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We combined a surface irradiance model with a non-spectral photosynthesisirradiance model to estimate the daily, average rate of mixed-layer primary production in the Arabian Sea for the 15th day of months at the end of the northeast monsoon, the southwest monsoon, and the fall and spring inter-monsoons. Our model experiment uses climatologies of cloud cover, mixed-layer thickness, and satellite ocean-color observations of phytoplankton biomass. Modelled surface radiation is at an annual maximum in May beneath nearly cloud-free skies just prior to the summer solstice. The model estimate of surface radiation diminishes through the southwest monsoon over most of the northern Arabian Sea to an annual minimum in August due to intense cloudiness. In agreement with previous ship-based measurements, the photosynthesis-irradiance model predicts that the mixed-layer primary production in the Arabian Sea is extremely seasonal, and peaks annually during the southwest monsoon to the north-west of the atmospheric Findlater Jet and along the coast of Somalia. Northern Arabian Sea maxima predicted for both the summer and winter monsoons are separated by periods of low mixed-layer primary production, the fall and spring inter-monsoons. The annual cycles of modelled mixed-layer primary production differ by region in the Arabian Sea due to varying monsoon influence and circulation dynamics.  相似文献   

Western tropical Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and the equatorial Pacific are known as regions of intense bio-chemical-physical interactions: the Arabian Sea has the largest phytoplankton bloom with seasonal signal, while the equatorial Pacific bloom is perennial with quasi-permanent upwelling. Here, we studied three dimensional ocean thermodynamics comparing recent ocean observation with ocean general circulation model (OPYC) experiment combined with remotely sensed chlorophyll pigment concentrations from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Using solar radiation parameterization representing observations that a higher abundance of chlorophyll increases absorption of solar irradiance and heating rate in the upper ocean, we showed that the mixed layer thickness decreases more than they would be under clear water conditions. These changes in the model mixed layer were consistent with Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) observations during the 1994-1995 Arabian Sea experiment and epi-fluorescence microscopy (EFM) on samples collected during Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Study (EPOCS) in November, 1988. In the Arabian Sea, as the chlorophyll concentrations peak in October (3 mg/m3) after the summer plankton bloom induced by coastal upwelling, the chlorophyll induced biological heating enhanced the sea surface temperature (SST) by as much as 0.6‡C and sub-layer temperature decreases and sub-layer thickness increases. In the equatorial Pacific, modest concentrations of chlorophyll less than 0.3 mg/m3 is enough to introduce a meridional differential heating, which results in reducing the equatorial mixed layer thickness to more than 20 m. The anomalous meridional tilting of the mixed layer bottom enhances off equatorial westward geostrophic currents. Consequently, the equatorial undercurrent transports more water from west to east. We proposed that these numerical model experiments with use of satellite andin situ ocean observations are consistent under three dimensional ocean circulation theory combined with solar radiation transfer process.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of chlorophyll has been of considerable interest on account of the effect of photosynthesis on ocean-atmosphere carbon exchange. It can be predicted by a dynamical system model of the marine ecosystem coupled with a physical oceanographic model. There is however a major difficulty in the calibration of contemporary ecosystem models on account of sparse data and a large number of model parameters. This paper reports a new approach of macrocalibration in which values of six parameters are determined by examining in detail the seasonal variation of chlorophyll and primary productivity keeping in view the observations of two Indian JGOFS cruises. Both switching and non-switching versions of grazing functions are used in a 7-component FDM model. Detailed simulations are reported for one station (16°N, 65°E). They show the effects of dependence of grazing preference on prey density on the behaviour of the ecosystem. The results of the simulation also provide a partial basis for developing correlations of primary production with chlorophyll and sediment flux.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance and production, numbers, sizes and concentrations of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and total organic carbon (TOC) were measured during the 1996 summer monsoon to understand the relationship between TEP, the most labile particulate organic carbon, and bacteria. While high regional variability in the vertical distribution of TOC was discernible, TEP concentrations were high in surface waters at 18–20°N along 64°E with concentrations well over 25 mg alginic acid equivalents I−1 due to upwelling induced productivity. Their concentrations decreased with depth and were lower between 200 and 500 m. Bacterial concentrations were up to 1.99 × 108 I–1 in the surface waters and decreased by an order of magnitude or more at depths below 500 m. A better relationship has been found between bacterial abundance and concentrations of TEP than between bacteria and TOC, indicating that bacterial metabolism is fueled by availability of TEP in the Arabian Sea. Assuming a carbon assimilation of 33%, bacterial carbon demand (BCD) is estimated to be 1.017 to 4.035 g C m–2 d–1 in the surface waters. The observed TEP concentrations appear to be sufficient in meeting the surface and subsurface BCD in the northern Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

