anomalous fading rate (g-value in %/decade) of pIR-IRSL signal at 300 °C was 0.0–1.6%/decade and it ranged from 2.4 to 5.2%/decade for IRSL at 50 °C, both preheated to 320 °C. Thus, though more stable, pIR-IRSL signals may fade in nature, and even during laboratory extended irradiation. Of the models for fading correction by Huntley and Lamothe (2001) and Kars et al. (2008), the Kars et al. (2008) model performed better as the natural luminescence intensity was closer to the onset of saturation in the luminescence dose response curve. Our measurements suggest that alpha efficiencies of the pIR-IRSL signals are higher than that of IRSL. Fading corrected pIR-IRSL single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol based ages on three of the five volcanic ash beds are in agreement with the expected ages of ∼74 ka, based on geochemical association of the present samples to be the Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT). Other ash samples that gave ages of <24 ka and <37 ka, were inferred to have been in their secondary context, reworked from their original depositional sites. The onset of saturation dose of the pIR-IRSL signal (D0) was ∼330 Gy and this implied a maximum measurable equivalent dose of 660 Gy. The minimum detectable dose was ∼5 Gy. These dose limits correspond to a typical age range of 1–150 ka using the pIR-IRSL signal for volcanic ashes.  相似文献   

Volcanic activity on sub-Antarctic Marion Island is found to have occurred only during the interglacials. The present volcano distribution is associated with a radial and peripheral fault system, the location of which appears to be related to the former glacier distribution. An hypothesis is presented suggesting that the faulting is a result of deglaciation and that the specific location of the faults is due to the differential stresses occurring between ice-covered and ice-free areas during isostatic uplift. The faulting initiates volcanism due to the location of the island within a volcanic region.  相似文献   

A study is presented of spectral features of volcanic tremor recorded at Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy) following the methods of analysis suggested by the resonant scattering formalism of Gaunaurd and Überall (1978, 1979a, 1979b) and the model for hydraulic origin of Seidl et al. (1981). The periods investigated include summit and flank eruptions that occurred between 1984 and 1993. Recordings from a permanent station located near the top of the volcano were used, and the temporal patterns associated with (a) the average spacing ( ) between consecutive spectral peaks in the frequency range 1–6 Hz, (b) the spectral shape and (c) the overall spectral amplitude were analyzed. values are thought to depend on the physical properties of magma, such as its density, which, in turn, is controlled by the degree of gas exsolution. Variations in the spectral shape are tentatively attributed to changes in the geometrical scattering from the boundary of resonant conduits and magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude at the station should essentially reflect the state of turbulence of magma within the superficial ascending path. A limit in the application of the resonant scattering formalism to the study of volcanic tremor is given by the fact that the fundamental modes and integer harmonics are difficult to identify in the frequency spectra, as tremor sources are likely within cavities of very complex geometry, rather than in spherical or cylindrical chambers, as expected by theory. This study gives evidence of some correlations between the analyzed temporal patterns and the major events in the volcanic activity, related to both lava flow and explosions at the summit vents. In particular, relatively high values of have been attained during the SE crater eruption of 1984, the complex eruptive phases of September–October 1989 and the 1991–1993 flank eruption, suggesting the presence of a relatively dense magma for all of these events. Conversely, very low values have been recorded in coincidence with the December 1985 activity and the paroxysmal explosions at the summit craters of early 1990, which are interpreted here as fed by fluid-vesiculated magma. Appreciable modifications in the spectral shape have been observed in relation to changes of the volcanic activity that probably preceded the opening and disactivation of shallow dykes or magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude seems to be a sensitive indicator of the state of gas turbulence within the shallow conduits, as is suggested by the high values attained during phases of intense volcanic activity.  相似文献   

徐家围子断陷沙河子组为火石岭组和营城组两期主要火山活动间歇期的产物,也是营城组火山岩气藏的主要气源.本文在徐家围子断陷整体研究的基础上,利用连片三维地震和钻井资料,整体剖析了沙河子组的分布规律和地层发育特征.在沉积相类型分析的基础上,识别出沙河子组沉积相带的空间分布特征,沙河子组呈现以湖泊为中心、周边水系向湖盆汇聚的陆相断陷特点.沙河子组地层表现为由下段的湖泊环境向上段的河流冲积环境演替特点,反映了水进至水退的演化趋势.在徐西断裂带上发现孤立的火山机构,从其赋存状态、地层接触关系及碎屑组成来看,应归属于沙河子时期.  相似文献   

