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On the basis of ground based measurements of the infrared spectra of solar radiation with a high spectral resolution, estimates of total CFC-11 freon content in the atmosphere near St. Petersburg in January and May 2009 have been yielded in Russia for the first time. These data are conformed to various independent measurements within the limits of spectroscopic measurement errors.  相似文献   

We analyzed measurements of the total carbon monoxide (CO) content in the atmosphere in the region of St. Petersburg (59.88°N, 29.83° E; 20 m above sea level) in the period from 1995 to 2009. The average annual behavior for the entire measurement period has a maximum in February–March and a minimum in July with an amplitude of ~20%. In the absence of strong forest fires in the European part of the Russian Federation and Siberia, the annual minimum of the total CO content is usually recorded in August–September. In winter 1995–2009 (November–January), there was a decrease in the total CO content with a gradual shift in the maximum of the annual behavior from January (1995–1999) to February (2000–2004) and March (2005–2009). The total CO content in January–February 2009 was ~20% lower than the multiyear average level. Estimates of the linear trend for the maximum, minimum, and average values for the period of 1996–2009 showed an absence of statistically significant long-term changes in the total CO content. A spectral analysis of data showed that the spectral components with periods of 12, 14, 17, 24, and 46 months are extracted with 80% confidence. It is shown that the irregular component of the time series of the total CO content (calculated for the period from May to September) agrees well with data on the areas of the forest fires and on the volume of the burnt forest and that 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, and 2009 can be considered “background” years with the least numbers of forest fires.  相似文献   

The results of the first ground-based spectroscopic measurements in Russia of the total content (TC) of nitric acid in the atmosphere near St. Petersburg over the period April 2009–October 2011 are presented. These measurements show a substantial seasonal trend of the HNO3 TC with maximal values in the winter period and early in the spring and minimal values in the summer time. The seasonal trends and variations in the daily mean values of HNO3 TC near St. Petersburg in the winter and spring periods agree well with observations at the Kiruna station of the international NDACC network.  相似文献   

The results of measuring the methane content in the entire atmospheric thickness over the St. Petersburg region are given for 1991–2007. It is shown that, within this period, the mean annual cycle of the total methane content is characterized by its maximum values in December–January and its minimum values in June–August when the annual-cycle amplitude amounts to ∼3.6%. In this case, the annual variations in the total methane content may differ significantly from the mean annual cycle obtained in some years. A statistically significant linear trend of the total CH4 content has not been revealed for 1991–2007. The obtained values of the linear-trend index have opposite signs in the winter and summer months (positive for January 0.6 ± 0.2%/year and February 0.4 ± 0.2%/year and negative for July 0.3 ± 0.2%/year and August 0.2 ± 0.1%/year). This fact suggests the tendency for an increase in the amplitude of the annual cycle of the total CH4 content. The results of a spectral analysis of a series of data on the total CH4 content show that, for 1991–2007, the following harmonics are pronounced with a confidence of 95%: 12 months (annual harmonic), 32 months (quasi-biennial oscillations), and 55 months (4.5 years), which are also pronounced in the series of meteorological parameters and total ozone content.  相似文献   

Results of spectroscopic measurements of the carbon dioxide total column amount near St. Petersburg during forest fires in the period from August to September 2002 are analyzed. The HYSPLIT model is used to calculate air-mass trajectories and CO distribution on a mesoscale in this period. The HYSPLIT model simulations and measurements of carbon dioxide total column amount yield an estimate of the specific intensity of CO emission in a Pskov forest fire on August 28–September 8, 2002, equal to 0.17–0.26 kg m2. This estimate can be used for an estimation of the integral CO emission from fires in northwestern Russian forests and for model simulations of atmospheric CO concentration fields. The estimate of the CO emission from forest fires that is obtained from ground-based measurements can also be made on the basis of satellite measurements if they contain information on CO in the lower tropospheric layers (0 to 2 km).  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper compares the results of ground-based measurements of the total ozone content (TOC) near St. Petersburg for the period of 2009–2020. The...  相似文献   

The influence of air invasions from the upper troposphere on the CO total column amount is studied on the basis of spectroscopic measurements of the CO total column amount, backward trajectories of air-mass motions (the HYSPLIT model), and meteorological data. It is shown that the observed invasions of substratospheric and upper-troposphere air masses determine the minimum CO total column amount in late January-late March. The invasion of air masses from the upper troposphere can result in a decrease in the CO total column amount to 30% (of its mean values). Using January 31, 2000, as an example, we show the influence of the invasion of Arctic air masses from the upper troposphere on the CO total column amount in the St. Petersburg region: the results of measurements of the CO total column amount in the St. Petersburg region and at the Kiruna polar station (NDACC) are in agreement to within 1% if the vertical transport of air masses is taken into account. Thus, for a correct combined analysis of measurement data on the CO total column amount for different observation stations, it is necessary to use data on air-mass trajectories.  相似文献   