The Sulu Sea, located between Borneo and the Philippines, is separated from the surrounding ocean by two chains of islands. There are no passages below 500 m depth and the basin, which at the deepest is 5,000m, is filled with warm low oxygen water. The near surface chlorophyll concentration has been examined with the aid of ocean colour sensors on board satellites. Direct comparisons between a field observation of chlorophyll and its remotely sensed values from OCTS (Ocean Colour Temperature Scanner) are found to be in satisfactory agreement. An 8-month time series of chlorophyll near the centre of the Sulu Sea has been used to show that the chlorophyll level is significantly higher than the level in the adjacent South China Sea. This was most pronounced at the period of change between the monsoons. The greater primary productivity may provide the explanation for the higher deposition rate of carbon in the Sulu Sea. Although the Sulu Sea is more productive than the adjacent South China Sea, the central area can still be classified as a desert. Estimates of the new primary production in the central Sulu Sea seem to be just sufficient to support the current fishery.  相似文献   

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) conducted the ‘Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB)’ for a two-month pre-monsoon period in 2006 with the ocean segment covering Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. During this campaign, carbon monoxide (CO) was continuously monitored using a non-dispersive IR analyser. Quantifying CO in ambient air is vital in determining the air quality of a region. Being toxic, CO is a criteria pollutant, but it is a weak green house gas. Globally, very few measurements exist over marine atmospheres to study its temporal pattern; particularly in situ CO measurements are few over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea for comparison. Present measurements indicate: (i) predominant single peak in the diurnal pattern of CO over the marine atmosphere in contrast to the double peak over the continent, (ii) the mean diurnal CO over the marine atmosphere showing an increasing trend towards evening hours, (iii) the amplitude of the AN peaks over the marine atmosphere was ∼ 100 ppbv, while at a remote island site in the Indian Ocean it was ∼ 5 ppbv and (iv) high CO values were observed close to continent and the long range transport by wind also caused CO highs.  相似文献   

The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen have been implemented to assess the recharge mechanisms in an area in the UAE bounded to the northwestern part of the Gulf of Oman and the southeastern part of the Arabian Gulf. The conversion of stable isotopes to deuterium excess was utilized as a supportive tool to understand the process of groundwater recharge. The concluding results of this study showed that the origin of moisture is the Mediterranean Sea. The precipitation is the main source of recharge, in which the precipitation having undergone evaporation before recharge occurs. The comparison between regression line for data collected in 1996 and regression line for samples collected in 2006 suggests that the precipitation water which recharged the groundwater, was diluted with groundwater and this dilution is observed from decreasing of the deuterium excess of collected groundwater samples with increasing isotopes of oxygen. The dilution of groundwater with the recharge water suggests modern-day recharge as it is seen from high deuterium excess that exceeded the deuterium excess of LMWL and was close to MMWL.  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling is of great social and economic significance to the human community. The Vietnam coastal upwelling is a fundamental part of upwelling systems in the South China Sea, western Pacific Ocean. However, its sedimentary response to global warming has been largely unknown. Here we reconstruct a 3200-year sedimentary record based on high-resolution geochemical analyses of a marine core from off the Vietnamese coast. The results reveal an abrupt sedimentary change since approximately 1950 ce. The abrupt change is explained by concurrent rapid intensification of the coastal upwelling. This can be ascribed to significant global change since the beginning of the 20th century. Global warming could enhance wind speed during the summer and strengthen the coastal upwelling. The forced upwelling results in an increase in nutrient availability and marine primary production; however, ongoing global warming may also increase the risk of more frequent algal blooms in this area.  相似文献   

