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汪俊有  李爱军  刘勇 《海洋工程》2021,39(3):109-117
摇板式波浪能转换装置具有频率响应范围广、可靠性好、常规海况下转换效率高、建造成本低等优点。基于势流理论建立具有沉箱基础的摇板式波浪能装置水动力性能的解析解。将解析结果与文献中已有结果和边界元数值结果进行了对比,验证了解析解求解过程的正确性。通过算例分析,研究了波浪入射频率、沉箱基础高度、沉箱基础宽度、摇板位置、摇板厚度和摇板密度对装置能量俘获效率的影响。研究结果表明:采用合适高度的沉箱基础能显著提升装置性能;长波海况下,摇板铰接在沉箱基础背浪侧上表面时装置性能更佳,而短波海况下,摇板铰接在沉箱基础迎浪侧上表面更为合理;沉箱基础宽度的推荐值为0.5到1.0倍水深;适当减小摇板厚度能够提升装置性能;应优先选用密度较大的摇板。  相似文献   

为实现海洋浮标持续稳定发电这一目标,本文提出了一种布放于浮标下的主动共振浮力摆式波浪能发电装置。该装置与海洋浮标相结合,调整其配重位置可实现多海况共振高效发电,为海洋浮标提供充足可靠的电力;发电装置主体除摆体外其他运动部件不与海水接触,可避免海水冲击和腐蚀,同时还可有效阻止水生物的附着;摆体工作时淹没在海水中,其吸收波...  相似文献   

为了更加切合实际地研究鸭式波浪能转换装置的水动力特性及效率,考虑了鸭式装置可绕定轴转动以及装置的附加质量和附加阻尼,以ANSYS14.0软件为平台建立二维数值波浪水槽,对装置在不同波浪条件作用下的受力情况与运动情况进行了数值模拟与分析。结果表明:(1)在相同波高条件下,随着波浪周期的增大,装置受到的水动力力矩增大,转换效率下降,转换效率最高可达到70%;(2)在相同周期条件下,随着波高的增大,鸭式装置受到的水动力力矩也随之增加,波浪在经过装置后波高会发生衰减;(3)装置转换效率总体可维持在70%左右,但由于波峰到达装置时会有部分波浪从其顶部越过,随着波浪波高增大转换效率缓慢下降。为该装置的实际应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

基于三维势流理论,建立筏式波浪发电装置多浮体水动力模型。利用AQWA水动力软件研究多浮体水动力相互作用对发电装置浮体单元水动力系数的影响;将能量转换系统等效成刚度-阻尼模型后,对其进行不规则波时域模拟,对比分析方向谱和频率谱波浪模型对波浪发电装置能量吸收的影响。结果表明:浮体之间的水动力相互作用对浮体单元纵荡方向上的附加质量与辐射阻尼系数有明显的影响,对垂荡和纵摇方向上的水动力系数影响较小;不同的波浪模型下,能量俘获功率有着较大的差别,特别是在迎浪状态下。  相似文献   

对实际工程中的浮力摆式波浪能发电装置进行水动力学研究和优化设计,得到提升波浪能发电能力的方法。首先建立波浪能水动力性能的评估体系,其核心是估算浮力摆波浪能发电装置俘获效率,其中波浪输运能量根据实际海况条件,利用随机波浪理论进行估算,浮力摆俘获能量估算则根据水动力学模型时域计算结果;然后依据建立的水动力性能评估体系,以浮力摆摆板宽度和后端负载为变量进行优化设计,总结了提高波浪能俘获能力的方法,即增大浮力摆宽度,并相应提高匹配负载;最后分析了两套浮力摆的交互作用,计算结果表明,如果将两套设备俘获能量通入同一组蓄能装置中,输入能量更加平稳,即利用浮力摆俘获波浪能的相位差,可以显著提升波浪能发电装置的发电能力。  相似文献   

当前我国近海海域属稀缺资源,波浪能试验场建设须通过合理布局各测试泊位,在保证试验场各泊位可同时正常开展测试工作的前提下,尽量减小用海面积。拉近试验泊位距离,是减小用海面积的直接手段,但在此过程中,必须保证在试验场场址海域水动力环境下,泊位接入测试波浪能装置后,其之间的水动力影响在可接受的范围内。以大万山波浪能试验场泊位设计为例,介绍一种有效的泊位间水动力影响分析方法。方法采用自主开发的二维Boussinesq波浪模型,开展水动力影响分析工作,同时引入相对波高比概念,对泊位接入装置后影响距离和影响面积进行了定量的分析。文中研究得出的分析方法,可用于判定泊位布局设计的合理性。  相似文献   