Aitken mode atmospheric particles largely control the formation and transformation of cloud systems, which in turn have an effect on their radiative properties. In this paper, a measurement technique for the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity of monodisperse particles is described and the measurement data (results) obtained for monodisperse aerosol fractions with diameters of 60, 80, and 100 nm are presented. The measurements were performed during March and April 2014 at the urban background station located in a suburban area of St. Petersburg. The CCN concentration in the water-vapor supersaturation range of 0.1–1.1% and the cloud particle activation parameters were determined. The fraction of active particles capable to serve as CCN is found to be less than 33%, which is characteristic of anthropogenic aerosols containing hydrophobic organic components. Based on the measurement data, the hygroscopicity parameter κ characterizing the chemical composition effect on condensational properties of particles has been determined. During the measurement campaign, the value of the hygroscopicity parameter varied between 0.1 and 0.8. The lower limit of κ corresponds to organic species and its higher values occurs due to presence of hygroscopically active inorganic species in particles. The average value of κ was estimated to be 0.34 ± 0.19, which is in good agreement with literature data obtained for megapolises and European continental aerosols.  相似文献   

To interpret the ground-based measurements of the spectra of direct solar infrared radiation with the help of a Brucker Fourier-spectrometer, a technique for determining the total ozone content (TOC) was developed and implemented. The TOC was determined using six spectral intervals of an ozone-absorption band of 9.6 μm and the shortwave panel of a carbon-dioxide-absorption band of 15 μm, where the impact of other atmospheric parameters on the measured solar radiation was reduced to a minimum. The potential errors of the infrared method for determining the TOC for the chosen spectral scheme with the influence of measurement errors and vertical profiles of temperature are less than 1% for different signal-to-noise ratios and zenith angles of the sun. We analyzed 269 high-resolution (0.005–0.008 cm?1) spectra of solar infrared radiation measured in Peterhof over 52 days from March to November, 2009. The resulting values of TOC were compared with the results of independent ground-based TOC measurements in Voeikovo (Main Geophysical Observatory) using a Dobson spectrophotometer and an M-124 ozonometer, as well as with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite data. The mean errors between the results of TOC measurements with the help of the three ground-based probes constitute no more than 0.4%. The rms errors between data obtained by the Brucker spectrometer and the given satellite and ground-based probes constitute 3–4%. A comparison between different series of measurements indicated that the upper estimate for the error of TOC measurements by the Brucker spectrometer was 2.5–3% (when the possible spatial and temporal errors in measurements are disregarded). An analysis of the diurnal variations in the TOC measurements for stable atmospheric conditions yields an upper estimate of ~3 DU (around 1%) for the random component of error in TOC measurements by the Brucker spectrometer.  相似文献   

The results of ground-based and satellite spectroscopic measurements of the tropospheric NO2 content near St. Petersburg in January–March 2006 are presented. It is shown that the increased concentrations of NO2 observed in St. Petersburg and its vicinities in this period were caused by NO2 accumulation due to unfavorable weather conditions, which is confirmed by an analysis of meteorological data and the results of a numerical simulation of the dispersion of urban air pollutants. Data from satellite and ground-based measurements agree with each other satisfactorily (a correlation coefficient of 0.5) and with model calculations of tropospheric NO2 conducted for the coordinates of a station of ground-based measurements (a correlation coefficient of 0.6). The HYSPLIT dispersion model also made it possible to estimate the scale of the NO2 spatial-temporal variability in the near-surface layer in the vicinities of St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

The space-time variability of the fields of CO, NO2, and O3 concentrations and contents in the troposphere of northwestern Russia is analyzed on the basis of experimental data and the results of numerical modeling. The influence that the St. Petersburg emission has on the concentrations and contents of CO, NO2, and O3 in the troposphere is estimated for March 2006. A comparison of the measurements of the total CO content and the tropospheric NO2 content with the results of modeling showed a qualitative and, in come cases, quantitative agreement between the results of calculations and experimental data. When synoptic conditions are determined, the St. Petersburg train can be detected at a distance of more than 300 km, which can affect the atmospheric air quality in adjacent countries.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of 5-year (2013–2017) measurements of organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon aerosol fractions observed at the atmospheric monitoring...  相似文献   

An automatic spectral complex developed at the Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, is described. This complex is used for regular ground-based spectroscopic measurements of the total NO2 content in the vertical column of the atmosphere during the twilight and daylight hours of the day near St. Petersburg (Petrodvorets). In 2004–2006, a number of ground-based twilight measurements of the total NO2 content were obtained near St. Petersburg, and variations in the NO2 content in the troposphere were estimated from the results of daytime ground-based measurements. An example of the spatial annual mean distribution of the NO2 content (central and northern Europe, northwestern Russia) based on the data of satellite measurements over the period 2003–2005 is presented. This example demonstrates the main sources of anthropogenic pollution. An increase in the mean annual contents of tropospheric NO2 near Moscow and St. Petersburg is preliminarily estimated for the entire period of satellite observations with the GOME instrument at about 30–40% over ten years.  相似文献   

