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风应力拖曳系数选取对风暴潮数值模拟的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在风暴潮的形成中风应力起决定性作用 ,风应力拖曳系数决定了大气与海洋间的动量传输率。观测结果表明 ,风应力拖曳系数随风速而变化 ,与海面粗糙度有关。文中采用几种与风速有关的风应力拖曳系数表达式进行数值模拟 ,与将其视为常数情况相比较 ,计算结果的精度均有较明显提高。对比各表达式模拟结果 ,采用 Smith(1980 )风应力拖曳系数公式的模拟效果为最好  相似文献   

近年来,应用数值模型模拟台风引起的风暴潮运动越来越普遍,模型中对于风拖曳力系数的确定,一般都从相对风速出发,可引用的公式也较多,但这些公式很少考虑潮位变化对此系数的影响.在强潮河口、海岸海域,潮位变幅大,最高潮位甚至可达风速参考高度(10m)的近一半,如长江口和杭州湾.在数值模拟中不考虑风暴潮和天文潮共同引起的潮位变化,会造成风应力高潮时被低估、低潮时被高估的现象,从而影响风暴潮模拟的精度.为此本文对现有的风拖曳力系数加以改进,提出了考虑潮位影响的风拖曳力系数表达式,并应用于长江口、杭州湾9711号台风风暴潮的模拟中,增水模拟结果得到了明显改善,可进一步推广应用于强潮河口、海岸的风暴潮增水模拟中.  相似文献   

借助伴随同化方法,利用实测水位资料,对空间分布的风应力拖曳系数做了反演研究.假定风应力拖曳系数具有空间分布特征,即在模拟海区中均匀选取一些独立点,利用这些独立点的风应力拖曳系数线性插值得到全场的风应力拖曳系数.同化实验结果表明,采用空间分布的风应力拖曳系数得到的模拟结果,明显优于将风应力拖曳系数取为常数和依照经验公式计...  相似文献   

引入拖曳系数参数化的海冰自由漂流模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many interesting characteristics of sea ice drift depend on the atmospheric drag coefficient(C_a) and oceanic drag coefficient(C_w).Parameterizations of drag coefficients rather than constant values provide us a way to look insight into the dependence of these characteristics on sea ice conditions.In the present study,the parameterized ice drag coefficients are included into a free-drift sea ice dynamic model,and the wind factor α and the deflection angle θ between sea ice drift and wind velocity as well as the ratio of C_a to C_w are studied to investigate their dependence on the impact factors such as local drag coefficients,floe and ridge geometry.The results reveal that in an idealized steady ocean,C_a/C_w increases obviously with the increasing ice concentration for small ice floes in the marginal ice zone,while it remains at a steady level(0.2-0.25) for large floes in the central ice zone.The wind factor α increases rapidly at first and approaches a steady level of 0.018 when A is greater than 20%.And the deflection angle θ drops rapidly from an initial value of approximate 80° and decreases slowly as A is greater than20%without a steady level like α.The values of these parameters agree well with the previously reported observations in Arctic.The ridging intensity is an important parameter to determine the dominant contribution of the ratio of skin friction drag coefficient(C_s' /C_s) and the ratio of ridge form drag coefficient(C_r'/C_r) to the value of C_a/C_w,α,and θ,because of the dominance of ridge form drag for large ridging intensity and skin friction for small ridging intensity among the total drag forces.Parameterization of sea ice drag coefficients has the potential to be embedded into ice dynamic models to better account for the variability of sea ice in the transient Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

为了检验一个准全球的海洋环流模式中热带太平洋对风应力变化的响应,使用NCEP月平均再分析资料计算的强迫场强迫该模式进行控制试验,在(10.5°S~9.5°N,159.75°E~110.25°W)的区域增大或减小风应力拖曳系数进行敏感性试验,并把试验结果与同时段的SODA资料进行分析比较.该模式基本能模拟出海洋环流的基本气候态,但是对一些细节描述还不够准确.试验结果表明,风应力减小时可以改善模式对热带东太平洋冷舌的模拟,而对次表层温度和流场的刻画能力较弱.增大风应力则对次表层温度和流场的模拟有所改善.通过对模式中热量收支的分析可知,平流过程、扩散过程对热带太平洋海表温度的变化起到了重要的作用;海表面热交换可以促使海温距平向相反的方向发展.垂直输送对赤道中东太平洋表层的降温起重要作用,抑制了次表层的增暖,水平平流过程则促进了赤道太平洋次表层的增暖.  相似文献   

辐射应力对台风风暴潮预报的影响和数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
台风过程期间,风暴潮和海浪是相伴相生的,相互作用的.波致辐射应力对于近岸风暴增、减水起着十分重要的作用,传统的海浪模式计算辐射应力耗时较多,不能满足业务化预报的要求.根据已有波浪辐射应力的理论表达式,经过严密的数学推导,适当的简化处理,提出了一个较为简单的波浪辐射应力表达式,并将其应用到业务化风暴潮数值预报模式中去,通...  相似文献   

针对台风参数化风场模型中最大风速半径$({R}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}})$和径向气压分布系数$(B)$两个关键参数,以0216(“森拉克”台风)和0414(“云娜”台风)两场台风为例,采用多种$ {R}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}} $和$ B $计算方法的组合方案,再现台风过程,并提取3处观测站点的模拟数据,与实测结果进行比对。将所得的台风风场作为风暴潮模型的驱动风场,利用MIKE 21模型进行浙江沿海两场台风的风暴潮数值模拟,结合实测资料,验证并分析天文潮位和风暴潮增水水位。结果表明,本文选取的参数化风场模型适用于计算影响浙江海域的台风风场,以此为基础建立的风暴潮模型的模拟结果满足精度要求。  相似文献   