Usingin situ data collected during 1992–1997, under the Indian programme of Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), we show that the biological productivity of the Arabian Sea is tightly coupled to the physical forcing mediated through nutrient availability. The Arabian Sea becomes productive in summer not only along the coastal regions of Somalia, Arabia and southern parts of the west coast of India due to coastal upwelling but also in the open waters of the central region. The open waters in the north are fertilized by a combination of divergence driven by cyclonic wind stress curl to the north of the Findlater Jet and lateral advection of nutrient-rich upwelled waters from Arabia. Productivity in the southern part of the central Arabian Sea, on the other hand, is driven by advection from the Somalia upwelling. Surface cooling and convection resulting from reduced solar radiation and increased evaporation make the northern region productive in winter. During both spring and fall inter-monsoons, this sea remains warm and stratified with low production as surface waters are oligotrophic. Inter-annual variability in physical forcing during winter resulted in one-and-a-half times higher production in 1997 than in 1995.  相似文献   

南北极海区碳循环与全球变化研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
南北极是全球变化研究领域中十分重要的地区 ,也是世界大洋对全球变化反馈的一个重要窗口。文章论述了南北极海区碳循环研究的国内外研究动态 ,阐述了目前南大洋及北冰洋的生产力水平及碳收支平衡状态 ,讨论需要进一步研究的一些存在问题以及将来的发展方向。目前的研究表明 ,北极的生产力比历史上所认为的要高 ,在全球变化的作用下 ,其将成为越来越重要的碳汇区 ;南大洋主控着人为源CO2 的海气交换通量 ,而生产力所受到的限制也影响着其吸收CO2 的潜力。目前制约着对两极碳循环进一步认识所缺乏的资料包括 :极区碳汇的时空变异、南大洋的Fe限制及Fe假说、紫外增强对极区碳循环可能产生的影响等。今后研究的重点将集中在全球变化对两极碳循环的影响及其反馈 ,碳循环的机制及其动力学过程 ,以及通过碳循环人为干预全球变化的可行性。近年来 ,中国也十分重视极区碳循环的研究 ,取得了许多积极的成果。我们的研究结果表明 ,在 80°E~ 80°W之间 ,南大洋基本上是大气CO2 的汇 ,其中在 45°W~ 30°W及 10°W~ 10°E之间 ,是CO2 的强汇区。北冰洋的一些海区也表现为很强的碳汇区。计算得出 ,楚科奇海及其附近海区 7月到 9月CO2 吸收通量为 0 13g/ (m2 ·d) (碳 )。南大洋夏季CO2 吸收通量为 0 1g/ (m2 ·  相似文献   

The northern Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, is one of the key global sites for understanding marine cyclic sedimentation during the Quaternary. This paper presents the first evidence of marine cyclic sedimentation from its central-southern parts. Sedimentological, micropalaeontological and palynological analyses on a 280-m-deep borehole encountered units dating back to MIS 10. The sequence includes four marine cycles spanning MIS 9–5, which are overlain by terrestrial fluvial aggradation surfaces dating from MIS 4–2. Each marine unit represents a progressively shallowing depositional environment from the mid-shelf to coastal plain. This is overlain by a terrestrial sequence of lowstand fluvial terraces. Localized fault movements appear to have influenced the sedimentary character of the sequence during MIS 7a and 5e producing basement highs which provided protection to the shoreline. The cyclothems described in this paper now extend the already extensive, previously described record from MIS 17–10 to produce a combined eustatic record of Quaternary sea level change within the basin to MIS 5. They also provide an excellent example of the sedimentary response of a coastal basin to a progressive loss of sedimentation accommodation space.  相似文献   

对西菲律宾海Ph05-5柱状样190ka以来钙质超微化石进行了氧碳同位素分析.研究结果表明, 钙质超微化石δ18O值在末次间冰期(MIS 5e) 和全新世明显低于末次冰期(MIS5d~2) 和倒数第二次冰期(MIS6).超微化石δ18O值与浮游和底栖有孔虫δ18O值都呈明显的正相关关系, 但超微化石δ18O平均值比浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides rubber δ18O平均值高0.431×10-3, 比Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ18O平均值低0.410×10-3, 而这三者又远远低于底栖有孔虫Cibicides wullerstorfi的δ18O平均值.超微化石δ13C值变化阶段性特征明显, 并与该孔超微化石绝对丰度变化趋势极为相似, 二者共同反映出西菲律宾海大约从190ka到110ka的MIS6和大约MIS 5e期, 表层海水初级生产力相当稳定且显著低于其他各时期; 大约从MIS5d期开始表层初级生产力显著上升, 初级生产力的这一高值一致持续到约25ka左右的末次冰期; 在25ka以来的MIS1、2期, 表层初级生产力有所下降, 但仍高于190ka到110ka的MIS6和MIS 5e期.   相似文献   