The results of ground-based measurements of the total content (TC) of hydrogen fluoride in the atmosphere in Peterhof near St. Petersburg for one year (from April 2009 through April 2010) using a Bruker IFS125 Fourier spectrometer with a high spectral resolution (0.005 cm?1) are presented. The well-known computer code SFIT2 (Zephyr-2) was used for the radiation data inversion. Random measurement errors were 1–5% and the systematic error was 5–10%. The seasonal trend of the HF TC in Peterhof is characterized by a minimum in summer and a maximum in winter through early spring and is very close to the seasonal HF TC trend obtained at the Harestua Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) station located at about the same latitude. A comparison of the St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) ground-based measurements with the data of satellite HF TC measurements (with an ACE-FTS instrument) showed a good quantitative agreement of the results for the entire period of observations. According to our ground-based measurements and the satellite measurements with the ACE-FTS instrument, the mean values of the HF TC and its rms variations during the period under investigation are 1.77 × 1015 and 1.80 × 1015 cm?2 (difference 1.5%) and 21 and 18%, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of measuring the total contents of carbon monoxide and methane via the method of solar-absorption spectroscopy are presented. The measurements were performed at the Molodezhnaya Station in 1977–1978, at the Mirny Observatory from 1982 to 1992, and at the Novolazarevskaya Station from 2003 to 2006. The character of seasonal variations in the contents of these gases in the Antarctic atmosphere is described and compared to the intra-annual variation of their surface concentrations measured at the Syowa Station (Japan). Synchronous intra-annual variations in the contents of carbon monoxide in the atmospheric column and in its surface concentrations are observed, while the spring maximum content of methane is observed three months after the maximum of its surface concentration. Synchronous seasonal variations in the total content of methane and ozone are observed, which makes it possible to suggest that the Antarctic circumpolar vortex has a significant influence on the characteristics of the vertical distribution of methane during Antarctic spring. Quantitative estimates of the parameters of multiyear variations in the contents of CO and CH4 are given. The content of methane was increasing (although with different rates) during the entire observation period 1977–2006. The content of CO was observed to increase until 1992 and to decrease during 2003–2006.  相似文献   

Ozone total column (OTC) measurements made in 2009–2012 near St. Petersburg by a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (Peterhof, St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU)), an M-124 filter ozonometer, and a Dobson spectrophotometer (Voeikovo, MGO), as well as measurements made by a spectrometer ozone monitoring instrument (OMI) (onboard the AURA satellite) have been analyzed and compared. Comparisons have been performed both between ensembles of ground-based measurement data, as well as between ground-based and satellite data. It has been shown that the standard deviation for all devices is 2.5–4.5%; here, the FTIR and Dobson instruments measuring the direct sun are in better agreement with OMI than the M-124 ozonometer measuring the zenith-scattered solar radiation as well. A seasonal cycle in discrepancy with amplitude of 1.5% has been detected between two series of OTC measurements made by M-124 and OMI instruments for a total of 850 days. In fall and winter, the ground-based measurements underestimate the OTC values in comparison with satellite data; in spring and summer, the situation is reversed: ground-based data overestimate the OTC values. Also, it has been revealed that FTIR measurements systematically overestimate the OTC values in comparison with other instruments: from 1.4% (for Dobson) to 3.4% (for OMI). Taking into account the spatial and temporal discrepancy of independent ensembles of measurements and an analysis of standard deviations between ground-based and satellite measurement data, the FTIR spectrometer (SPbSU) can be recommended for OTC satellite data validation.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The intensity of paleoearthquakes in the territory under study has been estimated by two methods: from the maximum displacement of Quaternary rocks...  相似文献   

The results of spectroscopic measurements of tropospheric NO2 content performed on a closed route along the circular road around the city of St. Petersburg in 2012, 2014, and 2015 are presented. A procedure for determining the integral emission of NO x based on the data of measurements on the route enveloping the sources under study is described. An analysis of the experimental data together with the results of a numerical simulation of air pollutant dispersion (the HYSPLIT model) provided an estimate of the total volume of NO x emitted by all sources located inside the circular road. The average emission rate of NO x according to the sources of the megacity of St. Petersburg is 57000 t/yr, which correlates satisfactorily with the official data of a municipal inventory of the sources of air pollution (62000–63 000 t/yr).  相似文献   

Satellite and ground-based measurements of the hydrogen fluoride (HF) total content (TC) are analyzed and compared. The HF profiles measured with an FTS device on the ACE satellite are used to calculate the TC and compare it with the ground-based measurements near St. Petersburg in 2009–2011. A comparison indicated that the seasonal variations in HF TC based on two independent measurements are in good qualitative agreement. Rare (nine) cases of direct comparison between two measurement types coordinated with respect to time (during the day) and site (no farther than 500 km) gave the following characteristics: the average difference is 8% and satellite data predominate over ground data; the standard deviation of a difference is 7%. In two cases of close measurement pairs (closer than 200 km), a comparison gave differences of 1 and 7%. The statistical characteristics of differences between two measurement types are in good agreement with the independent comparison of the ACE-FTS HF TC measurements with the NDACC network data.  相似文献   

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