目前全球对能源的需求急速增长,其中对可再生能源的需求也越来越大。中国将成为全球能源消费第一大国,研发高效的可再生能源装备已刻不容缓。我国有大量可开发的海洋波浪能,其中舟山附近海域的波浪能相当丰富。文中研发了适合舟山海域波浪条件的波浪能发电装置。具体研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)从流体力学理论出发,采用斜坡将水平速度转化为垂向速度,设计了近岸固定式可适应潮位变化的波浪能发电装置。(2)进行了多种结构漂浮摆-斜坡组合的模型试验,找到了最佳结构方案,验证了漂浮摆原理的可行性。利用提升重物的方法获得了模型装置的一级波浪能捕获效率,成功通过液压装置将波浪能转化为电能。(3)建立了基于非稳态RANS的CFD仿真模型,分析漂浮摆式波浪能捕获模块的水动力性能。研究在不同载荷情况下漂浮摆装置的能量输出情况,得到了装置在特定工况下的漂浮摆受力情况,为能量转化系统设计和装置设计制造提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以一种新型波浪能发电平台为研究对象,分别采用基于三维势流理论的软件Sesam和基于有限体积法的Flow3D软件,对平台和发电浮子进行水动力分析。应用Sesam-HydroD模块计算了平台和发电浮子在频域内的运动响应,将平台和发电浮子的垂荡运动响应进行对比分析,结果表明,在正常海况下,平台与发电浮子垂荡运动相对幅值满足捕能系统的发电需求。应用Flow3D软件对平台整体进行水动力分析,结果表明,平台与发电浮子相对运动振幅在0.3~0.4m间,可满足发电需求。在此基础之上,应用Orcaflex软件,通过时域耦合动力分析的方法,计算了平台在自存工况和作业工况下的运动响应和系泊缆动张力响应,结果表明:在自存工况下,平台锚泊线的安全系数符合规范要求,平台具有良好的安全性能,能够适应恶劣的海洋环境;在作业工况下,平台的垂荡运动响应对波浪方向变化并不敏感,捕能系统不受波浪方向变化的影响,满足发电需求。另外,本文的研究结果能为类似的海洋平台的研究提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

浮子的能量收集效率对于装置发电效率的提升具有重要作用。针对传统浮子式装置仅具有一个自由度的问题,提出了一种新型六自由度波浪能装置。基于线性波理论和MMG(Ship Manoeuvring Mathematical Model Group)方法,建立了新型装置的水动力学模型。分析了此装置的浮子在线性波浪作用下的位移和速度。结果表明:新型六自由度装置可以同时收集浮子六自由度方向的动能,具有较高的波浪能收集效率。另外,浮子在垂荡方向上的动能远大于横荡、纵荡方向上的动能。分析了波浪能收集效率随波浪遭遇角与弹簧系数之间的变化规律,文中工作为新型波浪能装置的优化设计提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

波浪能是一种清洁、可再生的新型能源,波浪能发电装置在海上作业时会受到变化的风、浪、流载荷作用,需要系泊系统保证其稳性和安全性。以适用于中国南海500 m水深的振荡双浮体式波浪能发电装置为研究对象,运用频域计算与时域计算结合的方法对双浮体及其系泊系统的运动响应和动力载荷进行计算,获取极端海况与工作海况下浮体运动和系泊缆索张力的时历数据。参照BV船级社NR-493规定的海上浮式结构物系泊安全系数规范,对3种系泊方案进行安全校核和对比分析。选定其中一种系泊方案,通过改变系泊系统以及能量转换器(PTO)的参数,探究参数变化对双体波浪能装置运动响应以及系泊系统特性的影响,为类似应用于深水的双体波浪能装置系泊系统的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic performance of the oscillating water column type shoreline-mounted wave-power device is numerically studied within linear wave theory by using a boundary element method based on the Wehausen and Laitone 3D shallow water Green's function. In order to verify the numerical model, a 1:12 physical model with different bottom slopes was constructed and tested in a wave basin under regular wave conditions. The effects of the bottom slope on the hydrodynamic performance are investigated by both analytical and experimental methods.  相似文献   

通过模型试验研究,得到海岸岸坡、气室宽度与频率响应和吸能效率之间的关系和规律,验证了一种理论计算方法的可靠性,证明该计算方法对波能电站的设计和工程选址有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper concerns mathematical modelling of the hydrodynamic interaction forces between small vertically axisymmetric wave-power devices. The model takes into account small-body approximations for the first order scattered waves but neglects multiple scattering. Further, the local wave fields are neglected, making the model inapplicable for very closely spaced bodies.The model, which is called the low-scattering approximation, comprises analytical formulae for the forces in any of the translation modes surge, sway and heave. It requires, however, that the following isolated-body parameters are known or externally supplied: the added mass and the force coefficients for both heave and surge motion.Comparison with accurate numerical results of a two-buoy system indicates that the present approach is fairly good even when the buoy diameter is as large as 1/6 of the wavelength and the buoy spacing is as small as 5 buoy radii.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic performance of a bottom-hinged flap wave energy converter(WEC) is investigated through a frequency domain numerical model.The numerical model is verified through a two-dimensional analytic solution,as well as the qualitative analysis on the dynamic response of avibrating system.The concept of "optimum density" of the bottom-hinged flap is proposed,and its analytic expression is derived as well.The frequency interval in which the optimum density exists is also obtained.The analytic expression of the optimum linear damping coefficient is obtained by a bottom-hinged WEC.Some basic dynamic properties involving natural period,excitation moment,pitch amplitude,and optimum damping coefficient are analyzed and discussed in detail.In addition,this paper highlights the analysis of effects on the conversion performance of the device exerted by some important parameters.The results indicate that "the optimum linear damping period of 5.0 s" is the most ideal option in the short wave sea states with the wave period below 6.0 s.Shallow water depth,large flap thickness and low flap density are advised in the practical design of the device in short wave sea states in order to maximize power capture.In the sea state with water depth of 5.0 m and wave period of 5.0 s,the results of parametric optimization suggest a flap with the width of 8.0 m,thickness of 1.6 m,and with the density as little as possible when the optimum power take-off(PTO) damping coefficient is adopted.  相似文献   

