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1IN TR O D U CTIO N Wetlandsprovidemany importantservicesto human societ,y butareatthesame timeecologicallsyensitiv andadaptivesystems.Thisexplainswhy inrecentyears much attentiohnasbeenpaidto theformulatioanndop- erationof sustainablmeanagement strategie…  相似文献   

Marine ecosystem services are the benefits which people obtain from the marine ecosystem, including provisioning ser-vices, regulating services, cultural services and supporting services. The human species, while buffered against environmental changes by culture and technology, is fundamentally dependent on the flow of ecosystem services. Marine ecosystem services be-come increasingly valuable as the terrestrial resources become scarce. The value of marine ecosystem services is the monetary flow of ecosystem services on specific temporal and spatial scales, which often changes due to the variation of the goods prices, yields and the status of marine exploitation. Sensitivity analysis is to study the relationship between the value of marine ecosystem services and the main factors which affect it. Uncertainty analysis based on varying prices, yields and status of marine exploitation was carried out. Through uncertainty analysis, a more credible value range instead of a fixed value of marine ecosystem services was obtained in this study. Moreover, sensitivity analysis of the marine ecosystem services value revealed the relative importance of different factors.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystem services and their values in Beijing   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
As the most important ecosystem in Beijing, the forest supports a lot of ecosystem services to local and around communities, which plays a key role in the maintenance of urban ecological security.However, the valuation on the forest ecosystem services based on regional scale could not provide precise and reasonable values for forestry sector management.In this study, we estimated the magnitudes and economic values of the forest ecosystem services in Beijing at sublot level.The economic value of forest ecosystem services in Beijing was estimated to be 19 339.71×10 6 yuan(RMB) in 2004.Among all the ecosystem services indicators we estimated in this study, only fruit, timber and part of the recreation(which only include the tourism income from the forest parks and scenic areas, but not include that from other forest types) were measured in the social economic system.As estimated in this study, more than 82.19% of the economic value of forest ecosystem services could not be measured in the socio-economic statistical system.The importance of forest ecosystem services in Beijing to human welfare was underestimated by the socio-economic system.Therefore, the policies about the eco-compensation of forest ecosystem services should be established to maintain the sustainable supply of the forest ecosystem services in Beijing.  相似文献   

Ballast water has been a topic of concern for some time because of its potential to introduce invasive species to new habitats. To comply with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) must equip their ships with on-board treatment systems to eliminate organism release with ballast water. There are many challenges associated with the implementation of this IMO guideline, one of which is the selection of species for testing the ecological impacts of the treated ballast water. In the United States, ballast water toxicity test methods have been defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. However, the test methods had not been finalized in China until the toxicity test methods for ballast water were established in 2008. The Chinese methods have been based on species from three trophic levels: Skeletonema costatum, Neomysis awatschensis, and Ctenogobius gymnauchen. All three species live in broad estuarine and open sea areas of China; they are sensitive to reference toxicants and acclimatize easily to different conditions. In this paper, the biological characteristics, test processes and statistical analysis methods are presented for the three species. Results indicate that the methods for evaluating these three organisms can be included in the ecological toxicity tests for treated ballast water in China.  相似文献   

结合遥感、地理信息系统、景观生态学和空间分析等理论,分析了新疆地区2000~2015年农业景观格局的时空动态变化特征,测算了农业生态系统服务价值,通过相关分析进一步研究了农业景观格局与生态系统服务价值的关联,为促进区域土地资源合理利用和生态农业发展提供科学依据。结果表明,新疆农业生态系统正朝着多样化、稳定化的方向发展;农业生态系统服务价值显著增长,但区域间的价值差异较大,呈现北疆高南疆低的分布格局;景观面积、斑块数和景观形状对新疆地区农业生态系统服务价值影响较大且均呈现明显正相关关系。  相似文献   