岩溶地区水文地质环境地质综合调查工程进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由中国地质调查局组织实施的“岩溶地区水文地质环境地质综合调查”工程,按阶段任务目标,基本查明了我国南方岩溶区岩溶地下水资源赋存分布规律和开发利用潜力,发现了石漠化、地下水污染、内涝灾害等环境地质问题,揭示了岩溶作用对油气资源、矿产资源、岩溶旅游资源、碳循环和环境地质问题的控制机制,启动了“全球岩溶动力系统资源环境效应”国际大科学计划,在岩溶动力学理论、岩溶石笋高分辨率测年、岩溶人工增汇和岩溶地下水探测等方面实现了重大科技创新。建立的不同类型区岩溶地下水富水模式、成井模式、有效开发利用模式以及石漠化区综合治理模式,经实践表明具有推广应用价值,可为岩溶水资源可持续开发利用、石漠化综合治理、地下水污染防治和岩溶贫困区脱贫攻坚提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

In order to investigate how monsoons influence biogeochemical fluxes in the ocean, twelve time-series sediment traps were deployed at six locations in the northern Indian Ocean. In this paper we present particle flux data collected during May 1986 to November 1991 and November 1987 to November 1992 in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal respectively. Particle fluxes were high during both the SW and NE monsoons in the Arabian Sea as well as in the Bay of Bengal. The mechanisms of particle production and transport, however, differ in both the regions. In the Arabian Sea, average annual fluxes are over 50gm-2y-1 in the western Arabian Sea and less than 27gm-2 y-1 in the central part. Biogenic matter is dominant at sites located near upwelling centers, and is less degraded during peak flux periods. High particle fluxes in the offshore areas of the Arabian Sea are caused by injection of nutrients into the euphotic zone due to wind-induced mixed layer deepening. In the Bay of Bengal, average annual fluxes are highest in the central Bay of Bengal (over 50gm-2y-1) and are least in the southern part of the Bay (37gm-2y-1). Particle flux patterns coincide with freshwater discharge patterns of the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system. Opal/carbonate and organic carbon/carbonate carbon ratios increase during the SW monsoon due to variations in salinity and productivity patterns in the surface waters as a result of increased freshwater and nutrient input from rivers. Comparison of S years data show that fluxes of biogenic and lithogenic particulate matter are higher in the Bay of Bengal even though the Arabian Sea is considered to be more productive. Our results indicate that in the northern Indian Ocean interannual variability in organic carbon flux is directly related to the strength and intensity of the SW monsoon while its transfer from the upper layers to the deep sea is partly controlled by input of lithogenic matter from adjacent continents.  相似文献   

向武  Chris Freeman 《地球化学》2008,37(2):157-164
利用高精度多梯度热培养系统,对英国威尔士地区两类典型的北方泥炭沼泽中酚类物质和溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性进行了为期1年的调查研究.研究结果表明,雨养泥炭沼泽(Bog)酚类物质释放的热敏感性Q10(总酚)月变化为0.92~1.57,而矿养泥炭沼泽(Fen)的月变化范围为0.93~1.30.酚类释放的热敏感性与土壤温度大致呈正相关关系.此外,土壤温度与溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性Q10(DOC)也呈正相关关系.总体上,雨养泥炭沼泽的热敏感性比矿养泥炭沼泽略高.除温度外,水文条件和植被等多种环境因子对酚类物质和溶解有机碳释放的热敏感性也有较大影响.研究结果还表明酚碳热敏感性比值Q10o(总酚)/Q10(DOC)相对稳定,土壤温度的变化对其影响有限.  相似文献   