丁磊  于博 《海洋学报》2017,39(11):14-23
本文以荷兰哈灵水道海域为实验区域,通过敏感性实验,研究了在14 m/s、31.5 m/s和50 m/s(分别代表一般大风、强热带风暴和强台风的极端条件)定常风速下SWAN模型中不同风拖曳力系数对风浪模拟的影响程度。结果表明,对于近岸浅水区域(水深小于20 m),风拖曳力系数计算方案的选择对有效波高影响较小,而且当风速增加到一定程度后,波浪破碎成为影响波高值的主要因素;对于深水区域(水深大于30 m),一般大风条件下风拖曳力系数计算方案的选择对有效波高影响仍然较小,随着风速的继续增大,风拖曳力系数计算方案的选择对有效波高的影响逐渐显著。对于平均周期,风拖曳力系数计算方案的选择和风速的改变对其影响均较小,而由水深变浅导致的波浪破碎对其影响较为显著。根据敏感性实验结果,本文对SWAN模型中风拖曳力系数计算方案的选择做出如下建议:计算近岸浅水区域风浪场或深水区域一般大风条件风浪场时,其风拖曳力系数可以直接采用模型默认选项;而对于深水区域更大风速条件,可首先采用模型默认选项试算,然后结合当地海域实测波浪资料进行修正。  相似文献   

丁赟  管长龙 《海洋科学》2007,31(3):54-57
利用新近提出的海面风应力系数线性参数化理论,定性地分析了已有风应力和风浪的观测数据。分析发现这些观测数据表明在小波陡的情形下海面风应力系数随风速的变化较大波陡的情形更加迅速。结果定性地倾向于支持Toba等的结果,即成熟的风浪较年轻的风浪更加粗糙。  相似文献   

通过对四种参数化方法的比较,认为风海雷诺数RB较风速、波龄和波陡能更好地描述拖曳系数CDN。利用分组平均法对CDN与RB关系进行处理,得到最佳的CDN参数化方案。利用COARE3算法测试了四种依赖海况的粗糙长度,与实测结果进行了比较,结果表明CDN与RB的关系式更真实地反映了海-气界面动量交换过程。  相似文献   

On the parameterization of drag coefficient over sea surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six parameterization schemes of roughness or drag coefficient are evaluated on the basis of the data from six experiments. They present great consistency with measurement when friction velocity u*<0.5 m/s (approximately corresponding to 10 m wind speed U10 <12 m/s) and large deviation from measurement when u*≥0.5 m/s (approximately U10≥12 m/s). In order to improve the deviation, a new parameterization of drag coefficient is derived on the basis of the similarity theory, Charnock relationship and Toba 3/2 power law. Wave steepness and wind-sea Reynolds number are considered in the new parameterization. Then it is tested on the basis of the measurements and shows significant improvement when u*≥0.5 m/s. Its standard errors are much smaller than the ones of the other six parameterizations. However, the new parameterization still needs more tests especially for high winds.  相似文献   

李响  吴辉碇  王辉 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):180-186
由于海上大气边界层的下垫面是复杂多变的海面,因此海面状态的参数化对海上大气边界层数值模拟起到十分关键的作用.采用高分辨率的大气边界层模式进行敏感性试验研究,讨论了不同海面参数化方案对海上大气边界层数值模拟产生的影响.结果表明:几种海面粗糙度参数化方案在中低风速下模拟垂直结构主要的差异出现在边界层和自由大气分界面上;考虑...  相似文献   

A parameterization of subgridscale surface fluxes over the marginal sea ice zone which has been used earlier in several studies is modified and applied to a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model. The new scheme accounts for the form drag of ice floes and is combined with a so-called flux averaging method for the determination of surface fluxes over inhomogeneous terrain. Individual fluxes over ice and water are calculated as a function of the blending height. It is shown by comparison with observations that the drag coefficients calculated with the new parameterization agree well with data. The original scheme strongly overestimates the form drag effect. An improvement is mainly obtained by an inclusion of stratification and by use of a more adequate coefficient of resistance for individual ice floes. The mesoscale model is applied to off-ice flows over the polar marginal sea ice zone. The model results show that under certain meteorological conditions the form drag can have a strong influence on the near-surface wind velocity and on the turbulent fluxes of momentum. Four case studies are carried out. The maximum influence of form drag occurs in the case with strong unstable stratification and with wind oblique to the ice edge. Under these conditions the wind stress on sea ice is modified by at least 100% for ice concentrations less than 50% if form drag is taken into account.  相似文献   

利用由于海面摩擦造成的台风角动量的损失,推算出高风速下的海面阻力系数.高风速条件下的阻力系数迅速增大,与风速的平方成正比.此结论对于研究高风速下的海浪、风暴潮有着实际意义.  相似文献   

粤东沿海台风风暴潮特征及数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤东地区是我国沿海经济较为发达的地区之一,也是遭受风暴潮灾害较为严重的地区,本文重点分析了自1969年以来40年间影响粤东沿海的典型风暴潮过程,并建立起了一个适用于粤东沿海地区的高分辨率的风暴潮数值预报模式.此模式采用变网格技术,在可以保证使计算区域足够大的基础上,又能实现对重点区域的河口、海湾等地形加密处理,精细地刻...  相似文献   

Surface waves are the roughness element of the ocean surface, the air-sea interaction processes are influenced by the wave conditions. The dynamic influence of surface waves decays exponentially with distance from the air-water interface. The relevant length scale characterizing the decay rate is the wavelength. The parameterization of drag coefficient and surface roughness can be significantly improved by using wavelength as the reference length scale of atmospheric measurements. The wavelength scaling of drag coefficient and dynamic roughness also receives support from theoretical studies of wind and wave coupling.  相似文献   

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