With the using up of land resources, people are beginning to pay attention to the exploitation of the ocean and the use of marine resources is becoming more and more intense. Whether and how the ocean can be sustainably exploited as it is being exploited is an academic hot topic. This question is addressed in this paper based on the theories of carrying capacity of a marine region and marine eco-compensation, and the amount of the loss is calculated by the method of Time Value of Capital. This thesis covers the study of eco-compensation between two specific subjects with clear compensation objects, and as a defined approach and standard, the proposed method has good operability and positive practical significance in the good use of the ocean.  相似文献   

本文基于张家界市土地利用/土地覆盖变化,通过改进的生态系统服务价值与生态足迹的方法,测算了研究区域的生态补偿额度。研究表明:(1)从2001~2013年张家界市各县(区)生态系统服务价值变化率来看,永定区呈下降态势;增幅最大的是武陵源区,其次是桑植县,慈利县增幅最小。(2)2013年张家界市的人均生态足迹为1.3625 hm~2,而实际生态承载力为0.9556 hm~2,人均可利用生态承载力为0.8409 hm~2,则人均生态赤字为-0.5215 hm~2。(3)计算出了张家界市各县(区)的生态补偿标准,其中慈利县需要支付的生态补偿量最高,为18.61亿元;其次是永定区,为10.49亿元;再次是武陵源区,为582.12万元;最小的是桑植县,为359.70万元。评价结果将促进张家界市生态环境保护和经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The application of human induced oxygen consumption and carbon emission theory in urban region was summed up and on this base a new model of urban carbon and oxygen balance (UCOB) was constructed by calculating the carbon and oxygen fluxes. The purpose was to highlight the role of vegetation in urban ecosystems and evaluate the effects of various human activities on urban annual oxygen consumption and carbon emission. Hopefully,the model would be helpful in theory to keep the regional balance of carbon and oxygen,and provide guidance and support for urban vegetation planning in the future. To test the UCOB model,the Jimei District of Xiamen City,Fujian Province,China,a very typical urban region,was selected as a case study. The results turn out that Jimei′s vegetation service in oxygen emission and carbon sequestration could not meet the demand of the urban population,and more than 31.49 times of vegetation area should be added to meet the whole oxygen consumption in Jimei while 9.60 times of vegetation area are needed to meet the carbon sequestration targets. The results show that the new UCOB model is of a great potential to be applied to quantitative planning of urban vegetation and regional eco-compensation mechanisms.  相似文献   

1Introduction As part of a comprehensive investigation of ecosys-tem dynamics in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea,astudy has been made of meiofauna,defined here asmetazoans passing a0.5mm sieve but retained by a0.031mm sieve.Meiofauna is an important energeticgroup in benthic small food web due to their smallsize,high abundance and fast turnover rates.Theproduction of meiofauna is equal to or higher than thatof macrofauna in estuaries,shallow waters and deepseas(Gerlach,1971;Platt and Warw…  相似文献   

基于主客观分析法的城市生态安全格局空间评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态安全是城市生态文明建设的主要目标,是城市经济可持续发展的重要基础,评价城市生态安全格局对于城市规划具有极其重要的作用。本文通过选取典型评价指标,运用生态安全格局客观分析法与主观分析法进行对比分析,建立了包括生态系统服务安全格局、生物多样性保护安全格局、生态敏感性安全格局的生态安全格局综合评价体系,并将该评价体系运用到研究区域,对研究区域生态安全格局的变化趋势进行评价和分析。结果表明:①在基本生态控制线内,低水平、较低水平生态安全格局区域的面积有所增加;在基本生态控制线外,中水平生态安全格局区域的面积有所减少;整体上高水平生态安全格局区域面积基本不变。②生态安全格局主观分析法评价结果主要依赖于专家的评定,本文采用的专家评价方法结果与客观分析法评价结果一致。该评价体系已经应用于研究区域的城乡规划和生态保护中,应用结果表明该评价体系能够较完备地进行城市生态安全格局评价,对城市规划和生态保护具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

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