海水氧化还原条件显著影响真核生物的起源与早期演化,但以往有关早期海水氧化还原条件研究的对象,主要依赖相对深水的细粒碎屑岩沉积(如黑色页岩),而对真核生物集中分布的浅水环境中的碳酸盐岩关注不够且手段缺乏。这显著制约了对真核生物起源与早期演化机理的认识。近年来,有学者提出碳酸盐岩的I/(Ca+Mg)值可作为反映海洋氧化还原条件的重要指标,并将其广泛应用于海相碳酸盐岩的古氧相研究中。该指标的提出主要基于对现代海洋碘组分的观测以及室内方解石合成实验结果: 观测结果表明,海水中的碘主要以氧化态(IO3-)和还原态(I-)2种形式存在,随着氧含量的下降(如在氧极小带),氧化态的碘被逐步转换为还原态的碘,且海水中的IO3-浓度与海水氧含量大体呈正相关。实验研究证明,IO3-可按一定的分配系数进入到碳酸盐矿物晶格中,但I-则不能。由于IO3-/I-的还原势能与O2/H2O的还原势能接近,因此I/(Ca+Mg)值是最早响应海洋氧含量下降的指标之一,可用于表征深时(如前寒武纪)次氧化环境中表层海水的氧含量波动。此外,学者们也尝试建立I/(Ca+Mg)值与氧含量之间的半定量关系,如I/(Ca+Mg)值大于0和2.5μmol/mol这两个临界值所对应的海水氧含量。结合大量现代缺氧水体和氧极小带中碘组分与溶解氧浓度相关关系的研究,作者提出I/(Ca+Mg)=1.5μmol/mol为重要的临界值之一,可用于限定初级生产力在表层海水中所能产生的最大氧浓度值(~10 μM),并能进一步区分海水和大气的氧化。此外,对I/(Ca+Mg)值的应用进展及潜在问题进行评述,并对可能的发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

泥炭地具有明显的碳汇能力, 对减缓全球气候变化有着至关重要的作用, 煤作为泥炭地的最终产物, 保存有丰富的泥炭地发育时期的古环境信息, 成煤泥炭地碳聚集速率和净初级生产力(NPP)可以作为恢复古气候的替代指标。吐哈盆地南缘沙尔湖煤田ZK9E02钻孔中侏罗统西山窑组发育视厚度为121.97 m的煤层(C8), 本研究使用频谱分析对其进行米兰科维奇轨道周期的识别及成煤泥炭地发育时限的估算, 然后利用该时限, 结合煤的碳含量以及煤化作用阶段的碳损, 计算出成煤泥炭地的NPP, 进而探究成煤泥炭地的碳汇能力与碳循环关系。研究发现, 所研究煤层的自然伽马测井曲线中蕴含着约405 ka长偏心率、约95 ka短偏心率、约37.6 ka斜率、约18.2 ka岁差的米兰科维奇旋回天文周期, 计算出该成煤泥炭地发育的煤层沉积约2218.54~2347.03 ka。该煤层碳含量74.54%, 考虑到煤化过程中的碳损失约为26.75%, 恢复出成煤期泥炭地碳聚集速率为66.11~69.86 g C/m2·a, NPP为265.2~280.2 g C/m2·a。控制泥炭地NPP的主要因素有CO2含量、古纬度、古大气温度等, 研究区较低的泥炭地NPP水平与当时CO2含量过低或古纬度较低有一定关系。泥炭地NPP在一定程度上反映着大气中CO2的变化, 进一步用来揭示全球碳循环对气候变化的动态响应过程, 这对"深时"高分辨率的古环境研究有重要意义。因此, 预测泥炭地NPP的水平, 研究生态系统中碳元素的最终去向, 亦有利于更好地认识到全球碳循环过程中泥炭地的"碳汇"角色, 助力实现"碳达峰、碳中和"目标。  相似文献   




正1 Introduction It is known that more than 300 lakes and lagoons are present in the Crimean Peninsula,which are divided depending on position to 7 groups:Perekop,Tarkhankut,Evpatoriyskaya,Khersonesskaya,lake on the mountainpastures,Kerch and Genicheskaya.Almost the all lakes,with the exception of the small freshwater lakes,which situated on mountain pastures of the Main ridge of  相似文献   

Production rates and carbon isotopic compositions of various pyrolysis products were investigated for three sediments from the Williston Basin under open and closed pyrolysis conditions in the temperature range of 300–600°C.Both parameters do not show any significant differences for kerogens and carbon dioxides with the analytical procedure. Contrary to open system pyrolysis, however, decreasing yields of pyrolysates and higher amounts of gaseous hydrocarbons (C2–4 compounds) at temperatures of 500 and 600°C, point to their decomposition to give ultimately methane.Moreover, these pyrolysis products display distinct carbon isotopic variations under open and closed pyrolysis conditions. They are due to a kinetic isotope effect, i.e. the preferential cleavage of 12C-12C over 13C-12C bonds, but the extent of the shift in isotopic composition seems to depend primarily on the reservoir size and the type of source material.  相似文献   

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