Based on the linear potential flow theory and matching eigen-function expansion technique, an analytical model is developed to investigate the hydrodynamics of two-dimensional dual-pontoon floating breakwaters that also work as oscillating buoy wave energy converters (referred to as the integrated system hereafter). The pontoons are constrained to heave motion independently and the linear power take-off damping is used to calculate the absorbed power. The proposed model is verified by using the energy conservation principle. The effects of the geometrical parameters on the hydrodynamic properties of the integrated system, including the reflection and transmission coefficients and CWR (capture width ratio, which is defined as the ratio of absorbed wave power to the incident wave power in the device width). It is found that the natural frequency of the heave motion and the spacing of the two pontoons are the critical factors affecting the performance of the integrated system. The comparison between the results of the dual-pontoon breakwater and those of the single-pontoon breakwater shows that the effective frequency range (for condition of transmission coefficient KT < 0.5 and the total capture width ratio ηtotal > 20%) of the dual-pontoon system is broader than that of the single-pontoon system with the same total volume. For the two-pontoon system, the effective frequency range can be broadened by decreasing the draft of the front pontoon within certain range.  相似文献   

A wave-power system which combines the concept of a breakwater and a harbor resonance chamber was developed in this study. In the caisson chamber, a multi-resonant oscillating water column (MOWC) was formed to push or suck air through the air turbine and thus continuously generated the power. The proposed wave-power system has two aims in mind: one is shore protection and the other is to extract energy from the ocean. To achieve an optimal effect of harbor resonance when excited by incident waves of various periods, a 60° opening of the cylindrical chamber with an entrance section and an arc-shaped curve board in front of the caisson was designed. In order to assess the energy-conversion efficiency and the hydraulic performance, a 1/20 model of this system was constructed and tested in the wave tank under various wave conditions. Our experimental data for the amplification factor of the MOWC agree well with previous theoretical results [Lee, J.J., 1971. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 45, 375–394]. The curve board proves to be useful: it not only broadens the resonant period but also increases the energy-extraction rate. The reflection coefficient was found to be generally low and to decrease with increasing wave height. However, due to the relatively high energy loss of the MOWC, only 28.5% of the incident-wave energy was converted into air energy, indicating that there are still areas for further improvement. In any event, the experimental results provided a clear picture of the energy-transformation process, and demonstrated the preliminary feasibility of this wave-energy device.  相似文献   

提出了一种带纵摇前墙的新型振荡水柱式波浪能(OWC)装置,借助Open FOAM开源代码平台和waves2Foam工具包,数值模拟研究带纵摇前墙OWC装置的水动力性能和转换效率。主要研究前墙吃水d_1、前墙密度ρ、后墙吃水d_2、旋转约束力(用无量纲弹簧系数K表示)对该装置的反射系数C_r、透射系数C_t、耗散系数C_d和波能转换效率ξ的影响规律。结果表明,纵摇前墙能有效减少能量耗散,提高波能转换效率ξ;无量纲弹簧系数K对装置转换效率的影响主要集中在短波区域,且在K为0时装置具有最大的转换效率和最宽的高效频率带;前墙的密度和吃水深度对水动力系数影响不大;后墙的吃水深度对水动力系数影响较大,增加吃水深度能有效提高装置对于中短波和中长波段的波能转换效率,但对系统整体的能量耗散系数影响不大。  相似文献   

This paper provides a linear solution for the Wave Rotor, a wave energy device that comprises two parallel counter rotating cylinders in orbital motion. Theoretical results are obtained for the radiated waves generated by the device, and for its efficiency. Comparisons with earlier measurements of radiated waves show very promising agreement.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic functioning of an oscillating water column (OWC) in the presence of an underwater tri-dimensional mound (UTDM) through large-scale ocean engineering basin experiments is described. Experiments are carried out with both regular and irregular waves and are compared to numerical models. The analysis is based on the measurements of the wave amplification in the water column for the OWC performance and on surface deformation upwave and over the UTDM for the wave transformation due to both UTDM and OWC. A significant increase of the capture-width ratio due to wave focusing above the mound is observed experimentally. This wave focusing is also well described numerically with a refraction–diffraction model. The wave amplification in the water column for both regular and irregular waves is compared to results from a linear potential model based on an integral matching method. Linear behaviour of the hydrodynamic response of the device is verified for both open and partially closed conditions, in particular for irregular waves.  相似文献   

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