使用遥感数据探讨山东省地表温度变化与地震活动的关系。选取2000—2016年MODIS地表温度数据,计算山东省地表温度变异系数(CV)并绘图,与活动断裂、地震震中等图层进行空间分析。结果表明,活动断裂与震中附近地表温度的变异系数明显升高,空间标准差降低,说明地震活动较强区域地表温度变化幅度与普遍性均高于其他地区,地表温度变化与地震活动存在一定相关关系。胶东半岛地区的地表温度变化高于鲁西鲁中地区,可能预示着未来该地区地震活动性增强。  相似文献   

长春地区地表温度日变、年变对地温测量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过实地观测试验,并采用傅里叶分析法进行理论分析,来研究长春地区地表温度日变、年变对地温测量的影响规律及影响深度,为在长春地区利用浅层地温测量方法研究地质问题提供重要参数信息.地温变化幅度随深度作指数衰减,衰减系数与地表温度周期、热扩散率有关.  相似文献   

昆明全天空流星雷达观测中高层大气温度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用昆明电波观测站(25.6°N,103.8°E)两台不同工作频率的全天空流星雷达在2011年特殊联合观测试验期间的数据,基于Hocking的方法利用不同的温度梯度,在确定了昆明地区中层顶位于流星峰值高度之上的情况下,反演了昆明地区上空88 km和85 km高度的大气温度,并与Aura卫星观测的温度进行比较.对比研究发现,两台流星雷达可以分别正确获得88 km和85 km高度的大气温度,但其中由全球温度梯度模式反演得到的大气温度与卫星观测温度相关性不是很好,而利用卫星观测的温度梯度,两台雷达反演出的大气温度与卫星观测温度存在很好的相关性.结果表明了准确的温度梯度在流星雷达观测大气温度过程中是至关重要的.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our comparison study between satellite measurements and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model on the seasonal and longitudinal changes of the low-latitude nighttime topside ionosphere during the period of solar maximum from June 2000 to July 2001. Satellite measurements were made by KOMPSAT-1 and DMSP F15 at 685 km altitude and 840 km altitude, respectively. The results show that the IRI2001 model gives reasonable density estimations for the summer hemisphere and the March equinox at both altitudes. However, the observed wintertime densities are smaller than the predictions of the IRI2001 model, especially at a higher (840 km) altitude, manifesting strong hemispheric asymmetries. The observed electron temperatures generally reside between the two estimations of IRI2001, one based on the Aeros–ISIS data and the other based on Intercosmos, and the latter estimation better represents the observations. With more or less monotonic increase with latitude, the temperature profiles of the IRI2001 model do not predict the enhancement seen around 15° magnetic latitude of the winter hemisphere. Longitudinal variation, probably caused by the zonal winds, is seen in all seasons at both altitudes, while the IRI2001 model does not show a large variation. The observed density and temperature show significant changes according to the F10.7 values in the whole low-latitude region from 40°S to 40°N geomagnetic latitude. The effect is manifested as increases in the density and temperature, but not in the hemispheric asymmetry or in the longitudinal variation.  相似文献   

利用ECMWF和HALOE资料,分析了1991~2002年两种资料中温度垂直廓线、平方差水平分布,并通过线性趋势分析方法分析了平流层不同高度温度变化趋势的差异.研究结果表明:在中低纬度地区,10 hPa以下两种资料中温度垂直廓线非常吻合;10~2 hPa高度,HALOE资料中温度比ECMWF资料中温度要高;1 hPa高度上,两种资料也有比较小的差异.在南北半球的中高纬度地区,温度的差异比较明显,整个平流层中,HALOE资料中温度比ECMWF资料中温度要高.平流层中温度的水平分布差异随着高度而增大.中低纬度地区温度差异相对较小,南北半球50°以上地区差异比较大.在平流层的中低层100 hPa、50 hPa和10 hPa高度,两种资料中温度的变化趋势一致,但是HALOE资料中温度的递减趋势要更明显.在平流层高层2 hPa,1996年后两种资料中温度的变化趋势相反.本研究将为平流层温度研究的资料选择提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

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